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  • Leogrande, Anna-Maria (2016)
    Tässä tutkielmassa tarkastellaan ”Lottovoitto jäi lunastamatta” -artikkelista kehittynyttä jälkipuintia. ”Lottovoitto jäi lunastamatta” -artikkelissa kirjailija ja toimittaja Umayya Abu-Hanna, kertoo syistä, joiden vuoksi hän muutti tyttärensä kanssa Amsterdamiin 30 Suomessa asutun vuoden jälkeen. Syynä muuttoon oli Abu-Hannan ja hänen tyttärensä kokema rasismi. Tämän tutkielman aineisto on ”Lottovoitto jäi lunastamatta” -artikkelista seurannut kirjoittelu lehdissä ja internetissä. Tutkielman aineisto kerättiin manuaalisesti systemaattisella seurannalla merkittävimmistä suomalaisista sanoma- ja aikakausilehdistä sekä internetissä sijaitsevista blogi-alustoista. Tutkimuksen aineisto koostuu 92 artikkelista. Artikkelit on jaettu kirjoitustyylien perusteella neljään eri ryhmään. Artikkeleista yhdeksän on pääkirjoituksia, 23 blogi-kirjoituksia, 29 uutisia sekä 31 mielipidekirjoitusta tai kolumnia. Tutkielma on tapaustutkimus ”Lottovoitto jäi lunastamatta” -artikkelista kehittyneestä keskustelusta suomalaisessa mediassa. Aineiston analyysimetodina käytetään kriittistä diskurssianalyysia. Tutkimuksen tavoitteena on selvittää, miten etnisestä ja kulttuurisesta moninaisuudesta keskustellaan, ja millä tavalla suomalaisuuden sosiaalista konstruktiota tuotetaan julkisessa keskustelussa. Tavoitteena on myös ymmärtää, kenellä on oikeus puhua ja ilmaista tiettyjä mielipiteitä suomalaisessa mediakeskustelussa ja mistä asioista tämä puheoikeus muodostuu. Aineistoa analysoidessa olen kerännyt keskeisimpiä diskurssin tapoja ja temaattisia kokonaisuuksia. Aineistosta nousee esiin diskurssin eri tavat, joilla pyritään kieltämään ja ’pois selittämään’ Abu-Hannan ja hänen tyttärensä kokema rasismi. Abu-Hannan kokemusten ’pois selittämistä’ toteutettiin useammalla eri argumentaatiolla. Abu-Hannan väitettiin valehtelevan kokemuksistaan ja häneltä edellytettiin kiitollisuutta Suomea kohtaan sekä objektiivisuutta kirjoituksessaan. Yhtäältä kirjoittajat kyseenalaistivat rasismin merkityksen ja nostivat esille, että myös ”etnisesti täysin suomalaiset” voivat olla rasistisen käytöksen uhreja. Huomionarvoista on se, miten suomalaisuuden sosiaalista konstruktiota tuotetaan näissä teksteissä suhteessa ”toiseuden” rakentamiseen. ”Meinä” määritelty subjekti rakentuu suhteessa ”toiseuteen”. Suomalaisuutta rakentaessa kirjoittajat sulkivat ulkopuolelle määritelmiä ja ihmisiä, joiden ei nähty kuuluvan suomalaisuuteen. Tähän ulossulkemisen määrittelyyn kuuluu olennaisesti vallan käyttö. Tutkimuksen aineiston mukaan edes niin pitkä ajanjakso kuin 30 vuotta, ei ollut riittävä määrittelemään Abu-Hannan suomalaiseksi. Abu-Hannan rasistiset kokemukset haluttiin ’pois selittää’, koska Abu-Hannan suomalaisuutta ei hyväksytty. Aineistoni perusteella oikeus puhua ja ilmaista tiettyjä mielipiteitä usein sensitiivisistä aiheista, kuten rasismista määrittyy suhteessa siihen, miten kyseinen puhuja positioituu suomalaisessa kontekstissä. Koska Abu-Hannan suomalaisuutta ei hyväksytty, ei myöskään hänen kokemuksiaan rasismista hyväksytty. Aikaisempaan tutkimukseen perustuen tämän tutkimuksen olettamuksena oli, etteivät vähemmistöjen edustajat saa ääntään kuuluviin suomalaisessa julkisessa keskustelussa. Aineistoni perusteella tämä näkökulma pitää paikkaansa. Vähemmistöjen edustajien tulisi saada enemmän ääntään kuuluviin, etenkin sellaisten asioiden suhteen joista valtaväestöllä ei ole kokemusta, kuten rasismin kokemuksista suomalaisessa yhteiskunnassa.
