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  • Sundvall, Jukka (2016)
    It has been previously shown that people express disgust at moral transgressions, with both verbal reports and facial expressions. It is also known that the real or imagined presence of an audience can make people more willing to punish perceived wrongdoers and harsher in their judgments of moral violations. The aim of this thesis was to examine whether other people's emotional communication may affect one's moral judgments of speculative dilemma situations, where the killing or harming of another person is motivated by the greater good. Specifically, this thesis aimed to find out if an audience's facial expression affects judgments of moral violations that break a deontological (duty-based) moral rule but are nevertheless utilitarian, ie. the violation can be said to increase aggregate welfare. The hypothesis was that a disgust-signaling facial expression would lead to less utilitarian judgments than a neutral expression. Four data sets from experiments were collected in Finland and in the Netherlands. 117, 124, 124 and 165 people took part in the experiments Three of the experiments were conducted on a computer, and one on a paper form. An established questionnaire of 12 moral dilemma situations was used. In each dilemma, the utilitarian option was also a deontological violation.The participants indicated on a Likert scale I) how acceptable the found the utilitarian option and II) how likely they thought they themselves would act according to this option. Photographs of faces were used as the audience stimulus. Depending on the experimental condition, these faces were either neutral, or expressed disgust or anger. The order of the dilemmas, the photographs and the placing of participants in different experimental conditions was fully randomized. In the fourth experiment, the possible effect of the audience's gender on moral judgments was also examined. In each of the data sets, a main effect of participant gender was observed: males were slightly more utilitarian than females. An anger-signaling audience had no effect discernible from a neutral audience, whereas a disgust-signaling audience led to changes in utilitarian judgment. Additionally, interactions between the emotional audience manipulation and participant and audience gender were observed. Based on these results, it seems that gender and the expression of disgust may have specific roles in audience effects on moral judgment.
  • Sundvall, Jukka (2016)
    It has been previously shown that people express disgust at moral transgressions, with both verbal reports and facial expressions. It is also known that the real or imagined presence of an audience can make people more willing to punish perceived wrongdoers and harsher in their judgments of moral violations. The aim of this thesis was to examine whether other people's emotional communication may affect one's moral judgments of speculative dilemma situations, where the killing or harming of another person is motivated by the greater good. Specifically, this thesis aimed to find out if an audience's facial expression affects judgments of moral violations that break a deontological (duty-based) moral rule but are nevertheless utilitarian, ie. the violation can be said to increase aggregate welfare. The hypothesis was that a disgust-signaling facial expression would lead to less utilitarian judgments than a neutral expression. Four data sets from experiments were collected in Finland and in the Netherlands. 117, 124, 124 and 165 people took part in the experiments Three of the experiments were conducted on a computer, and one on a paper form. An established questionnaire of 12 moral dilemma situations was used. In each dilemma, the utilitarian option was also a deontological violation.The participants indicated on a Likert scale I) how acceptable the found the utilitarian option and II) how likely they thought they themselves would act according to this option. Photographs of faces were used as the audience stimulus. Depending on the experimental condition, these faces were either neutral, or expressed disgust or anger. The order of the dilemmas, the photographs and the placing of participants in different experimental conditions was fully randomized. In the fourth experiment, the possible effect of the audience's gender on moral judgments was also examined. In each of the data sets, a main effect of participant gender was observed: males were slightly more utilitarian than females. An anger-signaling audience had no effect discernible from a neutral audience, whereas a disgust-signaling audience led to changes in utilitarian judgment. Additionally, interactions between the emotional audience manipulation and participant and audience gender were observed. Based on these results, it seems that gender and the expression of disgust may have specific roles in audience effects on moral judgment.
  • Sundvall, Jukka (2016)
    It has been previously shown that people express disgust at moral transgressions, with both verbal reports and facial expressions. It is also known that the real or imagined presence of an audience can make people more willing to punish perceived wrongdoers and harsher in their judgments of moral violations. The aim of this thesis was to examine whether other people's emotional communication may affect one's moral judgments of speculative dilemma situations, where the killing or harming of another person is motivated by the greater good. Specifically, this thesis aimed to find out if an audience's facial expression affects judgments of moral violations that break a deontological (duty-based) moral rule but are nevertheless utilitarian, ie. the violation can be said to increase aggregate welfare. The hypothesis was that a disgust-signaling facial expression would lead to less utilitarian judgments than a neutral expression. Four data sets from experiments were collected in Finland and in the Netherlands. 117, 124, 124 and 165 people took part in the experiments Three of the experiments were conducted on a computer, and one on a paper form. An established questionnaire of 12 moral dilemma situations was used. In each dilemma, the utilitarian option was also a deontological violation.The participants indicated on a Likert scale I) how acceptable the found the utilitarian option and II) how likely they thought they themselves would act according to this option. Photographs of faces were used as the audience stimulus. Depending on the experimental condition, these faces were either neutral, or expressed disgust or anger. The order of the dilemmas, the photographs and the placing of participants in different experimental conditions was fully randomized. In the fourth experiment, the possible effect of the audience's gender on moral judgments was also examined. In each of the data sets, a main effect of participant gender was observed: males were slightly more utilitarian than females. An anger-signaling audience had no effect discernible from a neutral audience, whereas a disgust-signaling audience led to changes in utilitarian judgment. Additionally, interactions between the emotional audience manipulation and participant and audience gender were observed. Based on these results, it seems that gender and the expression of disgust may have specific roles in audience effects on moral judgment.
