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  • Sirviö, Riikka (2016)
    The consequences of tropical forest degradation and deforestation have gained global political attention due to their contribution on climate change and biodiversity loss. Forest degradation and deforestation are also having impacts on local peoples living in the forests. Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation (REDD+) and European Union Action Plan on Forest Law Enforcement, Governance and Trade (FLEGT) including its Voluntary Partnership Agreements (VPAs) are two prominent efforts towards reducing the loss of tropical forests. Even though they have different implementation strategies, they both reach for positive change in governance. They are facing similar challenges including corruption, legality of land allocation and lack of secure tenure. Noticeably secure tenure is associated with most of the governance challenges. Several forest rich tropical countries such as Cameroon are participating in these processes to sustainably manage their forests. In Cameroon the rapid population growth together with growing global need for natural resources are driving unsustainable and illegal actions in forest sector. This master’s thesis examines how are REDD+ and FLEGT are contributing on forest governance and securing tenure rights of local peoples, how secure tenure can affect the implementation of the REDD+ and FLEGT processes and in what extent should the tenure rights be transferred to locals to achieve the goals of the REDD+ and FLEGT. The empirical research is conducted through analysing policy documents and literature as well as interviewing officials and local peoples in Cameroon. The main results are that in Cameroon there are no real political will to address the forest loss, and the local peoples have very little role on protecting their livelihood even though it would be important for them and also for the processes of REDD+ and FLEGT. Also, the government of Cameroon gives a little role for REDD+ and FLEGT in the governance of forest resources. So far, the processes have not had significant influence on tenure condition in Cameroon. The recommendations of this study is for REDD+ and FLEGT to concentrate more on education especially in local level since the lack of understanding is hindering the development of both processes. The collaboration and greater transparency between REDD+ and FLEGT would be crucial for their success.
  • Krebs, Anna (2013)
    Tässä opinnäytetyössä tarkoituksenani on tutkia suomalaisten rauhansovittelijoiden näkemyksiä ja kokemuksia uskonnon roolista kansainvälisissä konflikteissa sekä rauhansovittelutyössä. Samalla selvitän, millaiseksi suomalaiset sovittelijat mieltävät Suomen roolin rauhantyössä yleensä. Aihe on ajankohtainen, sillä Suomi haluaa vahvistaa asemaansa rauhansovittelussa ja monissa nykyajan konflikteissa on uskontoon liittyviä ulottuvuuksia. Työtäni varten haastattelin yhdeksää suomalaista rauhansovittelun saralla työskentelevää ammattilaista. Teemahaastattelujen analyysimenetelmänä käytin teemoittelevaa sisällönanalyysiä. Tutkimuksen teoreettisina viitekehyksenä ovat käsitteet rauhansovittelu ja konfliktinratkaisu. Työni taustan luomiseksi esittelen lyhyesti suomalaisen rauhansovittelun historiaa, konflikteissa tapahtuneita muutoksia kylmän sodan päättymisestä lähtien sekä uskonnollisten toimijoiden vaikuttamiskeinoja konflikteissa ja rauhassa. Tutkimuksessa korostuu kritiikki ylätason rauhanneuvotteluja sekä Suomen liian mahtipontisiksi koettuja tavoitteita kohtaan. Haastateltavien mukaan Suomen rooli on ensisijaisesti paikallisten rauhanaloitteiden tukemisessa, kehitysyhteistyössä sekä asiantuntijuuden ja sovittelupuitteiden tarjoamisessa. Kuten on todettu monissa aiemmissakin tutkimuksissa, Suomen olisi kuitenkin investoitava enemmän myös rahallisesti sekä osoitettava suurempaa ulkopoliittista rohkeutta, mikäli haluaa tulla merkittävämmäksi toimijaksi kansainvälisen rauhansovittelun kentällä. Yleisesti ottaen näkemykset Suomen roolista ovat melko yhtenäisiä. Sen sijaan näkemykset uskonnollisten toimijoiden huomioimisesta rauhansovittelussa vaihtelevat. Tämä ei ole yllättävää, sillä haastateltavat edustavat niin uskonnollisia kuin sekulaarejakin taustaorganisaatioita. Uskonnoilla on ristiriitainen rooli konflikteissa, koska uskontoon tukeutuen voidaan sekä lietsoa konflikteja että kannustaa anteeksiantamiseen ja sovintoon. Tutkimustulokset puoltavat ajatusta, että uskonnot eivät kuitenkaan muodosta konfliktien perimmäisiä syitä, vaikka uskonnollista argumentaatiota saatetaankin käyttää konflikteissa hyväksi. Työssäni käy myös ilmi, että väkivaltaisimmat konfliktit käydään useimmiten uskontoryhmien sisällä eikä eri uskonnollisten ryhmien välillä toisin kuin yleensä luullaan. Tutkimukseen osallistuneet konfliktin ammattilaiset kokevat uskonnollisten toimijoiden mukaan tuomisen rauhanprosesseihin konteksti- ja tilannesidonnaisena asiana. Uskonnollisilla johtajilla nähdään olevan myönteinen vaikutus erityisesti paikallistasolla mm. rohkaisijoina, välittäjinä ja anteeksiannon edistäjinä. Haasteena on kuitenkin