  • Paavola, Laura (2020)
    Tutkielmani keskittyy 2010-luvun alussa internetissä syntyneeseen elektronisen musiikin genreen, joka tunnetaan nimellä vaporwave. Tyylisuuntaukselle on ominaista käyttää musiikissaan sampleja 1980–1990-luvun kaupallisesta kulttuurista, esimerkiksi mainoksien ääniraitoja, muzakia sekä laajasti kyseiselle ajalle ominaista pop-, stadion rock- ja R&B musiikkia, joihin tekijöillä on monimerkityksellinen, nostalginen suhde. Samplet ovat usein lyhyitä katkelmia, joita tekijät hidastavat ja toistavat useita kertoja peräkkäin. Tämän lisäksi musiikin tekstuuria manipuloidaan lisäämällä kaikua tai kerrostamalla samplet soimaan yhtäaikaisesti. Lopputuloksena on musiikillinen tuotos, jossa ilmapiiri on muuttunut alkuperäisestä–usein energisestä ja myönteisestä–aavemaiseksi ja kolkoksi. Tutkielmani pohtii tätä ilmapiirin muuttamista tietoisena tyylikeinona atmosfäärin käsitteen kautta ja kysyy mikä on auraalin atmosfäärin merkitys vaporwaven estetiikassa. Täten ”atmosfääri” esteettisfenomenologisena käsitteenä nousee keskeiseksi sen selvittäessä musiikillista ilmapiiriä affektiivisena kommunikoimisen keinona semanttisen rekontekstualisoimisen rinnalla. Aluksi esittelen vaporwaven diskursiivista ulottuvuutta Eduard Navasin remix-teorian kautta. Remix diskurssin herättäjänä irrottaa sampleja alkuperäisestä kulttuurisesta kehyksestään ja asettaa sen uuteen valoon säilyttäen samalla allegorisen suhteen alkuperäiseen kappaleeseen, mikä liittää vaporwaven luontevasti postmodernin taiteen tekemisen jatkumolle. Valaistaakseni asiaa jatkan luomalla katsauksen aiheesta kirjoitettuihin artikkeleihin, joissa erittelen genrestä esitettyjä tulkintoja. Tutkielmani teoreettisessa pohjassa yhdistän Gernot Böhmen atmosfäärin käsitteen Leonard B. Meyerin teoriaan tunteen ja merkityksen välittymisessä musiikissa. Määritelmällisesti atmosfääri kuvaa välitilaa, jossa objektin ekstaattiset ominaisuudet sävyttävät subjektin kokemusta. Ekstaattisilla ominaisuuksilla Böhme viittaa siihen, miten havaintomaailman ärsykkeet tulevat olevaiseksi kokemuksessa. Böhmen atmosfäärin ontologiaa käsittelevä teoria ei ottanut mielestäni tarpeeksi subjektin kokemuksen taustalla olevia tendenssejä huomioon, jonka vuoksi tukeudun Meyerin affektin lakiin tarkastellakseni yksityiskohtaisemmin kokevan subjektin ja musiikillisen stimulaation välistä suhdetta. Tutkielmani päättää case-analyysi, jossa sovellan löydöksiäni heittäytymällä kuulokokemuksen vietäväksi ja analysoimalla affektiivisin termein Macintosh Plus -nimisen artistin kappaletta リサフランク420 / 現代のコンピュー (2011), sekä alkuperäistä Diana Rossin It’s your move -kappaletta (1984). Analyysin pohjalta esittelen tulkintani atmosfäärin merkityksestä affektiivisena kommunikoimisen keinona. Tutkielmani osoittaa, että vaporwaven estetiikassa samplaaminen ja tyylille ominainen tekstuurin manipuloiminen muuttaa olennaisesti alkuperäisen kappaleen tunnelmaa, jossa Meyerin affektin laissa esille tullut premissi tulee Macintosh Plussan teoksessa tarkoituksellisesti haastetuksi tämän purkaessa alkuperäisen kappaleen vaivattomasti virtaavaa kulkua samplaamisen kautta hämäräksi, jopa käsittämättömäksi. Tämän johdosta vaporwave tyylisuuntauksena voi perustellusti katsoa haastavan kohteensa kulttuurista alkuperää, ja esittävän affektiivisuutensa kautta monimerkityksellisiä huomioita tekijöidensä elinaikana syntyneestä kulttuuri-ilmapiiristä.
  • Järvinen, Jukka (2014)
    In response to the recent financial crisis short-term nominal interest rates have fallen to nearly zero in many of the western economies. Because the traditional monetary policy tool, i.e. adjusting the short-term nominal interest rate have become unavailable due to the zero lower bound on interest rate, central banks have attempted to spur economic activity by increasing money supply in the economy through open-market operations. These large scale asset purchase programs are commonly referred as quantitative easing (QE) and are aimed to improve the functioning of financial markets and to reduce various interest rate spreads. However, their effectiveness has been subject to debate. This master’s thesis surveys the recent literature on potential transmission mechanisms through which the effects of quantitative easing can be expected to work and examines the effectiveness of quantitative easing as a monetary policy instrument. Two different New Keynesian macroeconomic models are used to analyze the impact of quantitative easing on financial markets and real economy. The models also capture the monetary policy ability to mitigate financial frictions, crucial issue in the recent crisis. The findings of this thesis suggest that central bank balance sheet can be used as a valid monetary policy instrument. Asset purchases have had impact on yield curve of assets across the maturity spectrum and in particular the associated reductions in cost of credit. Also, findings suggest positive effects on various real economy variables such as inflation, prices and output. However, magnitude of the overall effects remains ambiguous and needs further empirical evidence. In addition, evaluating the overall impact of QE is not an easy task because central banks have implemented asset purchases during times of severe economic disruptions under circumstances unlike never before.
  • Säppi, Jonna (2023)
    This research is a queer phenomenological reading of Toni Morrison’s first novel, The Bluest Eye (1970). My key argument is that the novel is a story of racial shame, and my analysis traces its manifestations. I use queer phenomenology as my theoretical background because this analysis is located within the study of emotion. In addition, queer phenomenology is a tool that is used to question normativity and analyze bodies that deviate from it. The Bluest Eye is a story about bodies that deviate because of their race. This causes their experience of shame. I also argue that racial shame in the novel is closely tied to the history of colonialism, and it results from one’s vulnerability and misidentification (Näre and Ronkainen, 2008) that colonial rule has caused. In addition, I argue that the continuation of racial shame in the novel can be explained with Ahmed’s (2014) concepts of stickiness and the circulation of emotion. Moreover, Ahmed’s (2006) concept of orientation demonstrates the pervasiveness of social norms and is representative of the fixity of racial shame.
