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Browsing by study line "Husdjursvetenskap"

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  • Pettinen, Pinja (2021)
    The objective of this study was to investigate the associations between nutritional factors and the incidence of peripheral caries and other oral diseases in Finnish horses. Peripheral caries was chosen as the main subject of this study because of its wide prevalence in horse population. Peripheral caries is also a risk factor for other oral diseases, and it is thought to express well the effects of feeding to teeth. The aim of this study was also to find out how the Finnish horse population is fed. The study was carried out as questionnaire at Porvoon Hevosklinikka. Horse owners filled the questionnaire according to the information from oral exam done by veterinarians. Oral exams were carried out by two Specialists in Veterinary Medicine, Equine Diseases. Of the 94 horses included in this study, 79% (n=74) had been diagnosed with peripheral caries by a veterinarian. The incidence of peripheral caries was significantly associated with breed and use of hay net. All (n=12) of the warmblood trotters in this study had peripheral caries. Most of the horses (95 %, n=22) that ate their roughage from hay net had peripheral caries. Only 35 % of the horse owners had access to feed analysis of roughages fed to their horses. As much as 85 % of the horses whose owners did not have access to feed analysis had peripheral caries. Some symptoms in eating behavior and riding or driving behavior have been connected to pain at cheek teeth. In this study 37 % of owners reported that horses did not have any of these symptoms. Most (83 %, n=29) of these horses however had peripheral caries. Because of the small sampling and reference group more study of this subject is needed. According to this study most of the Finnish horse owners do not have feed analysis of their roughage and therefore they cannot plan the feeding based on the analysis. Despite this almost all (96%) of the horses in this study had their feeding supplemented with concentrates.
  • Ruuhinen, Saila (2023)
    Tiivistelmä – Referent - Abstract Ilmaston muuttuminen on tuonut haasteita porotaloudelle. Porojen talviaikainen ruokinta on yleistynyt talvilaidunten laadun heikkenemisen, vähenemisen ja pirstoutumisen myötä. Talviaikainen ruokinta on useimmissa paliskunnissa vakiintunut hoitotapa, jota ilman ei tulla toimeen. Talviruokinnan toteutusta vaikeuttaa se, että poro on sopeutunut fysiologiansa puolesta niukkaan ja vain vähän valkuaista sisältävään ravintoon talvella. Tutkimus toteutettiin 12.1.–29.3.2022 ja sen tavoitteena oli tarkastella erilaisten rehujen vaikutusta vaatimien fysiologiaan talvitarhausolosuhteissa. Tutkittavina koeruokintoina oli kaksi kasvilajikoostumukseltaan erilaista säilörehuruokintaa sekä väkirehuruokinta. Molemmissa säilörehuryhmissä oli kahdeksan ja väkirehuryhmässä (VKR) yhdeksän vaadinta. Kaikki tutkittavat vaatimet olivat tiineitä ja iältään 2–9-vuotiaita. Säilörehujen raaka-aineina olivat timoteivaltainen säilörehunurmi (TTN) ja luonnonheinänurmi (LHN). Säilörehuryhmät saivat lisäksi väkirehua ensin 300 g/pv/vaadin ja kokeen puolivälistä alkaen 600 g/pv/vaadin. VKR- ryhmä sai väkirehua koko kokeen ajan 2 kg/pv/vaadin. Tutkimuksessa selvitettiin ruokintojen vaikutusta painoon, kuntoluokkaan, rinnanympärykseen sekä energia- ja valkuaisaineenvaihduntaa kuvaaviin veriarvoihin. LHN-säilörehun raakavalkuaispitoisuus ja muuntokelpoisen energian pitoisuus olivat TTN- säilörehua suurempia. Ryhmäkohtaisesti laskettu energian ja valkuaisen saanti oli suurempi LHN- ryhmässä kuin kahdessa muussa ryhmässä. Säilörehuruokintojen välillä ei ollut tilastollisesti merkitseviä eroja vaatimien painoissa tai kuntoluokissa. Säilörehuryhmissä vaadinten kuntoluokka pysyi ennallaan (LHN 3,1 ja TTN 3,2) ja paino laski 6 kg (LHN) ja 5,8 kg (TTN) kokeen aikana. VKR-ryhmän vaadinten paino nousi kokeen aikana 1,8 kg ja kuntoluokka pysyi ennallaan (3,7). VKR-ryhmän vaatimet olivat jo kokeen alussa kuntoluokaltaan kokeen suurimpia, koska ne olivat väkirehuruokinnalla jo ennen kokeen alkua. Kokeen lopussa TTN-ryhmässä seerumin albumiinipitoisuus ja albumiini:globuliini-suhde olivat suurempia ja globuliinipitoisuus pienempi kuin LHN-ryhmässä. VKR-ryhmä poikkesi säilörehuryhmistä useiden veriparametrien osalta erityisesti kokeen alussa. Kokeen lopussa VKR-ryhmän seerumin vapaiden rasvahappojen (NEFA) ja ureapitoisuus olivat säilörehuryhmiä pienempiä. Tulosten perusteella molemmilla säilörehuruokinnoilla vaadinten paino laski, kuntoluokan pysyessä ennallaan, mikä saattoi johtua keventyneestä ruuansulatuskanavan painosta verrattuna koetta edeltävään ruokintaan. Väkirehuruokinta lisäsi vaatimien painoa, vaikka ne olivat jo kokeen alkaessa kuntoluokaltaan lihavia. VKR-ryhmän pienempi seerumin NEFA-pitoisuus voi viitata säilörehuryhmiä vähäisempään herkkyyteen käyttää kudosten rasvavarastoja.
