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Browsing by master's degree program "Englannin kielen ja kirjallisuuden maisteriohjelma"

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  • Long, Xinyu (2023)
    This study examines the differences in English language exposure perceived by Chinese and Finnish university students. Meanwhile, it attempts to investigate the relationship between English language exposure and students’ self-assessed English proficiency. A total of 103 university-level of students participated in the study. Online questionnaire was used as the primary data collection method. The questionnaire included questions on participants' exposure to English and their self-reported English proficiency, assessed through the CEFR self-assessment grid across four aspects (listening, speaking, reading, and writing). The data were analyzed using unpaired t-tests and a multiple regression model to identify differences in English exposure and its relationship with English proficiency between the two student groups. The results revealed that Chinese students were statistically significantly less exposed, and had lower exposure quality than Finnish students. Furthermore, English exposure amount and exposure quality are found to be positively correlated with English proficiency in a Pearson’s correlation analysis. Finally, a multiple regression analysis revealed that the amount of English exposure and the quality of such exposure are significant predictors of the ultimate attainment of English proficiency of students. The findings of this study imply that a high-quality and language-rich environment is conducive to promoting more natural language acquisition and achieving an overall higher English proficiency.
  • Ilmaranta, Kirsi (2024)
      Abstract Faculty: Faculty of Arts Degree programme: English Studies Study track: Applied linguistics Author: Kirsi Ilmaranta Title: English in the public sector: Employee perceptions of language policy behind the webpages of the Social Insurance Institution of Finland Level: Master’s thesis Month and year: February 2024 Number of pages: 46 + 1 + 7 (appendices) Keywords: Language policy, ELF, translation, Language choice, Virtual Linguistic Landscapes Supervisor or supervisors: Niina Hynninen Where deposited: University of Helsinki e-thesis database Additional information: N/A Abstract: This study looked at the complex language policy layers and practices that affect people working to produce English language web materials at Kela, the social insurance institution of Finland. The study was conducted through an interview study of 3 participants: 1 translator and 2 communications specialists. The interview data was supplemented with a virtual linguistic landscape study of the Kela website. The interviews were semi-structured and conducted on Teams where the data was recorded for further analysis. The interview data was analysed through inductive content analysis, where the data was categorized based on language policy levels as well as the language production process. The virtual linguistic landscape data was analysed in terms of the language options and the scope of the English language website based in the main navigation menu. The study showed that English web material production is affected by different aspects. There are top-down management level policies that affect the language choices offered as well as the extent of the materials offered in certain languages. Language practices were often normalized and thought to be difficult to change without top-down involvement. While the policies seemed to be shaped by general language beliefs in the Finnish society, they did not necessarily represent those of the current employees. Especially translation processes were largely shaped by individual employees’ practices. The findings indicate that formal language policies might be beneficial as ideological frameworks for employees to follow and justify changes in practiced language policy.
  • Virtanen, Päivi (2019)
    Englannin kielen laajamittainen käyttö Suomessa ja muualla maailmassa on herättänyt mielipiteitä puolesta ja vastaan. Leppänen ym. (2009) tekivät laajan tutkimuksen suomalaisten asenteista englannin kieltä kohtaan. Kyseisen tutkimuksen innoittamana tutkin kotkalaisten sekä lähiseudun täysi-ikäisten asukkaiden asenteita englantia kohtaan. Halusin keskittyä kyseiseen alueeseen, koska vastaavaa Kotkan alueeseen keskittyvää tutkimusta ei ole aikaisemmin tehty. Lisäksi tutkimukseni tarjoaa tietoa Kotkan kaupunkistrategiaa Kotka 2025 varten, jossa mm. kansainvälistyminen ja elämänmittainen oppiminen on nostettu esille. Englannin kielen lisäksi kysyin myös asukkaiden mielipiteitä venäjän kieltä kohtaan johtuen kaupungin maantieteellisestä sijainnista lähellä Venäjän rajaa. Tutkimukseen osallistui 203 vastaajaa. Keräsin aineiston online-kyselynä kahden paikallisen Facebook-sivuston, Merikaupunki Kotka ja Puskaradio Kotka 2.0 välityksellä. Lisäksi kysely julkaistiin paikallisen yrityksen sisäisillä kanavilla. Vastausmäärän perusteella näyttää siltä, että asukkaat kokivat aiheen mielenkiintoiseksi ja tärkeäksi. Vastausten perusteella asukkaiden suhtautuminen englannin kieleen on erittäin myönteistä. Tulokset ovat melko samansuuntaiset Leppäsen ym. (2009) tutkimuksen kanssa. Tutkimukseni mukaan vastaajat kokevat englannin kielen tärkeäksi, koska se mahdollistaa kommunikoinnin ympäri maailmaa niin työssä kuin vapaa-ajallakin. He olivat vahvasti sitä mieltä, että sekä nuorten että työikäisten pitäisi osata englantia, mutta ikäihmisten kielitaito jakoi mielipiteitä. Lisäksi vastaajat uskovat, että englannin kieli auttaa lisäämään yhteisymmärrystä. He olivat myös sitä mieltä, että englanninkielentaitoiset asukkaat vaikuttavat Kotkan kaupungin imagoon positiivisesti. Tärkeimmät tekijät, jotka motivoivat vastaajia opiskelemaan englantia ovat Internet, parempi työnsaantimahdollisuus, käyttö työtehtävissä sekä matkailu. Vastaajat ilmoittivat myös, että englannin kielen taidon myötä he kokevat itsensä eurooppalaisiksi ja jopa kansainvälisiksi. Lisäksi he ilmoittivat, että englannin kieli ei kuitenkaan uhkaa Suomen kansalliskieliä. Vertailtaessa englannin kieltä venäjän kieleen, vastaajat ilmoittivat, että he kokevat englannin kielen tärkeämmäksi, koska se mahdollistaa kommunikoinnin laajemmassa mittakaavassa kuin venäjän kieli. Itärajan läheisyys näkyi osassa vastauksia, koska osa vastaajista ilmoitti, että venäjän kieltä tarvitaan paikallisesti varsinkin kaupungissa vierailevien turistien takia.
