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Browsing by study line "Class Teacher, Education"

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  • Rinne, Sara; Rinne, Sara (2022)
    Aims. The aim of the study is to research how assessment is conducted in Finnish Language Schools and how feedback is given to students and their guardians. No previous research about evaluation in Finnish Language Schools was available. Methods. The research data was collected using an online questionnaire that included both open-ended questions and multiple-choice questions. The aim was to reach all teachers in Finnish Language Schools as widely as possible and no sample was used in the study. 21 responses were received, which can be considered a random sample. Theoretically guided content analysis was used to analyze the data. Results and conclusions. There are very different Finnish Language Schools and their operating conditions vary. Teachers in language schools hardly used summative assessment methods. The most used evaluation method was discussion. Not all schools had a clear goal for activities and language teaching, which also made evaluation difficult. Diagnostic assessment was utilized at the beginning of the school year when students' competencies were evaluated. Feedback to students and their guardians was generally given orally. The formative nature of the evaluation was emphasized in the responses. More training and clarification of the goals of Finnish schools are needed for the evaluation.
  • Saunders, Ella (2024)
    Language is an essential part of education, whether written or spoken. Teachers constantly make language related choices, both consciously and unconsciously. Language awareness is a mindset that guides attitudes and choices related to language and is also found in the curriculum (Opetushallitus, 2014, p. 28), but there seem to be ambiguities in its concrete application (see Tainio & Kallioniemi, 2019). Especially subject-specific language awareness has been studied very little, and in the context of mathematics, there is almost no research. The aim of this study is thus to understand prospective teachers' perceptions of language awareness in mathematics education. The research task is to increase understanding of subject-specific language awareness and how future mathematics teachers understand the concept's practical significance. I collected my data by interviewing five teacher trainees using semi-structured thematic interviews. My research was qualitative, and I analysed the data using means offered by phenomenography, inductively. Typically for phenomenography, I sought to identify and compare different conceptions of language awareness in mathematics education. Teacher trainees conceptualized language awareness through six different practice categories: precise use of terms, clarity of language, the verbalization of mathematics, language choices in assignments, utilizing different languages in teaching, and using language as a social tool. Based on these, teachers’ understanding of language awareness was divided into two different perspectives: teaching the language of mathematics and utilizing classroom languages. Although these results are not generalizable, they offer insight into language awareness and its internalization, especially from the perspectives of mathematics and subject didactics.
  • Pauloaho, Nina (2021)
    Goals. At the heart of this study are two significant phenomena, motivation and interest. The study focuses on verifying the relationship between these two phenomena as well as examining the relationship of the set background variables to perceived motivation. In terms of its theoretical background, the study draws on the theory of self-determination developed by Deci and Ryan (1985) and on the theory of interest of Schiefel and Krapp (1981). The theories were selected as part of the study partly because they have been used together in similar studies in the past (see, for example, Müller & Louw, 2004), but motivation theory especially because it is currently one of the most prevalent motivation theories in Finland. This study focuses on the study motivation of students at the University of Helsinki's Faculty of Education, especially class teacher students, as well as their interest in their studies. The aim is to find both explanatory factors for students' study motivation and differences in study motivation, and to find out whether the perceived interest in one's own studies correlates with the perceived study motivation. Methods. The research material of the study consists of the answers of 234 students of the Faculty of Education of the University of Helsinki to a three-part questionnaire, which included, in addition to background questions, questions related to study motivation and interest in one's own studies. The study used AMS (Academic Motivation Scale) and SIQ (Study Interest Questionnaire) scales based on the background theory of the study to measure motivation and interest, both of which are widely used, especially in the study of university students. The focus of the study was on class teacher students (N = 124) and the answers of other students of the Faculty of Education (N = 110) were used as a control group. The responses were also examined as coherent material. The analysis of the data was performed with IBM SPSS software and the analysis methods include exploratory factor analysis, correlation analysis and regression analysis. Results and conclusions. The motivation and interest scales used could be found to be functional in structure, and factor analysis was used to generate factor models that support the theory. Examining the correlations between background variables and study motivation, a few statistically significant associations were found between, among other things, age and amotivation and intrinsic motivation. Regression analysis could be used to produce an explanatory model that showed interest in explaining learning motivation in quite a number of different areas of motivation. Background variables, in turn, did not produce a statistically significant explanatory model for study motivation. The most important result of this study turned out to be the verification of the connection between interest and study motivation.
