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  • Nortio, Emma (2014)
    The aim of this thesis was to explore what kinds of attitudes representatives of the Finnish majority can express when they talk about multiculturalism. In this thesis attitudes are defined, according to the qualitative attitude approach, as argumentative phenomena that people express in order to construct their relationship to the social world. This thesis discusses the assumptions of acculturation psychology concerning multiculturalism by using qualitative attitude approach that draws from social constructionist tradition in general and rhetorical social psychology more specifically. The data consists of two focus group interviews. There were three participants in the first interview and four in the second. The participants commented on seven statements taken from an attitude scale widely used in acculturation psychology. The stands the participants expressed on the statements were categorized according to the quality, i.e. positive or negative, and the object of evaluation. Of these categories, two attitudes towards multiculturalism were identified. In the first attitude multiculturalism was evaluated as problems and in the second as a resource. In the third attitude cultura was evaluated as roots and this attitude was seen as intertwined with the justification of the attitudes towards multiculturalism. These attitudes were interpreted to draw from essentialist beliefs concerning cultural differences and culture as a definer of an individual. However, there were also accounts in which essentialist beliefs were opposed and people were defined as individuals not being defined by their culture. Attitude expressions were seen as drawing from two alternative ideological resources: multicultural ideology that stresses acceptance and recognition of differences and nationalism that highlights power relations and the dominant position of the majority. The results support acculturation theory’s assumption of multiculturalism as a unidimensional construct. However, acculturation model is seen as too simplistic based on this analysis. The most important reference in terms of the qualitative attitude approach was Argumentaatio ja tulkinta. Laadullisen asennetutkimuksen lähestymistapa [Argumentation and interpretation: The qualitative attitude approach] by Vesala and Rantanen (2007). As for acculturation psychology Berry’s (2001) article Psychology of immigration was the most relevant reference. Billig’s Banal Nationalism (1995) and Verkuyten’s (2003) Discourses about ethnic group (de-) essentialism: Oppressive and progressive aspects were the most important works.
  • Mo, Yu (2011)
    Attitudes towards suicide among Master’s degree students in Chang Sha (China) and Helsinki (Finland) were compared in order to explore possible cross-cultural differences. The sample included 206 Master’s degree students, 101 Chinese and 105 Finnish. Data were collected using the 30-item Multi-Attitudes Suicide Tendency Scale (MAST) and a demographic information form. According to the results, both Chinese and Finnish students held positive attitudes towards life, they held contradictory attitudes towards suicide, with Finnish students having more permissive and liberal attitudes towards suicide than their Chinese counterparts. In addition, three socio-demographic characteristics, namely religion, family structure, and economic status, associated with attitudes towards suicide among the Chinese Master’s degree students; meanwhile, all socio-demographic characteristics, including gender, religion, major subject, family structure, economic status, and received social support related to attitudes towards suicide among the Finnish Master’s degree students. However, after examining the interaction effect between socio-demographics and cultural backgrounds on attitudes towards suicide, the attitudes of Chinese students were more related to gender, marital status, family economic status, and received social support, whereas Finnish students were more influenced by religion. These findings suggest that culture plays an important role in shaping country-specific differences in attitudes towards suicide and their association with socio-demographic characteristics. Understanding individual attitudes towards suicide could help in intervention to prevent the development of suicidal ideation and in providing appropriate psychological counseling to reduce mental problems. Therefore, these cross-cultural differences may provide indications on how to conduct suicide prevention programs while considering culture-specific contexts.
  • Sevón, Fanny (2018)
    Syftet med denna avhandling är att nå en djupare förståelse i hur yrkesgrupper som är utsatta för negativa attityder genom subjektspositionering konstruerar sina professionella identiteter. Försäljning kan betraktas vara ett sådant yrke, och forskning redan sen 1950-talet, fram tills idag, påvisar en mängd negativa attityder gentemot försäljare och försäljningsyrket. Trots detta anses försäljning ha en grundläggande funktion för flera företag och deras framgång (Manning, Reece & Ahearne, 2010), och rekrytering av försäljare anses vara allt viktigare (Lee, Sandfield & Dhaliwal, 2007). Detta gör försäljare en speciellt intressant målgrupp att studera. Därmed är forskningsfrågan jag i denna avhandling försöker besvara, hur försäljare genom subjektspositionering strävar till att konstruera en positiv professionell identitet, trots de negativa attityder som allmänt existerar gentemot dem. För mitt material intervjuade jag tio försäljare från huvudstadsregionen. Intervjuerna utfördes under hösten 2017 och var semistrukturerade. De analyserades kvalitativt enligt retorisk diskursanalys. Målsättningen med retorisk diskursanalys var att nå en djupare förståelse i hur deltagarna argumenterade för att positionera sig på olika sätt, och på så sätt i hur de strävade till att konstruera en positiv professionell identitet. Studiens resultat visade deltagarna positionera sig på fem olika sätt i strävan att konstruera en positiv professionell identitet, samt för att hantera de negativa diskurser som allmänt existerar gentemot försäljare. Resultaten visade även att de existerade motstridigheter i vissa av de olika subjektspositionerna. Detta antyder på att försäljare antar en ambivalent ställning till sitt yrke, vilket i sin tur kräver speciellt aktiv och intensiv subjektpositionering. Ingen tidigare forskning har gjorts om hur just försäljare konstruerar en identitet, och avhandlingen kontribuerar därmed med en ny förståelse i vilka utmaningar försäljare står inför vid identitetskonstruktion.