  • Mänki, Aino-Maria (2023)
    Lypsylehmien rehun tulee olla laadultaan hyvää, jotta ne voivat hyödyntää koko maidontuotantopotentiaalinsa. Säilörehun käymislaatu vaikuttaa syötävän rehun määrään ja maitotuotokseen. Lisäksi erilaiset käymistuotteet muokkaavat lehmän pötsikäymistä. Käymislaatuun on mahdollista vaikuttaa erilaisten säilöntäaineiden avulla. Lehmä tarvitsee karkearehun lisäksi väkirehuja, joista viljan säilöntätavalla voi olla iso merkitys tuotantokustannuksiin ja ympäristövaikutuksiin. Murskesäilöntä on potentiaalinen vaihtoehto viljan säilömiseen kuivauksen rinnalla. Tämän tutkimuksen tavoitteena olikin selvittää säilörehun käymislaadun, sekä rehuviljan säilöntätavan vaikutuksia lypsylehmien maitotuotokseen, syöntiin ja pötsikäymiseen. Säilörehu säilöttiin käyttämällä muurahais-ja propionihappopohjaista säilöntäainetta (Happo) tai homofermentatiivista maitohappobakteeriymppiä (Ymppi). Ohra kuivattiin (Kuiva) tai murskattiin ja säilöttiin heterofermentatiivisen maitohappobakteeriympin avulla (Murske). Rehut syötettiin seosrehuina 2 x 2 faktoriaalisesti 16-ayrshire-lehmälle neljässä eri jaksossa. Faktoreina olivat säilörehun säilöntäaine ja ohran säilöntämenetelmä. Säilörehujen väliset erot käymislaadussa olivat yllättävän pienet. Kuiva-aineen syönti oli suurempaa (p<0,01) lehmillä, jotka söivät Happo─rehua kuin Ymppi─rehua, mutta ohran säilöntätapa ei vaikuttanut syöntiin. Pötsin voihappopitoisuus oli suurempi Happo─rehua syöneillä lehmillä kuin Ymppi─rehua syöneillä (p<0,10). Vastaavasti etikkahappopitoisuus oli suurempi Ymppi-rehua syöneillä lehmillä kuin A-rehua syönneillä (p<0,05). Ohran säilöntämenetelmä ei vaikuttanut pötsikäymiseen. Maidontuotantoon säilörehun säilöntäaine ei vaikuttanut merkitsevästi, mutta Kuiva─ohraa saaneiden tuotos oli korkeampi (39,6 vs. 39,0 kg/pv) kuin Murske─ohraa saaneiden (p<0,10). Energiakorjattuun maitotuotokseen ohran säilöntätapa ei vaikuttanut (p<0,10), koska Murske─ohraa syöneiden lehmien maidon rasvapitoisuus oli korkeampi kuin Kuiva─ohraa syöneiden. Maidon rasvatuotos oli korkeampi (p<0,10) Happo─rehua syöneillä lehmillä kuin Ymppi─rehua syöneillä, kun taas maidon valkuaistuotos oli korkeampi Kuiva─ohraa syöneillä lehmillä kuin Murske─ohraa syöneillä. Säilörehujen käymislaadun erojen puuttuessa olivat vaikutukset pötsikäymiseen ja maidontuotantoon hyvin maltillisia. Ohran säilöntätavalla oli myös hyvin vähäiset vaikutukset lehmien tuotantotuloksiin, joten säilöntätapa voidaan valita muilla perusteilla.
  • Tuominen-Brinkas, Miina (2023)
    Sikojen hännänpurenta on hyvinvointia laskeva vakava käyttäytymishäiriö. Sen tausta on monisyinen, ja se on yhdistettävissä sian puutteellisiin olosuhteisiin sekä sian yksilöllisiin ominaisuuksiin. Hännänpurennan syntymekanismi ei ole täysin selvä, mikä tekee sen hallinnasta haasteellisen. Hännänpurennalle altistavia riskitekijöitä on kymmeniä sekä riskitekijöiden yhdysvaikutukset vielä epäselviä. Sioille hännänpurenta aiheuttaa kipua ja stressiä. Sikataloudelle se aiheuttaa taloudellisia tappioita suoraan ja välillisesti. Tutkimusosuus on osa laajempaa kokonaisuutta. Ehjä häntä kertoo sian kokonaishyvinvoinnista (EHJÄ) -hanke toteutetaan vuosien 2021–2024 aikana. Hankkeessa keskitytään välikasvatuksessa tapahtuvaan hännänpurentaan. Tämän tutkimusosuuden tarkoituksena oli kartoittaa hännänpurennan yleisyyttä välikasvatusikäisillä porsailla sekä tutkia, onko sukupuolella tai painolla yhteyttä purruksi tulemiselle. Lisäksi tutkimuksessa selvitettiin, onko sialla kohonnut riski tulla uudelleen purruksi lihasikakasvatuksen aikana, jos se on joutunut purennan uhriksi välikasvatuksessa. Tutkimus toteutettiin suomalaisilla sikatiloilla ja yhteensä arvioitavia sikoja oli 1579 kappaletta. Sikojen hännät arvioitiin siihen kehitetyn vaurioasteikon avulla. Hännät arvioitiin välikasvatuksen lopussa sekä uudelleen juuri ennen teurastusta. Tilastollinen analyysi suoritettiin käyttämällä ristiintaulukointia. Tutkimuksen mukaan 47,1 prosentilla sioista oli jonkinasteinen häntävaurio välikasvatuksen lopussa. Sioilla, joilla oli jonkinasteinen häntävaurio välikasvatuksen lopussa, joutuivat todennäköisemmin purruksi myös myöhemmin (p = < 0,001). Sian sukupuolella ei voitu selittää purruksi tulemisen riskiä (p = 0,177), kuten ei myöskään sian painolla (p = 0,504). Tutkimuksen tulokset osoittavat, että hännänpurenta on ongelma sikojen välikasvatuksessa ja purennan uhriksi joutuminen saattaa seurata sikaa välikasvatuksesta teurastukseen asti. Tämän tutkimuksen perusteella ei löytynyt yhteyttä sukupuolen, painon ja purentavaurioiden välille. Riskitekijöiden perusteellisempi ymmärtäminen on tarpeellista ja välikasvatusikäisten sikojen hännänpurennan tutkimusta tarvitaan myös tulevaisuudessa.