  • Kawakami, Airi (2020)
    Multi-functional superimposed subtitles called telop are a defining feature of Japanese television programs today. Telops are used to show titles of segments, speaker’s utterances and explanations about situations. In recent years, English telops have been increasingly used although English use as a means of daily communication is limited in the Japanese society. This study examines how English is used in Japanese television programs, focusing on telops. The focus of this research is on a prominent genre of Japanese television shows, variety shows, which often feature comedians and incorporate various entertainment elements. Previously, both English use in Japanese contexts and telops have been studied, but not many studies have focused on English-language telops in Japanese television shows. Therefore, this study investigates English telops, adopting methodologies used in previous research. This study has two aims. The first is to investigate what kind of functional roles English telops play in Japanese television shows. The second is to elucidate how English telops index social functions, such as competence or being (un)cool. This thesis adopted an analytical approach by Maree (2015a) and Furukawa (2014): multimodal analysis in sociolinguistics (sociocultural linguistics) approach. The study used television program data, which broadcasted in 2019 and amounts to 36 hours in total. The total number of English telops extracted from this video data was 2062 and these telops were classified based on three types of categorical frameworks: typology of telop, typology of code-switching and typology of social functions. The results show that English telops have various functional roles and social functions. The result of categorizing based on the typology of telop reveals that English telops were frequently used for situational explanation, speaker’s utterances and titles. In terms of the typology of code-switching, the result shows that English telops were rarely used to describe a code-switching in conversation. Rather, English telops appeared to be used for headlines, mottos or proper nouns. As for the typology of social functions, several functions that were suggested in previous research were found in this research as well. In addition, new social functions such as sexy and hyperactive were also discovered. In conclusion, this research suggests additions to the typological frameworks for English telops but also points out there is still room to develop them. This research provides new insights into English use in Japanese communication and non-English speaking cultures. Furthermore, this research can also contribute to further research on telops and Japanese media communication.
  • Seitaniemi, Siiri (2021)
    Tutkielma käsittelee ympäristödiskurssia ja sen muutosta lukion englannin oppikirjoissa vuosien 2003 ja 2015 lukion opetussuunnitelmien perusteiden välillä. Suomessa opetussuunnitelmien perusteet ohjaavat oppikirjojen sisältöjä. Vuoden 2015 lukion opetussuunnitelman perusteissa ympäristöarvoja painotetaan enemmän kuin vuoden 2003 perusteissa, minkä pitäisi näkyä myös oppikirjoissa. Oppikirjojen sisältö voi vaikuttaa opiskelijan arvomaailmaan ja sen kautta käytökseen. Oppikirjoissa esiintyykin ympäristöön liittyviä implisiittisiä olettamuksia (assumptions), jotka voivat vaikuttaa opiskelijoiden ympäristöarvoihin ja -asenteisiin. Tutkimuksen pohjana on kaksi vastakkaista ympäristöön liittyvää perspektiiviä: pinnallinen ekologia (shallow environmentalism) ja syväekologia (deep ecology). Pinnallisessa ekologiassa puututaan ympäristöongelmien välittömiin syihin, kun taas syväekologiassa pyritään muutokseen yhteiskunnallisella ja kulttuurisella tasolla. Tutkimuksen tarkoitus on paljastaa oppikirjoissa esiintyvät näihin perspektiiveihin liittyvät olettamukset, jotta saadaan tietää, mitä ympäristöön liittyviä arvoja ja asenteita opiskelijoille välittyy oppikirjoista. Tutkielma vertailee SanomaPro:n julkaisemia lukion englannin oppikirjasarjoja ProFiles ja On Track. ProFiles-sarja on vuonna 2003 julkaistun lukion opetussuunnitelman perusteiden mukainen, kun taas On Track on vuoden 2015 perusteiden mukainen. Molemmissa sarjoissa on kahdeksan kirjaa, ja tutkielman aineistoon sisällytettiin molempien sarjojen kaikkien kirjojen päätekstit. Tutkimus on luonteeltaan sekä määrällinen että laadullinen ja siinä hyödynnetään ekolingvistiikan ja kriittisen diskurssianalyysin keinoja. Tutkimuksen ensimmäisessä osassa selvitetään, onko ympäristödiskurssin määrä muuttunut sarjojen välillä analysoimalla, kuinka monessa päätekstissä esiintyy ympäristöön liittyviä teemoja tai perspektiivejä. Toisessa vaiheessa selvitetään, millaisia ympäristöön liittyviä olettamuksia teksteistä löytyy ja miten ne välittyvät opiskelijalle. Kolmannessa vaiheessa tunnistetut olettamukset kategorisoidaan sen mukaan, edustavatko ne pinnallista ekologiaa vai syväekologiaa, jotta saadaan selville, onko sarjojen välillä tapahtunut muutosta näiden perspektiivien välillä. Tutkimuksen tulokset osoittavat, että ympäristödiskurssin osuus on yli kaksinkertaistunut oppikirjasarjojen välillä. Tämä muutos mukailee opetussuunnitelmien perusteiden välillä tapahtunutta muutosta. Laadullisessa tutkimuksessa tunnistettiin yhteensä neljä olettamusta, jotka edustivat pinnallista ekologiaa ja kolme olettamusta, jotka liittyivät syväekologiaan. Olettamuksia välitettiin teksteissä niin kielellisin keinoin kuin kontekstin avulla. Tulokset osoittavat, että pinnallinen ekologia on vallitseva perspektiivi molemmissa sarjoissa, eli muutosta yhdestä perspektiivistä toiseen ei ole tapahtunut sarjojen välillä.
