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Browsing by master's degree program "Mikrobiologian ja mikrobibiotekniikan maisteriohjelma"

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  • Salminen, Jenni (2023)
    The use of plastics has increased globally and more and more of it ends up in the environment. Microbes can be used to produce polyhydroxyalkanoates (PHA), a biodegradable plastic substrate. Instead of nonrenewable fossil raw materials, such as renewable sewage sludge can be used as a carbon source for polyhydroxyalkanoates. The aim of this work was to investigate the microbial diversity and metabolism of the first hydrolysis step of the three-step polyhydroxyalkanoate (PHA) production process. In the first step, organic polymers, such as carbohydrates, lipids and proteins are hydrolyzed into monomers, which are then converted into short-chain volatile fatty acids (VFA). The volatile fatty acids are used in the third step as a substrate in microbial PHA production. In the second step, the polyhydroxyalkanoates accumulating microbes are enriched, and used in the third step for PHA synthesis. In this work, different types of sludges were used as a carbon source. Sludges were sludge for biogas production, sludge after biogas production and sludge after nitrogen removal in stripping. The concentration of volatile fatty acids, cellulose and lignin was determined in the bioreactors. Volatile fatty acids were determined by gas chromatography. Cellulose and lignin were determined after hydrolysis by filtering and drying the samples. The nucleotide sequence of the 16S rRNA gene was determined from pure materials. Shotgun metagenome sequencing was performed on bioreactor DNA samples to sequence the entire microbial genomes. Hydrolysis bioreactors were maintained for 12 days. Microbes did not degrade cellulose and lignin well. The best volatile fatty acids yields were obtained from the sludge for biogas production (172 mg/g organic matter ± 6.25). Proteobacteria and Firmicutes were the major phyla in the bioreactors, and microbial genera differed greatly between bioreactors. Microbial genes coding for carbohydrate and protein metabolism were predominant in the bioreactors.
  • Pikkarainen, Pinja (2023)
    Microbiology is included in the subject of biology in lower secondary school as part of the National Core Curriculum for Basic Education (POPS). Microbiology teaching has traditionally relied on inquiry-based methods and practical work, where inquiry is highlighted in POPS. In this study, a survey of teachers investigated microbiology teaching and inquiry-based methods in lower secondary school. The study focused on these areas: 1. What groups of microbes are mentioned and in what biological contexts? 2. What methods are used in teaching microbiology? 3. How much are inquiry-based methods used and does the amount vary regionally? 4. What type of inquiry-based teaching is used? and 5. What are the potential limitations in delivering inquiry-based teaching? The data were collected by an online survey for biology teachers in lower secondary schools around Finland and 36 responses were received. The data were analyzed mainly by qualitative content analysis which was supported by quantitative and regional analysis. According to the results, the coverage of microbial diversity is wide in biology teaching but Archea may receive less attention. Microbiology is taught well in many biological contexts but least in the context of evolution and development of life. The teaching methods are diverse, and many different practical activities are carried out. Inquiry-based methods were utilized by 97.2% of teachers and the amount does not vary regionally. Structured inquiry is used the most in microbiology teaching and the majority of the teachers found inquiry-based methods valuable. The amount of inquiry is limited by a lack of time, size and heterogeneity of the student groups, lack of equipment and workspace. The results indicated that the teaching of microbiology in lower secondary school is diverse and inquiry-based methods are common, but limitations were expressed. Solutions in response to these concerns could be, for instance, virtual activities, improved learning materials and more collaboration between universities and schools which is now poor. There are so far no other published studies about this in Finland. In the future, it would be interesting to study further how inquiry-based methods and the teacher’s self-efficacy and own training in these areas affect the outcomes of microbiology education. Such research could then be used to improve teacher education to address the limitations presented in this thesis.
