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Browsing by department "Geotieteiden ja maantieteen osasto"

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  • Rautio, Aleksi (2020)
    Jatkuva kaupungistuminen tekee kaupungeista monimutkaisia kokonaisuuksia, jotka ovat jatkuvassa muutoksen tilassa.Kaupunkilaiset ovat jatkuvassa kontaktissa kaupunkitilaan sekä toisiinsa fyysisesti ja virtuaalisesti. Tämän vuorovaikutussuhteen tutkimiseen onkin perinteisten tutkimusmenetelmien ja -aineistojen oheen syntynyt monia uusia datalähteitä, jotka mahdollistavat uudenlaisen kaupunkitutkimuksen. Web 2.0, mobiililaitteiden yleistyminen ja sosiaalisen median suosion myötä kaupunkialueiden asukkaat tuottavat suuria määriä dataa, joka sisältää sijaintitiedon lisäksi tietoa ihmisten ajatuksista, liikkumisesta ja toiminnasta. Spatiososiaalinen massadata onkin tarjonnut kaupunkitutkimukselle uuden merkittävän datalähteen. Tässä pro gradu-työssä tarkastellaan systemaattisella kirjallisuusanalyysillä kaupunkimaantieteellisiä tutkimuksia, jotka käyttävät sijaintitiedollista sosiaalisen median dataa. Tämän tutkielman tavoitteena on selvittää miten kaupunkimaantieteellinen tutkimus on hyödyntänyt sosiaalisen median dataa, mihin tutkimusteemoihin sitä on käytetty sekä missä tutkimusta on tehty? Tutkimuksen aineisto haettiin Scopuksen abstrakti- ja viittaustietokannasta ja lopullinen analysoitava kirjallisuuskokoelma koostui 150 tutkimuksesta. Tutkimusartikkeleista poimittiin tiedot niiden käyttämistä aineistoista, tutkimusteemoista, tutkimusalueista sekä tutkimuksen tehneistä organisaatioista. Tulokset osoittavat, että tutkimus jakautuu globaalisti epätasaisesti ja keskittyy lähinnä suuriin metropoleihin kuten Lontoo, New York ja Los Angeles. Tutkimusta tehdään eniten Yhdysvalloissa, Iso-Britanniassa ja Kiinassa. Julkaisujen koordinaattien lisäksi analyyseissä on eniten hyödynnetty julkaisujen ajallisia ja sisällöllisiä aspekteja.Suurin osa tutkimusteemoista liittyi kaupunkirakenteeseen, ihmisten liikkuvuuteen sekä aiheiden spatiotemporaaliseen jakautumiseen. Sosiaalisen media datalähteenä luo monia uusia mahdollisuuksia kaupunkimaantieteen saralla, mutta siihen on suhtauduttava varauksella.
  • Luotonen, Ari (2020)
    The aim of this study is to clarify where socio-economic well-being and socio-economic deprivation accumulates on municipal level in the region of Päijät-Häme between years 2000-2016. In addition to this, purpose is also explore accumulation of socioeconomic well-being and disadvantage on detail 250 m x 250 m- areal level in Lahti and Hollola during years 2004, 2009 and 2016. Map-analysis on municipal level are done during years 2000, 2005, 2010 and 2016. This study carried out partly as order by the regional council of Päijät-Häme, where the results of this study are used to needs of regional planning. Established theories of segregation and general factors which are influencing on it are providing background for the results of this study. Materials of this study are consisted of statistical data of both Finnish institute for health and welfare (THL) and Statistics Finland (StatFin). This study is empirical and methods that have been used are GIS-analysis and statistical principal component analysis. As results this study showed that on municipal level socio-economic disadvantage as form of low incomes accumulated in municipality of Hartola, while socio-economic well-being as form of higher percentage of persons with university degree, higher income level and lower rate of unemployment accumulated in municipality of Hollola. Based on the analysis of 250 m x 250 m- areal level socio-economically disadvantaged people in Lahti city tended to segregate more than socio-economically well-off, which wasn’t similar with research results from Europe and United States. This study discovered that between 2004-2016 the share of socio-economically disadvantaged people in Lahti and Hollola increased, and in Lahti this increase was significant. In Lahti the increase of the share of socio-economically well-off people was slight during same time period, while in Hollola the share of socio-economically well-off people decreased a bit. Based on map analysis about Lahti and Hollola, the locations of socio-economically disadvantaged population 250 m x 250 m- neighborhood areal units and strong-level areal appearance of socio-economically disadvantaged population dimension were not the same. In Lahti for socio-economically well-off population the locations of neighborhood areal units and strong-level areal appearance of socio-economically well-off population dimension were equal, but in Hollola that was not the case. Observations of the socio-economically well-off and disadvantaged population dimensions, which were analysed by principal component analysis showed up that in Lahti during years 2004 and 2009 the socio-economically disadvantaged population dimension was after all socio-economically priviledged by high percentage of people with university degree education level, which was the case also in Hollola during year 2016.