  • Odum, Victoria (2021)
    Tässä maisterintutkielmassa tutkitaan afroamerikkalaisten naisten seksuaalisuuden ja biseksuaalisuuden käsittelyä Alice Walkerin romaanissa Häivähdys purppuraa (eng. The Color Purple) ja sen vastaanotossa. Tavoitteena on selvittää, miten romaanin vastaanotto häivyttää sen biseksuaalista sisältöä ja miten mustiin naisiin sekä biseksuaaleihin liitetyt negatiiviset stereotypiat toistuvat romaanissa. Teosta tarkastellaan mustan feminismin ja biteorian viitekehyksistä. Lähestymistapa pohjaa näiden tutkimusalojen näkemyksiin siitä, että afroamerikkalaisten naisten seksuaalisuus ja biseksuaalisuus on yhtäältä häivytetty ja toisaalta stigmatisoitu yhdysvaltalaisissa yhteiskunnallisissa diskursseissa. Tutkielman ensimmäinen osa pohjustaa seuraavien osien analyysiä esittelemällä ensin teoreettisten lähtökohtieni, mustan feminismin ja biteorian, tutkimusaloja. Toisessa osassa tarkastellaan afroamerikkalaisten naisten kirjallisuuden historiaa mustien naisten seksuaalisuuden kuvaamisen näkökulmasta. Tämän jälkeen käsitellään romaanin vastaanottoa biteoriasta lainatun häivyttämisen käsitteen avulla. Osiossa osoitetaan, miten romaanin kirjallisuuskritiikki häivyttää romaanissa keskeisiä mustien naisten seksuaalisuuden ja biseksuaalisuuden elementtejä keskittymällä romaanin sisältämään maskuliinisuuden kuvaukseen. Tutkielman kolmas osa on kirjallisuusanalyysi, jossa erittelen lähiluvun keinoin romaanissa esiintyvän hahmon Shug Averyn biseksuaalisuutta ja hahmossa toisintuvia, mustiin naisiin ja biseksuaaleihin yhdistettyjä stereotypioita. Kirjallisuusanalyysini pohjalta väitän, että romaanin vastaanotto häivyttää yhtä romaanin keskeisimmistä teemoista, mustien naisten biseksuaalisuuden käsittelyä. Tutkimuksessani ilmenee myös, että romaanissa kuvataan Shug Averyn biseksuaalisuutta mustiin naisiin ja biseksuaaleihin liitettyjen stereotypioiden kautta.
  • Truong, Van (2021)
    The current study is an exploration of native Finnish-speaking Bachelor’s and Master’s degree students’ attitudes toward English as a lingua franca (henceforth ELF). The author of this thesis, like many ELF scholars, harbors serious concerns about the issues of language attitudes and prestige vis-à-vis ELF. The aims of this study are to shed some light on the current situation of language attitudes toward ELF among Finnish degree students, raise awareness of ELF and its implications, and make a contribution to ELF research. A total of 116 native Finnish-speaking Bachelor’s and Master’s degree students at Finnish universities participated in an online survey. The survey was designed to investigate attitudes toward ELF with Likert-scale questions and the Verbal-guise Technique. In addition to the quantitative measurements, qualitative data on the participants’ understandings of ELF and their open-answer comments on the ELF speakers in the selected audio samples were collected in the survey. The findings of this study show that Finnish degree students indicated a good awareness of ELF in general. Overall, the participants had neutral preconceptions of ELF speakers. Furthermore, their attitudes after listening to the ELF speakers in the selected audio samples showed that nativeness is not the superior key to successful ELF communications. In addition, accentedness did not hamper intelligibility. Thus, success in meaning-making and mutual intelligibility should be of higher importance than sounding like a native speaker. Familiarity with the ELF speakers’ accents had a positive influence on the participants’ attitudes toward the ELF speakers themselves. To avoid the opposite scenario, it is important for educators to accommodate students with authentic learning materials that help increase exposure to English speakers with different first languages. This study provides empirical evidence showing that there is some success in raising awareness of ELF in Finland, yet there remains some room for improvement. Importantly, there should be a rethinking of English learning goals and teaching approaches. As increasingly more people participate in ELF interactions, more emphasis should be placed on how to build mutual intelligibility, how to utilize communication strategies to succeed in meaning-making, and how to empower English speakers regardless of their first languages.
