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  • Virtanen, Niia (2016)
    Body consciousness research is a multidisciplinary field including various conceptualizations of its subject. Usually research frames are based on comparisons between bodily experts, such as dancers, or psychiatric groups with bodily aberrations (e.g. eating disorders) and control participants. Methods of body consciousness research include behavioural and self-report measures as well as brain imaging. Some methods have been used to study bodily experts, but not psychiatric groups, and vice versa. In this study, dancers, amateur and professional athletes, and control participants were studied using four behavioural methods (aperture task, endpoint matching, rubber hand illusion, posture copying) and two self-report measures PBCS (Private Body Consciousness Scale of the Body Consciousness Questionnaire) and BAQ (Body Awareness Questionnaire). Because many methods of studying body consciousness focus on the use of hands, a new method called posture copying, involving the whole body, was developed in this study. Dancers succeeded better than controls in the aperture task, and better than athletes and controls in the posture copying task. In the posture copying task, group differences were present in copying all other body parts but hands. Both dancers and athletes scored higher in the BAQ than controls. There was an almost significant difference between athletes and controls in the endpoint matching task. No group differences were found in the rubber hand illusion or PBCS. The results were considered as proof that dancing has a special connection with body consciousness, but that some aspects of body consciousness are similar in dancers and athletes. Methods measuring the same quality of body consciousness produced contradictory evidence, which questions their validity. This study offers useful knowledge for the future of body consciousness research, with regards to choice of participants, methodology, and study design, as well as treatment plans of clinical groups with disorders in their body consciousness (e.g. eating disorders).
  • Litonius, Anna (2018)
    Since 2002, it has been possible for same-sex couples in Finland to register their partnership. In March 2017, same-sex marriage was legalized. The new law also gave same-sex couples equal parental rights. In the healthcare processes concerning pregnancy and parenthood, previous studies have shown that same-sex couples feel they have a good interaction with healthcare staff, but feel discriminated and offended by the healthcare processes and routines that have no preparedness for other forms of sexuality than heterosexuality. The purpose of this study is to examine how the concept of "family" is presented in the material given to prospective parents, and see whether the material projects an ideal of "family". Of interest is whether there is a heteronormative assumption that excludes all other forms of parenthood as aberrant. Methodologically, the study is based on a discourse-theoretical perspective, and the theoretical ground relates to educational research for social justice, with a link to critical family research and a queer-feminist research field, where the focus is on studying normative processes and power relations. The studied material consists of texts produced by the National Pension Institution (FPA) and the Institute for Health and Welfare (THL) in 2009-2017 and recommended to prospective parents. A total of nine guides, brochures and pamphlets were examined. The material constitutes government interpretations of a phenomena or, in cases where they are produced by other organizations, interpretations of phenomena that are socially approved. When authorities publish and distribute information sheets and pamphlets, they manage what is being presented and from what perspective the matter is discussed. The subject matter is governed by expert and professional perceptions of what is central knowledge and what parents are expected to know. They also strongly contribute to how the concept of family is perceived in the public space. In the material, the family is created in the process of becoming and being a parent. There are clear expectations and demands on parenthood, and heterosexuality is the dominating norm. Families and roles that challenge and break what is presented as normative are viewed as aberrant. Thus, in relation to the theoretical starting points, one can interpret the family by heteronormative processes, and those presented are assigned roles and "the right ones" are those closest to an assumption of a "natural heterosexuality".
