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  • Halmetniemi, Adalmiina (2024)
    The aim of this thesis is to explore parents’ experiences of well-being in everyday life after the birth of their first child. The transition to parenthood with the first child is a unique time, as all the changes in everyday life are experienced for the first time, and it can surprise you in many ways. Family formation after the first child has been described as a critical transi-tional phase, in which everyday practices and rhythms change and adjustments are made in the relationship to meet the challenges of parenthood. Previous research has highlighted declining birth rates, parental exhaustion and experiences of uneven distribution of house-hold tasks. Therefore, there is a perceived need to increase honest discussion about par-enting and how well-being and feelings of equality could be enhanced in parenthood. The thesis was conducted using a qualitative research approach. The data were collected in October 2023 by interviewing seven (N=7) parents on parental leave with their first child. The data were analyzed using theory-based qualitative content analysis. The results of the study are not quantitatively generalizable. The transition in the families was seen as significant compared to the past. In the context of parenting a newborn, many factors contributed to and supported satisfaction and well-being in various ways but also presented conflicting and challenging experiences. New tasks such as breastfeeding, putting the baby to sleep and childcare were seen as rewarding in many ways, fostering a connection with the baby. Challenges highlighted the learning of these tasks and experiences of uncertainty. Personal time took on new meanings and was seen as a very important factor supporting personal identity and emotional well-being. Regularity in the rhythms of daily life with a baby made it easier to anticipate everyday life, but modera-tion and flexibility were seen as necessary. Everyone described equal parenting as im-portant, but there was variation in its implementation. When equality was achieved, parents' basic needs were met, household chores were evenly distributed, sufficient personal time was available, and a sense of gratitude, a willingness to prioritize the spouse and good communication also increased satisfaction in the relationship. Parents experiencing inequali-ty highlighted increased workload, negotiating while tired, lack of empathy and appreciation, and communication challenges as factors that undermined the well-being of the relation-ship. Support from relatives and society increased satisfaction if trust was felt and help was available when needed. Parental well-being experiences were seen to be influenced by ba-by-related characteristics. The experience of smooth everyday life was mirrored in expecta-tions and perceptions, and the fear of colic had been unfounded in each interviewee. As a result, most felt that everything could go well for the most part and that the occasional chal-lenges of parenting a newborn were seen as a natural part of everyday life that one could overcome. The pressures of parenthood emerged on several occasions, although at the same time most expressed confidence in their parenting and did not perceive the pressures as burdensome. As a topic for further research, it would be important to explore these pres-sures and perceptions in more detail. It would also be important to explore the experiences and changes in the well-being of parents’ that have resulted from the family leave reform. The results of this study bring theoretical insights and a deep understanding of early parenthood to the field of home economics research, in which context the findings can be utilized, for example, to provide empathy and support.
  • Léman, Loviisa (2024)
    Second-home living as a form of living and a way to spend free time has been a part of Finnish cultural identity for a long time. Second-home living is usually associated with an image of close-to-nature and modest life without technology. Despite this image, the equipment level of cottages has become more and more comprehensive, and many cottages have a wide variety of home appliances and entertainment technology these days. The purpose of this master’s thesis was to find out how second home users perceive technology at second homes and how they reason purchasing it. The study was carried out as qualitative research. The research material consists of eleven semi-structured interviews of individuals, who spend time in owner-occupied second homes. The transcribed interview material was analyzed using data-oriented content analysis. The results show that second home users are making demarcations regarding what kind of technology they consider is suitable for the cottage environment. The technology at the cottage, or the lack of it, is justified both by available resources and by reasons related to personal needs or preferences. The reasoning for technological level is also connected to how the second-home users perceive technology in the cottage environment. Based on the data, research home appliances that make housework easier as well as information and communication technology that enables remote work are mostly viewed positively. In contrast, technology that is intended for leisure use is viewed more negatively, especially when it is perceived to disturb family togetherness or other features generally desired from second home living. The way second-home users relate to the technology of the cottage includes contradiction. It can be interpreted as indicating, that the second home users still want to maintain the image of the simplicity of cottage life despite the cottage’s actual level of technological equipment. On the contrary, second-home users are not strict about the technology they use at the cottage and some even feel that technology also belongs to the second home like it does to the primary home. As a conclusion, it can be stated that the actual development of the second-home culture occurs non-simultaneous to the discourses and images related to second-home living.
