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  • Ruotsalainen, Katjamaria (2017)
    Objectives The aim of this study was to find out how the daycare center leaders define the pedagogy of early childhood education. The aim was also to find out how they effectively contribute to the emphasis of pedagogy in the daycare centres they manage according to the Early Childhood Education Act. The research also sought information on how to implement multiprofessional work and kindergarten teachers job description. According to the Early Childhood Education Act, the pedagogical responsibility of the children's pedagogy belongs to the kindergarten teacher. The background theory of this research is the contextual leadership theory. The theoretical part also provides an overview of the Early Childhood Education Pedagogy and the Early Childhood Education Act. Methods The study combined a quantitative and qualitative approach. The material was collected via an e-questionnaire from November to December 2016. The survey was conducted for day-care leaders in Espoo, Helsinki and Vantaa municipal early education, with 58 participants. The study is part of the development work of the leadership of the Kindergarten Teacher Association. Findings The range of definitions of pedagogy in the earlychildhood education of the daycare leaders was wide. The results also showed that most of the respondents were familiar with the Early Childhood Education Act and wanted to develop pedagogy. They also evaluated that the level of pedagogy was good in their daycare centres. They wanted to develop the involvement of children and parents. They also wanted to increase kindergarten teacher's pedagogical responsibility, but there were also differences in opinion. It can be concluded that the daycare center leaders want to develop pedagogy, but they might need further training in pedagogy of early childhood education pedagogy as well as multiprofessional work. As a follow-up study, it would be interesting to know how kindergarten teachers would evaluate the pedagogical work of their daycare centres
  • Stenberg, Saara (2021)
    Aims. Well-be and qualified early childhood education professionals ensure the quality of early childhood education. Pedagogical leadership that notes the fulfillment of psychological basic needs has the crucial role. Recently, however, leadership in early childhood education has greatly diversified. The purpose of this study was to clarify how the pedagogical leadership in early childhood education enables the fulfillment of the psychological basic needs of early childhood education professionals in their work. The aim of this thesis was to study the experiences of early childhood education professionals, how the fulfillment of psychological basic needs manifests in their work. In addition, the aim of this study was to find out the promotional and preventive factors related to the fulfillment of basic needs. Methods. This thesis is a qualitative case study. A theme interview was used as the data collection method. The framework of the interview was based on an interview formula measuring the fulfillment of psychological basic needs at work. Five early childhood education professionals were interviewed for this study. Theory–based content analysis was used as a method of analysis. Results and conclusions. The results showed that early childhood education professionals felt that psychological basic needs were filled quite well in their work. Fulfillment of psychological basic needs was associated with good pedagogical leadership. Based on the experiences of early childhood education professionals, the success of pedagogical leadership and thus supporting the fulfillment of the psychological basic needs of early childhood educators requires resources and leadership skills. According to the results, it is important to pay attention to the quality of the interaction, time available for the interaction, and the balance between work tasks and working hours. To support the fulfillment of the psychological basic needs of early childhood education professionals is essential to draw attention to adequate resourcing and the development of pedagogical leadership skills.
  • Mäkipaja, Aino (2016)
    The main aim of this research is to clarify practices and perceptions of heads of departments regarding the pedagogical leadership in the university. The research of pedagogical leadership has usually been focused on the elementary school context or in the day care context. In order to improve teaching and its quality in the university level, more information about leadership of teaching is also needed. The pedagogical leadership is understood here as leadership of teaching. Attention is also drawn to the models of university management and their impact to pedagogical leadership. Especially the focus is on the collegial and managerial models of management. The research is a qualitative study. The material was collected with focused interviews in spring 2015. The informants were seven heads of departments and one vice head of department, in a Finnish multidisciplinary university. The analysis was made with inductive content analysis. First, thematically similar contents were classified in sub-categories to make it possible to encapsulate the material. Secondly, the similar sub-categories were combined under main-categories. The research's focus was on how collegial and managerial models of management occur on the heads of departments' practices and perceptions of pedagogical leadership. Based on the analysis, ten main-categories were to be found. The organizing of the pedagogical leadership can happen in three ways: it's delegated, it's collegial or the head of department is in charge of it. The pedagogical principals are negotiated collegially, individually or the faculty has influence on them. The responsibility of the development of the pedagogical leadership is divided in to collegial or individual action. The efforts of the head of the department to improve the development of the pedagogical leadership, happen through his/her own actions or collegially implemented. To maintain the collegial management culture, it's important to underline its importance in the development of the leadership of teaching and also in the courses of management which are designed for the leaders of pedagogical leadership. Overall it's important to invest to these courses of management because they help to raise awareness of the importance of pedagogical leadership.
