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  • Hirvonen, Joonas (2020)
    We apply the modern effective field theory framework to study the nucleation rate in high-temperature first-order phase transitions. With this framework, an effective description for the critical bubble can be constructed, and the exponentially large contributions to the nucleation rate can then be computed from the effective description. The results can be used to make more accurate predictions relating to cosmological first-order phase transitions, for example, the gravitational wave spectrum from a transition, which is important for the planned experiment LISA. We start by reviewing a nucleation rate calculation for a classical scalar field to understand, how the critical bubble arises, via a saddle-point approximation, as the central object of the nucleation rate calculation. We then focus on the statistical part of the nucleation rate coming from the Boltzmann suppression of nucleating bubbles. This is done by the creation of an effective field theory from a thermal field theory that can describe the critical bubble. We give an example calculation with the renormalizable model of two $\mathbb{Z}_2$-symmetric scalar fields. The critical bubbles of the model and their Boltzmann suppression are studied numerically, for which we further develop a recently proposed method.
  • Tähtinen, Sara (2014)
    Magnetic reconnection is a process occurring in, e.g., space plasmas, that allows rapid changes of magnetic field topology and converts magnetic energy to thermal and non-thermal plasma energy. Especially solar flares are good examples of explosive magnetic energy release caused by magnetic reconnection, and it has been estimated that 50% of the total released energy is converted to the kinetic energy of charged particles. In spite of being such an important process in astrophysical phenomena, the theory and the mechanisms behind magnetic reconnection are still poorly understood. In this thesis, the acceleration of electrons in a two-and-half dimensional magnetic reconnection region with solar flare plasma conditions is studied using numerical modeling. The behavior of electrons are determined by calculating the trajectories of all particles inside a simulation box. The equations of motion are solved by using a particle mover called Boris method. The aim of this work is to better understand the acceleration of non-thermal electrons, and, for example, to explain how the inflow speed affects the final energy of the particles, what part of the reconnection area the most energetic electrons come from and how the scattering frequencies changes the energy spectra of the electrons. The focus of this thesis lies in numerical modeling, but all the relevant physics behind this subject are also briefly explained. First the basics of plasma physics are introduced, and leading models of magnetic reconnection are presented. Then the simulation setup and reasonable values for simulation parameters are defined and results of the simulations are discussed. Based on these, conclusions are drawn.
  • Sillanpää, Ilkka (Helsingin yliopistoUniversity of HelsinkiHelsingfors universitet, 2002)
    The one-dimensional method of characteristics is a forward method for determining ionospheric currents from electric and magnetic field measurements. In this work the applicability of the method was studied with respect to polar electrojet and shear flow events as these are the predominant ionospheric current situations and are often one-dimensional, the fields thus having only dependence on the latitude. In this work the characteristic equations are derived from Maxwell's equations and Ohm's law. A program was developed with an algorithm applying the one-dimensional method of characteristics to ionospheric electric field measurements by the STARE radars and ground- based magnetic field measurements by the IMAGE magnetometer network. The magnetic field was upward continued to the ionospheric horizontal current altitude (100km). The applicability of the one-dimensional method of characteristics was shown by analyzing the results from three electric current events. The length of these events varied between 10 and 40 minutes and the study area was limited to STARE and IMAGE measurement area over Scandinavia and part of the Arctic Ocean. The results were accurate and relatively detailed and gave insight to e.g. the origin of the features of the field-aligned currents. The estimated ratio of the Hall and Pedersen conductances, or the alpha parameter, is needed in the method. It was shown that the alpha dependence follows the theoretical predictions, and thus the Hall conductance and the East-West component of the horizontal currents (the Hall current, that dominated the horizontal currents) have practically no dependence on alpha. Also the general features of the conductance and current profiles were not dependent of alpha. Field-aligned current (FAC) results obtained during one of the events were compared with concurrent Cluster satellite measurements at a high altitude orbit above the area of study. Two maxima and a minimum of FAC occurred simultaneously in the results with very comparable numerical values after the mapping down of the results from the satellite. The one-dimensional method of characteristics was found very successful in determining ionospheric conductances and currents in detail from ionospheric electric and magnetic field measurements when the assumption of the one-dimensionality of the event is valid. It seems quite feasible to develop the algorithm for application of the method during longer time periods, where as here only singular events were studied.
