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  • Lintunen, Tiina (2021)
    Tiivistelmä - Referat - Abstract Tässä maisteritutkielmassa tarkasteltiin ASKEL työllistymistä edistävän yhteistoimintamallin yhteiskehittämisen työpajoissa luotua toimintaa asiakaslähtöisyyden kannalta ja sitä, miten asiakaslähtöisyys toteutui yhteistoimintamallissa työnhakija asiakkaiden kokemana. Tavoitteena oli selvittää, millaisia asioita yhteiskehittämiseen osallistuneet kehittäjäasiakkaat kokivat olevan asiakaslähtöistä toimintaa ja -tapoja sekä tutkia sitä, miten näitä toteutettiin viranomaistyössä ASKEL toimintamallissa. Aikaisempaa tutkimusta työllistymisen edistämisen asiakaslähtöisestä toiminnasta ei juurikaan ole. Yhteiskehittäminen julkisen palvelun kehittämisessä on uutta työllistymisen palveluissa. Työttömyys koskettaa laajaa joukkoa suomalaisia ja työttömyyden pitkittyessä, se haastaa hyvinvointia yhteiskunnassamme. Maisteritutkielma toteutettiin laadullisena tutkimuksena. Tutkielmassa hyödynnettiin Pohjois-Savon Ely-keskuksen ja Kuopion kaupungin työllisyyspalvelun työllistymisen yhteispalvelu ASKEL hankkeessa yhteiskehittämisessä erilaisissa työpajoissa muodostuneita muistioita, työpajojen tuotoksia sekä työnhakija asiakkaiden puhelinhaastatteluita (N21) ja syvennettyjä teemahaastatteluita (N4). Työpajojen aineistot kerättiin jatkuvana prossina toimintamallin yhteiskehittämisessä ajalla 1.5.2019 — 31.12.2020. Työnhakijoiden puhelinhaastattelut toteutuivat hankkeen arvioitsijan toimesta ja syvähaastattelut AMK—opiskelijoiden toimesta kasvokkain toteutuneina teemahaastatteluina. Haastatteluaineistosta tutkittiin asiakaslähtöisten toimintatapojen toteuttumista. Aineistosta etsittiin laadullisia tekijöitä asiakaslähtöisyydestä. Tutkielma toteutettiin aineistolähtöisellä sisällönanalyysin menetelmällä. Keskeiset tulokset liittyvät kehittäjäasiakkaiden kokemuksiin viranomaisroolin muuttumisesta ASKEL toimintamallissa työelämäkumppaniksi, jolloin asiakaslähtöisyys toteutuu julkisessa palvelussa. Asiakaslähtöisyys perustuu yksilöllisyyteen työnhakijan kohtaamisessa, jatkuvan palvelutarpeen yhteisessä arvioimisessa, työllistymispalveluiden kytkemisestä oikea-aikaisesti ja niiden arvon sanoittamisessa asiakkaalle yksilöllisessä suunnitelmassa. Työllistymiseen liittyvä yksilöllisen suunnitelman merkitys oli tärkeä. Sen avulla sekä työntekijä että asiakas ja muut asiakkaan palvelutarpeen mukaan liittyvät ammattilaiset toimivat tavoitteellisesti. Suunnitelma tukee osallisten toimijuutta. Asiakaslähtöinen toiminta on tavoitteellista ja säännöllistä yhteistä toimintaa. Asiakaslähtöisessä toiminnassa asiakas on aktiivinen toimija, jonka työllistymisen polku muodostuu hänen lähtökohdistansa käsin. Tulosten mukaan työnhakijoita kannattaisi osallistaa julkisten palveluiden kehittämiseen työntekijöiden kanssa. Yhteiskehittämisen avulla pystyttiin luomaan asiakaslähtöisen toiminnan elementtejä, joita voi käyttää organisaatiovapaasti työllistymisen edistämisen kentällä laajemmin. Kehittämistarpeina on käyttäjäjohtoisen kehittämisen huomioiminen julkisten palveluiden kehittämisessä. Asiakaslähtöisen toimintaa tulisi juurruttaa perustyöhön ja olla jatkuvaa systemaattista yhteistoimintaa, kun yhteiskunnallisia rakenteita ollaan uudistamassa.