  • Pitkänen, Jori (2008)
    In this research pedagogical live action role playing is examined as a method of teaching history. The objective of this research is to present and define the concept of pedagogical live action role playing as a method of teaching history and examine its capability in teaching historical empathy. Pedagogical live action role playing is a teaching method under development which has elements from drama pedagogics and different learning theories. The theoretical part of this research consists of play theories and drama pedagogical theories which are relevant to live action role playing, and also the concepts of historical empathy and historical thinking. In drama pedagogics the main sources are the researches of Laakso (2004) and Heikkinen (2002, 2004). The historical part uses the researches of VanSledright (2002), Cooper (2000) and Ashby and Lee (1987) as its main sources. The research was carried out at the Viikki Teacher Training School in the class 6b during autumn 2007. The research material consists of three-phased interviews. During all phases three pupils were interviewed, and during two of the phases, also the teacher of the class was interviewed. The methods used in the interviews were thematic interview and stimulated recall -interview. The data gathered from the interviews was analyzed using content analysis. Pedagogical live action role playing has three phases when teaching history: pre-game (preparations), game (live action role play) and post-game (discussion after the game and in the classroom). The teacher's attention and carefulness is important during all phases. The mistakes made in the pre-game face e.g. in writing the characters seem to cause major problems in the pupils' game experiences. Pedagogical live action role playing is capable of teaching historical empathy, but according to my research this has some conditions, from which the most important is the pupil's historical knowledge before the game. Teaching historical empathy was based on aesthetic dualition: the pupil made decisions about the actions of his character as him/herself. The more background information the pupil had about the era they played, the more the pupil seemed to make decisions based on his historical empathy, aka his understanding of the era of the larp and of the people of the same era.
  • Järvinen, Kati (2015)
    The purpose of this study was to explore the importance of director's pedagogical leadership in everyday early childhood education. Through the research problems I wanted to find out how pedagogical leadership affects in the quality of interaction, learning environments and pedagogical atmosphere in early childhood unit. The theoretical background of this study is based on Finnish and international research of early childhood education and leadership. According to the earlier research pedagogical leadership plays an essential role in high-quality early childhood education. I believe that this study supports earlier research and by this research I want to highlight the relevance of the pedagogical leadership in children's everyday life in early childhood education. This was a quantitative research. The data used in this study was part of research and development project called Orientaation lähteillä which wants to find out what really happens in early childhood education. Project is implemented in co-operation between Teacher Education in Helsinki University and day cares in Uusimaa and Hämeenlinna. The data used in this study was collected using the questionnaires about learning environments answered by 766 units from 10 municipalities. The data included also responses of 143 child minders but in this research the data is limited to responses of the day care center workers. This study is based on the claim the pedagogical leadership and the educational culture should be strengthened in our unit. The SPSS-software was used for the analysis of the results. In the context of interaction, the lack of pedagogical leadership was reflected strongest in the emotional climate and atmosphere of the unit. When pedagogical leadership was strong, interaction between the unit seemed to be more positive and pleasure and well-being were more often present in everyday life. Pedagogical leadership seemed to play an important role in diversity of the learning environment and in the quality of physical learning environment and playing environment. What came to unit's pedagogical atmosphere, the lack of time and resources was the most significant variable that correlated with the pedagogical leadership. According to the results, director's pedagogical leadership affects many different ways in everyday early childhood education and that's why it should be acknowledged.
  • Sakko, Martta (2023)
    The realisation of high-quality early childhood education (ECE) requires strong pedagogical leadership. Although there are fewer studies on pedagogical leadership at the administra-tive level of ECE organisations, it has been shown that leadership in ECE has a strong top-down direction (Fonsén, 2014, 182). In this study, I analysed the implementation of peda-gogical leadership at the upper-management level of an ECE organisation. For the purpose of this study, upper management refers to the level superior to a day care centre director. The study examines perceptions on pedagogical leadership among the upper-management staff of an ECE organisation. In addition, it discusses how they perceive their own roles as implementers of pedagogical leadership. Apart from the points mentioned above, the aim of the study was to clarify their views on micro and macro level interaction in an ECE organisa-tion and their preferred means to promote it. Qualitative methods were used for data collection. The dataset was collected using theme interviews. Five persons at the administrative level of a city’s ECE organisation participated in the interviews. The dataset was analysed using inductive content analysis. The results of the study indicate that the administrative-level staff of an ECE organisation have varying perceptions on pedagogical leadership, ranging from implementing the core mission to a broad perspective where pedagogical leadership is used as an umbrella con-cept for any leadership in ECE. The pedagogical leadership implemented by upper-management staff can be examined from three different perspectives: a pedagogical per-spective, the staff’s perspective, and a financial perspective. All interviewees recognised the waterfall effect in leadership, where leadership is seen as having a strong top-down direc-tion and insufficient interaction between different levels. The study results indicated this as an area of development that needs addressing. According to the interviewees, interaction between different levels could be improved by increasing pedagogical discourse, meeting with the staff, developing communication, and including different organisational levels more in decision-making.