  • Savela, Jutta (2022)
    Viime vuosina koirien ja ihmisten entistä tiiviimpi suhde on johtanut kasvavaan kiinnostukseen koirien hyvinvointiin ja terveyteen, minkä yhtenä tärkeänä osa-alueena pidetään ruokintaa. Koirien ruokintaan kiinnitetään entistä enemmän huomiota ja sen myötä erilaisten ruokintavaihtoehtojen tarjonta on lisääntynyt. Uudet ruokintatyypit ovat osin korvanneet perinteiseen kuivaruokintaan perustuvan ruokinnan. Uusista koirien ruokintatavoista on toistaiseksi tehty vähän tutkimusta, eikä tiedossa ole, mitkä tekijät ovat yhteydessä omistajien valitsemiin ruokintatyyppeihin. Tämä tutkielma perustuu vuosien 2009-2015 aikana kerättyyn internetpohjaiseen koirien omistajille suunnattuun ruokintakyselyaineistoon. Tutkielman päätavoitteena oli selvittää pentuiän (alle 6kk) ruokintatyyppien, taustamuuttujien ja ympäristötekijöiden välisiä mahdollisia yhteyksiä. Tutkielman aineisto koostui 6599 omistajan vastauksista koskien pentuajan ruokintatyyppejä. Yksilöille muodostettiin pentuajan pääruokintatyyppi, joita olivat ruokintakyselyssä kysytyt kuivaruokinta, muu teollinen ruokinta, kotiruokinta ja raakaruokinta, sekä sekaruokinta, joka muodostettiin aineiston käsittelyssä. Osa taustamuuttujista luokiteltiin tilastollisesti uudelleen. Eri ruokintaryhmien ja taustamuuttujien välisiä yhteyksiä analysoitiin SPSS-ohjelmiston ristiintaulukoinnilla. Jälkitestinä käytettiin Khiin neliö testiä, ja tilastollisesti merkitsevät tulokset korjattiin Bonferronin menetelmällä. Tulokset osoittivat, että suomalaiset koirat ruokitaan edelleen pääosin kuivaruokinnalla. Muuttujista steriloinnilla, luonteella, aktiivisuudella, asumismuodolla, talouden muiden koirien ja eläinten, pentuiän kuntoluokan, ulkoilun ja levon määrällä välillä havaittiin olevan yhteys pentuajan ruokintatyypin kanssa. Tutkimus luo pohjan vastaaville tutkimuksille, ja antaa tärkeää perustietoa koirien ruokintatyypeistä ja taustamuuttujien ja ruokintatyyppien välisistä yhteyksistä.
  • Venho, Liisa (2023)
    The Finnhorse is the only native horse breed in Finland. Finnhorse has faced several genetic bottlenecks that have reduced the breed’s genetic diversity. The aim of this study was to analyse breed’s genetic diversity using pedigree data, focusing on the level of genetic variation and relatedness of the current population (individuals born between 2000 and 2021). In addition to the changes in the inbreeding rate, relatedness, effective population size and generation interval, the study investigated the individuals that have had the greatest genetic impact on the current population, as well as the relationship coefficients of currently used breeding stallions to the current population. Data, including 88 782 animals, was received from Suomen Hippos ry. The average inbreeding coefficient of the horses born between 2000 and 2021 was 4,5 %. The average inbreeding coefficients have increased during the last decades, but the annual growth has been moderate. The mean generation interval was 12,5 years. The growth of the inbreeding coefficient over the past 13 years was 0,97 %. The average relationship of the latest age group to each other was 10,5 %. Relationship between stallions and mares has been increasing throughout the 21st century. After 2013, the average coefficient of relationship between sexes has remained above 11 %. In this study, the effective population size was 93,5 for those born between 2000 and 2021. The effective population size has decreased from 108,6 individuals of the age group born in 2000 to 94,6 individuals born in 2021. However, the effective population size has remained above 50 individuals, which is considered the limit for the occurrence of problems caused by inbreeding at the population level. Current Finnhorse population can be traced back to five founder stallions: Murto, Eri-Aaroni, Suikku, Vokker and Vieteri. Out of those, Murto has the most remarkable contribution on the population born between 2000 and 2021: around 14,2 %. The five founder stallions are all connected by their lineage. The most used breeding stallions of the 21st century were all from trotter breeding direction and their relationship to the mares of the current population ranged from 10,1 to 18,4 %. The lowest relatedness of all breeding stallions to the mares of the current population was 4,0 %. Eight stallions had less than 6,0 % relatedness. None of them were from trotter breeding direction. The genetic diversity of the Finnhorse has remained at a reasonable level, but it is worth noting that the close relationship of breeding stallions in the trotting direction will probably increase rate of relationship in the future. A wider use of genetically divers stallions and a more even number of mares per stallion could slow down the rate of relationship of the breed and increase the effective population size.