  • Volotin, Ida (2022)
    The purpose of this study is to find out what kind of tensions school actors experience and bring up as a part of the multi-professional collaborative planning and action process related to food education. In addition, this study is interested in what kind of collaborative learning is built based on these tensions. These results are conceptualized using levels of shared food sense. The study examined the collaboration process between three subject teachers and the school's food-service manager, during which a theme day for the whole school “environment friendly food day” was planned, implemented, and evaluated. So far, there has been no similar research in Finland on cooperation between food service and teaching staff or the utilization of school meals as a multidisciplinary learning entity in school communities. This study aims to respond to this research gap, as the national recommendations covering school meals (2017) and the Finnish National Curriculum (2014) guide and recommend the school community to consider school catering more widely as part of food education and multi-professional collaboration. This study was part of the RUOKATAJU (2020–2022) project. In this study data included multi-professional meetings, the teachers' open feedback questionnaire and interviews. The analysis was theory-based and utilized the definition of shared food sense and tensions. Collaborative learning was noticeable in relation to planning the ”environment friendly food day” implementation through joint understanding. Instead, the tensions that appeared during the evaluation phase provided appropriate information about the challenges related to the cooperation between the food service and teaching staff. Tensions were related, for example, to the hectic work of the food service staff, the staff resources provided by the employer, the diversity of the teacher's work, lack of information about school meal practices, the lack of professional competence or meaning. When considering further research ideas, it would be worthwhile to also make the voice of principals and the food service industry heard.
  • Jylhälehto, Sini (2023)
    Previous research on the needs of diverse families has focused on legislation and its functionality in diverse families. In addition, everyday conflicts have been studied in general from the perspective of families with children, without giving special attention to the diversity of families. The purpose of this study is to map the experiences of diverse families about the support they receive and thus highlight the special needs of families who are not included in the family norm in a support system that draws from a nuclear family approach. The study examines the social support received by diverse families in relation to their everyday experiences. The data is examined to find the conflict situations that diverse families experience due to the support they receive or being excluded from support in their everyday lives. Support refers to both financial benefits and other societal support received by families. The context of the study is in the families' own everyday experiences. The research has been carried out by means of qualitative content analysis and is based on the phenomenographic research tradition. The data has been formed from the answers of a questionnaire “How far does your money go?” carried out by the Diverse Families network. The answers used to form the data were from these questions: 1) "If you could change a mean of support or benefit to better suit the situation of your family or household, what would it be and how would you change it? If you wish, you can mention more than one mean of support or benefit” and 2) "If your children live in two or more different homes, have you noticed any shortcomings in the support or benefit systems concerning this situation? If so, what?" 285 respondents had answered either one or both questions. The formed data were analyzed in a theory-driven manner. As a result, the study highlights a fault: there are diverse families that receive societal sup-port that does not meet the needs they experience. Conflicts arise mainly because the family's situation is not comprehensively mapped out. Families experience that their needs are not listened to or understood in the support process, which is perceived as fragmented and does not take diversity into consideration. The study shows that diverse families should be supported and studied primarily from an intersectional perspective.
  • Yli-Karhu, Anne (2024)
    Home economic textbooks reflect the educational goals of a specific era within a certain cul-tural context. Examining home economic textbooks helps to understand what content and values society wants to emphasize in home economics education. This thesis explores the topics related to baking and baked goods as presented in home economic textbooks from 1980s to the 2020s. The aim of the study is to examine how food culture traditions and globalization are portrayed around themes related to baking. The background of the study is formed by historical and societal themes, including authenticity, exoticism, culinary cosmo-politanism, as well as everyday life and holiday tradition. The study was conducted as a qualitative content analysis. The data was collected from eight textbooks and the presentation of baked goods were compared to Finnish culinary cul-ture. The research also examined how exotic global culinary trends have become visible in the textbooks. Data analysis was performed using a theory-driven content analysis ap-proach. As a result of globalization baked goods may gradually become part of our own food cul-ture. If a pastry originally considered exotic is included in a home economic textbook, can it then be seen as integrated into Finnish food culture? All textbooks presented historical as-pects of our culinary culture, although these were more emphasized in older textbooks. The textbooks reflected the spirit and the curriculum values of their time. This was particularly evident in the emphasis on authenticity and exoticism related to baking and culinary culture in textbooks before the 2000s. Textbooks from the 2000s are more international and reflect the arrival of culinary trends and culinary cosmopolitanism into Finnish food culture and textbooks. Culinary cosmopolitanism can be seen as a dialogue between cultures. Culinary cosmopolitanism can facilitate discussions about different food cultures and ways of eating and find commonalities between different food cultures.