  • Göransson, Johanna (2022)
    Perusopetuksen opetussuunnitelman perusteet (POPS) painottaa biologian opetuksen kohdalla tutkivaa oppimista ja tutustumista biologialle ominaisiin tutkimusmenetelmiin. POPS:n biologian sisältöalueisiin kuuluu myös mikrobiologiaa. Tässä tutkimuksessa selvitettiin sisällönanalyysin keinoin miten yläkoulun biologian Koodi- ja Elo-oppikirjasarjojen tehtävissä ilmeni mikrobiologia ja tutkimuksellisuus. Tutkimuskysymykset olivat: 1. Kuinka paljon mikrobiologiaan liittyviä tehtäviä on ja mihin aiheeseen ne liittyvät? 2. Kuinka paljon mikrobiologian tutkimuksellisia tehtäviä on ja millaista tutkimuksellisuutta ne edustavat? 3. Onko mikrobiologian tehtävien määrällä ja laadulla eroavaisuutta kirjasarjojen välillä? Tulosten perusteella pohdittiin vastasivatko oppikirjat POPS:n sisältöjä ja tavoitteita mikrobiologiaan liittyvien tehtävien osalta. Molemmissa kirjasarjoissa oli mikrobiologiaan liittyviä tehtäviä lähes yhtä paljon. Koodi-kirjasarjassa tehtäviä oli selvästi eniten Elämä-kirjassa ja Elo-kirjasarjassa tehtäviä oli eniten Ihminen-kirjassa. Koodi-kirjasarjassa erilaisia mikrobiryhmiä oli käsitelty hieman kattavammin ja tasaisemmin kuin Elo-kirjasarjassa. Elo-kirjasarjasta myös puuttuivat kokonaan yhteen POPS:n sisältöalueeseen, elämän kehitykseen ja evoluutioon, liittyvät mikrobiologiset tehtävät, joita Koodi-kirjasarjassa oli useita. Sen sijaan vain Elo-kirjasarjassa oli POPS:ssa mainittua biotekniikka-sisältöä mikrobiologiaan liittyen. Tutkimuksellisia tehtäviä oli molemmissa kirjasarjoissa vähän alle puolet mikrobiologian tehtävistä. Elo-sarjassa niitä oli hieman enemmän, tutkimuksellisuus oli monipuolisempaa ja myös kokonaisia tutkimuksia oli useita, toisin kuin Koodi-kirjasarjassa. Molemmissa kirjasarjoissa oli useita mikroskopointitehtäviä. Tuloksista voitiin päätellä, että molemmat kirjasarjat vastaavat POPS:n tutkimuksellisuustavoitteeseen, vaikkakin Elo-kirjasarja hieman paremmin. Mikrobiologian aihesisältöjen osalta kirjoissa oli painotuseroja ja joitain puutteita verrattuna POPS:n sisältöihin. Tutkimuksen tulokset voivat olla biologian opettajan apuna oppikirjan valinnassa ja sen POPS:n vastaavuuden tarkistamisessa. Jatkotutkimuksena oppikirjojen tekstin analysointi antaisi kokonaiskuvan oppikirjojen mikrobiologian sisällöstä. Oppikirjojen mikrobiologian sisältöjen näkymistä opetuksessa voisi myös tutkia.
  • Jormanainen, Iina (2021)
    The spread of antibiotic resistance in bacteria is a global problem. Horizontal gene transfer (HGT) is the main mechanism implicated in the spread of antibiotic resistance genes (ARG). This study is related to a doctoral thesis project that studies HGT in wastewater microbial community by conducting a microcosm experiment that uses Emulsion, Paired-Isolation and Concatenation PCR (epicPCR) to monitor the spread of ARGs between species. The aim of this study was to introduce synthetic epicPCR primer binding sites inside various ARGs and to test the function of the encoded proteins. The goal was to maintain sufficient protein function, i.e., antibiotic resistance despite the modifications, which allows the further use of modified ARGs in microcosm experiment. The ARGs selected for modifications were dfrB2, ermB, ermC, sul1 and sul2. Sequence-based prediction method was applied to find regions that tolerate insertions inside the proteins encoded by ARGs. The modified ARGs carried in plasmid pUC19 were introduced to Escherichia coli DH5α, which was used as the host in antibiotic susceptibility testing. Antimicrobial gradient method was used to test the antibiotic susceptibility of the strains and to verify the function of the proteins. Six ARGs modified in this study encoded for functional proteins that conferred antibiotic resistance while three modified ARGs did not. Two out of four proteins with insertions in predicted permissive stretches in the middle of a protein maintained their function. The six functional, antibiotic resistance conferring genes designed in this study can be used in further studies utilizing epicPCR. Based on the results of this study, sequence-based prediction method for finding permissive stretches seems useful, but it does not guarantee that the protein function is maintained.