löytää legitiimit uskonnolliset johtajat sekä miten sovittaa yhteen modernisaation mukana tuomat muutokset ja perinteisten yhteiskuntarakenteiden tukeminen. Kaiken kaikkiaan tutkimus osoittaa, että suomalaiset rauhansovittelijat ovat entistä tietoisempia uskonnon positiivisesta roolista rauhansovittelussa. Silti tietoisuuden lisääntyminen ei, yksittäisiä järjestöjä ja yksilöitä lukuun ottamatta, ole johtanut konkreettisiin toimenpiteisiin. Tämä on ymmärrettävää, sillä Suomi on vasta kehittämässä rauhansovittelukapasiteettiaan. Samalla juuri tässä tilanteessa korostuu uusien ideoiden ja yhteistyömuotojen luomisen tärkeys. Tutkimusta uskonnon, konfliktien ja rauhan keskinäisistä suhteista tulisi lisätä. Kuten tämä työ osoittaa, uskontososiologialla on siihen hyvät edellytykset. Tutkimustulokset myös puoltavat ajatusta sovittelijoille tarjottavasta koulutuksesta liittyen kulttuurin ja uskonnon vaikutukseen konflikteissa ja rauhansovittelussa.
  • Nikkilä, Emma (2022)
    Counter-terrorism discourses have been increasingly studied during the recent decades but still mostly in the context of the Global North. One of the key researchers in this area is Elizabeth Shakman Hurd whose ‘Two Faces of Faith’ conceptual framework shows the tensions and consequences that arise when religion becomes an object of international public policy. The current study uses critical discourse analysis to apply this framework to two West African cases, ECOWAS and the G5 Sahel, to see how they construct the role of religion and religious actors in conflicts and peacebuilding. The data consist of 10 publicly available counter-terrorism and peacebuilding policy documents of the two organizations. The findings indicate that the ‘two faces’ framework is a relevant and useful analytical lens for investigating the role religious actors are given within the context of counter-terrorism and prevention of violent extremism. However, the documents are not a reproduction of Hurd’s arguments and often, the discourses do not follow the secularist dichotomies of the ‘two faces’ framework. Instead, religion is conceptualized through its role and position in the complex historical, cultural, and social systems in the region. Thus, even though the ‘two faces’ framework has been successfully used to explain the US-led political discourse on religion, more complex approaches based in systems thinking might be needed to conceptualize the West African understanding of the issue.
  • Holmström, Kaari Susanna (2023)
    Swedish migration policy has undergone a historic shift in the last decade. The aim of this thesis is to gain a deeper understanding of the role of research and researchers in Sweden’s migration policymaking process at a time of heightened politicization and policy change. Based on consensus, the Swedish policy process aims for informed decision making, drawing on research through governmental committees and research institutes. This mixed methods study utilizes a unique data set of 78 Swedish governmental committee reports that discuss migration and integration from 1980 to 2022. This quantitative data traces the number of committees and representation of researchers within these committees. Three expert interviews were conducted to address researchers’ perceived role in policymaking and how changes have impacted the use of research. This thesis employs Paul Sabatier’s Advocacy Coalition Framework (ACF), focusing on coalitions within the migration subsystem and viewing policy change as a change in values. The expert interviewees highlighted how most researchers hold liberal views on migration, striving for open policies. This thesis found that the influence of researchers was greater when their values aligned with the values of the majority coalition and that researchers’ role was minimal in the shift towards restrictive policies. As migration became a salient issue in Sweden in the 1990s, there was a clear peak in the number of governmental committees and percentages of researchers, indicating that researchers had influence in defining migration policy. These numbers continued relatively high until 2022, but with more significant gaps. Committee reports were increasingly published in the second or third year of the governmental cycle, allowing the reigning government to initiate the committee and to vote on the proposed legislation. As migration became politicized, legislation was expedited, leaving little time for researchers’ input and using research symbolically at best. This was especially evident in the dramatic migration policy changes following the refugee crisis in 2015. This thesis concludes that ACF is an underused theoretical framework for migration subsystems, as explaining the policy process and change through values and beliefs was relevant in the case of Swedish migration policy. The findings illustrate that politicization and shifts in values have limited the role and instrumental influence of researchers in migration policymaking. Nonetheless, Sweden’s committee system and organizations such as Delmi continue to provide a channel for researchers to inform policymaking.