  • Hoffrén, Noora (2023)
    Based on previous studies, there are many kinds of food talk and food takes on many different meanings, which partially overlap. There are tensions in food talk that challenge the attitude towards food and affect the choice of food. Consumers struggle in the cross-wave of food-related information, because a lot of information is available on different platforms and from different sources. In addition, the media plays a large role in today's everyday life, which is why it is necessary and also natural to study the discourses formed by food precisely on the social media platform. The purpose of the study was to find out what discourses are formed in the food-related publications of Instagram influencers. The research task is therefore to describe, analyze and interpret food talk in the captions of the publications of welfare and food influencers. The perspective and approach to the subject is socio-constructionist. The thesis aims to find out how influencers try to create or unknowingly create different meanings and references about food talk on social media platforms. The material was collected in the spring of 2022 from the Instagram photo service. Data collection time was one and a half years, 08/2021–03/2022. The research group consisted of five well-being and five food influencers. The captions of 65 food-related publications from their accounts were selected for review. The material was analyzed using discourse analysis. The research material contained ways of speaking that were identified as discourses. In food talk, four different discourses appeared on the influencers' user accounts; pleasure, ease, responsibility and normativity. The discourses of normativity and effortlessness were formed from the captions of both groups of influencers. The discourse of pleasure, on the other hand, was formed only in the captions of well-being influencers, and the discourse of responsibility only in the captions of food influencers. For food influencers, the discourses included, for example, atmosphere, utilization of services, avoiding food waste and climate issues. For well-being influencers health served as a strong guideline for everything they do. The main meanings behind the discourses were the healthfulness of food and food as a source of pleasure, the ease of cooking, the responsibility of purchasing and using food, and confronting assumptions about what kind of eating is used to and what is considered accepted and worth striving for. The results of the work could be used in educational, organizational and research work around the topic of food.
  • Sirén, Varpu (2024)
    This master's thesis aims to explore home economics teachers' perspectives on the revised final assessment criteria in home economics. Assessment is a significant part of a teacher's daily work, therefore it is important to develop assessment practices, and criteria, and equality of assessment. Assessment criteria allow for more accurate assessment, giving teachers a clear framework for assessing students' performance, and increasing the equality of assessment. The revised final assessment criteria were introduced on 1 August 2021 and applied for the first time in the final assessments conducted in schools in spring 2022. The criteria define the required level of knowledge and skill for grades 5, 7, 8, and 9 in each subject. The purpose of the criteria is to guarantee objectives common to all, within which teaching and learning are implemented in basic education. The thesis was carried out empirically using a qualitative research approach. The data were collected in September-November 2023 utilizing thematic interviews with seven (N=7) home economics teachers who had personal experience with the final assessment criteria in home economics. The data were analyzed through qualitative content analysis. The results of this thesis cannot be generalized quantitatively. The results show that the final assessment criteria were seen as practical, clear, and concrete, which facilitates assessment and promotes equality among students. Challenges were seen in the over-detailedness of the criteria as well as the lack of evaluation criteria to accommodate different learners. Teachers were seen as needing more resources, in-service education, and material to support their assessment work. The assessment criteria were felt to provide security in uncertain situations and to help justify the grades given. The high-level standard seen in the criteria raised concerns that teachers could balance the assessment by giving higher grades than students' actual competence according to the criteria would be. Gender was no longer felt to have a significant impact on assessment. The assessment was perceived to be subjective and there was variation in the interpretation of teachers' views and assessment criteria in the interviews. For example, the criteria for giving a grade of ten varied, weakening the equality of the assessment criteria. Cooperation among col-leagues was seen as important in the development of assessment expertise. In addition, the need for continuous education was emphasized to promote diverse assessment and consideration of the changing circumstances of students. The final assessment criteria were seen as a significant tool, but their practical functionality and equality should be evaluated and developed in the future. In the future, it would be important to study, among other things, the practical variation in the interpretation of teachers' own mental images and assessment criteria, and to identify factors that affect it. In this way, equality of assessment can be promoted nationally. The results of the study can be used in similar contexts, and the study brings current information on the functionality of assessment criteria to the field of home economics science and pedagogy.