  • Etelävuori, Vilma (2024)
    This thesis explores the linguistic and rhetorical features of slow travel blog posts as well as their rhetorical structure. This study falls into the genre analytical framework and move structure analysis (Swales, 1990). Therefore, the aim is to discover the prominent linguistic features and moves in the slow travel blog posts and how these are connected. The data of the analysis includes five blog posts from five different blogs that focus on the concept of slow travel. All of these blog posts are freely available on the Internet and have been published during the year 2023. The analysis shows that multiple linguistic and rhetorical features are utilized in the slow travel blog posts and the most prominent ones are the use of personal pronouns, especially the singular pronouns you and I, which are used to create authenticity and to engage the reader. Other common linguistic features are subject omission, lists, imperatives and questions. Additionally, the move structure of the slow travel blog posts follows Pascual’s (2018) framework for travel blog posts which consists of four moves which are situational move, descriptive move, closure move and invitation move. These linguistic features and the move structure of the slow travel blog posts resemble the values of slow travel as they are used to promote slowness, the travel experience and environmental consciousness.
  • Li, Xiaoyi (2022)
    This thesis investigates the linguistic landscape at a multilingual Finnish university. It explores which languages are used in the signs at the university's city centre campus, how the languages are arranged, how language choices in the linguistic landscape in the studied setting align with the university's language policy, and how international students and staff members perceive the language environment and language policy of the university. In order to provide more thorough answers to the research questions, two types of data were included: linguistic landscape signs and semi-structured interviews. The linguistic landscape data was collected from seven locations around the city centre campus in November 2021 and focused on the signs displayed in public spaces. Seven international MA students and four international teachers were interviewed for their experiences and perceptions of the linguistic landscape of the university. All the interviews were conducted via Zoom between January and February 2022. Content analysis was used as the principal method for data analysis. The linguistic landscape and interview data analysis revealed that multilingualism is a norm in the city centre campus surroundings. The language choice and the order of languages in the signs reflect the disparity in the role and hierarchy of languages. Finnish is the prominent language and the preferred code in the signs, while Swedish and English show less important status. It can be seen that these three languages are displayed in the majority of the signs, which corresponds to the guidance of the trilingual language policy. Although the linguistic environment of the University of Helsinki is considered more multilingual and international than that of other academic institutions with which the interviewees were familiar, it was suggested that the implementation of the trilingual language policy and multilingualism should be taken into account in a broader sense, not only in public signs, but also in everyday communication.
  • Huhtala, Niko (2021)
    This MA thesis explores the use of English on Instagram in the Finnish capital region that consists of the municipalities of Helsinki, Vantaa, Espoo and Kauniainen. Building on previous research on Virtual Linguistic Landscapes and English as a lingua franca, this thesis investigates the extent to which English is used in the study area and how different types of areas and locations differ in terms of English use in the study area. For this purpose, I use geotagged social media data and methods from the fields of natural language processing and geoinformatics. Firstly, I analyse the general linguistic make-up of the study area to understand the use of English in relation to other languages. Secondly, I analyse and compare how the use of English and Finnish are spread geographically across the Finnish capital region on Instagram and identify spatial clusters by means of spatial autocorrelation analysis. Lastly, I seek to provide further insights into the different types of locations where English, Finnish and other languages are used by using the Corine Land Cover inventory for categorising different types of locations. The results of this study show that the English language has a very strong presence as the second most used language in the Virtual Linguistic Landscape of the Finnish capital region. English is used especially often by users who use more than one language on Instagram. The spatial patterns of English use show that the language is used particularly often in the Helsinki city centre, western Helsinki and eastern Espoo and least in north-eastern Helsinki and Vantaa. English has a strong presence in essentially all the studied location types, especially in commercial and urban contexts. The relative proportions of English use are highest at airport areas and lowest in various sport and leisure facilities, where Finnish is used significantly more than any other language. In the analysis, I also include frequent observations on Finnish and other languages, which provide further insights into the rich Virtual Linguistic Landscape of the capital city region.