  • Dahl, Jani (2018)
    At the end of the inflationary epoch, about 10^(−12) seconds after the Big Bang singularity, the universe was filled with plasma consisting of quarks and gluons. At some stage the cooling of the universe could have led to the occurrence of first-order cosmological phase transitions that proceed by nucleation and expansion of bubbles all over the primordial plasma. Cosmological turbulence is generated as a consequence of bubble collisions and acts as a source of primordial gravitational waves. The purpose of this thesis is to provide an overview of cosmological turbulence as well as the corresponding gravitational wave production, and compile some of the results obtained to this day. We also touch on the onset of cosmological turbulence by analysing shock formation. In the one-dimensional case considering only right-moving waves, the result is Burgers’ equation. The development of a power spectrum with random initial conditions under Burgers’ equation is calculated numerically using the Euler method with sufficiently low step sizes. Both in the viscid and inviscid cases, the result is the presence of a −8/3 power law in the inertial range at the time of shock formation.
  • Ikonen, Joni (2016)
    Quantum computers store and manipulate information in individual quantized energy levels. These devices, not yet realized in their full potential, have the ability to perform certain computational tasks more efficiently than any classical computer. One possible way to implement a quantum computer is to use superconducting circuits controlled by single-mode electromagnetic fields. These circuits constitute the physical quantum bits, or qubits, that are used to store quantum information. A complete, fault-tolerant quantum computer potentially consists of at least millions of physical qubits which are grouped to form fault-tolerant logical qubits. Controlling each physical qubit individually requires a great amount of energy, and hence a future challenge is to reduce the energy consumption in qubit control while maintaining the high precision. In this thesis, we derive a fundamental upper bound for the gate fidelity of a single-qubit not gate implemented with a single resonant driving pulse. It is shown that the upper bound approaches unity inversely proportionally to the increasing mean photon number of the pulse. Furthermore, we find that the upper bound is achieved with an optimal superposition of squeezed states. The typically employed coherent state produces twice as high gate error as the corresponding optimal state. In addition, we present and numerically study a correction protocol that allows using the same drive state for multiple qubit operations. This sustained state is refreshed by sequentially coupling ancillary qubits to it, effectively resetting it and removing entanglement with the previously operated qubits. Thus our protocol allows using the same drive state to implement not gates for different qubits indefinitely, and hence provides a possible route to energy-efficient large-scale quantum computing.
  • Grönqvist, Hanna (2012)
    In this thesis we consider extending the standard model of particle physics (SM) to include a fourth generation of elementary particles (SM4). The fourth generation would have to be sufficiently heavy to have escaped detection; specifically, its neutrino is required to be kinematically inaccessible to the Z boson in order to agree with the very precise LEP measurements of the Z width. This extension is appealing since the current theory (the SM) exhibits tension with some phenomena observed in nature. Such phenomena are, for example, the replication and number of fermion families, the ratio of matter to antimatter in the observable universe, charge-parity violation and the mixings between the fermions. Up to very recently the issue of the origin of mass, that is, the mechanism of electroweak symmetry breaking in the SM, was lacking experimental verification. However, during the writing of this thesis there have been some very exciting advances in this domain. In July 2012 the CMS and ATLAS collaborations at the LHC have reported the observation of a resonance at ∼ 125 GeV, an observation confirmed by experiments at another high-energy particle collider, the Tevatron. This resonance seems to correspond to the Higgs particle, the quantum of the scalar field responsible for the breaking of the electroweak symmetry. Besides verifying the answer to the theoretically fundamental question about the origin of mass, the experimental discovery also serves as a constraint for any theory of particle physics. The goodness of models describing particle physics are generally tested by performing global fits to the data, with the data set usually taken to be the most precisely measured quantities available — the electroweak precision observables. When the recent Higgs signal strengths are included in the data set, it is seen that the SM4 is not a correct theory of nature. Specifically, the Higgs signals predicted by the SM4 are not in agreement with the data, and the model has in September 2012 been quite decisively excluded at the statistical significance of 5.3σ. Following the developments in the field we next consider the phenomenological effects of adding another scalar doublet to the previously considered SM4. In the SM and SM4 there is just one scalar (Higgs) doublet: the models have a minimal scalar sector. The fermion sector, however, is not minimal: there are at least three replicas of a fermion family and so it is possible that the scalar sector is not minimal either. There are in fact arguments in favor of several Higgs doublets, for example supersymmetry and the baryon asymmetry of the universe. Two doublets give rise to five physical particles and so the phenomenology of such models is much richer than in the minimal scenario. Four family-models have received a great deal of interest in the last decade: some 500 articles are reported to have been published concerning their phenomenology during this time. This thesis is a review of the recent developments is this field.
