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  • Tolvanen, Kristiina (2020)
    Ecophysiology and ecology in plants are strongly affected by the conditions surrounding them. Adaptation aids plants to survive and to succeed in the prevailing conditions. Winter is a challenge to plants, particularly in northern latitudes and higher altitudes, because it exposes plants to cold and drought, for example. Plants survive from winter on species level with the help of genetic adaptations and as individuals also with the help of acclimation. Woodland strawberry (Fragaria vesca) has been observed to grow separate winter leaves. This allows it to continue photosynthesis in mild conditions during winter, thus improving its energy balance, and to start growing earlier than other species in the spring, which is beneficial in interspecific competition. Fragaria vesca is a species that has wide distribution in the northern hemisphere, and its genotypes are found from very different locations and conditions. However, adaptive traits such as producing a new set of leaves for winter can turn out to be a disadvantage if environmental conditions change rapidly. Climate change brings about changes that are difficult to predict, and these changes are advancing at a fast pace when compared to the developmental history of plants. The aim of this thesis was to study the effect of temperature on summer and winter leaf development, stolon formation and summer and winter leaf chlorophyll, flavonol and anthocyanin content in different Fragaria vesca genotypes. Leaf chlorophyll and secondary compound content give information about leaf development and stress reactions in plants. Plants are known to produce anthocyanins in order to protect the photosynthetic apparatus during chlorophyll recovery in leaf senescence. Anthocyanins are also produced as a response to low temperatures. Research increases knowledge of the ecophysiological and winter ecology-related processes in Fragaria vesca and in the commercially valuable Rosacea-family as well as provides information about the possible responses of these organisms to climate change. Material for the study consisted of twelve European Fragaria vesca genotypes, which had originally been collected from five countries: Norway, Finland, Germany, Italy and Spain. The genotypes had been collected from different latitudes, and they also expressed altitudinal differences. In this study, these genotypes were kept in two temperature treatments, warm (+16°C) and cold (+11°C/six weeks, after which +6°C/four weeks) at a greenhouse. Leaf development was studied by measuring summer and winter leaf middle leaflet width and length, and petiole length. Stolons from each plant individual were counted on a weekly basis and observations about stolon production in relation to the timing of summer leaf senescence and winter leaf development were made at the same time. Leaf chlorophyll and secondary compound content was measured with a Dualex-meter, which provided values for chlorophyll, flavonol and anthocyanin content. The underlying assumption was that cold temperature would induce winter leaf development and summer leaf senescence. The results show that there were differences in summer leaf size between genotypes. Winter leaves had differences between genotypes, but also within genotypes at different temperature treatments. Stolon count was lower and stolon production ceased slightly earlier in the cold treatment. Moreover, summer leaf chlorophyll content decreased in both treatments, but the summer leaves senesced earlier in the warm room. Summer leaf flavonol and anthocyanin values were generally higher in the cooler temperature treatment. Anthocyanins were also produced by winter leaves in the cooler temperature treatment. Based on the results, Fragaria vesca genotypes had differences related to their origin, but temperature also had an effect on winter leaf development, stolon production and the production of secondary compounds. The effect of cold temperature on the size of developing winter leaves was clear. In the cooler temperature treatment, the winter leaves were smaller than in the warmer treatment. The anthocyanin content of summer leaves was higher than in the winter leaves, and the summer leaf anthocyanin content was higher in the colder temperature treatment, where the stress related to the photosynthetic apparatus and low temperatures was combined. Nevertheless, lower temperature did not explain all the responses observed in the genotypes of the study, and thus it is likely that acclimation and winter leaf development in Fragaria vesca are affected by some other factor in addition to temperature, e.g. light regime. A possible continuation for this work would be to study the effect of light conditions or milder winters on winter leaf development in Fragaria vesca genotypes and on the physiology of the species.
  • Saastamoinen, Taneli (2020)
    Word2vec is a method for constructing so-called word embeddings, or word vectors, from natural text. Word embeddings are a compressed representation of word contexts, based on the original text. Such representations have many uses in natural language processing, as they contain a lot of contextual information for each word in a relatively compact and easily usable format. They can be used either for directly examining and comparing the contexts of words or as more informative representations of the original words themselves for various tasks. In this thesis, I investigate the theoretical underpinnings of word2vec, how word2vec works in practice and how it can be used and its results evaluated, and how word2vec can be applied to examine changes in word contexts over time. I also list some other applications of word2vec and word embeddings and briefly touch on some related and newer algorithms that are used for similar tasks. The word2vec algorithm, while mathematically fairly straightforward, involves several optimisations and engineering tricks that involve tradeoffs between theoretical accuracy and practical performance. These are described in detail and their impacts are considered. The end result is that word2vec is a very efficient algorithm whose results are nevertheless robust enough to be widely usable. I describe the practicalities of training and evaluating word2vec models using the freely available, open source gensim library for the Python programming language. I train numerous models with different hyperparameter settings and perform various evaluations on the results to gauge the goodness of fit of the word2vec model. The source material for these models comes from two corpora of news articles in Finnish from STT (years 1992-2018) and Yle (years 2011-2018). The practicalities of processing Finnish-language text with word2vec are considered as well. Finally, I use word2vec to investigate the changes of word contexts over time. This is done by considering word2vec models that were trained from the Yle and STT corpora one year at a time, so that the context of a given word can be compared between two different years. The main word I consider is "tekoäly" (Finnish for "artificial intelligence"); some related words are examined as well. The result is a comparison of the nearest neighbours of "tekoäly" and related words in various years across the two corpora. From this it can be seen that the context of these words has changed noticeably during the time considered. If the meaning of a word is taken to be inseparable from its context, we can conclude that the word "tekoäly" has meant something different in different years. Word2vec, as a quantitative method, provides a measurable way to gauge such semantic change over time. This change can also be visualised, as I have done. Word2vec is a stochastic method and as such its convergence properties deserve attention. As I note, the convergence of word2vec is by now well established, both through theoretical examination and the very numerous successful practical applications. Although not usually done, I repeat my analysis in order to examine the stability and convergence of word2vec in this particular case, concluding that my results are robust.