  • Authman, Tablo (2022)
    Lukuharrastus tai lukemisesta kiinnostuminen on tärkeä ominaisuus yliopisto-opiskelijoilla. Tämän tutkielman tarkoitus on tutkia eri tekijöitä, jotka vaikuttavat englantia vieraana kielenä (EFL: English as a Foreign Language) opiskelevien yliopisto-opiskelijoiden kiinnostukseen lukemista kohtaan. Tutkimuksen kohteena ovat Kurdistanin alueellisen hallinnon yliopistoissa opiskelevat opiskelijat. Kurdistanin alueellinen hallinto tunnetaan myös nimellä “Irakin Kurdistan”, sillä se koostuu maantieteellisesti Irakin pohjoisosassa sijaitsevasta kurdien itsehallintoalueesta. Tutkielmassa kuvataan lukuisia eri tekijöitä, jotka voivat vaikuttaa opiskelijoiden lukuintoon. Näihin lukeutuvat esimerkiksi yliopiston kirjaston tarjonta ja asema sekä yliopiston luennoitsijoiden vastuu, jotka molemmat näyttävät aineiston valossa olevan tärkeitä tekijöitä lukuharrastuksen ylläpitämisessä ja kasvattamisessa. Tutkielman aiheen avaamiseksi tekstissä esitellään aiempia tutkimuksia liittyen lukemiseen, lukemisen kulttuuriin sekä kirjaston asemaan. Tutkielmassa käytetään sekä kvantitatiivisia että kvalitatiivisia menetelmiä aineiston analysoinnissa. Tutkielman aineisto koostuu online-kyselystä, johon vastasivat eri Kurdistanin yliopistoissa opiskelevat henkilöt. Kyselyssä on kolme eri osiota, joissa opiskelijat vastaavat kysymyksiin liittyen lukutottumuksiinsa sekä aineistojen saatavuuteen. Aineistona käytetään myös kolmea haastattelua, joissa haastateltavina oli yliopissa eri nimikkeillä työskenteleviä henkilöitä, mm. luennoitsija ja kirjastonhoitaja. Heidän osaltaan kysymyksissä keskitytään siihen, miksi opiskelijoiden lukuinto on alhainen. Tutkimustulokset tarjoavat luotettavan kuvauksen alueella vallitsevasta ongelmasta. Aineiston pohjalta huomataan, että opiskelijat ovat kiinnostuneita lukemisesta ja lukevat mielellään vapaa-ajallaan, mutta aineiston saannin vaikeus vaikuttaa kielteisesti opiskelijoiden motivaatioon. Vastaajien vastausten pohjalta on huomattavaa, että kirjastot eivät tarjoa tarpeeksi luettavaa eivätkä tarjoa myöskään tarpeeksi luotettavaa materiaalia akateemisesta näkökulmasta.
  • Loikkanen, Filippa (2020)
    Tutkielman aihe on luonnonkuvaus ja ihmisten ja luonnon välisten vuorovaikutussuhteiden esitys Ursula K. Le Guinin Maameri-sarjan (1968–2001) fantasiakirjoissa. Tutkielmassa tarkastellaan erityisesti sitä, miten ihmisten ja eläinten eroja esitetään kirjoissa fantastisten hahmojen kautta sekä miten fantastisia elementtejä käytetään kuvaamaan ihmisten ja luonnon vuorovaikutusta. Teoreettisena viitekehyksenä käytetään ekokriittistä kirjallisuudentutkimusta sekä fantasia- ja lastenkirjallisuudentutkimusta. Maameri-kirjoissa ihmisten ja eläinten välistä suhdetta voidaan nähdä käsiteltävän lohikäärmeiden kautta: lohikäärmeissä ihmisenkaltainen puhekyky yhdistyy ei-inhimillisiksi miellettyihin piirteisiin. Le Guinin lohikäärmeet pohjautuvat selvästi aikaisemman fantasiakirjallisuuden, erityisesti Tolkienin lohikäärmeisiin. Kirjasarjan aikana niiden representaatio kuitenkin muuttuu perinteisestä moniulotteisemmaksi ja niihin (sekä laajemmin eläimiin) liittyviä käsityksiä kyseenalaistetaan. Maameren mytologia sisältää sekä evolutiivisia että raamatullisia viitteitä ihmisten ja lohikäärmeiden (/eläinten) eriytymiseen liittyen, mutta painottaa kuitenkin näiden yhteistä historiaa ja sukulaisuussuhdetta. Ihmisten ja luonnon vuorovaikutus ilmenee kirjoissa taikuuden sekä tasapainon käsitteen kautta. Tasapainolla (’balance’) viitataan kirjoissa niin ekologiseen kuin yhteiskunnalliseen tai henkiseen tasapainoon ja terveyteen. Taikuus esitetään kirjoissa voimana, jonka käyttöä tulee rajoittaa vain välttämättömään, sillä se saattaa horjuttaa tasapainoa ihmisten ja luonnon välisten vuorovaikutussuhteiden takia. Luonnossa vallitsevia vuorovaikutussuhteita ja verkostoja konkretisoidaan siis kirjoissa tasapainon käsitteen kautta. Taikavoimat esitetään vallankäytön välineenä, jonka oikeaoppista käyttöä edustaa erityisesti sen käyttämisestä kieltäytyminen, sillä se saattaa vaarantaa ekologisen (tai muun) tasapainon, jonka säilyttäminen esitetään edellytyksenä sekä ympäristön että ihmisten hyvinvoinnille. Fantastisten elementtiensä kautta Maameri-sarja herättää kysymyksiä ihmisten vuorovaikutuksesta ja suhteesta luontoon. Tutkielma osoittaa, että ihmiskeskeisyys ja vallantavoittelu esitetään kirjoissa haitallisena luonnon ja yhteiskunnan hyvinvoinnille, joita ympäristökeskeisempi maailmankuva sen sijaan tukee. Huolimatta siitä, että kyse on fantasiakirjasta, Maameren ympäristöön liittyvät teemat ovat relevantteja ja ajankohtaisia nykypäivän kannalta, ja ne esitetään vetoavalla ja konkreettisella tavalla nimenomaan fantasian keinoja käyttäen.
