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  • Näreaho, Anu (University of HelsinkiHelsingin yliopistoHelsingfors universitet, 1995)
    Toxoplasma gondii on alkueläin, joka pystyy elämään parasiittina useimmissa lämminverisissä eläimissä, myös ihmisessä, sekä linnuissa ja matelijoissa. Vain kissaeläimissä tapahtuu toksooplasman suvullistalisääntymistä. Tässä tutkimuksessa pyrittiin kartoittamaan toksoplasma-infektion yleisyyttä suomalaisissa kisasoissa vasta-ainemäärityksen avulla. Näytteiksi kerättiin seerumia 141:ltä kissalta. Näytteet tutkittiin toksoplasma-spesifisten IgG-vasta-aineidenvaralta suoralla agglutinatiotestillä. Lisäksi kerättiin 110ulostenäytettä, joista etsittiin T. gondii-ovokystiasedimentaatiomenetelmällä. Aineisto oli peräisin pääasiassa löytökissoista. Toksoplasma-seroprevalenssiksi kokoaineistossa saatiin 44,7 %. Positiiviset tulokset esiintyivät useimmin vanhoilla (> 5v.) uroskissoilla. Myös naaraiden aineistossa prevalenssi kohosi iän myötä. Toksoplasman kaltaisia ovokystia löytyi yhdestä kymmenen kissan yhteisnäytteestä.
  • Nieminen, Timo (University of HelsinkiHelsingin yliopistoHelsingfors universitet, 1993)
    Tammoilla esiintyy abortteja, joiden varsinaista syytä ei ole pystytty osoittamaan Toxoplasma gondii -loisen tiedetään aiheuttavan abortteja useille kotieläimille ja myös ihmiselle. Muissa maissa tehdyissä tutkimuksissa hevosilla on todettu toksoplasmavasta-aineita. Suomessa ei ole aiemmin tehty tällaista kartoitusta. Ypäjän hevostalouden tutkimusaseman tammoilla oli esiintynyt abortteja, joiden syiksi oli epäilty ruokinnallisia ja infektioperäisiä tekijöitä. Tämän tutkimuksen tarkoituksena oli selvittää voisiko toksoplasmalla olla yhteyttä keskenvarsomisiin. Tutkielma jakaantuu kahteen osaan. Kirjallisuuskatsauksessa käsitellään toksoplasman biologiaa, erityisesti sen elinkiertoa ja epidemiologiaa. Lisäksi selostetaan toksoplasmoosin patogeneesiä, taudinkuvaa eri eläinlajeilla ja diagnostiikkaa. Toinen osa on tutkimusraportti. Vasta-aineet tutkittiin 497:stä seeruminäytteestä. Näytteet jakaantuivat kolmeen ryhmään: Ypäjän omista tammoista kerätyt näytteet, VELL:n virologian osastolle lähetetyt näytteet ja Ypäjällä käyneistä tammoista kerätyt näytteet, joita käytettiin kontrollina muille ryhmille. Ypäjän omista tammoista näytteitä kerättiin kuukauden välein seurantana kesällä 1990. Vasta-aineet tutkittiin menetelmällä, joka on modifikaatio humaanikäyttöön tarkoitetusta Toxoplasma gondii EIA:sta ja hevosen IgG EIA:sta. Tulokset saatiin entsyymi-imunoyksikköinä (EIU). Positiivisen näytteen rajana pidettiin 30 EIU:ta. Koko tutkimusaineistossa todettiin 66,5 % hevosista vasta-ainepositiivisiksi. Ypäjän tammoilla oli useammin vasta-aineita kuin kontrolliryhmässä. Vasta-ainepositiivisten osuus kasvoi vanhemmissa ikäryhmissä. Ypäjän omilla tammoilla abortoineiden vasta-ainetaso oli kaksinkertainen normaalisti varsoneisiin verrattuna. Kaikki abortoineet olivat positiivisia. Keväällä 1991 Ypäjällä riehui virusaborttiepidemia. Tulosten perusteella on mahdollista, että toksoplasmapositiiviset tammat ovat herkempiä saamaan aborttiin johtavan virusinfektion. Yhdellä Ypäjän omista tammoista, Good Luckilla, todettiin vasta-ainepitoisuuksissa nousua, joka viittaa primääriin toksoplasmoosiin. Good Luckin varsa kuoli viiden päivän iässä. Patologisen tutkimuksen perusteella on mahdollista, että varsan kuoleman syynä oli virusabortin lisäksi edellisenä kesänä sairastettu toksoplasmoosi.