  • Leinonen, Nea (2010)
    Tämän tutkimuksen tavoitteena oli tarkastella laadullisten tutkimuskeinojen avulla keskeisten tekijöiden etenkin palkitsemisen vaikutusta word-of-mouth -viestintään. Teoriakatsauksen perusteella tutkimusaluetta lähestyttiin tarkastelemalla viittä eri aihealuetta, suosittelijan sisäistä motivaatiota, kokemusta tuotteen tai palvelun ominaisuuksista, suhdetta yrityksen kanssa ja suosituksen vastaanottajan kanssa sekä palkitsemista ja suosittelukampanjaa. Tutkimuksen teoreettisessa osuudessa avattiin käsite word-of-mouth -viestintä ja suosittelumarkkinointi sekä selvitettiin word-of-mouth -viestintään vaikuttavia keskeisiä tekijöitä, jotta suosittelupäätökseen liittyviä tekijöitä olemassa olevan tutkimustiedon avulla. Empiirinen tutkimus toteutettiin laadullisena tutkimuksena, jossa tutkimuksen casena oli Agronomiliitto ry:n suosittelukampanja. Tutkimuksessa haastateltiin Helsingin yliopiston maatalous-metsätieteellisen tiedekunnan syksyn 2009 tutoreita koskien heille suunnattua jäsenhankintakampanjaa. Kampanjan tarkoituksena oli saada tutorit suosittelemaan Agronomiliiton jäsenyyttä uusille opiskelijoille. Parhaiten kampanjassa menestyneet tutorit palkittiin. Kahdeksasta haastateltavasta seitsemän oli Agronomiliiton jäseniä. Haastateltavista kolme palkittiin hyvästä menestyksestä kampanjassa. Aineistonkeruumenetelmänä käytettiin puolistrukturoitua ja henkilökohtaista teemahaastattelua. Haastatteluissa pyrittiin ennen kaikkea selvittämään haastateltavien ajatuksia liittyen word-of-mouth -viestintään sekä suosittelusta palkitsemiseen. Tutkimus antaa suuntaa, että sisäisellä motivaatiotekijöillä on suuri merkitys suositteluviestinnän tapahtumiselle. Suosittelijan tulee tunnistaa suositeltavasta tuotteesta tai palvelusta koetut hyödyt. Suosittelua myös edesauttaa jos suosittelija omaa mielipidejohtajan ominaisuuksia. Palkitseminen toimii kannustimena suositella, mutta palkitsemisjärjestelmä tulee miettiä huolellisesti, jotta suosittelija ei koe suosittelun vähentävän omaa tai suositteluviestin uskottavuutta. Tutkimuksen tulokset viittaavat molempien, suosittelijan ja suosittelun vastaanottajan palkitsemisen olevan paras palkitsemisjärjestelmä suosittelukampanjassa.
  • Lakka, Päivi (2018)
    This pro gradu thesis discusses the information war during the Ukraine conflict in 2014. In particular, it examines the production of enemy images in the Finnish and Russian online media articles. The role and significance of communication in national defense has increased significantly in recent years. In many aspects, information warfare has in fact returned to the core of modern warfare. The importance of conquering territory has lost its significance to operating in cyberspace. The term information war as understood in this thesis is characterized by the battle over information and the minds of people. The winner is therefore the one who creates the best narrative to support themselves and justify their action. After the escalation of the events in The Maidan demonstration in the center of the Ukrainian capital Kiev in November 2013, it soon became evident how Russia and the Western media both covered the conflict from remarkably different perspectives, all building their own narrative behind the events. This thesis focuses on two particular epochs in year 2014: the annexation of Crimea in March and the Russian aid convoy crossing the Ukraine border in August. The data consist of 64 randomly selected editorial articles from four media: Finnish public broadcasting company Yleisradio, Finnish tabloid newspaper Ilta-Sanomat, the Russian news channel Russia Today and the Russian news agency Sputnik International. This research focuses especially on the hidden power of media discourse (Norman Fairclough) and the main objective is the de-neutralization of the discourses of “the other” used in these media texts to represent “the other”. The method used for this study is the Critical Discourse Analysis (CDA), concentrating on role of language as being shaped by the society and shaping the society. CDA aims particularly at revealing the power relations behind discursive conventions. The main discourses found in this study were the discourses of military threat (1), truth (2), externality (3) and megalomania (4). The discourse of hypocrisy (5) solely appeared in the Russian media, whereas the discourse of despotism (6) was only used by the Finnish media. The prevalence of the four main discourses in the four media analyzed was surprisingly equal. However, there was more difference on a national level, as Ilta-Sanomat and Russia Today represented ”the other” clearly more actively with the help of these discourses compared to Yle and Sputnik. All in all, the representations of “the Other” in all the four media analyzed can be described as extremely negative.
