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  • Kopio, Ville (2023)
    Coupled empowerment maximization (CEM) is an action selection policy for artificial agents. It utilizes the empowerment values of different agents in order to determine the best possible action to take. Empowerment quantifies the potential an agent has to impact the world around it. For example, an agent in an open field has a higher empowerment compared to an agent that is locked in a cage as in an open field the agent has a higher freedom of movement. This kind of action selection policy does not rely on the agent behavior to be explicitly programmed which makes it particularly promising as a non-player character policy for procedurally generated video games. To research the feasibility of CEM agents in practice, they should be studied in a large variety of different situations and games. Some studies have already been performed with a CEM agent that is implemented in the Python programming language. The agent ran in small game environments built on top of the Griddly game engine, but the computational performance of the agent has not been the focus. Scaling the experiments to larger environments using the old implementation is not feasible as conducting the experiments would take an enormous amount of time. Thus, the focus in this thesis is on lowering the time complexity of the agent so that there are more avenues for further research. This is reached with a new CEM agent implementation that (1) has a more modular architecture making future changes easier, (2) simulates future game states with an improved forward model which keeps track of already visited game states, and (3) uses an optimized Griddly version which has improved environment cloning performance. Our approach is around 200 times faster compared to the old implementation using environments and parametrization that potentially are used in future quantitative and qualitative experiments. The old implementation also has some bugs that are now resolved in the new implementation.
  • Kemppainen, Esa (2020)
    NP-hard optimization problems can be found in various real-world settings such as scheduling, planning and data analysis. Coming up with algorithms that can efficiently solve these problems can save various rescources. Instead of developing problem domain specific algorithms we can encode a problem instance as an instance of maximum satisfiability (MaxSAT), which is an optimization extension of Boolean satisfiability (SAT). We can then solve instances resulting from this encoding using MaxSAT specific algorithms. This way we can solve instances in various different problem domains by focusing on developing algorithms to solve MaxSAT instances. Computing an optimal solution and proving optimality of the found solution can be time-consuming in real-world settings. Finding an optimal solution for problems in these settings is often not feasible. Instead we are only interested in finding a good quality solution fast. Incomplete solvers trade guaranteed optimality for better scalability. In this thesis, we study an incomplete solution approach for solving MaxSAT based on linear programming relaxation and rounding. Linear programming (LP) relaxation and rounding has been used for obtaining approximation algorithms on various NP-hard optimization problems. As such we are interested in investigating the effectiveness of this approach on MaxSAT. We describe multiple rounding heuristics that are empirically evaluated on random, crafted and industrial MaxSAT instances from yearly MaxSAT Evaluations. We compare rounding approaches against each other and to state-of-the-art incomplete solvers SATLike and Loandra. The LP relaxation based rounding approaches are not competitive in general against either SATLike or Loandra However, for some problem domains our approach manages to be competitive against SATLike and Loandra.
  • Warro, Olli (2023)
    In many real-world problems, the task is to find an optimal solution within a finite set of solutions. Many of the problems, also known as combinatorial optimization problems, are NPhard. In other words, finding an optimal solution for the problems is computationally difficult. However, being important for many real-world applications, there is a demand for efficient ways to solve the problems. One approach is the declarative approach, where the problems are first encoded into a mathematical constraint language. Then, the encoded problem instance is solved by an algorithm developed for that constraint language. In this thesis, we focus on declarative pseudo-Boolean optimization (PBO). PBO is the set of integer programs (IP) where the variables can only be assigned to 0 or 1. For many real-world applications, finding an optimal solution is too time-consuming. Instead of finding an optimal solution, incomplete methods attempt to find good enough solutions in a given time limit. To the best of our knowledge, there are not many incomplete algorithms developed specifically for PBO. In this thesis, we adapt an incomplete method developed for the maximum satisfiability problem to PBO. In the adapted algorithm, which we call LS-ORACLE-PBO, a given PBO instance is solved using a form of local search that utilizes a pseudo-Boolean decision oracle when moving from one solution to another. We implement and empirically compare LS-ORACLE-PBO to another recent incomplete PBO algorithm called LS-PBO. The results show that, in general, our implementation is not competitive against LS-PBO. However, for some problem instances, our implementation provides better results than LS-PBO.