  • Metiäinen, Nelli (2019)
    Etelä-Amerikan alityöntövyöhyke on yksi parhaista esimerkeistä alityöntövyöhykkeistä, jossa merellinen ja mantereinen laatta liikkuvat toisiaan kohti. Lisäksi se on jakautunut useisiin lohkoihin, joissa alityöntövyöhyke käyttäytyy eri tavalla, erityisesti uppoavan laatan vajoamiskulman vaihdellessa normaalista matalaan. Tämä vaikuttaa vulkaaniseen toimintaan. Tiedon jakaminen on muuttumassa yhä visuaalisemmaksi, siksi tämä työ keskittyy Etelä- Amerikan alityöntövyöhykkeen, sekä siellä esiintyvien maanjäristysten ja vulkaanisten prosessien visualisoimiseen. Visualisoinnin avulla suurten tietomäärien välittäminen on nopeampaa, helpommin ymmärrettävää, ja usein myös kiinnostavampaa kuin suurten tekstitiedostojen lukeminen. Tutkimalla Etelä-Amerikan alityöntövyöhykettä on mahdollista oivaltaa uusia asioita alityöntövyöhykkeistä. Eräs erityisen kiinnostuksen kohde on tulivuorten ja maanjäristysten suhde alityöntövyöhykkeeseen, toisin sanoen: kuinka kaukana, ja millä syvyydellä hautavajoamasta ne voivat esiintyä. Python ohjelmointikielellä luotiin helposti ymmärrettäviä, kopioitavia ja muunneltavia malleja, kuvia ja animaatioita Jupyter Notebook ohjelmistolla. Maanjäristyksiä varten käytettiin USGS:ltä saatavaa tiedostoa ajalta tammikuu 1960 – joulukuu 2017, tulivuoritoimintaa varten Smithsonian laitokselta tiedostoa, joka kattaa Holoseenin. Kolme pääasiallista mallia luotiin: 1) animaatio kaikista maanjäristyksistä kronologisesti, jossa pylväsdiagrammit esittelevät niiden jakautumista joka toisella leveysasteella pylväsdiagrammin avulla ja niiden sijainti ja magnitudi näkyvät kartalla, 2) läpileikkauskuva alityöntövyöhykkeiden seismisestä rakenteesta tiettyjen leveyspiirien välillä, ja 3) staattinen kuva, jossa voidaan esitellä maanjäristysten tai tulivuoritoiminnan tiettyä erityispiirrettä ja sen jakautumista Etelä- Amerikassa kartan avulla, sekä pylväsdiagrammeilla. Visualisoinnit osoittavat selvästi eron normaalin ja matalan alityönnön välillä, erityisesti vulkaaniseen toimintaan liittyen. Ne myös osoittavat tulivuoritoiminnan ja järistysten jakaantumisen selkeästi, tulivuoritoiminnan keskittyessä normaalin ja siirtymävaiheisen alityönnön alueilla. Järistyksiä esiintyy 0 – 650 km syvyydellä, ja 0 -1300 km etäisyyksillä hautavajoamasta. Järistysten esiintyminen suurissa syvyyksissä on edelleen keskeinen tutkimuksen aihe, sillä syvistä järistyksistä tiedetään vain vähän ja tutkimus on hankalaa. Myös alueella esiintyvät seismiset tauot (seismic gap) 300 – 500 km syvyydellä ovat tutkimusyhteisössä kiinnostava aihe. Visualisoinnit ovat tehokkaita suurten tietoaineistojen välittämisessä tavalla, jossa tieto on helposti ymmärrettävässä muodossa, ja havaintojen tekeminen on nopeaa. Tuotetut mallit sopivat hyvin jaettaviksi muulle tiedeyhteisölle ja kouluihin, erityisesti niiden helpon sovellettavuuden ja muokattavuuden vuoksi.
  • Sydänlammi, Hertta (2019)
    The social urban structure of Helsinki has experienced a significant rise in spatial differences during the last two decades. This development has reflected on schools as rising differences between schools’ student compositions and learning outcomes. Additionally, signs of independent school effects have been observed in several studies. The differentiation of student compositions is feared to exacerbate residential segregation and differentiate schools’ operating environments further. It is possible, however, to intervene this development by drawing the school attendance districts such that the social differences between schools’ student compositions are effectively minimized. For this purpose, new machine learning based optimization tools are needed. The main objective of this master’s thesis study is to examine the possibility to optimize Helsinki’s school districts toward more internally heterogeneous and externally homogeneous social compositions. For this purpose, I have developed an optimization model that minimizes the variance of social variables between school districts by iteratively redrawing the districts’ borders. In a pilot application of the model I optimize the school districts of Helsinki by using the share of population with immigrant background as the optimization variable, while existing school infrastructure (the school locations and student capacities), spatial contiguity of the districts, and school-specific maximum travel distances are used as constraints restricting the shapes that the districts can take. The core finding of this study is that in Helsinki, the social compositions of school districts can be significantly evened out by redrawing the school district borders. However, for the model to be suitable for district planning in practice it needs further development. At this stage, the main limitations of the model are related to the shapes of the optimized districts, the model’s time complexity and the lack of a constraint or optimization parameter that accounts for the safety of children’s school trips.
  • Hämäläinen, Roosa (2020)
    The Suurikuusikko orogenic Au-deposit is located in the Central Lapland Greenstone Belt within the Kittilä Group volcano-sedimentary sequence. The deposit is hosted by almost vertically dipping Kiistala Shear Zone (KiSZ). In the Suurikuusikko Au-deposit, gold occurs mainly as refractory gold within the arsenopyrite and the pyrite. The Rimpi orebody is the northernmost orebody of the Suurikuusikko deposit. Pikkurouravaara is a unit located to the northeast of the KiSZ that also has arsenopyrite and pyrite with Au as refractory in the main zone; however, in Pikkurouravaara the Au-content is not significant. The goal of this work was to examine using mineralogical tools as distribution of Au in Rimpi and Pikkurouravaara. Studying the mineralogy of the Rimpi also provides information on whether the Rimpi orebody is similar to the other orebodies in the Suurikuusikko deposit. The methods used were optical- and reflective light microscopy, FE-SEM, EPMA, and LA-SC-ICP-MS. Petrographical observations show that the main minerals, texture, and alteration are the same in Rimpi and Pikkurouravaara. The main sulfides, arsenopyrite and pyrite, are also the same, however, morphology and habit are different. In Pikkurouravaara the sulfide grains are larger and more homogenous, while in Rimpi sulfides are more frequently zoned. Also, the trace element content of the sulfides between the study areas was significantly different. In Pikkurouravaara Se, Ni, and Mo occurrence is elevated in arsenopyrite as are Se, Cr, Ni, and Co in pyrites relative to Rimpi. Most likely, Pikkurouravaara and Rimpi are of different generations and enrichment of Au in Rimpi sulfides reflects the episodic formation of the sulfides. Some of the arsenopyrite and pyrite grains in Rimpi host visible gold between the sulfide grains and in fractures. These visible Au-bearing samples were compared to those Rimpi samples where Au occurs only as refractory. In samples with visible gold, the average Au grade in arsenopyrite and pyrite is relatively higher than in samples where Au is only refractory. Also, the S-content is higher in the former. The As-grades were equally variable in both Rimpi types. The average Au grade in arsenopyrites from Rimpi is 340 - 410 ppm, which is coherent with the previously reported average values of 398 ppm. The average gold content of Rimpi pyrites is 14 – 24 ppm, which is significantly lower than the previously reported average of 235 ppm. The major- and trace element data with mineral morphology suggests that the geological history of Pikkurouravaara has been less episodic than in Rimpi.