  • Laine, Petteri (2013)
    This master’s thesis focuses on how a virtual team uses Second Life for working. A virtual team is a globally distributed group of people, which can include members from several geographical locations, time zones and various cultural and organizational backgrounds, working towards a common goal. Virtual teams are increasingly deployed by organizations to harness talent regardless of their location and as a response to increasing global competition. A virtual environment is a computer-generated display that enables a user to have a sense of presence in an environment other than the one in which they are currently situated in, and to interact with that environment and other users. Second Life is one of the most popular three-dimensional online virtual worlds, and is the technology utilized by this virtual team for their weekly team-wide meetings. The data consists of semi-structured interviews of 11 virtual team members and video recordings of team meetings in the virtual environment. The method of analysis is qualitative content analysis, informed by relevant concepts such as affordance, domestication and social presence. The research questions of this study are 'in what ways is the Second Life technology used in virtual teamwork?', 'how do the patterns of technology use take form and evolve? 'what are the experiences of the team members regarding the use of technology?' The results of the study are divided in three. Firstly, a narrative of a typical virtual team meeting is presented, thus introducing the reader to the virtual environment. Second, descriptions of two forms of technology use – simulation and information transfer – are provided. Third, the contributing factors that shaped the teams’ technology use are explicated. These include the perceived poor quality of the simulation; the ability to multitask afforded by the technology, thus influencing negatively on the team members’ social presence; severe technical difficulties and poor technical skills; time limitations resulting in the need to work efficiently; as well as the availability of other technologies. Regarding the result on affordance, domestication and social presence, this study confirms and adds to previous research.
  • Uoti, Jaakko (2016)
    This thesis aims to examine the communication of charity work on social media. The thesis takes on the fundraising efforts of Finnish charity organization New Children’s Hospital 2017 (Uusi Lastensairaala 2017) and its Facebook Page posts over the course of twelve months. The research problem is to look at what kinds of charity work ULS 2017 Facebook Page promotes and what discourses of responsibility and solidarity can be seen as inscribed into these forms of charity work. The subject matter is a timely example of new forms of public fundraising and charity as well as the responsibilization of the public sector. The study provides insight especially into discourses employed by charities and fundraising organizations in the domain of health care and otherwise health-related causes. The primary research data consists of posts from the New Children’s Hospital 2017 Facebook Page from October 2013 to September 2014. First, a method of content analysis has been used to examine, what kind of forms of charity work are presented on the Facebook Page posts and by whom they have been initiated (private individuals or groups, companies, actors in the third sector or the public sector). Building on these findings, prevalent types of charity work are further examined by applying a method of critical discourse analysis. The analysis indicates the prevalence of charity through consumption, sports and health-themed events, and projects and charity spectacle in the ULS 2017 campaign communications. A majority of these charity actions were organized by private businesses or private individuals or groups. In terms of ways of participation, so called social media campaigns per se where people are encouraged to share stories or create content are not prevalent in the data, yet the use of technology in donating techniques (SMS, digital donation boxes and social applications) is well presented. Concepts of self-fulfillment and personal pleasure, responsible consumption and healthy lifestyle surface in the discourses of sports and health related events and projects while entertainment and experience are mostly presented in different social events. What is found is that personal interest and self-improvement is presented side by side with discourses of social responsibility, communal work and of a collective towards a national project. It is argued further, that ideals of healthy lifestyle, entrepreneurship, consumption and collective work is perceived in many cases of charity work and its communication, and that many of these ideals can be seen as coalescing with neoliberal ideals of self-regulation, self-reliance, entrepreneurship and active citizenship.
  • Ekholm, Malin (2020)
    Algorithms are effective data processing programs, which are being applied in an increasing amount of contexts and areas of our lives. One such context is that of our working lives, where algorithms are being adapted to take over tasks previously performed by human workers. This has sparked the discussion about capabilities and agency of algorithmic technology, and also whether or not technology will be replacing the human workforce. Public discussion has actively taken part in constructing both opportunities and fears related to algorithmic technology, but very little research exists about the impact of algorithmic technology at work. A lot of discussion has also centered around the agency of algorithms, as due to the advances in technology, agency is no longer something only only assigned to, or possessed by human actors. While some research has been done on the construction of algorithm agency, very little research has been conducted to explore the phenomena in the context of work. Research about adapting algorithms in companies is very scarce, and the gap in this research is especially crucial due to its lack of research from a social scientific perspective. The purpose of this thesis is to investigate how algorithmic agency (or lack thereof) is constructed in the discourse of five employees of an IT company that has applied an algorithm in their operations. I further want to investigate what consequences these constructs have on the work of the employees and the flow of agency in the company. The theoretical and methodological framework is rooted in social constructionism and discursive psychology and the analysis focuses on the construction of accounts of agency in the context. In order to answer the research questions I have conducted a semi-structured focused interview with each of the recruited employees. The results show that algorithmic agency is constructed in multifaceted ways and several constructs of agency coexist in the discourse of the employees. The agency is constructed as an independent actor with agency, but that this agency is also restricted by its human developers and operational staff intervening in its decisions. While accounts for algorithmicx agency exist, agency is also constructed as something possessed by the developers and company, who develop the algorithm in order to reach certain goals. The results also show that the algorithm is constructed as an enabler and restrictor to human agency, but that the adaptation of the algorithm has also created new flows of agency, where agency flows from human to algorithm and vice versa. This thesis contributes to previous research on agency, algorithms and work by taking a contemporary, employee-centric perspective on agency, not yet taken by previous research. In order to take into account the dynamic processes of agency when adapting algorithmic technology in companies, an extensive social scientific perspective is needed to inform organizational change. In order to achieve this, more qualitative research is needed to further understand the impact of automation on agency and other interpersonal dynamics.