  • Hulkkonen, Elina (2018)
    Helsingin yliopistossa lääkäreiden ja hammaslääkäreiden erikoistumiskoulutukseen on sisältynyt vuodesta 2009 lähtien 30 opintopisteen lähijohtajakoulutus. Lähijohtajakoulutus koostuu lähiopetuspäivistä, kehittymistehtävistä, kirjallisuustehtävistä sekä portfoliosta ja mentoroinnista. Kehittymistehtävien osuus lähijohtajakoulutuskokonaisuudesta on 6-16 opintopistettä. Tutkimuksessa selvitettiin, minkä tyyppisiä erilaisia kehittymistehtäviä erikoistuvat lääkärit ja hammaslääkärit ovat suorittaneet osana lähijohtajakoulutusta liittyen pedagogisiin elementteihin. Tarkasteltiin, kuinka suuri osa kehittymistehtävistä ylipäänsä sisältää pedagogisia elementtejä ja minkälaisia nämä elementit ovat. Erikoistuvien kirjoittamista reflektioista etsittiin pedagogisia teemoja lähijohtamiseen liittyen. Teemat ryhmiteltiin kategorioiksi. Eri kategorioiden osuuksien ja painotusten selvittämisellä luotiin kokonaiskuvaa, jonka avulla määritettiin, minkälaisia pedagogisia ongelmia tai johtamistilanteita erikoislääkärit kokevat jokapäiväisessä työssään. Tutkimisaineistona käytettiin Helsingin yliopistossa erikoistuvien lääkäreiden ja hammaslääkäreiden kirjoittamia kehittymistehtävien reflektioita. Tutkimukseen otettiin mukaan 100 erikoistuvaa lääkäriä ja hammaslääkäriä, jotka olivat viimeisimpinä suorittaneet lähijohtajakoulutuksen kokonaisuudessaan 26.4.2016 mennessä. Sadasta valmistuneesta valittiin satunnaisesti 30 erikoistunutta, joiden kehittymistehtäviä tarkasteltiin tarkemmin. Tutkimusmenetelmänä käytettiin sisällönanalyysiä, jonka avulla aineistosta löydettiin 43 pedagogista teemaa, jotka lopulta luokiteltiin yhdeksään kategoriaan. Yli puolet kehittymistehtävistä sisälsi pedagogisia elementtejä. Pedagogisia elementtejä esiintyi erityisesti seuraavissa tehtävissä: vakuuttava luento, toimipaikan hoito-ohjeiden laatiminen, perehdytyskansion laatiminen/päivitys sekä amanuenssin ohjaaminen. Kehittymistehtävistä löytyi 43 erilaista pedagogista teemaa, joista muodostettiin 9 kategoriaa, jotka ovat: opetus ja koulutus, käytännön ohjaus, tiedotus, kirjalliset tuotokset, oleellisen tiedon löytäminen ja tiivistäminen, muiden henkinen tukeminen, muiden oppimisen tukeminen, sosiaalisten taitojen jakaminen ja jatkuva kehitys ja kehittyminen. Erikoislääkäri tarvitsee edellä mainittuja taitoja jokapäiväisessä työssään lähijohtajana. Tulokset vastaavat myös melko hyvin CanMEDS –terälehtiä eli osaamisperusteisen lääkärinkoulutuksen osa-alueita.
  • Lapinoja, Aino (2021)
    Opettajankoulutusta ja siihen sisältyviä aineenopettajan pedagogisia opintoja sekä opettajien työelämää on tutkittu runsaasti, mutta oppiainekohtaisia tutkimuksia aineenopettajien kokemuksista työelämästä ja käymistään opinnoista on kuitenkin niukasti. Tässä tutkielmassa selvitin vastavalmistuneiden evankelisluterilaisen uskonnon aineenopettajien kokemuksia työelämästä ja aineenopettajan pedagogisista opinnoista. Tutkimustehtävä jakautui kahteen tutkimuskysymykseen: 1. Millaisia työelämän haasteita vastavalmistunut evankelisluterilaisen uskonnon aineenopettaja on kohdannut lukion opetustyössä 2. Millaisia valmiuksia Helsingin yliopiston aineenopettajan pedagogiset opinnot ovat tarjonneet aineenopettajan työssä ilmenneisiin haasteisiin. Tutkielma on laadullinen haastattelututkimus, ja olen kerännyt aineiston haastattelemalla kuutta vastavalmistunutta evankelisluterilaisen uskonnon aineenopettajiksi työllistynyttä henkilöä. Toteutin haastattelut puolistrukturoidun teemahaastattelun avulla. Teemahaastattelurunko pohjautui aiemman tutkimuksen pohjalta laatimaani teoreettiseen viitekehykseen ja tämän vuoksi teoriaohjaava sisällönanalyysi kuvaa aineistoni analyysiprosessia parhaiten. Aineistonanalyysin perusteella muodostin kolme pääteemaa: työskentely evankelisluterilaisen uskonnon aineenopettajana, aineenopettajan työssä koetut haasteet ja aineenopettajan pedagogiset opinnot vastaamassa työelämän haasteisiin. Kyseisiä teemoja olen käyttänyt tulosten esittelyssä. Tutkielman lopussa tarkastelen aineiston pohjalta nousseita tuloksia. Merkittävimmät tutkielman tulokset liittyvät siihen, että vastavalmistuneet evankelisluterilaisen uskonnon aineenopettajat kohtaavat työssään runsaasti sellaisia haasteita, joihin he eivät ole osanneet varautua. Työelämässä koetut haasteet liittyvät sekä vastavalmistuneen heikkoon asemaan työyhteisössä että ajankäytöllisiin vaikeuksiin. Tuloksissa näkyi myös vastavalmistuneiden aineenopettajien kokemuksia siitä, että aineenopettajan pedagogiset opinnot loivat epärealistisen kuvan todellisesta työelämästä.