  • Mrena, Maria Kristiina (2014)
    Objectives – The objective of this study was to examine whether there is a connection between the Big Five personality traits and the metabolic syndrome (MetS) in Finnish adults. The MetS is a rapidly increasing syndrome among the Finnish population, which predisposes to type 2 diabetes and cardiac diseases. Previous research suggests that single personality traits may be connected to the MetS and its risk factors. However, only a few studies have examined theoretically well based personality models in relation to the MetS. Identifying the psychosocial risk factors for the MetS is important in predicting and preventing its occurrence. The following hypotheses were made based on previous research: (1) high neuroticism and (2) low agreeableness are positively associated with the MetS. Methods – This is a cross-sectional study of The Cardiovascular Risk in Young Finns Study from the year 2007. There were 1 580 Finnish adults aged 30–45 participating in the study, of which 919 were women and 661 were men. The participants answered a personality questionnaire, the Finnish version of the NEO-FFI (Neuroticism, Extraversion, Openness, Five-Factor Inventory), which measured the Big Five personality traits (neuroticism, extraversion, agreeableness, conscientiousness, and openness). The MetS is diagnosed when at least three of the following five factors are present: (1) central obesity, (2) raised fasting glucose, (3) raised triglycerides, (4) lowered high-density lipoprotein cholesterol, and (5) hypertension. The associations between personality traits and the MetS were examined using logistic regression analyses. Results and Conclusions – In men, low agreeableness was statistically significantly associated with higher risk of having the MetS (OR=.70, 95 % CI=.57–.87, p=.001), adjusting for age and level of education. There were no statistically significant associations found between any of the personality traits and the MetS in women. On the basis of these results, it can be proposed that men with low agreeableness, that is, men low in cooperation, empathy, and kindness, might comprise a risk group for the MetS. This study was cross-sectional by design, which precludes conclusions about cause and effect relationships. Mechanisms linking personality to the MetS were not examined in the current study, and thus, future research should examine the direction of the associations and the mechanisms linking such associations.
  • Mitts, Linda (2016)
    Mitt Pro gradu arbete handlar om arkitekten Kaj Englund (1905 – 1976) och hans åsikter och tankar om bra boende och bostadsarkitektur i samtiden samt om hans planer och ritningar för hans förverkligade bostadsarkitektur i Helsingfors förorter 1937 – 1962. Jag har valt ämnet på grund av Englunds intresse i att förbättra bostadssituationen för alldeles vanliga människor. Jag anser att det är viktigt att presentera Englund i samtidens kontext och i jämförelse med den allmänna bostadsdiskussionen. Forskningsfrågorna för mitt arbete är: 1. Hur ser man standardiseringen och samtidens ideologier i Kaj Englunds produktion? 2. Vad var Kaj Englunds syn på bra bostadsarkitektur? 3. Hur passar Kaj Englunds bostadsarkitektur i Helsingfors in i sin kontext och tid? 4. Vad berättar dessa valda arkitekturexemplen om Kaj Englunds arkitektur? Det finns ingen egentlig tidigare forskning om Kaj Englund, så min forskning är långt en utredning om vem han var samt om hans plats i konsthistorien, jag vill koppla honom till hans samtid och presentera en aktiv arkitekt. Den teoretiska bakgrunden och de centrala begreppen ligger i den historiska kontexten till funktionalismen, modernismen, återuppbyggnaden, standardiseringen, bostadsfrågan och förortsideologin. Det är genom dessa jag studerar Englund, hans åsikter om arkitektur samt hans bostadsarkitektur. Jag presenterar hans åsikter i form av artiklar han skrivit och intervjuer med honom från åren 1936 – 1967. Hans förortsarkitektur granskar jag via och med hjälp av fyra arkitekturexempel; hans planer för de två bågformade höghusen på Talldungevägen 5 i Månsas, de två rektangelformade bostadshusen på Regissörsvägen 11 – 13 i Norra Haga, det stora bostadshuset på Kårbölevägen 86 i Gamlas samt det bostadshus han tillsammans med arkitekten och brodern Dag Englund planerade som bostdadshus åt sig själv och sina familjer på Nordostpassagen 13 på Drumsö. De huvudsakliga forskningsmetoderna för arbetet är arkivforskning och intervjuer. Med hjälp av dessa försöker jag komma åt den historiska situationen, d.v.s. jag forskar i Englunds situation i hans samtid. Arkivforskningen har jag delat upp i två huvudkategorier; den ena handlar om forskning i allmännyttiga arkiv med data sparat för allmänheten. Den andra delen av arkivforskningen handlar om forskning i ett privat arkiv, i detta fall ett arkiv som Englund själv tillsammans med sin fru samlat ihop. Detta arkiv är subjektivt och fungerar som en dagbok ur deras liv. Utöver materialsamling via arkivforskning och intervjuer har jag läst relevant litteratur och artiklar för att stöda den historiska synpunkten. Forskningens bakgrundslitteratur inkluderar bl.a. dessa verk: Riitta Hurmes Suomalainen lähiö Tapiolasta Pihlajanmäkeen (1991), Riitta Nikulas Suomen arkkitehtuurin ääriviivat (2005), Heikki v. Hertzens Koti vaiko kasarmi lapsillemme (1946), Raija-Liisa Heinonens Funktionalismin läpimurto Suomessa (1986), Kirsi Saarikangas Model houses for model families (1993), Erkki Mäkiös Kerrostalot 1940 – 1960 (1989) Asuntopolitiikka-tidningen (1950 – 1966) samt Anneli Junttos Asuntokysymys Suomessa, Topeliuksesta tulopolitiikkaan (1990). Mina forskningsresultat innefattar att samtiden, förortsideologin, modernismen och återuppbyggnaden starkt påverkat Englunds arkitektur och att han planerade och förespråkade arkitektur för vanliga människor. Dessutom tillhör hans åsikter angående bostadsarkitektur de allmänna teorierna om att arkitektur skall vara modernt, naturnära och tillgängligt för alla och att man med hjälp av standardiseringen kan sänka på produktionskostnaderna och göra bostadsproduktionen effektivare. Bostadsfrågan var viktig och angelägen för honom och han arbetade för människors rätt till en bostad. Han var en aktiv modern arkitekt som arbetade för samhällets väl.