  • Hassinen, Katriina (2016)
    Depersonalization refers to the experience of alienation from oneself. It is a common symptom, although not so widely studied in adolescents suffering from mental health problems. Depersonalization is a dissociative symptom, of which a main characteristic is loss of coherence on mental functions. However, compared to more severe forms of dissociation, depersonalization is relatively common also in nonclinical populations. The present study takes a closer look at the comorbid symptoms of adolescents experiencing depersonalization. Is there a connection between depersonalization and psychiatric diagnosis categories, severity of depression or anxiety symptoms, or symptoms associated with risk for psychosis? Based on previous studies, it is expected that mood and anxiety disorders and the severity of depressive symptoms as well as suspiciousness and perceptual abnormalities of the psychosis risk symptoms will be positively correlated with depersonalization. This study is part of the Helsinki Prodromal Study by the National Institute for Health and Welfare. The subjects (N=152) were new patients aged 15-18 in psychiatric treatment with various kinds of mental health problems. They were selected for further assessment after initial screening. Depersonalization was assessed with the Prodromal Questionnaire (PQ) depersonalization factor (Therman et al. 2014). The Structured Clinical Interview for the DSM-IV, Clinical Version (SCID-CV) and medical records were used for the diagnostic assessment. Depressive symptom severity was measured with the Beck Depression Inventory and the Beck Hopelessness Scale and severity of anxiety with the Beck Anxiety Inventory. The severity of psychosis risk symptoms was assessed with the Structured Interview of Prodromal Symptoms (SIPS). Mood disorders were associated with depersonalization as hypothesized. A similar association was not detected for anxiety disorders, though depersonalization was modestly positively correlated with the severity of depressive and anxiety symptoms. All of the positive SIPS-symptoms, especially delusional ideas were correlated with the severity of depersonalization. This was the case also with bizarre thinking, focus and attention problems, decreased experience of emotions and self, dysphoric mood and impaired tolerance to stress. These findings indicate that there are differences in the severity of depersonalization depending on the type of comorbid symptoms. For clinical applicability of the results, further study using more detailed definitions of depersonalization is needed.
  • Heimola, Mikko (2014)
    Aims: In earlier research it has been found that music can elicit strong emotional responses, and that mood affects the way they are processed. The brain basis of musical emotions has however been studied less than that of facial emotions. Also, there have been no studies on how depressed mood affects musical emotions in the brain. In the present study, both the effect of depressed mood state and that of depressive disorder on neural processing of musical emotions is studied. The aim is to identify brain regions affected, and to model the effective connectivity between these regions and the impact of depressed mood state and depressive disorder on this system. Methods: A functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) experiment was conducted, in which 56 adult subjects listened to emotional (happy, sad, and fearful) music. The experiment consisted of two conditions: in the implicit condition the subjects were asked how many instruments were playing, and in the explicit which of the three emotions best characterised the musical excerpt. The subjects also completed the Montgomery-Åsberg Depression Rating Scale (MADRS) and the Profile of Mood States (POMS). The behavioural and imaging data were analysed both within the general linear model (GLM) to identify affected brain regions and the dynamic causal modelling (DCM) framework to model how sensory inputs enter the brain system and how experimental conditions modulate connections between specified brain regions. Results and conclusions: The subjects were mostly not clinically depressed (76%) and the MADRS scores were not correlated with neural activity in the brain. The POMS Depression scale was however associated with attenuated activity in the right posterior cingulate cortex (PCC) while listening to happy and fearful music under the implicit condition. As PCC has been associated with internally directed cognition and the management of brain's attention networks, this attenuation is likely to reflect the incongruence between stimuli and mood state, which would result in increased attention and/or a decrease in explorative cognitive activity. Comparisons of DCM models consisting of PCC, superior temporal gyrus (STG) and the amygdala indicated that auditory stimuli enter into this system via the auditory cortex in STG. The analyses could not determine whether the emotional content of the stimuli modulates connectivity between these regions, but MADRS and POMS scores were associated with amygdala connectivity. This is in line with the view that depressive disorder disrupts the amygdala's role in orienting to affective information.