  • Jardbrink, Sara (2024)
    The goal of the study is to examine how pedagogical personnel in Fenno-swedish elementary schools in Finland's capital region perceive the appearance of social norms among the students, as well as how the personnel themselves handle these social norms and whether or not they feel that materials and tools for education regarding social norms are made readily available. The study is based on semi-structured interviews with participants based on a fenomenological approach, and uses a thematic content analysis to clarify the answers given to the interview-questions. The study aims to answer following questions: How do pedagogical personnel handle the reigning hetero- and cis-normativity? How do pedagogical personnel experience the social norms regarding gender and sexuality that are established in the school? How do pedagogical personnel experience the availability of material for education regarding norms and the LGBTQ+-dimension? The pedagogical personnel experiences that the schools where they work has an open discussion-climate regarding social norms touching on gender and sexuality, and that the municipalities in general do good work with further education and creation of possibilities to education regarding social norms. They experience some discomfort or reluctance among a minority of pedagogical personnel regarding the subject, but mean that the majority is open and willing to learn more. Among the students, the personnel experience a high level of awareness regarding social norms on gender and sexuality, but older thought-patterns and also name-calling touching on gender and sexuality remain and are often used even when students do not know what the words mean. An active work is done with the students to increase their understanding for what the words they use mean. The pedagogical personnel also experiences that although material and tools exist and are available, they need further support from the student healthcare, which is made difficult when positions in that sector are being cut down.
  • Edgren, Ronja (2023)
    The aim of this study is to establish an understanding of how early childhood education and care (ECEC) leaders and employees describe the pedagogical leadership, as well as how they would develop the leadership. In addition to that the aim is to establish an understanding of how the ECEC leaders’ description of the pedagogical leadership relates to the employees’ description. Previous studies show that ECEC leaders do not seem to have enough working hours for the pedagogical leadership although it is considered to be an important part of their job. The previous studies that have been found for the theoretical references of this study seem to mostly focus on either ECEC leaders’ or employees’ experiences of the ECEC leadership. Hence, this study aims to compare the experiences of the leaders and employees while trying to create an overall picture of the pedagogical leadership in ECEC. It is also relevant to look into the informants’ suggestions for leadership development because of the current situation where the ECEC has reached a point where changes in working conditions are necessary. Based on these aims the following four research questions were formulated; how do ECEC leaders describe the pedagogical leadership, how do ECEC employees describe the pedagogical leadership, how do the ECEC leaders’ descriptions relate to the ECEC employees’ descriptions and how would the informants develop the leadership in the ECEC? The study was conducted as qualitative research with a phenomenographic research approach. The data was collected through semi structured interviews with ECEC leaders and employees. Five leaders and three employees participated in the study. The interviews were later transcribed, and these transcripts were then analyzed with a phenomenographic analysis method. ECEC leaders and employees had very similar descriptions of pedagogical leadership on several points. In the descriptions, policy documents and visions were mentioned as essential parts of pedagogical leadership. In addition, reflection, the leader’s availability, and the offer of tools for the pedagogical activities were highlighted as important aspects. Regarding the development proposals the informants wished for more ECEC leaders, a change in the number of employees and guidance at work.
  • Oksanen, Leea Maritta (2018)
    Objectives. We live surrounded by increasingly diverse media and visual culture, which chal-lenges and enables different methods to teach and learn. The purpose of this study is to find out the fundamentals for using pictures taken by students. This study tries to find out, what meaning does the picture have for the students themselves and in addition, what pedagogical grounds can be given for the use of photographs in teaching. Methods. The participants of this qualitative study were 24 third graders with their teacher and two student teachers. The empirical research material was collected during November-December 2017 by observing the multidisciplinary learning modules and by interviewing six students, the teacher and the two student teachers. The interviews were themed semi-structured interviews. The material was analysed using theory-based and theory-driven content analysis. Quantification technique was used on parts of the material. Results and conclusions. The results of this study indicate that students might give different meanings to a photograph, which appeared as roles depending on the area of the field that was in question. These fields were Field of Working, Field of Thinking and Learning to Learn and lastly Field of Experimentalism. Category “other” comprised of; the misleader, the one who brings up problems and the one who emphasizes the importance of the group. After the third round of interviews we could add to the same category the one who commemorates the occa-sion and the one who is vague. The results also showed that the students are able to use photo-graphs to determine for themselves meaningful ways to learn. The study also produced one in-teresting method, which I think can be used in teaching, for example to improve multiliteracy.