  • Järvenpää, Emmi (2019)
    Tämä lisensiaatin tutkielma sisältää kirjallisuuskatsauksen ja kokeellisen osuuden, jossa tutkittiin suomalaisten kanien Toxoplasma gondii IgG-vasta-aine-esiintyvyyttä. Toxoplasma gondii on solunsisäinen alkueläin, joka kuuluu Apicomplexa-jakson Sarcocystiidae-heimoon. Lisääntymisessä on sekä suvuton että suvullinen vaihe. Suvullinen vaihe tapahtuu vain pääisännässä, kissaeläimessä, ja sen tuloksena syntyvä ookysta kehittyy sopivissa olosuhteissa isännän ulkopuolella infektiiviseksi muodoksi eli sporuloituneeksi ookystaksi. Väli-isäntänä voi toimia mikä tahansa tasalämpöinen eläin, ihminen ja kani mukaan luettuna. Kanin tartunta on usein oireeton, joten terveellä kanilla voi olla T. gondii -vasta-aineita. Kliinisessä muodossa esiintyy esimerkiksi kuumetta, syömättömyyttä, painonlaskua ja ripulia. Lisäksi voi esiintyä neurologisia oireita, kuten lihasvärinää ja ataksiaa. Kliiniset oireet ovat epäspesifiset eikä niiden perusteella voi tehdä diagnoosia. Diagnoosi voidaan tehdä serologisilla, biologisilla tai histologisilla menetelmillä sekä näiden yhdistelmällä. Lemmikkikanien toksoplasma-vasta-aineiden esiintyvyyttä ei ole aiemmin tutkittu Suomessa ja muuallakin maailmassa on tehty vain muutama tutkimus aiheesta. Esiintyvyyden tutkiminen on tärkeää, jotta saadaan käsitys tartunnan yleisyydestä Suomessa. Ulkomaisissa tutkimuksissa usealla oireettomalla kanilla on esiintynyt toksoplasma-vasta-aineita. Oireettoman tartunnan saaneen kanin käyttäminen jalostukseen voi aiheuttaa poikasille toksoplasmoosista johtuvia ongelmia. Oireettomat lihakanit voivat toimia tartunnanlähteenä ihmisille. Lisäksi neurologisten oireiden ja silmäsairauksien taustalla voi olla toksoplasmoosi. Aiemmin tehdyt prevalenssitutkimukset keskittyvät lihakaneihin, sillä lihakanien kasvatus on yleistä useissa maissa ja mahdollisesta tartuntariskistä ollaan kiinnostuneita. Euroopassa lemmikkikaneja on tutkittu vain Tsekissä vuonna 2010, jolloin vasta-aine-esiintyvyydeksi saatiin 19,2%. Hypoteesimme oli, että Suomessa esiintyvyys olisi noin puolet tästä (10%), sillä Suomen ilmasto-olosuhteet eivät ole yhtä hyvät ookystien säilymiselle tai kanien ulkoilulle ja täten ookystille altistumiselle. Näytteinä oli 290 kesykanin seeruminäytettä, joista 271 oli kerätty aiemmin ELL Johanna Mäkitaipaleen väitöskirjatyön yhteydessä ja 19 oli diagnostisia näytteitä. Suurin osa tutkituista kaneista oli lemmikkikaneja ja loput lihakaneja, joita kasvatettiin pienimuotoisesti samankaltaisissa oloissa kuin lemmikkikaneja. Kanien omistajat täyttivät kyselylomakkeen, jossa kysyttiin kanien hoidosta ja olosuhteista. Näytteet tutkittiin kaupallisella suoralla agglutinaatiotestillä (Toxo-Screen DA), jolla määritetään IgG-luokan T. gondii -vasta-aineita. Näytteistä 10 oli positiivisia, jolloin prevalenssiksi saatiin 3,45%. Tämä on huomattavasti hypoteesiamme ja aiempia ulkomaisia tutkimuksia alhaisempi tulos. Tulos osoittaa, että toksoplasma-vasta-aineita ei esiinny Suomessa kaneilla yhtä paljon kuin lemmikki- ja lihakaneilla muualla maailmassa.