  • Mitts, Linda (2016)
    Mitt Pro gradu arbete handlar om arkitekten Kaj Englund (1905 – 1976) och hans åsikter och tankar om bra boende och bostadsarkitektur i samtiden samt om hans planer och ritningar för hans förverkligade bostadsarkitektur i Helsingfors förorter 1937 – 1962. Jag har valt ämnet på grund av Englunds intresse i att förbättra bostadssituationen för alldeles vanliga människor. Jag anser att det är viktigt att presentera Englund i samtidens kontext och i jämförelse med den allmänna bostadsdiskussionen. Forskningsfrågorna för mitt arbete är: 1. Hur ser man standardiseringen och samtidens ideologier i Kaj Englunds produktion? 2. Vad var Kaj Englunds syn på bra bostadsarkitektur? 3. Hur passar Kaj Englunds bostadsarkitektur i Helsingfors in i sin kontext och tid? 4. Vad berättar dessa valda arkitekturexemplen om Kaj Englunds arkitektur? Det finns ingen egentlig tidigare forskning om Kaj Englund, så min forskning är långt en utredning om vem han var samt om hans plats i konsthistorien, jag vill koppla honom till hans samtid och presentera en aktiv arkitekt. Den teoretiska bakgrunden och de centrala begreppen ligger i den historiska kontexten till funktionalismen, modernismen, återuppbyggnaden, standardiseringen, bostadsfrågan och förortsideologin. Det är genom dessa jag studerar Englund, hans åsikter om arkitektur samt hans bostadsarkitektur. Jag presenterar hans åsikter i form av artiklar han skrivit och intervjuer med honom från åren 1936 – 1967. Hans förortsarkitektur granskar jag via och med hjälp av fyra arkitekturexempel; hans planer för de två bågformade höghusen på Talldungevägen 5 i Månsas, de två rektangelformade bostadshusen på Regissörsvägen 11 – 13 i Norra Haga, det stora bostadshuset på Kårbölevägen 86 i Gamlas samt det bostadshus han tillsammans med arkitekten och brodern Dag Englund planerade som bostdadshus åt sig själv och sina familjer på Nordostpassagen 13 på Drumsö. De huvudsakliga forskningsmetoderna för arbetet är arkivforskning och intervjuer. Med hjälp av dessa försöker jag komma åt den historiska situationen, d.v.s. jag forskar i Englunds situation i hans samtid. Arkivforskningen har jag delat upp i två huvudkategorier; den ena handlar om forskning i allmännyttiga arkiv med data sparat för allmänheten. Den andra delen av arkivforskningen handlar om forskning i ett privat arkiv, i detta fall ett arkiv som Englund själv tillsammans med sin fru samlat ihop. Detta arkiv är subjektivt och fungerar som en dagbok ur deras liv. Utöver materialsamling via arkivforskning och intervjuer har jag läst relevant litteratur och artiklar för att stöda den historiska synpunkten. Forskningens bakgrundslitteratur inkluderar bl.a. dessa verk: Riitta Hurmes Suomalainen lähiö Tapiolasta Pihlajanmäkeen (1991), Riitta Nikulas Suomen arkkitehtuurin ääriviivat (2005), Heikki v. Hertzens Koti vaiko kasarmi lapsillemme (1946), Raija-Liisa Heinonens Funktionalismin läpimurto Suomessa (1986), Kirsi Saarikangas Model houses for model families (1993), Erkki Mäkiös Kerrostalot 1940 – 1960 (1989) Asuntopolitiikka-tidningen (1950 – 1966) samt Anneli Junttos Asuntokysymys Suomessa, Topeliuksesta tulopolitiikkaan (1990). Mina forskningsresultat innefattar att samtiden, förortsideologin, modernismen och återuppbyggnaden starkt påverkat Englunds arkitektur och att han planerade och förespråkade arkitektur för vanliga människor. Dessutom tillhör hans åsikter angående bostadsarkitektur de allmänna teorierna om att arkitektur skall vara modernt, naturnära och tillgängligt för alla och att man med hjälp av standardiseringen kan sänka på produktionskostnaderna och göra bostadsproduktionen effektivare. Bostadsfrågan var viktig och angelägen för honom och han arbetade för människors rätt till en bostad. Han var en aktiv modern arkitekt som arbetade för samhällets väl.