  • Häyrynen, Eeva-Leena (2020)
    The aim of this study was to investigate the effects of the pedagogical intervention (PedaSens) to develop adult reflective function (RF). The research questions are: 1) How did early childhood educators relate their interaction? 2) How did early childhood educators relate the strenghts of their interaction in terms of pedagogical sensitivity? 3) How did the reflective function (RF) appeal in both individual and group reflective diaries and how did the reflective function increase during the intervention? The purpose of PedaSens-intervention was to increase a professional development and well-being of the children. Previous research has demonstrated that adults’ reflective function is requirement for pedagogical sensitivity. The previous PedaSens-research has demonstrated that consciousness of high-quality interaction increased by intervention and adults also paid more attention to their own working habits. This study increase understanding of mentalization and reflective function (RF) as one of the quality factor in pedagogical sensitivity and early childhood education work. A total of 43 kindergarten professionals and their 13 teams from outside of southern Finland participated in the study. The data consists of early childhood educators’ reflective diaries, which was returned via email to doctoral student Sivi Harkoma. Data included both individual and group diaries. Theory guided content analysis was made by creating an estimation scale where was utilized the reflective function theory. The main intent was to clarify how adults perceive and describe both their and children’s behavior and state of mind after meaningful interaction in terms of mentalization, mental consepts and reflective thinking. Reflection function (RF) was at lower to normal lever among most participants both in individual and group diaries. In those diaries adults focused on describing behaviour and interpreting children’s mind. In individual reflections RF was in the same levels during intervention, in group reflections RF increased more during intervention. According to this study mentalization and reflective function seem to be necessary to improve and give opportunity for reflective discussion in early childhood education. In higher level of reflective function, educators had more intense describing of mental state and interest in child’s mind.
  • Junna, Tuomas (2020)
    Pedogenic ferromanganese nodules and concretions are prevalent redoximorphic features in tropical and sub-tropical soils. The nodules are typically highly enriched in Fe and Mn that are present as oxides, hydroxides and oxyhydroxides. The formation of nodules happens via precipitation and translocation of metals as the soil redox state undergoes cyclical changes between reductive and oxidizing settings. As the nodule elemental distribution and structure is primarily and expression of the prevailing soil redox conditions, Fe-Mn nodules have the potential to be a useful tool of paleoclimatological analysis. The Chinese Loess Plateau (CLP) is a terrestrial archive for study of changes in the monsoon climate system. During Late Miocene, the intensification of the Asian Monsoon system caused an increase in warmth and humidity in inland Eastern Asia during a global trend of increased aridity and decreasing temperatures. Fe-Mn nodules from three different soil horizons, formed 8.07, 7.7 and 3.7 Ma ago in Lantian, southern CLP, were studied to compare nodules from varying sedimentary settings formed under different moisture regimes. Using electron microscopy methods, the structure and elemental distribution of nodules were described to compare their redoximorphic features. Large Fe-Mn nodules from floodplain sediments (8.07 Ma) show a well-developed structure, high metal enrichment and signs of variations in rate of formation and dominant redox states. The soil redox conditions are likely primarily controlled by the river flooding. Nodules from two eolian deposits (7.7 Ma and 3.7 Ma) were, on average smaller and showed less metal enrichment, less elemental differentiation and less variance in the dominant redox conditions. Only small, poorly developed nodules were found from older eolian sediments whereas younger soil horizon contained larger nodules with evidence of higher hydromorphism. While potential for using the nodules from eolian sediments to assess changes in precipitation exists, the lack of paleoclimatological information in smaller nodules, the small sample count, limitations of the methods and variance in depositional settings increase the uncertainty of the interpretation.
  • Helminen, Heidi (2017)
    Obesity is considered one of the major public health challenges. One way to control obesity is to regulate appetite. Because brain is the primary regulative unit responsible for food intake, the research in this field has now been allocated especially to the central nervous system. The aim of this thesis was to clarify the role of cholinergic projections from pedunculopontine tegmentum (PPT) to lateral hypothalamus (LH) in food intake. In this study, DREADD-technology (designed receptors exclusively activated by designer drugs) based on chemogenetics was utilized with a gene manipulated mouse strain. For the experimental part of this work the mice were divided in three separate groups: one transducted with an activating DREADD-receptor (hM3Dq), one transducted with an inhibiting DREADD-receptor (hM4Di) and one transducted only with a fluorescent protein called m-Cherry. The last group was also defined as a control group of this study. In addition, the gene which coded m-Cherry fluorescent protein was transducted together with hM3Dq- and hM4Di-receptor genes for the first two groups to be able to examine the receptor expression later. At the baseline level, no differences were observed in food intake between the three study groups. The food intake did not differ between the groups while clozapine-N-oxide (CNO), a selective DREADD-receptor ligand, was administered straight into the LH area (0,03 µg/injection) with or without fasting of the animals. While administrating CNO to the mice intraperitoneally (1 mg/kg), the hM3Dq-group mice were observed to consume more food compared to the hM4Di-group or the control group. This difference was detected while food consumption was examined cumulatively during total four measuring hours. When the animals were fasted before the intraperitoneal administration test, however no differences were found between the study groups regarding food intake. As a conclusion of this study, cholinergic projections from pedunculopontine tegmentum (PPT) to lateral hypothalamus (LH) were not regulating food intake in mice. However, the cholinergic cells in PPT and some of their axons might be involved in the regulation of food intake while the food consumption is studied continuously and long-term. More studies are required to better define the role of the cholinergic projections from pedunculopontine tegmentum (PPT) to lateral hypothalamus (LH) in food intake.