  • Nedelcheva, Monika (2019)
    The aims of this thesis are to present the significance of three of the most successful novels of the Brontë sisters, the impact these works made on the feminist movement and why the novels still are relevant. The question of the woman in nineteenth-century Britain is another topic studied. The analysis focuses on the elements in the novels by which the authors criticise the strict patriarchal norms of the Victorian society and demonstrate their progressive thinking as they present perceptions and ideas contradicting the common beliefs of their age. The primary material consists of the novels Jane Eyre by Charlotte Brontë, Wuthering Heights by Emily Brontë and Agnes Grey by Anne Brontë. My study presents plot summaries, textual and comparative analysis as well as data by scholars who have studied the works of the Brontë sisters in terms of the social, political and economic situation in Victorian England. The characters of Jane Eyre, Catherine Earnshaw and Agnes Grey have become iconic role models not only for the female society in nineteenth century Britain but also for generations of women all over the world. Jane Eyre’s story inspires women to seek justice and never tolerate maltreatment, to demonstrate dignity and pride, no matter what their social stratum is. Catherine Earnshaw’s fate, on the other hand, showcases how being too stubborn and focusing on attaining high-social status, whilst ignoring the true desires of one’s heart, can consume one. Finally, Agnes Grey teaches women that by patience, consistency and hard work you can achieve your goals, in spite of the doubts of your family or society. Self-realization, finding and using one’s own voice, focusing on one’s life goals are some of the foundations on which their character development is shaped. I conclude that progressive authors like the Brontë’s sisters, who manage to portray realistic observations of their society in their novels, can guide the course of feminism and influence generations of readers.
  • Nevalainen, Ville-Markus (2020)
    Tutkielmassa perehdytään kahteen post-apokalyptiseen romaaniin, Pulitzer-palkitun kirjailijan Cormac McCarthyn romaaniin The Road (2006) sekä Nobel-palkitun kirjailijan Jose Saramagon romaaniin Blindness (1995). Post-apokalyptiset teokset nähdään usein kevyinä genreromaaneina, joita tutkielmassa edustavat Robert McCammonin Swan Song (1987) sekä Stephen Kingin The Stand (1978). Tutkielma pyrkii selvittämään millä tavoin The Road ja Blindness eroavat ja samalla hyödyntävät lajityypin tyypillisimpiä konventioita. Tutkielma pyrkii selvittämään millä tavoin McCarthyn ja Saramagon post-apokalyptiset teokset eroavat lajityypistä ja miksi he ovat kirjoittaneet heille niin epätyypilliseen lajiin perustuvan teoksen. Tutkielman johdantoluvussa esitellään kirjailijoiden ja lajityypin taustoja, sekä kuvaillaan lyhyesti romaanien Swan Song ja The Stand juonet ja tyypillisimmät piirteet. Toisessa luvussa esitellään The Road ja miten se monin tavoin kuuluu tyypilliseen post-apokalyptisen kirjallisuuteen samalla kun se haastaa valtaosaa lajityypin teemoista. Kolmannessa luvussa tarkastellaan romaania Blindness, ja siinä perehdytään ensin niihin moniin tapoihin, joilla teos toimii vastoin lajityypin tyypillisimpiä konventioita, ja miten se siitä huolimatta kuuluu post-apokalyptiseen lajiin. Saramagon myöhempään kirjallisuuteen viitaten tutkielma pyrkii selvittämään millä tavalla ja mitä tarkoitusta varten Saramago luo fiktiivisiä maailmojaan. Neljännessä luvussa pyritään osoittamaan The Roadin ja Blindnessin yhtäläisyyksiä niiden tavoissa hyödyntää post-apokalyptista miljöötä narratiivisena kehyksenä, jonka avulla kirjailijat voivat kertoa jotain syvällisempää ihmisluonnosta.