  • Ahokas, Minna Susanna (2023)
    Tutkielmassa tarkastellaan asiantuntijaorganisaatioiden valiokuntakuulemisia Juha Sipilän ja Sanna Marinin sosiaali- ja terveydenhuollon ja pelastustoimen uudistusten valmistelussa. Asiantuntijaorganisaatioiden valiokuntakuulemisten tarkastelussa hyödynnetään teoreettisena viitekehyksenä tiedontuotannon regiimien teoriaa. Teorian mukaan päätöksentekoon nostetaan erityyppisiä tiedontuottajia, kun politiikan suuntaa muutetaan. Tutkielmassa analysoidaan ja vertaillaan Sipilän ja Marinin hallitusten sosiaali- ja terveydenhuollon ja pelastustoimen uudistusprosessien valiokuntakuulemisissa kuultuja asiantunti-jaorganisaatioita. Uudistusten vertailun kautta testataan, löytyykö uudistusten valiokuntakuulemisten välillä tilastollisesti merkitsevää eroa asiantuntijaorganisaatioiden hyödyntämisessä. Tutkimusmenetelminä käytetään sisällön erittelyä ja khiin neliötestejä. Tutkimustulokset osoittavat, että Sipilän ja Marinin hallitusten uudistusten valio-kuntakuulemisissa kuultiin osittain erilaisia asiantuntijoita, ja nojattiin näin ollen erilaisten asiantuntijaorganisaatioiden tuottamaan tietoon uudistusten valmisteluprosesseissa. Sipilän uudistuksessa kuultiin Marinin uudistukseen verrattuna enemmän etujärjestöjen, tieteen ja tutkimuksen sekä valtionhallinnon edustajia. Sen sijaan Marinin uudistuksessa kuultiin Sipilän uudistukseen verrattuna enemmän aluehallinnon, kansalaisyhteiskunnan, sote-palveluntuottajien sekä paikallishallinnon edustajia. Asiantuntijaorganisaatioiden kuulemisten kokonaisuutta testatessa uudistusten välillä oli asiantuntijaorganisaatioiden hyödyntämisessä tilastollisesti merkitsevä ero. Sen sijaan kaikissa pienempiä osuuksia testanneissa tilastollisissa testeissä uudistusten välillä ei ollut havaittavissa tilastollisesti merkitsevää eroavaisuutta. Tutkielman tulosten perusteella voidaan esittää, että molemmissa uudistuksissa asiantuntijaorganisaatioiden hyödyntäminen oli monipuolista, ja sekä intressi- että substanssiasiantuntijat saivat äänensä kuuluviin. Tutkielman tulokset lisäävät ymmärrystä Suomen sosiaali- ja terveyspalvelupoliittisen tiedontuotannon regiimin luonteesta. Samoin tutkimustulokset kertovat siitä, minkälaiseen tietoon suomalainen sosiaali- ja terveyspalvelupoliittinen päätöksenteko nojaa, ja asettaa päätöksenteossa hyödynnetyn asiantuntijaorganisaatiojoukon myös tarkastelun kohteeksi. Tutkimustulosten perusteella on mahdollista jatkotutkimuksessa kriittisesti arvioida tätä hyödynnettyä asiantuntijaorganisaatiojoukkoa, ja tutkia esimerkiksi asiantuntijaorganisaatioiden esittämien ideoiden ja tiedon luonnetta.
  • Palosaari, Matti (2024)
    Työvoiman työkykyisyyden merkitys tulee painottumaan lähitulevaisuudessa, sillä huoltosuhteen muutoksen vuoksi nykyistä useamman työikäisen panos työelämässä tarvitaan. Vähintään 11 päivän työkyvyttömyydessä maksetaan useimmissa tilanteissa Kansaneläkelaitoksen sairauspäivärahaa. Mikäli hoidon yhteydessä on tarve sairauspoissaololle, muodostaa sairauspoissaolo yleensä suurimman osan hoidon kustannuksista. Monikanavarahoituksen vuoksi sairauspäivärahalla olemisesta muodostuu kustannuksia Kansaneläkelaitokselle, työnantajalle, vakuutetulle itselleen ja veromenetysten vuoksi myös julkiselle taloudelle. Tutkielmassa tarkastellaan asiantuntijoiden näkemyksiä sairauspäivärahakäytännön toimivuudesta, sen mahdollisista ongelmista sekä ratkaisukeinoista toimivuuden parantamiseksi. Lisäksi tarkastellaan asiantuntijoiden näkemyksiä niin sanottujen aktivoivien toimien soveltumisesta sairauspäivärahakäytäntöön. Aiempaa tutkimusta asiantuntijoiden näkemyksistä suhteessa suomalaiseen sairauspäivärahakäytäntöön ei ole juuri olemassa. Aktivoivalla sosiaalipolitiikalla on tutkimuksissa tarkoitettu sosiaalipolitiikan ja työllisyyspolitiikan välimaastoon sijoittuvia toimia, joilla työttömiä on tukitoimien ja sanktioiden avulla pyritty saamaan mukaan työelämään ja sosiaaliturvan kustannuksia on pyritty vähentämään. Työttömien aktivoinnista on paljon tutkimusta, mutta työkyvyttömien ja sairauspoissaolojen osalta tutkimusta ei juuri ole tehty. Tutkimuskysymykset olivat: 1) toimiiko nykyinen Kelan sairauspäivärahakäytäntö asiantuntijoiden mielestä ja millaisia ongelmia siihen mahdollisesti liittyy? 2) Mitä tekijöitä asiantuntijoiden mielestä on sairauspäivärahakausien pitkittymisen taustalla? 3) Mitä mieltä asiantuntijat ovat yksilöön tai rakenteisiin kohdistuvista aktivoivista toimista ratkaisukeinoina sairauspäivärahakauden pitkittymiseen tai esittävätkö he muita ratkaisuehdotuksia sairauspäivärahakäytännössä mahdollisesti havaittuihin ongelmiin? Tutkielman aineistona oli viisi asiantuntijahaastattelua, joista tehtiin laadullinen, induktiivinen sisällönanalyysi. Haastatteluissa käytettiin virikkeitä. Tutkielman keskeinen tulos oli se, että haastatellut asiantuntijat toivoivat sairauspäivärahakäytäntöön kohdistuvan nykyistä enemmän hallintaa. Tällä tarkoitetaan toimia, joilla sairauspäivärahaan liittyviä käytäntöjä ohjattaisiin nykyistä paremmin. Ohjausta voisivat toteuttaa useat eri tahot, kuten valtion tutkimus- ja asiantuntijalaitokset, Kansaneläkelaitos, terveydenhuollon koulutus- ja tutkimusorganisaatiot, potilasyhdistykset, työnantajat ja viime kädessä lakien säätäjätkin. Tulosten perusteella asiantuntijat kaipasivat useiden eri tahojen ja instituutioiden aktivoimista sairauspäivärahakäytännön toimivuuden kehittämiseksi, mutta he eivät juuri kannattaneet sairauspäivärahalla oleviin yksilöihin kohdistuvia aktivoivia toimia. Tutkimustulokset tarjoavat uutta tietoa sairauspäivärahakäytännön ongelmakohdista sekä mahdollisista ratkaisuista ja tuloksia voidaan hyödyntää sairauspäivärahakäytännön uudistamisessa osana suomalaisen sosiaaliturvan uudistamista.