  • Conati, Ari (2023)
    Judgment aggregation (JA) offers a generic formal framework for modeling various settings involving information aggregation by social choice mechanisms. For many judgment aggregation rules, computing collective judgments is computationally notoriously hard. The central outcome determination problem, in particular, is often complete for higher levels of the polynomial hierarchy. This complexity barrier makes it challenging to develop practical, generic algorithmic approaches to outcome determination. In this work, we develop practical algorithms for outcome determination by harnessing Boolean satisfiability (SAT) based solvers as the underlying reasoning engines, under a range of the most central JA rules. For the Kemeny, Slater, MaxHamming, Young, and Dodgson rules, we detail a direct approach based on maximum satisfiability (MaxSAT) solving, using propositional logic as a declarative language. For the Reversal scoring, Condorcet, Ranked agenda, and LexiMax rules, we develop iterative SAT-based algorithms, including algorithms based on the counterexample-guided abstraction refinement (CEGAR) paradigm. The procedures we develop for these settings make use of recent advances in incremental MaxSAT solving and preferential SAT-based reasoning. We provide an open-source implementation of the algorithms, and empirically evaluate them using both real-world and synthetic preference data. We compare the performance of our implementation to a recent approach which makes use of declarative solver technology for answer set programming (ASP). The results demonstrate that our SAT-based approaches scale significantly beyond the reach of the ASP-based algorithms for all of the judgment aggregation rules considered.
  • Hauhio, Iikka (2022)
    Kielimallit ovat tilastollisia malleja, jotka ennustavat kuinka todennäköinen annettu jono sanoja on. Kielimallin tuottamasta jakaumasta on mahdollista arpoa sanoja, lauseita ja kokonaisia tekstejä. Viime aikoina kielimalleja on onnistuneesti käytetty taiteen, kuten tarinoiden, runojen ja musiikkikappaleiden generointiin. Tutkijat ovat kutsuneet kielimallien tuottamia tekstejä erinomaisiksi, mutta samalla niiden luovuutta on myös kyseenalaistettu. Tutkielmassa esittelen riittävän kriteeristön kielimallien luovuuden arviointiin. Kriteereiksi määrittelen teosten arvokkuus ja uutuus sekä kielimallin ennustamattomuus. Tutkin kriteerit täyttävän kielimallin luovia tekoja FACE-mallin avulla. Poissuljen sen mahdollisuuden, että kaikki luovat teot olisivat mallin kouluttajan tai lähdeaineston tai koulutusalgoritmin tekijöiden tekemiä. Lopputulokseni on, että kriteerit täyttävä kielimalli tekee useita luovia tekoja. Kriteerien toteutumisen mittaaminen voi olla käytännössä haastavaa, sillä kriteerien tarkka määrittely on tehtävä tapauskohtaisesti, eikä niiden mittaamiseen ole yhtä selkeää tapaa.
  • Wichmann, Nic (2022)
    Building a Neural Language Model from scratch involves a big number of different design decisions. You need to decide, among other things, the network structure, input and output encodings, regularization methods and optimization algorithm. In addition, the number of options for each decision is constantly increasing due to new ones being invented. The trend when it comes to Neural Language Models is also to simply increase the number of parameters in the model in order to increase the performance of inference. With more and more parameters to learn, a growing amount of expensive hardware is needed to teach the models. A method called Knowledge Distillation can be used to start from an existing, already trained, Neural Language Model instead. The existing model is used as a teacher in a way that aligns the knowledge of the student model with it. We build a student Neural Language Model that uses multiple teacher models. In this scenario each teacher model is seen as an expert in a specific language. The student model is taught all the languages of the teacher models. In our experiment we use four existing language models, each specialized in a different language. We train the student model using Knowledge Distillations with some additional techniques which enable using multiple teachers. We use the XNLI benchmark to show that the student model is able to successfully learn all of the languages.