  • Mutanen, Lotta (2020)
    En människas träningsmotivation kan påverkas av många olika faktorer. I den här studien ligger intresset i hur andra personer kan påverka en individs träningsmotivation i positiv eller negativ riktning. Enligt Self Determination Theory kan motivation delas in i inre och yttre motivation. Yttre motivation innebär att en person utför handlingar som hen uppfattar att belönas av samhället, familj eller vänner. Inre motivation föds då de grundläggande psykologiska behoven i form av självbestämmande, kompetens och social meningsfullhet uppfylls. Det har vidare visat sig att sociala kontexter som stöder de grundläggande psykologiska behoven utgör grunden för att behålla inre motivation. Tidigare forskning har påvisat att personer som tränar tillsammans med andra på gruppträningspass kan känna större tillfredsställelse av de grundläggande psykologiska behoven än personer som tränar ensamma. I den här studien undersöks om träningsmotivation, benägenhet för social jämförelse och behov av samhörighet har ett samband med valet att träna ensam i gymmet eller delta i gruppträningspass. Vidare undersöks om benägenhet för social jämförelse och behov av samhörighet har ett samband med träningsmotivation och om träningsmotivation i sin tur har ett samband med valet av träningsform. I undersökningen deltog totalt 138 kvinnor som svarat på en enkät som spridits via sociala medier. Alla kvinnor som tränar på gym var välkomna att svara på enkäten. I början av enkäten svarade respondenterna på om de i huvudsak tränar ensamma i gymmet eller deltar i gruppträningspass. Därefter följde frågor gällande träningsvanor, träningsmotivation, social jämförelse och samhörighet. Korrelationsanalyser visade att träningsmotivation, social jämförelse och samhörighet inte korrelerar signifikant med valet av träningsform. Däremot fanns ett positivt samband mellan inre motivation, integrerad motivation och introjekt motivation. Det fanns även ett positivt samband mellan amotivation och integrerad motivation. Utöver dessa resultat fanns ett positivt samband mellan benägenhet för social jämförelse och behov av samhörighet. Det är viktigt att förstå vad som motiverar människan att röra på sig. Forskning har visat att gruppträning kan vara ett bra alternativ för att upprätthålla träningsmotivationen ifall deltagarna är i samma ålder och känner att de tränar på ungefär samma nivå. Vidare forskning kring vilka faktorer gällande gruppträning som kan påverka motivationen i negativ riktning kunde vara intressant för att kunna undvika dessa då gruppträningspass planeras. Det fanns inga signifikanta skillnader i denna undersökning mellan de kvinnor som valde gruppträningspass och de kvinnor som valde att träna ensamma i gymmet gällande träningsmotivation,benägenhet för social jämförelse och behov av samhörighet. En orsak kan vara att det fanns rätt så få skillnader mellan de två grupperna eftersom andra personer eventuellt var närvarande även bland de som tränade i gymmet.
  • Palmén, Karin (2017)
    Hypoteserna i föreliggande undersökning tog avstamp i Jacks (1991) teori samt Jacks och Alis (2010) undersökningar om att tysta ner sig själv i nära relationer, vilka dock reviderades i ljuset av senare forskning. Harter (1999), Hautamäki (2010) och Thompson (1995) visade att hur man tystar ner sig själv inte berodde på kön, utan att det kunde finnas en variation gällande att tysta ner sig själv inom båda könen beroende på individens tolkning av sin könsidentitet i olika kontext. Syftet med föreliggande undersökning var att studera hur variationen av upplevd könsidentitet inom könen sammanhänger med att tysta ner sig själv och depression. Mätinstrumenten var Silencing the Self-skalan (STSS) (Jack & Dill, 1992), Becks Depression Inventory BDI-II (1991) och Bems (1974, 1981) Sex Role Inventory (BSRI). Undersökningens sampel var från TKK (n=88), barnträdgårdslärarlinjen vid OKL (n=54) och sspeciallärarutbildningen vid OKL (n=37). Samplen utvaldes med syfte att nå ett tillräckligt antal traditionellt feminina (Barnträdgårds- och speciallärarutbildningen) och traditionellt maskulina män (Tekniska universitetet). Resultaten visade att män tystade ner sig själva mer än kvinnor oberoende av kontext, och att det att man tystar ner sig själv sammanhängde med depression hos bägge könen. Jacks och Dills (1992) teser om att kvinnor skulle tysta ner sig mer än män fick därmed inte stöd, men resultaten överensstämde med aktuella internationella och finländska resultat. Att tysta ner sig själv sammanhängde med upplevd könsidentitet, positivt med odifferentierad könsidentitet och negativt med androgyn könsidentitet. Därmed visade resultaten att man tystade ner sig själv signifikant mera vid Tekniska högskolan, där förekomsten av odifferentierad könsidentitet var vanligare, än vid Lärarutbildningen. Diskussionen behandlar vikten av att undersöka upplevd könsidentitet istället för könsskillnader i ett samhälle i vilka mer jämlika könsroller möjliggör varierande upplevelser av könsidentitet, också androgyna lösningar i Bems (1981) efterföljd. Dessutom är det viktigt att fördjupa kunskapen om de varierande funktioner som att tysta ner sig själv kan ha för män och kvinnor.