  • Ericsson, Elias (2024)
    Mål: Avhandlingens syfte är att undersöka samarbetsformer mellan klasslärare och speciallä-rare i svenska skolor i Helsingfors. Samarbetsformerna är indelade enligt Coordination, Cooperation och Reflective communication. Detta ämne är av relevans då Finlands skolsy-stem strävar mot en mer inkluderande skola, där specialpedagogiken spelar en betydande roll. Gentemot tidigare studier, som har genomförts i finska skolor, riktas fokus nu mot den finlandssvenska kontexten för att erbjuda en unik och specifik insikt. Även meningsfulla sam-arbetsmoment mellan klasslärare och speciallärare undersöks. Metoder: Studien var av kvalitativ metod med en fenomenografisk forskningsansats. Materialinsamlingen skedde under vintern 2024 genom enskilda intervjuer av klasslärare. Fem klasslärare intervjuades. Intervjuerna var semistrukturerade. Data analyserades med en kvalitativ innehållsanalys. Resultat och slutsatser: De fem klasslärarna blev indelade i två olika samarbetsformer. Endast samarbetsformerna Coordination och Cooperation framkom i klasslärarnas svar. Klasslärarna hade fått meningsfullt stöd av speciallärarna gällande skrivande av planer, lektionsplanering och differentiering i klassen. En av klasslärarna hade även ett samarbete med en specialklasslärare och blev uppdelad i två kategorier, på grund av varierande samarbetsformer. Inte en enda klasslärare hade fått anvisningar av skolans ledning om samarbetets form, vilket kan förklara varför samarbetsformerna Coordination och Cooperation var det mest framkommande.
  • Mette, Råman (2023)
    The purpose of this master's thesis is to map the classroom teachers' experiences of what and what kind of support and what resources they are allocated for students with Swedish as a second language, as well as to identify which language-strengthening teaching methods are used. Through a thematic analysis of data from surveys and previous research, two main themes were identified: resource distribution and lack of resources. The results show that the class teachers experience an uneven distribution of resources for students with Swedish as a second language. Previous research confirms this and points to a lack of specially trained teachers and problems with resources, help and support in the classroom. The classroom teachers also emphasize problems with teaching materials and lack of time to plan diverse teaching. Despite this, the teachers show a positive attitude towards their knowledge and teaching of languages. The research indicates that the resources provided may vary between schools and classes, including assistants, support from special education teachers, extra class time and adapted learning materials. Language-oriented teaching, where Swedish is used as the main language and image support is used. For further research, an evaluation of existing resources, investigation of pedagogical strategies and methods, focus on teacher training and continuing education, analysis of school management and political measures, and inclusion of students' perspectives are suggested. This could lead to improved teaching and support for students with Swedish as a second language and promote their language development and academic success
  • Ilmari, Reima (2023)
    The empirical objectives of this thesis were twofold: to investigate how perceived closeness as a component of friendship relationships manifested in the usage patterns of social media platforms among 18-29-year-old university students, and how respondents described their usage time on the three most frequently used social media platforms in relation to the intensity of perceived closeness on the given platform. The research topic is relevant in different educational contexts for individuals of various age groups as social media and increased internet usage have become integral parts of the lives of young adults. Closeness and close friendships also play a significant developmental role in the lives of young adults, as several studies suggest that close friendships contribute to school satisfaction, fulfillment of social needs, sense of unity, reduced loneliness, and the development of social skills. The thesis' third research task was to examine how reward learning was reflected in the usage behaviors of young adults on social media platforms and how previously mentioned is seen in the algorithmic structures of social media platforms. The study specifically focused on the algorithmic structures of social media, utilizing concepts such as feedback loops and prediction errors in reward learning. The section also discussed potential risk factors for problematic use of social media platforms and the positive