  • Junttila, Maijuleena (2021)
    Finnhorse is a native Finnish horse breed and its studbook has four different sections: riding horse, trotting horse, pony-sized horse and working horse. Most of the Finnhorses are registered as trotters. The Finnish trotting and breeding association Suomen Hippos ry is responsible of the breeding value estimation. The official breeding value estimation includes earnings, racing time, time difference at finish, disqualifications and career starting age. The objective of this study was to update variance components for earnings and racing time and to estimate variance components for the racing career length and first year earnings as new traits. Data was received from The Finnish trotting and breeding association Suomen Hippos ry and it contained racing results from years 1984 to 2018. For this study, the data was limited to competition years 2000-2018 for earnings and racing time. For the career length and the first year earnings the data were limited to birth years 1990-2004. The data included trotting race starts from stallions, geldings, and mares. Geldings and stallions competed approximately 60% of the starts. Age was grouped annually from 3 years old to 8 years and older horses. Finnhorse can start racing on September 1st of the year when it turns three years of age and it can race till end of the year when it turns 15 years old. In addition to gender and age, the year of race was included as a fixed factor in the estimation of variance components. The data was processed with RStudio-program. The pedigree file was processed with RelaX2-program and DMU-program’s REML was used for the variance component estimation. The repeatability model was used for the earnings and racing time, since there were multiple observations per animal per year. For the career length and the first year earnings, there were one observation per animal. Heritability estimate for earnings (0,26±0,01) and racing time (0,40±0,02) were moderate. Heritability estimates are similar to those used in the official breeding value 0,30 and 0,35, respectively. The heritability of the career length was low 0,09±0,01 and the first year earnings was moderate 0,26±0,04 which was the same as the earnings trait that included all competition years. The genetic trends were positive for all the studied traits. The genetic correlation between the earnings and the racing time was high -0,94±0,01. This was expected since these two traits illustrates quite the similar features. The genetic correlation between the career length and the earnings of the first year was also high 0,65±0,08. This predicts that moneywise well performing trotter is likely to do a longer career compared to a horse that does not earn that much. The results show that if earnings is used in selection also the length of the career improves genetically.
  • Siltala, Enni (2021)
    The breeding of dairy cattle has changed due to genomic evaluation. Breeding values can be evaluated for young animals who don’t yet have phenotypic data or offspring. However, achieving a high reliability for genomic breeding values requires a large reference population. In the case of rarer breeds, such as Finncattle, acquiring a large reference population can be difficult. In a small population genomic evaluation can thus lead to results with poor reliabilities. The aim of this study was to find out if adding genomic data to the breeding evaluation of Western Finncattle would increase the reliability of the breeding values. The phenotype used in this study was the energy corrected 305-day milk yield of the first lactation and the observations were fixed to the environment factors. Phenotypic data had observations for 26 258 Finncattle cows. Genomic data had the imputed genotypes of 728 Western Finncattle. Estimated breeding values (EBV) were obtained using a single trait BLUP-animal model and genomic estimated breeding values (GEBV) were obtained using a single trait genomic ssGBLUP animal model. The results were standardised, and a validation was carried out. The milk yield of Western Finncattle was better than the yield of the other Finncattle breeds and the yield had also steadily increased. Likewise, the genetic trend of Western Finncattle had been increasing. The breeding values of bulls were lower than those of the cows and the genetic trend of bulls was uneven due to the small number of bulls in the study. In addition, the correlation between EBV and GEBV was lower in bulls than in cows. The correlations were higher in older animals than in younger ones. Cows with an observation had a higher correlation than those without an observation. Similarly, the non-genotyped animals had higher correlations than the genotyped individuals. For genotyped bulls, the correlation increased with the number of offspring. The addition of genomic data to the evaluation increased the reliability of the values in the validation. Despite the small population of Western Finncattle, the reliability of breeding values can be increased by adding genomic data to the evaluation. This reliability can be further increased by increasing the size of the reference population. The limited number of bulls in the population of Western Finncattle resulted in unreliable results in this study and acquiring enough genomic data from bulls can prove to be difficult. Therefore, it could be reasonable to focus on cows in the genomic evaluation of Western Finncattle
