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  • Saares, Anni (2023)
    In the 21st century Japan has been experiencing massive demographic changes. The country’s birth rate is low, and the population is steadily aging. Women are increasingly needed in the labour force in order for Japan to prosper despite these changes. However, for a long time there has been different type of gender-based employment and hiring practices, which have affected women’s employment and careers in Japan. Due to these practices and Japanese work culture, many women end their careers when they get married or have their first child. Additionally, many women are working part-time. The impact of these gendered divisions of labor can be noted in gender pay gaps and promotion practices. The purpose of this study is to examine whether the employment and hiring practices are changing in Japan and how Japanese work culture and women’s role in it have changed in the last few decades. I interviewed three sets of mothers and daughters about their career dreams and experiences in the Japanese labor market. I also examined the influence of one’s mother on individual’s career decisions. In the theory segment, I review Pierre Bourdieu’s theory of cultural capital which examines how individuals reproduce, embody and aggregate knowledge in the social field. In this study Bourdieu’s theory works as an example of how one’s family and social status can affect their education, employment, and future success. The findings of this study are that Japanese women are often affected by their mothers, family dynamics, and social environment when it comes to employment plans and dreams. Both the mothers and the daughters think that the employment opportunities for Japanese women have increased in recent years and that many companies in Japan seem to be changing their culture and habits to achieve better gender equality. However, there is requirement for more varied sets of work-related role models for women to feel more secure and confident in various areas of labor and work positions. Additionally, flexibility from employers, as well as partnership and participation of husband in child rearing and housework, is required for mothers to be able to continue working.
  • Liipo, Emilia (2022)
    Tässä tutkielmassa tarkastelen kiinalaisen main melody (zhuxuanlü) elokuvatyypin päähenkilöiden maskuliinisten piirteiden ja käytöksen representaatioita. Main melody tai leitmotif elokuvat on tarkoitettu palvelemaan Kiinan valtion ideologista koneistoa ja ylläpitämään johtavan puolueen legitiimiä. 2000-luvun aikana main melody elokuvat ovat kaupallistuneet, keräten suurempia lipputuloja kuin varhaisemmat kyseisen elokuvatyypin tuotannot. Kiinassa nuoret miespuoliset viihdealan tähdet ovat saaneet osakseen paheksuntaa olemalla liian ”naisellisia.” Heidät vierailunsa on haluttu kieltää televisio-ohjelmissa ja Kiinan opetusministeriö suositteli lisää liikuntatunteja koululaisille, jotta pojat kasvaisivat ”miehekkäämmiksi.” Main melody elokuvat on pitkälti nähty vain propagandana, eivätkä ne ole herättäneet suurta akateemista kiinnostusta. Siksi tutkielmassa on valittu tarkastella maskuliinisuuden representaatioita juuri näissä elokuvissa. Näin on haluttu pyrkiä tasapainottamaan kiinalaisen elokuvan tutkimusta. Tutkielma pyrkii myös tuomaan esiin, millaisia ihanteita Kiinan kommunistinen puolue haluaa nostaa kansalaistensa katsottavaksi. Tutkielma hyödyntää Judith Butlerin teoriaa sukupuolen (gender) performatiivisuudesta, Louie Kamin viitekehystä kiinalaisen maskuliinisuuden wen-wu (kulttuuriset saavutukset – sotilaallinen urhoollisuus) jaottelusta, sekä Mary Vetterling-Bragginin jakoa sukupuolten psykologisista piirteistä. Teksti analyysiä hyödyntämällä on analysoitu neljä main melody elokuvaa: The Wandering Earth (2019), All For One (2019), joka on yksi osa episodielokuvasta My People, My Country, Wolf Warrior 2 (2017) ja Aftershock (2010). Koska maskuliinisia piirteitä voi olla sekä miehillä, että naisilla, tarkastellaan tutkielmassa kahta miespäähenkilöä ja kahta naispäähenkilöä. Tutkielman tuloksissa näkyy, että kiinalaisessa main melody elokuvassa luotetaan pitkälti perinteiseen maskuliinisuus kuvastoon. Hahmot asettuivat sekä wen- että wu -kategorioihin. Päähenkilöt, joilla maskuliinisia piirteitä esiintyy, ottavat johtavan roolin, ovat uhkarohkeita, kykenevät abstraktiin, loogiseen ja analyyttiseen ajatteluun, sekä hallitsevat tunteitaan tai oppivat hallitsemaan niitä. Maskuliinisia piirteitä voidaan löytää myös aikuisista naisista, kunhan esimerkiksi heidän ammattinsa on sovelias siihen. Koska elokuvat heijastelevat puolueen ihanteita, elokuvien päähenkilöistä ei odotetusti löydetty ”naisellisia miehiä.”
  • Hissa, Irina (2023)
    This thesis deals with three official visits by Finnish parliamentarians to the Democratic People's Republic of Korea in the 1970s and 1980s. The first visit was made by a delegation from the Finnish group of the Inter-Parliamentary Union (IPU) in 1972, a few months before Finland recognised both North and South Korea. The second visit, led by Speaker Sukselainen, was in 1975, and the last official parliamentary visit was in 1984, led by Speaker Pystynen. In the early 1970s, North Korea applied to join the Inter-Parliamentary Union, an organization founded by British and French parliamentarians in the late 19th century to bring together members of democratically elected parliaments. The DPRK Supreme People's Assembly's application was not immediately accepted - even though parliamentarians from several other socialist countries had already joined the IPU. The Finnish group of the IPU was ready to accept the North Koreans in the spirit of a détente - and, perhaps, also under the influence of Finlandization, which permeated Finnish foreign and, to some extent, domestic policy at the time. All three visits have been examined chronologically, focusing on the two meetings with "Supreme Leader" Kim Il Sung. Three participants in the 1972 visit have been interviewed and the results analysed. The thesis is based on unpublished reports of three visits, interviews, and handwritten notes from audiences with Kim Il Sung. A memorandum on the audience with President Kekkonen is also among the primary sources. The method used to examine the material was archival research (Ministry for Foreign Affairs, Parliament, and the National Library of Finland), source analysis, and content analysis. The research question is: How did the three official visits of Finnish parliamentary delegations to the DPRK during the Cold War and Finlandization era contribute to the establishment and development of Finnish diplomatic and other relations with Kim Il Sung’s North Korea? The thesis describes and analyses the content of the three visits, including interviews with three participants of the 1972 visit and the audience with President Kekkonen, with particular focus on the main discussions and the meetings with Kim Il Sung. Relations with North Korea were virtually non-existent in 1972. It was therefore natural to try to develop them through exchanges of high-level political and economic delegations that mapped out the terrain and prepared the ground for experts. In this broad context, official delegations from the Finnish Parliament also had a role to play. Given the extensive networks of Finnish MPs, they acted as conduits for further political, economic, and cultural relations between Finland and North Korea. The thesis shows that North Koreans, including Kim Il Sung, were genuinely interested in developing trade and technological cooperation with Finland. He even specified several potential areas for this cooperation. It also shows that President Kim and other North Korean leaders were trying to create the impression that there was no imminent danger of war on the Korean Peninsula, at least not from the northern side, which would have hindered exchanges between North Korea and Finland. Moreover, the thesis reveals that both Finnish diplomats and Members of Parliament were impressed by the various achievements of the North Koreans, although Kim Il Sung had characterised his country as still developing. Contextually, this thesis aims to explore a clearly delineated part of the political history of the Cold War, namely the phenomenon of Finlandization, i.e. Finland's subordinate policy as a small country neighbouring the Soviet superpower, and how Finlandization influenced the establishment of diplomatic relations with a country as distant as North Korea.