  • Paalanen, Ilkka (2020)
    Cold quark matter is matter consisting of free quarks in high energy density, and it can be formed when the energy density of ordinary hadronic matter increases to a region of 1 GeV/fm3. At such high energies, hadronic matter undergoes a phase transition and quarks that would normally be in color confinement break free to form a new phase. It is assumed that similar process happened in the very early universe, but in the opposite direction, when high temperature quark-gluon plasma cooled down significantly. With the cooling, the quark and gluon degrees of freedom switched to hadrons and ordinary matter began to form. Opposed to the hot quark-gluon plasma, there are no direct observations of cold quark matter and its existence is still speculative. Still, it is suspected that cold quark matter can be found in dense neutron star cores or even as stable quark matter in strange quark stars. Theoretically, cold quark matter and quark-gluon plasma can be studied in finite-temperature field theory. Finite-temperature field theory combines the field formalism of quantum field theory and the thermodynamical and statistical methods utilized in quantum statistics. The asymptotic freedom of the theory of strong interactions, quantum chromodynamics (QCD), provides an opportunity to expand the equation of state of high-energy quark matter in the limit of weak coupling, and thus opens a door to implement the tools of finite-temperature field theory perturbatively. Along with the perturbative analysis, it is useful to look at the possibilities offered by effective theories. Two of which are important in the study of finite-temperature QCD, dimensional reduction and hard thermal loop effective theory. Both effective theories address the issue of infrared divergences that arise in finite-temperature field theory efficiently compared to the naïve loop expansion. In dimensional reduction, scales that are defined as hard by the scale hierarchy are integrated out of the theory, after which the infrared problems of gluonic Matsubara zero-modes can be studied in a simpler three-dimensional setting. Hard thermal loop effective theory, on the other hand, examines the infrared divergences that appear in loop-level corrections of soft gluons. When the magnitude of the loop-momentum corresponds to the hard scale, the correction that contains the loop becomes proportional to a tree-level amplitude and breaks the perturbative expansion. The effective theory answers this problem by resumming the propagators and vertex functions and using the new quantities in place of the ordinary ones. With perturbation theory and the effective descriptions, the equation of state of cold quark matter and the pressure extracted from it, have been solved partially up to and including order g6ln2g2 in coupling. The meaning of this thesis is to present the methods of finite-temperature field theory and the supporting effective theories and their implementation to study the equation of state of cold quark matter. The results for QCD pressure will be presented to the last known order in coupling. Also, the effect of a massive strange quark and the role of cold quark matter in solving the neutron star equation of state will be discussed briefly.