empowering aspects of social media. The theoretical section begins by examining reward learning, which provides a biological approach and one feasible way to look at an individual's use of social media through the lens of reward learning. The neurobiological perspective provides nuanced information that complimentary understanding of why social media platforms are extensively used among young adults. It also helps to contemplate the growth of popularity and the impacts of social media platforms on university education. Findings are interpreted within the framework of critical pedagogy. The second half of the theoretical section delves into the significance of friendships and closeness in the social relationships of young adults. The mentioned concepts of friendships and closeness are also explored in social media. After a descriptive statistical interpretation, the reliability of the survey instrument is tested, and the questions that best measure closeness are identified within the questionnaire instrument. As a result, the empirical research. The values of perceived closeness were higher on the most frequently used platform compared to less used social media platforms in this sample. Four questions were found in the survey data, and those were used to build a scale suitable for measuring perceived closeness in friendship relationships, especially on WhatsApp or Instagram. The unity values in the same closeness scale were at a sufficiently reliable level across the variables compared. Reward learning was manifested in the literature on young adults' usage patterns of social media in several ways, including receiving likes, selective consumption of content, and seeking social approval from peers. Some social media algorithms were also found to incorporate reward learning structures that are typical for humans. In literature, robust link between reward learning and algorithmic structures remains mostly unsolved and needs more thorough investigation.
  • Huttula, Jenna (2023)
    Objectives. The purpose of this thesis was to find out how Christianity manifests itself in the operating culture of a Christian school. In addition to this, it was investigated how the pedagogy of encounters, which was particularly highlighted in the operational culture, was implemented at the school according to the teachers and what meanings the teachers gave to it. The topic is topical because Christian schools are growing all the time and very little research has been done on them. With this research, I aim to increase awareness of the operation of Christian schools. Spring 2021 was a particularly challenging time for teachers due to the special arrangements due to the corona pandemic. This challenged the teachers, and previous studies show how busyness and stress weaken the teacher's opportunities to meet the students. This makes the study of encounter pedagogy interesting in this specific time. Encountering students is a significant part of a teacher's work, and previous studies have shown how important the experience of being encountered is both in terms of learning and the student's well-being. Methods. The study was carried out as a qualitative study, for which six teachers from a Christian school were interviewed using thematic interviews in the spring of 2021. The material was analyzed using dataoriented content analysis and the subject of interest is specifically the experiences of the interviewees. Results and conclusions. The manifestation of Christianity in the school's operating culture was seen in four different main categories, which were Christianity in education and teaching, the effects of the teacher's personal faith, Christianity in cooperation with guardians, the school's values and atmosphere. The teachers felt that Christianity was a natural part of the school's everyday life. The Christian school had a strong culture of meeting, where the teachers actively tried to increase meeting opportunities. Three main categories clearly stood out from the results: the role of the school environment as an enabler of encounters, the dynamic between teacher and student, and the meanings and consequences of encounters. The teachers strive to create a positive and equal atmosphere, which promoted the emergence of encounters. The students' need to be heard and confronted, as well as the effects of the encounters on the students' behavior and well-being, came out clearly. The meeting culture and teachers' active investment in meeting opportunities promote positive interaction with students. Teaching by example, for example, increases the positive atmosphere at school, treating others well and respecting them increases with the activity.