  • Backman, Nanny Johanna Elisabet (2013)
    Målet med denna pro gradu – avhandling var att utreda hur internet används i syftet att hjälpa andra. Fokus låg vid att jämföra traditionella och virtuella volontärers motiv och värdegrund. Volontärernas värdegrund kartlades med hjälp av Shalom Schwartz (2001) mätmetod 'Portrait Values Questionnaire', medan volontärernas motiv till frivilligt arbete mättes med metoden 'Volunteer Function Inventory' som Gil Clary m.fl. (1998) utvecklat. Den jämförande studien visade, att volontärerna som gör virtuellt frivilligt arbete hade en mera individualistisk värdegrund, samtidigt som volontärer via det virtuella frivilliga arbetet kan få offentlig synlighet och en möjlighet att framstå som kunnig, vilket är ett speciellt särdrag för hjälpande i virtuella kontexter. Syftet var vidare att genom en kvalitativ fråga, försöka förstå varför volontären valt den virtuella arenan. Volontärerna uppskattade den virtuella arenan som form av frivilligt arbete bl.a. pga. dess autonoma natur. Via internet kan volontärerna oberoende av plats och tid vara i kontakt med hjälpbehövande personer. För övrigt är kommunikation på nätet i större utsträckning anonymt, kroppslöst och volontärerna har därmed en bättre möjlighet till kontroll. I praktiken och i ljuset av resultaten, kan organisationer ha nytta av att poängtera möjlighet till en ny autonom form av hjälpande, för att öka intresset och motivera volontärer med i frivilligt arbete på nätet.
  • Schroeder, Cilla (2015)
    Den här pro gradu-avhandlingen granskar hur mammor som använt rusmedel under graviditeten konstruerar identitet i sina livsberättelser, och vilka betydelser beroende och moderskap får i berättelserna. Undersökningsmaterialet består av fyra livsberättelser. Avhandlingen har sina teoretiska rötter i kvalitativ rusmedelsforskning och kritisk föräldraforskning. Ur en metodologisk-teoretisk synvinkel placerar sig avhandlingen inom den sociala konstruktionismen, närmare bestämt den narrativa konstruktionismen. Avhandlingen granskar identitet ur en narrativ synvinkel. Analysen granskar berättarens individuella identitetskonstruktion och hur större kulturella modellberättelser sammanvävs och används för att skapa mening kring berättarens upplevelser. I avhandlingen kategoriseras de fyra livsberättelserna som progressiva berättelser där huvudpersonen går igenom svårigheter och prövningar för att till slut växa som människa. I sina berättelser konstruerade kvinnorna flera identiteter, varav identiteten som en moralisk aktör är den mest framträdande. Kvinnorna konstruerar sina identiteter utgående från olika dikotomier, som till exempel en tudelning mellan ett 'drogjag' och ett 'verkligt jag', och mellan 'drogvärlden' och 'vanliga' världen. Funktionen av denna tudelning är att bereda väg för en ny identitet som mamma. Livsberättelserna följer kulturella narrativ om att tillfriskna från ett beroende. Beroende konstrueras som en berättigad reaktion på en svår barndom och som en splittrande händelse som styrt kvinnornas liv in på nya banor. Moderskapet har en central ställning i berättelserna, och barnet och moderskapet konstrueras som den främsta motiveringen till att bli nykter. I förhållande till moderskapet och det nya livet framsteg livet i drogvärlden som problematiskt och mindre värt. Identiteten som mamma kretsar kring att vara vanlig, vilket tolkas som ett sätt att särskilja det egna jaget från en stigmatiserad grupp. Tillsammans kan de fyra narrativen betraktas som en motberättelse mot de kulturella narrativ som definierar kvinnornas moderskap som dömt att misslyckas.