  • Lepp, Annika (2011)
    The present study analyses the memories of watching Finnish television in Estonia during the last decades of the Soviet occupation from the late 1960s until the beginning of 1990s. The study stems from a culturalist approach, perceiving television as a relevant aspect in the audiences’ everyday lives. It explores the significance of Finnish television on the society of occupied Estonia from the point of view of its historical audiences. The literature review concentrates on concepts such as the power of television, transnational media, historical audience reception and memory as an object of research. It also explains the concept of spillover, which refers to the unintentional bilateral flow of television signals from one country to another. Despite the numerous efforts of the Soviet authorities to prevent the viewing of the bourgeois television, there still remained a small gap in the Iron Curtain. The study describes the phenomenon of watching Finnish television in Estonia. It provides understanding about the significance of watching Finnish television in Soviet Estonia through the experiences of its former audience. In addition, it explores what do people remember about watching Finnish television, and why. The empirical data was acquired from peoples’ personal memories through the analysis of private interviews and written responses during the period from February 2010 to February 2011. A total of 85 responses (5 interviews and 83 written responses) were analysed. The research employed the methods of oral history and memory studies. The main theoretical sources of the study include the works of Mati Graf and Heikki Roiko-Jokela, Hagi Šein, Sonia Livingstone, Janet Staiger and Emily Keightley. The study concludes that besides fulfilling the role of an entertainer and an informer, Finnish television enabled its Estonian audiences to gain entry into the imaginary world. Access to this imaginary world was so important, that the viewers engaged in illegal activities and gained special skills, whereby a phenomenon of television tourism developed. Most of the memories about Finnish television are vivid and similar. The latter indicates both the reliability and the collectiveness of such memories, which in return give shape to collective identities. Thus, for the Estonian viewers, the experience of watching Finnish television during the Soviet occupation has became part of their identity.
  • Kojola, Sami (2019)
    This thesis studies possible peer effects in entrepreneurship. Peer effects encompass any effects that membership in a given social group can enact on a person. Peer effects have been studied in many fields of human action, including educational attainment, worker productivity and substance use of minors. Peer effects have a special interest as a peer effects can produce social multipliers. If people react to actions taken by their peers, even small variations in individual behavior can cause large variations at the aggregate level. If peer effects in entrepreneurship are persistent, they would offer a possible explanation for the observation in previous research, that areas with large number of small firms produce an abnormally high level of entrepreneurship. This is interesting for regional developement, as higher levels of entrepreneurship have been linked to stronger subsequent economic and employment growth. I use Finnish employer-employee records to study, if particularly entrepreneurial peer groups produce more entrepreneurs. I have two environments in which I study the effects: workplaces and colleges. Because of the Finnish two tier system of colleges the college population is split in two, students of universities of applied science and students of traditional universities. All estimations are done with a discrete hazard rate model, that estimates if the probability of becoming an entrepreneur is higher in groups with other entrepreneurs. My results give some support to the hypothesis that an entrepreneurial social environment raises the number of entrepreneurs. However, all results are supportive of the hypothesis. Although there is a positive correlation between coworker entrepreneurial experience and the propensity to become an entrepreneur, the models detect a certain level of unobserved homogeneity within the coworker groups, that could explain at least part of the correlation. In the universities of applied science there is also a positive correlation between classmates setting up firms. However, the study of students of traditional universities does not produce statistically significant results.
  • Grabinski, Savija (2024)
    The setup of the Recovery and Resilience Facility as a response to the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020 was by many seen as a watershed moment for the European Union. Under the program, national plans realize long-pending reforms and investments that support the continent's green and digital transitions. Furthermore, the Commission issues EU-Bonds at a large scale on the financial markets for the first time, and the introduction of performance-based funding introduces numerous innovations in fund disbursement and oversight. This novelty however demands heightened scrutiny, that lays open under which considerations measures were included in the national plans, subsequently evaluated by the Commission, and how funding is disbursed now. With Italy serving as a case study, this thesis seeks to evaluate the practical outcomes of this innovative approach and suggest improvements for the regulatory framework moving forward. By integrating legal analysis of both the underlying European legislation and the national legal framework, along with political considerations specific to Italy, this study aims to unveil an organizational structure within the country ill-prepared for the heightened administrative and organizational demands posed by funding from the Recovery and Resilience Facility. For performance-based funding mechanisms to continue to be used on a large scale in the future, and remain effective, it would be imperative to better involve stakeholders at every stage of the process, simplify the publication of preparatory and methodological documents, and improve the overall transparency framework.