  • Vottonen, Laura (2018)
    Faba bean (Vicia faba L.) also known as broad bean is an ancient pulse, grown since Neolithic times. It is an excellent source of protein, energy and fibre to humans and animals. Recently in Finland, faba bean has featured heavily in meat replacements, meant for vegan consumers. Faba bean can also be grown further north, than soybean (Glycine max (L.) Merr.), making it a possible domestic plant protein source for Finns. The problem with faba bean is that the beans contain various anti-nutritional compounds. The major ones are vicine and convicine (v-c), located in the cotyledons of the beans, which means that dehulling the seeds does not remove them. V-c can cause favism in humans with G6PD gene mutation this is a disease where red blood cells are destroyed, in worst cases resulting in blood transfusions and death. V-c is also an anti-feedant to livestock and can among other things cause increase in mortality in poultry. Normal v-c content of faba bean is around 1%. There are low v-c faba beans that contain only 5-15% of the original v-c. Markers for this trait have been found, but gene controlling for this trait is not known yet. The synthesis pathway of the v-c is not known. There is a new hypothesis by Dr Fernando Geu Flores of The University of Copenhagen, where the v-c synthesis is an off shoot of another biosynthetic pathway. An experiment was done where RNA of two populations (one low v-c and other high) were compared to each other. The samples were taken during the seed filling period, which is thought to be when v-c is synthesized. Kernel, testa, pod and leaf tissues were collected and RNA of those extracted. Only kernel and testa samples were sequenced. This thesis focuses on the testa results. Results showed differences between the populations. Considering the new hypothesis, the results showed some differences in the beginning of the suspected pathway, with the high v-c population having a 4.97 fold increase compared to the low v-c population. Other differences were also noted, which may cast light on other steps in the pathway.
  • Bergroth, Claudia (2019)
    Understanding the whereabouts of people in time and space is necessary for unraveling how our societies function. Regardless, our understanding of human presence is predominantly based on static residential population data, which is often outdated and excludes certain population groups, such as commuters or tourists. In the light of development towards 24-hour societies and the needs for promoting sustainable and equitable urban planning, reliable data of population dynamics are needed. To this end, ubiquitous mobile phones provide an attractive source for estimating the spatiotemporal digital footprints of people. In this study, I set out to investigate 1) the feasibility of three different aggregated network-based mobile phone data – the number of voice calls, data transmission and general network connection attempts – as a proxy for human presence, 2) how does the population distribution vary in Helsinki Metropolitan Area over the course of a regular weekday and 3) the role of temporally-sensitive population data when analysing dynamic accessibility to grocery stores and transport hubs. To my best knowledge, this is the first attempt when mobile phone data is used to reveal population dynamics for scientific purposes in Finland. Mobile phone data collected by the mobile network operator Elisa in 2017–2018 and ancillary data about land cover, buildings and a time use survey were used to estimate the 24-hour population distribution of the Helsinki Metropolitan Area. The mobile phone data were allocated to statistical 250 m x 250 m grid cells using an advanced dasymetric interpolation method and validated against population register data from Statistics Finland. The resulting 24-hour population was used to map the pulse of the city and to introduce the first fully dynamic accessibility model in the study area. The results show that data use is a good proxy for people and outperforms voice calls or overall network connection attempts. During daytime, the static population overestimates the population in residential areas and underestimates the population in work and service areas. In general, the 24-hour population reveals the pulse of a city, which is highlighted especially in the inner city of Helsinki, where the relative share of population of the study area increases by 50 % from the share at night-time to its peak at noon. The results of the case study suggest that integrating dynamic population data to location-based accessibility analysis provides more realistic results compared to static population data, but the significance of dynamic population data depends on the study context and research questions. In summary, aggregated network-driven mobile phone data is a feasible alternative for dynamic population modelling, however, different mobile phone data types vary in representativeness, which should be taken into account when using mobile phone data in research. To this end, critical evaluation of data and transparent data description are essential. Overall, understanding 24-hour societies and supporting sustainable urban planning necessitates dynamic population data, but advancements in data policy and availability are needed to harvest these possibilities. The results of this study also provide new empirical insights of the population dynamics in the study area, which can be used to advance planning and decision making.
  • Shabanova, Aleksandra (2024)
    High-grade Serous Cancer (HGSC) stands out as the most prevalent and lethal subtype of ovarian cancer, characterized by genomic instability and aggressive behaviour. Genetic alterations are pivotal in its development and progression, which leads to distinct molecular profiles and clinical behaviours. Recent attention has shifted towards understanding the influence of Tumour Microenvironment (TME) in cancer prognosis. This study aims to uncover the relationship between TME, molecular profiles, and clinical outcomes in HGSC. To achieve this, Random Forest (RF) analysis on single-cell and spatially resolved data from high-plex immunofluorescent images was employed. By leveraging RF's feature selection capabilities, we identified pertinent TME features associated with the clinico-molecular characteristics of HGSC. Our analysis revealed distinctive TME characteristics in HGSC patients with BRCA loss and homologous recombination repair proficiency. Notably, we found that Major Histocompatibility Complex (MHC) class II expression, originating from cancer cells, was a critical feature that shaped the immune environment and cancer behaviour. Moreover, we discovered that MHC molecules, specifically MHC-II, were also crucial in distinguishing short and long-term survival groups. Increased MHC-II expression was associated with improved survival, independently of molecular profiles. This association highlighted the importance of endogenous immunity in fighting cancer. In conclusion, MHC-II is a crucial prognostic marker in our study, offering a valuable and assessable metric for patient prognosis. In addition, the identification of phenotypically distinct survival groups based on TME characteristics underscores the potential of our approach in enhancing patient stratification and guiding personalized treatment strategies, ultimately improving the management of HGSC.