  • Kokkoniemi, Roope (2016)
    A quantum computer is a promising addition to a classical computer due to increase in performance on certain computational problems. A classical computer computes by manipulating bits, which assume a value either 0 or 1, using logical gates. Similarly, a quantum computation is carried out by manipulating quantum bits, so-called qubits, using quantum gates. The main advantage of qubits is that they can be not only in the states representing 0 and 1, but also in any superposition of these two states. Many different physical realizations for qubits have been proposed. One of the most promising candidates for the hardware of quantum computing are superconducting circuits. Here, the qubit can be represented in number of ways. For example, the two different states can be the direction of current circulating in a superconducting loop, or presence and absence of a photon in a transmission line. In this thesis, we study a tunable phase gate for microwave photons. The gate is implemented by a transmission line interrupted by three superconducting quantum interference devices (SQUIDs), which we model as inductors. We theoretically show that this system fulfills the requirements of a phase gate and that the tunability of the phase shift is frequency dependent. In addition, we consider a non-ideal system by including the effects of the capacitance associated with the SQUIDs. We find that the capacitance has no adverse effects, and in the best case, it may even increase the range of tunability. We also measure the phase shift at frequency of 6.3 GHz and find that the system is well described by the theory. To our knowledge, similar phase gate has not been experimentally studied before.
  • Palmgren, Elina (2015)
    The phase of accelerating expansion of the early universe is called cosmological inflation. It is believed that the acceleration was driven by a scalar field called the inflaton, which in the simplest inflationary models was slowly rolling down its potential (slow-roll inflation). As an extension of these simple models, in this work we study a model in which the rolling of the inflaton field was fast (fast-roll inflation). From the inflationary phase we can detect density fluctuations which are usually thought to be created from quantum fluctuations of the inflaton field. In the case of the fast-rolling inflaton field, the evolution of the perturbations may differ significantly from the simpler slow-roll models. In addition to the inflaton, there might have also been other quantum fields in the early universe acting on the perturbation evolution. In this work, we study a case in which the perturbations are partly created from the inflaton field fluctuations and partly from another scalar field named the curvaton. This kind of scenario is called the mixed model. In the investigation of the early universe, it is essential to be able to estimate to what extent the observed perturbations tell us directly of the inflaton dynamics – and not of other phenomena. From the inflationary model-building point of view, freeing the inflaton from often somewhat unnatural observational constraints gives us new possibilities to develop more plausible models of inflation. In this thesis, we introduce briefly the simplest inflation and curvaton models and study analytically the perturbation evolution in the mixed model and fast-roll inflation. The research part of the thesis contains a numerical investigation of the perturbation evolution, as well as the inflaton and curvaton dynamics, in these models.
  • Walia, Parampreet Singh (2013)
    We study the possible initial conditions of the universe and the possibility of isocurvature perturbations in the early universe through CMB data. We consider three isocurvature modes; Cold Dark Matter Density Isocurvature (CDI) mode, Neutrino Density Isocurvature (NDI) mode and Neutrino Velocity Isocurvature (NVI) mode. We use three CMB datasets WMAP, QUaD and ACBAR data to constrain the (possibly) correlated adiabatic and isocurvature models. For CDI and NDI models we use both a phenomenological approach, where primordial perturbations are parametrized in terms of amplitudes at two different scales, and a slow-roll two-field inflation approach. For the NVI model we only use the phenomenological approach, since NVI mode would occur only after neutrino decoupling, i.e., after inflation. We find that larger isocurvature fractions are allowed in NDI and NVI models than in corresponding CDI models. For generally correlated perturbations, we find the upper limit to the CDM density, neutrino density and neutrino velocity isocurvature fraction to be 4.5%, 9.8% and 12.4% respectively at k = 0.002 Mpc−1 . Analysis has also been done for the special cases of uncorrelated and fully (anti) correlated perturbations. We find no clear preference for non-zero isocurvature fraction for the models considered. We find that the odds for a correlated isocurvature model compared to the standard adiabatic model are very low. We conclude that the present data does support the standard adiabatic model.
  • Asumaa, Janne (2018)
    Kerrin metriikka kuvaa pyörivän mustan aukon aiheuttamaa aika-avaruuden kaareutumaa. Käytännössä kaikki mustat aukot pyörivät jonkin verran joten Kerrin metriikka on olennainen osa kosmologiaa. Viime vuosina pyörivät mustat aukot ovat nousseet valokeilaan gravitaatioaaltojen löytämisen vuoksi. Nämä gravitaatioaaltohavainnot on tehty nimenomaan mustien aukkojen yhdistymisen seurauksena. Tässä työssä tulen käsittelemään Kerrin metriikkaan liittyvää teoriaa sekä selvittämään gravitaatioaaltojen linkittymistä pyöriviin mustiin aukkoihin.