  • Vuornos, Henrik (2023)
    Tämä tutkielma käsittelee pehmeän budjettirajoitteen ongelmaa hyvinvointialueiden rahoitusjärjestelmässä. Tutkimus vastaa kysymykseen ”onko suomalaisten hyvinvointialueiden rahoitusmallissa ominaisuuksia, jotka luovat pehmeän budjettirajoitteen ongelman?” Lisäksi tutkimuksessa vastataan kysymykseen ”kuinka pehmeän budjettirajoitteen ongelmaa voitaisiin pienentää hyvinvointialueiden rahoituksessa?” Tutkielma on kirjallisuuskatsaus, jossa käydään läpi relevanttia tutkimuskirjallisuutta pehmeän budjettirajoitteen ongelmasta, erilaisista keinoista, joilla budjettirajoitteen kovuuteen voidaan vaikuttaa sekä kuvaillaan hyvinvointialueiden rahoitusjärjestelmää suomalaisen lainsäädännön pohjalta. Pehmeällä budjettirajoitteella tarkoitetaan tilannetta, jossa organisaation ylempi taso ottaa alemman tason tulot ylittävät menot vastattavakseen. Paikallishallinnon ja keskushallinnon välille muodostuu pehmeä budjettirajoite erityisesti silloin, kun paikallishallinto toimii keskushallinnon rahoituksen varassa ilman, että paikallishallinnon toimivaltaa on rajoitettu. Sosiaali- ja terveyspalveluissa pehmeän budjettirajoitteen ongelma esiintyy usein, sillä on tyypillistä, että valtio vastaa ainakin osin palveluiden rahoittamisesta ja ihmiset pitävät palveluja laajasti tärkeinä. Pehmeää budjettirajoitteen ongelmaan voidaan puuttua. Markkinakurin avulla pehmeästä budjettirajoitteesta voidaan päästä eroon kokonaan, mutta myös keskushallinnon asettamien sääntöjen ja valvonnan perusteella on mahdollista kovittaa budjettirajoitetta. Suomalaiseen hyvinvointialueiden rahoitusjärjestelmään on sisäänrakennettu vahva pehmeän budjettirajoitteen ongelma. Merkittävimmät lainsäädännössä esiintyvät pehmeän budjettirajoitteen ongelmat liittyvät hyvinvointialueiden toteutuneiden kustannusten tarkistamiseen sekä siihen, että alueiden lainanottoa on rajoitettu vain pitkäaikaisen lainan osalta. Epämuodollisena pehmeän budjettirajoitteen tekijänä näyttäytyvät paineet sosiaali- ja terveydenhuollon palvelutason nostamiseen sekä rahoituksen lisäämiseen. Nämä kasvattavat järjestelmätason odotuksia hyvinvointialueiden lisärahoitukselle. Kovan budjettirajoitteen saavuttaminen nykyisellä rakenteella on mahdotonta, mutta budjettirajoitteen koventaminen on mahdollista. Erilaisia keinoja budjettirajoitteen kovittamiseksi on useita. Lainsäädännössä määriteltyjen rakenteellisten pehmeän budjettirajoitteen tekijöiden korjaaminen vaatii lainsäädännön muutoksia sääntöjen ja valvonnan osalta. Epämuodollisten rakenteiden korjaaminen taas vaatii poliittisia sitoumuksia. Lopulta budjettirajoitteen pehmeydessä on kyse siitä, minkälaiseksi keskushallinto haluaa budjettirajoitteen asettaa julkisen talouden kokonaisuuden puitteissa.
  • Lepistö, Tiina (2014)
    The soft soil sediments in Southern Finland were originally deposited during different stages of the Baltic Sea. There are many problems concerning construction on these soft soils. These include, among others, sinking and stability problems. Demands for construction work on soft soil areas are growing all the time and it is therefore important to study the geological and geophysical properties of the soil. This thesis examines the possibility of drawing conclusions on soft soil stratigraphy with the help of in situ measurements. In situ measurements are performed on-site and they speed up working because separate sampling and laboratory analysis are not required. Measurements were carried out in the Helsinki Metropolitan Area. Sediment depositions' apparent resistivity, temperature and magnetic susceptibility were measured with probes installed on the tip of bog drills. The results were compared to an existing stratigraphic data and other information. Research also included method testing with susceptibility measuring instrument purchased by Geological Survey of Finland. In situ measurements of apparent resistivity provides reliable information on soft soil stratigraphy. Resistivity profiles can be used to distinguish topsoil and different clays. In addition, sandy intermediate layers are well distinguished in these high resolution measurements. The apparent resistivity varies similarly in every research area. In situ measurements of magnetic susceptibility can be used to estimate the incidence of sulphide clays. In this work no conclusions could be drawn regarding the variability of susceptibility due to the weaknesses of the apparatus. Use of the apparatus revealed several problems. The most notable is the lack of a temperature sensor.