  • Mitts, Linda (2016)
    Mitt Pro gradu arbete handlar om arkitekten Kaj Englund (1905 – 1976) och hans åsikter och tankar om bra boende och bostadsarkitektur i samtiden samt om hans planer och ritningar för hans förverkligade bostadsarkitektur i Helsingfors förorter 1937 – 1962. Jag har valt ämnet på grund av Englunds intresse i att förbättra bostadssituationen för alldeles vanliga människor. Jag anser att det är viktigt att presentera Englund i samtidens kontext och i jämförelse med den allmänna bostadsdiskussionen. Forskningsfrågorna för mitt arbete är: 1. Hur ser man standardiseringen och samtidens ideologier i Kaj Englunds produktion? 2. Vad var Kaj Englunds syn på bra bostadsarkitektur? 3. Hur passar Kaj Englunds bostadsarkitektur i Helsingfors in i sin kontext och tid? 4. Vad berättar dessa valda arkitekturexemplen om Kaj Englunds arkitektur? Det finns ingen egentlig tidigare forskning om Kaj Englund, så min forskning är långt en utredning om vem han var samt om hans plats i konsthistorien, jag vill koppla honom till hans samtid och presentera en aktiv arkitekt. Den teoretiska bakgrunden och de centrala begreppen ligger i den historiska kontexten till funktionalismen, modernismen, återuppbyggnaden, standardiseringen, bostadsfrågan och förortsideologin. Det är genom dessa jag studerar Englund, hans åsikter om arkitektur samt hans bostadsarkitektur. Jag presenterar hans åsikter i form av artiklar han skrivit och intervjuer med honom från åren 1936 – 1967. Hans förortsarkitektur granskar jag via och med hjälp av fyra arkitekturexempel; hans planer för de två bågformade höghusen på Talldungevägen 5 i Månsas, de två rektangelformade bostadshusen på Regissörsvägen 11 – 13 i Norra Haga, det stora bostadshuset på Kårbölevägen 86 i Gamlas samt det bostadshus han tillsammans med arkitekten och brodern Dag Englund planerade som bostdadshus åt sig själv och sina familjer på Nordostpassagen 13 på Drumsö. De huvudsakliga forskningsmetoderna för arbetet är arkivforskning och intervjuer. Med hjälp av dessa försöker jag komma åt den historiska situationen, d.v.s. jag forskar i Englunds situation i hans samtid. Arkivforskningen har jag delat upp i två huvudkategorier; den ena handlar om forskning i allmännyttiga arkiv med data sparat för allmänheten. Den andra delen av arkivforskningen handlar om forskning i ett privat arkiv, i detta fall ett arkiv som Englund själv tillsammans med sin fru samlat ihop. Detta arkiv är subjektivt och fungerar som en dagbok ur deras liv. Utöver materialsamling via arkivforskning och intervjuer har jag läst relevant litteratur och artiklar för att stöda den historiska synpunkten. Forskningens bakgrundslitteratur inkluderar bl.a. dessa verk: Riitta Hurmes Suomalainen lähiö Tapiolasta Pihlajanmäkeen (1991), Riitta Nikulas Suomen arkkitehtuurin ääriviivat (2005), Heikki v. Hertzens Koti vaiko kasarmi lapsillemme (1946), Raija-Liisa Heinonens Funktionalismin läpimurto Suomessa (1986), Kirsi Saarikangas Model houses for model families (1993), Erkki Mäkiös Kerrostalot 1940 – 1960 (1989) Asuntopolitiikka-tidningen (1950 – 1966) samt Anneli Junttos Asuntokysymys Suomessa, Topeliuksesta tulopolitiikkaan (1990). Mina forskningsresultat innefattar att samtiden, förortsideologin, modernismen och återuppbyggnaden starkt påverkat Englunds arkitektur och att han planerade och förespråkade arkitektur för vanliga människor. Dessutom tillhör hans åsikter angående bostadsarkitektur de allmänna teorierna om att arkitektur skall vara modernt, naturnära och tillgängligt för alla och att man med hjälp av standardiseringen kan sänka på produktionskostnaderna och göra bostadsproduktionen effektivare. Bostadsfrågan var viktig och angelägen för honom och han arbetade för människors rätt till en bostad. Han var en aktiv modern arkitekt som arbetade för samhällets väl.