  • Havupolku, Saana-Maria (2017)
    Digitalisation, automation, and globalisation have caused significant changes in the nature of work during recent decades. During volatile times, the importance of motivated employees and the ability to produce new innovations is highlighted. The aim of this master’s thesis is to study the connection between quality of work motivation and innovative work behaviour, which consists of idea generation, promotion, and realisation. Self-determination theory’s (Deci & Ryan, 2000; 1985) conceptualisation on autonomous (intrinsic and identified) and controlled (introjected and external) motivational types and the three basic psychological needs (autonomy, competence, and relatedness) are used as the key theoretical standpoint. This quantitative research studies whether satisfaction of the three basic needs is positively connected to autonomous forms of motivation, whether autonomous forms of motivation are positively connected to innovative work behaviour, and whether the three basic needs are positively connected to innovative work behaviour. Furthermore, the mediating influence of autonomous motivation types in the relationships between the three basic needs and innovative work behaviour is also studied. A cross-sectional survey study was conducted to test the hypotheses. The data consist of responses of 92 knowledge workers (response rate 25.6%) from headquarters of a large Finnish organisation. The sample group is characterised by high educational level (81.6% of participants had lower- or higher-degree tertiary education from university or university of applied sciences) and quite even gender distribution (58.7% females and 40.2% males). In addition to background information, respondents answered to questions related to need satisfaction, motivational types, and innovative work behaviour. All the scales used in this research are developed specifically for work context and they have been validated in previous studies. The main statistical methods included linear regression analysis, Spearman correlation analysis, t-test, and one-way analysis of variance, and the factorial structures of scales were assessed with exploratory factor analysis. The mediation model was tested using the causal steps by Baron and Kenny (1986). The results show partial support for hypotheses. Autonomy and competence are positively connected to autonomous types of motivation, and all three basic needs are negatively connected to amotivation, i.e. lack of motivation. Only intrinsic motivation of the four motivational types explains positively and statistically significantly innovative work behaviour, and the coefficient of determination is notable (R2 adj. = .21) considering all the possible antecedents influencing innovativeness. Innovative work behaviour correlates positively with competence and autonomy, but only competence explains innovative work behaviour positively and statistically significantly in regression analysis. Intrinsic motivation mediates fully the connection between competence and innovative work behaviour, also when the effects of autonomy and relatedness are controlled. The influence of relatedness on autonomous types of motivation and innovative work motivation remains unclear. The results of this research indicate that innovative work behaviour might be endorsed among knowledge workers by supporting employees’ intrinsic motivation, which can be done by supporting their satisfaction of needs for autonomy and competence. According to previous research, autonomy can be supported by allowing influence on how, when, and what tasks are done, as well as including employees in goal setting and decision making, whereas competence can be supported by reducing unnecessary bureaucracy, allocating tasks so that they match employees’ skills, and providing training for employees.
  • Walker, Morgan (2013)
    Trust is term that spans a variety of disciplines. The study of workplace trust is one of the main fields in trust research. Numerous studies have noted differing operationalisations of trust, which can be dependent on cultural context. Focusing attention on the Finnish educational context provides an opportunity to closely examine trust in a specific working environment, with comparisons to other cross-cultural studies. Specifically, two aims were considered: how is trust in the Finnish education system from a managerial perspective conceptualised, and how the conceptualisation of trust relates to the representation of professionalism in the Finnish education system. Grounded theory and social representations were utilised to examine the construction of trust with the workplace. It was found that that trust was conceptualised over 4 key areas: building trust through open communication, agreeing on procedures, professionalism prioritised over emotion, and working for common goals and higher purpose. Professionalism was found to be highly interlinked with open communications and agreeing on procedures. Overarching themes of the study were further discussed, and directions for future trust research were suggested.
  • Hiillos, Natalie (2020)
    Tutkielmassani tarkastelen miten Terry Pratchettin satiirinen fantasiasarja Discworld (suom. Kiekkomaailma) rakentaa fiktiivisen maailmaansa kuvailun, kerronnan ja genren avulla, ja miten nämä eri ominaisuudet toimivat yhdessä. Käyn läpi maailman eri osia, esimerkiksi taian ja teknologian käyttö ja kehitys sekä hahmojen suhteet toisiinsa ja maailmaan. Lisäksi käsittelen fiktiivisen maailman politiikkaa ja historiaa sekä fantasian ja satiirin vaikutukset kerrontaan ja maailman ontologiseen perustaan. Keskityn ensisijaisesti neljään romaaniin. Nämä ovat sarjan 13. romaani Small Gods (suom. Pienet jumalat), 23. romaani Carpe Jugulum, 25. romaani The Truth (suom. Totuuden torvi), sekä 34. romaani, Thud! (suom. Muks!). Käsittelen kuitenkin myös lyhyesti sitä, miten sarja toimii kokonaisuutena. Terry Pratchett luo maailmanrakentamisen keinoin uskottavan tarinamaailman, joka perustuu lukijoille tuttuihin fantasian ja todellisen maailman ominaisuuksiin. Romaanit rakentavat maailmaa tarkastelemalla kerronnoissaan eri maita, kulttuureja ja maailmankuvia. Vaikka sarjan maailma on sinänsä absurdi, johdonmukaiset yksityiskohdat ja kertomukset tekevät siitä ymmärrettävän ja kiinnostavan. Lukijat pystyvät näin ollen päättelemään maailmasta enemmän kuin romaanit siitä kertovat, joka puolestaan saa tarinamaailman tuntumaan yhtenäiseltä ja itsenäiseltä kokonaisuudelta. Tutkielmassani osoitan, ettei kerronta välttämättä ole maailmanrakentamisesta irrallinen prosessi, toisin kuin jotkut maailmanrakentamisen teoreetikot ovat esittäneet. Kerronta, kuvaus ja lajityypin eri keinot vaikuttavat vahvasti toisiinsa ja muodostavat yhdessä maailmanrakentamisen prosessin.