  • Majlander, Jesse (2021)
    The objective of the study was to demonstrate proof-of-concept for ResistApp – a newly developed digital platform for antibiotic resistance monitoring in hospital wastewater. ResistApp combines culture-independent, high throughput gene quantification with automated data analysis to synthesise and visualise monitoring data in an interactive dashboard. To do this, wastewater of two hospitals in Helsinki, Finland (HUS1 and HUS2) were monitored for over nine weeks (weeks 25-33 in 2020) for a total of 216 antibiotic resistance genes (ARGs), mobile genetic elements (MGEs), integrons, and taxonomy of bacteria, including bacteria causing hospital acquired infections, and the 16S rRNA gene using high-throughput quantitative PCR. The data from HT-qPCR was analysed and visualised using ResistApp. A higher number of ARGs and MGEs were detected at both hospitals in weeks 27-30 compared to other sampling weeks, with weeks 27-30 grouped separately from other sampling weeks by non-metric multidimensional scaling (NMDS)-ordination analysis. The NMDS ordination also indicated that the two hospitals, which use different amounts of antibiotics, had distinct resistance profiles. The study found that blaGES was the most abundant and prevalent carbapenem resistance gene in both hospitals throughout the sampling period. Low abundances of HAI-bacteria were detected in both hospitals. A correlation analysis was done, which revealed a positive association between blaGES and MGEs in both hospitals. Moreover, substantially more positive associations between carbapenem resistance genes and MGEs were found in HUS1 than HUS2, as well as a strong positive association between blaKPC and Klebsiella pneumoniae in the wastewater of HUS1. Wastewater monitoring with high-throughput qPCR is a promising tool for wastewater-based epidemiology, and it has been successfully used for the surveillance of SARS-CoV-2 -virus. Routine monitoring using ResistApp can capture both the impact of antibiotic use on resistance profiles and the dynamics of these profiles in hospital wastewater. In addition, ResistApp can simplify the analysis of HT-qPCR data considerably, compared to processing large amounts of raw data by hand.
  • Kinnunen, Roosa (2024)
    Biologia on tieteenalana jatkuvassa muutoksessa. Geenitutkimusten kehittyessä saadaan uutta tietoa eliöiden perimästä ja sukulaissuhteista, jolloin niitä voidaan myös luokitella tarkemmin. Opinnäytetyössä tarkastellaan biologian tieteenalalla tapahtuvien muutoksien vaikutuksia biologiaan oppiaineena peruskoulussa ja lukiossa. Tutkimuksessa selvitän, miten biologian opettajat suhteutuvat päivitettyyn eliöiden luokitteluun ja se otettu osaksi opetusta. Lisäksi tavoitteenani on selvittää mitkä eliöryhmät opettajat kokevat merkittäväksi opettaa kullakin opetusasteella, ja ovatko jotkin eliöryhmät opettajien mielestä merkityksettömiä yleissivistävän koulutuksen kannalta. Selvitän myös mitä aineistoja biologian aineenopettajat käyttävät merkittävimpänä lähteenään opetuksessa. Tutkimus toteutettiin puolistrukturoituna kyselylomakkeena, jossa oli sekä avoimia kysymyksiä, että monivalintakysymyksiä. Tutkimuksen taustatiedot osio on tehty kirjallisuuskatsauksena luokittelun muutokseen liittyviin artikkeleihin sekä peruskoulun ja lukion opetussuunnitelmaan pohjautuen. Tutkimuksen tuloksia analysoitiin sekä kvantitatiivisesti että kvalitatiivisesti. Osa opettajista ei ole ollut tietoinen eliökunnan luokittelun päivityksestä, mikä on vaikuttanut sen käyttöönottamiseen opetuksessa. Päivitetty luokittelu on koettu haastavimmaksi yläkoulun opettajien keskuudessa, eikä sitä ole otettu yhtä laajasti käyttöön kuin lukioissa. Opettajilla on melko yhtenäinen käsitys siitä, mitä eliöryhmiä tulisi opettaa kullakin opetusasteella. Vastausten perusteella opettajat käyttävät tiedonlähteenä pääasiassa opettajille tuotettuja materiaaleja. Tämän vuoksi olisi tärkeää, että keskeisistä uudistuksista tiedotetaan riittävästi ja niistä tehtäisiin helposti saatavilla olevia lisämateriaaleja.
  • Suomalainen, Nina (2024)
    The brown rat (Rattus norvegicus) is a common rodent species found worldwide, especially in urban areas where they cohabit very closely with humans. Known as reservoirs for several zoonotic pathogens and parasites, rats present a significant risk to public health. Despite the concern, studies on rat-borne pathogens in Finland have been limited. This thesis aims to address the gap by focusing on two major zoonotic pathogens in rats, Leptospira spp. and hepatitis E virus. Leptospirosis is a zoonotic disease caused by a spirochete bacterium of the genus Leptospira. Hepatitis E virus is a common cause of acute hepatitis in tropical and subtropical countries, and rat specific hepatitis E virus, Rocahepevirus ratti, is a potential emerging zoonotic pathogen. The aim of the study was to discover if the zoonotic pathogens Leptospira spp. and hepatitis E virus are present in urban rat populations in Helsinki. This was achieved by molecular detection of Leptospira and hepatitis E virus from rat tissue samples. The rat carcasses in this study were received from pest management operators and citizens of Helsinki between 2018 and 2023. Rat antibodies against hepatitis E virus were also attempted to study with commercial ELISA. The PCR positive samples were studied further with either Sanger sequencing or Next-generation sequencing (NGS). Both pathogens were observed in this study. Leptospira spp. was found in 1.23 % of the rat samples studied. Sequence analysis of the Sanger sequenced PCR product suggested that the species was Leptospira interrogans. Rat hepatitis E virus, Rocahepevirus ratti, was observed for the first time in Finland, in 1.79 % of the studied rats. NGS confirmed the virus and phylogenetic analysis showed high homology with sequences of Rocahepevirus ratti genotype C1 from around the world. Even though both pathogens were found in lower quantities than expected, further research and surveillance is needed to estimate the real prevalence and the potential risk for human and animal health.