  • Hovilehto, Emmi (2014)
    The literature review of this thesis concentrated on vitamin B12 (Clb), its forms, vitamin B12 anologues, and the biosynthetic route of Clb. In addition, the roles of ribolfavin (RF) and niacin (NAM) in this biosynthetic route were discussed. Cereals were also evaluated as a matrix for vitamin B12 synthesis based on their RF and NAM concentrations. The aims of the experimental part were to prepare a malt extract medium, to study the effects of RF and NAM, and to compare three Propionibacterium freudenreichii strains. The medium (pH 6.40) consisted of 10% of malt extract (ME) and 0.1 M potassium phos-phate buffer. Sterile filtered precursor solutions (e.g. CoCl2) were added to the autoclaved broth. The final composition of the broth was decided based on a preliminary test, where lactate (L; 8 g/L) and/or tryptone (T; 5 g/L) supplements were compared. Thus, the impact of RF and NAM to Clb yield was studied in ME+L+T medium. In these tests five conditions were used: ME+L+T, ME+L+T with DMBI (5,6-dimethylbenzimidazole), and either 1) RF levels of 1, 3, and 38 ?M (27 mM of NAM) or 2) NAM levels of 0.1, 0.6, and 27 mM (3 ?M of RF). The RF concentrations were also tested with strain 3 in ME+T broth. Strains were incubated anaerobically at 30 °C for 3 days and microaerobically for 4 days. Optical densities, cell masses, and pH values were measured. Intracellular Clb was extracted as cy-ano-Clb and quantified using an UHPLC/UV method. From medium RF and niacin were analyzed with an UHPLC/FL method, and sugars and acids with an HPLC/RI/UV method. In ME+L+T strain 1 produced 1.0 ± 0.2 ?g/mL of vitamin B12, strain 2 synthesized 1.2 ± 0.2 ?g/mL, and strain 3 yielded 0.82 ± 0.2 ?g/mL of Clb. DMBI increased Clb synthesis most in strains 1 and 3, while with strain 2 the 27 mM NAM level together with RF resulted in the highest yields. Alone low NAM concentrations did not affect Clb yields, but RF increased Clb production by strains 2 and 3 (p < 0.05). On the other hand, high RF concentration may have inhibited its intake. Thus, RF levels in cereals should be well suited for Clb synthesis. However, strains 1 and 2 had higher Clb yields and they salvaged RF more than strain 3. Furthermore, the results indicated that with these two strains NAM may stimulate Clb synthesis or growth. However, these results should be confirmed. Moreover, further studies are needed especially on the role of NAM and nicotinic acid, the salvage routes of niacin and RF, and other nutritional requirement of the strains in cereal matrices.
  • Chakma, Dipjoy (2011)
    Non-timber forest products (NTFPs) are one of the major income sources for the rural population of Laos. An exploratory study was conducted to determine the role of non-timber forest products for rural communities of the study area. The study was carried out in two villages viz. Ban Napo and Ban Kouay of Sangthong district between January and March 2010. A semi-structured questionnaire was used to gather data from the respondents. Twenty-five respondents from each village were chosen based on their involvement in NTFPs collection and marketing activities. Statistically significant NTFPs income differences were not found between the villages and age groups of the respondents, however, significant differences were found in the annual incomes between farms size of the respondents. This study also analyzed the value chain structure of the three (See khai’ ton, Bamboo mats and Incense sticks) important non-timber forest products and the interactions between the actors in the case study areas. Barriers to entry the market, governance and upgrading possibilities have been discussed for each of the value chains. Comparison of unit prices at different levels of the value chains indicated uneven income distribution in favour of the intermediaries, factories and foreign buyers. The lack of capital, marketing information and negotiation skills restricted the villagers to increase their income. However, all the respondents have shown their satisfaction with their income from NTFPs.
  • Vasama, Niina (2014)
    The use of service design is growing business at the moment. There is a need for a renewal of services both in public and private sector. Also both public and private organizations are facing the need to reorganize their work based on the need of new services. This creates the environment for many organizational changes in short time period. The employees and stakeholders should be able to follow all these changes taking place in the services, organizations and way of working. This Master's Thesis will focus on three aspects; human cognition and change, organizational change and service design supporting the change. The focus in this research is on the usage of service design methods in a strategic change process of organization and how it influences the motivation of individual employee or stakeholder to adapt the new way of working or using the new services. The research object is the service design project of Aalto University Library where the library is facing a strategic change from traditional library towards more multi-functioning learning center. The research is executed by interviewing the participants of the research object project and observing the project work. The research showed that the co-design methods can be helpful when organization faces the strategic change by motivating and supporting the employees and stakeholders in the change process. The co-design methods can support the change of employees' and stakeholder's mindset and behavior. Communication, collaboration and community atmosphere are also supported by the co-design methods. Service design is also offering the tools to create and support the feeling of influencing in the change process. All these aspects can be supported by service design when both public and private organizations are facing the need to reorganize their work together with creating new services.