  • Nummela, Liinu (2023)
    Aspergillus niger is a filamentous fungus that is known for its ability to degrade plant biomass polysaccharides. A total of 86 sugar transporters have been identified in A. niger, but only 10 of them have been thoroughly characterized. Sugar transporter proteins are crucial for fungi as they enable efficient utilization of sugars in their metabolism and therefore breakdown of plant biomass. Additionally, sugar transporters can be used in various biotechnological applications. L-arabinose is a pentose sugar present in plant biomass and A. niger can utilize it through the pentose catabolic pathway (PCP). Recently, a sugar transporter LatA was identified from A. niger, capable of transporting the PCP intermediate product L-arabitol into fungal cells. L-arabitol is a polyol similar to xylitol and can be used as a low-calorie sweetener in food and beverage industries. Although A. niger LatA has previously been shown to be specific to L-arabitol in vivo, its in vitro functional activity has not yet been described. This study aimed to in vitro characterize two potential L-arabitol transporters from A. niger, LatA and unpublished 9364, using the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae. As a platform strain, we used S. cerevisiae IMK1010 that is devoid of all hexose and disaccharide transporters, as well as disaccharide hydrolases. In addition, we used a disaccharide-polyol and a pentose metabolic strain which were generated from the IMK1010 strain. The metabolic strains carried pathways for maltose, saccharose, sorbitol and mannitol, and xylose and arabinose, respectively. This provided a controlled research environment for studying A. niger LatA and 9364 transporters. The sugar specificity of the transporters was tested through two different growth experiments on solid media with all the strains and in liquid media with IMK1010 strains. The tested sugars included D-glucose, D-fructose and D-mannose hexoses, D-xylose and L-arabinose pentoses, maltose and sucrose disaccharides, and D-mannitol and D-sorbitol polyols. In addition, LatA was examined through a disappearance assay, measuring the loss of sugar from the liquid growth medium. Altogether four different combination gene constructs, green fluorescent protein (GFP) gene fusions and plain sugar transporter gene constructs were successfully engineered and 21 different transformant yeast strains produced for this study. GFP gene fusions, were in addition to growth experiments, used to study the localization of the sugar transporters to the cell membrane. In strains containing combination gene constructs encoding sugar transporters and GFP, the sugar transporters were successfully localized to the cell membrane, showing already that the transporters potentially have transport activity in the heterologous expression system. Based on the results, A. niger 9364 transported the tested hexoses and maltose in the growth experiments but did not transport tested pentoses, disaccharides or D-mannitol and D-sorbitol polyols. As expected, A. niger LatA did not transport any of the tested sugars, confirming its specificity to L-arabitol polyol. However, in the disappearance assay LatA unexpectedly did not transport L-arabitol. This might be due to the possible toxicity of the polyols in high concentrations to yeast cells and many of them also serve as regulators of osmotic pressure in cells, which may lower the transport capacity of the sugar transporters. In the future the function of the transporters can be tested in different sugar concentrations and pH in disappearance assay. Alternatively, a L-arabitol metabolic strain could be constructed to investigate sugar specificity using the growth experiment instead of the disappearance assay. The study provided new information of A. niger 9364 and further insights into the sugar specificity of A. niger LatA. These sugar transporters could be used in various biotechnological applications in the future.
  • Heikkilä, Sofi (2020)
    Conservation actions towards large carnivores have been successful in Europe, and the formerly lawfully persecuted species have started to reclaim their historical range. Coexistence with the predators is needed if their conservation should continue to succeed, as Europe does not host wilderness areas large enough to separate large carnivores from humans. As the importance of top-down regulation in ecosystems is recognized, the protection of these predators becomes essential. In Finland, all four large carnivore species, brown bear, grey wolf, Eurasian lynx and wolverine, have established populations, though their presence is not easily accepted by some. Large carnivores pose a threat to livestock and cause fear in the locals living in their territories. Wolf – hunting dog conflict is especially prominent in Finland south of reindeer husbandry area and the poaching of wolves hinders the population’s management. Attitudes towards large carnivores are often influenced by personal background, such as education level, ecological knowledge and respondent’s position in possible human – wildlife conflict. Residence can have an effect, as well, since conditions between living in urban or rural areas often differ. Hypothesis for this study are 1) attitudes towards large carnivores get worse while getting closer to protected areas, 2) attitudes towards large carnivores differ between eastern and western study areas, and 3) a higher education level increases positive attitudes towards large carnivores. The effect of ecological knowledge, prior experiences with large carnivores, age, sex and position in conflict was also explored. Study was conducted as a questionnaire, with face-to-face interviews and web survey distribution targeting two areas in Finland with large carnivore occupancy, one in the West and one in the East. A link between negatively perceived personal experiences and negative opinions towards large carnivores and their management was found. Living in the western area, where large carnivores have resided for a shorter time, predicted attitudes towards stricter management of the species. Third level education influenced attitudes positively. By understanding local attitudes towards large carnivores, it is possible to better understand the conflict between humans and predators, and so, find more likely solutions. Conservation actions where locals have been included, have been documented as successes. Regional differences in attitudes should be further studied and included in future decision making.