  • Johansson, Julia (2021)
    This project focuses on development of novel split intein systems for selection of biological activities utilizing protein splicing. Protein splicing is phenomenon that occurs naturally inside the cell and the reaction is catalyzed by inteins, which connect C-terminal and N-terminal exteins with a peptide bond. The activity of the interrupted protein, consisting the exteins, can be restored after the intein is excised and the peptide bond links the exteins together. This occurrence can be used for selection of cells based on different activities including antibiotic resistance. The project aims to insert an intein in antibiotic resistance gene which could allow controlling the protein activity of the antibiotic resistance gene by protein splitting. This method is based on inserting an intein to the antibiotic resistance conferring enzyme which makes the protein inactive. Creating two separate plasmids that include the intein sequence can be transformed into bacterial cells. Other plasmid includes a deletion in the intein sequence and the cells that include this plasmid only, are not able to survive in the presence of an antibiotic. This is due to inactivity of the intein and thus the inactivity of the enzyme that confers the resistance. Incorporating a second plasmid that includes the corresponding sequence to the deletion, the intein activity can be recovered and thus the protein activity. By this method with cotransformation, both plasmids are transformed simultaneously which recovers the intein activity and further the antibiotic resistance. This could be used for the cell selection since only the cells that harbor both of the two complementary plasmids could restore the antibiotic resistance.
  • Azizkhani, Mohammad (2020)
    Brewer's yeasts metabolize sugars and produce ethanol and CO2. This study aimed to investigate the relation between the assimilation of sugars in all-malt wort and isotopic signature of carbon and oxygen in the evolved CO2 from brewery fermentations. The isotopic composition of CO2 was measured by a tunable diode laser absorption spectrometer. The isotopic data obtained with automatic sampling, on-line, and in real-time. Wort samples were collected with 3 h intervals to quantify the residual sugars by high-performance liquid chromatography. Patterns of changes in δ13C and δ18O values were unique to experiments with each yeast type. The common overall ascending trend in δ13C and δ18O values in all experiments can be described by kinetic fractionation of isotopes, which explains that in a bioreaction the lighter isotopes participate in the reaction more readily than the heavier ones. Therefore, the early emergence of light isotopologues of CO2 may be a consequence of the fermentation of light isotopologues of sugars. A sudden decrease and then increase in delta values were observed in all experiments before the residual concentrations of glucose and fructose reach their lowest levels. This can be an indicator of the complete assimilation of monosaccharides by yeast. In the fermentations that yeast was able to consume maltose, δ13C and δ18O values raised considerably in a short period. Concurrently, maltose approached its eventual residual concentrations indicating an endpoint for its utilization by yeast. Our results confirm the hypothesis of a connection between the assimilation of sugars and the isotopic signature of evolved CO2 during brewery fermentations. The findings support the potential of off-gas isotopic analysis to monitor sugar assimilation in brewery fermentations.
  • Kanerva, Suvi (2023)
    Filamentous fungus Trichoderma reesei (teleomorph Hypocrea jecorina) is a crucial production organism for enzymes used in industrial applications, such as in feed, food, textile, and biofuel production, due to its ability to secrete high amounts of homologous and heterologous enzymes. Therefore, development of genetic tools to improve the properties of industrial T. reesei strains for even better production yields is essential. In this study, a polyethylene glycol mediated CRISPR-Cas9 transformation method for industrial T. reesei production strains was aimed to be optimised by testing an alternative Cas9 enzyme and varying the stoichiometry and total amount of Cas9 enzyme and single guide RNA in the ribonucleoprotein complex. Correct integration of the gene constructions in the obtained transformants was determined by colony PCR and Southern blot analysis. In addition, two selected background activity encoding genes, endoglucanase 6 and α-glucuronidase 1, were individually deleted from T. reesei xylanase production strain utilising the improved CRISPR-Cas9 transformation protocol. The effect of background activity deletions on the strain growth and protein production were analysed from culture supernatants by pH measurement, Bradford protein assay, sodium dodecyl sulfate polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis, and enzyme activity assays. An improved CRISPR-Cas9 transformation protocol for T. reesei was successfully established basing on high number of transformants and improved DNA integration fidelity. No negative effects were observed in the growth or protein production properties of the background activity deletion strains compared to the xylanase production strain. Thus, further cleansing of T. reesei secretome can be continued to refine the industrial production strains.