  • Kallonen, Kimmo (2019)
    Quarks and gluons are elementary particles called partons, which produce collimated sprays of particles when protons are collided head-on at the Large Hadron Collider. These observable signatures of the quarks and gluons are called jets and are recorded by huge particle detectors, such as the Compact Muon Solenoid. The reconstruction of the jets from detector signals attempts to trace the particle-level information all the way back to the level of the initial collision event with the initating partons. Jets originating from gluons and the three lightest quarks are very similar to each other, only exhibiting subtle differences caused by the fact that gluons radiate more intensely. Quark/gluon jet discrimination algorithms are dedicated to identifying these two types of jets. Traditionally, likelihood-based quark/gluon discriminators have been used. While machine learning is nothing new to the high energy physics community, the advent of deep neural networks caused an upheaval and they are now being implemented to take on various tasks across the research field, including quark/gluon discrimination. In this thesis, three different deep neural network models are presented and their comparative performance in quark/gluon discrimination is evaluated in seven different bins of varying jet transverse momentum and pseudorapidity. The performance of a likelihood-based discriminator is used as a benchmark. Deep neural networks prove to provide excellent performance in quark/gluon discrimination, with a jet image-based visual recognition model being the most robust and offering the largest performance improvement over the benchmark discriminator.
  • Haataja, Hanna (2016)
    In this thesis we introduce the Coleman-Weinberg mechanism through sample calculations. We calculate the effective potential in the massless scalar theory and massless quantum electrodynamics. After sample calculations, we walk through simple model in which the scalar particle, that breaks the scale invariance, resides at the hidden sector. Before we go into calculations we introduce basic concepts of the quantum field theory. In that context we discuss interaction of the fields and the Feynman rules for the Feynman diagrams. Afterwards we introduce the thermal field theory and calculate the effective potential in two cases, massive scalar theory and the Standard Model without fermions. We introduce the procedure how to calculate the effective potential, which contains ring diagram contributions. Motivation for this is knowledge of that sometimes the spontaneously broken symmetries are restored in the high temperature regime. If the phase transition between broken-symmetry and full-symmetry phase is first order phase transition baryogenesis can happen. Using the methods introduced in this thesis the Standard Model extensions that contain hidden sectors can be analyzed.
  • Järvinen, Matti (Helsingin yliopistoUniversity of HelsinkiHelsingfors universitet, 2004)
  • Mannerkoski, Matias (2018)
    This thesis presents a ray-tracing based method for performing polarized radiative transfer in arbitrary spacetimes and a numerical implementation of said method. This method correctly accounts for general relativistic effects on the propagation of radiation, and the polarized im- ages and spectra it produces can be directly compared with observations. Thus it is well suited for studying systems where relativistic effects are significant, such as compact astrophysical objects. The ray-tracing method is based on several approximations, which are discussed in depth. The most important one of these is the geometric optics approximation, which is derived starting from Maxwell’s equations. In the geometric optics approximation, high frequency radiation is described as amplitudes or intensities which are propagated along geodesic rays. Additional assumptions about the properties of the radiation field allow describing it and its interaction with matter using the formalism of kinetic theory, which leads to a simple transfer equation along rays. This transfer equation is valid in arbitrary spacetimes, and forms the basis for the ray-tracing method. The ray-tracing method presented in this work and various similar methods described in the literature are not suited for analytic computations using realistic models. Instead numerical methods are needed. Such numerical methods are implemented in a general fashion in the Arcmancer library (paper in preparation), of which large parts were implemented as a part of this work. The implementation details of Arcmancer are described and its features are compared to those available in other similar codes. Tests of the accuracy of the numerical methods as well as example applications are also presented, including a novel computation of a gravitational lensing event in a binary black hole system. The implementation is found to be correct and easily applicable to a variety of problems.