  • Honkala, Senja (2024)
    Previous studies have shown that students studying preparatory education and the Finnish as a second language and literature curriculum have weaker reading skills compared to students who speak Finnish as their first language (e.g. Ståhlberg et al., 2023). Due to increased immigration, the number of foreign-language students has increased, so preparatory teaching, the teaching of the Finnish as a second language and literature curriculum and their evaluation must be developed. The purpose of this study was to deepen the understanding of the level and challenges of newly arrived students' disciplinary literacy. The research is based on the theory of linguistic socialization, according to which a child is socialized into society by using language (Duff, 2010). The research was carried out as part of the Valu project, which develops a multi-literacy assessment tool for newly arrived pupils. Valu is a research and development project of the The Centre for Educational Assessment CEA in the University of Helsinki. 118 third-grade students participated in the study, doing subject-specific reading skills in Finnish language and literature on computers. Half of the material consisted of ready-made material and half was collected for this study, enabling a quantitative study. The data were analyzed task-specific for time, attempts, points and use of aids using averages, standard deviations, medians, ranges, and the Mann-Whitney U-test. The main result of the study was that the newly arrived pupils mostly answered the Finnish language and literature tasks well, but some of the tasks caused challenges. Newly arrived students spent more time on the tasks on average, needed more attempts on average and scored less on average than other students. Newly arrived students used aids in only a few tasks. In the future, therefore, attention should be paid to the development of preparatory teaching, Finnish as a second language and literature curriculum, and language teaching in general.
  • Tiikasalo, Isa (2024)
    The prevalence of neurodevelopmental disorders, such as autism spectrum disorder (ASD) and attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), has increased in Finland and it can bring various challenges to the lives of children and adolescents through symptoms, affecting social relationships, education, and everyday management. Neuropsychiatric coaching can prevent the accumulation of these challenges and significantly reduce them. This form of coaching can also be implemented with the assistance of dogs. Interest in dog-assisted work is growing continuously, both in Finland and globally. The aim of this study is to examine recent and alternative forms of support for neurodevelopmentally symptomatic children and adolescents, namely dog-assisted work, and neuropsychiatric coaching. The study was carried out as qualitative research and the interview data were collected remotely during June and July 2023. The interviews were conducted as individual interviews with the participation of seven (7) neuropsychiatric coaches, who work with dogs. The research results were analyzed using inductive content analysis. This study addresses three research questions. To begin with, I seek to understand how neuropsychiatric coaches implement dog-assisted work in neuropsychiatric coaching with children and adolescents. I also explore the experiences of coaches regarding the effects of dog-assisted work on children and adolescents with neurodevelopmental symptoms. And thirdly, I examine the views of coaches on the possibilities of dog-assisted neuropsychiatric coaching in schools. The results reveal that neuropsychiatric coaching can be implemented with assistance dogs in various ways. Socioemotional exercises, activities supporting arousal regulation, and working methods related to daily life skills were highlighted. The results also highlight the comprehensive impact that dog-assisted neuropsychiatric coaching can have on a child or adolescent. Dog-assisted work was reported to enable socioemotional support for children and adolescents and have a positive impact on behavior and cognitive readiness. Coaches expressed their desire for the addition of school dogs and suggested how the method could be introduced into schools. Coaches emphasized the comprehensive professionalism of the practice, as introducing a dog to school or work always entails risks.
  • Maunula, Aleksi (2023)
    This study investigated whether the introduction of a new student support model had impact on letters to the editor about school and teaching as a job. Previous studies show that the introduction of the new model has had an impact on teaching and has made the occupation more mentally straining. The research material consist of letters to the editor in Helsingin Sanomat magazine from two decades, introduction of the support model splitting them half. The material was narrowed down to consist only writings about teaching and elementary school. The analysis was carried out by means of text mining and natural language processing methods using R programming language and tidy text -package made for it. The results show a difference when compared the two halves of data but it was not possible to conclude if the difference was the result of the introduction of the new support model.