  • Jokiniemi, Silja (2022)
    Suomenlampaalle on kartoitettu alun perin 73 eri isälinjaa, mutta pässejä on tällä hetkellä elossa 44 eri linjasta. Hollolassa on 1980–1990-luvuilla pakastettu vanhoja siemenannoksia, joiden rodut ja polveutumistiedot ovat vajavaiset eivätkä niiden isälinjat ole tiedossa, minkä takia niitä ei ole käytetty. Tavoitteena oli selvittää genotyypityksen avulla, eroavatko nykyiset suomenlampaan isä-linjojen edustajat geneettisesti toisistaan sekä ovatko vanhat pakastetut siemenannokset mahdollisesti suomenlampaita ja voisiko niitä käyttää vanhojen kadonneiden isälinjojen palauttamiseen tai uusien isälinjojen luomiseen suomenlampaalle. Käytettävä aineisto koostui 80 genotyypistä, joista 43 oli kerätty eläviltä suomenlammaspässeiltä ja 37 vanhoista siemennäytteistä. Näytteet genotyypitettiin NeoGen GGp Ovine 50K -sirulla ja niiden genotyypitys onnistui hyvin. Moniulotteisen skaalauksen (MDS) perusteella osa vanhoista siemennäytteistä osoittautui olevan muita kuin suomenlampaita. Eri isälinjoja edustavat pässit painottuivat löyhästi kolmeen eri ryhmään, mutta kokonaisuudessaan eri isälinjojen pässit eivät geneettisesti eronneet paljoa toisistaan. Pässien välillä havaitut geneettiset erot johtuivat isälinjojen sijaan todennäköisesti eniten siitä, kuinka paljon yhteisiä esivanhempia tutkielmaan mukaan valituilla pässeillä oli. Vanhojen siemennäytepässien yhdistäminen luotettavasti elossa oleviin tai jo kadonneisiin isälinjoihin genomiaineiston perusteella osoittautui mahdottomaksi, koska pässeihin sekoittuu emien kautta kaikkia muita isälinjoja. Siemennäytepässit ovat kuitenkin pääasiassa geneettisesti etäisempiä suurimpaan osaan yleisimmistä isälinjoista, minkä takia niitä voitaisiin hyödyntää siemennyksen kautta lisäämään nykyisen suomenlammaspopulaation geneettistä monimuotoisuutta. Pässien genomiaineistoon perustuvien sukulaisuuksien (G-matriisi) ja sukupuuaineistoon perustuvien sukulaisuuksien (A-matriisi) väliset korrelaatiot olivat pääasiassa korkeita. Neljällä pässillä korrelaatio oli matala. Muilla pässeillä korrelaatiot vaihtelivat 0,35 ja 0,95 välillä keskiarvon ollessa 0,71. Matala korrelaatio kertoo todennäköisesti siitä, että näiden neljän pässin sukupuutiedoissa on virheitä, näytteet on otettu vääristä eläimistä tai näytteet ovat menneet sekaisin genotyypityksessä. Tämän perusteella suomenlampailla genotyypitystä kannattaisi aluksi hyödyntää ainakin sukulaisuuksien tarkistamisessa, sillä kirjaamisvirheitä voi tulla helposti korkean sikiävyyden takia. Samalla saataisiin kerättyä genomiaineistoa, mitä voitaisiin tulevaisuudessa hyödyntää, jos suomenlampaalle halutaan alkaa tekemään genomista valintaa. Isälinjojen alkuperäinen tarkoitus paritusvalintojen tekemisen helpottamiseksi on menettänyt merkitystään, kun lampaiden tuotosseurantaohjelma mahdollistaa sukulaisuuksien tarkistamisen kuuden sukupolven perusteella. Tutkielman tulosten perusteella suomenlampaan jalostuksessa tärkeintä olisi eri isälinjojen säilyttämisen sijaan pyrkiä ylläpitämään mahdollisimman monipuolisesti eri sukuja ja hillitsemään sukusiitosasteen kasvua populaatiotasolla.
  • Albrecht, Marjukka (2023)
    Animal transport has been causing public debate during the last few years. Almost all production animals are transported at least once during their lifetime. It is well known that transport can be detrimental to animal welfare in many ways and cause increased morbidity and mortality. A longer transport time is often associated with decreased welfare more than a shorter transport time. However, shorter transport time does not necessarily guarantee better welfare of animals. Bovine respiratory disease (BRD) is common in cattle and a usual cause for antimicrobial treatment. It is often transmitted from one animal to another in situations where animals from different origins are commingled. Especially animals that are young or have poor immunity are likely to get ill. That is why calves, that often are collected from different farms and transported to rearing units or to abattoirs, are at risk of getting respiratory infections. The aim of this study was to find out how transport time affects average daily gain and the likelihood of getting a BRD diagnosis among calves that were transported. There were 334 bull calves that were transported to a rearing unit in Western Finland in 2017. Transport time, diagnoses and given antimicrobial treatments as well as daily gain of the calves were recorded. The age of the calves at transport varied between 10 and 45 days. According to the results, longer transport time shortened the time until the first antimicrobial treatment (p = 0.044, coeff. = -0.942). Transport time was not associated with BRD diagnosis at the first clinical examination (p = 0.529, OR = 1.029) but it was positively associated with increased daily gain (p = 0.024, coeff. 0.007). These results might partly be explained by which areas the calves originated from and indicate that transport time did not necessarily play a big role in welfare of the transported calves in this study.