  • Högnabba, Sebastian LJ (2020)
    Human values are studied across scientific disciplines. Our values underline what is important to us, and our values are reflected in our behaviour and the social structures that surround us. The cultural environment may contribute to value change. The values of individuals are mainly formed in younger years and remain relatively stable after a person has reached adulthood. The aim of this thesis was first to analyze the correlation between Schwartz’s (2012) universalism value structure and Inglehart’s (2014) self-expression values. Second, it was investigated whether this relationship is stronger in so-called WEIRD (Western, Educated, Industrialized, Rich, and Democratic) countries. The compared value structures put emphasis on factors that are often mentioned in conversations around sustainable development: environmental concern, care for other people, and social justice. In order to examine the relationship between universalism and self-expression values, a correlation analysis was performed with data from 52 countries across the world. The findings indicate a positive and statistically significant relationship (p < 0.01) between the value structures in seven of the eight WEIRD countries that were identified. In other parts of the world, the correlation was weaker and more dubious. On the one hand, the results suggest that high levels of universalism values can be combined with strong prevalence of self-expression values. Western individualism may coexist with altruism and environmental concern, in line with previous research. However, the positive correlations were rather small (0.10 < r < 0.30), signalling that the value structures universalism and self-expression represent different types of values with unique content. On the other hand, in a couple of nations bordering to WEIRD, the positive relationship between the value structures was due to relatively low levels of both universalism and self-expression values. Moreover, most non-WEIRD countries did not record a significant correlation between universalism and self-expression. From a cross-cultural perspective, this might be explained by the fact that the Schwartz and Inglehart frameworks have been designed and developed in the West. Under such circumstances, human values are approached from a Western point of view, meaning that the tools of measurement possibly work best in a WEIRD context. Theories, methods, and interpretations with a Western bias are not necessarily transferable to other countries and cultures without modifications.
  • Andersson, Emma (2011)
    Cosmopolitan ideals have been on the philosophical agenda for several millennia but the end of the Cold War started a new discussion on state sovereignty, global democracy, the role of international law and global institutions. The Westphalian state system in practice since the 17th century is transforming and the democracy deficit needs new solutions. An impetus has been the fact that in the present world, an international body representing global citizens does not exist. In this Master’s thesis, the possibility of establishing a world parliament is examined. In a case analysis, 17 models on world parliament from two journals, a volume of essays and two other publications are discussed. Based on general observations, the models are divided into four thematic groups. The models are analyzed with an emphasis on feasible and probable elements. Further, a new scenario with a time frame of thirty years is proposed based on the methodology of normative futures studies, taking special interest in causal relationships and actions leading to change. The scenario presents three gradual steps that each need to be realized before a sustainable world parliament is established. The theoretical framework is based on social constructivism, and changes in international and multi-level governance are examined with the concepts of globalization, democracy and sovereignty. A feasible, desirable and credible world parliament is constituted gradually by implying electoral, democratic and legal measures for members initially from exclusively democratic states, parliamentarians, non-governmental organizations and other groups. The parliament should be located outside the United Nations context, since a new body avoids the problem of inefficiency currently prevailing in the UN. The main objectives of the world parliament are to safeguard peace and international law and to offer legal advice in cases when international law has been violated. A feasible world parliament is advisory in the beginning but it is granted legislative powers in the future. The number of members in the world parliament could also be extended following the example of the EU enlargement process.
  • Hattunen, Anna (2021)