  • Timonen, Viivi (2023)
    Aims. The effects of digital media consumption on well-being have been extensively studied since its widespread use. The results obtained in the studies are contradictory. Mainly, the consumption of digital media is found to produce both positive and negative effects. However, studies focus more on examining the harmful effects of digital media or its problematic consumption. The studies also seldom consider consumers' own experiences of the effects of digital media consumption. The purpose of this is to examine how university students describe their own relation with digital media. This aims to deepen the understanding of the effects of digital media consumption, through a subjective perspective, with the intention of deepening the conflicting perspectives of the research literature on the effects of digital media. Methods. The research was conducted as qualitative research. A total of ten university students participated in the study. The research data about their relationship with digital media and its consumption was gathered via semi-structured interviews. The interviews were carried out both in person and via video calls. The interviews took place in April 2022. Phenomenographic approach was used in the analysis of the data. Results & Conclusions. The University students' descriptions of their own relationship with digital media were divided into six different categories: “What digital media to consume”, “Reasons to consume digital media”, “Benefits of digital media”, “Disadvantages of digital media”, “Feels the need to limit the consumption of digital media” and “Ways to limit consumption”. The results reflected the idea of conflicting views between university students' consumption of digital media and the effects it produces. The results revealed an ambivalent attitude towards digital media as the same digital media content was perceived as both beneficial and harmful. Participants were generally satisfied with their own relationship with media but also experienced guilt about their consumption and its amount. The results showed a recurring view of utilizing personal time more effectively. Based on the research it can be concluded that consuming digital media requires increased understanding and higher-quality research. It would be important to acknowledge and accept both the benefits and disadvantages as part of digital media consumption and learn to incorporate this in society sensibly.
  • Fonsell-Lehto, Kaisa (2022)
    In the spring of 2020, primary school students were transferred to distance education for health safety reasons. Distance education environments were set up from a wide variety of teachers’ and schools’ starting points at the expense of equality. The need for design-based research on IT-mediated teaching expanded from adult education environments to primary school, where the importance of self-determination was emphasized. The purpose of the study was to form recommendations for the primary school distance education provider by looking at the experiences of the guardians. For the description of distance education arrangements during the 2020 state of emergency this is a case study, and a design research for the development of distance education recommendations. The foundations for the thematic analysis was the theoretical distance education description by Simonson and Seepersaud (2019). The secondary data was received from an extensive national distance education and well-being project. 526 Helsinki-based guardians’ multi-perspective open text form responses were demarcated for examination. In the phenomenographic research method, experiences of the guardians were summarised using quantification. Recommendations for teachers, education organisers and guardians were formed through interpretation of the data. The perspective of guardians was well suited for the educational design research. According to the results, the most challenging situation in distance education was caused by weak selfdeter-mination of primary school aged children, which was best supported with the help of the teacher, if not the pupils’ own parent. Inequality was highlighted both in the quantity and quality of teaching provided by the teacher and in the home's ability to support the child. Surprisingly, the results described the normal conditions of modern school as a scene of noise, fears, bullying, stress and strain. About 10 % of guardians described distance education as a better learning environment for their child compared to normal conditions. As a guideline based on the design research, it is recommended that the primary school teacher provides daily support and assessment for the pupil, instructions available to the pupil, contact at home - but flexibly to case-by-case and depending on the teacher's competence, and continually developing one's own work.
  • Kangasmäki, Tiia (2023)
    Objectives. The task of this research is to describe, analyze and interpret how school crafts is represented on the image sharing and social network service Instagram. The representation of crafts is studied from two perspectives. In the first part of the study, the representation of crafts is investigated from a constructive point of view, i.e. what kind of reality Instagram posts build about crafts. In the second part of the study, the representation of crafts is investigated from an intentional point of view, i.e. what the publishers want to tell about crafts through their publishing activities. In addition to this, the study examines how Instagram is used to represent the multi-materiality of school crafts and the holistic craft process. Methods. The research materials are 266 Instagram posts about the school crafts and the theme interview materials of six publishers. Publication materials are analyzed using the methods of data-driven quantitative content analysis, and theme interview materials are analyzed using the methods of data-driven qualitative content analysis. Results and Conclusions. School subject crafts is communicated through Instagram accounts that are mainly focused on either textile or technical work taught in school. Crafts is represented on Instagram, as in its history, as two separate contents. The multi-materiality of crafts is commonly taught in basic education by focusing on teaching various techniques separately, meaning that students usually learn technical and textile work contents periodically, according to the materials studied. Only a little attention is given to craft activities that combines techniques of technical and textile work. Based on the Instagram content, versatile handicrafts are created at schools using the methods of holistic craft process. Despite this, the holistic craft process, including ideation, designing, production, and evaluation, are mainly visible through finished products. Instagram has been given the role as a virtual exhibition space for crafts, where a diverse production is presented to different target groups. Publishers named current students, prospective students, parents, the teacher itself, and other handicraft teachers across the country as their target groups. Publishers wanted to present school crafts to the target groups from slightly different perspectives, but the ways of communicating about crafts varied very little. More than 70% of Instagram posts about school crafts focus on finished products. Some publishers had made a decision to communicate about crafts through finished products only, especially for students' privacy reasons. Some publishers wanted to show more of the functional nature of crafts and the intermediate stages of the craft process, but these goals were often not achieved due to the hectic nature of teaching. Therefore, also they often ended up present-ing crafts through finished products. Regardless of the publisher's target group and purpose for Instagram communication, the functional nature of crafts on Instagram was generally reduced to merely showcasing products.