  • Allén, Elisa (University of HelsinkiHelsingin yliopistoHelsingfors universitet, 2016)
    Toxoplasma gondii on zoonoottinen solunsisäinen alkueläin, jonka aiheuttamaa tautia kutsutaan toksoplasmoosiksi. Loisen pääisäntänä voivat toimia ainoastaan Felidae -heimon kissaeläimet. Väli-isäntänä voivat toimia käytännössä kaikki tasalämpöiset eläimet, mukaan lukien ihminen. T. gondii on maantieteellisesti hyvin laajalle levinnyt parasiitti, joka terveellä eläimellä aiheuttaa tyypillisesti vain lieväoireisen, itsestään rajoittuvan taudin. Tiineillä sekä immuunipuolustukseltaan heikoilla yksilöillä T. gondii -infektiolla voi kuitenkin olla hyvin vakavia seurauksia. T. gondii on kansanterveydellisesti hyvin merkittävä loinen, sillä odottavan äidin tartunta voi aiheuttaa abortteja tai vakavia oireita kehittyvälle sikiölle. Ihminen saa tartunnan tyypillisesti syötyään huonosti kypsennettyä tai raakaa lihaa, joka sisältää T. gondii -kudoskystia. Naudanlihan infektiivisyyttä ihmiselle on pidetty pienenä, mutta tutkimuksia asiasta on vähän ja tuloksissa on maantieteellisiä eroja. Naudalle loinen ei yleensä aiheuta vakavia oireita. Lisensiaatintutkielma koostuu kirjallisuuskatsauksesta sekä kokeellisesta osuudesta. Kirjallisuuskatsaus käsittelee Toxoplasma gondii -alkueläintä, sen merkitystä elintarvikevälitteisenä parasiittina, nautaa (Bos taurus) T. gondii -loisen väli-isäntänä sekä yleisimmin diagnostiikassa käytettäviä menetelmiä naudalla. Erityisenä pääpainona kirjallisuuskatsauksessa on loisen merkitys elintarvikevälitteisten infektioiden aiheuttajana naudanlihassa. Kokeellisessa osassa tutkittiin T. gondii -vasta-aineiden esiintyvyyttä suomalaisissa naudoissa. Pallealihasnäytteitä kerättiin suomalaisilta teurastamoilta yhteensä 200 kappaletta. Tutkittavia näytteitä tuli yhteensä 74:ltä eri tilalta ympäri Suomea. T. gondii -vasta-aineita tutkittiin pallealihasnestenäytteistä ELISA-menetelmän (Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay) avulla. Vastaavaa tutkimusta naudoilla ei ole aiemmin toteutettu Suomessa, mutta esiintyvyyden on oletettu olevan matala. Käytetyn kaupallisen ELISA-testin avulla vasta-ainepositiivisia nautoja löytyi yhteensä 15 kappaletta kahdeksalta eri tilalta. Toksoplasmavasta-aineiden esiintyvyys kyseisessä näytepopulaatiossa on siten 7,5 %. Toksoplasmapositiisiksi näytteiksi laskettiin ne näytteet, jotka olivat olleet vähintään yhdessä näyteajossa selvästi positiivisia. Tuloksissa oli kuitenkin eroja eri näyteajojen välillä, joten käytettyä menetelmää ei voida pitää täysin luotettavana menetelmänä tutkittaessa T. gondii -vasta-aineiden esiintyvyyttä naudalla. Lisäksi tutkittava näytemäärä oli suppea, mikä ei välttämättä anna todellista kuvaa loisen esiintymisestä Suomessa.
  • Rautiainen, Tiina (2020)
    Objectives: The aim of this study was to create an educational video, which portrays how to sew a t- shirt, so that with the support of the video students would be able to learn the pro-cess independently. Theoretical basis for developing was formed on the concepts of learn-ing of skills, self-determination and video learning material. Learning of skills is strongly practice-based, led by an example given by a skilled maker (teacher). Self-determination theory is -- agency Methodology Making of the thesis was guided by the principles of design-based research. A developing team consisting of the author of this thesis and a textile craft teacher, whose students would also test and use the material, carried out the design project. To determine usability, sev-enth grade students tested the created video. Data collected consisted of careful documen-tation of the whole design process. Methods of documentation include notes of design meetings, interviews, and notes made while observing testing. Collected data was analysed using qualitative content analysis. The design process and results were described in chronological order in a so-called development depiction. Results and conclusions The project fortified the understanding that well designed video as such is not enough to serve all students. Therefore the implementation of the video should be considered early in the process. Now only those students who were already capable of independent work were able to benefit from the video. Nonetheless, as such the video made the teacher’s work easier, and the students working with the video were able to advance in their work.