  • Matveinen, Kanerva (2020)
    Research on highly skilled work-based migration has been a minority in the research of immigrant groups in Finland. From the perspective of "geographies of privileges" highly skilled work-based migrants (HSWB migrants), working often in knowledge-based jobs, are presented as a group of migrants that doesn’t need support with adjustment to new places. In this research the differences of areas and locations are brought up as well as things affecting the adjustment. The regions studied are cities of Espoo, Helsinki, Oulu, Turku and Tampere for HSWB’s adjustment experiences. Helsinki, Espoo and Tampere were research area for HSWB services. At the same time the discussion includes the perspective of cities and Finland to this phenomenon. Adjustment is seen as a geographical process in which adjustment happens in and to a place or places. The theories of transnationalism, translocalism and cross-cultural adjustment are used to highlight how adjustment is seen and influenced. The HSWB migrant’s life and adjustment is looked through outside influence (friends, language, family, hobbies, expectations) and through the regional differences. Methods used were semistructured interviews and content analysis as well as by survey and statistical methods. The sample size of the survey was 77. The results show that more satisfied the HSWB migrants are the longer they expect themselves to live in Finland. Also, the adjustment of their families and had a positive impact on the length of expected stay in Finland. According to result the location didn't affect satisfaction or any other factor. Neither had nationality impact on satisfaction nor ethnicity. One of the biggest challenges the HSWB migrants faced was finding Finnish friends. From cities point of view HSWB migrants are an important resource to Finland and the regions. The adjustment of HSWB was seen by officials as adjusting to a place instead of seeing it as a national level adjustment. According to results in Finland the HSWB migrants are seen as transmigrants. The challenges they meet have not had as much attention as asylum seekers and refugees as well as other more vulnerable groups of migrants. Still HSWB migrants face some of the same difficulties as other migrant groups. In times of Finland needing more highly skilled people for work the need for foreign talent is getting more serious and obvious. Because of this there should be some focus on the well-being of HSWB migrants.
  • Nurmilaukas, Olli (2020)
    The condition of Tahmelanlähde spring in city of Tampere has been under discussion for over two decades. Between 1906–1966, the spring was being used for municipal water supply and the water quality was good. The quality of discharging groundwater has since heavily deteriorated, bearing now high concentrations of iron, manganese, nitrogen, phosphorus and very low oxygen. The cause of this deterioration has remained unclear. The aims of this study were to increase the hydrogeological knowledge of Tahmela-Pispala area in order to get a better understanding of the regional groundwater flow patterns and sources of the groundwater discharging at the artesian spring area, to assess the cause for the spring deterioration and to give suggestions to a possible rehabilitation plan. Tahmelanlähde spring is located on a clay or silt soil under artesian circumstances, down the southern slope of Pispalanharju interlobate esker formation. The esker forms a longitudinal neck between Lake Näsijärvi and Lake Pyhäjärvi, rising up to 160 meters above sea level. The water level of Lake Näsijärvi is approx. 95 m a.s.l. and the water level of Lake Pyhäjärvi approx. 77 m a.s.l. Considering the distance of only a few hundred meters between these two lakes, the difference of 18 meters in the lake water levels is quite unusual in Finland’s geological context, especially because the lakes are separated by a major esker formation. For the assessment of the hydrogeological features in the study area we had two field campaigns including ground penetrating radar (GPR) survey, thermal infrared survey using unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV-TIR), measuring of water tables as well as water sampling from springs, surface water bodies, groundwater observation wells and groundwater discharging into the Lake Pyhäjärvi. 23 water samples were analyzed for main ion composition, stable isotopic (δ18O / δD) composition, pH, EC and trace elements such as iron and manganese. 14 samples were additionally analyzed for CODMn, N, P, O and microbial indicators. Some previous studies have suggested infiltration of Lake Näsijärvi water into the esker. Our results reveal that most of the groundwater in the Pispalanharju area contain a variable amount of surface water component. The samples east from the spring present good-quality groundwater and show nonexistent surface water impact. This and the complex sedimentology revealed by the GPR survey indicate that the regional groundwater flow patterns are not simple and there are at least two water components with different origins discharging at Tahmelanlähde spring. The results imply that the primary cause for the spring deterioration could be a major shift in the groundwater – surface water interaction in the northern esker area, probably driven by urbanization and the heavy construction during the last few decades. The study was a collaboration between the City of Tampere, Pirkanmaa Center for Economic Development, Transport and Environment (ELY Center) and University of Helsinki, Department of Geosciences and Geography.