  • Niittymäki, Mikko (2023)
    Vacuum-packed frozen meat is popular for its longer shelf life and convenience. However, the quality and safety of these products can be compromised if the packaging material does not provide adequate protection from external factors such as oxygen, evaporation, and light. The objective of this thesis was to assess the feasibility of switching packaging materials for frozen vacuum-packed products at the case company to achieve complete recycling of packaging materials. Biochemical and sensory analysis was carried out on two different pork meats (minced shoulder and top side) packed in four commercially available packaging materials, two of which had an oxygen barrier and two had virtually no oxygen barrier. The top side samples were injected with salt and phosphate brine. All samples were stored in the freezer at -18°C for a storage period of 0-3 months. The analyses were carried out one day after both thawing and cold storage (+4°C). The top side had a storage period of two-weeks and minced meat one-week in the cold room after the thawing. Samples were analysed for TBARS, Thiols, colour, pH, and weight loss. The thiol and TBARS values, pH, a* values and weight loss were measured at different frozen storage times immediately after thawing, and after the cold storage. The results showed that frozen storage time resulted in a reduction in thiol concentrations and an increase in levels in all samples. The cold storage of samples at zero month did not influence thiol concentration, but after frozen storage samples showed a decrease in thiol concentrations. Samples packed in M1 and M2 packaging materials had less thiol content and less TBARS (P < 0.05). There were no differences in the pH of the samples packed in different packaging materials (P > 0.05). The red colour in samples packed in M1 and M2 materials were higher than in samples packed in M3 and M4 materials, but this was only in the case with minced shoulder samples and not with the top side samples. In samples packed in M1 and M3 samples the weight decreased considerably more than in samples packed in M2 and M4 samples (P < 0.05). Change in packaging material for frozen vacuum-packed frozen meat products is not advised to M3 and M4 materials. Forth considering is the choice between M1 and M2, where differed in weight loss during the frozen storage in favour of M2.
  • Hyry, Saimi (2022)
    The aim of the study. Spontaneous eye blink rate (sEBR) is a behavioral index that has been linked to frontostriatal dopaminergic activity. Reduced or increased dopaminergic activity due to clinical conditions tends to be associated with lower or higher sEBR, respectively, and sEBR can be modulated by pharmacological agents that affect dopamine signaling. Consequently, sEBR could serve as an easily accessible method of assessing brain dopaminergic tone indirectly in humans. It might be preferable to more expensive and invasive techniques such as positron emission tomography. However, it remains unclear whether variations in dopaminergic genes predict sEBR. In this cross-sectional study, the relationship between sEBR and dopaminergic genotype was examined in two samples. Two genetic polymorphisms were focused on: the COMT Val158Met polymorphism and the A1 allele of the Taq1A polymorphism. It was hypothesized that the COMT Val158Met polymorphism is associated with higher sEBR, and that the A1 allele of the Taq1A polymorphism is associated with lower sEBR. As BMI and diet have been linked with altered striatal dopamine function, the possible association between BMI, diet, and sEBR was studied exploratively. Methods. Data from three cross-sectional studies was used in this study: The intervention study (n = 31) is an experimental study that examines the effect of acute phenylalanine/tyrosine depletion on cognitive measures. The GREADT study (n = 86) focuses on the effects of genotype and diet on dopamine tone. The BEDOB study (n = 69) investigates neurocognitive mechanisms in obesity and binge eating disorder. Similar methodologies were used in the GREADT and the BEDOB studies, which is why these datasets were combined for the analyses. Blink rates were measured using an infrared eye tracking system. The participants completed the Dietary Fat and free Sugar Questionnaire (DFS) to assess how much they consumed saturated fat and refined sugar. In the GREADT/BEDOB sample, the associations between the polymorphisms, BMI, DFS-score, and sEBR were examined with univariate analyses of variance. In the intervention study sample, a generalized linear mixed model was run to check whether sEBR changed in the intervention and whether the genotypes, BMI, or DFS-score affected sEBR. Results. No influence of the genotypes was found on sEBR in either of the samples. BMI had a significant effect on sEBR in the GREADT/BEDOB sample. The association was significant in the overweight/obese group but not in the normal weight group. DFS-score did not influence sEBR in either of the samples. Conclusions. The results of this study converge with those of authors suggesting caution in using sEBR as a proxy for central dopamine functioning of healthy humans. In future studies, particular attention should be paid to methodological considerations when studying sEBR.
  • Kujanpää, Riina (2023)
    Objectives: Associations between family socioeconomic status and child and adolescent mental health have garnered increasing research interest in the last few decades. Parental mental health has also been shown to affect these associations. The aim of this study was to investigate whether changes in household income are associated with changes in adolescent mental health, and whether parental psychological distress affects these possible associations. Methods: The sample of this study was derived from the UK Household Longitudinal Study, and consisted of 9233 British adolescents aged 10 to 15 years and their biological mothers, stepmothers, or adopted mothers. The data of this study was gathered in four separate study waves. Adolescent mental health was measured with the self-completed Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire total difficulties score. Parental psychological distress was measured with the 12-item version of the General Health Questionnaire. Household income was equivalised to account for family size and composition. The data was analysed using fixed effects and random effects panel models. Adolescent sex, adolescent age, and parent age were included in the models as potential confounding variables. Results and conclusions: Greater household income was associated with less self-reported mental health symptoms in adolescents, but changes in household income were not associated with changes in adolescent mental health. Increases in parental psychological distress were associated with increases in adolescent mental health symptoms. The sex of the adolescent was not associated with adolescent mental health, while results regarding adolescent and parent age were mixed. The findings of this study suggest that there is an association between household income and adolescent mental health, but this association may not be causal in nature. The results also corroborate the status of parental mental health as an important determinant of adolescent mental health.