  • Kaupinmäki, Santeri (2018)
    The fundamental building blocks of quantum computers, called qubits, can be physically realized through any quantum system that is restricted to two possible states. The power of qubits arises from their ability to be in a superposition of these two states, allowing for the development of quantum algorithms that are impossible for classical computers. However, interactions with the surrounding environment destroy the superposition in a process called decoherence, which makes it important to find ways to model these interactions and mitigate them. In this thesis we derive a non-Markovian master equation for the spin-boson model, with a time-dependent two-level system, using the reaction coordinate representation. We show numerically that in the superconducting qubit regime this master equation maintains the positivity of the density operator for relevant parameter ranges, and is able to model non-Markovian effects between the system and the environment. We also compare the reaction coordinate master equation to a Markovian master equation with parameters taken from real superconducting qubits. We demonstrate that the Markovian master equation fails to capture the system–bath correlations for short times, and in many cases overestimates relaxation and coherence times. Finally, we test how a time-dependent bias affects the evolution of the two-level system. The bias is assumed to be constant with an additive term arising from an externally applied time-dependent plane wave control field. We show that an amplitude, angular frequency, and phase shift for the plane wave can be chosen such that the control field improves the coherence time of the two-level system.
  • Dubey, Anshuman (2017)
    Conformal blocks are building blocks of correlation functions in conformal field theories (CFTs). They neatly encode the universal information dictated by conformal symmetry and separate it from the dynamical information which depends on the particular theory. Conformal blocks merit an in-depth study as is evidenced by their extensive applications in the study of bulk locality in the AdS/CFT correspondence and the recent conformal bootstrap program. The vacuum Virasoro blocks in the semi-classical (large central charge) limit is known to compute the leading order contribution to the Rényi entropy. Moreover, the semi-classical Virasoro blocks along with conformal bootstrap feature in a proof of the cluster decomposition principle for AdS3/CFT2. In this thesis, conformal field theory and its necessary ingredients are briefly reviewed. Conformal blocks from the exchange of a spinless operator are evaluated by holographic computations of geodesic Witten diagrams for AdSd+1/CFTd. The results are verified against the Casimir operator method of Dolan and Osborn. Virasoro blocks in various semi-classical limits are discussed, and holographic Virasoro blocks are calculated in the global, heavy-light, and perturbative heavy, and the results are verified using the monodromy method. Finally, defect conformal field theories (dCFTs) are introduced and, as an original contribution, an integral expression for defect conformal blocks is obtained, which is expected to precisely match the corresponding result in dCFT literature.
  • Sandroos, Arto (Helsingin yliopistoHelsingfors universitetUniversity of Helsinki, 2005)
    Planeettainvälisessä avaruudessa havaitaan runsaasti Auringosta peräisin olevia korkeaenergiaisia hiukkasia. Havainnot voidaan jakaa karkeasti lyhyt- ja pitkäkestoisiin. Yleisin selitys jälkimmäisille on diffusiivinen shokkikiihdytys koronan massapurkausten edellään työntämissä shokkiaalloissa. Hiukkaset siroavat shokin turbulentista sähkömagneettisesta kentästä ja saavat lisää energiaa ylittäessään shokkirintaman monta kertaa. Kiihdytys alkaa koronassa ja jatkuu useiden päivien ajan massapurkauksen liikkuessa poispäin Auringosta. Havaintojen mukaan koronassa tapahtuva kiihdytys, jossa protonit voivat saavuttaa jopa 1 GeV suuruusluokkaa olevan energian, tapahtuu minuuttien aikaskaaloissa. Korkeaenergiaisten hiukkasten energiaspektri on tyypillisesti potenssilaki dN/dE ~ E^{-sigma}, missä sigma on lähellä ykköstä oleva vakio. Opinnäytteessä esitellään diffusiivisen shokkikiihdytyksen teoria ja tutkitaan kiihdytystä testihiukkassimulaatiolla. Koronan aktiivista aluetta mallinnetaan yksinkertaistetulla magneettikentällä. Simulaatiossa lasketaan tasomaisen shokin eteen injektoitujen protonien ratoja siihen asti, kun ne joko osuvat Auringon pintaan tai karkaavat planeettainväliseen avaruuteen. Lopputuloksista lasketuista statistiikoista etsitään kiihdytykseen vaikuttavia tekijöitä. Saatujen tuloksien perusteella koronan magneettikentän geometrialla on suuri merkitys saavutettavaan energiaan. Tehokkainta kiihdytys on geometrioissa, joissa shokki on lähes poikittainen. Erityisesti sironnan ei tarvitse olla voimakasta suurten energioiden saavuttamiseksi. Sen vaikutus näyttäisi olevan enneminkin jakaumafunktion isotropisointi, jolloin energiaspektristä tulee potenssilakimuotoinen.