  • Peremanova, Kateryna (2011)
    This paper identifies an issue of under-investment in wind energy in Poland and analyses it from the perspective of market efficiency. It argues that higher required returns from wind energy assets in Poland are a result of both greater investment risks as well as a certain market inefficiency which leads to wind asset under-pricing and reduced investment.We hypothesize that the same risks which affect investment directly through the cost of capital for wind projects create conditions which are potential sources of market inefficiency. The conditions discussed are: information and transaction costs and market entry barriers. We explore the general wind energy investment environment as well as the electricity market structure and renewable energy policy design to identify the presence of the three conditions above. In the course of this discussion, we find that the wind asset market in Poland contains specific information and transaction costs and entry barriers, substantiating a case for market inefficiency and requiring further research.
  • Tritter, Elias (2024)
    Direct GDPR enforcement by supervisory authorities, despite setting global standards for data protection, has amassed considerable criticism concerning the limited impact, inconsistency, and inefficiency in dealing with international GDPR breaches and complaints. The Commission aims to address these issues through additional procedural rules that strengthen cooperative methods of enforcement between supervisory authorities. This contrasts with the ‘Europeanization’ of national enforcement networks, as agency bodies and the Commission have taken larger enforcement roles to ensure the compliance of international actors with post-GDPR legislation such as the DSA. In addressing this tension, this thesis considers the current criticisms of international GDPR enforcement. It then takes inspiration from both the additional procedural rules and the DSA to posit a hypothetical centralized model for GDPR enforcement through an interdisciplinary lens. The hypothetical model is evaluated to consider to what extent a centralized form of the GDPR would solve the international enforcement issues. This thesis finds that issues of procedural inefficiency, international application inconsistencies, and inconsistent remedies could be addressed through a centralized model for the GDPR. A hypothetical model would use the active network chair and more formalized ex-ante measures seen in the DSA through a new Commission DG to streamline international enforcement and reduce divergence in supervisory enforcement processes for national and international cases. These benefits have to be weighed against the strong independence requirements, weak normative justifications, and procedural bloat that would plague the hypothetical model.
  • Saarikko, Sofia (2019)
    Underprestation utgör i praktiken en mycket komplex uppsägningsgrund. För att en uppsägning på grund av underprestation ska vara godtagbar bör i allmänhet en rad olika kriterier uppfyllas. Dels måste arbetstagaren vara medveten om resultatmålet och på vilket sätt arbetsuppgifterna ska utföras för att målet ska nås, och dels ska det resultatmål som arbetstagaren i fråga ska sträva efter att nå vara rimligt i förhållande till arbetstagarens förutsättningar att nå målet. Även om individuella resultatmål kan ställas upp för varje arbetstagare, bör minimikraven för arbetstagare med motsvarande erfarenhet och förutsättningar att nå ett visst mål överensstämma. Uppsägning på grund av underprestation ska alltså endast kunna ske om en miniminivå som är samma för alla motsvarande arbetstagare underskrids. Innan uppsägning med anledning av underprestation kan ske, bör arbetsgivaren vidta åtgärder för att undvika att arbetstagaren sägs upp. I samband med underprestation betonas arbetsgivarens skyldighet att främja arbetstagarens arbetsprestation och att i första hand vidta mildare åtgärder än uppsägning, så som exempelvis omplacering. I rättspraxis har framgått att ju mer arbetsgivaren ansträngt sig för att förbättra arbetstagarens resultat innan uppsägning vidtagits, desto större är chansen att uppsägningen godtas av domstolsväsendet. Syftet med denna avhandling är att reda ut i vilka fall underprestation kan utgöra grund för uppsägning. Vid underprestation är det lätt att automatiskt fokusera på arbetstagaren och dennes fel eller försummelse. Även om både arbetstagarens och arbetsgivarens skyldigheter och möjligheter att motverka underprestation behandlas i denna avhandlig, läggs större vikt än vanligt vid arbetsgivarens ansvar för underprestation. Syftet med avhandlingen är inte att snedvrida ansvaret för underprestation och att lägga mer ansvar än befogat på arbetsgivaren, men däremot att belysa att arbetsgivaren på många sätt är delaktig i arbetstagarens arbetsprestation och det resultat som uppnås. En av arbetstagarens viktigaste förpliktelser är att följa de anvisningar som arbetsgivaren inom ramen för sin direktionsrätt ger gällande arbetets utförande. Om arbetsgivaren är missnöjd med arbetstagarens arbetsinsats måste arbetsgivaren enligt rättspraxis ge arbetstagaren tydliga instruktioner om hur denne i fortsättningen ska agera för att nå de uppsatta resultatmålen. Arbetsgivaren kan dock inte på egen hand förväntas förbättra arbetstagarens arbetsprestation, utan detta kräver självfallet också aktivitet från arbetstagarens sida, vilket arbetsgivaren också har rätt att förvänta sig.