  • Mäkinen, Pyry (2023)
    The two-dimensional path-planning problem involves determining the shortest path between two points on a plane while adhering to a set of polygonal constraints. In this thesis, we show how the path-planning problem in dynamically updated environments gives rise to a need for an edge-flipping based line-segment insertion procedure for constrained Delaunay triangulations, and present an efficient algorithm for the problem. The algorithm operates on convex vertices situated along the boundary of the channel of triangles that intersect with the edge that is to be inserted. We show that such vertices can be removed from the channel using a finite series of edge-flip operations, and that the repeated application of the vertex removal procedure results in the insertion of the requested edge in the triangulation. Furthermore, we present a working sample implementation of the resulting algorithm.
  • Zhao, Zhanghu (2024)
    Atmospheric new-particle formation (NPF) plays a crucial role in generating climate-influencing aerosol particles. Direct observation of NPF is achievable by tracking the evolution of aerosol particle size distributions in the environment. Such analysis allows researchers to determine the occurrence of NPF on specific days. Currently, the most dependable method for categorizing days into NPF event (class Ia, class Ib, class II) or non-event categories relies on manual visual analysis. However, this manual process is labor-intensive and subjective, particularly with long- term data series. These issues underscore the need for an automated classification system to classify these days more objectively. This paper introduces feature-engineering based machine learning classifiers to discern NPF event and non-event days at the SMEAR II station in Hyytiälä, Finland. The classification utilizes a suite of informative features derived from the multi-modal log-normal distribution fitted to the aerosol particle concentration data and time series analysis at various scales. The proposed machine learning classifiers can achieve an accuracy of more than 90% in identifying NPF event and non-event days. Moreover, they are able to reach an accuracy of around 80% in further categorizing days into detailed subcategories including class Ia, class Ib, class II, and non-event. Notably, the machine learning classifiers reliably predict all event Ia days where particle growth and formation rates are confidently measurable. Moreover, a comparative analysis is conducted between feature-engineering machine learning methods and image-based deep learning in terms of time efficiency and overall performance. The conclusion drawn is that through reasonable feature engineering, machine learning methods can match or even surpass deep learning approaches, particularly in scenarios where time efficiency is paramount. The results of this study strongly support further investigation into this area to improve our knowledge and proficiency in automating New Particle Formation (NPF) event detection.
  • Nguyen, Thang (2023)
    Machine learning (ML) systems are often deployed in complex, dynamic and uncertain environments, where their performance can degrade over time due to changes in data distribution or user behaviour. Monitoring and maintenance are essential processes to ensure the reliability and validity of ML systems in production. However, these processes pose many challenges for ML practitioners, such as choosing appropriate metrics, detecting anomalies, and deciding when to retrain models. In this thesis, we conduct a multivocal literature review to investigate the current state-of-the-art and best practices for ML model monitoring and maintenance. We aim to provide a comprehensive and systematic overview of the existing methods, tools, and challenges for ML model monitoring and maintenance, as well as to identify the gaps and future directions for research in this area. Through an examination of 28 sources, we made insights into common challenges of ML models post-deployment including but not all: concept drift, data pipeline and input data integrity, and complex models feedback loop. The corresponding monitoring and maintenance methods to mitigate some of those challenges were also extracted. In addition, we explored overall trends and demographics of the topic which show an increasing interest, as well as demonstrating how grey literature can provide practical and diverse experiences and opinions from industry practitioners.
  • Hrin, Adam (2023)
    Understanding Machine Learning models’ behaviour is becoming increasingly important as models are growing in complexity. This thesis proposes a framework for validating machine learned signals using performance metrics and model explainability tools, applied to the context of Digital Humanities and Social Sciences. The framework allows for investigation whether the real-world problem that the model tries to represent is well-defined and whether the model accurately captures the phenomena at hand. Explainability techniques such as SHAP, LIME and Gradient-based methods have been used. These produce feature importance scores that the model bases its decisions on. The cases presented in this thesis are related to the research in Computational History and Historical Discourse Analysis with High Performance Computing. The subject of analysis is the large language model BERT fine-tuned on Eighteenth Century Collections Online (ECCO) documents that classifies books into genres. Investigating the performance of the classifier with precision-recall curves suggests that the class signals might be overlapping and not clearly delineated. Further results do not suggest that the noise elements present in the data caused by the OCR digitising process have significant importance for the decision making of the model. The explainability techniques helped uncover the model’s inner workings by showing that the model gets its signal mostly from the beginnings of samples. In a proxy task, a simpler linear model was trained to perform a projection from keywords to genres and showed inconsistency in the explainability method. Different subsets of data have been investigated as given by cells of a confusion matrix, the confidence in prediction probability or additional metadata. Investigating individual samples allows for qualitative analysis as well as more detailed signal understanding.