  • Rautiainen-Särkkä, Sanna-Leena (2023)
    The purpose of this study is to examine, whether there have been changes in the forms or quantity of bullying before the corona pandemic (covid-19) compared to the duration of the pandemic. Traditionally, there has been various definitions for bullying, the latest of which is that there is a power imbalance between the bully and the person being bullied, which causes discomfort to the victim. Starting from late 2019, Coronavirus caused the covid-19 pandemic. Pandemic is an intercontinental epidemic that poses significant threat to public health. Due to the pandemic schools were closed from March 2020 until late May, during which teaching was done remotely online. By autumn of 2020 in-person teaching mostly resumed, with some special arrangements. The method chosen for this study is qualitative interview survey. Five teachers and one special needs teacher were interviewed. Five of the interviewees worked in the capital region and one in Varsinais-Suomi. All the interviewees had long experience working as a teacher. The interviews were conducted orally individually. The result of the study is that there haven’t been noticeable changes in the quantity of bullying, but the forms of bullying have transformed. This is partly because during remote online teaching there wasn’t any face-to-face interaction between pupils, and bullying was done mainly in virtual environments through the Internet, for example in games and WhatsApp. The same phenomenon has persisted after resuming in-person teaching.
  • Salminen, Iina (2022)
    The aim of this study was to examine the experiences of young adults who lost a loved one in primary school. The purpose is to increase understanding of how the interviewees feel about the school offering them support after the death of a loved one and how the interviewees' grief affected their schooling. Grief as a topic has been studied multidisciplinarily and internationally a lot. According to previous research, a person’s conscious or unconscious understanding of grief influences the way he or she encounters a grieving person. Foreign studies have found that a school has many opportunities to support a child grieving the death of a loved one. Finnish research on the subject is not available. The study was conducted as a qualitative study and its background philosophy was the interpretative phenomenological research tradition. The data consisted of thematic interviews of five young adults aged 18–29 and contained oral history based on experiences. The data was analyzed according to the six-step model of interpretive phenomenological analysis by Smith et al. (2009). Based on the analysis, the interviewees' experiences of the support received from the school were divided into five themes: the school as an administrator of everyday life, the support provided by student welfare services, the importance and support of one's own teacher, consideration of grief in the school's everyday life and practices, and improvement suggestions for schools. The effects of grief on school attendance were also divided into five themes: the needs and effects of the bereavement home situation on school attendance, studying at school after the death of a loved one, expressions of grief and grief reactions at school, moments when grief surfaced and the importance of the class community and friends. Although the results were divided into themes for the analysis, they partially overlapped in many places. The interviewees perceived the school's support as being divided into support related to the continuity of everyday life and support for dealing with grief and emotions. Support of the continuity of everyday life was experienced as the main and functional support from the school, but support for dealing with grief and emotions was needed more than what had been received according to experiences of interviewees. For this reason, the conclusions consider the functionality and accessibility of student welfare services and the need to develop school-specific guidelines to support dealing with a student who is grieving the death of a loved one.