  • Korhonen, Iiris (2022)
    Hepatit E är en virussjukdom orsakad av hepatit E virus (HEV), som beroende på genotyp har förmåga att infektera både djur och människor. Den zoonotiska genotypen HEV-3 är allmän i Europa och smittar typiskt till människor via svinkött eller kontakt med svin. Denna licentiatavhandling inkluderar en originalstudie och en litteraturöversikt, med fokus på HEV:s uppkomst och antikroppars uppkomst mot viruset, särskilt i svinkött. I litteraturöversikten framkom att antikroppar mot HEV förekommer globalt både hos människor och svin, och således är sjukdomen allmän. Svinet har ofta infektionen vid några månaders ålder, och har tillfrisknat då den anländer till slakteriet ungefär vid halvårsålder. Efter infektionen har individen antikroppar mot viruset, och således har svinen vanligtvis i slakterierna anti-HEV-antikroppar. Svinet är en reservoar för sjukdomen, vilket betyder att svinpopulationer kan självständigt behålla viruset en lång tid och således fungera som en infektionskälla för människan. Akuta anti-HEV antikroppars förekomst berättar att individen har en nuvarande eller nyligen inträffad HEV-infektion, medan kroniska antikroppar berättar om en tidigare infektion. Antikroppars förekomst kan undersökas med enzymkopplad immunadsorberande analys (ELISA), men det har inte utvecklats en kommersiell ELISA-metod som känner igen skilt djurens akuta HEV-antikroppar, och endast få som känner igen kroniska. Ifall en sådan forskning var möjlig, kunde det fås information om hur länge sen infektionen framkommit. Därför inkluderar vi i denna licentiatavhandling en originalstudie där vi undersöker ifall människospecifika ELISA-förpackningar kan användas för svin. Vi använder oss av 60 köttsaftprov från svin som undersöks för IgM- och IgG-antikroppar med ELISA. Vi inkluderar även enstaka serumprov från älg och vitsvanshjort i studien, samt två svinprov som tidigare visat sig innehålla totalantikroppar. Målet med denna studie är således att redogöra ifall IgM-och IgG- antikroppar kan undersökas från djur med denna ELISA-förpackning, och att påpeka hur viktigt utveckling av en sådan ELISA-metod vore. Enligt tidigare studier har 86 % av svinens serumprov antikroppar, och således kan vi anta ett liknande resultat ifall förpackningarna fungerar för djur. Tidigare forskningar har dock inte visat dessa förpackningar tillämpar sig för djur. Alla prov som undersöktes gav negativa resultat, och således kan vi anta att människospecifika ELISA-förpackningar inte kan användas för djur.
  • Skult, Staffan (2019)
    Avhandlingens tema är tillverkningsavtal. Köplagen utgår ifrån ett normalköp; där varan existerar vid tidpunkten för köpet. Det innebär att köparen kan undersöka varan innan själva köpet, och om köparen är nöjd med det han ser kan han sedan köpa varan. Efter att varan blivit avlämnad till köparen skall han undersöka varan. Om det visar sig att varan är behäftad med fel eller på något annat sätt inte är avtalsenlig skall köparen reklamera varan till säljaren och göra någon av påföljderna vid fel gällande. Det systemet är inte särskilt välanpassat för tillverkningsavtal i och med att varan som säljs inte finns vid tidpunkten för köpet. Beställaren av varan har därför inte möjlighet att undersöka den vid tidpunkten för ingåendet av köpet. Avhandlingen syftar till att svara på följande frågor: Har beställaren någon rätt att undersöka varan medan den tillverkas eller måste han vänta med undersökningen tills avlämnandet har skett? Vad händer ifall det vid tidpunkten för leveransen visar sig att varan inte är avtalsenlig, har då beställaren en rätt att avvisa leveransen och samtidigt hålla fast vid köpet och kräva att tillverkaren åtgärdar felet? De två forskningsfrågorna är tätt sammanlänkade. I avhandlingens tredje kapitel behandlas beställarens rätt att vid tillverkningsköp undersöka varan innan avlämnandet sker. I fjärde kapitlet behandlas den andra frågan om huruvida beställaren har en rätt att avisa varan ifall den innan avlämnandet visar sig vara behäftad med fel. Då köplagen inte har reglerat dessa frågor har man inom branscherna börjat reglera undersökningsrätten samt avvisningsrätten i sina standardavtal. För att svara på forskningsfrågorna undersöks därför hur de vanligaste standardavtalen har reglerat undersökningen av varan medan den tillverkas och om de ger beställaren någon rätt att avvisa varan. Därefter försöks lösningarna i standardavtalen placeras in i köplagens system. Avtalspraxis visar tydligt att beställaren har både en rätt att undersöka varan med den tillverkas och (oftast) en rätt att avvisa varan med den tillverkas. I regel är undersökningen mer omfattande ju mer komplext tillverkningsavtalet är. Skeppbyggnadsavtal har den mest ingående rätten för beställaren att undersöka varan medan den ännu tillverkas. Där får beställaren följa med hela tillverkningsprocessen från början till slut, och innan leveransen skall fartyget genomgå provturer. Minst rätt att undersöka varan har standardavtalet NL17 som kräver att parterna kommer överens om att undersökning skall ske. Ifall parterna inte avtalat om undersökning, kan beställaren ändå insistera på att få göra det med hänvisning till köplagen 49 §, enligt vilket beställaren skall ges en möjlighet att undersöka varan innan han betalar för den. Undersökningen skall göras så att beställaren med en hög grad av säkerhet kan slå fast att varan är avtalsenlig. Ifall beställaren märker att något inte är avtalsenligt skall han meddela detta till tillverkaren så fort som möjligt. Gör han inte det kan han anses ha förlorat rätten att åberopa felen i ett senare skede, eller så kan han få stå för de extra kostnaderna som uppstår i och med att felen måste åtgärdas i ett senare tillfälle. Skeppsbyggnadsavtal ger en uttrycklig rätt för beställaren att avvisa skeppet ifall det inte är avtalsenligt, och genom tolkning kan man även läsa in en motsvarande rätt i andra tillverkningsavtal. En avvisningsrätt kan även erhållas genom att tolka köplagens 23 § om fasthållande av köp analogt, och låta domstolen efter en intresseavvägning avgöra om det föreligger en avvisningsrätt i det enskilda fallet. Den här lösningen stöds också av köplagen 3 § om att handelsbruk kan fylla ut det enskilda avtalet. Vidare kan stöd till avvisningsrätten sökas i köparens rätt att hålla inne med sin prestation. Då man avgör om det föreligger avvisningsrätt skall man ta i beaktande följande saker: felet måste gå över ens viss tröskel samt att tillverkaren måste ha en skyldighet att åtgärda felet, och det skall gå att göra inom en rimlig tid. Det kan inte föreligga avvisningsrätt vid minsta lilla fel, men tröskel behöver inte heller vara lika hög som hävningströskeln.