  • Leppäniemi, Elina (2019)
    Termiitit ovat tärkeä osa Afrikan savannien ekosysteemiä. Termiitit kaivavat materiaalin kekonsa rakentamiseen useiden metrien syvyydestä maaperästä. Taita Hills Wildlife Sanctuaryn alueella on kekoja, jotka ovat väriltään punaisia, ruskeita tai harmaita. Termiittikekojen kemiallista ja mineralogista koostumusta tutkittiin XRF- ja XRD-menetelmillä ja selvitettiin menetelmän soveltuvuutta kallioperäkartoitukseen. Tuloksia verrattiin kekojen väreihin, alueen kallioperäkarttaan ja 5m päästä keoista otettuihin maaperänäytteisiin. XRF-analyysin mukaan punaisissa kekonäytteissä SiO2-pitoisuus vaihtelee välillä 72,52–77,39, ruskeissa 68,85–71,13 ja harmaissa 61,36–62,89 paino-%. Suurimmat erot kemiallisessa koostumuksessa on CaO-pitoisuuksissa. Harmaissa kekonäytteissä CaO-pitoisuus on 13,30–13,76, ruskeissa 6,42–8,14 ja punaisissa alle 1 paino-% CaO. MgO-pitoisuus on kaikissa näytteissä alle kaksi paino-%, ja FeO-pitoisuus vaihtelee välillä 3,59–5,53 paino-%. Määperänäytteissä SiO2-pitoisuudet olivat kekonäytteitä suurempia ja CaO-pitoisuudet pienempiä. Muuten tulokset ovat keon ja maaperän välillä samankaltaisia. XRD-analyysien mukaan punaisten kekojen mineraalit ovat kvartsi, mikrokliini ortoklaasi ja albiitti. Lisäksi niistä löytyy hematiittia ja kaoliniittia. Ruskeiden ja harmaiden kekonäytteiden päämineraalit ovat kvartsi, kalsiitti, albiitti, anortiitti, mikrokliini ja ortoklaasi. Mineraalikoostumus on maaperänäytteissä samankaltainen. Punainen väri kekoihin tulee hematiitista. Harmaan värin taustalla on rapautuneen marmorin iskos, joka sisältää kalsiittia. Ruskeiden kekojen materiaali on eniten sekoittunutta. Kekojen kemialliset tai mineralogiset koostumukset eivät suoraan korreloi alueen kallioperäkartan mukaisten kivilajien koostumusten kanssa. Kekojen koostumus vastaa sitä ympäröivän rapautuneen maaperän koostumusta. Menetelmää ei voi käyttää suoraan kallioperäkartoitukseen, mutta sillä voidaan kartoittaa alueita, joissa on karbonaattihorisontti.
  • Peltonen, Veikko (2020)
    This study reviews the glacial history and the glacial transportation history in Kaarestunturi, Sodankylä in the Finnish Central Lapland interlobate region. The study is conducted on the Aamurusko prospect, where gold bearing quartz vein boulders have been discovered. The local glacial transportation history is studied in order to deduct the likely origin of the boulders. The local portion of the study involves rock and soil sample assays, glacial sedimentological studies, trenching and more unconventional Glacier Dynamic (GD) mapping and Terrestrial Cosmogenic Nuclide (TCN) dating. The local interpretation is set in a regional glacial history framework that is based on wide scaled GD mapping and existing literature. Kaarestunturi is incorporated in multiple regional glacial studies, but no local glacial studies have been conducted in the area. GD mapping indicates that the area has not hosted pronounced ice streams during recent stadials, however, it has experienced different types of glacial transportation. Till fabric analysis shows that the Kaarestunturi and adjacent Kiimajänkä have been subjected to both pronounced and indecisive ice flow directions. The most strongly orientated till fabrics portray repeated flow from NE for the lower till units and a flow from NW for surficial till. The NW flow is also indicated by fans interpreted from soil and rock sample assays. Field studies indicate that the Kaarestunturi fell likely interfered with local glacial flow, making some of the orientations local and till units topographically controlled. However, the till fabric analyses were too distal to confirm the impact the steering had on till deposition. The apparent ages of the four TCN samples are in the range of 27.9 ± 0.9–87.6 ± 2.4 ka BP. The TCN dating based glacial history model indicate that the dated boulders were affected by 2–3 glacial transportation events. The exposure ages together with sedimentological studies argue that at least the dated boulders are allochthonous. Based on this study TCN dating can offer new insight for ore exploration projects in glaciated terrain. Although the sampling has many prerequisites, being able to date exposure time of both boulders and bedrock makes it a versatile technique. However, it is apparent that the potential of the method is elevated in regions with a sound framework of glacial history knowledge. In complicated glaciated regions, more accurate information on erosion rates and reburial may be beneficial. It can be gained by analyzing multiple elements, as oppose to using 10Be only.
  • Kettunen, Nilla (2020)
    The aim of this study is to look at landscape postcards as performers and builders of the Finnish national landscape. The traditional symbols of a nation are its own language, flag, money and landscape. They have been used to build national identity all over the world. In Finland, geographers played a role in the creation of the concept of landscape at the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries. In 1992, a working group set up by the Ministry of the Environment selected 27 national landscapes that best reflect Finnish nature, environment and culture in different parts of our country. Both natural and urban landscapes were included, which could be considered as the most representative shots of the features of their areas. I studied the Koli national landscape and postcards depicting it as my research subject. There were three research questions: What kind of image of Finland has been produced with postcards? What kind of stories do Koli postcards convey in pictures and texts? What kind of image of Finland does the sender of postcards himself create and share? The research material was 72 postcards sent from Koli. Geographical research has always included visual materials, both as the subject of research and as its illustrator. The map is, of course, the most common and familiar example of this, but geographers quickly adopted photographs as well. Landscape postcards are therefore well suited as research material. Content analysis was originally developed for written materials, but it is also used for pictorial materials. It was used to categorize the most common themes and categories from postcards.