  • Laakkonen, Anna-Katri (2020)
    In beef production, the successful reproduction of animals plays a significant role. The gestation length in cattle is about 9 months, but there is variability between breeds. Gestation length in beef breeds is longer than in dairy breeds. Gestation length is correlated with calving difficulties. The objective of this study was to investigate factors affecting gestation length in beef cattle. Data was received from Faba co-op. The aim was to calculate the phenotypic gestation lengths for Charolais and Hereford, as well as for their crossbreeds with the most common beef breeds used in Finland. One of the objectives of this study was to calculate heritability estimates for gestation length for pure Charolais and Hereford breeds. Data from Charolais and Hereford calves born in 2009-2018 were used in the analysis. There were 2883 Hereford calves and 3370 Charolais calves in the data. Finally, only pregnancies that had resulted from artificial insemination with the minimum length of 165 and maximum length of 305 days long were included in the analysis. Two different models were used to estimate the variance components, one involving only the direct genetic effect of the calf and the other also considering the maternal effect. Fixed factors in both models included sex of calf, number of calves born, calving season, herd-year, and parity-age. All fixed factors were statistically significant. Based on the results, there were phenotypic differences in gestational lengths between breeds, heavier beef breeds having longer gestations. In the model including only the direct genetic effect of the calf, relatively high heritability estimates were obtained, but in the maternal model the direct heritability was lower, and the maternal heritability was very high. The current data was not well suited for the evaluation of the key figures of the maternal model, so the results should be treated as preliminary.
  • Viitanen, Emmi-Leena (2020)
    After calving dairy cows increase their dry matter intake rapidly and at the same time the diet changes from dry period diet to a diet containing more concentrates. These changes can increase the risks of health problems in rumen and decrease the rumen pH. Long and repeated periods of low rumen pH can lead to subacute rumen acidosis (SARA). Adding small amounts of concentrates to the diet before calving is a traditional method to alleviate problems around calving. Lately some researchers have questioned the benefits of lead feeding. Some Finnish farms don’t give lead feeding anymore because it increases the labor work and costs. The experiment was a randomized complete block design, where 16 ayrshire cows were divided into pairs according to their previous milk yield, body weight and estimated calving day. One cow in each pair was fed cereal concentrate 3 weeks before calving in addition to grass silage while the other cow was fed only grass silage. The silage (D-value 715 kg/kg DM) was fed ad libitum. Reticular pH and temperature, ruminating time and eating behaviour was measured 3 weeks before calving and 8 weeks after calving. Treatments did not affect the reticular pH (p>0.10). None of the cows had a reticular pH under the SARA-treshold (over 5.24 h/d under 5.8 and mean pH<6.16). The mean reticular pH was 6.6 before calving and 6.5 on days 1-10 after calving. The lead feeding group spent less time eating in a day (180 vs. 230 min/d, p<0.001) and had higher eating rate (kg DM/min) than the non-lead fed group (p<0.01). The effect remained after calving. During days 1 to 10 d after calving lead feeding group ate less than non-lead fed group (15.0 vs. 16.3 kg DM/d, p=0.02). Before calving the non-lead fed group had longer rumination time than the lead-feeding group (465 vs. 395 min/d, p=0.01). After calving the difference in the ruminating time tended to sustain (p=0.13). The lead feeding shortened the daily eating and ruminating times pre- and postpartum. Reticular pH did not differ between treatments but lead feeding group had higher reticular temperature, lower rumination time and decreased feed intake during very early lactation which may indicate problems in pH-balance.
  • Exell, Katariina (2020)
    Transition from pregnancy to lactation is a critical period for dairy cows. During this time period the cow is vulnerable to different metabolic diseases. The rumen function may be disturbed, when rapidly switching to increased concentrate feeding after calving. The cow and its rumen do not have time to get used to the changed feeding and this may cause, for example, rumen acidosis. Lead feeding with concentrate may prevent illness and problems associated with eating feed near calving and in the beginning of lactation. The goal of this study was to determine how lead feeding containing concentrates affects cow’s metabolism, dry matter intake, reticular function, milk yield and milk composition. The experimental feeding of concentrate mixture was based on grass silage, straw and a homemade concentrate (barley 26%, oat 40%, rapeseed meal 13%, faba been 10%, molasses 10%, propylene glycol 1%). The study was a randomized complete block design. The study conducted with 16 Ayrshire cows and it started 3 weeks before calving and ended 8 weeks after calving. Cows were divided into two groups: the lead feeding group and control group. Before the start of the experiment both groups received ad libitum feeding that contain grass-silage (64% of dry matter; D-value 700 g/kg DM), straw (28% of DM) and rapeseed meal (8% DM). Starting from three week before the expected calving date, the lead feeding group received ad libitum a total mixed ration (TMR) of grass silage (49% of DM), straw (21% of DM) and concentrate mixture (30% of DM). The group without lead feeding received still the same ad libitum feeding that contained grass-silage, straw and rapeseed meal. After calving both groups received a similar TMR where roughage/concentrate -ratio was 65:35 (DM). Roughage in TMR included grass-silage and oat whole crop silage mixture (60:40 DM). In addition, the cows received commercial concentrate (max. 6 kg/d) and protein supplement (max. 2 kg/d). The lead feeding did not affect dry matter intake, body condition score, blood composition, milk yield or milk composition of the cows. Average dry matter intake (DMI) nearly doubled in both groups (time p<0,001) to 24 kg/d. Average milk yields were 44 kg/d and 46 kg/d in non-lead feeding and lead feeding groups. Reticulum minimum pH-values (6,2 vs. 6,1, p=0,09) and average pH-values (6,6 vs. 6,5, p<0,05) were greater in the non-lead feeding group and lead feeding group. In conclusion, lead feeding with concentrate did not affect feed intake, milk yield, milk composition or blood concentrations in dairy cows. In this study, lead feeding showed no significant positive effects. However, lead feeding lowered the pH of the cow’s reticulum, suggesting acidification of the rumen.