  • Nevalainen, Sara (2017)
    Coffee is one of the most important export crops of Laos. In recent years, the coffee farming communities have been under strain due to a decline in global coffee prices. The price volatility has resulted in livelihood insecurity and led to the coffee farmers adopting various adaptive strategies, including livelihood diversification and migration. In Laos, coffee is mostly grown in shade management systems incorporating several tree species. Shade coffee is typically considered an ecologically sustainable agricultural system, producing a wide array of ecosystem services. This socioeconomic case study was conducted in the Champasak Province, Southern Laos. The objective was to study the role of coffee agroforestry in the livelihoods of two local communities, Ban Nong Luang and Ban Phu Makko. A semi-structured household survey (n=80) was conducted in June 2014 and complemented with group interviews and participatory methods. All households cultivated coffee, though most of them had also several other means of livelihood. The coffee species included robusta, arabica and catimor, a fast-growing hybrid variety of arabica. The coffee plots owned by a single household averaged 4 hectares, and all respondents were smallholder farmers. The coffee gardens were also a source of a variety of ecosystem services and subsistence income, including firewood, food, fodder, and building materials. Most households cultivated 2-3 varieties of coffee combined with one or more shade tree species. Traditional management systems with robusta as the dominant species were gradually being replaced with C. Arabica var. catimor and Erythrina spp. During the course of the household survey, both villages were discovered having been subject to land concessions to foreign companies. 11 households in Phu Makko were interviewed on the land grab, and the responses showed the destructive impact of the land grab on individual households. Apart from land issues, the main challenges to the livelihoods continued to be the depressed coffee prices combined with the rising costs of inputs, particularly labor. Income diversification was a necessity for nearly all households. Main income sources included coffee-related wage work, livestock, and shop-keeping. The study also lists the main barriers to livelihood diversification as well as present recommendations, including the possibilities for coffee certification.
  • Hau, Irene (2018)
    With a series of modern movements taking place during the past decade, scholars have studied the relationship between social media and social movements using mainly the techno-optimism (Shirky, 2008; Castell, 2012) or techno-pessimism approach (Gladwell, 2010). This thesis investigates the role of social media in relation to social movement organization in the context of the Hong Kong Umbrella Movement using the techno-ambivalent approach (Kidd and McIntosh, 2016). In an attempt to answer the main research question, the research design involved examining different media and communication sources used by stakeholders of various functions for social movement organization during the Hong Kong Umbrella Movement. The research methodology consisted of virtual ethnography and online questionnaire for data collection, contextualized transmedia mobilization (Lin, 2017) and media and information praxis of social movements (Lee and Ting, 2015) for data analysis methods. Results of the ethnographic and survey studies suggested a hybrid media and communication system was in place in the social movement organization of the Hong Kong Umbrella Movement. The entwinement is demonstrated with respondents utilizing new media for its strengths and in addition strategically employed traditional media, mobile personal networks, and in-person communication to compensate its shortcomings.
  • Änkilä, Nea (2023)
    Background: Consumption of vegetables, fruits, and berries (VFB) is connected to better health. However, most Finnish adults fail to consume the recommended 500 grams a day. Service workers share risk factors for poor financial situation and low socioeconomic status (SES). Low SES is often perceived as a barrier to healthy eating and is associated with low intake of VFB. Food choice motives (FCMs) are associated with dietary choices. Aims: This thesis aimed to investigate, how sociodemographic factors and VFB consumption are associated. Another aim was to research, if service working adults’ FCMs of eating “healthy”, “locally grown”, “environmentally friendly” and “rich in VFB” diet are associated with their VFB consumption and if income level or self-perceived adequacy of income moderate the associations. Materials and Methods: The data was gathered in 2019 from PAM members (N=6435) with a questionnaire and data provided by Statistical Finland from 2019 connected to the questionnaire answers. VFB consumption frequencies and sociodemographic variables were studied with one-way ANOVAs. VFB consumptions, FCMs, and income levels were analysed with correlations. Linear regression models were built for FCMs and VFB consumptions and adjusted with two sets of sociodemographic factors. The first models of VFB consumption and absolute FCMs were moderated with income level and income adequacy. Results: Women, married and university-level educated participants, participants considering themselves healthy and reporting adequate income consumed more VFB than their counterparts. FCMs correlated with VFB consumptions and were able to explain 10-20% of their variation. Self-perceived adequacy of income did not moderate the associations. However, the interaction effect of income level was significant with FCM “healthy” p<0.01 and with FCM “rich in VFB” p<0.01 and berry consumption. Those with higher income levels ate more berries when the FCMs were reported as unimportant, but less when the FCMs were reported as very important, compared to those with lower income levels. Conclusions: Even though the participants had financial difficulties, the FCMs were associated with the service workers’ VFB consumption. The interaction effect of income level was significant with FCMs “healthy” and “rich in VFB” and berry consumption.