  • Riihimäki, Lotta Eveliina (2022)
    Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 is the pathogen behind COVID-19, a contagious disease that has caused millions of deaths since the beginning of the global pandemic in 2019. It is essential to gain more knowledge about the factors affecting viral entry and infection to understand prevention and treatment possibilities for the pathogen. Initially, an immunostaining assay was set up and showed that at eight hours post-infection, the virus had entered the target cells and started protein production. Five host genes of interest, identified by collaborators, were transiently silenced using small interfering RNA knockdown of cell lines. Once the silencing had been optimized, the effect on SARS-CoV-2 infection was monitored at eight and 24 h post-infection. The main pipeline used to follow the cell entry and replication was an extraction of total RNA, reverse transcription reaction followed by quantitative digital droplet polymerase chain reaction, showing the concentrations of the expressed target genes in the cells. The protocols of the transfection and ddPCR were tested and optimized to provide reproducible and reliable results. Out of six tested transfection reagents, DharmaFECT 2 showed the most effective results, decreasing the expression of target genes DDX3X and PDE4A by more than 75% after a 24 h incubation. The produced knockdown cells were infected with a produced and purified stock of SARS-CoV-2. Plaque assays were made from samples collected 24 hours post-infection, but no difference could be seen in the titer of the virus between the transfected cells and negative control cells. In conclusion, using digital droplet polymerase chain reaction to follow the effect of host gene knockdown on virus replication is possible as long as the initial gene expression is high enough.
  • Troupp, Minna (2022)
    The increasing use of antimicrobials causes a heavy pollution load on the environment and can enhance antimicrobial resistance of pathogenic bacteria, thus having a negative impact on human and animal health. Antibiotic concentrations in the environment are constantly monitored, however traditional chemical analyses fail to provide data on the bioavailability of antimicrobials. Whole-cell bacterial bioreporters have been developed to detect a wide variety of environmental pollutants including antimicrobials. These living, genetically engineered organisms can also be used for the measurement of the bioavailable fraction in a sample and thus bioreporters could give insights on the role of antimicrobial pollution in the dissemination of antimicrobial resistance. The aim of this study was to design and construct an improved bioluminescent bioreporter for detection of macrolide antibiotics. The mrx gene and the mph(A)R repressor gene were coupled with the mph(A) promotor of the macrolide resistance operon mph(A) and the reporter genes of the luciferase operon luxCDABE. The main objective was to determine whether Mrx, the hydrophobic and putative transmembrane transport protein of the macrolide resistance operon mph(A), would improve the sensitivity and reduce the induction time. Another aim was to optimize the use of three existing bioreporters with other macrolides than erythromycin, which was used earlier in testing their performance. The mrx-mph(A)R fragment was cloned into the pmph(A)luxCDABE vector, and the bioreporter plasmid was introduced to Escherichia coli strain DH10B. After verification of the construct pmph(A)luxCDABE-mrx-mph(A)R, the usability of the new whole-cell biosensor was compared against the three existing macrolide bioreporters with three different macrolide and lincosamide antibiotics, erythromycin, tylosin and clindamycin. The cloning of the new bioluminescent bioreporter for macrolides was performed successfully. However, the addition of erythromycin, tylosin or clindamycin to a suspension of E. coli DH10B(pmph(A)luxCDABE-mrx-mph(A)R) did not stimulate the expression of the lux genes. High concentrations of all three antibiotics triggered a light response with the existing bioreporters although the response was slow. The results indicated that further studies on the mrx gene and its encoded Mrx protein are still needed. The response of the mph(A) operon to other macrolide and lincosamide antibiotics than erythromycin was a positive and encouraging finding, since this enables detection of other synthetic macrolides than erythromycin as well as lincosamides with the existing bioreporters after optimization.
  • Aho, Riikka (2019)
    Abstract This work was done at R&D Center of Kemira Oy in Espoo. Paper machines are open systems which are impossible to keep sterile. Paper machines offer favourable conditions for microbial growth. Microbiological problems in paper industry have been reported for years and expanding the production facilities and recycling of process waters have increased microbial growth. Microorganisms cause a lot of problems in paper machines and contaminatios can lead to huge economical loses. Biofilms can block filters and nozzles. Biofilms cause production breakdowns. The quality of produced paper is deteriorated, produced paper can have holes and discalourations. Sometimes the paper machine has to be stopped. Biofilms also increase the corrosion of machinery. Biocides are commonly used to control the formation of biofilms. Biocides are dosed with process waters and they are not specific to biofilm forming bacteria. Biofilms tolerate biocides better than planktonic bacteria and the biofilm problem has not been able to solve. There are a lot of different microbes found on paper making processes. Paper machines can contain viruses, bacteria, syanobacteria, molds, yeasts, algae ja protozoa. Paper machines environment and location, temperature, pH, raw materials and other additives have impact on the composition of microbe population. Kemira has a targeted-release biocide product on the market. Polymeric micelles protect biocidal active agents from degradation while it has been delivered to the targeted surfaces. Global patent has been applied for this targeted-release technology. Target of this work was to develop a cheaper version of this product having same targeted effects and better storage stability In this work the stability, efficacy against planktonic cells and against biofilm were tested. qPCR and sequencing were used to test the effect of the biocide to microbe population.