  • Kumpula, Antti (2020)
    Animal population can be improved by domestic selection and/or with importation of foreign genotypes. The aim of this study was to find out how big impact import of genetic material from different countries has had on genetic trends of different traits in Finnish Holstein and Ayrshire populations. The data were received from FABA co-op. The analyzes utilized breeding values and pedigree information from over 1 million Holsteins and over 2 million Ayrshires born between 1986 – 2019. Genetic trends were calculated annually and partitioned to country contributions using R-software’s package ‘AlphaPart’. Used method is based on partitioning the breeding values to Mendelian sampling terms and the genetic effect of the base population founder animals. The largest proportion of Holstein genes in Finnish population was from the USA. Animals from the USA had the greatest positive impact on the total merit, yield, longevity and udder conformation. By contrast they also had the biggest negative impact on fertility and general health. Gene proportion from Denmark was the third largest from the foreign countries, but it had the greatest positive impact on fertility, udder health, calving ease (maternal) and general health. It also had the second biggest positive impact on all the other traits among foreign countries. Foreign animals have had a smaller impact on the Finnish Ayrshire population compared to Holstein. In many traits the contribution of Finnish breeding animals stayed the greatest. For foreign countries importations from Sweden had the greatest contribution to genes and most of the traits. Gene proportion from Denmark has increased rapidly after year 2010. Both Swedish and Danish importations have had a similar impact, improving the total merit, yield, longevity, calving ease (maternal) and udder conformation. Both Swedish and Danish animals have had a negative contribution to general health. According to the results of this study, we can conclude that importations of genetic material from foreign countries have had a major impact on the Finnish populations during the last decades. Especially for Holstein, the importations from USA and Denmark have had a significant impact on the local genetic trends.
  • Lehtinen, Toni (2023)
    Maize (Zea mays L.) is cultivated in large scale for various purposes worldwide and maize is also commonly used as roughage for cattle. Due to climate warming and lengthening of the growing season, the cultivation of forage maize has been predicted to increase also in Finland. Maize provides a significantly higher dry matter yield in one harvest in comparison with other annual crops or silage grass. The aim of this master's thesis was to investigate the effect of the nitrogen (N) fertilization rate on the quantity and quality of the forage maize yield. The field trial was conducted in Helsinki during the growing seasons of 2019 and 2020. There were three rates of N fertilization in the experiment (100, 150 and 200 kg N/ha). Increasing the amount of N fertilization increased the crude protein (CP) content of forage maize, but the amount of N fertilization had no effect on the other analyzed quality factors or the yield rate. Nitrogen fertilization and year neither had an interaction on the quantity or quality of the forage maize yield. The fresh yield rate was higher in 2020 than in 2019. The starch and CP contents of the 2019 harvest were higher, and the ash and indigestible neutral detergent fiber (iNDF) contents were lower than in the 2020 harvest. On the other hand, there was no difference in the neutral detergent fiber (NDF) content between the years 2019 and 2020. The higher starch and CP contents and lower ash and iNDF contents of the 2019 forage maize yield compared to the 2020 yield is explained by the higher ear percentage of the 2019 yield (58% vs. 51%). In 2019, the proportion of ears of the dry matter yield was higher. The N fertilization rates for maize permitted by the Nitrates Directive (at most 110–150 N kg/ha) and Yara's recommendation of 140 N kg/ha are sufficient to produce a high forage maize yield under the prevailing growing conditions in Finland. The increase in the rate of N fertilization from the current recommendations cannot be justified by increasing the CP content of forage maize either, because it is not economically viable with N fertilization. The results indicate that it is possible to produce forage maize yield that is good in quality and especially in quantity in southern Finland. Maize silage can be used to replace grass silage in cattle feeding without reducing production, and with improved utilization of nitrogen for production.
  • Ahlholm, Juulia (2018)
    Since 2004 the Finnish Ayrshire Breeders' Society has offered a Canadian conformation classification system to its members via the cooperation with Ayrshire-Canada. The Canadian classification system differs from the Nordic system and has e.g. udder texture as a new trait describing udder softness and elasticity. The research objective was to estimate the genetic variation of udder texture and its correlation to production traits and somatic cell count and udder conformation traits in the Finnish Ayrshire cows. The data from the Finnish Ayrshire Breeders contained phenotypic records on the 1st lactation cows in 2011–2017. Finnish Animal Breeding Association (Faba osk) provided pedigree, herd, yield, insemination and calving information for the cows. The final data set for statistical analyses contained records on 3303 cows. The fixed effects of the traits were investigated by analysis of variance (R program lm). The variance and covariance components of the traits were analysed with Bayesian methodology resorting to the R program MCMCglmm. The heritabilities for the first lactation traits were 0,34 for milk yield, 0,26 for protein yield and 0,26 for fat yield and 0,10 for logarithmic somatic cell count (SCS). The heritability of udder conformation traits were from 0,13 for fore udder up to 0,47 for teat length. The heritability of udder texture was 0,15. The genetic correlation of udder texture with production traits were all negative: -0,36 – -0,34, and zero with SCS. The genetic correlations of udder texture with other udder conformations traits were positive with the highest being with mammary system (0,52), median suspensory (0,51) and udder depth (0,45). The data was representative and sufficiently large, as the heritabilities for production traits were similar to those found earlier and the accuracy of estimates was satisfactory. The longevity can be measured by the total number of lactations. The variation in this number was mainly explained by the milk yield and SCS of the first lactation records. Among the respective udder conformation traits, also the median suspensor and udder depth were significant. Because the udder texture is correlated with the latter ones, its contribution to the variation was not significant. Udder texture has a reasonable amount of genetic variation and is positively genetically correlated with other udder conformation traits, in particular with mammary system, median suspensory and udder depth. The use of the udder texture as an indicator trait for longevity would require a larger data volume. People who use the Finnish Ayrshire Breeder's AF-class-system should have all their cows assessed so the research and selection would have access to records covering a representative variation range.