  • Miettinen, Katariina (2022)
    Objectives: Personality traits have been associated with fertility behaviour, but associations between personality and fertility intentions, especially uncertainty in fertility intentions, have not been studied before. Uncertainty in fertility intentions is the state in which an individual is not sure whether to have (more) children. Fertility intentions have been used to project population trends and to better understand reproductive decision-making processes. In this study, uncertainty in fertility intentions is studied from a biological point of view, by examining personality traits and their associations with uncertainty in fertility intentions, as well as how these associations differ between men and women. Methods: The data used in this study was from the German family panel (pairfam). The respondents (n=4420) were childless men and women aged 18-45 years. Long-term fertility intentions were assessed with a question about how many children the respondents realistically intended to have in their lifetime, and the answers were divided into three categories, one of which represented uncertain intentions. Personality traits were assessed using a short version of the Big Five Inventory. The associations were analyzed using multinomial logistic regression, and gender differences were analyzed using interaction terms between personality traits and gender. Age, partnership status, education and residence were controlled in the analysis. Results and conclusion: All personality traits, except extraversion, were associated with fertility intentions independent of socio-demographic factors. Higher neuroticism and openness were associated with higher uncertainty in fertility intentions, whereas higher conscientiousness and agreeableness were associated with higher likelihood of intending to have children. There were no differences between men and women in these associations. Male gender, older age, not having a partner, and higher education were related to higher uncertainty in fertility intentions. The results are mostly in line with previous studies on the associations between personality and actual number of children, except for conscientiousness, which has previously been associated with lower fertility. This study strengthens the notion that biological factors have associations with fertility behaviour, stressing the importance of further research on the topic.
  • Mylläri, Sanna (2020)
    Objective. Depression is associated with increased risk of chronic disease, which may be at least partly due to poor health behaviors. Growing body of evidence has associated depression with unhealthy diet. However, the association of depression with diet quality in the long run is not well known. Furthermore, it is unclear if dietary interventions could mitigate the harmful association of depression with diet. This study examined the association of depression with diet both cross-sectionally and longitudinally in a population-based prospective cohort. The effectiveness of an early-onset dietary intervention in modifying these associations was investigated. Methods. The sample (n = 457) was from The Special Turku Coronary Risk Factor Intervention Project (STRIP). The intervention group (n = 209) had undergone a dietary intervention lasting from age of 7 months until age of 20 years. Depression was measured at age 20 using Beck Depression Inventory II (BDI-II). Diet quality was assessed at ages 20 and 26 using a diet score calculated based on food diaries. Missing values were replaced using multiple imputation by chained equations. Linear regression analyses were used to analyze the association of depression at age 20 with diet at ages 20 and 26, as well as the modifying effect of intervention group on these associations. Results. No cross-sectional association was found for depression and diet at age 20. Depression at age 20 was longitudinally associated with worse diet quality at age 26. The associations did not differ between intervention and control groups at either of the time points. Conclusions. Contrary to previous research, this study did not find cross-sectional association for depression with diet. However, this study offers novel information on longitudinal associations, suggesting that depression may have effects on diet quality that can manifest after several years. Dietary intervention was not found effective in modifying these associations. Since long-term effects on diet may be an important factor explaining the association of depression with chronic diseases, ways to mitigate the adverse consequences of depression for diet should be explored further.
  • Sipilä, Katariina (2023)
    Infants´ and children´s diet influences normal development and overall health. A balanced diet providing essential nutrients is crucial. Recent research has examined the dietary patterns of children and infants, exploring potential associations between food components and the emergence of illnesses. Notably, investigations into relationships between dietary factors and metabolite have gained prominence. Metabolomics offers a means to investigate individual´s nutrition, health status, illnesses, and the interaction of medications and contaminants. This study aimed to elucidate the connections between diet and the serum metabolic profiles of 1-year-old Finnish children. This master´s thesis used data from Finnish infants (n=439) collected by 3-day food record and questionnaires, in conjunction with metabolite assessments from blood samples collected at the age of 12 months. The investigation particularly focused on cow´s milk products and breast milk. Spearman correlation coefficient served as the primary statistical tool utilising data derived from the DIPP Nutrition study. Infant diets´ primarily comprised various cow´s milk products, milks and infant formulas. Noteworthy findings revealed that distinct lipids and free fatty acids, significantly associated with cow´s milk product consumption and breastfeeding. In the future, this study holds potential for enhancing comprehension of diet-related disease development by employing metabolites as markers to dissect dietary impacts.