  • Nordlin, Ronja (2019)
    The goal of this thesis is to study gender equality within the Finnish technology industry. Recently the imbalance between the sexes in the workplace has become a part of the general discourse. This has led to both organizations and governmental institutions taking actions to promote gender equality in the workplace. Previous research has shown that socialization into traditional gender roles affects future career choices and steers individuals into occupations where the majority of employees have the same gender identity as themselves. Furthermore, studies have shown that stereotypical perceptions about the technology industry as masculine are hindering women from seeking a career in technology. This study aims to analyze how technology companies approach gender equality within their organization and the industry in general. The research questions of this thesis are: How do technology companies relate to gender equality? Have companies taken action to promote a more gender equal staff structure? And, how do these companies write about their female employees online? Organizational studies with a social constructivist feminist approach have shown that the ideal employee is still today identified through masculine norms. Thus, women have had to create strategies for how they are doing gender in their daily work, by taking on some traditionally feminine or masculine processes and leaving others out. This thesis is based on a qualitative research approach. The research material consisted of Finnish technology companies' blog texts published on their own websites. The material consisted of 18 blog posts written by 14 companies. The material was analyzed through theme analysis. Social constructivist feminist organization theory laid the theoretical framework for this thesis. The results of this research show an active discussion on gender equality in the Finnish technology industry. The approach to the issue of having too few women in the technology industry differed greatly between the different companies. Only a few companies expressed in their blog texts an understanding that inequality originates from social constructs in society. Most companies place the responsibility of gender equality on women as individuals. There were clearly a desire to include more women in technology, but the benefits of diversity in itself were only identified by few of the researched companies. Most companies unconsciously reproduced the prevailing normative masculine power structures of the industry in their attempts to promote gender equality. The results of the research indicated a willingness in the Finnish technology industry to promote gender equality, but a lack of understanding the structural nature of the problem and the tools required to handle this challenge.
  • Wasström-Måsabacka, Linn (2016)
    Studies about wellbeing on the workplace have shown that engagement, motivation and social capital affects and have significance for work satisfaction. The aim of the present study is to analyze the engagement on a bilingual (fi, swe) workplace, and to further explore the aspects that can be associated with it. The specific questions are how engaged, how internally motivated and how high the workers social capital is and also whether the intrinsic motivation and the social capital predict the engagement. The research questions are analyzed regarding to the sociodemographic variables: age, gender and educational level and other background variables: work experience, department, department language and position. Central theories in the present study are Self determination theory by R. Ryan and E. Deci and Herzberg's two-factor theory. The study was analyzed statistically and data was collected through an electronic survey in spring 2016. The survey consisted of questions from the Utrecht Work Engagement Scale (UWES), Basic Psychological Needs Scale (BPNS), a Finnish measurement about the social capital and also some self formed questions based on the theories about social capital. The respondents also answered questions about their background and where given a chance to express their engagement. A total of 252 workers (33 %) answered the survey. The Software program IBM SPSS Statistics 22 was used for the analysis of the respondent's answers. The results of this study show that the employees experienced a high engagement, a high intrinsic motivation and a high social capital. Significant correlations and differences were found e.g. a higher engagement and a higher intrinsic motivation was experienced by the Finnish speaking workers. The age correlated positively and significantly with the experience of engagement and intrinsic motivation. In addition, the supervisors experienced a higher social capital. Furthermore the intrinsic motivation and the department language predicted the engagement. A correlation between the social capital and engagement was found, but the social capital didn't predict the engagement. The results were mostly in line with previous research on the field.
  • Hagos, Elias Nahusenay (2015)
    Ethiopia is Africa's biggest coffee exporter nation with deep history. Coffee discovered in Ethiopia and it continues to be pivotal for the country in many fronts till to date. The coffee linkage with Ethiopia is deep-rooted many historians believe back in 9th century coffee discovered by Kaldi, a goat herder. He discovered it after noticing coffee's energizing effect on his goats. The word coffee itself also derived from place called 'Kaffa' where the trees blossomed. Coffee gradually became a world obsession by spreading from highlands of Ethiopia traveled along spice routes to Yemen, Turkey and Europe. Coffee exporting is a significant portion of Ethiopian economy. It accommodates more than twenty five million peasants which indicate its magnitude for the country. It is one of the leading sources of income for the government and other stakeholders. The establishment of Ethiopian Commodity Exchange (ECX) has seen the Ethiopian coffee trade system being transformed. It created a platform of primary, secondary and tertiary market divisions. In a way that the coffee can be traded based on value addition from one division to the other. Unlike the previous centralized warehousing system, it introduced decentralized warehousing and liquoring centers across the country where the coffee quality checked by use of laboratory tasting. It gives a temporary produce storage services until the coffee is sold and ownership of the produce transferred from seller to buyer. The introduction of modernized and transparent system enabled economic gain and helped farmers to enhance their life conditions. The objective of this study was to identify some of the contradictions that are solved in Ethiopian coffee trade activity by the establishment of ECX. In addition, the emerging contradictions and prevailing disturbances at present as well as the overall benefits it brought in relation to farmers' day to day life conditions were analyzed.