  • Klemetti, Sinituulia (2022)
    Objectives. The aim of this study was to investigate how flipped learning could be utilized in teaching mathematics in primary school from fourth to sixth grade. Another aim of this study was to examine the benefits and challenges of utilizing flipped learning in teaching mathema-tics from the perspective of both the teacher and the pupil. Flipped learning is a pupil-oriented learning culture which involves supporting the development of autonomy and self-determination of the pupil. Flipped learning enables individual learning pace and also utilizes collaborative learning. Flipped learning investigated in this study has been marginally studied as the majority of flipped learning studies focus on examining flipped classroom method. Methods. This study is a qualitative case study. The participants in this study were class teachers who had utilized flipped learning for the past five years as well as one pupil who had been in flipped learning utilizing class for the past three years. The research material was collected by conducting theme interviews and the results were analyzed with theory-based content analysis. Results and conclusions. The mathematics class investigated in this study utilized flipped learning by means of digital games and weekly achievement plan. The pupils made progress at their own pace and studied in small groups. From the point of view of both the teachers and the pupil, the benefits of flipped learning in this study turned out to be well-being and school satisfaction, the development of studying skills, collaborative learning, clarity of lear-ning objectives and increased motivation. From the point of view of the teachers, the challen-ges presented themselves in maintaining a peaceful working environment as well as concern for the proactivity of the pupils when in need of assistance. From the point of view of the pu-pil, the challenge of flipped learning method appeared as stress involved with scheduling the studies and matching the weekly achievement plan. It can be concluded from these results that in the class investigated in this study, flipped learning resulted in more benefits than chal-lenges although some of the pupils experienced the responsibility involved in flipped learning as burdensome.
  • Äärilä, Anni (2022)
    Aims. Mild disturbances to a calm working environment are part of the everyday life in school. These disturbances can emerge through a wide variety of reasons, and often either the teacher or the teaching assistant will need to intervene to address disruptive behaviour. The teacher or the teaching assistant may intervene in the disruptive behaviour by verbal or non-verbal means. One of the means of non-verbal communication is physical touch. Physical touch is a natural element of multimodal interactions between people and has been found to have various developmental benefits as well as positive effects on well-being. The aim of this thesis was to examine situations where the calm working environment is disturbed and the teaching assistant intervenes by using physical touch. What are the multimodal elements that constitute these situations, how can these elements be grouped, and how does the teaching assistant’s intervention take shape? Methods. The thesis was a qualitative case study based on a data set of 13 lessons that had been video recorded and pre-transcribed for the ‘Long Second’ research project. The data was categorized and five video clips (in total 47s) were selected from the data for closer examination. These clips were selected as they featured specific instances, interpreted as situations where the calm working environment was disturbed and the teaching assistant intervened by using physical touch. The videos were viewed multiple times and the events that unfolded were narrated and recorded with a neutral voice. The events in the videos were then studied by means of microethnography, reflecting back to existing research. Results and conclusions. The thesis puts forward a new nine-dimensional classification of disturbances to calm working environment, extending from the classification developed by Madsen et al. (1968). The situations, interpreted as instances where the calm working environment was disturbed, and where the teaching assistant intervened by using physical touch, consisted of various multimodal elements, such as speech, bodily movement, and fiddling with an object. The teaching assistant’ interventions that employed physical touch comprised two or three distinct parts, and the intervention had an either activating or deactivating effect on the pupil. As the thesis is a case study its findings are not generalizable. However, the findings significantly enhance our understanding of those specific situations where the calm working environment is interpreted to be disturbed and the teaching assistant intervenes by using physical touch.