  • Hankonen, Anni (2021)
    Koiran eturistisiteen repeämän ensisijainen hoito on kirurgia. Parhaana tekniikkana pidetään polven biomekaniikkaa muuttavaa TPLO-leikkausta (tibial plateau leveling osteotomy). TPLO-leikkauksen jälkeen todetaan vähemmän komplikaatioita muihin ristisideleikkauksiin verrattuna. Tämän retrospektiivisen tutkimuksen tavoitteena oli selvittää Yliopistollisessa eläinsairaalassa vuosina 2008–2018 tehtyjen TPLO-leikkausten komplikaatiot sekä selvittää komplikaatioiden ilmenemiseen vaikuttavia tekijöitä. Hypoteesina oli, että suurin osa komplikaatioista on vähäisiä eli hoidettavissa ilman kirurgiaa. Tutkimukseen valittiin kaikki aikavälillä 2008–2018 TPLO-tekniikalla leikatut koirat. Potilailla todetut komplikaatiot kirjattiin ylös ja luokiteltiin operaation aikaisiin, merkittäviin eli kirurgiaa vaativiin ja vähäisiin eli ilman kirurgiaa paraneviin komplikaatioihin. Potilaiden preoperatiiviset eli ennen leikkausta otetut, postoperatiiviset eli heti leikkauksen jälkeen otetut ja kontrollikäynnillä otetut röntgenkuvat arvioitiin. Kaikista röntgenkuvista mitattiin sääriluun yläpään nivelpinnan kulma (TPA, tibial plateau angle). Lisäksi postoperatiivisista kuvista määritettiin käytetyn sahan säteen koko, nivelpinnan siirtymä, sääriluun kyhmyn leveys ja mahdollisen osteotomialinjassa olevan raon leveys. Nivelpinnan siirtymä määritettiin myös kontrollikuvista 6–8 viikon kuluttua leikkauksesta. Leikattuja koiria oli yhteensä 121. Molempien jalkojen leikkaus oli tehty 14 koiralle, joten leikkausten kokonaismäärä oli 135. Tutkimuspotilaista 43,0 % oli uroksia ja 57,0 % naaraita. Potilaiden ikä oli 6,3 ± 3,1 vuotta (keskiarvo ± keskihajonta) ja paino 26,1 ± 16,2 kg. Tutkimuksen osallistui 53 eri rodun koiria. Oikean takajalan TPLO-leikkauksia oli 55,6 % ja vasemman takajalan 44,4 %. Ristisiderepeämistä 39,3 % oli osittaisia ja 60,7 % täydellisiä. Nivelkierukan vaurioituminen todettiin 55,8 %:lla potilaista TPLO- leikkauksen yhteydessä. Potilaiden preoperatiivinen TPA oli 28,0 ± 5,3° ja postoperatiivinen TPA 6,9 ± 3,0°. Tutkimuksessa havaittiin isokokoisten koirien (vähintään 15 kg) preoperatiivisen TPA:n olevan merkitsevästi pienempi (p < 0,001) kuin pienikokoisilla koirilla (< 15 kg). Komplikaatioita todettiin 67/135 leikkauksesta (49,6 %). Komplikaatioista suurin osa (64,4 %) oli vähäisiä, 18,4 % merkittäviä ja 17,2 % operaation aikaisia, eli tutkimuksen hypoteesi toteutui. Merkittävien komplikaatioiden vuoksi 13 potilasta (9,6 %) jouduttiin leikkaamaan uudestaan. Merkittävien komplikaatioiden määrä vastasi aiemmissa tutkimuksissa todettua. Osteomyeliitti oli yleisin merkittävistä komplikaatioista (4/135, 3,0 %). Tässä tutkimuksessa ei havaittu tilastollisesti merkitseviä komplikaatioiden ilmenemiselle altistavia tekijöitä. Potilailla, joilla oli yksi tai useampi muu merkittävä ongelma, kuten patellaluksaatio tai neurologinen sairaus, oli kaksi kertaa suurempi paine (OR = 2) saada vähintään yksi komplikaatio, kuin potilailla, joilla ei ollut ristisidevaurion lisäksi muita merkittäviä ongelmia.