  • Hakonen, Elina (2024)
    Kaupunkien ja maatalouden lähteistä johtuva vesistöjen mikrobiologinen kontaminaatio muodostaa merkittävän riskin ihmisten, eläinten ja ympäristön terveydelle. Saastumisen lähteiden tunnistaminen auttaa ymmärtämään sen luonnetta ja auttaa estämään uusia saastumisia. Mikrobilähteiden jäljitys tunnistaa tehokkaasti vesistöjen saastumisen lähteet geenimerkkien kautta, tarjoten tarkan ja herkän tavan tunnistaa mikrobiperäisen saastumisen luonnetta. Tässä tutkimuksessa valittiin 10 geenimerkkiä, jotka kohdistuivat viiteen taudinaiheuttajaan ja viiteen mikrobisaasteeseen vesiympäristöissä. Kun valittujen geenimerkkien alukkeiden ominaisuudet eivät olleet yhteneväisiä SmartChip qPCR-asetusten kanssa, suunniteltiin uudet alukkeet NCBI:n Primer BLAST -työkalulla valitun geenimerkin havaitsemiseksi. Sopivilla ominaisuuksilla varustetut alukkeet analysoitiin in silico analyysillä käyttäen primer-BLASTN työkalua, jotta alukkeiden tarkkuus kohde geeniin varmistettiin. qPCR tuotteet analysoitiin Sanger-sekvensoinnilla, jotta voitiin havaita, olivatko odotettuja. Tämä analyysi tarjosi tietoa alukkeiden mahdollisesta väärin sitoutumisesta. Tämä kymmenen alukkeen kokonaisuus suunniteltiin korkean yhteensopivuuden saavuttamiseksi SmartChip qPCR:n sykliolosuhteiden kanssa. Se luotiin myös tarkasti heijastamaan geenejä ja organismeja, jotka esiintyvät ympäristön vesinäytteissä.
  • de Dios Mateos, Enrique (2023)
    Methanococcus maripaludis is a hydrogenotrophic methanogen which has become a model organism for archaea and for the study of methanogenesis. New genetic and genomic tools hold promise to convert M. maripaludis into a host organism for synthetic biology and metabolic engineering. However, an extensive characterization of suitable promoters in this organism for their use in metabolic engineering has been lacking. In this study, the strength of 25 promoter sequences was quantified by use of a β-glucuronidase reporter gene assay, establishing it as an adequate method for this purpose. PglnA seemed to evade the control exerted by the native transcriptional regulator NrpR and thus became the strongest promoter of all tested. Pmtr, Pmcr, , Pmcr_JJ and Ppor_JJ could also be regarded as strong promoters in this organism. On the other hand, inclusion of a putative transcription factor downstream of the eha operon increased the strength of Peha and Peha_JJ, suggesting its role as the activator of the operon. Overall, these results provide valuable information for the implementation of genetic, metabolic and promoter engineering in M. maripaludis. Genetic manipulation of M. maripaludis was done via a recently developed CRISPR/Cas toolbox, serving as an example of its efficiency.
  • Hannula, Liina (2020)
    Rift Valley fever virus (RVFV) is a mosquito-borne virus of the order Bunyavirales with a tripartite (-)ssRNA genome. It infects humans and cattle, causing a febrile disease with symptoms ranging from mild to severe. Safe and efficient human vaccines have not yet been developed, which underlines the importance of gaining a clear understanding of the viral antigenic surface. One significant challenge for RVFV research is posed by the costly and time-consuming biosafety precautions warranted by the pathogenicity of the virus. The surface of RVFV, formed by the two viral envelope glycoproteins Gn and Gc, could also be studied with a non-pathogenic model, such as a virus-like particle (VLP). A VLP is a macromolecular complex that resembles the virus, especially with respect to its outer structure, but lacks the viral genome. In this work, RVFV VLPs were produced by transient transfection of mammalian cells with genes encoding RVFV glycoproteins Gn and Gc. The objective was to design an optimized production and purification pipeline for RVFV VLPs to elucidate their structure by cryo-electron microscopy. To optimize the VLP production and purification, the effect of sample harvest times and DNA-to-cell ratios of transfection on RVFV glycoprotein expression was examined. Several methods were tested for VLP sample concentration and purification. VLPs were successfully detected in the purified samples by immuno-electron microscopy. Despite some challenges related to sample purity and scarcity of VLPs in samples, which prevented analyses by cryo-electron microscopy, the expression system described in this thesis has great potential to streamline RVFV VLP sample preparation for electron microscopy and to accelerate vital research into the structural properties of this emerging pathogen.