  • Finne, Maria (2017)
    The proportion of older adults has dramatically increased in developed countries due to longer life expectancy. The wellbeing of this group has large economic implications. Self-rated health (SRH) is a globally used method to measure both physical and psychosocial health and in some conditions considered as a better indicator than medical records. The main aim of this thesis was to study whether socioeconomic (SES) factors as well as nutritional intake are associated with physical and psychosocial SF-36 score change during a ten year period. Helsinki Birth Cohort Study (HBCS) consists of 8760 participants who were born at Helsinki University Central Hospital between 1934 and 1944. HBCS is a longitudinal study where data has been collected along the life span. In this thesis material was used from the baseline clinical visit (years 2001-2004) and the follow-up clinical visit (years 2011-2013). During the follow-up, 1094 participants (men n=478, women n=616) were traceable and took part in the follow-up visit which makes the participants 67 to 77 years old at that point. At the baseline clinical examination (n=2003), diet was assessed with a validated food-frequency questionnaire from which the Baltic Sea diet score (BSDS) was calculated. Higher scores indicated better adherence to the Baltic Sea diet. Self-rated psychosocial and physical wellbeing was assessed with the Short Form 36 scale (SF-36) in 2001-2004 and 2011-2013. The difference between baseline and follow-up SF-36 psychosocial and physical measurement was calculated. Socioeconomic indicators included degree of education, length of education and the average monthly taxable income. Men and women were studied separately. Also the group of those still in work life at baseline were evaluated separately from those who were already retired. Associations between BSDS and the SES factors were also tested. The statistical analysis program SPSS version 22 was used to calculate associations between the SES factors and BSDS with psychosocial and physical change. Linear regression method was used for the analyses. In addition, a comparison of the follow-up SF-36 scores according to socioeconomic factors were examined with ANOVA post hoc Tukey HSD test. Degree of education was positively associated with changes in psychosocial functioning at old age among men (p=0.009), whereas length of education associates positively among women (p=0.027). Both degree and length of education were positively associated with psychosocial functioning within the group that was still in work life at baseline. Change in physical functioning was not associated with SES or BSDS. Adherence to the BSD was not significantly associated with either of the SF-36 measurement factors but was related to higher income. Degree of education and length of education seem to indicate the direction of psychosocial functioning in early old age. Physical degeneration during late adulthood is normal and is less predictable by SES factors. BSDS did not predict physical or psychosocial wellbeing among this population but was positively associated with income among the participant.
  • Michalowski, Piotr (2019)
    The TrkB signaling pathway plays an important role in synaptic transmission and plasticity. Synaptic plasticity is disrupted in many neurological disorders, such as major depression and dementia. A number of studies indicate that TrkB (tropomyosin-related kinase B) signaling is required for the therapeutic effects of antidepressants. Both conventional and rapid-acting antidepressants encompass the TrkB pathway but the underlying mechanism of this remains unknown. Recent studies have, however, revealed an intriguing link between emergence of slow wave EEG activity (SWA) or sedation and the TrkB pathway. Notably, various anesthetics and sedatives (e.g. isoflurane and medetomidine) that increase SWA concomitantly induce TrkB signalling, and this seems to happen independently of BDNF (brain-derived neurotrophic factor), the primary ligand of TrkB. Given the ability of Src kinase to transactivate TrkB in vitro, we have examined the acute effects of medetomidine and isoflurane on SrcY416 and TrkBY816 phosphorylation in the adult rodent cortex and hippocampus by using Western blotting. Pyrazolopyrimidine 2 (PP2), a Src kinase inhibitor, was implemented in order to inhibit TrkB signalling pathway induced by medetomidine. The study was further extended to sleep deprivation experiments to investigate the effects of deep sleep on the Src and TrkB protein phosphorylation. Phosphorylation of GSK3βS9, another important molecular event coupled with antidepressant effects, was also investigated. The results indicate that both isoflurane and medetomidine activate Src kinase and TrkB signalling pathway. Such an effect was not, however, seen in the PP2 study and thus we failed to confirm the mechanistic connection between Src and TrkB. A trend in the phosphorylation of TrkB, Src and GSK3β was found in the brain samples collected after 15 minutes of recovery sleep, suggesting that TrkB signalling is also facilitated during physiological SWA. In conclusion, these results reinforce the hypothesis that SWA occurs simultaneously with TrkB signaling. Future studies are required to test the involvement of Src kinase in this phenomenon.
  • Koivisto, Terhi (2014)
    The aim of the study was to examine the role that subordinate and supervisor value congruence has in predicting subordinate workgroup identity and subordinate work engagement. A total of 285 subordinates and their immediate supervisors from 40 different workgroups participated in the study of supervisory practices and subordinate behaviours. 76% of the participating subordinates were female, 71% of the participating supervisors were female. Schwartz value theory (1992) and Social Identity Theory (Tajfel & Turner, 1979) were used as the theoretical background for the study. Results were analysed using a polynomial regression analysis and response surface analysis. Results indicate that a higher workgroup identity is positively linked to higher work engagement. Implications, limitations and future research possibilities are discussed.