  • Borgström, Monica (2011)
    Syftet med denna studie är att genom data-analys triangulation undersöka socionomstuderandes svar på ett yrkesetiskt dilemma av omsorgsetisk natur. Samplet består av 32 socionomer i början av sina studier som har svarat på ett hypotetiskt dilemma om hur de skulle bemöta en ung kvinna som ber om råd i en mycket svår situation. De huvudsakliga teoretiska utgångspunkterna för detta arbete är ECI (Ethic of Care Interview) som utvecklats av Eva Skoe som metod för att undersöka omsorgsetik, samt Osers och Althofs teori om diskursiva problemlösningsmetoder bland professionella. Som grundläggande teorier för all modern forskning om människans moralutveckling, presenteras också Carol Gilligans och Lawrence Kohlbergs teorier samt den huvudsakliga kritiken dessa bemött. Carol Gilligan är den som ursprungligen presenterade tanken om att det finns två olika typer av moraliskt tänkande där omsorgsetik är mer typisk för kvinnor och rättviseetik är mer typisk för män. Den första delen av analysen är en innehållsanalys där svaren på det yrkesrelaterade dilemmat på olika ECI stadium jämförs med varandra. Poängsättningen i ECI har varit grunden för denna analys. Den andra delen av analysen är en deduktiv teoribunden analys, där jag undersökt i fall Osers och Althofs modell om problemlösningsstrategier även går att tillämpa på ett yrkesetiskt dilemma. Slutligen tar jag också ställning till dessa två teoriers kompatibilitet. Resultatet visar att eleverna har svarat aningen sämre på det yrkesetiska dilemmat än vad deras allmänna ECI stadium är. Detta kan bero på att de är i början av sina studier men också på det allmänna klimat som råder inom socialbranschen. Teorin om diskursiva problemlösningsstrategier går inte heller att tillämpa på detta yrkesetiska dilemma, eftersom den hypotetiska klientens självbestämmanderätt gör en diskursiv lösning omöjlig. Till följd av detta har jag skapat en ny modell som baserar sig på 6 kategorier utgående från de faktorer de intervjuade lyfter fram som de viktigaste i den professionellas möte med klienten. Eftersom den nya modellen inte är hierarkisk, kan de två teorierna inte jämföras med varandra på så sätt att högre ECI nivå skulle innebära en viss typ av problemlösningsstrategi.
  • Halmesvaara, Otto (2017)
    Socio-functional approach to shame suggests that displaying shame after norm violation communicates that a person is ready to conform to the group’s standards, which in turn prevents social isolation and punishments. Previous research gives support for this theory, showing that a perpetrator’s verbal expressions of shame increase forgiveness and reduce observers’ punitive intentions. However, only one experimental study has investigated the hypothesized effects of nonverbal shame displays, manipulating solely the transgressor’s head orientation. This is a serious shortcoming given the functional approach assumption that human shame is evolutionarily rooted in submissive behavior established in shrunken body posture. In addition, so far no comparison has been made between shame and other closely related emotions, making it premature to conclude that shame would have an unique social function not possessed by other emotions. Two experimental studies were conducted to investigate the communicative and social effects of shame displays. In Study 1, participants read vignettes of mild norm violations, after which they were asked to select a picture of emotional expression most suitable to convey the transgressor’s understanding of her/his transgression. Bodily displays of shame were selected as the most suitable for this communicative task, but expressions of sadness were also found appropriate. In Study 2, the social functions of shame and sadness were compared to further investigate the social consequences and mediating socio-cognitive mechanisms underlying the consolidating influence of shame displays. Again, a vignette approach was used, but now the expressions were systematically manipulated while measuring the perceiver’s moral judgements, empathy, and cooperative and punitive intentions. Both shame and sadness expressions increased observers’ empathy and willingness to cooperate with the transgressor compared to a neutral expression condition. However, contrary to the uniqueness assumption, the effects of shame on empathy and cooperative intentions were identical to those of sadness. Also, none of the expressions reduced the perceiver’s punitive intentions. The presented results partially support the functional account, showing that bodily shame induces empathy and prevent from social isolation. The similarity of shame and sadness suggests, however, that general empathy driven mechanism may underlie the obtained consolidating influence of submissive bodily displays.