    Ortodoksisten talousteorioiden mukaan kaupankäynti on luonnollinen prosessi, joka ikään kuin tapahtuu itsestään. Naiset ja heidän kokemuksensa sivutetaan usein tämän talousnäkemyksen seurauksena. Maailman Kauppajärjestöä (WTO) on esimerkiksi kritisoitu sen heikoista, sukupuolten tasa-arvoa edistävistä toimista. Yksi WTO:n sukupuolten tasa-arvoa edistävä toimi on ”Buenos Airesin julistus”, jonka tavoite on edistää naisten osallistumista maailmankauppaan. Vuonna 2017 yli sata WTO:n jäsenmaata allekirjoitti kyseisen julistuksen. Tässä tutkielmassa tarkastellaan tätä WTO:n ensimmäistä mittavaa pyrkimystä edistää naisten taloudellisia oikeuksia. Tutkielmassa vastataan tarkemmin siihen, miten Buenos Airesin julistukseen päädyttiin. Tutkielmassa tutkitaan myös, kuinka sukupuolikysymykset ja naisten oikeudet ovat muuttuneet ja muovautuneet globaalissa hallinnassa ja perehdytään erityisesti toista maailman sotaa edeltäviin vuosikymmeniin. Kun tarkastellaan sukupuolen ja vapaakaupan suhdetta, voidaan paremmin ymmärtää, miten ajan saatossa tapahtuneet muutokset ovat vaikuttaneet Buenos Airesin julistuksen syntyyn. Lisäksi tutkielmassa tarkastellaan WTO:n roolia sukupuolten tasa-arvon edistäjänä. Feminististä poliittista taloutta sekä postkolonialistisia talousaatteita hyödynnetään tutkielman teoreettisena viitekehyksenä. Vapaata kauppaa analysoidaan reformistisesta näkökulmasta. Feministisessä talousteoriassa painotetaan usein, että kauppa ei ole ainoastaan luonnollinen prosessi. Kauppa määritetään sosiaalisena konstruktiona, johon lukuisat tekijät vaikuttavat. Tutkielman analyysin perustana toimii Peggy Antrobusin teoria sukupuolten ulottuvuuksista globaalissa hallinnassa. Ajatus sukupuolten epätasa-arvosta on muuttunut, mikä käy ilmi tutkielman analyysistä. Sen lisäksi analyysissa osoitetaan, että sukupuolten tasa-arvoa koskevat kysymykset ovat lisääntyneet kansainvälisesti. Buenos Airesin julistuksen taustalla on monia vaiheita, joita globaalin hallinnan erilaiset trendit myös vahvistavat. Nykyisen hegemonian mukaan vapaakauppa hyödyttää kaikkia ihmisiä tasapuolisesti. Kriittinen tutkimus on kuitenkin osoittanut tarpeen edistää sukupuolten välistä tasa-arvoa. Näin ollen tutkielman analyysissa tarkastellaan myös WTO:n roolia sukupuolten tasa-arvon edistämisessä. Sen sijaan että WTO yrittäisi löytää ja purkaa sukupuolten epätasa-arvoon vaikuttavia juurisyitä, analyysissä selviää, että WTO pyrkii ensisijaisesti tukemaan naisten taloudellista voimaantumista ja yrittäjyyttä. Tutkielman johtopäätöksenä voidaan todeta, että globaalissa hallinnassa tapahtuvilla muutoksilla ja kansainvälisillä organisaatioilla on merkittävä vaikutus sukupuolten tasa-arvoon. Tutkielman johtopäätöksissä pohditaan myös sitä, miten sukupuolikysymykset on otettu huomioon historian saatossa. Johtopäätöksissä korostetaan lopulta luotettavan datan, valvonnan ja evaluoinnin keskeistä merkitystä vapaan kaupan sukupuolittuneiden vaikutusten tutkimuksessa.
  • Malm, Karri (2010)
    Tämä tutkielma käsittelee World Wide Webin sisältämien verkkosivujen sisältöjen käyttöä korpusmaisesti kielitieteellisenä tutkimusaineistona. World Wide Web sisältää moninkertaisesti enemmän tekstiä kuin suurimmat olemassa olevat perinteiset tekstikorpukset, joten verkkosivuilta voi todennäköisesti löytää paljon esiintymiä sellaisista sanoista ja rakenteista, jotka ovat perinteisissä korpuksissa harvinaisia. Verkkosivuja voidaan käyttää aineistona kahdella eri tavalla: voidaan kerätä satunnainen otos verkkosivuista ja luoda itsenäinen korpus niiden sisällöistä, tai käyttää koko World Wide Webiä korpuksena verkkohakukoneiden kautta. Verkkosivuja on käytetty tutkimusaineistona monilla eri kielitieteen aloilla, kuten leksikograafisessa tutkimuksessa, syntaktisten rakenteiden tutkimuksessa, pedagogisena materiaalina ja vähemmistökielten tutkimuksessa. Verkkosivuilla on perinteisiin korpuksiin verrattuna useita haitallisia ominaisuuksia, jotka pitää ottaa huomioon, kun niitä käytetään aineistona. Kaikki sivut eivät sisällä kelvollista tekstiä, ja sivut ovat usein esimerkiksi HTML-muotoisia, jolloin ne pitää muuttaa helpommin käsiteltävissä olevaan muotoon. Verkkosivut sisältävät enemmän kielellisiä virheitä kuin perinteiset korpukset, ja niiden tekstityypit ja aihepiirit ovat runsaslukuisempia kuin perinteisten korpusten. Aineiston keräämiseen verkkosivuilta tarvitaan tehokkaita ohjelmatyökaluja. Näistä yleisimpiä ovat kaupalliset verkkohakukoneet, joiden kautta on mahdollista päästä nopeasti käsiksi suureen määrään erilaisia sivuja. Näiden lisäksi voidaan käyttää erityisesti kielitieteellisiin tarpeisiin kehitettyjä työkaluja. Tässä tutkielmassa esitellään ohjelmatyökalut WebCorp,, BootCaT ja Web as Corpus Toolkit, joiden avulla voi hakea aineistoa verkkosivuilta nimenomaan kielitieteellisiin tarkoituksiin.
  • Zhou, Ziye (2018)
    As a response to the big data era, the generation of databases has been changed from relational to multi-model. In order to manage different database models with a single back-end, multi-model databases have been developed. However, how to manage these multi-models in a more efficient way is the most fundamental and pressing issue in the research of multi-model database. This thesis introduces a new algorithm called Xjoin which achieves worst-case optimality for multi-model join. In this thesis, we also designed a basic and intuitive algorithm named Baseline. We have done several experiments on these two algorithms. Finally, the comprehensive experiments show the efficiency and effectiveness of XJoin algorithm on various datasets and multi-model queries.