  • Karas, Kati (2020)
    Oppikirjalla on perinteisesti ollut suuri merkitys suomalaisessa kouluopetuksessa. Vaikka sähköiset oppimateriaalit ovatkin vähitellen yleistyneet, painettu oppikirja näyttää pitävän pintansa niin opiskelijan kuin opettajankin tärkeimpänä työvälineenä ja tiedonlähteenä koulussa. Koska oppikirjoilla on lukuisia tavoitteellisen oppimisen ja opettamisen kannalta olennaisia tehtäviä, ei ole yhdentekevää, mitä niissä kerrotaan ja miten asioita esitetään. Terveyden ja hyvinvoinnin aihepiirissä haasteita asettavat muun muassa terveyden moniulotteisuus ja -tulkintaisuus sekä siihen liittyvät arvokasvatukselliset tavoitteet. Asian tärkeydestä huolimatta oppikirjojen sisältöjä on tutkittu verrattain vähän. Terveyteen ja hyvinvointiin liittyvälle osaamiselle on kuitenkin suurta tarvetta sekä koulumaailmassa ja lukio-opetuksessa kuin laajemmin koko yhteiskunnassa. Tässä tutkimuksessa tarkasteltiin, miten terveyttä ja hyvinvointia kuvataan lukion maantieteen oppikirjoissa ja vastaavatko nämä kuvaukset maantieteen opetussuunnitelmien edellytyksiä. Tutkimus suoritettiin tapaustutkimuksena ja aineistona käytettiin GEOS1- ja GEOS3-oppikirjoja sekä Manner 1 - ja Manner 3 -oppikirjoja. Niistä tarkasteltiin kuvia ja tekstejä teorialähtöisen sisällönanalyysin avulla. Tekstianalyyseja varten muodostettiin analyysikehikko, johon terveyttä ja hyvinvointia koskevat lausumat sijoitettiin ja tallennettiin. Kehikko rakentui terveyden ja hyvinvoinnin tyypillisistä ulottuuvuuksista, tasoista ja näkökulmista. Kuvia varten laadittiin luokitus, joka rakentui sellaisista terveyteen ja hyvinvointiin liittyvistä ominaisuuksista, jotka on mahdollista tunnistaa kuvista. Näitä olivat esimerkiksi kuvissa esiintyvien henkilöiden ikä ja sukupuoli sekä kuvan näkökulma terveyteen. Teksti- ja kuva-analyysien avulla saatiin selville, että oppikirjat poikkeavat toisistaan terveyden ja hyvinvoinnin tulkinnoiltaan.Esimerkiksi tekstit ovat kaikissa tarkastelluissa oppikirjoissa pääosin terveyslähtöisiä eli voimavaroja ja mahdollisuuksia korostavia, mutta joissakin oppikirjoissa on suhteessa enemmän sairauslähtöisiä, terveyden ja hyvinvoinnin ongelmia ja uhkia kuvaavia tekstejä kuin toisissa. Oppikirjoissa kuvataan myös eri suhteissa väestön terveyteen ja hyvinvointiin vaikuttavia tekijöitä ja terveyden osa-alueita. Niissä korostuvat enimmäkseen väestön terveyteen globaalilla tasolla vaikuttavat tekijät, kun yksilöön liittyviä tekijöitä kuvataan varsin vähän. Tekstianalyysien perusteella monipuolisimmin terveyttä ja hyvinvointia kuvattiin GEOS-oppikirjasarjan oppikirjoissa. Analyysien perusteella oppikirjat myös vastasivat pääosin opetussuunnitelman edellytyksiä: niiden avulla on mahdollista havainnoida, analysoida, arvioida ja ymmärtää terveyteen ja hyvinvointiin liittyviä ilmiöitä ja ongelmia paikallisesti, alueellisesti ja globaalilla tasolla. Terveyslähtöinen näkökulma auttaa löytämään ongelmien ratkaisumahdollisuuksia ja voi kannustaa toimimaan aktiivisesti hyvinvoinnin edistämiseksi. Parhaiten opetussuunnitelman tavoitteet voidaan saavuttaa GEOS3-oppikirjan avulla. Kuva-analyysien avulla saatiin selville muun muassa, että kaikki oppikirjat olivat sukupuolittavia ja kuvasivat enimmäkseen aikuisia esimerkiksi nuorten sijaan. Monipuolisimmin eli runsailla kuvilla, sekä positiivisesta että negatiivisesta näkökulmasta, kaikenikäisten miesten ja naisten ominaisuutena terveyttä ja hyvinvointia kuvattiin GEOS1-oppikirjassa. Oppikirjat erosivat kuitenkin toisistaan myös siinä, miten opetussuunnitelman tavoitteet niissä toteutuivat. Tasa-arvon ja yhdenvertaisuuden sekä myönteisen kehityksen ja mahdollisuuksien tavoitteet toteutuivat parhaiten molemmissa GEOS-oppikirjasarjan oppikirjoissa ja heikoimmin Manner-oppikirjasarjan oppikirjoissa. Kun tutkimuksen luotettavuuteen vaikuttavat seikat huomioidaan, tällä tutkimuksella saatiin uutta ja ainakin osin käyttökelpoista tietoa terveyden ja hyvinvoinnin kuvauksista maantieteen oppikirjoissa. Näin tutkimuksen avulla saatua tietoa voidaan jossain määrin hyödyntää maantieteen oppimateriaalien laadinnassa ja niiden laadun parantamisessa.
  • Multanen, Jukka (2019)
    The Archean Hattu schist belt in Ilomantsi, eastern Finland, hosts several orogenic gold deposits and prospects, including the Pampalo gold mine. This study focuses on the quartz veins hosted by the Kuittila tonalite intrusion, which is a gold mineralized intrusion of the same age as the gold deposits in the surrounding metasediments. The aim of this study is to assess the relevance of magmatic-hydrothermal fluid contributions in the formation of orogenic gold deposits. Fluids of selected quartz veins located within Kuittila tonalite intrusion are studied to potentially get an answer to whether the Kuittila tonalite act simply as a trap for the gold precipitation, or if it can be considered as one of the potential sources for the gold. The analyzing methods comprise mineralogical and petrographic studies done with polarization and reflected microscope and electron microprobe (EPMA) along with fluid inclusion studies including microthermometry studies, Raman laser spectroscopy and laser-ablation-inductively coupled-mass spectrometry (LA-ICP-MS) analyses of selected fluid inclusions in different type of quartz veins. Seven different type of fluid inclusions were identified from selected quartz veins representing interpreted four different stages of quartz vein generation. Based on the petrography, the earliest fluids are aqueous-hydrocarbon bearing fluids, which are then followed by moderate salinity aqueous and aqueous-carbonic fluids, which are then accompanied by high salinity aqueous inclusions. Low salinity aqueous fluids are postdating the main mineralization stages. Fluids migrated through Kuittila tonalite contain features that are characteristic for fluids from both magmatic and metamorphic origin. The highly variable elemental compositions as well as the variable salinities and in particular molar Cl/Br ratios of different fluid types indicate that several pulses of fluids have migrated through the Kuittila tonalite with potentially variable origin of the fluids. The notably low molar Cl/Br ratios in all of the analysed fluid inclusion assemblages suggest that the contribution of metamorphic fluids have been significant even in the earliest fluids. The fact that in this study no gold were observed in the fluids with typical characteristics for magmatic fluids, and on contrary, those with gold signal shared more of the characteristics of metamorphic fluids would suggest that the magmatic fluids are not necessarily involved in the formation of the orogenic gold deposits in the Hattu schist belt and are not therefore mandatory in the formation of orogenic type gold deposits. It seems rather likely that the metamorphic fluids delivered potentially from country metavolcanites and metasediments are the sources for the gold and are precipitated in already formed fractures in the Kuittila zone.