  • Vanhala, Tuomas (2013)
    This thesis presents a method to simulate scalar electrodynamics on the lattice in a dual representation which avoids the sign problem arising at finite density in conventional simulations. We first introduce the model as a classical field theory and canonically quantize it paying special attention to the role of conserved charges. We then derive the path integral formulation of the grand canonical partition function, and formulate a lattice regulated version of the model. The dual representation used in the simulations is based on well known high temperature expansion techniques. We discuss these methods in order to give the reader a general picture of their applicability to spin models and abelian lattice field theory. The existing literature on simulations of lattice models in dual representations is also reviewed. We find that, besides solving some sign problems, a dual representation often alleviates the inefficiency of Monte Carlo simulations near phase transitions. This is partly due to the availability of efficient update algorithms, such as the worm algorithm. Using the expansion techniques introduced earlier we derive a dual formulation of lattice regulated scalar electrodynamics. We show that the dynamical variables of the dual model can be intuitively interpreted as field strengths and current densities. The dual representation of other observables, such as general correlation functions, is also discussed. Finally, we present an algorithm to simulate the dual model. This algorithm is based on simple local updates combined with a worm algorithm that updates the current densities. By comparing simulation results at vanishing density with a conventional simulation we show that the algorithm is working correctly. We find that the worm algorithm behaves very differently in different phases of the system, and argue that this phenomenon is directly linked with the presence or absence of long range order. We also perform simulations at nonzero chemical potential where the system exhibits the silver blaze phenomenon and a transition to a finite density phase.
  • Bracho Blok, Fernando Arturo (2020)
    We study single scalar field inflation with the standard model Higgs boson as the inflaton. We first review the homogeneous and isotropic description of the universe given by the FLRW model as well as the inflation scenario. Then we study how this scenario can can be achieved by a single scalar field minimally coupled to gravity in the slow-roll approximation. Next we study linear perturbation theory around the FLRW background. Here the perturbations are decoupled into scalar, vector and tensor perturbations which allows to study them separately. The split of physical quantities into perturbations around a background introduces gauge degrees of freedom which we address by reviewing gauge transformation of the scalar and tensor perturbations (the latter which turns out to be gauge-independent). We then use the comoving gauge and define, for the scalar perturbations, the gauge-invariant quantity known as the comoving curvature perturbation. For scalar perturbations the Einstein Field equation yields the Mukhanov-Sasaki equation, which we solve to first order in the slow-roll approximation in terms of the Mukhanov variable. We then quantize this variable using canonical quantization and calculate the power spectrum from vacuum fluctuations. We also carry the same analysis for tensor perturbations. With the power spectra at hand we introduce the spectral parameters and discuss current observations and constraints on such parameters. In Higgs inflation the Standard Model Higgs boson takes the role of the inflaton. Here the Higgs field is also coupled to the Ricci scalar, giving us a non-minimal coupling to gravity. This coupling can be transformed away using a conformal transformation at the expense of a field re-definition. This enables us to use the results reviewed thus far. At tree level we find the inflationary predictions to be in excellent agreement with current observations. However, quantum corrections complicate this picture. We review the tree level unitarity of the model and examine arguments in favour and against it. We also study how quantum corrections can qualitatively change the shape of the potential and the viability of Higgs inflation in each scenario.