  • Sillitoe, Allan William Brookes (2018)
    Social psychologists have long assumed that imitation produces rapport and interpersonal trust in the perceiver, but more recent research into the imitation-trust relationship has produced mixed results. In studies utilizing human confederates and longer interaction periods, imitation has produced trust and better negotiation outcomes but when using more controlled settings and short encounters with virtual human characters, such an association has not been found. With this in mind, I sought to investigate whether a prolonged period of interaction with an imitating virtual agent would facilitate the link between imitation and trust. As some research on imitation induced self-other overlap (or ‘feature shifting’) would indicate, I also wanted to identify whether being imitated by someone trustworthy would produce trustworthy behaviour and whether imitation by someone untrustworthy would produce less trustworthy behaviour in participants. To investigate the proposed effects, participants were instructed to play an iterative trust game with 8 different virtual agents, encountering each agent in five subsequent trials. In each trial of the game, one player (investor) was asked to make an investment (i.e. an index of trust) in the other player (receiver) and that was then tripled. The receiver then decided how much of the tripled amount to return (i.e. an index of trustworthiness). In half of the investment trials, participants’ head movements were imitated by the agent, whereafter participants proceeded to make the investment. I found evidence in the first investment trial that imitation promotes trust, with higher amounts invested in the imitators than in the non-imitators. However, after repeated investment trials, the effect of imitation diminished and agents' previous pay back behavior (i.e. trustworthiness) guided investments: participants increased their investments with trustworthy agents but reduced their investments with untrustworthy agents. In receiver trials, more money was paid back after interacting with a trustworthy than with an untrustworthy agent. However, no evidence was found that imitation played a role in this and similarly no evidence for the role of feature shifting was found either. In conclusion, it appears that imitation promotes trust in an initial encounter but over time behavioral reliability plays a greater role than imitation in affecting trust.
  • Helve, Oskari (2019)
    There has been increasing research attention on wellbeing of students in higher education both in Finland and internationally. Because of its goal-oriented nature, higher education resembles working in many ways. Thus, research on students´ wellbeing has started utilizing concepts derived from occupational research. Burnout and study engagement are concepts that are being used in research on both lower educational levels and higher education. Burnout describes feelings of exhaustion, cynicism and inadequacy experienced when demands of studying exceed available resources. Engagement on the other hand means feeling vigorous, dedicated and absorbed in studying and arises when demands and resources are better balanced. The goal of this thesis was to increase understanding of social resources that can guard against the negative effects of demands and foster engagement in higher education. It investigated how social support, guidance and counselling from the educational institution and sense of belonging to studying related groups are related to burnout and engagement experienced by students. The data for this study was the Finnish Student Health Service´s Student Health Survey from 2016, which is a representative sample of students in universities and universities of applied sciences in Finland (N=3110). Burnout symptoms were measured using the SBI-9 measure and engagement using the Schoolwork Engagement Scale. The total scores on these two scales were analyzed together with social support, guidance and counselling and sense of belonging to studying related groups. Pearson´s correlation coefficients were obtained to reveal the bivariate associations of these variables followed by two hierarchical regression analyses on burnout and engagement individually. All of the social resources were included as predictors in these models and the stage of studies, gender and feeling of being in the right field of study were controlled for as background variables. The results supported both hypotheses and existing literature. It was found that those students who were able to talk about their matters with someone, had received guidance to their studies and felt like they belong to studying related groups had lower levels of burnout symptoms. Similarly, students with sufficient social resources were more engaged in their studies. The results indicate that social resources are an important factor in wellbeing of higher education students. Future research should continue to further study these resources using more accurate measures incorporating different types of social support or different groups in the educational context.
  • Karhu, Maiju (2013)
    This thesis studies the ways the managers of a multinational technology company talk about diversity and diversity management in the workplace. The focus of the study was to examine how socially constructed categories of gender and ethnicity were constructed in diversity rhetoric in an organisational context, and what possible implications this might have to the social realities experienced by the employees. The research data was collected by interviewing 12 managers of a multinational technology company in Dubai, United Arab Emirates. The research data was analysed with Foucauldian discourse analysis that was used to analyse the various constructions related to diversity and diversity management, as well as hierarchies of power in the text. The results of the study can be divided into three main discourses that were present in the data: 1) ’Differentiation’, where the constructions about gender and ethnicity were made by comparing and contrasting characteristics and behaviour 2) ’Rationalisation’, in which macro-level reasons and public and private level explanations were used to legitimise the gendered and ethnicised divisions in organisations and 3) ’Neutralisation’, where the gender and ethnicity was diminished in the work context by creating an abstract worker. The gendered and ethnicised work practices were also studied in the light of various subject positions avail-able in the text. In the multinational technology company context, masculinity was positioned as active and in the centre of the business environment, where as femininity was positioned as a passive outsider. However, the interviewees used intersections of gender and ethnicity to create different subject positions within the new market conditions. These subject positions created new opportunities for European women and ethnic minority men in the developing multinational business environment. To summarise, in the multinational technology company’s diversity rhetoric, the most visible social categories were gender and ethnicity. These were constructed using different discourses to highlight the organisational practices and power hierarchy, which was dominated by masculinity and Europeanness.