  • Laine, Laura (2016)
    Tutkielmassa selvitetään vastaanottotutkimuksen avulla suomalaisten lasten mielipiteitä Ratchet & Clank: A Crack in Time -videopelin suomenkielisestä dubbauksesta. Samalla selvitetään lokalisoinnin kokonaistarvetta tutkimalla, kuinka hyvin lapset saavat selvää alkuperäisen englanninkielisen version juonesta ja hahmojen puheesta. Oletuksena on, etteivät lapset juuri ymmärrä pelin englantia sen vaativan sanaston vuoksi ja suhtautuminen suomenkieliseen lokalisointiin on kriittistä Suomessa vallitsevien asenteiden takia. Tutkielman teoriataustana käytetään pelilokalisointiprosessia sekä dubbauksen, laadun ja vastaanottotutkimuksen teorioita. Tutkimusaineistoksi pelistä valittiin englannin- ja suomenkieliset versiot kahdesta välianimaatiosta sekä noin viidestä minuutista varsinaista peliä. Englanninkielisissä videoissa oli englanninkieliset tekstitykset, ja suomenkielisten videoiden laatu oli hieman huonompi. Videoiden lisäksi tutkimusta varten laadittiin kaksiosainen suomenkielinen kyselylomake, jonka osiot oli jaettu videoiden mukaan alaosioihin. Englanninkielistä osuutta koskevat monivalintakysymykset käsittelivät pääasiassa pelin tapahtumia, ja suomenkielisen osuuden lomakkeessa vastaajia pyydettiin arvioimaan lokalisoinnin eri ominaisuuksia, kuten ääninäyttelyä, huumoria sekä yleistä selkeyttä. Lopuksi vastaajilta kysyttiin mielipidettä kieliversioiden eroista ja mieluisampaa versiota. Vastaanottotutkimus pidettiin 21.10.2015 Kellokosken koulun 6B-luokan 19:lle oppilaalle. Koeyleisö katsoi ensin englanninkieliset videot yksi kerrallaan ja vastasi englanninkielisen osion monivalintakysymyksiin. Sen jälkeen oppilaat katsoivat videot uudelleen suomeksi ja arvioivat dubbauksen eri ominaisuuksia sekä vastasivat lopuksi kokoaviin kysymyksiin. Analyysissä havaitaan, että oppilaat ymmärsivät hyvin vähän pelin englanninkielisestä versiosta, sillä enemmistö oppilaista vastasi oikein vain neljään 14:stä kysymyksestä. Oppilailta siis katosi paljon pelikokemukselle ja tarinalle tärkeitä elementtejä, kuten vitsejä ja hahmojen motiiveja. Tulokset olivat kuitenkin parempia, jos puheen tukena oli visuaalista informaatiota. Lisäksi huomataan, että dubbauksen vastaanotto oli enimmäkseen positiivinen ja arvio siitä keskimäärin hyvä. Dubbausta ja pelin ohjeita pidettiin suhteellisen selkeinä sekä ääninäyttelyä ja huumoria vähintään keskitasoisina, eivätkä tekniset seikat, kuten huulisynkronia, häirinneet koeyleisöä. Huumori oli kuitenkin koeyleisön mielestä dubbauksen selkeästi heikoin kohta. Dubbaus ei siis ollut täydellinen, mutta tarpeeksi hyvä miellyttämään koeyleisön enemmistöä. Vastausten mukaan enemmistö pitikin suomenkielistä versiota parempana, koska he ymmärsivät pelistä enemmän ja pelaaminen suomeksi tuntui heistä luonnollisemmalta. Suurin osa oppilaista ei lisäksi nähnyt suurta eroa kieliversioiden välillä, vaikka joidenkin mielestä versiot tuntuivat erilaisilta kielieron vuoksi. Osa koeyleisöstä valitsikin englannin sen "aitouden" tai dubbauksessa ärsyttäneiden seikkojen vuoksi. Tuloksiin vaikutti myös suomenkielisten videoiden huono laatu, jonka pieni osa oppilaista tulkitsi lokalisoinnin ominaisuudeksi. Tutkielman perusteella voidaan siis sanoa, että lapsille tehtyjen pelien lokalisointi näyttäisi olevan tarpeen, jotta ainakin pienet ja kieltä taitamattomammat lapset voivat nauttia niiden tarinoista. Lisäksi A Crack in Timen suomenkielinen dubbaus miellytti suurinta osaa koeyleisöstä, joten lokalisointi oli ainakin sen osalta onnistunut.
  • Baran, Selin (2017)
    Startups are today's famous form of businesses that aim to create value and innovation to solve problems or satisfy the needs that exist in society. They differ from traditional businesses in their purposes and structures. They are founded by entrepreneurs with vision and ideas, yet, they mostly lack the necessary experience and funding. Therefore, they sell their company shares to investors in exchange for mentorship, network, and funding. Investors aim to look for opportunities for growth and financial returns in their investment and they plan their exits from the company. Shareholder agreements are used as tools to plan and execute those exit strategies. Finnish and Nordic startup scenes are thriving with the number of investments and the number of innovative startups. For the safety and continuity of the ecosystem, it is important that startups understand the shareholder agreements and they can use those documents to securely plan their future exits, as well. The primary purpose of the master`s thesis is to understand the traditional exit strategies applied in the startup world and to utilize shareholder agreements as a tool to prevent conflicts among founders and investors in the case of an entrepreneurial exit. The paper applies the legal methodology of doctrinal analysis and analyzes available rules and regulations along with the free market applications of shareholder agreements.