  • Virtanen, Lotta (2022)
    Digital health technologies strive to facilitate physicians’ burdensome work, but their implementations seem to have brought new stressors. Adapting to new ways of working can take time, and positive changes may not be noticed until later. This study aimed to examine associations of longer-term perceived work change due to digitalisation and intensity of digital work with job strain among physicians. Differences in possible associations were examined according to the length of work experience. This study analysed cross-sectional data of the Electronic Health Records as Physicians’ Tools Study collected from physicians (N=4271) working in Finland between January and March 2021. Job strain was measured with three outcomes: stress related to information systems (SRIS), time pressure, and stress. Opinions about how work had changed in the past 3 years were assessed with six statements based on the goals of digitalisation. The intensity of digital work was measured by the number of information systems used and the frequency of telemedicine work conducted. The associations were examined in multivariable linear and logistic regression analyses and adjusted for background variables. The physicians’ mean SRIS and time pressure scores were 3.5 and 3.7, respectively (scales 1–5; a higher score indicated higher strain levels), and 60% reported stress. The majority disagreed with the statement regarding accelerated clinical encounters due to digitalisation, which was associated with higher SRIS (b=.23, 95% CI [.16, .30]) and time pressure (b=.12, 95% CI [.04, .20]). Disagreement with facilitated access to patient information was associated with higher SRIS (b=.15, 95% CI [.07, .23]) and disagreement with supported decision-making was associated with higher SRIS (b=.11, 95% CI [.05, .18]) and greater odds of stress (OR=1.26, 95% CI [1.06, 1.48]). The more active role of patients received the greatest agreement among the physicians, and this agreement was associated with higher time pressure (b=.11, 95% CI [.04, .19]) and greater odds of stress (OR=1.19, 95% CI [1.02, 1.40]). Agreement with progressed interprofessional collaboration was also associated with higher time pressure (b=.10, 95% CI [.02, .18]). Intensive information systems use and intensive telemedicine work were consistently significantly associated with all job strain outcomes. Moreover, a significant interaction effect was found, as physicians who did intensive telemedicine work and had less than 6 years of work experience reported the highest time pressure. Not all physicians have felt that digitalisation would have facilitated their work, not even in the longer term, which may expose them to different strains. Digitalisation appears as a long work change process, where physicians would need constant support. In particular, early-career physicians could benefit from training to promote the time management skills needed for telemedicine work. Moreover, the functions, usability and interoperability of digital health technologies should be developed to support clinical encounters better. It would also be essential to improve the availability of digital support for patients in society, as physicians’ job strain related to patient activation might imply patients’ weak readiness to self-manage their health digitally.
  • Heinonen, Outi (2020)
    Advertising has been an area of interest in linguistic research for the past decades due to its pervasiveness and role in shaping our notions and values in society. This study sets out to examine the socio-cultural practices in a specific field of advertising discourse, influencer marketing on social media. Influencer marketing is a recent branch of marketing, brought forth by the popularity of social media. In Influencer marketing, the products are marketed by individual influencers instead of corporations or companies. Brands turn to social media influencers in order to reach a wider audience and to utilize the influencers’ social media presence and their ability to influence their audience to promote their products and to turn this social power into capital. The hypothesis is that this key difference between traditional marketing and influencer marketing. The aim of this study is to present a critical discourse analysis to examine the social context and relationship between the influencer and the reader. The methodologic approach applied to the analysis of the data is critical discourse analysis, more specifically Norman Fairclough’s three-dimensional model. Critical discourse analysis and Fairclough’s model allow focus on the linguistic properties in addition to the production and reception processes of discourse and the socio-cultural practices within discourse. The data and its analysis deemed that influencer marketing reveals consumerist ideologies that promote purchasing of goods as a means to reach happiness and well-being, as presented by the social media influencers.
  • Paavola, Jaakko (2024)
    Lenders assess the credit risk of loan applicants from both affordability and indebtedness perspective. The affordability perspective involves assessing the applicant’s disposable income after accounting for regular household expenditures and existing credit commitments, a measure called money-at-disposal or MaD. Having an estimate of the applicant’s expenditures is crucial, but simply asking applicants for their expenditures could lead to inaccuracies. Thus, lenders must produce their own estimates based on statistical or survey data about household expenditures, which are then passed to the MaD framework as input parameters or used as control limits to ascertain expenditure information reported by the applicant is truthful or at least adequately conservative. More accurate expenditure estimates in the loan origination would enable lenders to quantify mortgage credit risk more precisely, tailor loan terms more aptly, and protect customers against over-indebtedness better. Consequently, this would facilitate the lenders to be more profitable in their lending business as well as serve their customers better. But there is also a need for interpretability of the estimates stemming from compliance and trustworthiness motives. In this study, we examine the accuracy and interpretability of expenditure predictions of supervised models fitted to a microdataset of household consumption expenditures. To our knowledge, this is the first study to use such a granular and broad dataset to create predictive models of loan applicants’ expenditures. The virtually uninterpretable "black box" models we used, aiming at maximizing predictive power, rarely did better accuracy-wise than interpretable linear regression ones. Even when they did, the gain was marginal or in predicting minor expenditure categories that contributed only a low share of the total expenditures. Thus, ordinary linear regression is what we suggest generally provides the best combination of predictive power and interpretability. After careful feature selection, the best predictive power was attained with 20-54 predictor variables, the number depending on the expenditure category. If a very simple interpretation is needed, we suggest either a linear regression model of three predictor variables representing the number of household members, or a model based on the means within 12 "common sense groups" that we divided the households in. An alternative solution with a predictive power somewhere between the full linear regression model and the two simpler models is to use decision trees providing easy interpretation in the form of a set of rules.