  • Vigani, Alice (2018)
    In recent years, European societies have been affected by processes of increased diversity and migration. This master’s thesis explores the involvement in the local civil society of migrants. It takes place within the context of organisations of multiethnic composition working for migrants’ conditions and/or rights in the capital cities of Helsinki in Finland and Athens in Greece, two European metropolitan areas with stark differences in their migration, integration, and civil society panorama. The main aim of the study is to investigate how individuals of migrant origin construct and present themselves as agents for civil society organisations. The theoretical framework for the research is informed by previous studies on social movements and the civil society, in particular the social psychological model by Klandermans and the corpus of research stemming from Goffman’s framing theory. Another central theoretical reference is Goffman’s impression management theory, not previously applied to this research area. Adopting a micro-social constructionist perspective, the theoretical concepts listed above are operationalized with the tools offered critical discursive psychology and positioning theory. The data consists of transcripts of semi-structured interviews with five participants in each city, active in different organisations and from different countries of origins. The analysis led to the individuation of three main self-presentation styles across the participants, varying on different dimensions including the fit between them and the organisation, their position towards the organisation’s team and towards its target – migrant communities. The three styles are: Team Player, Enterprising Leader, and Expert Critic. In light of the results, it can be argued that the participants all attempted to present themselves in a positive light as agents for the organisations. Plus, participants’ self-presentations were impacted on one side from their origin and the stereotypes attached to it, on the other from the dominant migration regime and its consequences for migrants and their integration at the local level. Over all, the analysis yields interesting insights on how societal, organisational, and personal characteristics impact the participation and position in the civil society for migrant actors.
  • Rukoro, Jeffrey (2020)
    This research had the fundamental aim of closely examining the identity negotiation of people who are of bi-racial heritage. Utilizing a combination of the positioning concept and discourse analysis, the objective was to get an in-depth view of how the bi-racial identity is negotiated and situated within four sub-identities or variants, and those four subidentities being referred to are the singular, border, protean and transcendent identities by Rocquemore. The questions used to guide the research goals were the following: How does the identity negotiation take place? What are the discursive resources and tools used to facilitate the negotiation? Are all four sub-identities engaged equally? What is the relationship between the four sub-identities? What role does the media play in the identity negotiation? Through purposive sampling, the text was selected to represent cases from America, Britain, and Finland. Four cases were selected of which two are American. One from Finland and the other from Britain. The cases feature three females and one male. The study mainly utilized discourse analysis techniques with a particular focus on critical discursive psychology, which all form part of the qualitative approach methodologies. The outcomes indicated that for all the cases studied, the identity was observed to be negotiated within the confines of the four sub-identities. However, the ordering, the positioning of the identities, and the discursive tools that were employed to negotiate the identities varied, and this variation was found to be connected to an assigned identity or a challenged asserted identity. As a result, certain negotiations caused stress or cognitive dissonance, and to avoid the stress or minimise the dissonance, various discursive resources were strategically employed to help negotiate or situate other identity variants. As the analysis continued six theoretical themes emerged, that were found to be supported by the discursive works. This six theoretical themes were, self-agency, distant other, cognitive dissonance, emotional repertoires, sense of belonging and altruism. An interconnectedness between the six themes was also noticed, due to the proximity of functionality within which some of them operated. The implication is that the identity, whether assigned or asserted is rather complex, and is not without psycho-social conflict, perhaps its stability is through its continuous negotiations and mobility.
  • Lönnroth-Olin, Marja (2016)
    The discourses of Young Muslim men in the West have tended to focus on marginalisation, deviancy and threat. Often the voices of the targets of these stigmatizing discourses are not heard and thus, they do not have the possibility to re-define or resist the dominant discourses. This Thesis investigates how young Muslim men living in Finland, surrounded by discourses of threat and marginalisation, construct Muslimness and how they position themselves and others in that construction. The data was collected by semi-structured thematic group interviews, conducted in small groups or dyads, with 12 young men aged from 18-29 years. The data was analysed using a Critical Discursive Psychological approach, focusing on how the young men are constructed and positioned by the larger societal discourses and how they respond to these constructions, as well as on how they construct their identities in the immediate interaction situation. The analysis focused on three concepts; interpretative repertoires, ideological dilemmas and subject positions, which all shed a light on how identities are constructed and negotiated in interaction in relation to the sociocultural context. In the data 3 interpretative repertoires, 3 ideological dilemmas and 5 subject positions were distinguished. The results show that the participants negotiate their identities in relation to various actors, as well as in relation to relevant identity categories such as gender and generation. In their talk, it can be distinguished that they sometimes accept and repeat, yet sometimes question and re-define how Muslimness is constructed in the societal discourses.