  • Aagesen, Håvard Wallin (2021)
    The Nordic region is a connected region with a long history of cooperation, shared cultures, and social and economic interactions. Cross-border cooperation and cross-border mobility has been a central aspect in the region for over half a century. Despite of shared borders and all countries being part of the Schengen Area, providing free movement, little research has been made on the extent of daily cross-border movements and little data exists on the topic. In light of the COVID-19 pandemic, human mobility and cross-border mobility has risen to the top of the political agenda, with new challenges changing cross-border mobility around the world. As an already very connected region, the Nordic region saw a sudden decrease in mobility and areas across borders were suddenly isolated from each other. The spread of the COVID-19 virus and the most important measures to counter the pandemic have been spatial in their nature. Restrictions on mobility and lockdown of regions and countries have been some of the measures set in place at varying degrees in different locations. Understanding the effects of mobility on the spread of COVID-19 and understanding how successful different measures have been is important in handling the ongoing and future pandemics. There is a lack of, particularly quantitative, research that investigates the functional aspects of cross-border mobility in the Nordic region. In addition, a lack of up-to-date, reliable data on human flows between the Nordic countries is missing. Research on the spread and effects of the COVID-19 pandemic in relation to human mobility, is rapidly increasing and being pioneered in conjunction with the developments of the pandemic. Through a lens of human mobility and activity spaces, how the cross-border regions in the Nordics reveal themselves by aggregating movements of individuals are investigated. The aim is to examine how geotagged Twitter data can be used to study cross-border mobility, as well as which functional cross-border areas can be estimated from movements of Twitter users and how these movements have been affected by the COVID-19 pandemic. Twitter data is collected and processed and reveal human mobility flows from before and after COVID-19 travel restrictions were set in place, making the data fit for a correlation analysis with available official commuter statistics. Using a kernel density estimation, estimations of the functional cross-border regions at different spatial levels are conducted, uncovering the spatial extent of functional regions and how human mobility connects regions across national borders. On this basis, movements of Twitter users in two time periods, March 2019 – February 2020 and March 2020 – February 2021, are compated with available statistics from the Nordic region. The results show that Twitter data correlates strongly with official commuter statistics for the region and are a good fit for studying cross-border mobility. Additionally, policy made cross-border regions does not completely overlap with the functional cross-border regions. Although there are many similarities between the policy made and functional cross-border regions, in a functional aspect the regions are smaller than the policy made regions and heavily condensed around large cities. The estimation of functional cross-border regions also show the effect of COVID-19 and measures taken to limit cross-border mobility. The amount of cross-border mobility is severely reduced and the composition of functional regions changes differently for different regions. In general, the spatial extent of cross-border regions reduce and gravitates towards the largest cities on either side of the border. The methods and results developed in this thesis provides an understanding of the dynamics of mobility flows in the Nordic region, and are first steps in increasing the use of novel data sources in cross-border mobility research in the Nordics. Further research into methods for expanding the data basis in the region is needed and further research should be conducted in deepening the understanding of demographic and temporal aspects of functional cross-border regions. Regional planning, tourism, and statistics are all fields that rely on recent, up-to-date data, and the methods for utilizing novel data sources shown in this thesis can mitigate some of the flaws that current data sources have. In combating the spread of the COVID-19 virus, it is of profound importance to understand mobility flows across borders, something that this thesis provides methods and insights to do.
  • Kari, Daniel (2020)
    Estimating the effect of random chance (’luck’) has long been a question of particular interest in various team sports. In this thesis, we aim to determine the role of luck in a single icehockey game by building a model to predict the outcome based on the course of events in a game. The obtained prediction accuracy should also to some extent reveal the effect of random chance. Using the course of events from over 10,000 games, we train feedforward and convolutional neural networks to predict the outcome and final goal differential, which has been proposed as a more informative proxy for outcome. Interestingly, we are not able to obtain distinctively higher accuracy than previous studies, which have focused on predicting the outcome with infomation available before the game. The results suggest that there might exist an upper bound for prediction accuracy even if we knew ’everything’ that went on in a game. This further implies that random chance could affect the outcome of a game, although assessing this is difficult, as we do not have a good quantitative metric for luck in the case of single ice hockey game prediction.
  • Mitts, Sandra (2017)
    This thesis analyses the international law on trafficking in human beings, and its implementation on national level in Finland. Trafficking in human beings consists of three elements, the act, means, and the purpose. This thesis focuses on the element of means, and more specifically on subtle and psychological means such as the “abuse of power or a position of vulnerability”. Trafficking has stereotypically been viewed as only including cases where violence or physical coercion have been used, when in fact, the traffickers often use psychological pressure and other subtle means in order to keep the victims in exploitative situations. The purpose of this thesis is therefore to shed light on the use of psychological means in trafficking, and to study how they have been understood both on international and national law concerning trafficking in human beings, and whether there is a gap between these understandings. The first part of the thesis covers international law on trafficking, and how the definition and object and purpose have developed throughout history. The main source for the international law on trafficking is the UN Protocol to Prevent, Suppress and Punish Trafficking in Persons, Especially Women and Children (the ‘Trafficking Protocol’), which was adopted in 2000, and entered into force in 2003. Since the adoption of the Protocol, the understanding of the element of “means” has continued to develop, and the thesis will therefore look also at more current understandings on the means of trafficking. European regional legal frameworks on trafficking are also discussed briefly. The second part of the thesis then looks at how the international law on trafficking has been implemented and understood in Finland, both on a theoretical and practical level. The focus is on the Finnish Criminal Code and how it has defined trafficking and the element of “means”, as well as how the law has been understood in practice by the national courts. The second part looks at the developments of the national legislation on trafficking, and the discussions and criticism surrounding that. This is supplemented by a case law analysis with a focus on more recent case law on trafficking in Finland. Finland first adopted a definition on trafficking in human beings to its Criminal Code in 2004. A law amendment was made in 2015. The amendment was partly a reaction to criticism against the inadequate legal provision on trafficking and similar crimes from 2004. The aim of the amendment was to broaden the scope of protection of trafficking victims, and to make the criminal law provision more in line with international law on trafficking. The Finnish criminal law amendment from 2015 shows an increased understanding of international law and the elements of “means” of trafficking. This can also be noted in the case law of the national courts. However, there are still a few issues which could be noted both in the legal provisions as well as the interpretations of the courts. The thesis concludes that while improvements have been made with regard to understand the “means” of trafficking within the Finnish national legal systems, the situation is still not perfect. This has mainly been due to two different reasons. One being the dominant stereotype that prostitution would always include some type of coercion and abuse, meaning that cases of trafficking for sexual exploitation are often convicted as pandering, if no overt physical means have been used. The second reason is an overlap in the legal provisions on trafficking and usury, especially concerning subtle means, which leads to confusion as to what crime a specific case amounts to when it is a question between cases of usury and trafficking for forced labour.