  • Ulkuniemi, Uula (2022)
    This thesis presents a complication risk comparison of the most used surgical interventions for benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH). The investigated complications are the development of either a post-surgery BPH recurrence (reoperation), an urethral stricture or stress incontinence severe enough to require a surgical procedure for their treatment. The analysis is conducted with survival analysis methods on a data set of urological patients sourced from the Finnish Institute for Health and Welfare. The complication risk development is estimated with the Aalen-Johansen estimator and the effects of certain covariates on the complication risks is estimated with the Cox PH regression model. One of the regression covariates is the Charlson Comorbidity Index score, which attempts to quantify a disease load of a patient at a certain point in time as a single number. A novel Spark algorithm was designed to facilitate the efficient calculation of the Charlson Comorbidity Index score on a data set of the same size as the one used in the analyses here. The algorithm achieved at least similar performance to the previously available ones and scaled better on larger data sets and with stricter computing resource constraints. Both the urethral stricture and urinary incontinence endpoints suffered from a lower number of samples, which made the associated results less accurate. The estimated complication probabilities in both endpoint types were also so low that the BPH procedures couldn’t be reliably differentiated. In contrast, BPH reoperation risk analyses yielded noticeable differences among the initial BPH procedures. Regression analysis results suggested that the Charlson Comoborbidity Index score isn’t a particularly good predictor in any of the endpoints. However, certain cancer types that are included in the Charlson Comorbidity Index score did predict the endpoints well when used as separate covariates. An increase in the patient’s age was associated with a higher complication risk, but less so than expected. In the urethral stricture and urinary incontinence endpoints the number of preceding BPH operations was usually associated with a notable complication risk increase.
  • Rasola, Miika (2020)
    Resonant inelastic X-ray scattering (RIXS) is one of the most powerful synchrotron based methods for attaining information of the electronic structure of materials. Novel ultra-brilliant X-ray sources, X-ray free electron lasers (XFEL), offer new intriguing possibilities beyond the traditional synchrotron based techniques facilitating the transition of X-ray spectroscopic methods to the nonlinear intensity regime. Such nonlinear phenomena are well known in the optical energy range, less so in X-ray energies. The transition of RIXS to the nonlinear region could have significant impact on X-ray based materials research by enabling more accurate measurements of previously observed transitions, allowing the detection of weakly coupled transitions on dilute samples and possibly uncovering completely unforeseen information or working as a platform for novel intricate methods of the future. The nonlinear RIXS or stimulated RIXS (SRIXS) on XFEL has already been demonstrated in the simplest possible proof of concept case. In this work a comprehensive introduction to SRIXS is presented from a theoretical point of view starting from the very beginning, thus making it suitable for anyone with the basic understanding of quantum mechanics and spectroscopy. To start off, the principles of many body quantum mechanics are revised and the configuration interactions method for representing molecular states is introduced. No previous familiarity with X-ray matter interaction or RIXS is required as the molecular and interaction Hamiltonians are carefully derived, based on which a thorough analysis of the traditional RIXS theory is presented. In order to stay in touch with the real world, the basic experimental facts are recapped before moving on to SRIXS. First, an intuitive picture of the nonlinear process is presented shedding some light onto the term \textit{stimulated} while introducing basic terminology and some X-ray pulse schemes along with futuristic theoretical examples of SRIXS experiments. After this, a careful derivation of the Maxwell-Liouville-von Neumann theory up to quadrupole order is presented for the first time ever. Finally, the chapter is concluded with a short analysis of the experimental status quo on XFELs and some speculation on possible transition metal samples where SRIXS in its current state could be applied to observe quadrupole transitions advancing the field remarkably.
  • Berglund, Jenny Johanna (2021)
    Avhandlingens syfte är att undersöka hur orenhet, äckel och hot skapar konstskräck i utvalda berättelser från Clive Barkers Books of Blood och Thomas Ligottis Songs of a Dead Dreamer. Båda verken är novellsamlingar från 1980-talet, och kan klassificeras som skräcklitteratur. Min analys koncentrerar sig på hotfulla utrymmen och omgivningar i novellerna och beskrivningar av abjekta och äckliga kroppar. Min analys grundar sig på Noël Carrolls teori om hur konstskräck, en sorts fiktiv skräckkänsla som kan uppstå genom att läsa skräcklitteratur, alltid består av en kombination av både äckel och hot. Äcklet innehåller alltid någon form av orenhet, och det orena skapas då någon kategorisk gräns överträds. Jag använder mig dessutom av Julia Kristevas koncept om abjektet, som också beskriver något orent och innebär en sorts gränsöverträdelse; abjektet är någonting som är en blandning av vanligtvis skilda kategorier och kan skapa en våldsam chock för den som vittnar en blandning eller störning av dessa kategorier. Jag använder också Martha Nussbaums teori om äckel för att analysera det orena i verken. Min analys visar hur karaktärernas trygga utrymmen som beskrivs i verken invaderas av olika monster och väsen som är orena, och förvandlar dem till hotfulla omgivningar genom sin närvaro. Dessa inkräktare kan vara olika varelser, som spöken, demoner och mördare, eller mer abstrakta varelser och krafter som symboliserar ett mer ogripbart hot. I Barkers noveller sker invasionen ofta stegvis i större, allmänna utrymmen som storstäder, och i Ligottis verk i mer privata omgivningar som det egna hemmet. Avhandlingen undersöker också varför äckliga och orena kroppar ses som abjekt: kropparna bryter någon sorts kategorisk gräns och orsakar en djup och radikal störning i vår världsbild eller självbild som följd. I Barkers noveller skapas olika kroppsabjekt bl.a. via skildringar av kroppar med sjukliga egenskaper och drag som påminner om lik, genom att beskriva överträdelser av accepterade gränser gällande fysisk kontakt med djur och detaljerade beskrivningar av lidande människokroppar. I Ligottis verk riktas abjektet och äcklet i stället mot den egna kroppen, då karaktärerna eller deras kroppsdelar ofta genomgår olika formskiftningar och förvandlingar eller smittas ner med främmande substanser. De abjekta monsterkropparna kan symbolisera delar i olika förtryckande samhällssystem, och dessa system tvingar ofta karaktärerna att bli en del av dessa hierarkier. Hotet som monstren och de abjekta kropparna skapar kan vara enbart fysiskt, men också ha moraliska, psykologiska eller politiska nivåer och kan rikta sig mot enskilda karaktärer eller större samhällen och gemenskaper. De orena skräckfigurerna representerar och förkroppsligar alla dessa hot, och när de möts i skräcklitteratur, fungerar de som fysiska manifestationer och spegelbilder av karaktärernas rädslor och skapar konstskräck.