  • Jin, Qianyue (2021)
    Mixture of Experts (MoE) is a machine learning tool that utilizes multiple expert models to solve machine learning tasks. By combining perspectives of individual experts using a product of their output, the overall system can produce comprehensive decisions. The hope is that by doing this, the individual experts can focus on modeling different aspects of the data. In this thesis, we study MoEs in the context of deep learning and image classification using empirical comparisons. The different datasets, gating and expert networks, numbers of experts and objective functions for the gate are controlled in the experiments, and the performance (classification accuracy) and the behavior (how the gate distributes the data over the experts) are obtained as the results. Based on the result that the experimented mixtures of networks are performing mostly on par with the single network baseline, we conclude that either the mixture of experts is not suitable to be learned for the image classification tasks or it requires some different engineering in the architecture and/or optimization algorithm selection.
  • Vu, Anh-Duc (2020)
    Artificial intelligence (AI) is being increasingly applied in the field of intelligent tutoring systems (ITS). Knowledge space theory (KST) aims to model the main features of the process of learning new skills. Two basic components of ITS are the domain model and the student model. The student model provides an estimation of the state of the student’s knowledge or proficiency, based on the student’s performance on exercises. The domain model provides a model of relations between the concepts/skills in the domain. To learn the student model from data, some ITSs use the Bayesian Knowledge Tracing (BKT) algorithm, which is based on hidden Markov models (HMM). This thesis investigates the applicability of KST to constructing these models. The contribution of the thesis is twofold. Firstly, we learn the student model by a modified BKT algorithm, which models forgetting of skills (which the standard BKT model does not do). We build one BKT model for each concept. However, rather than treating a single question as a step in the HMM, we treat an entire practice session as one step, on which the student receives a score between 0 and 1, which we assume to be normally distributed. Secondly, we propose algorithms to learn the “surmise” graph—the prerequisite relation between concepts—from “mastery data,” estimated by the student model. The mastery data tells us the knowledge state of a student on a given concept. The learned graph is a representation of the knowledge domain. We use the student model to track the advancement of students, and use the domain model to propose the optimal study plan for students based on their current proficiency and targets of study.
  • Lång, John (2021)
    This thesis discusses the formal modelling and verification of certain non-real-time aspects of correctness of a mission-critical distributed software system known as the ALICE Data Point Service (ADAPOS). The domain of this distributed system is data acquisition from a particle detector control system in experimental high energy particle physics research. ADAPOS is part of the upgrade effort of A Large Ion Collider Experiment (ALICE) at the European Organisation for Nuclear Research (CERN), near Geneva in France/Switzerland, for the third run of the Large Hadron Collider (LHC). ADAPOS is based on the publicly available ALICE Data Point Processing (ADAPRO) C++14 framework and works within the free and open source GNU/Linux ecosystem. The model checker Spin was chosen for modelling and verifying ADAPOS. The model focuses on the general specification of ADAPOS. It includes ADAPOS processes, a load generator process, and rudimentary interpretations for the network protocols used between the processes. For experimenting with different interpretations of the underlying network protocols and also for coping with the state space explosion problem, eight variants of the model were developed and studied. Nine Linear Temporal Logic (LTL) properties were defined for all those variants. Large numbers of states were covered during model checking even though the model turned out to have a reachable state space too large to fully exhaust. No counter-examples were found to safety properties. A significant amount of evidence hinting that ADAPOS seems to be safe, was obtained. Liveness properties and implementation-level verification among other possible research directions remain open.