  • Honkavaara, Sanni (2022)
    This thesis explores press bias in the US and UK news coverage of the final 2020 US presidential debate between Joe Biden and Donald Trump. An integral part of the US presidential election campaigns, the debates are televised events where the presidential candidates discuss controversial topics, and the press reports about the debates in real time. The goal of this thesis is to analyse whether a bias towards one of the candidates can be identified in the press coverage, and whether there is a difference between the coverage in the two countries. While the topic of press bias in elections has evoked academic interest in other fields, linguistic research has been minimal. Previous studies have found that the press coverage of presidential debates is sometimes biased or inaccurate, which might have the potential to influence voter behaviour. In this thesis I analyse whether a linguistic approach can offer new insight on how these biases manifest. The data comes from 8 US and 10 UK newspapers and consists of 69 newspaper articles. These countries were chosen, because their media systems have been found to share many similarities in the past, and they can give a general idea of the press coverage in the English-speaking world. More than just bias, this study analyses something called evaluation, an area of linguistics that deals with how writers express their views, how they build discourse with the readers and how they reflect the values of their community. Appraisal Framework (Martin and White, 2005) was used in the analysis, as it has been specifically designed for analysing evaluation and has been applauded for its ability to recognise implicit attitudes of the writers. The framework consists of three categories: ATTITUDES of the writer, ENGAGEMENT with the reader and GRADUATION, the degree of the attitudes. The collected data was analysed and classified manually in a close reading. The differences between the countries were found to be small, and a consistent bias favouring Biden was identified in the press coverage of both countries. In the ATTITUDE category, Trump was more often evaluated negatively than positively in both countries, especially regarding his moral standing (PROPRIETY) and his skills and capabilities (CAPACITY). Biden, on the other hand, was not evaluated negatively as much as Trump, and in the US, there were more positive than negative evaluations of him. He was most often applauded for his successes in the debate (CAPACITY). ENGAGEMENT was most often used by the journalists to oppose Trump’s views and to support Biden’s. The framework made it possible to build a more detailed description of how the biases manifest in the presidential debate news coverage and especially excelled in recognising implicit attitudes. At the same time, the framework had some issues regarding replicability of the study due to the subjectivity in identifying implicit attitudes. Some of these issues have been brought up by researchers in the past and adjustments for the framework have been suggested. Future studies using the Appraisal Framework could benefit from using one of these adjustments and seeing how that affects the results.
  • Haverinen, Jonas (2022)
    Communication, by nature, is multimodal: it uses various forms (modes) of communication, such as spoken language, written language, illustrations, and many others to create meaning. Multimodality research is the study of communicative situations that rely on such various modes and their combinations. One form of multimodality very commonly seen in everyday life comes in diagrams, which can convey very complex concepts by combining visual expressive resources (such as illustrations or photographs), written language, and diagrammatic elements such as lines and arrows. The primary aim of my thesis is to establish whether the linguistic structures of written labels – that is, textual elements – in diagrams can inform the decomposition of visual expressive resources. Put simply, I seek to find if said visual elements can more accurately be divided into further, more granular units in accordance with linguistic patterns in their accompanying textual elements. To answer my main research question, I posit three sub-questions. First, if certain diagram types (macro-structures), such as tables, cycles, or cross-sections co-occur with specific linguistic patterns; second, if different rhetorical functions found in diagrams employ different structures in their written labels as well; and third, if these functions are signaled by other means in tandem with written language. Answering these questions can help in designing future multimodal corpora and their annotation schemata, increasing annotation accuracy and possibilities for their processing. The theoretical framework used in this thesis synthesizes theories from multimodality theory, discourse studies, and diagrams research. I approach diagrams from the perspective of multimodality, highlighting them as discursive artefacts. This is enabled by the diagrammatic mode, which establishes how discourse semantics can function in the context of diagrams and how their interpretation is dynamic; that is, each element or combination of multiple elements can in turn contextualize or be a part of other elements and their combinations on a different scale. I also discuss the discourse-semantic concepts of coherence and cohesion as they relate to multimodal artefacts: different elements, even if not linguistic, can combine to create semantically meaningful connections between constituents in such an artefact. To exemplify this, I also apply Rhetorical Structure Theory (RST), which seeks to formalize how units of discourse are interconnected and work towards a shared communicative goal. RST employs rhetorical relations such as ELABORATION and IDENTIFICATION to describe how units and their combinations relate to other parts of a text (or other communicative whole). The data I use consists of two interrelated and complementary multimodal corpora: AI2D and AI2D-RST. AI2D is a collection of primary-school textbook science diagrams, annotated for blobs (visual expressive resources), labels, and diagrammatic elements, created for question-answering purposes. It also contains the linguistic data in each of the corpus’s diagrams. AI2D-RST contains a subset of the diagrams in AI2D, expanding them with additional annotation layers for information on macro-structures, visual connectivity, and RST, describing each element’s rhetorical relation in the diagram. I computationally find each rhetorical relation containing a label in AI2D-RST, noting its type, the type of the diagram it appears in, and fetching the labels’ linguistic content from AI2D. I then process each label’s contents with spaCy, a library for natural language processing, for linguistic elements such as phrase types, part-of-speech patterns, and average word counts. The output contains data on each label’s rhetorical relation, the possible macro-structure it is contained in, and said linguistic structures. The results show that there are indeed some differences in how distinct rhetorical relations and macro-groups use language: for example, cycles contain the most verb phrases and highest word count, indicating the use of written language to explicate certain processes to viewers. As linguistic patterns differ across these classes and are contextualized by surrounding diagrammatic elements, approaching diagrams from a discursive standpoint may be beneficial for future empirical multimodality research as well as designing annotation schemata to be more intuitive for annotators. With larger datasets and further research, precise sets of rules containing linguistic structures and layout information may be developed to increase accuracy in probability-based computational analysis of diagrams.