  • Wahlman, Pyry (2012)
    In this thesis we give a self-sufficient introduction to the trace anomaly and its applications in the problem of cosmological constant. We begin by revising the renormalization of quantum electrodynamics in flat space and the Lagrangian formalism of general relativity. Then we discuss shortly about the renormalizability of quantum general relativity, after which we turn our attention to a semiclassical theory of quantum gravitation. We review the construction and renormalization of the semiclassical theory, and discuss shortly the stability of it. We then proceed to examine the trace anomaly of the semiclassical theory, and begin by reviewing Weyl cohomology in n-dimensions. We use the Weyl cohomology to construct the Wess-Zumino action, from which we derive a non-local action for the trace anomaly. The non-local action is then rendered local by introducing new auxiliary fields, in which the non-local behaviour of the action is contained. After all these theoretical considerations we finally examine the non-trivial cosmological consequences of the trace anomaly. At first we review shortly the Friedman-Robertson-Walker -model and its classical perturbations, after which we examine the linear perturbations of the trace anomaly action in de Sitter space. We find that when the auxiliary fields of the action are quantized, the cosmological constant becomes dependent on the border conditions at the horizon scale of de Sitter space. We then conclude that the small but non-zero value of the cosmological constant could be a physical consequence of the presence of the horizon.
  • Ordax Sommer, Nicolás (2021)
    Trace element analysis is a useful tool for the study of migration and migratory connectivity in birds. Trace elements are present in the environment and, through the food chain, can be incorporated into tissues such as growing feathers. Since the concentrations of elements remain stable after the feather has stopped growing, and trace element abundances can vary at very small geographical scales, the concentration of trace elements in feathers can provide information on the location where a feather was moulted. Trace element analysis is still rarely used and there are important gaps in our understanding of how trace elements can vary at different organizational levels such as within a feather, between individuals or even between species. It is also not clear if large-scale geographical patterns can be detected by the method, as trace element concentrations can vary a lot even at small scales, which could make it impossible to see larger-scale patterns. To address that, my objectives were (1) analysing the variability of trace element concentrations within feathers, between individuals and between species and (2) determining whether trace element levels differed in feathers grown in Africa compared to feathers grown in Europe. This would shed insight on the suitability of trace element analysis for the study of migration and migratory connectivity. I analysed the concentration of 18 trace elements in the rachis of feathers from willow warblers (Phylloscopus trochilus) and barn swallows (Hirundo rustica) collected in Finland. I plucked three belly feathers from willow warblers collected in spring, whose feathers had grown in Africa. These feathers were used to analyse variability of trace element concentrations within feathers and between individuals. They were also compared to feathers plucked from barn swallows collected in spring (two feathers per bird) to analyse variability between the feathers of two species that winter in the same region. Finally, African-grown feathers of willow warblers were compared to European-grown feathers of willow warblers collected in autumn (two feathers per bird) to look for differences in trace element concentrations in feathers grown on two different continents. Trace element concentrations were analysed using Laser-Ablation Inductively-Coupled-Plasma Mass-Spectrometry (LA-ICP-MS), which allowed to measure concentration at hundreds to thousands of points along the feather rachis. The concentration of each of the 18 elements was used as the response variable in linear mixed models (LMM). To model variation in concentration within the feather I used location along the feather rachis as the explanatory variable and explored how well it predicted concentration of each element. To compare variation between feathers and individuals I fit models including and excluding the feather and individual that each measurement belonged to as random effects and compared them using AIC. To compare between willow warbler and barn swallow feathers grown in Africa I included species identity as the explanatory variable and looked at how the concentration of the 18 elements differed between them. Finally, I followed the same approach to compare willow warbler feathers moulted in Africa and in Europe. For most elements there was little variation along the feather rachis, with concentration remaining stable from feather base to tip. Zn and S showed an increase in concentration starting at the feather base until the central part of the feather and then remained constant toward the tip. Feathers belonging to the same individual showed mostly similar trace element concentrations, although there were exceptions and differences between feathers of different willow warbler individuals were also little. 10 out of 18 elements showed significant differences in feathers of willow warblers and barn swallows grown in Africa. Eight of those elements were more abundant in willow warbler feathers, while only two were more abundant in barn swallow feathers.12 out of 18 elements showed significant differences between their level in African-grown feathers and European-grown feathers. Of those, 10 elements showed higher levels in African-grown feathers, while only two were higher in European-grown feathers. My results suggest that trace elements can show variation at different organizational levels. Variability within feathers was important in at least two elements, which could be caused by physiological processes. This means that when designing sample collection for trace element analysis, unless we know that an element does not vary along a feather, it is important to consider which part of feathers we are sampling. Variability between feathers and individuals was lower than within feather variability, but still significant. Future studies should account for possible within and between individual differences in their design. Differences between barn swallows and willow warblers were large, which was expected based on the literature. It is still unknown what drives these differences between species: some explanations suggested have been physiological and dietary differences or differences in their habitats. I also found clear differences between feathers of willow warblers grown in Europe and Africa. While the exact cause is still not known, this means that at least in willow warbler feathers it is possible to study large scale geographical patterns by trace element analysis. LA-ICP-MS has potential to be a powerful tool to study migration and migratory connectivity in birds. It allows to detect variation in trace elements at continental scales while also allowing to control for different levels of variability in the study design. I encourage researchers to adopt its use in their research.