  • Totro, Ella (2023)
    The importance of food as a culinary experience, a form of leisure and a way of life is more significant today than ever. The casualization of food is partly the result of the mediatization and recreationalization of food. These developments can be seen to have accelerated when food content moved to television. Social media has expanded food media and culture to a new level, which has enabled the production of food content from different parties and the birth of new food-related phenomena. One example of new phenomena related to food and eating are mukbang eating videos from South Korea. Originally imitating collective dining, mukbang is a form of digital eating, where the person being filmed typically eats a large portion of food while conversing with their viewers. The purpose of this study was to investigate YouTube comments by analyzing the reasons for watching mukbang videos, i.e. why the videos are consumed. In addition, the research wanted to examine the social and cultural meanings viewers attach to food and eating. The thesis was carried out using qualitative research. The research method used was netnography, which is also called digital ethnography. In this study, the video platform YouTube served as the research field. The researcher first carried out observations in the field by getting to know the mukbang community, after which the research material was collected from the comment threads of six (n=6) different videos. The material was analyzed using theory-driven content analysis, and a total of 221 comments ended up in the final analysis. Based on the research, watching mukbang videos is activated by sensory pleasures, food inspiration and feeling connected to the mukbanger, i.e. the creator of the video. In addition, the result of the study can be considered the multi-layered nature of video consumption, as the comments could contain several reasons for watching. Of the meanings attached to food and eating, society's eating norms and staying within them, the idealization of food, and commensality, i.e. the meaning of eating together, came to the fore. This research helps to understand the meanings of the phenomena and communities created around food and the reasons for consuming food contents as the multi-meaning of food increases within people. In addition, the understanding of this research helps to promote the positive effects of food-related content such as mukbang, as well as to increase awareness and prevent harmful ones.
  • Pullinen, Saara (2022)
    This master's thesis aims to elucidate the experiences of eighth-grade elementary school students in home economics distance learning periods in the spring of 2020 and spring of 2021. The aim was also to outline the change in household education during the exceptional period caused by the corona pandemic. The study was carried out using qualitative research methods. The research material was collected through in-depth interviews with eight eighth graders in elective home economics course who had experienced both distance learning periods. The analysis of the material uti-lized the principles of content analysis and thematic analysis. The general opinion of the interviewees about distance learning was negative. According to the respondents, social isolation had a negative effect on experiences also on distance learning in home economics, as the formerly interactive subject turned into studying alone. There was a distinct decrease in interactions between teacher and student, which affected negatively in the experiences of the student about distance learning. Tasks in distance learn-ing seemed more boring than in contact learning, as many tasks were written assignments instead of cooking, as in the name of equality the home economics teacher could not de-mand students to acquire the necessary materials. Respondents found the education tech-nological applications to be easy to use. However, the simultaneous use of many applica-tions was a concern for respondents, as the school did not have common policies on the use of applications during the first distance learning period, so many teachers had different appli-cations in use.