  • Nuorti, Henna (2020)
    Pehmytkudossarkoomat kuuluvat yleisimpiin koirien ihon ja ihonalaiskudoksen kasvaimiin. Tässä kirjallisuuskatsauksessa tarkastellaan koirien pehmytkudossarkoomien esiintyvyyttä, kliinistä kuvaa, patologiaa, diagnostiikkaa, hoitoa ja ennustetta. Pehmytkudossarkoomat ovat mesenkymaalisesta kudoksesta peräisin olevia pahanlaatuisia kasvaimia. Ne luokitellaan alkuperänsä mukaan fibrosarkoomiin, perifeerisiin hermotuppikasvaimiin, verisuonten seinämäsolujen kasvaimiin, myksosarkoomiin, liposarkoomiin, erilaistumattomiin sarkoomiin, leiomyosarkoomiin ja rhabdomyosarkoomiin. Pehmytkudossarkoomien taustalla olevia tekijöitä ei täysin tunneta, mutta esimerkiksi säteily, ihovaurio, krooninen tulehdus, rokotus tai vierasesine voi johtaa niiden muodostumiseen. Pehmytkudossarkoomat ovat tyypillisesti yksittäisiä, kiinteitä ja alla oleviin kudoksiin kiinnittyneitä, eivätkä yleensä aiheuta kliinisiä oireita. Niitä esiintyy tavallisesti vanhemmilla koirilla. Sytologinen näyte on harvoin diagnostinen, joten ennen leikkausta on suositeltavaa ottaa koepala. Histologisessa tutkimuksessa saadaan tietoa kasvaimen pahanlaatuisuusasteesta, alatyypistä, kasvutavasta sekä leikkauksen jälkeen myös poistomarginaalien puhtaudesta. Pehmytkudossarkoomat ovat tyypillisesti kasvutavaltaan invasiivisia, ja niitä ympäröi valekapseli. Pehmytkudossarkoomat luokitellaan pahanlaatuisuusasteen I, II ja III kasvaimiin. Pahanlaatuisuusasteen III, suurikokoisille tai tunnustellen vaikeasti rajattaville kasvaimille suositellaan jatkotutkimuksia kasvaimen levinneisyyden kartoittamiseksi ja kirurgian suunnittelemiseksi. Pahanlaatuisuusasteen III kasvaimet lähettävät etäpesäkkeitä noin 22-44 % tapauksista. Sen sijaan pahanlaatuisuusasteen I kasvaimista noin 7-13 % ja pahanlaatuisuusasteen II kasvaimista noin 7-33 % lähettää etäpesäkkeitä. Etäpesäkkeiden ja muiden sairauksien poissulkemiseksi suositellaan verinäytteitä, näytteitä paikallisista imusolmukkeista sekä rintaontelon röntgenkuvausta ja vatsaontelon ultraäänitutkimusta. Tietokonetomografia- ja magneettikuvausta voidaan käyttää paikallisen levinneisyyden kartoittamiseen sekä etäpesäkkeiden poissulkemiseen. Kirurginen poisto on pehmytkudossarkoomien ensisijainen hoito. Kasvaimen poistossa otetaan vähintään 2-3 cm sivumarginaalit ja vähintään yksi lihaskalvo kasvaimen alta. Leikkausviilto ja haavan sulku suunnitellaan ihon venyvyyden mukaan. Voimakasta haavajännitettä voidaan helpottaa esimerkiksi kävelevillä ompeleilla, patjaompeleilla tai apuviilloilla. Haavan sulkemiseen voidaan käyttää myös ihosiirrettä. Adjuvanttihoidot ovat leikkauksen jälkeen annettavia liitännäishoitoja ja niitä suositellaan, jos kasvain on pahanlaatuisuusasteen III pehmytkudossarkooma, se on lähettänyt etäpesäkkeitä tai sitä ei saada poistettua puhtailla marginaaleilla. Tutkimuksissa tehokkain adjuvanttihoito on ollut sädehoito, mutta sitä ei ole saatavilla Suomessa. Myös jatkuvan solusalpaajahoidon ja sähköimpulssisolusalpaajahoidon on osoitettu ehkäisevän pehmytkudossarkoomien uusiutumista ja leviämistä. Pehmytkudossarkoomien ennuste on yleisesti hyvä ja niiden uusiutumis- ja etäpesäkeriski pieni. Merkittävimpiä uusiutumisriskiin vaikuttavia tekijöitä ovat kasvaimen pahanlaatuisuusaste ja poistomarginaalien puhtaus. Tutkimuksissa erityisesti pahanlaatuisuusasteen I ja II pehmytkudossarkoomat eivät ole uusiutuneet usean seurantavuoden jälkeen, vaikka ne olisi poistettu kapeilla marginaaleilla. Lisäksi iäkkäät koirat lopetetaan usein muun syyn vuoksi ennen kasvaimen uusiutumista tai leviämistä. Pehmytkudossarkoomista löytyy koirilla lähinnä retrospektiivisiä tutkimuksia, ja esimerkiksi eri adjuvanttihoitojen tehosta löytyy vain vähän ajantasaista tutkimustietoa. Lisäksi tarvittaisiin prospektiivisia tutkimuksia muun muassa poistomarginaalien laajuuden ja eri alatyyppien merkityksestä pehmytkudossarkoomien ennusteeseen.