  • Alén, Hannu (2015)
    Action video games have been found to improve many cognitive skills. Most established findings are related to faster information processing speed and improved attentional capabilities. Many of the same cognitive processes are better on elite athletes of interceptive sports compared to non-elites. This study aimed to find some preliminary evidence whether the improvements in cognitive processes gained from action video gaming might be beneficial in ball sports. This was done by comparing the performance of action video game players and nonaction-video players on an anticipation of coincidence test. Anticipation of coincidence is a laboratory test, where the task is to anticipate when a moving object arrives at a certain point and to coincide a button press with it. Performance on the task is thought to depend on information processing speed and attentional capabilities. When the speeds and possible speed changes are similar to those encountered in real ball sports, elite athletes of these sports are generally more accurate in the task compared to non-elites. Elite athletes differ from non-elites in their gaze patterns as well. For example, athletes fixate to the target quicker and their quiet eye, meaning the last fixation or tracking gaze before a motor action on a specific target lasting at least 100 ms, is longer. Thus, it was studied whether action video gamers fare better on the anticipation of coincidence task in different constant speeds and in deceleration conditions, and whether their gaze patterns are different compared to non-gamers. 10 action video game players and 9 nonaction-video game players participated in the experiment. The results show that action video game players are more accurate in the task in most constant speed conditions and in a deceleration condition with slow speeds. There was some variation in gaze patters, including that action video gamers had quiet eye more often in fast speeds. The results suggest that action video game players can program more accurate motor responses based on the speed of the target and reprogram wrong motor actions better than nonaction-video game players. In addition action video game players are better able to track fast moving targets. As these skills are important in ball sports, this possible linkage between action video games and ball sports performance should be studied further.
  • Vaalasmaa, Teemu (2017)
    Goals In this study, a week-long digital storytelling project was conducted in a labour market training course in adult education. The study problem was: how collaborative learning was present in the groups in the labour market training course and what it contributed to producing digital storytelling videos? The theoretical background in this study is Global Sharing Pedagogy -model and the collaborative learning aspect of it. For collaboration, the theoretical background are the central concepts of Hakkarainen's studies and the productive agency by Schwartz & Lin. Methods This was a case-study. The subjects in this study consisted of two labour market training groups that were united for the purposes of this study and ages of participants were from 20 to 50 years old. They were split into four smaller groups which were used as cases in this study. The smaller groups had members between four and seven. The project lasted for one week and there was from three to six hours of work each day. At the end of week, the digital stories were reviewed together. The data for this study consists of field diary during the working phase, group interviews with the groups and the finished digital stories. Each group was a separate case and the descriptions from both observation and interviews were searched for signs of collaborative learning. Each case was also compared to other cases to find differences and similarities. Results and conclusions The descriptions of learning in groups had clear aspects of collaborative learning. Each group had some aspects but three of four groups, the dedicated, the independents and the supported had significant collaborative learning present in every part of the project while the wanderers had lesser collaborative learning present. The results reveal that digital storytelling is a good tool to use in adult education to promote both collaborative learning and 20th century skills in students.