  • Heinonen, Minna-Maria (2022)
    The tRNA-derived fragments (tsRNAs) are known to play a role in protein translation and post-transcriptional regulation. Viruses exploit the cellular machinery of the host for their replication and therefore the formation of tRNA-derived fragments could be one mechanism utilized by the virus for completing the infection cycle. Virus-induced tRNA-derived fragments have so far been found to suppress the antiviral responses of the host or to favor viral protein translation. However, the biogenesis of tsRNAs, their virus specificity, as well as their putative regulatory roles during infection are still mainly unknown. Research into the roles of tsRNAs in viral infection has enormous potential to reveal novel regulatory functions of tsRNAs and shed light on the mechanisms which viruses utilize to hijack the cellular translation machinery. This Master’s thesis project aimed to investigate the possible regulatory role and the origin of infection-induced tRNA-fragments in Shewanella glacialimarina TZS-4T. S. glacialimarina was infected with Shewanella phage isolate 1/4 and total RNA was isolated from culture samples collected at different timepoints after infection. Additionally, to assess the specificity of the phenomena, S. frigidimarina and S. baltica, two evolutionary close relatives of S. glacialimarina, were also infected with Shewanella phage isolate 1/4. The formation of fragments was found to be dynamic and specific to S. glacialimarina. The observed fragments were further purified from the total RNA and sequenced using an adapted protocol for sequencing library preparation to identify the origin of the fragments. As a result of this thesis, the adapted protocol was further optimized for the fragment isolation, yet the full identification of the sequences was not achieved within the timeframe of this project.
  • Lehtonen, Anna (2017)
    Yersinia pseudotuberculosis voi aiheuttaa ihmiselle suolistoinfektion, yersinioosin. Se tarttuu kontaminoituneiden elintarvikkeiden välityksellä, ja Suomessa on todettu useita epidemioita viimeisen 20 vuoden aikana. Yersinia-suku kuuluu Enterobacteriaceae-heimoon, ja siihen kuuluu tällä hetkellä 18 lajia. Y. pseudotuberculosis-lajin lisäksi sukuun kuuluu kaksi ihmispatogeenia, Yersinia enterocolitica ja Yersinia pestis. Y. enterocolitica on myös elintarvikevälitteinen patogeeni, Y. pestis puolestaan tunnetaan ruton aiheuttajana. Y. pseudotuberculosis kasvaa hyvin jääkaappilämpötiloissa, jolloin nykyaikaiseen elintarvikehygieniaan oleellisena osana kuuluva kylmäsäilytys ei estä sen lisääntymistä elintarvikkeissa. Sen vuoksi onkin tärkeä tutkia tekijöitä, joilla on merkitystä Y. pseudotuberculosis-bakteerin kylmänsiedossa ja muissa stressiolosuhteissa. RNA-helikaasit ovat proteiineja, jotka avaavat kaksijuosteista RNA:ta. Niihin kuuluu useita proteiiniperheitä, mutta suurin niistä on DEAD-box-helikaasiperhe. DEAD-box-helikaaseja löytyy kaikista eliöryhmistä, ja ne osallistuvat kaikkiin RNA-metabolian vaiheisiin. Ne ovat ATP-riippuvaisia helikaaseja ja ne kykenevät avaamaan vain lyhyitä kaksijuosteisia alueita. Y. pseudotuberculosis IP32953- genomi sisältää viisi DEAD-box-helikaasia koodaavaa geeniä, csdA, dbpA, rhlB, rhlE ja srmB. RhlB osallistuu mRNA-molekyylien hajottamiseen osana RNA-degradosomia. Muut proteiinit osallistuvat pääasiassa ribosomin rakentumiseen. Escherichia coli -bakteerilla aiemmin tehdyn tutkimuksen perusteella tiedetään, että CsdA:n ja SrmB:n puuttuminen soluista saa aikaan kylmäherkän fenotyypin. CsdA:n roolia on tutkittu myös Y. pseudotuberculosis-lajilla, jossa toimimaton CsdA heikentää kasvua kylmässä. Tämän tutkielman tarkoituksena oli tutkia RNA-helikaasien vaikutusta Y. pseudotuberculosis IP32953-kannan kasvuun erilaisissa stressiolosuhteissa. RhlE-, DbpA- ja SrmB-deleetiomutanttikantoja kasvatettiin optimilämpötilan (28 °C) lisäksi kylmässä (3 °C), korkeassa suolapitoisuudessa sekä alhaisessa ja korkeassa pH:ssa. Kasvun aikana mitattiin bakteerien kasvua OD600nm-mittausten avulla, ja aineiston perusteella kannoille piirrettiin kasvukäyrät kaikissa olosuhteissa. Lisäksi aineistosta laskettiin käyrän alle jäävä pinta-ala, jonka perusteella tutkittiin kasvuerojen tilastollista merkitsevyyttä Studentin t-testillä. Kannoille määritettiin myös kasvunopeudet eri olosuhteissa. Deleetiomutanttien kasvussa huomattiin eroa alhaisessa lämpötilassa, jossa kaikki deleetiomutanttikannat tilastollisesti merkitsevästi kasvoivat villityypin kantaa huonommin. Lisäksi ΔsrmB -kanta kasvoi tilastollisesti merkitsevästi heikommin optimilämpötilassa ja korkeassa pH:ssa. Näyttääkin siis siltä, että DEAD-box-helikaasit ovat Y. pseudotuberculosis-bakteerilla suuremmassa roolissa kuin E. coli-bakteerilla, ja niitä tarvitaan erityisesti alhaisissa lämpötiloissa.