  • Laine, Saara (2022)
    This thesis examines depictions of and attitudes towards nature in J. R. R. Tolkien’s The Lord of the Rings. The depictions can be divided into two different categories: those that highlight awe-inspiring qualities of nature and promote the idea of living in harmony with it, and those that concentrate on environmental destruction and the characters’ ethical stances concerning the loss of nature. Through its nature descriptions and underlying ethical stances The Lord of the Rings can affect the reader’s own relationship with nature. In the thesis, The Lord of the Rings is discussed from ecocritical viewpoints, concentrating on human-nature relationship and environmental destruction. Drawing on from studies concerning literature’s ability to affect us through imagination, character identification, narrative empathy and sympathy, and narrative ethics, this thesis demonstrates how the attitudes towards nature in the novel can make the reader appreciate the natural world. Through the above mentioned means the reader may begin to feel stronger emotional affinity to nature and as a result starts seeing nature as having value beyond using it as a commodity. The first discussion chapter focuses on the awe-inspiring and magical nature of Middle-earth and shows how descriptions of it can instil a sense of wonder towards nature in the real world. After that the characters who live in harmony with the natural world are discussed: Tom Bombadil and Goldberry, the Elves and the Ents all live in close connection with nature, presenting a model of a harmonious relationship with nature. In the second discussion chapter the environmental destruction of Middle-earth is examined: the destruction of nature goes hand in hand with the actions of the villains, and the heroes of the story constantly judge those who destroy nature. Underlying ethics of the novel are further highlighted by the story of Saruman which serves as a cautionary tale of using nature as a commodity. Through narrative empathy, narrative sympathy and character identification, the reader is likely to be on the side of the heroes, and therefore the novel guides the reader in the direction of its underlying ethical stance that presents nature as having intrinsic value. The discussion on The Lord of the Rings demonstrates the ways in which literature can help the reader form a new relationship with the natural world by highlighting awe-inspiring qualities of nature and presenting a model of living in a harmonious relationship with nature, and by presenting destruction of nature as ethically wrong. As one’s emotional affinity to nature is likely to lead to willingness to protect the natural world, literature may offer us some tools to tackle both climate change and the loss of biodiversity.
  • Tag, Jasmin (2024)
    In this thesis I am analysing and comparing Finnish beauty brand Lumene’s Instagram posts on three of their Instagram accounts, all specifically catered to a specific region. I aim to see if there are differences in content to how a Finnish company markets their products depending on the target market. Lumene is one of the biggest cosmetics companies in Finland and is well respected and liked in its native country. I find it important to examine closer how Finnishness is commercialized and represented outside of Finland. In my research I will be utilizing a framework originally developed by Okazaki and Rivas (2002) to study multinational corporations’ online communication strategies to look through the data. I complement the theoretical framework with the conventions and concepts of marketing communications and cultural competence. The analysis in this study combines both content analysis and multimodal analysis with elements of quantitative analysis. With this the aim is to observe the full breadth of the data the Instagram posts had instead of only concentrating on the text component. The basis of this study is that Lumene does not emphasise the Finnishness and Finnish roots of the company in their marketing posts on social media. Instead, the working theory is that Lumene fades out these elements and assimilates their texts in order to better entice their target group in a target country. My analytical results show that the core of Lumene’s brand identity is kept the same no matter the language or target group. The results show that the posts targeting an English-speaking demographic accentuate Lumene’s core values and themes and also extend their meaning to encompass a broader meaning. The largest differences between the Finnish-speaking and English-speaking Instagram accounts are related to the themes of Nordic identity and clean nature. These themes are emphasised heavily in the posts that target English-speaking demographics, whereas for the Finnish-speaking audience they hold a much smaller significance. Finnishness in the English-speaking Instagram accounts is highlighted through linguistic choices and by informing the audience in more detail about nature that is found in Finland. In addition to Finland, the roots of the company and nature is also broadened to encompass the Nordic and Arctic areas.
  • Itäluoto, Jussi (2023)
    The language of medicine and dentistry has changed from medical Latin towards the use of English terminology. English is considered the global lingua franca and the contemporary international language used in dentistry. The growing globalization and immigration have constantly increased the number of patient encounters where Finnish dentists use English. The aim of this study was to find out Finnish dentists’ attitudes towards the use of English as professional lingua franca. There are only few studies done on the topic to date and a research gap to be filled. The research was carried out as a survey. The survey was conducted using a questionnaire of 26 items as an instrument of data collection. The target group consisted of university dental students completing their final two years of study, university teachers and professors of dentistry, and professional dentists who work in the City of Helsinki public health care. The number of respondents was 146, and the total response rate was 35.43 percent. The results show that Finnish dentists’ and dental students’ attitudes towards English are positive. This result was also proven to be statistically significant. The biggest problem that dentists reported to have with English was with professional writing in English. Of the background factors studied, higher age, higher number of languages used at work, and higher number of years of English studied or lived in an English-speaking country correlated with a more positive attitude towards English as professional lingua franca. Most respondents like to use English professionally, and many of them would like to have more training in dental English use. The survey was directed to dentists only, but the results support the need to study other oral health professionals as well. The current situation of dental language guidelines is quite unclear and requires improvement. In brief, further research is required.