  • Söderlund, Linda (2020)
    In this modern world with its evolving technological applications the role of pegmatites has risen to an unexpected level. As pegmatites are hosts for rare-element mineralization’s they are mined extensively throughout the world. As a result of the transition to more ecological solutions in propulsions the need for large quantities of certain elements, elements such as lithium, for batteries are on the rise. Even though pegmatites have been studied extensively they have not yet yielded all their secrets to scientists. Even the classification of them is still under some debate before a final cohesion is found. Because of this, the study of pegmatites has also been far from systematic. The aim of this thesis is to map the trace element behaviour of the rare-elements of the Luolamäki pegmatite. This pegmatite was chosen due to the existing drill cores and its rare-element mineralization of pollucite, petalite and possibly rubicline.The drill cores were sampled and analysed with wave dispersive x-ray fluorescence (WD-XRF), electron probe microanalyzer (EPMA) and with laser ablation inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry analysis (LA-ICP-MS). Quartz and three other salient rock-forming mineral groups, feldspars, micas and tourmalines were chosen for analysis. The Luumäki pegmatite is classified as belonging to the LCT-family and being of the petalite-subtype. The previous assumptions of the pegmatites asymmetric inner structure were confirmed with the notation of the reversed order of feldspars in the pegmatite dike with albitic feldspars on the hanging wall side and potassium feldspars on the foot wall side. This coupled with the trace element behaviour in the pegmatite it was confirmed that the pegmatite crystallized from the margins toward the centre instead from top to bottom, as is usual for pegmatitic dikes. The presence of rubicline was not verified, however. The results were then posed against existing research to test if the behaviours recorded are consistent. Some difference was found with the behaviour of the feldspars. The study area of Luolamäki brought up more questions to be answered as the pegmatite itself represents the end of pegmatitic fractioning in the area. It would be beneficial to study the other pegmatites in the area more thoroughly in an attempt to trace the origin for the Luolamäki pegmatite and to research if the enrichment of elements such as Li, Rb and Cs is traceable in the less fractionated pegmatites.
  • Mäkinen, Eeva (2020)
    This study explores the interconnections between dance and geography. The main research questions are: 1. How can dance locate black feminist geographies? 2. What is the role of embodied expression in black feminist geographies? An essential part of this study is to consider dance as an opening of geographical knowledge and new ways of being. The embodied nature of dance and black feminisms will be analyzed. This study is both theoretical and empirical, but the methodological emphasis is on the theoretical discussion.Empirical material was gathered in Brazil using qualitative methods, 6 interviews were conducted with female dancers from Olinda, Brazil. The empirical material of two dances is discussed along with the theoretical frame and more closely in the final chapter. The results of this study were that dance works as an embodied practice of expression which brings black feminist geographies into being through movement. Dance forms a liminal space, which connects the body with material and physical space in time and space through embodiment. Dance can work as a spatial practice to elude power structures and form agency. The study is structured as follows. First, I will introduce the research questions and fieldwork, followed by the theoretical framework, and finally I will conclude with analysis on how dance can trace black feminist geographies.
  • Kainulainen, Heli (2019)
    Arctic shrubification means that woody plants will disperse to new, beforehand treeless areas due to changes in environments. Shrubification happens with the increase of number of individuals or size of individual plants as well as when plants disperse to new areas above or north of their current limits. Shrubification alters arctic environments and affects other species in the area. In northern Fennoscandian ecotone of forest and tundra the most common tree species are mountain birch, juniper, goat willow, rowan, aspen and pine. Local environmental variables and climate determine the distribution of these tree species. With changing climate the potential distribution of these species will also change. These changes can be predicted with species distribution modelling and using different climate scenarios. The current distribution of tree species as well as the heights of mountain birch were examined in the study area of Rastigaisa, Northern Norway. With distribution data and data from environmental variables a model based on ecological theory was constructed. Models explaining the current distribution of tree species were constructed using two different modelling techniques (GAM, GBM). These models were used to create predictions of probability of potential distribution for climate in 2040-2069 using three different climate change scenarios (RCP2.6, RCP4.5, RCP8.5). These predictions were binarized to enable studying of the area of potential distribution and the altitude of potential distribution. Same methods were used to create a model that predicts the height of mountain birch that were used to create models of mountain birch height change in different climate change scenarios. The most important environmental variables for the studied species were mean summer temperature and insolation as well as soil moisture. Slope and surface deposit type weren’t as important, but still affected the predicted distributions of species. The models predicted the current distribution of tree species rather well, even if there were some differences between observed altitude and predicted altitude. In all climate change scenarios the areas and altitudes of potential distributions of mountain birch, goat willow, rowan and pine grew remarkably compared to the present predicted distribution. The height of mountain birch also grew on all scenarios. The area and altitude of potential distribution of aspen grew in all scenarios, but there were differences of how much between models and scenarios. The altitude of potential distribution of juniper changes upwards so that the minimum and maximum altitude both moved. At the same time different models gave different results on the change of area of potential distribution so that in the GAM-model the potential distribution area of juniper gets drastically smaller. The results of this study are similar to the results in earlier studies about species distribution changes. It is likely that there will be shrubification in the study area when climate will warm up in the future. To get more accurate results in the future it would be important to take biotic interactions into account as well as survey the are more closely.