  • Kanniainen, Veli-Matti (2020)
    Rintasyöpä on naisten yleisin syöpä. On arvioitu, että kaikista rintasyöpätapauksista noin 5-10%:n taustalla on perinnöllinen alttius. Näistä tapauksista noin 25% liittyy geenivirheisiin BRCA1- tai BRCA2- geeneissä, jotka ovat tärkeimmät ja tunnetuimmat rintasyövän alttiusgeenit. BRCA-geenivirheet ovat väestötasolla harvinaisia, mutta merkitys yksilölle on suuri: BRCA1-kantajanaisen kumulatiivinen riski sairastua rintasyöpään 80 vuoden ikään mennessä on 72% ja munasarjasyöpään 44%. BRCA2-kantajanaisen vastaavat riskit ovat 44% ja 17%. Tietoa BRCA-geenivirheistä käytetään myös yhä enenevässä määrin hoitoa suunniteltaessa. Tutkimuksen tavoitteena oli verrata eteläsuomalaisen väestön BRCA-geenien patogeenisia variantteja ja niiden ominaisuuksia rinta- ja munasarjasyöpäalttiudesta aiemmin julkaistuun tutkimustietoon. Tutkimus toteutettiin retrospektiivisenä kohorttitutkimuksena yhteensä 1458:sta vuosina 1997-2014 HYKS:in kliinisen genetiikan yksikössä BRCA-geenitestatusta henkilöstä. Tutkimustiedot kerättiin sairaskertomuksiin kirjatuista tiedoista. Tutkimuksen tulokset vahvistavat aiempaa käsitystä BRCA-positiivisesta rinta- ja munasarjasyövästä. Tutkimuksen kohteena olleesta henkilöistä yhteensä 372:lta (25%) löytyi patogeeninen BRCA-variantti: 126 (14%) seulontatutkimuksissa ja 246 (42%) kohdennetuissa tutkimuksissa. BRCA-rintasyöpään sairastutaan nuorena, tässä aineistossa noin kaksi vuosikymmentä muuta rintasyöpää nuorempana. Patogeeniset BRCA1-variantit altistavat erityisesti kolmoisnegatiiviselle rintasyövälle ja munasarjasyövälle, patogeeniset BRCA2-variantit erityisesti miehen rintasyövälle. Alle 30-vuotiailla todetuista rintasyövistä vain 13% oli BRCA-positiivisia. Suvun munasarjasyövät ovat rintasyöpää merkittävämpi ennustetekijä positiiviselle BRCA-testitulokselle. Rinta- ja munasarjasyöpä samalla ihmisellä, joko geenitestatulla henkilöllä itsellään tai hänen sukulaisellaan, ennustaa erityisen vahvasti positiivista testitulosta. Johtuen Suomen väestöhistoriasta, tietyt patogeeniset BRCA-variantit ovat Suomessa yliedustettuina muuhun maailmaan verrattuna. Tämä näkyy erityisesti patogeenisten BRCA2-varianttien kohdalla. (211 sanaa)
  • Toivanen, Elina (2016)
    Työssä tutkitaan chengyu-idiomien käännöksiä Lu Wenfun Herkkusuu-romaanin suomennoksessa. Kiinalaisiin chengyuihin on kiteytynyt pieneen tilaan paljon kulttuurispesifiä informaatiota, minkä takia ne ovat haastavia kääntää. Tutkimuksessa selvitetään, millaisia käännösstrategioita chengyuiden kääntämisessä on Herkkusuun suomenoksessa käytetty. Tutkimus on luonteeltaan deskriptiivinen. Tutkimuksen aineiston muodostavat alkuteoksesta ja suomennoksesta kerätyt 168 idiomaattista chengyuta sekä niiden suomenkieliset käännösvastineet. Käännöstapoja luokittelemalla huomataan, että yleisin käännöstapa on epäidiomaattinen parafraasi (79.2%). Muita käännöstapoja ovat kääntäminen suomenkielisellä idiomilla (13.1%), suora käännös (4.1%) sekä poisto (3.6%). Käännöstavan valintaan vaikuttavat olennaisesti konteksti ja käännöksen skopos. Käännösvastine on useimmiten alkutekstiä semanttisesti läpinäkyvämpi. Puolet (50%) idiomien käännöksistä sisältää osittain samoja leksikaalisia komponentteja alkutekstin kanssa, 5% käännöksistä sisältää likimain samat leksikaaliset komponentit ja 45% täysin erilaiset leksikaaliset komponentit. Aineistossa ei esiinny yhtäkään suoraa käännöstä kiinankielisestä idiomista suomenkieliseen idiomaattiseen ilmaukseen.
  • Toivanen, Elina (2016)
    Työssä tutkitaan chengyu-idiomien käännöksiä Lu Wenfun Herkkusuu-romaanin suomennoksessa. Kiinalaisiin chengyuihin on kiteytynyt pieneen tilaan paljon kulttuurispesifiä informaatiota, minkä takia ne ovat haastavia kääntää. Tutkimuksessa selvitetään, millaisia käännösstrategioita chengyuiden kääntämisessä on Herkkusuun suomenoksessa käytetty. Tutkimus on luonteeltaan deskriptiivinen. Tutkimuksen aineiston muodostavat alkuteoksesta ja suomennoksesta kerätyt 168 idiomaattista chengyuta sekä niiden suomenkieliset käännösvastineet. Käännöstapoja luokittelemalla huomataan, että yleisin käännöstapa on epäidiomaattinen parafraasi (79.2%). Muita käännöstapoja ovat kääntäminen suomenkielisellä idiomilla (13.1%), suora käännös (4.1%) sekä poisto (3.6%). Käännöstavan valintaan vaikuttavat olennaisesti konteksti ja käännöksen skopos. Käännösvastine on useimmiten alkutekstiä semanttisesti läpinäkyvämpi. Puolet (50%) idiomien käännöksistä sisältää osittain samoja leksikaalisia komponentteja alkutekstin kanssa, 5% käännöksistä sisältää likimain samat leksikaaliset komponentit ja 45% täysin erilaiset leksikaaliset komponentit. Aineistossa ei esiinny yhtäkään suoraa käännöstä kiinankielisestä idiomista suomenkieliseen idiomaattiseen ilmaukseen.