  • Melander, Tiia (2019)
    Aims. This thesis aims to study how digital technology can overcome disabled student’s learning obstacles or restrict their learning opportunities in vocational special education context. In addition, the thesis addresses to what degree digital equality is achieved with the available aiding digital technology. Previous studies have shown that digital technology can support learning and overcome challenges set by physical disabilities. However, it is not yet clear what kinds of challenges and restrictions digitalization and digital technology can set for the disabled in studying and for the realization of their equal opportunities. Deepening our knowledge of the possibilities, limitations and questions of equality regarding digital technology helps us to understand the conditions for achieving educational equality for disabled youth. Methods. I used ethnography as my research method and collected the data in upper secondary vocational education. I observed three business and administration students needing intensive special education at their lessons or practical training environment. I also interviewed the students, their teachers and school specialists. As a basis for my ethnographic analysis was meanings found behind the data and the critical point of view offered by the chosen paradigm. Results and conclusion. According to the results, digital technology helped overcome physical challenges and enabled the student’s participation in their studies, but only to some extent. Individual unsuitability, limited functionality, lack of developmental sophistication and slow of use of aiding digital technology restricted studying and achieving digital equality. The results showed that digital technology enables much but can also create inequality if the aiding digital technology does not support individual challenges. The digitalization of education and the development of aiding digital technology should take account of the individual needs of the disabled to achieve educational equality and advance their employment opportunities.
  • Viitanen, Kirsi (2015)
    Many international organizations have defined the so called 21st century learning skills that students should have in order to be successful in today's society. Digital literary is one of those skills. Experts say that schools do not really have the concrete tools to teach these skills. Research shows that digital storytelling is one way to develop many of the important 21st century skills. The purpose of this study is to analyze how students could develop their digital literacy by creating digital stories. More precisely, what kind of media content production, editing, and sharing skills will they learn by making their own video stories. This study is based on Digital Storytelling Project by the University of Helsinki. The project was a part of Finnable 2020 research funded by Tekes. This study involves all the 6th graders that participated to the Digital storytelling project from Finland, a total of five classes. The research material consists of student and teacher interviews and video stories made by the students. The research material was analyzed with content analysis. The framework for the analysis was based on research on digital literacy, digital storytelling and film narrative. The results of this study show that the students learned many digital literacy skills involving media content production by creating video stories. By making their stories the students learned to plan their own content, to search for relevant information and material to their stories, and to use mobile devices for filming. They also learned about filming, and how to deliver their own message through the video stories. By editing their stories the students practiced how to edit and remix pictures and videos with different video editing tools. By sharing their video stories with others the students learned how to share information, how to evaluate their own work and the work of others, how to consider the audience, and how to interact and influence through video stories.
  • Eloholma, Mikko Aleksi (2017)
    In the 1970s information technology started to become part of everyday life and as a result of this process, computer programming has become an important theme in the digital society both in the labor-market and on the educational field. In this study, I examine high school students' everyday conceptions of computer programming and technological development. I explore these conceptions relying on the theory of social representations which is focused on defining how people make foreign technical and scientific phenomena familiar. I interpreted the meanings produced by the high school students in relation to the cultural history of computer programming and especially in relation to the general meanings given to computer programming on the educational field. As a separate research question I examined computer programming in relation to meanings that are connected to technological development. The aim of this study is to offer more understanding about how computer programming is made familiar in an increasingly digital society where it has emerged as an important skill, especially through education. I produced my data by interviewing seven high school students who had attended a voluntary high school course combining electronics and programming. I analyzed the interviews discourse-analytically by defining oppositions that describe the social representation of programming. I also produced concepts that seemed to synthesize the oppositions and examined subject positions that were constructed in the speech. Besides, I analyzed how the representations of programming and technological development were connected in the speech. The representational field of programming was constructed by the oppositions of human-computer, material-virtual, technical-playfulness and proximity-remoteness. I defined the opposition human-computer to be the most fundamental themata of the social representation of computer programming. Programming was perceived as taking technological development to the next level. Technological development was seen as a partly autonomous process but humans were still given the most fundamental role in the definition and delimitation of technologies. On the basis of this study it can be summarized that high school students saw programming as an important phenomenon which at the same time was difficult to approach and define. This observation r a challenge for the establishment of programming both in education and in the wider society.