  • Söderlund, Linda (2020)
    In this modern world with its evolving technological applications the role of pegmatites has risen to an unexpected level. As pegmatites are hosts for rare-element mineralization’s they are mined extensively throughout the world. As a result of the transition to more ecological solutions in propulsions the need for large quantities of certain elements, elements such as lithium, for batteries are on the rise. Even though pegmatites have been studied extensively they have not yet yielded all their secrets to scientists. Even the classification of them is still under some debate before a final cohesion is found. Because of this, the study of pegmatites has also been far from systematic. The aim of this thesis is to map the trace element behaviour of the rare-elements of the Luolamäki pegmatite. This pegmatite was chosen due to the existing drill cores and its rare-element mineralization of pollucite, petalite and possibly rubicline.The drill cores were sampled and analysed with wave dispersive x-ray fluorescence (WD-XRF), electron probe microanalyzer (EPMA) and with laser ablation inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry analysis (LA-ICP-MS). Quartz and three other salient rock-forming mineral groups, feldspars, micas and tourmalines were chosen for analysis. The Luumäki pegmatite is classified as belonging to the LCT-family and being of the petalite-subtype. The previous assumptions of the pegmatites asymmetric inner structure were confirmed with the notation of the reversed order of feldspars in the pegmatite dike with albitic feldspars on the hanging wall side and potassium feldspars on the foot wall side. This coupled with the trace element behaviour in the pegmatite it was confirmed that the pegmatite crystallized from the margins toward the centre instead from top to bottom, as is usual for pegmatitic dikes. The presence of rubicline was not verified, however. The results were then posed against existing research to test if the behaviours recorded are consistent. Some difference was found with the behaviour of the feldspars. The study area of Luolamäki brought up more questions to be answered as the pegmatite itself represents the end of pegmatitic fractioning in the area. It would be beneficial to study the other pegmatites in the area more thoroughly in an attempt to trace the origin for the Luolamäki pegmatite and to research if the enrichment of elements such as Li, Rb and Cs is traceable in the less fractionated pegmatites.
  • Lehto, Anna (2022)
    In my master’s thesis, I have examined Saxo’s portrayal of the warrior culture of the Vikings in his work of history, Gesta Danorum. Even though the source value of Saxo’s work regarding the Viking past has been questioned by many scholars, I have argued for Gesta Danorum’s potential as a source of the warrior culture of the Vikings. In fact, the connection between Saxo’s accounts and the historical research made on the Viking past is quite striking. References to the Viking-age mentalities, practices and beliefs are both numerous and diverse. As I have sought to demonstrate in my work, the warrior culture of the Vikings emerges from various themes, covering the traits of the warriors along with their pagan ways, the notions of masculinity and the idea of warrior women, the conceptions of honour, revenge and death as well as the definitions of an honourable combat. The militarism of Saxo’s warriors mirrors the typical characterization of the Viking Age as a violent period. In Gesta, military activities, such as war campaigns, military training and warlike achievements are at the centre of the narrative. In fact, Saxo’s descriptions of the traits of the male warriors and their activities resonate with the current scholarly appreciation of the Viking communities. Interestingly, the pagan elements in the work are also clearly perceptible. Several of Saxo’s kings and warriors have associations with Odin and the pagan tradition. Furthermore, Saxo introduces more specialized groups of warriors, berserks and the wielders of magic, who have close connections to the Vikings’ pagan past. As to Gesta’s warrior women and women with masculine qualities, I argue that there may be more to read about their characters than it has previously been observed. In the light of the recent historical and archaeological research, it is possible to argue that Viking-age societies may have respected masculine qualities both in men and women, even though the more traditional female role was relevant and appreciated. Of this, Gesta serves as a versatile testimony, describing numerous women leading a warrior’s life and participating in masculine domains. In addition to these themes, there are many more Viking aspects in Gesta that have not received much attention, such as the conceptions of honour and rightful revenge. Gesta is filled with the examples of blood feuds as well as the reasons behind them and their severe aftermaths. The Viking views on death and the afterlife are also presented, including descriptions of the Viking funerary rites and the ideas related to them. In fact, Gesta serves as an illustrative source of the conceptions the Vikings had of an honourable, warrior’s death. Viking mentalities are further represented in Saxo’s definitions of an honourable combat, as he goes through different rules, battle tactics and types of combat, such as duelling.