  • Luostarinen, Sanna (2023)
    Vasikan syntymäpaino kuvastaa sikiön tiineysajan kasvua. Vasikan syntymäpainoon vaikuttavat useat eri tekijät, joita ovat esimerkiksi vasikan sukupuoli ja rotu, emän poikimakerta sekä tiineyden kesto. Syntymäpainolla on todettu olevan vaikutuksia niin poikimiseen kuin sen jälkeiseen tuotoskauteenkin. Tutkimuksen tavoitteena oli selvittää vasikan syntymäpainoon vaikuttavia tekijöitä sekä syntymäpainon vaikutuksia poikima-avun tarpeeseen sekä emän maitotuotokseen. Tutkimuksessa käytetty data on peräisin Viikin tutkimustilan karjasta vuosilta 1997–2022. Tilastollisessa analyysissä käytettiin pääasiassa varianssianalyysiä, regressioanalyysiä ja ristiintaulukointia. Varianssianalyysiä varten syntymäpainot jaettiin neljään kvartiiliin, kun taas poikimavaikeutta kuvasi kaksi luokkaa: ilman apua ja avustettu poikiminen. Vasikan sukupuolella ja rodulla sekä emän poikimakerralla oli tilastollisesti merkitsevä vaikutus vasikan syntymäpainoon. Sonnivasikat olivat keskimäärin 2,9 kg painavampia kuin lehmävasikat, ja ayrshire-rotuiset vasikat olivat kevyempiä kuin holstein-rotuiset vasikat. Emän 305 päivän maitotuotos suureni vasikan syntymäpainon kasvaessa. Ensikoiden maitotuotos lisääntyi kolmanteen painokvartiiliin (syntymäpaino kvartiilissa kolme: 42,1–46 kg) asti. Poikima-avun tarpeen ja ensikoiden maitotuotoksen välillä oli positiivinen yhteys, sillä poikima-apua saaneiden ensikoiden 305 päivän maitotuotos oli noin 400 kg suurempi kuin niiden, joita ei avustettu. Tämä johtuu todennäköisesti vasikan painon ja maitotuotoksen yhteydestä. Suuri syntymäpaino viittaa istukan suurempaan painoon, jolloin estrogeenia ja istukan laktogeenia erittyy enemmän. Nämä hormonit lisäävät maitorauhasten kehitystä, jolloin emän maitotuotos lisääntyy. Vasikan syntymäpainon ja 305 päivän maitotuotoksen välillä oli positiivinen yhteys. Kuitenkin suurten vasikoiden syntymä lisäsi poikimavaikeuden mahdollisuutta. Poikimisen avustamisella ei todettu olevan vaikutusta useamman kerran poikineiden lehmien seuraavan tuotoskauden maitotuotokseen.
  • Nyholm, Cecilia (2024)
    As the grazing decreases on farms in Finland, and we face several challenges with restoring different ecosystems such as natural grasslands, we need new innovations. One recently introduced technology, virtual fencing, has been evaluated for its effect on animal health and wellbeing around Nordic countries and Europe. However, there are few studies examining farmers’ opinions on the technology, which is important to determine if the technology will be implemented in practice in the future. This master thesis therefore examined dairy farmers opinions on virtual fences. The objectives of the study were to investigate if the producers knew what virtual fencing was before taking part of the study if they have a positive or negative view of virtual fencing and if they could consider using virtual fencing for their cows in the future. The background factors such as the number of dairy cows, field area, education and age were also investigated to see if they affected the results. The study used quantitative methods to evaluate the responses to a survey and results were analysed with Chi-Square tests to study possible factors affecting the answers. As equipment, Webropol was used for making the survey and IBM SPSS Statistics for analysing results. The survey was sent out by email to Arla and Valio producers, on social media and other channels. There were 119 respondents in total, and they represented demographically all Finnish dairy farmers well. The results indicated that around 60% of the respondents knew what virtual fences were beforehand, that over 50% thought that the technology is positive and around 45% could consider using the technology in the future. None of the factors investigated (including number of dairy cows, field area, education, and age) had a significant relationship with respondents’ opinions about virtual fences. Although some minor statistical relationships were found, their effects were minimal and followed no clear pattern. The respondents thought the technology would have benefits in grazing difficult pasturelands and to decrease the workload while individual learning difficulties and bad mobile network were considered as challenges. In the open answers, there were concerns to increased wolf attacks with virtual fences due to the lack of a physical barrier. The study suggests there is an interest regarding virtual fences among dairy farmers and, therefore further studies within the technology would be important to eventually legalize it in Finland in the future. As further studies, opinions among other animal producers as well as physical tests on different herds would be recommended.