  • Sallinen-Dal Maso, Heidi (2023)
    Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus two (SARS-CoV-2) viruses are spherical, enveloped and have a linear single-stranded positive-sense RNA genome. SARS-CoV-2 causes human coronavirus disease 19 (COVID-19). To detect the acute SARS-CoV-2 infection either a nucleic acid detection or an antigen detection test can be used. In this work, the suitability of the extraction buffer left over from the SARS-CoV-2 rapid antigen test for quantitative real-time reverse transcriptase polymerase chain reaction (RT-qPCR) verification test and the suitability of the saliva sample for COVID-19 RT-qPCR diagnostics were researched. The purpose of the study was to compare the SARS-CoV-2 Rapid Antigen Test (SD Biosensor/Roche Diagnostics) used by Siun Sote with the SARS-CoV-2 RT-qPCR test used in the Joensuu clinical microbiology laboratory of the joint county authority for ISLAB laboratories and compare saliva sample and nasopharyngeal swab sample in COVID-19 RT-qPCR diagnostics. In addition, the purpose was to evaluate the technical functionality of Copan's LolliSponge™ saliva sampling device for routine sampling. The results showed that the saliva sample is suitable for RT-qPCR diagnostics, although there was generally less SARS-CoV-2 RNA in the saliva samples than in the nasopharyngeal swab samples. LolliSponge™ worked well for routine sampling. The results showed that the extraction buffer left over from the SARS-CoV-2 rapid antigen test is suitable for the confirmatory RT-qPCR test, although this still requires further research. The rapid antigen test and the RT-qPCR test did not show a large difference in sensitivity, differences were found only in individual samples.
  • Kasurinen, Jutta (2020)
    The ever-increasing spread of antibiotic resistant bacteria creates a constant demand for new sources for antimicrobial drugs. Phages are a natural source for antibacterial proteins, but also produce a variety of unknown compounds, referred to as “hypothetical proteins of unknown function” (HPUF). HPUFs usually consist of structural proteins, but also small polypeptides that inhibit bacterial growth during infection. These peptides could be utilized in the discovery of new antimicrobial molecules. However, the current methods used for the screening of such proteins are time consuming and unreliable, making this a fairly unpopular option to utilize. In this study, a new NGS (Next Generation Sequencing) based assay for the screening of phage derived bacteriotoxic proteins was developed and tested by performing two separate experiments together with a previously used plating assay as a comparative method. A preliminary experiment was performed as a proof of principle, with five known toxic and five non-toxic genes. After this, the methods were compared by screening 23 previously identified HPUF genes of phage fHy-Eco03. In the plating assay genes were screened individually by observing growth of bacterial transformants upon gene expression. In the NGS assay genes we screened simultaneously by transforming them to E. coli cells as a pooled sample. Results were obtained with bioinformatics. Toxic genes were expected to be identified through a decrease in sequence read amount, as a consequence of bacterial growth inhibition. In the pre-experiment a difference between toxic and non- toxic proteins was not observed. The results between the NGS and plating assay in the screening of phage fHy-Eco03 genes, were similar and resulted in the identification of one toxic protein. The inconsistent results are probably an outcome of lac promoter repression by glucose supplementation, thus only highly toxic genes show an inhibitory effect. Despite this the NGS assay outperformed the plating assay in both accuracy and efficiency. The NGS assay has high potential to be used as a screening assay for phage derived toxic genes, however further optimization and validation is required, by firstly selecting compatible media and secondly by re- testing with different phages and host bacteria.