  • Marchant, Felipe (2022)
    Background: Surgical resection has proven to be the most effective long-term treatment in managing airway stenoses and has shown to decrease the risk of tumor recurrence and mortality in patients with tumor infiltration to the airways. However, there are only a few Nordic reports on the results of a tracheal resection (TR) and cricotracheal resection (CTR). This study aimed to evaluate the volume and short-term outcome of TR and CTR at our institution. Methods: Retrospective review of patients who underwent TR or CTR between 2004 and 2019 at the Helsinki University Hospital (Helsinki, Finland). Results: Forty-four patients were included, of which 21 (47.7%) underwent surgery for a tumor, whereas 23 (52.3%) were operated for a benign stenosis. The most common tumor type was thyroid carcinoma with tracheal invasion (15.9%). The distance between the upper margin of the stenosis or tumor infiltration and the vocal cords was in median 3 [interquartile range (IQR), 2–5] cm and the median length of resection 2.5 (IQR, 2–3.5) cm. Overall success rate was 75% (no need for reoperation or postoperative intervention). Complications occurred in 20 (45.5%) patients, of which 10 patients were operated for a tumor, and 10 for a benign stenosis. Conclusions: Tracheal and CTRs were effective in treating tracheal and subglottic stenoses with variable etiology. However, complications were common especially following cricotracheal tumor resections. These procedures show a clear need for further centralization due to their complex nature and should therefore be performed primarily at institutes with highly experienced multi-professional teams.
  • Mäkinen, Eeva (2020)
    This study explores the interconnections between dance and geography. The main research questions are: 1. How can dance locate black feminist geographies? 2. What is the role of embodied expression in black feminist geographies? An essential part of this study is to consider dance as an opening of geographical knowledge and new ways of being. The embodied nature of dance and black feminisms will be analyzed. This study is both theoretical and empirical, but the methodological emphasis is on the theoretical discussion.Empirical material was gathered in Brazil using qualitative methods, 6 interviews were conducted with female dancers from Olinda, Brazil. The empirical material of two dances is discussed along with the theoretical frame and more closely in the final chapter. The results of this study were that dance works as an embodied practice of expression which brings black feminist geographies into being through movement. Dance forms a liminal space, which connects the body with material and physical space in time and space through embodiment. Dance can work as a spatial practice to elude power structures and form agency. The study is structured as follows. First, I will introduce the research questions and fieldwork, followed by the theoretical framework, and finally I will conclude with analysis on how dance can trace black feminist geographies.
  • Kunnas, Liisa (2011)
    The aim of this study is to present and discuss the Stone Age find material from the area of Sortavala City and the former parish of Sortavala, and to define new areas suitable for finding more Stone Age sites. The find material studied includes the stray finds found in Sortavala and the finds of Stone Age sites Otsoinen Ylätalo (excavated in 1921) and Meijeri I-III (excavated in the 1980's). By studying the distribution of the material and changes in the water level of Lake Ladoga, new areas can be found, which could have been suitable for Stone Age human occupation. As a background for the study, some research historical and theoretical points are discussed: mainly the folklore related to Stone Age stone tools and its meaning to the collecting of the stray finds, the relationship between humans and their environment and the impacts of contemporal society to the research of Stone Age. In chapters 3-5 the study material is presented: the Stone Age stray finds from Sortavala and the research reports and finds of four sites. All sites are situated around the same water system. Also the terminology and chronology of Stone Age ceramics in the area are discussed. The most important goal regarding the sites Meijeri I-III is to be able to verify their locations and to pinpoint them on the map. In chapter 6 the approximate finding locations of the stray finds and the locations of the sites were compared to the changes in the water level and the shoreline of Lake Ladoga during the Stone Age. Besides some problems related to locating the stray find locations, there is some correlation between the finds and the shorelines. The area surrounding the ancient Otsoistenlahti Bay is an example of an area where suitable water level, large amount of stray finds and actual sites meet. Some areas could be defined as places, where Stone Age should ne looked for in the future. These areas are commonly situated around the bays, also in the archipelago, and in the river valleys, that have been bays.