  • Zhang, Junli Jossta (2019)
    This research focused on studying how government constructs the phenomenon of social entrepreneurship in the context of Hong Kong. Social psychological perspectives were applied to develop the theoretical and methodological framework of the research. Seven pieces of government papers and one piece of government speech, in total 28 pages of content, ranging from the year 2007 to the year 2017, were selected as research materials. These official materials were chosen because they explained the government’s social enterprise policy in government’s own language. The main research question “how social entrepreneurship is constructed in Hong Kong?” was divided into three subquestions, respectively, concerning on what repertoires were used by the government to construct roles and positions; on how agency was constructed by the government; and on the effects and consequences that might be brought by the government’s construction of social entrepreneurship. The major findings of the empirical study include: eight subject categories were identified from the government’s construction, and eight repertoires were found being used by the government to construct roles and positions for the subject categories. The study revealed that the goals government constructed for social enterprises were twofold: to become competitive to achieve financial sustainability in the long run, and to provide more low-skilled job opportunities for the socially disadvantaged people. Besides, the study found that the government was positioning itself as the principal of the social enterprise sector, and using the ideology of “helping the socially disadvantaged people to become self-reliant” to justify its policy preference for the Work Integration Social Enterprise. The study further revealed that the success of the social enterprise sector was being attributed to the government’s support and effort, rather than to the effort of the social enterprise operators and the social entrepreneurs. Based on the research findings, two major conclusions were drawn: first, in the context of Hong Kong, the government is using the social enterprise sector as a vehicle to tackle its welfare-reform problems, so the social enterprise sector is treated as a subsystem subjugated to the state’s welfare system; second, the phenomenon of social entrepreneurship in Hong Kong has been constructed by the government as a narrow pursuit, and this construction of social entrepreneurship is being too narrow in scope to accommodate the diversified values of social entrepreneurship.
  • Kaseva, Kaisa (2011)
    The focus of this study was to investigate to what degree two social psychological theories were capable to explain the experiences of well-being among Finnish and American students. The main interest of the study was, whether the intrinsic, psychological goal fulfillment predicts well-being better than the individuals' values' consistency with the prevailing environment. The study sample (N=229) consists of political science students collected from University of Helsinki and Utah State University. The study question was approached quantitatively via Satisfaction With Life Scale (SWLS), Aspirations Index (AT), and Schwartz' Value Survey (SVS). Along with providing answers to the hypotheses derived from the main study interest, the construct validity and measurement equivalence of Aspirations Index were examined. The scales and hypotheses were investigated via explorative and confirmatory factor analyses, correlations, and multiple hierachical regression analyses. Based on the previous research, the intrinsic life-goal fulfillment derived from self-determination theory was expected to predict the well-being to greater degree than the value congruence. This prediction was also confirmed in this study. More specifically, the attainment of extrinsic (wealth, fame and image) lifegoals was negatively or not related to well-being, whereas the intrinsic goals (personal growth, social relatedness, and community contribution) were positively related to well-being, excluding the attainment of community contribution. Against the predictions, the value congruence of Finnish students was not positively related to well-being, whereas the positive relationship was found from the American sample. According to adjusted R2 statistics, the attainment of enduring, deep, social relationships was the best predictor for students' well-being in both investigated countries. When the cross-cultural applicability of Aspirations Index was examined, the construct validity as well as the measurement equivalence of the scale were confirmed in this study. The most relevant references concerning the theoretical and methodological frames of the study were Deci & Ryan (1985), Schwartz (1992), Diener, Emmons, Larsen & Griffin (1985), and Cohen, Cohen, West & Aiken (2003).
  • Jussila, Pauliina (2019)
    This study is a cross-validation of a hierarchical theory-based model of personality trait factors that comprises hypotheses regarding which personality constructs predict specific job performance criteria. The personality measures include the Big Five dimensions together with the Need for Achievement factor. The predictor variables have been conceptually aligned with specific criterion variables that are clusters of competencies. The model consists of six one-to-one predictor-criterion relationships that are paired up into three higher-order relationships which in turn are aggregated into a single score of General Factor of Personality (GFP) on the predictor side and overall work performance on the criterion side. The original study conducted in 2015 (N=929) was based on an international sample of participants from various organisations, whereas this sample consists of employees from a single global company (N=109). The aim was to explore the similarities and differences in the results in comparison to the original data. All the participants completed the same online personality self-assessment with 31 psychometric scales and a 360-feedback tool measuring 22 competencies. At least one external reviewer nominated by the participant completed a review rating on those competencies. Principal Components were extracted to investigate how well the model fits this data and the results compared to the results from the original study. Correlations between the first-order and second-order (composite) variables were also checked. Finally, regression analyses were conducted to test nine hypotheses derived from the theoretical model. The results of this study show that there is a clear relationship between the GFP and the overall performance as the observed validity is r = .39 which is even higher than in the original study were this value was r = .23. Out of the six personality factors, Extraversion and Conscientiousness are the only significant predictors of various job performance outcome in this data and, all in all, three hypotheses out of nine are fully confirmed and a fourth one partially. The results are also discussed with view to what kind of a role a specific company culture or expected behaviours of people working in certain job roles might play on the results.