  • Pentikäinen, Katariina (2023)
    This study investigated Finnish students’ attitudes towards English accents. Since the topic had not been studied recently in the Finnish context and mostly with upper secondary students, the study set out to provide current insight into the topic. Furthermore, to observe how age, education, and proficiency level are related to the attitudes, students at both lower and upper secondary level and at both regular and bilingual (Fi-En) programs were selected as informants. The attitudes were studied via a combination of direct and indirect methods. First, a widely used indirect attitudinal measure, the verbal-guise technique, was employed to observe what kinds of immediate reactions different accents elicit in the students. The students heard authentic samples of eight different accents, two native and six non-native, and evaluated them on various adjectives on a semantic differential scale. Second, the students answered questionnaire items regarding their familiarity with accents and their views and practices in relation to speaking English. Altogether 156 students completed the survey. Mainly quantitative analysis of the students’ answers showed that although their attitudes towards the accents were mostly positive, they had significantly more negative attitudes towards non-native than native English accents. Furthermore, accent strength seemed to be a discriminating factor with mild-accented speakers preferred over heavy-accented speakers. While all students showed very similar preferences with respect to the accents, the strength of the attitudes somewhat varied between the respondent groups with bilingual upper secondary students indicating more positive attitudes than the rest of the students. With respect to the different characteristics that the speakers were rated on, the students considered native speakers very competent, intelligent and fluent, whereas non-native speakers were regarded as more honest than competent. The students were very adept at categorizing the speakers as native or non-native; however, apart from the British and heavy Finnish accent, they struggled with recognizing the speakers’ accents. Although no significant correlation was found between accent recognition and attitude, the better the students identified the speaker as non-native, the more negative attitudes they showed towards the speaker. The study found that although Finnish students’ attitudes towards non-native accents have become more positive compared to previous studies, they are still somewhat subject to the native speaker, standard language ideology. Further research is still needed to provide deeper insight into the ideologies functioning behind this, at least covert, preference for native speakers.
  • Aarne, Onni (2022)
    The content we see is increasingly determined by ever more advanced recommender systems, and popular social media platform TikTok represents the forefront of this development (See Chapter 1). There has been much speculation about the workings of these recommender systems, but precious little systematic, controlled study (See Chapter 2). To improve our understanding of these systems, I developed sock puppet bots that consume content on TikTok as a normal user would (See Chapter 3). This allowed me to run controlled experiments to see how the TikTok recommender system would respond to sock puppets exhibiting different behaviors and preferences in a Finnish context, and how this would differ from the results obtained by earlier investigations (See Chapter 4). This research was done as part of a journalistic investigation in collaboration with Long Play. I found that TikTok appears to have adjusted their recommender system to personalize content seen by users to a much lesser degree, likely in response to a previous investigation by the WSJ. However, I came to the conclusion that, while sock puppet audits can be useful, they are not a sufficiently scalable solution to algorithm governance, and other types of audits with more internal access are needed (See Chapter 5).
  • Hurme, Erika (2023)
    This thesis examines Finnish upper secondary school English teachers’ practices and beliefs regarding authenticity and autonomy in the EFL classroom. The aim of the study is to find out how EFL teachers promote experiences of authenticity and learner autonomy in the classroom and this way create connections to students’ use of English outside school. The study is also interested in English teachers’ attitudes towards authenticity and autonomy as well as the teachers’ support for students’ Extramural English use. Research on EFL learners’ Extramural English use has reported of a gap between formal and informal language learning settings, and this thesis investigates the applicability of experiences of authenticity and learner autonomy in bridging this gap. The data of the study consists of qualitative classroom observations and interviews with English teachers. Four upper secondary school English teachers participated in the study. Three lessons were observed from each teacher, which adds up to twelve observed lessons in total. The observations focused on the teachers’ motivational practice and teaching materials. In addition, semi-structured retrospective interviews were conducted with the teachers after the classroom observations. Qualitative content analysis was applied to both sets of data to describe the teachers’ practices and attitudes towards authenticity and autonomy in language learning. The data analysis shows that while the teachers used a variety of motivational strategies to promote authenticity and autonomy in the classroom, each teacher also had their preferred motivational practices that characterised their teaching. Comparing the classroom observation data and the interview data revealed a connection between the teachers’ practices and their definitions and attitudes towards authenticity in language learning. While the teachers considered authenticity and autonomy important in language learning, they perceived promoting them in class as difficult due to constraints such as available time and materials. Authenticity and autonomy were promoted in the classroom mostly by using strategies of teacher discourse, which aimed at arguing for the relevance or purpose of the learning tasks and connecting the learning to students’ everyday lives. Interestingly, the teachers were not especially keen on supporting their students’ Extramural English practices and questioned whether students desire experiences of authenticity and autonomy at all in school. The results of the study shed light on the complex relationship between formal and informal language learning settings from the EFL teachers’ perspective.