  • Toivanen, Elina (2016)
    Työssä tutkitaan chengyu-idiomien käännöksiä Lu Wenfun Herkkusuu-romaanin suomennoksessa. Kiinalaisiin chengyuihin on kiteytynyt pieneen tilaan paljon kulttuurispesifiä informaatiota, minkä takia ne ovat haastavia kääntää. Tutkimuksessa selvitetään, millaisia käännösstrategioita chengyuiden kääntämisessä on Herkkusuun suomenoksessa käytetty. Tutkimus on luonteeltaan deskriptiivinen. Tutkimuksen aineiston muodostavat alkuteoksesta ja suomennoksesta kerätyt 168 idiomaattista chengyuta sekä niiden suomenkieliset käännösvastineet. Käännöstapoja luokittelemalla huomataan, että yleisin käännöstapa on epäidiomaattinen parafraasi (79.2%). Muita käännöstapoja ovat kääntäminen suomenkielisellä idiomilla (13.1%), suora käännös (4.1%) sekä poisto (3.6%). Käännöstavan valintaan vaikuttavat olennaisesti konteksti ja käännöksen skopos. Käännösvastine on useimmiten alkutekstiä semanttisesti läpinäkyvämpi. Puolet (50%) idiomien käännöksistä sisältää osittain samoja leksikaalisia komponentteja alkutekstin kanssa, 5% käännöksistä sisältää likimain samat leksikaaliset komponentit ja 45% täysin erilaiset leksikaaliset komponentit. Aineistossa ei esiinny yhtäkään suoraa käännöstä kiinankielisestä idiomista suomenkieliseen idiomaattiseen ilmaukseen.
  • Immonen, Satu (2016)
    Objectives: The present study examines everyday executive functioning in adults who have had perinatal risks related ADHD in childhood. ADHD symptoms often persist from childhood to adulthood but the long-term developmental course of ADHD beyond young adulthood is still poorly understood. The present study focuses on adults around 40 years of age who have had perinatal risk factors with subsequent onset of ADHD in childhood. The present study may advance understanding of the long-term impact of perinatal risks and childhood ADHD in adulthood. Methods: The present study is part of a larger longitudinal birth cohort research project examining long-term effects of perinatal risk factors. The cohort has been followed since 1970's. The present sample includes individuals with perinatal risks associated childhood ADHD (n = 32), individuals with perinatal risk factors without childhood ADHD (n = 158) and control individuals without perinatal risks or childhood ADHD (n = 38). Experienced everyday executive functioning was compared between these three groups using Behavior Rating Inventory of Executive Functioning – Adult Version (BRIEF-A). Executive functioning was compared between the three groups using analysis of variance (ANOVAs) and non-paramentric Kruskal-Wallis test. Results and conclusions: Adults with perinatal risks related childhood ADHD reported more cognitive and behavioral executive difficulties than control adults or adults with perinatal risks without childhood ADHD. The group with perinatal risks related childhood ADHD reported executive difficulties in domains of working memory, planning, inhibition and self-monitoring. Executive problems were mild in group level, although a small proportion reported more severe clinically significant dysfunction. Adults with perinatal risks but without childhood ADHD did not differ from controls in experienced executive functioning which suggests that perinatal risks alone without early ADHD symptoms do not affect executive functioning in adulthood. It appears that childhood ADHD with perceding perinatal risk factors can have long-term but mostly mild consequences for daily executive functioning extending to mid-adulthood.
  • Vitikainen, Krista (2017)
    Patients with inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) are at increased risk for developing symptomatic Clostridium difficile infection (CDI) with worse clinical outcomes, including mortality, as compared with the general population. IBD-patients are also more susceptible to have recurrences of CDI. At present, predisposing factors for CDI in IBD-patients are poorly established. To characterize IBD-related CDI, a retrospective cohort from HUS register was gathered. Patient characteristics were compared with two control groups: IBD-patients with CDI and CDI-patients. According to our results, there was no statistically significant difference in mortality rate between IBD- and CDI-patients in contrary to previous reports. We detected corticosteroid consumption in IBD patients with CDI to be greater than in patient with IBD alone. It could be considered as a risk factor for CDI. Clarifying risk factors for CDI could lead to better understanding of optimal treatment for CDI in IBD patients.
  • Vitikainen, Krista (2017)
    Patients with inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) are at increased risk for developing symptomatic Clostridium difficile infection (CDI) with worse clinical outcomes, including mortality, as compared with the general population. IBD-patients are also more susceptible to have recurrences of CDI. At present, predisposing factors for CDI in IBD-patients are poorly established. To characterize IBD-related CDI, a retrospective cohort from HUS register was gathered. Patient characteristics were compared with two control groups: IBD-patients with CDI and CDI-patients. According to our results, there was no statistically significant difference in mortality rate between IBD- and CDI-patients in contrary to previous reports. We detected corticosteroid consumption in IBD patients with CDI to be greater than in patient with IBD alone. It could be considered as a risk factor for CDI. Clarifying risk factors for CDI could lead to better understanding of optimal treatment for CDI in IBD patients.