  • Leinonen, Matti (2021)
    3D Object detection and tracking are computer vision methods used in many applications. It is necessary for autonomous vehicles and robots to be able to reliably extract 3D localization information about objects in their environment to operate safely. Currently most 3D object detection and tracking algorithms use high quality LiDAR-sensors which are very expensive. This is why research into methods that use cheap monocular camera images as inputs is an active field in computer vision research. Most current research into monocular 3D object detection and tracking is focused in autonomous driving. This thesis investigates how well current monocular methods are suited for use in industrial settings where the environment and especially the camera perspective can be very different compared to what it is in an automobile. This thesis introduces some of the most used 3D object detection and tracking methods and techniques and tests one detection method on a dataset where the environment and the point of view differs from what it would be in autonomous driving. This thesis also analyzes the technical requirements for a detection and tracking system that could be be used for autonomous robots in an industrial setting and what future research would be necessary to develop such a system.
  • Kutvonen, Konsta (2020)
    With modern computer vision algorithms, it is possible to solve many different kinds of problems, such as object detection, image classification, and image segmentation. In some cases, like in the case of a camera-based self-driving car, the task can't yet be adequately solved as a direct mapping from image to action with a single model. In such situations, we need more complex systems that can solve multiple computer vision tasks to understand the environment and act based on it for acceptable results. Training each task on their own can be expensive in terms of storage required for all weights and especially for the inference time as the output of several large models is needed. Fortunately, many state-of-the-art solutions to these problems use Convolutional Neural Networks and often feature some ImageNet backbone in their architecture. With multi-task learning, we can combine some of the tasks into a single model, sharing the convolutional weights in the network. Sharing the weights allows for training smaller models that produce outputs faster and require less computational resources, which is essential, especially when the models are run on embedded devices with constrained computation capability and no ability to rely on the cloud. In this thesis, we will present some state-of-the-art models to solve image classification and object detection problems. We will define multi-task learning, how we can train multi-task models, and take a look at various multi-task models and how they exhibit the benefits of multi-task learning. Finally, to evaluate how training multi-task models changes the basic training paradigm and to find what issues arise, we will train multiple multi-task models. The models will mainly focus on image classification and object detection using various data sets. They will combine multiple tasks into a single model, and we will observe the impact of training the tasks in a multi-task setting.
  • Yu, Hanlin (2023)
    Bayesian inference tells us how we can incorporate information from the data into the parameters. In practice, this can be carried out using Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) methods which draw approximate samples from the posterior distribution, but using them for complex models like neural networks remains challenging. The most commonly used methods in these cases are Stochastic Gradient Markov Chain Monte Carlo (SGMCMC) methods based on mini-batches. This thesis presents improvements for this family of algorithms. We focus on the specific algorithm of Stochastic Gradient Riemannian Langevin Dynamics (SGRLD). The core idea of it is to perform sampling on a suitably defined Riemannian manifold characterized by a Riemannain metric, which allows utilizing information of the curvature of the target distribution for improved efficiency. While SGRLD has nice theoretical properties, for arbitrary Riemannian geometries, the algorithm is slow due to the need of repeatedly calculating the inverse and inverse square root of the metric, which is high-dimensional for large neural networks. For the task of efficiently sampling from an arbitrary neural network with a large number of parameters, the current algorithms overcome the issue by using diagonal metrics, which enable fast computations, but unfortunately lose some advantages of the Riemannian formulation. This thesis proposes the first computationally efficient algorithms with non-diagonal metrics applicable for training an arbitrary large neural network for this task. We propose two alternative metrics, and name the resulting algorithms MongeSGLD and ShampooSGLD, respectively. We demonstrate that with both of them we can achieve improvements upon the existing ones in terms of convergence, especially when using neural networks with priors that result in good performances. We also propose to use the average curvature of the obtained samples as an evaluation measure.