  • Afrin, Tania (2018)
    For 80 years, Pine Chemical Industries have used Crude Tall Oil (CTO) for a wide range of products. To fulfil the climate goal, the European Union (EU) has changed its policy by subsidizing renewable sources, which in turn has promoted CTO as a resource for biofuels. Also, Finland has followed the EU by setting the target for 2020. This research aims to analyze the role of CTO in Finnish bio-economy by focusing on the market dynamics and value network between biofuel and pine chemical industry after the new EU regulation. In addition, it forecast the optimal future end use market. The empirical study is based on qualitative data from five interviewees representing a forest company, two biochemical companies, a research institute and a consulting firm. This study showed that the double carbon benefit supported the increase in demand of CTO. The import also increased to produce biodiesel. In addition, biofuel companies have more purchasing power. Also, decrease in export and price fluctuation has been observed. Strategically, this has directed the biochemical companies to decrease their fixed costs. UPM, Forchem and Kraton are the key players using more than two times CTO where one fourth is used for biodiesel. If available enough, both sectors will have an impact on Finnish bio economy. The double counting has helped Finland to reach EU renewable energy quota for traffic fuel distribution. However, this study also showed that it is not beneficial to invest heavily based on subsidies. Both Biofuel and Biochemical Companies should consider CTO as a competitive product even without the subsidy. It is resource-efficient to use the functionality of the molecule and long value chain to produce diversified product. There should also be room for R&D and innovation. It is for example possible to produce biodiesel from other sources including waste and animal fat. If there is scarcity, then it would be wiser to produce biochemicals rather than biodiesel for maximum economic benefit. New holistic regulations are needed from Finnish authorities. The policy should consider equal access to the raw material, the higher value of the product, free market mechanism without any distortion, stable and balance operating environment for all its bio-based industries. Consumer awareness and motivation should be increased. Cross-industry collaboration, networking and integrating is also essential. Overall, co-operation rather than competition is needed from both biochemical and biodiesel sides.
  • Wik, Cecilia Alexandra Isabella (2016)
    International investment arbitration is a preferred method for resolving investor-state disputes relating to alleged breaches of investment protection, forming part of substantive protection for cross-border investments within the vast network of international investment agreements. Since the birth of international investment arbitration in the 1960s, this institution has gone through notable developments, of which the presence of EU law and the European Commission as an intervening third party are some of the most recent changes. The role of the European Commission as a third party within the international arbitration regime has not, in this specific sense, been subject to academic research. It is therefore of interest and importance to research the role of the European Commission as a modern third party intervener in international investment arbitration. This thesis examines the case law of investment arbitration tribunals, most prominently the International Centre for Dispute Settlement of Investment Disputes (ICSID), in which third party interventions have taken place. Amicus curiae or third party intervention is a procedural right for interested third parties to intervene within investment arbitration, expressing their opinions relating to the dispute. The amicus curiae institution helps the arbitral tribunal in its most inherent task, which is to find the right decision in the dispute at hand, by enlightening the tribunal with information that would in the absence of such third party submissions be left outside its knowledge. As the international investment arbitration has gained more presence within the international judicial landscape it has also been put under the scrutiny of the public society. Through this public exposure the investment arbitration regime has been proven to lack important features of legitimacy and transparency and many initiatives have recently been taken in order to remedy these flaws. The investment arbitration regime has come to a modern era and simultaneously the amicus curiae institution has developed significantly. Through the codification of desires of various stakeholders and the practice of investment arbitration tribunals, there are today sufficient rules in order to establish the prerequisites for the acceptance of amicus curiae. Today, amicus curiae intervention is supported with the arguments that it enhances the transparency and legitimacy of international investment arbitration. The European Commission has been actively participating as a third party intervener in investment arbitration since the adoption of the Lisbon Treaty in 2009, when investment law was incorporated into the exclusive competence of the European Commission. This thesis examines the situations where the European Commission has intervened, and comes to the finding that the role of the European Commission is incompatible with the modern amicus curiae institution. Notwithstanding these findings, I argue in this thesis that the role and the ample rights granted to the European Commission can be legitimized with support from the original meaning of amicus curiae, as its participation can also contribute to enhanced legitimacy of the international investment arbitration regime.
  • Matikainen, Milla (2023)
    Using an explanatory case study of the European Central Bank (ECB), this thesis studies the role quantitative easing has played in increasing central banks’ power following the Global Financial Crisis. Increases in central banks’ responsibilities and the reach of their operations have taken place at the outset of quantitative easing. Yet, despite having been a central monetary policy tool in contemporary central banking, no previous research exists on this development. To take into consideration the structurally powerful position central banks have in the modern world; the various transmission mechanisms and thus the reach of quantitative easing; as well as the role the global financial system plays in central banking, the thesis utilizes the theory of four sources of structural power together with global network structures. Through explanation building, the thesis builds a case of the ECB that reveals the power quantitative easing has unleashed via the unprecedented expansion of the ECB balance sheet and, ultimately, the control over the availability of money. Quantitative easing has also provided the ECB with new capabilities—direct control over market pricing—and responsibilities—possibly the most important of all, its new role as the sovereign bond buyer of last resort as the protector of the Eurosystem. While quantitative easing has challenged the traditional understanding of monetary policy, the justification for central bank independence, and the belief system behind the ECB, the ECB has managed to maintain its independence and position as the moral authority and expert on monetary policy. The thesis concludes that while quantitative easing may have increased the ECB’s structural power, it has not necessarily translated into positive effects for the central bank. Quantitative easing has disincentivized structural reforms in the indebted member states, which have benefitted from the ECB buying their low-demand government bonds; and increased distributional effects favoring the top wealth and income distribution, which have both ultimately led to claims of the ECB operating outside the bounds of monetary policy.