  • Bontas, Marilena (2012)
    The present paper explores the phenomenon of aggressive evil debated through different, disciplinary perspectives and its understanding by connection to the inner psychology of the person and criminal behavior. The main theoretical sources of the present thesis come from the studies of P. Zimbardo on the good nature versus the evil nature of people, S. Milgram’s work on obedience to authority, H. Arendt’s report on the ‘banality of evil’, T. Bran’s case of a lethal exorcism at Tanacu in Romania and the essay on the social psychology of evil comprised by A. Miller. The idea that initiated an interest to study the criminal nature of ordinary people and the delimitations of aggressive evil between a causal, emotional rupture in the psychology of the person and a contextual explanation was triggered by the beautiful work of Philip Zimbardo, ‘The Lucifer effect’ where he recounts the conditions, processes and results of his Stanford Prison Experiment in 1971. Hannah Arendt’s ‘banality of evil’ is also debated thoroughly in the paper because it contains solid evidence to explaining extreme evil acts, as seen in the conduct of Eichmann, Mengele or Himmler during the Holocaust. The analytical method utilized in order to make the connection between aggressive evil, the psychology of the individual and crime is Content Analysis. This method was used in order to analyze five interviews conducted in Romania that involved participants in different professions: a prison psychologist, a psychiatrist, a legal doctor and two priests. The results confirm partly the hypothesis, however, due to the relativity of the term, certain limitations have been also drawn. This study offers a different view on aggressive evil, trying to focus mostly on the extreme acts, thus, avoiding confusion or biased opinions that a simple take on ‘evil’ would entail. However, there is still room for further improvement, and, as the results shown, the study could be extended and applied to future research on the psychology of evil, a discipline that is, unfortunately non-existent in the academic world.
  • Katajainen, Heidi (2020)
    Syftet med denna avhandling var att granska skolkuratorers uppfattningar om mobbning. Frågeställningarna som jag utgick ifrån var: Hurudana uppfattningar om mobbning har skolkuratorer som arbetar med högstadieelever? Hur kopplas skolkuratorers uppfattningar om mobbning till forskning och teorier om mobbning? Som teoretiska utgångspunkter användes Dan Olweus forskning om hackkycklingar och översittare samt Christina Salmivallis forskning om mobbning som gruppfenomen. Avhandlingen var avgränsad till skolkuratorer som arbetade med högstadieelever i svenskspråkiga skolor i Finland. Uppfattningar gällande mobbningsoffret, mobbaren, konsekvenser, könsskillnader och åtgärder granskades. Ingen liknande studie identifierades i denna kontext. Ett frågeformulär med öppna frågor skickades åt 50 skolkuratorer som ingick i målgruppen, vilket resulterade till 24 svar. Avhandlingen är kvalitativ, och materialet analyserades med hjälp av materialbaserad innehållsanalys. Samtliga 10 frågor analyserades skilt. Resultaten uppdelades i kategorier, kategorierna varierade. Kategorin som uppkom oftast gällande eleven som blir mobbad var avviker från normen. Det framgick även att mobbning kan bero på andra faktorer. Gällande eleven som mobbar var kategorierna mindre. Som exempel kan ges: vill ha makt och kontroll, mår dåligt samt jobbigt hemma. Mobbningens konsekvenser ansågs enhälligt vara negativa. Som en konsekvens för den mobbade ansågs dålig självkänsla, för den som mobbar dåligt samvete. För den mobbades del betonades även oftast att mobbningen kan inverka negativt på det psykiska välmåendet och skolarbetet. Det uppkom gällande pojkars och flickors mobbning, att det finns mera likheter än olikheter i mobbningen, samt pojkarnas mer direkta mobbning och flickornas mer indirekta mobbning. Elektroniska mobbningen behandlades även. I resultaten gällande åtgärder framkom oftast en antimobbningsplan. Förebyggande åtgärder och samarbete med hemmet betonades även ofta. KiVa Skola åtgärdsprogrammet används i majoriteten av finländska grundskolor. Respondenternas uppfattningar avspeglade ett mera individualpsykologiskt synsätt, i jämförelse med ett socialpsykologiskt synsätt, som var mindre representerat. Inga omfattande slutsater kan dras utgående materialet, och gäller endast ifrågavarande respondenter. Mobbning är ett viktigt och aktuellt tema både från en individuell och samhällelig synvinkel. Skolkuratorerna är en viktig professionell grupp som arbetar konkret med frågor gällande mobbning. Sammanfattningsvis uppkom följande fyra teman i avhandlingen: Mobbning är alltid fel, Mobbningen ger negativa konsekvenser, Att ingripa och arbeta mot mobbning är ett gemensamt ansvar och Elektroniska mobbningen är en stor utmaning.