  • Moberg, Nora (2016)
    Music interventions carried out by caregivers of persons with dementia (PWDs) have lately become the focus of music rehabilitation in dementia research. Dementia can be burdening for caregivers and it may disrupt the relationship between PWDs and caregivers. The aim of this thesis was to determine whether 1) awareness deficits frequently observed in PWDs manifest in rating discrepancies between PWDs and their caregivers when rating mood and quality of life of PWDs or if these differences are primarily explained by caregiver burden and 2) a caregiver-based music intervention can attenuate the rating discrepancies. In the current study, 89 PWD-caregiver dyads were randomly allocated in three groups: singing group, music listening group, and control group. Cognition, mood, and quality of life of the PWDs were assessed at baseline, immediately after the intervention, and 6 months after intervention. Discrepancy scores were calculated between the PWDs' and caregivers' ratings in Cornell-Brown Scale for Quality of Life in Dementia (CBS) and Quality of Life in Alzheimer's Disease (QOL-AD). Correlations of the discrepancy scores to intervention outcomes and baseline PWD and caregiver characteristics were examined. Differences between intervention groups in CBS and QOL-AD discrepancies were analyzed with ANOVA. QOL-AD discrepancy was associated with dementia severity at baseline. CBS discrepancies were consistently associated with caregiver burden, higher discrepancies corresponding to higher burden. The intervention groups did not show any differences in change in the discrepancy scores in mixed-model ANOVAs. Further research with more focused measures is needed to determine whether music interventions can alleviate awareness deficits and/or PWD-caregiver discrepancies and, regarding the latter, to reveal the exact route of the effect.
  • Töyrylä, Marju (2017)
    The aim of this study was to analyse how applicants applying for faculty of law and participating in a preparatory course while preparing for the entrance examination speak about the competition connected to the applying. The study focuses on discourses that are built when talking about the competition. The aim was also to study constructed discourses when talking about possibilities of succeeding in the competition in law school admission. Previous studies show that capitals have impact on one's educational choices. One of my aims was to construct understanding of what kind of meanings the cultural, the social and the economic capital get in the process of applying to a law school and participating in a preparatory course. There has been only little research about the role of preparatory courses in admission to higher education. The goal of this study was to fill this research gap and produce researched information about the role of preparatory courses. The qualitative research data consist of interviews with six law school applicants who took part in preparatory courses. The data was collected with a semi-structured interview. One of the interviews was a pair interview and four were individual interviews. The data was analysed with critical discourse-analytical approach The higher education applicants aim to make reasonable education choices when participating in the competition over study positions. The applicants assessed their own position and possibilities to succeed in the competition in relation to the other applicants. The preparatory course was constructed as a trump card that applicants could use to succeed in the competition. It was also produced as something that is self-evidently part of applying to law school. On the other hand preparatory course was constructed as something one could use to decrease the uncertainty caused by the competition.Based on the reasonable educational choice -discourse, the self-evidence -discourse, the imaginary competitor -discourse and the trump card -discourse one can argue that cultural, social and economic capital are constructed as meaningful factors in the competition of higher education. They create possibilities and limitations when participating in the competition over study positions in higher education.