  • Honkanen, Riina (2016)
    Autophagy is a major cellular catabolic pathway which is responsible for the degradation of protein aggregates and damaged organelles, as well as the replenishment of the cellular energy levels during starvation by degrading dispensable cytoplasmic components. In autophagy, cytoplasmic material is sequestered in double-membrane vesicles termed autophagosomes, which ultimately fuse with the endosomal and lysosomal compartment to form organelles called autolysosomes, in which the secluded cellular constituents are digested. The degradation products are transported back to the cytoplasm, and the cell can use them for biosynthetic reactions or energy production. Rab GTPases are key regulators of intracellular membrane trafficking, functioning in multiple processes including autophagy. They undergo a so-called Rab GTPase cycle, where they mediate downstream signalling according to the bound guanine nucleotide. Rab GTPases are generally small, 20-25 kDa of size, and are structurally conserved throughout phylogeny with the exception of the hypervariable C-termini. However, Rab24 GTPase contains unique amino acids that confer special characteristics not found among other Rab GTPases, such as low intrinsic GTPase activity. Rab24 GTPase has been implicated in the late stages of autophagy, where it has been suggested to function in autolysosomal clearance. The role of Rab24 GTPase in autophagy was further studied in this thesis using Rab24 siRNA and control siRNA transfected HeLa cells with stable expression of mRFP-GFP-LC3, labelled with a mixture of LAMP1 and LAMP2 antibodies. LAMP1 and LAMP2 are lysosomal membrane proteins. The tandem fluorescent-tagged mRFP-GFP-LC3 construct localises to autophagic vacuoles and fluoresces both mRFP and GFP under non-acidic conditions. However, the maturation of the autophagic vacuoles with the simultaneous decrease in the pH abolishes the GFP fluorescence, while mRFP is more acid resistant and continues to fluoresce. The formation of autolysosomes was followed by indirect immunofluorescence labelling with LAMP1/2 antibodies in HeLa mRFP-GFP-LC3 cells. The cells were imaged with a confocal microscope and colocalization of the three colours was analysed in three dimensions with Imaris software. The volumes of GFP and mRFP-positive vesicles (autophagosomes) as well as mRFP and LAMP1/2-positive vacuoles (autolysosomes) between control and Rab24 silenced cells were similar in full culture medium and up to 4 h of serum and amino acid starvation. However, the volume of autolysosomes as well as of the LAMP1/2-labelled compartments was substantially higher in Rab24 depleted cells compared to control cells after 6h of starvation. Taken together, these findings indicate that Rab24 is dispensable for autophagosome formation and maturation, and that Rab24 may be involved in autolysosomal clearance upon prolonged serum and amino acid starvation.
  • Antonova, Anna (2020)
    The World Trade Organization (WTO) is in an effective deadlock, as both its judicial and negotiation functions have stagnated. It has proven impossible to achieve meaningful resolutions with single undertaking trade negotiation rounds that require the consensus of the membership, and the latest negotiation round never saw closure since its stalling in 2008. The United States has been refusing to appoint new judges to the Appellate Body of the dispute settlement system in the organization, blocking consensus on the nomination procedures since 2003. In December 2019, the Appellate Body lost its quorum, and the United States has no intention of replacing the retired judges until the system goes under fundamental reform. As a result of the deadlock and the deepening polarization of its members’ interests, the need and the role of the organization have become topics of intense discussions. Many member states have opted out of the current system by concluding regional trade agreements that breach the Most Favoured Nation principle and other WTO rules on their face. Environmental and humanitarian crises further stir the pot as they are attributed to how liberalization of trade has been governed since the World War II. For many, the future of the WTO cannot exclude the mitigation of these crises, and it has to move beyond tariff setting. The thesis is concerned with how the relic of the consensus requirement enabled the operations of the WTO to cease, and what the role of the multilateral organization should be in a world where globalization has shifted the economic status quo and the impact of trade governance expands beyond issues of market access. The questions are approached by researching both the consensus requirement and the role of the organization historically and critically. Law and economics analysis provides compelling justifications and a crucial role for the organization in global trade governance. The hypothesis is that the organization must find a way to attenuate the consensus requirement to get past the deadlock. Furthermore, the organization would have to assume a more comprehensive role in the protection of public goods in order to be economically justifiable. The paper consists of four substantive sections excluding introduction and conclusions. After introduction, the second section discusses background, comprising of two chapters, first on the history of the trade organization and second on the theoretical basis for the consensus rules. It is followed by section three, devoted to the phenomena behind the downturn of multilateralism. It is also divided into two chapters, the first focusing on the United States’ approach to the dispute settlement issue, the second on the global trends. Section four provides a defence for the multilateral rules-based system, split into economic and public justifications chapters. The fifth section provides for reform suggestions, with the first chapter discussing Open Plurilateral Agreements (OPAs) and the second more structural reform. The conclusion of the paper is that the WTO is indeed urgently needed, and OPAs are a suitable instrument for consensus attenuation despite the inevitable collective action problems. There is a need to subordinate economic objectives to ensure sustainability and overall welfare, and therefore the role of the WTO as a mere tariff setter is not economically justified. It must assume a role that is more akin to a global trade department in order to practice and ensure a more equitable redistribution of wealth. Giving non-state actors a role in the organization is crucial in order to release tensions of the competitive trade bargaining. The Dispute Settlement Mechanism (DSM) is a requisite element of a multilateral organization, and needs to be restated by renewing its mandate. New eligibility criteria and a permanent status for the DSM panellists would ensure the quality and stability of its operations, rendering the second-instance Appellate Body (AB) unnecessary. The consensus decision making method could be made useful again by subjecting it to a shadow of a vote, encouraging meaningful negotiations.