  • Juppi, Irina (2020)
    Tutkimuksessa tarkasteltiin louhittujen tunnelitilojen vaikutusta sitä ympäröivän kallioperän vedenjohtavuuteen sekä pohjaveteen. Tutkimuskohteena oli Espoon Soukan alueelle louhitut, Länsimetron jatkeen tunnelitilat. Tutkimuksessa tarkasteltiin paaluvälikohtaisesti, yhtenäiseltä linjaltaan 1998 metriä pitkän ratalinjan sekä siihen liittyvien huolto- ja teknisten tilojen pohja-, vuotovesi- ja mittapatomittauksista, injektointi- ja porauspöytäkirjoista sekä Lugeon-vesimenekkimittauksista saatuja tuloksia. Tutkimuksessa todettiin, että alueelle rakennetut tunnelitilat eivät ole vaikuttaneet merkittävästi tutkimusalueen pohjaveden päävirtaussuuntaan. Muutosta ei havaittu, vaikka kalliotilat ovat kokonaisuudessaan suhteellisen laajat ja tehdyn vertailun mukaan injektointityöt ovat vähentäneet tunnelia ympäröivän kallioperän vedenjohtavuutta. Kallioperän vesimenekkimittausten sekä tunnelin vuotovesimittausten tuloksille tehty korrelaatiotarkastelu osoitti, että tutkimusalueella kallioperän vedenjohtavuuden laskiessa myös tunneliin suotautuneen vuotoveden määrä on laskenut. Vesimenekkimittaustulosten keskiarvot, jotka muunnettiin kallion vedenjohtavuutta kuvaaviksi k-arvoiksi, korreloivat parhaiten vuotovesimäärien (l/min/100m) maksimiarvojen kanssa. Injektointityön onnistuneesta toteutuksesta huolimatta yksittäisten, kallioperältään rikkonaisten vyöhykkeiden osuuksilla on edelleen vesivuotoja, jotka nostavat tunnelitiloista mitatun kokonaisvuotovesimäärän keskiarvoa. Pääsääntöisesti tutkimusalueen tunnelitilojen vuotovesimäärät ovat vähäisiä ja tiloille asetetut tiiveysvaatimukset on saavutettu. Tutkimusalueen pohjaveden pinnan tasot laskivat louhintatöiden aikana, eikä tuloksia voida selittää ainoastaan luonnollisella vaihtelulla. Alenema oli noin -0,5– -25 metriä, kun tunnelitilat sijaitsivat 18-142 metrin etäisyydellä havaintopisteistä. Pohjaveden pinnan tasoissa ei ole tapahtunut louhintatöiden loppumisen jälkeen merkittävää muutosta. Koko hankkeen ajan tarkastelussa olleiden havaintoputkien mittaustuloksille tehtiin korrelaatiotarkastelu, jossa verrattiin pohjaveden pinnan tason laskun suuruutta havaintopisteen etäisyyden suhteen. Tarkastelussa todettiin, että tutkimusalueella pohjaveden pinnan tason aleneman suuruus korreloi tunnelin etäisyyden kanssa. Tutkimuksen tuloksia tarkasteltiin matemaattisen virtausmallinnuksen avulla. Tulosten perusteella voidaan arvioida, että tutkimusalueen pohjaveden pinnan tasot eivät pääsääntöisesti tule nousemaan ennen louhintatöitä vallinneelle tasolle. Tutkimuksen mukaan laadultaan heikkoon kallioperään rakennettaessa tulee varautua pysyvään pohjavesipinnan tason laskuun, vaikka tunnelin tiiveysvaatimukset saavutetaan. Tunnelin vuotovesien laadussa havaituilla pH- ja kiintoainespitoisuuksien muutoksilla on yhteys käynnissä olleisiin työvaiheisiin eikä tunnelin rakentamisesta ole aiheutunut haittaa ympäristön pohjaveden laadulle.
  • Bergroth, Claudia (2019)
    Understanding the whereabouts of people in time and space is necessary for unraveling how our societies function. Regardless, our understanding of human presence is predominantly based on static residential population data, which is often outdated and excludes certain population groups, such as commuters or tourists. In the light of development towards 24-hour societies and the needs for promoting sustainable and equitable urban planning, reliable data of population dynamics are needed. To this end, ubiquitous mobile phones provide an attractive source for estimating the spatiotemporal digital footprints of people. In this study, I set out to investigate 1) the feasibility of three different aggregated network-based mobile phone data – the number of voice calls, data transmission and general network connection attempts – as a proxy for human presence, 2) how does the population distribution vary in Helsinki Metropolitan Area over the course of a regular weekday and 3) the role of temporally-sensitive population data when analysing dynamic accessibility to grocery stores and transport hubs. To my best knowledge, this is the first attempt when mobile phone data is used to reveal population dynamics for scientific purposes in Finland. Mobile phone data collected by the mobile network operator Elisa in 2017–2018 and ancillary data about land cover, buildings and a time use survey were used to estimate the 24-hour population distribution of the Helsinki Metropolitan Area. The mobile phone data were allocated to statistical 250 m x 250 m grid cells using an advanced dasymetric interpolation method and validated against population register data from Statistics Finland. The resulting 24-hour population was used to map the pulse of the city and to introduce the first fully dynamic accessibility model in the study area. The results show that data use is a good proxy for people and outperforms voice calls or overall network connection attempts. During daytime, the static population overestimates the population in residential areas and underestimates the population in work and service areas. In general, the 24-hour population reveals the pulse of a city, which is highlighted especially in the inner city of Helsinki, where the relative share of population of the study area increases by 50 % from the share at night-time to its peak at noon. The results of the case study suggest that integrating dynamic population data to location-based accessibility analysis provides more realistic results compared to static population data, but the significance of dynamic population data depends on the study context and research questions. In summary, aggregated network-driven mobile phone data is a feasible alternative for dynamic population modelling, however, different mobile phone data types vary in representativeness, which should be taken into account when using mobile phone data in research. To this end, critical evaluation of data and transparent data description are essential. Overall, understanding 24-hour societies and supporting sustainable urban planning necessitates dynamic population data, but advancements in data policy and availability are needed to harvest these possibilities. The results of this study also provide new empirical insights of the population dynamics in the study area, which can be used to advance planning and decision making.
  • Wallin, Maaria (2020)
    This thesis provides information of the unjust geographies of girls and assesses empirical data on girls’ access to and through secondary education in Tanzania by using a case study approach. This study focuses on girls’ education in rural Mtwara because of its utmost importance. First, an internationally accepted human rights-based perceptive on girls’ education is present. Second, gender equality in and through secondary education has a direct and indirect effect on the reduction of overall poverty: employment and increased decision-making capabilities modify family opinions that further advance girls’ education and future asset accumulation that indirectly benefits the wider society. Rural Mtwara was chosen as a case study since it is characterized by particularly low secondary-school attendance and poor academic performance of girls. A number of variables affect access to education, including family and social factors as well as those related to the learning environment itself. Outside donors and governments can also affect the outcome. This study investigates the role of families in structuring the secondary school access of girls in low-income rural households, and it examines the individual, cultural, environmental, and economic factors that shape girls’ access to education in the rapidly changing environment of rural Mtwara. This study qualitatively explores how girls’ graduation from secondary school has benefitted both their lives and their families’ lives, especially in economic terms, and increased girls’ access to other spaces such as employment in a segregated society. Gender equal access remains a core issue of this study.