  • Napola, Jukka (2015)
    Recent evidence suggests paranormal and religious beliefs may result from cognitive biases that all humans share. People who think in an intuitive manner are supposedly more affected by these biases than analytical people. Consequently, mounting evidence suggests those who endorse intuitive thinking style tend to be more religious and have more paranormal beliefs than people with an analytic thinking style. However, less attention has been paid to people who are highly analytical but nevertheless have supernatural beliefs. Since analytical people should be less susceptible to cognitive biases, other factors such as metacognitive tendencies might account for these beliefs. On the other hand, if intuitive thinking style is a major causal factor behind paranormal beliefs, an intuitive sub-group among sceptics could be considered an anomaly. Metacognitive tendencies could be a potential psychological factor behind scepticism. A sample of nearly 3000 Finnish participants revealed that there was an analytical and intuitive subgroup among the believers and sceptics. Particularly, analytic believers had more cognitive biases and lesser tendency to belief flexibility than analytic sceptics. Intuitive sceptics had more cognitive biases than analytic sceptics but they adhered more to flexible thinking than intuitive believers. The results of this thesis underline the multifarious nature of both paranormal beliefs and thinking styles. Although analytical thinking may help the person to overcome the automatic and often erroneous shortcuts that the mind produces, it may fail to suppress overlearned and reflectively practiced beliefs. On the other hand, an intuitive thinking style and cognitive biases may not necessary lead to paranormal believing, especially if the living environment encourages a sceptic worldview. Future studies should address the mechanisms that lead individuals with similar epistemological tendencies to acquire totally different metaphysical beliefs.
  • Napola, Jukka (2015)
    Recent evidence suggests paranormal and religious beliefs may result from cognitive biases that all humans share. People who think in an intuitive manner are supposedly more affected by these biases than analytical people. Consequently, mounting evidence suggests those who endorse intuitive thinking style tend to be more religious and have more paranormal beliefs than people with an analytic thinking style. However, less attention has been paid to people who are highly analytical but nevertheless have supernatural beliefs. Since analytical people should be less susceptible to cognitive biases, other factors such as metacognitive tendencies might account for these beliefs. On the other hand, if intuitive thinking style is a major causal factor behind paranormal beliefs, an intuitive sub-group among sceptics could be considered an anomaly. Metacognitive tendencies could be a potential psychological factor behind scepticism. A sample of nearly 3000 Finnish participants revealed that there was an analytical and intuitive subgroup among the believers and sceptics. Particularly, analytic believers had more cognitive biases and lesser tendency to belief flexibility than analytic sceptics. Intuitive sceptics had more cognitive biases than analytic sceptics but they adhered more to flexible thinking than intuitive believers. The results of this thesis underline the multifarious nature of both paranormal beliefs and thinking styles. Although analytical thinking may help the person to overcome the automatic and often erroneous shortcuts that the mind produces, it may fail to suppress overlearned and reflectively practiced beliefs. On the other hand, an intuitive thinking style and cognitive biases may not necessary lead to paranormal believing, especially if the living environment encourages a sceptic worldview. Future studies should address the mechanisms that lead individuals with similar epistemological tendencies to acquire totally different metaphysical beliefs.
  • Napola, Jukka (2015)
    Recent evidence suggests paranormal and religious beliefs may result from cognitive biases that all humans share. People who think in an intuitive manner are supposedly more affected by these biases than analytical people. Consequently, mounting evidence suggests those who endorse intuitive thinking style tend to be more religious and have more paranormal beliefs than people with an analytic thinking style. However, less attention has been paid to people who are highly analytical but nevertheless have supernatural beliefs. Since analytical people should be less susceptible to cognitive biases, other factors such as metacognitive tendencies might account for these beliefs. On the other hand, if intuitive thinking style is a major causal factor behind paranormal beliefs, an intuitive sub-group among sceptics could be considered an anomaly. Metacognitive tendencies could be a potential psychological factor behind scepticism. A sample of nearly 3000 Finnish participants revealed that there was an analytical and intuitive subgroup among the believers and sceptics. Particularly, analytic believers had more cognitive biases and lesser tendency to belief flexibility than analytic sceptics. Intuitive sceptics had more cognitive biases than analytic sceptics but they adhered more to flexible thinking than intuitive believers. The results of this thesis underline the multifarious nature of both paranormal beliefs and thinking styles. Although analytical thinking may help the person to overcome the automatic and often erroneous shortcuts that the mind produces, it may fail to suppress overlearned and reflectively practiced beliefs. On the other hand, an intuitive thinking style and cognitive biases may not necessary lead to paranormal believing, especially if the living environment encourages a sceptic worldview. Future studies should address the mechanisms that lead individuals with similar epistemological tendencies to acquire totally different metaphysical beliefs.