  • Vesa, Paula (2022)
    Aim of the study. Community is a very important topic of discussion. For example, in the schools of Porvoo, community well-being was broad theme of the 2021–2022 semester. The importance of community has been underlined during the coronavirus pandemic, when traditional community means, for example events, have had to be avoided. Previous research has been done relatively little concerning school’s communal operational culture. The aim of this study was to find out what the principals think about community means at schools, how the communal operational culture of the schools appear and how the coronavirus pandemic has affected the sense of community in schools. Methods. The research was implemented by interviewing principals of the Finnish language elementary schools in Porvoo. Six very different types of schools were selected for the study in terms of location, size, and student material. Semi-structured interviews were implemented using a remote connection. The interview focused on three themes: principals´ views on community, the school´s communal operational culture and the school´s community during the coronavirus pandemic. The research material was analysed by using phenomenography analysis. In phonomyography research the analysis is based on the search for meanings and thereby the formation of categories. Results and conclusion. Working together, good cooperation and feeling good in the community were emphasized in describing the community. The principals mentioned cooperation, student participation, common rules and goals and openness as structures that promote community. Community as a value appeared on the background of the school´s operating methods, and community as goal emerged from the values. Communal activities were, for example, common events, trips, and activities. Professional interaction was mainly promoted during the common planning time. The principal´s role from the point of view of community was to be its leader or enabler. The principal also had to be interested in the subject, open minded and appreciative. The cooperation of the school community was aspired promoting, for example, shared leadership. The coronavirus pandemic had no positive effects on community, but it emphasized the value of community and improved teaches´ ICT skills.
  • Miettinen, Joona (2021)
    The aim of this study is to gather information about the deskless classroom. The deskless classroom is a widespread modern learning environment where the classroom has been transformed into a transformable and open learning environment, furnished with mobile furniture, beanbag chairs, exercise balls and other alternative workplaces, instead of the traditional desks. The research questions for this study were as follows: - how the classroom teacher has experienced students learning in a deskless classroom - how students have experienced their own learning in a deskless classroom. The study was conducted as a qualitative case study. The method of collecting the material was a semi-structured thematic interview. The interviewees are a teacher teaching in a deskless classroom and three students with experience in the first four years of studying in a deskless classroom. Based on the research results, the deskless class offers an alternative to the traditional deskless class. A deskless classroom has its own special features that must be taken into account when working there. It is best suited for well-guided students and students for whom the specificities of openness are appropriate.
  • Schildt, Nea (2024)
    The purpose of this study was to investigate the views of primary school teachers on school´s readiness to accommodate all diverse learners. The subject topic captivated my interest due to the emphasis placed by the interviewed primary school teachers in my bachelor's thesis on the readiness of the school, even though the actual research focused on children´s school readiness. Additionally, since the 2000s, discussion in Finland regarding school readiness have shifted towards the organization of education rather than solely focusing on children's readiness for school. Several research also support this shift. Readiness of the school has been extensively investigated as part of inclusive education. On the other hand, in the National Core Curriculum for Basic Education (2014), the word inclusion is mentioned only once. The aim of this study was to determinate the requisite preparedness of educational institutions to accommodate the diverse needs of incoming students, and to clarify the strategies of implementation of inclusion. In my qualitative research, six primary school teachers who work in elementary education participated. Thematic interviews were used as data collection method, as they allowed clarifying questions to be asked from the participants. The interviews were recorded, videotaped and transcribed for further analysis. The chosen method for analysis in my research was theory-guided content analysis, supported by thematic categorization. The data was then categorized into seven themes, which will be referred to as "upper-level categories" in the following study. These upper-level categories consist of resources, competent teacher, leadership, collaboration with preschool teachers, inclusivity, resources, and differentiation. My research findings strongly imply that primary school teachers considered resources to be the most important factor in the readiness of the school and the implementation of inclusion. However, primary school teachers described school resources as inadequate to meet the needs of all incoming students. Primary school teachers discussion about the most important readiness factors for accommodating all incoming students were centered around resources, teachers' professional skills, leadership, and collaboration with preschool teachers. Primary school teachers instead reported focusing on the implementation of inclusion through various inclusion-related actions, available resources, and diverse differentiation. Generally, five out of six primary school teachers had a positive attitude towards inclusion and the readiness of the school to accommodate all diverse learners. This study provides valuable information especially for primary school teachers, but also for principals interested in inclusion and implementing inclusive education.