  • Viljamaa, Iiris (2019)
    Säätutkia käytetään sadealueiden liikkeiden ja sateen voimakkuuden arvioimisen. Säätutkan toimintaperiaate perustuu sille, että sen lähettämä mikroaaltopulssi siroaa ilmakehässä olevista partikkeleista kuten vesipisaroista ympäristöönsä, jolloin pieni osa lähetetystä pulssista heijastuu takaisin kohti tutkaa. Tutka vastaanottaa palanneen pulssin ja arvioi sen perusteella sadealueita. Säätutkat ovat mittalaitteita, jotka vaativat toimiakseen säännöllistä huoltoa ja mittaustulosten validointia. Säätutkan kalibrointi on monessa mielessä haasteellista. Tutka on kaukokartoituslaite, jonka keräämä data kattaa alueen aina 250 km säteelle tutkasta. Se ei mittaa suoraan sademäärää, kuten sademittarit yleensä, vaan arvio sen välillisesti tutkaheijastuvuuden kautta. Tämän tutkimuksen tarkoitus on tarkastella uutta mahdollista kalibrointimenetelmää. Uusi menetelmä käyttäisi pienoissadetutkaa MRR-2 vertailukohtana. Myös MRR-2 mittaa tutkaheijastuvuustekijää, joten se voisi olla hyvä vertailupari säätutkalle. Tasaisen sateen otoksessa vuosien 2015-2018 kesäsateissa säätutkan WRM200 ja pienoissadetutkan MRR-2 vertailupisteihin sovitetun suoran yhtälö on 𝑍(𝑊𝑅𝑀200) = 0.83 𝑍(𝑀𝑅𝑅−2) + 2.01, jossa 𝑍(𝑊𝑅𝑀200) on säätutkan ja 𝑍(𝑀𝑅𝑅−2) on pienoissadetutkan mittaama tutkaheijastuvuustekijä. Tasaisessa sateessa otoksen RMS-virhe on 3,36 dB. Konvektiivisen sateen otoksessa vastaava yhtälö on 𝑍(𝑊𝑅𝑀200) = 0.77 𝑍(𝑀𝑅𝑅−2) + 3.70 ja RMS-virhe 5,36 dB. Tasaisessa sateessa verrattavuus on konvektiivisessa sateessa tehtyä vertailua parempi. Tutkimus sisältää pohdintaa tuloksiin vaikuttavista tekijöistä sekä pohdintaa MRR-2:n soveltuvuudesta vertailulaitteeksi säätutkan kalibrointiin. Tutkimuksen pohjalta vaikuttaa siltä, että vaikka vertailunasettelu pyritään tehdä mahdollisimman vakaaksi, ei virhetekijöitä voida sulkea pois. Näin ollen tämän kaltaisella asettelulla ei voida suorittaa tarkkaa säätutkan kalibrointia.
  • Salonen, Satu (2013)
    The focus of the thesis is to analyse through the case study of World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF) how did the environmental NGOs respond to the state level cooperation in the Arctic in the 1990s. Time frame of the thesis ranges from 1989 to 1998; from the preparations for the first state-level meeting on the Arctic environmental cooperation until the establishment of the Arctic Council and accreditation of WWF as permanent observer. The thesis analyses how WWF saw the Arctic cooperation, how the Arctic states reacted to WWF’s aspirations to be included, and how WWF pursued a role in the cooperation. Moreover, the purpose of this thesis is, through examining the case of WWF in the Arctic state-level cooperation, to contribute to the research of NGOs acting and pursuing participation in the state-level cooperation forums. The source material of the thesis can be divided into three categories: archive materials; journals; and declarations, documents and strategies of the Arctic cooperation forums. The main archive materials are from the Archives of the Finnish Ministry for Foreign Affairs, retaining memorandums, reports, correspondence between officials, diplomats and representatives of NGOs, minutes, and documents. The main publication that has been used as a source is the WWF Arctic Program’s publication Arctic Bulletin. In addition, declarations, strategies and various documents from WWF and Arctic cooperation forums have been used to supplement the archive materials and Arctic Bulletin. Through the source materials different views and strategies of WWF have been examined alongside with the views of Arctic states on WWF’s role in the cooperation. The analytical frame has been constructed against non-governmental organizations acting in the state-level cooperation. The analytical frame is also closely connected to the use of soft-law arrangements in international cooperation as one of their justifications is the inclusion of non-state actors, including NGOs. Through combining methodological features of a case study with the analytical frame of the thesis, the aim has been to present a single-case study on NGO participation in the Arctic cooperation, focusing on a crucial case of WWF. In addition, the case study approach has been supplemented with source criticism, and some characteristics of the social network analysis have been employed in order to indicate the interconnectedness of the actors in the Arctic. The outcomes of this thesis reflect the situation of NGOs in the international cooperation. While the states are willing to acknowledge the NGOs as part of civil society and their role as bridges between the governance and civil society their official inclusion is often a different thing. As the states were in the place to decide who was included to the Arctic cooperation forums, WWF had to make strategic decisions in order to better its situation and secure its inclusion to the official forums. WWF tied alliances with other actors, namely the indigenous peoples’ organizations, but it also had to be cautious in its statements. The central conclusion of the thesis is that the situation of NGOs is still complicated especially in a region such as the Arctic, which is becoming one of the hot points of world politics. One the one hand WWF was expected to fulfill its role as a NGO and on the other it had to be moderate enough in its statements in order to secure its status in the cooperation forums. As the case study of WWF in the Arctic cooperation indicates, the states are open to include non-state actors to the cooperation forums, as long as they are not too hostile towards their respective interests.