  • Peltonen, Assi (2016)
    Aim. Maternal attachment towards the child starts to form already during pregnancy. It is suggested that antenatal attachment increases during pregnancy and at the end of the pregnancy it is at the highest level. However, longitudinal studies of continuity in antenatal attachment are lacking. The present study aims to investigate the continuity of maternal antenatal attachment during pregnancy, the continuity of attachment from antenatal to postnatal period and the associations of maternal prenatal and postnatal depressive symptoms to both maternal antenatal and postnatal attachment. Methods. The study is part of a larger longitudinal multidisciplinary project called PREDO Project 'Prediction and Prevention of Pre-eclampsia'. The present study sample comprised 3206 singleton mother. Maternal antenatal attachment was assessed with the Maternal Antenatal Attachment Scale (MAAS) filled in at 12 and 26 weeks of gestation and postnatal attachment with the Maternal Postnatal Attachment Scale (MPAS) filled in at six months postpartum. Maternal depressive symptoms were assessed with the Center of Epidemiological Studies Depression Scale completed bi-weekly from 12 to 26 weeks of gestation and six months after the delivery. The regression analysis was used to explore the associations. We adjusted models for demographic factors and maternal depressive symptoms. In addition, the mediating effect of maternal depressive symptoms on the associations between maternal antenatal attachment at 12 and 26 gestational weeks and between antenatal and postnatal attachment were studied with Sobel test. Results and conclusions. Higher level of maternal antenatal attachment at the end of the first trimester was associated with higher level of attachment at the end of the second trimester and at six months after the delivery. The maternal depressive symptoms during and after the pregnancy were negatively associated with maternal antenatal and postnatal attachment. Maternal depressive symptoms mediated the associations between antenatal attachment and between antenatal and postnatal attachment. The results indicate that maternal antenatal attachment starts to form from early on pregnancy. Maternal depressive symptoms are a significant risk-factor for maternal attachment process. Increasing awareness of the importance of enhancing mother-fetal attachment from the beginning of the pregnancy is important because it shows high continuity to the postnatal life.
  • Peltonen, Assi (2016)
    Aim. Maternal attachment towards the child starts to form already during pregnancy. It is suggested that antenatal attachment increases during pregnancy and at the end of the pregnancy it is at the highest level. However, longitudinal studies of continuity in antenatal attachment are lacking. The present study aims to investigate the continuity of maternal antenatal attachment during pregnancy, the continuity of attachment from antenatal to postnatal period and the associations of maternal prenatal and postnatal depressive symptoms to both maternal antenatal and postnatal attachment. Methods. The study is part of a larger longitudinal multidisciplinary project called PREDO Project 'Prediction and Prevention of Pre-eclampsia'. The present study sample comprised 3206 singleton mother. Maternal antenatal attachment was assessed with the Maternal Antenatal Attachment Scale (MAAS) filled in at 12 and 26 weeks of gestation and postnatal attachment with the Maternal Postnatal Attachment Scale (MPAS) filled in at six months postpartum. Maternal depressive symptoms were assessed with the Center of Epidemiological Studies Depression Scale completed bi-weekly from 12 to 26 weeks of gestation and six months after the delivery. The regression analysis was used to explore the associations. We adjusted models for demographic factors and maternal depressive symptoms. In addition, the mediating effect of maternal depressive symptoms on the associations between maternal antenatal attachment at 12 and 26 gestational weeks and between antenatal and postnatal attachment were studied with Sobel test. Results and conclusions. Higher level of maternal antenatal attachment at the end of the first trimester was associated with higher level of attachment at the end of the second trimester and at six months after the delivery. The maternal depressive symptoms during and after the pregnancy were negatively associated with maternal antenatal and postnatal attachment. Maternal depressive symptoms mediated the associations between antenatal attachment and between antenatal and postnatal attachment. The results indicate that maternal antenatal attachment starts to form from early on pregnancy. Maternal depressive symptoms are a significant risk-factor for maternal attachment process. Increasing awareness of the importance of enhancing mother-fetal attachment from the beginning of the pregnancy is important because it shows high continuity to the postnatal life.
  • Peltonen, Assi (2016)
    Aim. Maternal attachment towards the child starts to form already during pregnancy. It is suggested that antenatal attachment increases during pregnancy and at the end of the pregnancy it is at the highest level. However, longitudinal studies of continuity in antenatal attachment are lacking. The present study aims to investigate the continuity of maternal antenatal attachment during pregnancy, the continuity of attachment from antenatal to postnatal period and the associations of maternal prenatal and postnatal depressive symptoms to both maternal antenatal and postnatal attachment. Methods. The study is part of a larger longitudinal multidisciplinary project called PREDO Project 'Prediction and Prevention of Pre-eclampsia'. The present study sample comprised 3206 singleton mother. Maternal antenatal attachment was assessed with the Maternal Antenatal Attachment Scale (MAAS) filled in at 12 and 26 weeks of gestation and postnatal attachment with the Maternal Postnatal Attachment Scale (MPAS) filled in at six months postpartum. Maternal depressive symptoms were assessed with the Center of Epidemiological Studies Depression Scale completed bi-weekly from 12 to 26 weeks of gestation and six months after the delivery. The regression analysis was used to explore the associations. We adjusted models for demographic factors and maternal depressive symptoms. In addition, the mediating effect of maternal depressive symptoms on the associations between maternal antenatal attachment at 12 and 26 gestational weeks and between antenatal and postnatal attachment were studied with Sobel test. Results and conclusions. Higher level of maternal antenatal attachment at the end of the first trimester was associated with higher level of attachment at the end of the second trimester and at six months after the delivery. The maternal depressive symptoms during and after the pregnancy were negatively associated with maternal antenatal and postnatal attachment. Maternal depressive symptoms mediated the associations between antenatal attachment and between antenatal and postnatal attachment. The results indicate that maternal antenatal attachment starts to form from early on pregnancy. Maternal depressive symptoms are a significant risk-factor for maternal attachment process. Increasing awareness of the importance of enhancing mother-fetal attachment from the beginning of the pregnancy is important because it shows high continuity to the postnatal life.