  • Hautala, Venla (2024)
    Foreign language anxiety (FLA), defined as “the worry and negative emotional reaction aroused when learning or using a second language”, has been studied with increased interest for several decades. FLA can affect language learners academically, cognitively, socially, and physically, and it can be experienced due to multiple reasons such as learner- and teacher-related factors or the learning environment, as well as due to fear of communication, exams, and negative evaluation. Although FLA has been vastly researched, earlier studies have lacked interest in language teachers’ perceptions and attitudes on the phenomenon. Additionally, even though researchers have been intrigued by the different ways in which teachers can reduce students’ FLA, there has been less attention paid to what strategies teachers say they use in the classroom. Thus, this study aims to reveal Finnish lower secondary EFL teachers’ perceptions, attitudes, and ways of coping regarding FLA. This qualitative study was conducted utilizing semi-structured interviews as the data collection method and qualitative content analysis as the data analysis method. The data consists of four teacher interviews that were transcribed and then analyzed according to the research objectives. Concerning the teachers’ perceptions of FLA, none of the teachers knew a precise definition of the phenomenon before participating in the study. Nevertheless, they seem to be aware of FLA and can recognize its occurrences in the EFL classroom, identify anxious and non-anxious students, as well as identify what causes the most and the least FLA among students. It can be stated that the teachers have a neutral and understanding attitude concerning their students experiencing feelings of anxiousness in the classroom. The teachers feel empathy toward students who struggle with FLA and do not view having to accommodate these issues in the classroom as a problem but rather something that is to be expected. Additionally, they confess to sometimes feeling insufficient in their abilities to help their students regarding FLA and hope they would have more tools to aid them. Lastly, the teachers alleviate their students’ FLA in multiple ways, such as by modifying exams and by creating a positive learning environment. The findings suggest that language teachers should be offered additional help regarding FLA – whether it is by including information about FLA and emotions in language learning in teacher training programs or by providing in-service teachers with supplementary education on the subject. In the Finnish context, future research would benefit from increased focus on in-practice EFL teachers’ and student teachers’ perspectives on FLA as well as from investigating both teachers’ and students’ perspectives simultaneously for accurate comparison.
  • Schultz, Stephen (2022)
    The current study is an exploration of Vantaa city primary and lower-secondary teacher attitudes towards multilingualism, as well as their attitudes towards the specific multilingual program the oma äidinkieli program. The oma äidinkieli program is a voluntary program which provides mother tongue instruction to pupils who speak a different language at home than the official languages of Finland, Finnish and Swedish. The aims of this study are to investigate and assess the attitudinal positioning of primary and lower-secondary teachers towards multilingualism and the oma äidinkieli program during a time when the number and concentration of foreign language speaking residents in Vantaa and the capital region of Finland is increasing, to increase the visibility of multilingualism and multilingual pupils, and to contribute to the study of teacher attitudes and multilingualism. A total of 45 primary and lower-secondary teachers from the Finnish city of Vantaa completed a paper questionnaire designed to assess attitudes towards multilingualism and the oma äidinkieli program. Quantitative data was collected using Likert-scale questions and a direct approach to studying attitudes. Results were analysed using descriptive statistics. Findings in this study indicate positive teacher attitudes towards both multilingualism and the oma äidinkieli program. This positive attitudinal positioning runs parallel to the approach to multilingualism prescribed in the Finnish National Core Curriculum for Basic Education. While encouraging that overall results indicate positive teacher attitudes towards multilingualism and the oma äidinkieli program, the frequency of negative and neutral responses to certain items, such as items regarding multilingual pupil’s language development, may indicate possible gaps in teacher understandings regarding multilingual pupils and their development. The overall positive attitudes of Finnish teachers are important because positive teacher attitudes towards multilingualism can positively affect the academic, linguistic, cultural, and identity development of multilingual pupils. Positive teacher attitudes towards the oma äidinkieli program are important because the program supports multilingual and multicultural development and supports the transition of foreign language speaking migrants into Finnish society. Also, as the oma äidinkieli program is a voluntary program for pupils, support from primary and lower-secondary teachers is needed in order for the program to be successful.
  • Vilkas, Janni (2024)
    This study investigated Finnish upper secondary school students’ perceptions of English pronunciation and its teaching. The topic has been mostly studied from EFL teachers’ point of view, establishing that while teachers consider pronunciation to be an important part of oral language competence, it is not reflected in their classroom practices. The purpose of this study was to find out if students share these perceptions, especially in the light of the upcoming oral component in the Finnish matriculation examination tests for foreign languages. Another aim was to investigate the students’ attitudes towards pronunciation and its teaching, and to see if language anxiety has an effect on their views. With a quantitative approach, the data were gathered via a questionnaire, which was distributed to students from three upper secondary schools in the Helsinki metropolitan area. A total of 111 responses were received, and the data were analyzed using graphics and descriptive statistics. The results indicated that overall, Finnish upper secondary school students agree with EFL teachers. A vast majority of the students thinks that pronunciation is an important part of oral language skills, but it is not taught enough in school. Especially explicit pronunciation teaching and proper feedback practices are lacking. The students also showed very positive attitudes towards the topic, and an interest in learning and improving their skills in it. However, their attitudes towards pronunciation teaching were more negative, and most seem to develop their skills outside of the classroom, leaving their learning implicit. Approximately a third of the respondents showed signs of language anxiety. These students viewed the current level of teaching even more negatively, while the attitudes towards pronunciation as a skill remained positive. Overall, most of the respondents would be open to the addition of an oral component in the matriculation examination tests, but also strongly felt that current teaching would not be enough to prepare them for it. Together with findings from previous research, the results of this study suggest that some changes in pronunciation teaching might be necessary, as both teachers and students have noticed its issues. The Finnish National Core Curriculum should be updated to better suit the students’ needs and the requirements of the oral component. Teachers should also be trained more in the ability to teach pronunciation to others.