  • Paasonen, Kari (2017)
    It is often assumed that unemployment increases the probability of armed conflicts, riots and political instability in general. However, there is a considerable shortage of empirical research on this topic and generally the evidence available does not confirm the positive linkage between unemployment and political instability. Many have considered unemployment to be an important factor also behind the so-called Arab Spring. This thesis aims to analyse more closely what role unemployment played in the spark of these uprisings. From a theoretical viewpoint, relative deprivation theory and opportunity-cost approach can link unemployment to political instability. On the other hand several factors, stigmatisation and lack of collective resources, for example, are theorised to hinder the mobilisation of the unemployed. The approach of this thesis is quantitative and its principal method is regression analysis. Most of the analyses are conducted using existent and extensive survey data sets, most notably the third wave of the Arab Barometer released in late 2014. In addition, the thesis explores descriptively data about the trends and patterns of the unemployment rates, protests, and organised violence. The study area of the thesis covers those Arab countries, where this data is available. Tunisia, Egypt, Libya, and Yemen are studied more closely. The key finding of the thesis is that an unemployed respondent has not taken part in the protests of the Arab Spring more likely than an employed respondent. Several alternative operationalisations confirm this finding. Survey data also suggest that unemployed people are less satisfied with their lives and politically less active compared to the employed. Further, satisfaction with life does not affect an individual's likelihood of protest attendance, but a higher interest in politics is a strong predictor of protest participation. As it seems that dissatisfaction does not turn to protesting, this might explain the low participation of the unemployed. This thesis finds scantly support that a higher unemployment rate would lead to a higher number of protests or a higher level of organised violence in the North African Arab countries. These results do not inevitably signify that unemployment was an irrelevant factor in the eruption of the Arab Spring uprisings. However, results suggest that unemployment was not a major driving force behind the Arab Spring. More generally, the outcome of this thesis together with earlier empirical research around the world suggests, that unemployment does not increase the likelihood of political instability as forcefully as it is often proposed.
  • Tero, Koivisto (2023)
    The role of central banks has increased in the past years, especially during the recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic, but their main policy goal also remains focused on maintaining price stability. However, this goal has become problematic as inflation exceeds their 2 percent target. The zero lower bound has initiated the adoption of unconventional methods, such as quantitative easing, to influence policy. Quantitative easing operates through various transmission channels, one of which is the portfolio rebalancing channel. In this channel, investors must rebalance their portfolios due to central banks purchasing government bonds, prompting the search for substitutes. This process leads to an increase in the price of all assets, creating a wealth effect. This thesis aims to investigate the role of the wealth effect as an inflation driver. Structural vector autoregressive models have become the backbone of monetary policy analysis. However, the shock of interest must be identified by imposing restrictions on the model. In this thesis, sign and narrative sign restrictions were used. Traditional sign restrictions alone were not an option due to the variable dynamics. The empirical application of this thesis was based on Bayesian estimation, assuming non-Gaussian error terms. In the Bayesian estimation, a Differential Evolution Markov Chain algorithm was utilized. The results of the empirical application yielded somewhat controversial findings. On one hand, unconventional monetary policy did contribute to the wealth effect. On the other hand, the wealth effect did not contribute to inflation. Interestingly, the impulse response functions did not show a significant impact of the unconventional monetary policy shock itself, which contradicts the findings of previous literature. The impulse response functions of the entire model revealed the existence of more powerful inflation drivers in the economy, indicating potential topics for future research. Additionally, the results varied when considering different time periods, suggesting changes in the dynamics of the economy.