  • Pöllänen, Ilona (2021)
    Former studies have shown that everyday workload has increased in Finland. However, their focus has been on families’ point of view, but young childless adults’ views have stayed in the shadows. According to the studies adolescents are even prone to serious health issues caused by loaded everyday life. The goal of this thesis is, firstly, to study what young childless adults think about loaded everyday life and, secondly, to analyse ways how young adults try to ease their everyday workload. The research approach is qualitative. The data was collected with an e-questionnaire that included open ended questions. The study participants were chosen by discretionary and snowball sampling. The data consists of 29 young childless adults who experienced periods of transition in their lives and who also experienced loaded everyday life on a scale of daily to monthly. The data was analysed by using a data-driven content analysis. Everyday workload of young childless adults relates to the challenges of everyday well-being and performance. The former was emphasized among those who were affected by loaded everyday life most strongly and the latter among those who were less burdened by everyday life. Young adults tried to make their loaded everyday life easier via time management and by taking care of their well-being. It turned out that workload experience can be facilitated and managed by means suitable for oneself, so that is possible to secure and increase mastery of everyday life and well-being. The experience of everyday workload turned out to be a personal experience which was related to several different factors and individual needs. The number of things to be looked after, activities, or leisure time did not predict the quality of loaded everyday life experience.
  • Hakkarainen, Susanna (2022)
    Finnish grade school is becoming more and more multicultural due to increasing immigration. However, according to previous studies, the structures of our education system are not equal or do not support diversity. Purpose of this thesis is to study experiences of otherness of young people with immigration background. The object of the analysis is to clarify what kind of experiences of otherness and othering young people have encountered in secondary school and in home economic classes. By opening the experiences of otherness, the dismantling of distorted value structures can be promoted. Qualitative research data were collected in December-January 2021–2022. Eight young adults with an immigrant background participated to the interviews. The young adults were from the Helsinki metropolitan area. The themes of the interviews covered the use of the concept of immigrant, identity and citizenship, racism, discrimination, as well as time in secondary school and home economic classes. The interview material was analyzed with content and thematic method. According to the study, home economic classes were perceived as pleasant, and they promoted equality. However, element where the students' backgrounds would become more visible part of education were missed. By group division in home economic classes teacher can promote mutual respect between students. The functional structure of the learning content is suitable for practicing interaction skills. Racism and discrimination in schools were found to be difficult to deal with because they are not actively talked about within school culture. According to the study, students are powerless to express the racist, discriminatory, and unfair treatment they have faced in school. The study found that the use of a concept immigrant increases young people’s sense of otherness. The young people also felt that it was difficult for the representatives of the mainstream culture to accept their identification as Finns.
  • Erola, Milla (2023)
    Competitive sports are popular among young people and leisure hobby environments are recognized in the field of food education as important places for informal learning. The roles of parents and coaches are considered central in the formation of young athletes' perceptions of food. The study aimed to describe young athletes' views and experiences of eating that supports wellbeing and to analyze how young people think that the home and hobby environment support eating. This study was conducted using a qualitative research methods. The data consist of ten individual interviews with young athletes aged 13-16. The interview method was a semi- structured theme interview and the original expressions found in the data were analyzed using theory-driven content analysis. The analysis followed a three-step process, which included data reduction, clustering and abstraction. The pursuit of healthiness and a preference for home-cooked food are related to young people's eating. Eating out was very unusual, because restaurant food is not considered to meet the requirements set for an athlete’s diet. There were few species-specific differences in healthy eating in the data. According to young people, family was the most important support for eating, and family support was described by three upper categories: teaching eating practices, healthy family lifestyles, and relying on parents' knowledge. The support received from the coaches ranged from short reminders to more detailed nutrition advice. Experiences about the lack of coach support were also brought up. The results of the study shed light on young athletes’ views and experiences of the support provided by food environments. The results are important in supporting the food education of athletes, when we want to understand young people's experiences of eating that supports well-being. We still need more information about how leisure environments support young people’s eating and what kind of cooperation between different actors takes place in food education environments. Further research could focus on how sports coaches or hobby activity instructors view supporting children's and young people's eating.