  • Edasi, Anna (2020)
    Helsingin kaupunki on pohtinut Vanhankaupunginkosken padon mahdollista purkamista, jotta Vanhankaupungin koski voitaisiin kunnostaa virkistäytymiskäyttöön. Padon purkamisella olisi positiivinen vaikutus alueen luonnolle sillä koskissa viihtyvät kalat saisivat suuremman lisääntymisalueen käyttöönsä. Vantaanjoki on vahvasti kuormittunut ihmistoiminnasta ja koko valuma-alueella on harjoitettu maataloutta ja teollisuutta. Tämän takia padon taakse kertyneet pohjasedimentit voivat sisältää pilaantuneen maan metalleja, jotka vapautuisivat Vanhankaupunginlahteen padon purkamisen myötä. Sedimenttinäytteitä kerättiin 14 kohteesta padon pohjoispuolelta Vantaanjoen yläjuoksulta. Seitsemässä sedimenttisarjassa pohjasedimentin paksuus vaihteli 70 ja 196 senttimetrin välillä. Kahdessa pohjoisimmassa sedimenttisarjassa oli nähtävissä jokisedimenttien vaihettuminen litoraalisiksi sedimenteiksi. Viikintien eteläpuolella patoaltaassa ei havaittu sedimentaatiota. Sedimenttinäytteet analysoitiin pilaantuneen maan metallien tutkimiseksi induktiivisesti kytketyllä massaspektrometrillä. Analyysi suoritettiin 113 näytteelle, jotka valmistettiin seitsemän sedimenttisarjan jokaisesta kerroksesta. ICP-MS-analyysissa mitattuja PIMA-pitoisuuksia verrattiin Suomen Valtioneuvoston PIMA-asetuksessa (214/2007) säädettyihin pitoisuuksiin. Asetuksessa jokaiselle PIMA-metallille on asetettu kynnysarvo sekä alempi ja ylempi ohjearvo. ICP-MS-analyysin tuloksista kynnysarvo ylittyi mitatuista 113 näytteestä arseenilla 93, kadmiumilla 14, koboltilla 4, kromilla 33, kuparilla 4, lyijyllä 38, nikkelillä 7 ja sinkillä 18 näytteellä. Alempi ohjearvo ylittyi kromilla kuudessa, lyijyllä kahdeksassa ja sinkillä 20 näytteessä. Ylemmän ohjearvon ylityksiä ei havaittu millään metallilla. Kohonneet pitoisuudet sijaitsivat pienellä alueella lähellä kohtaa, jossa Vantaanjoki haarautuu itäiseen ja läntiseen uomaan. Pilaantuneen maan metallien pitoisuudet ylittivät kynnysarvon monilla metalleilla ja alempi ohjearvo ylittyi kromilla, lyijyllä ja sinkillä. Vanhankaupunginkosken patoaltaasta mitatut metallipitoisuudet eivät kuitenkaan eroa Töölönlahdesta ja Laajalahdesta mitatuista metallipitoisuuksista. Hieman kohonneiden pitoisuuksien takia alueen pilaantuneisuutta ja puhdistuksen tarvetta tulisi kuitenkin arvioida.
  • Ekholm, Juha (2020)
    Gambling is very popular and general in Finland. During the past few years gambling has increased its status as a form of entertainment. Nowadays gambling can be seen as a normal way to spend free time. Due to the technical development and digitalization the main trend in gambling is a transition from the land-based gaming to the digital channel and to the internet-based gaming. The fastest growing channel in the gaming industry is cordless mobile technology. For the consumer continuously growing number of internet gambling means wider range of gambling products available and offers more comfortable and easier way to play different type of games. For the monopoly system of gambling in Finland the continuously increasing volume of cross border gambling means tightening competition between the international online gambling companies and the state-owned company called Veikkaus and increasing interaction between the different geographical scales. According to the European Union SEUT 56 article of free movement of persons, services and capital Finland has to justify its gambling monopoly´s legitimization to the European union. This is the reason why there can be seen so called vertical quarrel between the member state and the EU- level in the gambling policy at different levels. At individual level this means different kind of limits and borders set by the state in order to minimize gambling related harms and to follow the standards of responsible gambling. In this thesis I focus on internet gambling through the concept of virtual space. The virtual space has become an increasingly important environment as an action space for the human being nowadays. The immaterial and limitless virtual space makes possible for its user a global sphere of influence. The significance of the Internet as a data channel and communicational channel is remarkable. For the gambling industry the internet provides an excellent distribution channel due its borderless nature. The borderless nature combined with secure money transferring and fast broadbands has created an enormous sized online gambling market. Within the European Union the significance of the cross-border gambling companies based on Malta has played a major role in this process. Sports betting is classified as a skill game in the field of gambling. The relationship between sports betting and world-class sports can be perceived distinctly. From the effect of the technological development the different sports series can be reached easily through the streaming services and through different live-score services and applications. Hedonistic motives which dominate in the backround of sports betting are very important and has a major significance. The economist motives are connected to the sports betting as well. The material that was used in the study was collected with a form interview which was focused to the sports bettors who take an interest especially in sports betting. When examining the material of the study as the most central point, the tension value and entertainment value produced by gambling rises especially among the amusement players and hobby players. Sports betting is experienced as entertainment and a form of leisure with a significant entertainment value. According to the survey It was experienced that the streaming services and live-score services were increasing the interest of sports betting. In the internet gambling the significance of the mobile betting was important. Internet gambling has extended the field of gambling, has made it easier to use and increased the competition between the gambling companies. To the sports bettor this means higher odds and returning percentage, more interesting games and bonus campaigns with better benefits.