  • Edgren, Robert (2015)
    Objectives: This thesis examined the relationship between disordered gambling (DG) with mental health, loneliness, perceived general health, risky alcohol consumption, tobacco smoking and computer gaming frequency by age and gender among adolescents and emerging adults. Gambling types were also examined for their association to DG, mental health, loneliness, perceived health, risky alcohol consumption and tobacco smoking. DG is conceptualized as a behavioural addiction, and its development is influenced by the availability of gambling opportunities, prevalence of other addictive behaviours, and psychological well-being. Previous studies have indicated that specific types of gambling are more strongly associated to DG that others. The purpose of the present study was to identify the strength of the various risk factors of disordered gambling, examine whether specific risk factors are associated to certain gambling types and if there are age and gender related differences in regards to the associations between disordered gambling and its risk factors. Methods: A cross-sectional population based random sample (n = 822, 49.3 % female) of individuals aged 15 to 28 from the self-reported Finnish Gambling Survey 2011 was utilized. DG was assessed with the Problem Gambling Severity Index, such that a score of 2 or more indicated DG. Mental health was measured with the five item Mental Health Inventory and risky alcohol consumption was assessed with the Alcohol Use Disorders Identification Test -Consumption. The remainder of examined variables were assessed with single Likert-scaled items. The correlates of DG and gambling types were examined with logistic regression models. Results and conclusions: Male gender, risky alcohol consumption, tobacco smoking, and frequently feeling lonely were significantly associated to DG. Slot machine gambling, online gambling other than poker, private betting, and casino betting were strongly associated to DG. The aforementioned gambling types were strongly associated to risky alcohol consumption and tobacco smoking along with sports betting. Feeling lonely was associated to online poker, casino betting and private betting. There were indications of gender differences in regards to the gambling types associated to feeling lonely. Risky alcohol consumption seemed to be a stronger risk factor for DG among males, and tobacco smoking stronger among females. Current findings warrant further investigation of DG in regards to loneliness, and reconsideration of national gambling policies.
  • Kauhanen, Eveliina (2018)
    This study examines university students experiences about the drama pedagogy in foreign language teaching. The study observes students experiences and thoughts about drama pedagogy in foreign language teaching at the university level. How student’s foreign language learning self-concept and student’s goal setting affects to the student’s choise to participate to the drama group at the university?
  • Pekurinen, Jere (2015)
    The aim of this study was to test the associations between job satisfaction and job strain, defined according to Karasek's Job Demands-Control Model, as well as type D personality traits. Previous studies have mainly focused on job characteristics and other external circumstances when studying wellbeing at work. The relationship between occupational wellbeing and individual factors such as personality traits has received less attention. Based on previous studies five hypotheses were set: 1) type D personality is associated with lower job satisfaction, 2) type D personality is associated with higher job strain, 3) job strain is negatively associated with job satisfaction, 4) job control moderates the association between job demands and job satisfaction, and 5) the association between type D personality and job satisfaction is mediated by job strain. The data consisted of 1117 participants of the Cardiovascular Risk in Young Finns study. All participants were full-time employed Finns aged 30 to 45. Type D personality was measured with a modified questionnaire based on DS14 (Denollet, 2005), job control was measured using items from the Job Content Questionnaire (Karasek, 1985) and job demands was measured using items from the Occupational Stress Questionnaire (Elo et al, 1990). Job satisfaction was measured with a single-item scale. The hypotheses were tested using linear regression analyses. The effects of gender and education level were controlled for. Employees with type D personality were found to experience lower job satisfaction and higher job strain when compared to non-type D counterparts. Of the two type D traits, only negative affectivity was a statistically significant predictor of job satisfaction. Job strain was associated with lower job satisfaction. The association between negative affectivity and job satisfaction was partly mediated by job strain. Based on these results it seems that type D personality, especially negative affectivity and job strain may be risk factors for lower occupational well-being.