  • Piispanen, Lotta (2022)
    Based on previous research, the development of consumer and financial education in basic education is topical and necessary. One of the teaching methods in accordance with the objectives of the curriculum is problem–based learning. The aim of this study was to investigate problem-based learning in home economics consumer and financial education. The aim was also to find ways to develop consumer and financial education in home economics. The perspective of this study were home economics teachers and their students whose involvement in the development of teaching is important. Answer to the research problem was sought with the main research question: How is problem–based learning feasible in the teaching experiment in consumer and financial education in primary school education? Sub-questions were used to discover benefits and challenges of the teaching method and also experiences of the target group during teaching experiment. The study was conducted as an ethnographic study. Research strategy was a combination of school ethnography and action research. Research material has been collected during the teaching experiment organized for the research using participatory observation, thematic interview and a questionnaire. Research material was collected in 7th grade home economics education classes in a school in the Helsinki metropolitan area. The target group of the study was 109 students and two full time home economics teachers of the school. The material of the study was analyzed thematically using theory-based content analysis. Based on the results of the study, problem-based learning is excellently feasible in consumer and financial education in home economics. The advantages of the teaching method were the commendable fulfillment of the goals during the teaching experiment and the increased motivation of the students. Problem–based learning was an inspiring and interactive way for students to learn, enabling students to learn actively and self-directedly and to apply critical thinking and knowledge. The biggest challenges in problem–based learning was related to the limited resources of home economics teachers, the lack of interaction and reflection skills in the target group, and the workload of the teaching method. The experience of both students and home economics teachers of problem-based learning during the teaching experiment was positive. Home economics teachers evaluate that the teaching method works in consumer and financial education of the target group beyond expectations. Based on the results of research, problem–based learning could be suitable teaching method in the development of consumer and financial education in home economics.
  • Kurkola, Jan-Kristian (2023)
    Controlling everyday rhythms has been found to be related to how young people experience their ability to cope with life and how meaningful their everyday life appears. The sequential map is a tool developed to support the scheduling and management of everyday life. It is based on Pirjo Korvela's observations of the sequence structure of everyday life, or how everyday life is constructed of successive stages. Home economics researchers have studied the map as a tool for supporting everyday life, especially in family work. In this study, the sequential map was examined for the first time as a teaching tool in home economics education. The study explored the opportunities and challenges of using the sequential map in home economics education. At the same time, the factors to be considered in the design and application of the sequential map were examined to ensure a successful teaching event. The theoretical framework for the study was formed by everyday life research and didactics of home economics. The research material consisted of interviews with home economics teachers, notes collected from observing their home economics classes, and sequential maps filled out by participating students. The research method was qualitative, seeking to understand and utilizing action research methodology in some areas. The results of the study show that the use of the map makes the overall structure of everyday life and the relationship between everyday actions more understandable to students. Working with the map created constructive social interaction between students and the teacher. Students recorded their own everyday activities on sequential maps with ease, and the resulting teaching content was deemed interesting. Students also critically reflected on their own everyday activities. The maps provide useful information about young people's daily lives for adults working with them. The results showed that lesson introductions should be carefully planned to allow enough time for the topic to be internalized. The structure of the maps should be kept as open as possible to allow plenty of space for recording thoughts.
  • Purolinna, Ronja (2021)
    The study examines the subject didactic development reports produced as the final work of the course ’Teacher as a researcher’ which is part of home economics teacher’s pedagogical studies. These reports have not previously been analyzed as research data. The aim of the study was to find out what content areas and learning theories students use in their teaching experiments. The aim was also look at how the comprehensive learning goals, stated in the National curriculum are manifested in teaching experiments. Thus, this study examines the directions in which students are taking the subject-didactic development work. The scientific literature of the study relies on research-based teacher education and comprehensive learning goals as part of the National curriculum. The data includes 66 development reports prepared in 2013-2020. The reports were analyzed using qualitative content analysis. The learning theories applied in the teaching experiments were analyzed as based on the framework summarizing these theories. The emphasis on the various content areas of home economics was searched for on the teaching methods used and for on the topics selected. These contents were again further processed into a table format. The comprehensive approach (based on the curriculum) in the experiment was searched by using three-step criteria. One report per content area per year was evaluated for further examination. According to the study, the content area of ‘Food competence and food culture’ proved to be the most used. The content area of ‘Consumer and financial expertise’ proved to be the second most popular and the area ‘Living together’ the least utilized. Students reflected little influence on the choice of content areas, as teaching experiments were mainly conducted at the same time as teaching practice. Learning theories that emphasized interactive learning proved to be popular. Comprehensiveness was manifested primarily through fulfillment of comprehensive goals and the selection of thematic contents that support the formation of a broader understanding. The usefulness of the course ’Teacher as a researcher’ leans strongly in experimentation of new methods and the use of digital technology in teaching. Such skills have been proven necessary as the COVID-19 pandemic has changed teaching practices in schools.