  • Kozar, Oxana (2015)
    The economic development of Northern Ostrobothnia has been in the spotlight because of rapid growth of Oulu high-technology industries. However, most of the researchers seem to concentrate on the development in Oulu without considering the situation in the whole region or its peripheries. The thesis gives an overview of the main factors that affected successful high-tech development in Oulu since 1960s as well the economic and social development in the whole region of Northern Ostrobothnia. Innovations have become a very topical issue in research and policies during the last decades. For this reason the understanding of this term has become vague and they started to be used as buzzwords more and more often. This thesis analyses how innovations are defined in the regional strategic programmes of Norhern Ostrobothnia, what types of innovation activities are emphasized most, which industries are considered as benefiting from innovations. The usage of different territorial innovation models (innovative milieu, cluster, regional innovation system) is also analyzed. The research also examines how different geographical scales of innovation activities are seen in the studied policy documents: how the role of global scale for innovative development in Northern Ostrobothnia is understood, are there any links with national innovation system discussed, how are innovations on local scales treated. The documents chosen for the research are regional strategic programmes for four programming periods: 2004-2006, 2007-2010, 2011-2013 and 2014-2017. The data is analyzed using qualitative content analysis, which allows to systematize and summarize the content of the text and examine in what contexts are the terms used. The analytical approach is theory-driven, however, modified with consideration to the data. The research showed that regional strategic programmes employ broad definition of innovation, especially emphasizing marketing in the documents for the latest programming periods. Innovative activities are regarded not only in context of high-technology industries, but in relation to low- and medium-technology industries as well, though in latest documents the focus is mainly on high-tech production. The term 'cluster' is used mainly as a buzzword, though in the latest regional strategic programme the frequency of use has decreased, alternatively the model of innovative milieu has become more popular. Concept of regional innovation system has been briefly mentioned in the documents. There has been very limited explanation of structures of any of the territorial innovation models, however, the documents linked the concept of regional innovation system to innovative milieu, seeing the first as a next stage of development of the latter. Regional strategic programmes mention the role of innovation processes happening on different geographical levels, but the discussion is rather limited - international scale is mostly considered as global market, national scale is seen as the source of funding and on local scale the attention is mainly payed to Oulu.
  • Mela, Noora (2022)
    This thesis investigates the antecedents of online privacy behaviours in the context of institutional tracking in PC and in mobile environments by utilizing a research model integrating The Reasoned Action Approach (RAA) and Protection Motivation Theory (PMT). Using a convenience sample (N = 148), an empirical study testing the conceptual model based on said theories was conducted. Data analysis was performed using the partial least squares technique and simple slopes analysis. Results demonstrate, that RAA constructs injunctive norm, instrumental attitude and PMT construct perceived severity predict intentions to protect personal data, while intentions and procedural knowledge regarding protective strategies predict protective behaviours in both PC and mobile environments. Both intentions and procedural knowledge have a stronger positive effect on online privacy behaviours in PC than in mobile environment. Procedural knowledge was found to moderate the relationship between intentions and behaviours in both environments. The study’s limitations and implications for research and practice are discussed.
  • Lehtola, Annika (2021)
    The purpose of this study is to investigate how race and racism are understood in the policy documents called Equality Plans of the Finnish language-based Universities of Applied Sciences. The research questions are 1) what is said about racism and other related concepts in the Equality Plans, and 2) where and in relation to what are they acknowledged? Moreover, the study examines how whiteness and other values of Finnish society are reflected in the Equality Plans and what types of solutions higher educational institutions offer to racism. The analytical reading of the Equality Plans is informed by the theoretical framework that includes perspectives of critical whiteness, intersectional postcolonial feminism, Nordic exceptionalism to racism and colonialism, and feminist and education policy studies that discuss interpretations and practices of equality in educational institutions. The research material includes Equality Plans in eighteen Finnish language-based Universities of Applied Sciences in Finland. The analysis utilises the tools of the abductive content analysis and Critical Discourse Analysis in identifying the explicit and implicit meanings connected to race and racism. The results of the study indicate that the understanding of race in Finnish policy documents is vague, and the synonyms such as “ethnicity” are connected to ethnic and racialised minorities. The solutions for racism are abstract and appeal to the attitudes of the university community instead of challenging the structures that maintain and produce racism. According to this study, whiteness remains unrecognised and unquestioned in higher education institutions. Thus, resisting racism and promoting equality and justice requires a systematic and profound analysis of institutional whiteness in higher education structures and practices. The results align with the previous research on policy documents in Finnish education institutions, contributing to the discussion with Universities of Applied Sciences.