  • Vihma, Kalle (2015)
    The aim of this study was to examine the associations of type D personality and its components with effort-reward imbalance based work stress and its components. Previously it has been found that both type D personality and effort-reward based work stress are associated with poorer health status and also to be a risk factor for numerous negative health outcomes. The association of Type D personality with effort-reward imbalance hasn't been previously studied. Based on the previous research, we set the following three hypotheses : 1) Higher effort-reward imbalance is associated with type D personality 2) Higher effort and lower rewards are associated with type D personality 3) Higher negative affectivity and higher social inhibition are associated with higher effort-reward imbalance. There were 1285 participants from the Cardiovascular Risk in Young Finns study, who were working full time when the study was conducted and didn't have missing values in the study variables. Work stress was measured with a questionnaire based on effort-reward imbalance model (ERI, Siegrist, 1996). Type D personality was measured with a questionnaire based on DS14-measure (Denollet, 2005). Age of the participants varied between 30-45 years. The hypotheses were tested with logistic and linear regression analyses controlling for age, gender, education and occupational status. In the study type D personality was associated with higher effort-reward imbalance, higher efforts lower rewards. Of the components of type D personality negative affectivity predicted higher work stress but social inhibition was not related to perceptions work stress. The results imply that type D personality is a risk factor for high work stress.
  • Breitenstein, Selma (2016)
    This Master's thesis is part of a project on marginalisation in school. The main focus of this study is to review how eighth-graders, reflect on and challenge structures of gender, gender roles, sexuality and heteronormativity in school. Although the school as an institution should be safe, inclusive and equal, structures that are problematic exist. The thesis used a feminist poststructuralist approach and gender was an important theme. The theoretical framework of the thesis described gender, sex and sexuality through both a societal perspective and a school perspective. The material for the study was collected from 2013 to 2014. The sample in this thesis consisted of 11 individual interviews and 4 group interviews with students in the eighth grade in a school in the capital area in Finland. The method of analysis was qualitative content analysis. How students challenge gender roles, heteronormativity and sexuality is something that there is not much research about. Hence, it was central to analyse what kind of structures exist in the school. It emerged that the students have to put up with stereotypical gender roles, threats of violence, appearance requirements, offensive name-calling, and a pressure to select a suitable hobby. Boys behave violently towards girls to a greater extent than the other way around. The results also indicate that the school is a very unsafe place for students with a non-heterosexual orientation. In school there is in general very little discussion about heteronormativity and sexuality. There were students in school who challenged the norms. There was a group of girls that explicitly challenged the structures. They questioned girl- and boy colours, and that educational materials, practices and environments in the school were heteronormative and gender-divided. Although there has been a change from previous research in that students are challenging structures, results indicate that gender roles and heteronormative structures still exist in school, which is problematic. Overall the thesis demonstrates that it is very hard to be a student in the eighth grade today. Bullying and excluding structures in school are common. The schools should actively review their own practices. Students who challenge the structures give hope to that despite everything, small changes in the everyday life in school are possible.
  • Pihanurmi, Seila (2014)
    Goals. The purpose of this study was to examine, whether the dynamicity of pitch has an effect on duration perception in synthetic auditory stimuli and if the effect, if observed, is dependent on first language. Furthermore, it was of interest to see, if mother tongue has an effect to the way static auditory stimuli are perceived. The effect of dynamic pitch on duration perception is a topic little researched and the results obtained are contradictory which is why this thesis is relevant. The duration discrimination abilities of Finnish and Chinese people have not been compared to each other before, so this thesis has some new information to offer about the perception of duration. Method. The research consisted of different kinds of behavioral tests, which measured the ability to discriminate the differences between two auditory stimuli. Two alternative forced choice method was used in all the experiments. In the first experiment the discrimination ability was measured in stimuli which only differed in duration. In the second experiment the stimuli were dynamic and in the third experiment the stimuli only differed in pitch. There were altogether 30 subjects, 15 of which Finnish and 15 Mandarin Chinese speakers. The answers of the subjects were analyzed with logistic linear regression models fit for multiple variables. Results and conclusions. According to the results mother tongue does have an effect to the answers given and the dynamicity of pitch does lengthen the perceived duration. The effect of language background was also apparent in static stimuli although the significance was marginal. It is nevertheless possible to conclude from the results that the perception of duration between Finnish and Mandarin Chinese speakers does differ from each other. The research on the effect of dynamic pitch on duration perception needs to be continued. Further research is especially needed over the conventions of perceiving natural auditory stimuli and the perception of pitch when tied to a linguistic context.