  • Siitonen, Matti (2020)
    Aims. The aim of the research is to investigate how teachers perceive both their own and their students’ temperaments, and to see how temperament affects student assessment. Ear-lier research demonstrates an effect of temperament on evaluation. According to the national core curriculum of primary education (2014), the temperament of a student must not be taken into account upon assessment. Therefore, an evident need for further research exists, to see, if there after all remains an effect of temperament on assessment, and to see how the poten-tial effect could be minimized. Methods. The investigation was of qualitative nature. The material was analyzed by content and thematic analysis. The interviews were conducted following a half-structured method and held in either the personal home of the interviewee, or at the university. The research material is comprised of interviews of three working teacher’s and two teacher students. All of the in-terviewees had experience in teaching and assessing students. The material was analyzed via two themes: 1) the teachers’ perception of temperament and 2) the effect of temperament on evaluation. Results and Conclusions. The results clearly show that the interviewees were deeply inter-ested in things associated with temperament with respect to educational work. The interview-ee’s understanding of temperament was comprehensive including the following definition of temperament: the temperament is a human being’s inborne way of reacting and functioning in diverse situations. The understanding of temperament had evolved through work experience and studies in behavioral sciences. The significance of work experience was emphasized over education, although the basic understanding of the meaning of temperament was ac-quired through studies. The interviewees had clearly reflected upon the effect of their own temperament on their teaching and evaluation of students, and how to recognize the effects. According to the interviewees, temperament clearly has an effect on student evaluation, and its exclusion was considered an utmost challenge. The interviewees although suggested means of reducing the effect of temperament on evaluation.
  • Ferranti, Lotta (2023)
    Sustainable food education aims to promote consumers' knowledge, skills, attitudes, and values related to the sustainable food system. In the national curriculum for basic education (2014) the topics related to the sustainable food system are present especially in home economics. Based on previous studies, one factor that affects the implementation of sustainable food education in home economics is the teaching material dealing with the subject area. However, little research has been done on sustainable food education and related teaching materials. The purpose of this study was to investigate how Finnish home economics textbooks support sustainable food education. In this study the textbooks were seen as tools of sustainable food education. The research objectives were to study what topics related to sustainable food consumption are presented in the home economics textbooks and what values are present within the texts. The research material consisted of three home economics textbooks published after the current national curriculum for basic education (2014). The investigation focused on the texts which concerned both sustainability and food consumption. The data was analyzed with a qualitative theory-based content analysis. Shalom Schwartz's value theory was used in the examination of values. The studied home economics textbooks cover sustainable food consumption extensively and the contents in the three studied textbooks are rather similar. The textbooks depict sustainable food consumption as food consumption that promotes individual’s health and well-being, is ecological and economical, ethical, and responsible and in which planning and moderation of consumption and maintaining one’s own food culture and traditions are important. In practice, this implies avoiding food waste and favoring local and organic food to mention a few. In the context of sustainable food consumption health is the most emphasized value in the textbooks. The values of universalism, benevolence, and tradition are also relevant, while hedonism and conformity are given less importance. The research provides information on the contents related to sustainable food consumption in the textbooks. This information can help identify gaps in the teaching materials and support supplementing them.
  • Lehosvuo, Suvi Kristiina (2018)
    The aim of the study is to research the students’ views about optional home economics as a subject and its teaching at the junior high school level. Previ-ous studies have examined home economics teachers´ and students´ perceptions of the sub-ject, its future perspectives and what determines good teaching. The research material was collected during spring 2015 from one junior high school´s opti-onal courses of home economics. The material consisted of short essays about the subject of home economics written by the students. In total, there were 84 papers given: 42 from stu-dents at 8th-grade level and 42 from students at 9th-grade level. The study was conducted as a qualitative research and the material was analysed using the qualitative content analysis method. The students´ views of home economics as a subject and the teaching of home economics were mainly positive. The students experienced that home economics as a subject was in-spiring and something that brought variety to their normal school day. Teamwork and practi-cality were seen as positive factors and food and working with the food were seen as interest-ing activities. Teacher´s positive and motivated attitude, approachableness and encouraging feedback were also important. A peaceful class environment was seen as an essential factor to a good learning experience. The study showed how home economics is a popular optional junior high school subject. Teamwork and practicality are teaching methods that interest students and the positive and motivated attitude of the teacher encourages students to perform well in the class. The re-sults showed how the subject of home economics is an important and topical part of the na-tional core curriculum in the times when social changes are more present in the school world than ever.