  • Lehtonen, Ossi (2024)
    Machine learning (ML) and mobile applications are two major technology trends in the past decade. Arguably, developing a successful mobile application is difficult, but ML can help with the challenges. ML enables new capabilities for an application, but there are multiple obstacles to be passed before publishing a ML feature to production. One of them is the inconstancy in mobile devices' hardware. A developer might be able to achieve fast and accurate enough inference in their own sandbox, but actual end-users might observe a bad user experience (UX) using an application due to inefficient inference because their device hardware varies from the developer's setup. Cross-platform frameworks are intended to provide consistent UX across operating systems (OSs) with a single codebase, which in turn shortens the development time compared to creating individual native applications for different OSs. Even though applications built using a cross-platform framework are generally less performant than those built with native languages, they can achieve near-native performance in certain tasks through the use of native modules. This makes it interesting to combine ML inference and cross-platform development and to compare the inference capabilities of the currently most common cross-platform frameworks: React Native and Flutter. The results of this thesis indicate that running hardware-accelerated ML inference is possible in both frameworks using open-source libraries. And the inference is efficient when it comes to execution time, especially on newer devices. But to achieve generally good inference time and accuracy across different devices without sacrificing UX, one should most likely lean towards React Native.
  • Laakso, Joosua (2023)
    Semantic segmentation is a computer vision problem of partitioning an image based on what type of an object each part represents, with pixel-level precision. Producing labeled datasets to train deep learning models for semantic segmentation can be laborious due to the demand for pixel-level precision. On the other hand, a deep learning model trained on one dataset might have inferior performance when applied on another dataset, depending on how different those datasets are. Unsupervised domain adaptation attempts to narrow this performance gap by adapting the model to the other dataset, even if ground-truth labels for that dataset are not available. In this work, we review some of the pre-existing methods for unsupervised domain adaptation in semantic segmentation. We then present our own efforts to develop novel methods for the problem. Those include a new type of loss function for unsupervised output shaping, unsupervised training of the model backbone based on the feature statistics and a method for unsupervised adaptation of the model backbone using an auxiliary network that attempts to mimic the gradients of supervised training. We present empirical results of the performance of these methods. We additionally present our findings on the effects of changes in the statistics of the batch normalization layers on domain adaptation performance.
  • Pulsa, Veikka (2023)
    The scholarship allotment problem describes the goal of strategically offering scholarships to prospective students of a university in a way that optimises the expected return for that investment. The goal of this thesis is to formulate the scholarship allotment problem in multiple variations of increasing complexity while also introducing algorithms to solve those variations optimally as efficiently as possible. The thesis also offers some insight into the way more complex variations and generalisations heighten the difficulty of finding an optimal solution in a reasonable amount of time. The main focus and the main tool used to tackle these problems is the classic knapsack algorithm and different variations of it, like multiple-choice knapsack and multidimensional knapsack. In addition to the theoretical side, the thesis contains an empirical study into the performance and feasibility of the algorithms introduced. Concrete implementations of the algorithms discussed are all available on a public GitHub repository online:
  • Siipola, Ossi (2022)
    Inverted indices is a core index structure for different low-level structures, like search engines and databases. It stores a mapping from terms, numbers etc. to list of location in document, set of documents, database, table etc. and allows efficient full-text searches on indexed structure. Mapping location in the inverted indicies is usually called a postings list. In real life applications, scale of the inverted indicies size can grow huge. Therefore efficient representation of it is needed, but at the same time, efficient queries must be supported. This thesis explores ways to represent postings lists efficiently, while allowing efficient nextGEQ queries on the set. Efficient nextGEQ queries is needed to implement inverted indicies. First we convert postings lists into one bitvector, which concatenates each postings list's characteristic bitvector. Then representing an integer set efficiently converts to representing this bitvector efficiently, which is expected to have long runs of 0s and 1s. Run-length encoding of bitvector have recently led to promising results. Therefore in this thesis we experiment two encoding methods (Top-k Hybrid coder, RLZ) that encode postings lists via run-length encodes of the bitvector. We also investigate another new bitvector compression method (Zombit-vector), which encodes bitvectors by finding redundancies of runs of 0/1s. We compare all encoding to current state-of-the-art Partitioned Elisa-Fano (PEF) coding. Compression results on all encodings were more efficient than the current state-of-the-art PEF encoding. Zombit-vector nextGEQ query results were slighty more efficient than PEF's, which make it more attractive with bitvectors that have long runs of 0s and 1s. More work is needed with Top-k Hybrid coder and RLZ, so that those encodings nextGEQ can be compared to Zombit-vector and PEF.