  • Laukkanen, Silja (2023)
    A lot of previous research on the meaning of food already exists. However, the meaning of food when pregnant has been studied very and therefore the purpose of this study was to fill this gap. Previous studies have shown that today’s consumers are not able to avoid making choices in relation to the food they consume but instead encounters them every day. Food choices on the other hand create tensions between the consumer and consumption when trying to integrate cultural and social pressures and standards with their own freedom of choice. The chosen and unselected foods in turn reflect the meanings that food receives and expresses. The aim of the study is to unravel the meanings of food while pregnant and to examine the tensions behind it using the binary categories developed by Mäkelä (2002). Also other studies concerning the binary categories are used. The study was carried out as a qualitative study using the narrative approach. The research data were collected from pregnant and within a year pregnant people during summer 2022 using the University of Helsinki’s e-form. The study invitation to write was distributed on Facebook in private Baby Groups and among those close to the researcher. The final data of the study consisted of 27 narratives from 19 to 42 years old respondents. The data were analysed by using a directed content analysis, utilizing in particular the conceptualization of Mäkelä's (2002) binary categories. As a result of the study, seven main meaning classes were formed to describe the meanings of food during pregnancy: food as discipline, food as a risk and threat, food as nourishment, food as identity and ideologies, food as a source of sensations and feelings, food as social relations and food as a source of health and well-being. In addition, the main meaning classes were divided into 17 additional upper meaning classes. Especially during pregnancy, food recommendations and restrictions, which appeared to be clearly shared norms, seemed to have an impact on the meanings of food. A distinct link behind the meanings of food to tensions was found. Based on these meanings of food, pregnant women find the healthy development of the fetus very important and therefore the binary categories concerning health and danger were highlighted in the narratives. It would be important to provide support from health care and from close ones so the pregnant mother would not be left alone with encountered tensions but would rather be able to enjoy the social side of food in addition to the child growing in the womb.
  • Välimäki, Lauri (2022)
    The popularity of video games has grown significantly over the last half century. Most Finns aged 10–75 have stated that they play digital games at least once a month. Video gaming is an increasingly common and diverse phenomenon and should not be seen as a mere pastime for the youth. Video game play has been studied in the past, for example, through the motivational factors of playing them. In addition, the study of problematic gaming and downsides of video games have been quite common. Attention has also been paid to the serious games, for example for learning and well-being purposes. However, these studies, which are often quantitative studies, do not really provide answers to the relationship between video games and everyday life. In previous studies, the needs for this type of research have been pointed out. This home economics’ study describes the perceptions that gamers have of video gaming as an everyday life activity. This study is a qualitative master’s thesis with phenomenographic approach. This approach allows the phenomenon to be described using the concepts of gamers. The study material was collected through individual semi-structured thematic interviews from six actively playing gamers. The interview material was transcribed, and from that the single concepts were analysed into pool of meanings. From pool of meanings, a total of 12 categories of description were formed, corresponding to different perceptions. These were abstracted into four categories of description that describe the phenomenon at a more general level. Each category is part of a larger whole, forming together the outcome space. Gaming as established everyday practice, gaming as an everyday resource, intensive everyday gaming and composed gaming were the general level perceptions of video gaming as an everyday life activity. The research results describe video gaming as a phenomenon that is constantly interacting with other activities of everyday life. Also, it is being included to one's own daily rhythm, taking one's own interests, daily situation and available resources into consideration. The results are displaying what the digitalisation of everyday life, as one of the biggest changes in everyday life, can mean in the context of video gaming. Video gaming blends into a natural and meaningful part of everyday life.