  • Forsström, Heidi (2019)
    The purpose of my study was to trace primary school students’ socio-digital activities ranging from ordinary to more advanced practices across informal and formal contexts. I examined young people’s socio-digital learning ecology, the intensity and complexity of socio-digital participation (SDP) and the socio-digital competences associated with technologies preferred by both girls and boys. By relying on Ito and colleagues’ Gen-res of Participation, I distinguished friendship-driven and interest-driven practices in informal settings. My study extends these genres to consider also the socio-digital activities under advanced instructional settings in accordance with Connected Learning. The data were collected during academic year 2016-2017 from four primary schools in the capital area of Helsinki, Finland. Total of 296 students, 5th (n=164), 6th (n=76) and 7th (n=56) grade students (136 girls and 160 boys) responded to Socio-Digital Participation Inventory (SDP2.0). In each school, a group of teachers and their students took part in co-invention (STEAM) projects that use digital fabrication technologies for bringing elements of maker culture to schools; the data were collected before implementing the maker projects. Many of the teachers were involved in digital innovation activities organized by Innokas Network ( and, thereby, enacted more sophisticated socio-digital practices in their class-rooms than Finnish schools in general. The intensity of socio-digital participation (SDP2.0) was measured with 48 items elaborated by relying on earlier studies. The instrument used Likert-type scale from 1=never to 7=all the time for examining how often participants use various digital technologies. Socio-digital competences were measured with 15 items by asking how well young people master certain technology-mediated practices. Items were measured with Likert scale form 1=not at all to 5=very fluently. I conducted the statistical analyses using R. Exploratory factor analysis (EFA) was applied to construct both students’ Socio-digital Learning Ecology (WLS with Oblimin rotation) and to compose the dimensions for their Socio-digital Competences (MinRes with Promax rotation). The latter were conceptualized as 1) Academic Socio-digital Competences, 2) Artistic Socio-digital Competences and 3) Technical Socio-digital Competences. The factors of Socio-digital Participation were then subjected to Latent Profile Analysis (LPA) as clustering variables to create Socio-Digital Participation Profiles, which were further conceptualized as 1) Hanging out participators, 2) Messing around participators and 3) Geeking out participators. Finally, students’ Socio-digital competences, composed by EFA, were analysed as a function of gender and SDP profiles using two-way factorial ANOVA. None of the analyses revealed any interaction effects. Participation profiles had statistically significant main effects on each competence dimension: Geeking out participators had evaluated their competences higher compared to other two groups and Messing around participators higher than Hanging out participators, as confirmed by post hoc (Scheffé) group comparisons. Gender had analogous main effects on Artistic and Technical Socio-digital competences according to which girls saw themselves as more competent with Artistic technologies and boys with Technical aspects of digital technologies. In average, the students of the present sample participated more frequently in messing around and geeking out activities in school compared to corresponding informal practices, if the recreational gaming is opted out. Regarding the participation profiles, there were no differences between girls and boys while with respect to self-reported socio-digital competences; girls saw themselves as more competent with artistic and boys with technical aspects of digital technologies. Consequently, I concluded that innovative and technology-motivated teachers may promote a more equal socio-digital participation and build of young people’s 21st century skills through digital-pedagogical practices that are attractive both for girls and boys
  • Korhonen, Kaarina (2015)
    Adolescence is characterized by a substantial rise in the prevalence of depressive disorder. While in adulthood lower socioeconomic position predicts a greater risk of depression, studies have found inconsistent evidence for social differentials in depression in adolescence and early adulthood. Numerous studies have documented that low childhood socioeconomic position predicts a higher risk of later depression, but less research has been conducted to investigate how the individual’s own educational track is associated with depression in adolescence and early adulthood. This thesis investigates whether the risk of depression varies by childhood socioeconomic position and personal educational track. Adopting the life-course perspective, this study examines how childhood socioeconomic position and own educational track combine to predict depression in late adolescence and early adulthood. A social pathway model anticipates that a low childhood socioeconomic position increases the risk of a low personal educational track which in turn increases the risk of later depression. Furthermore, the resource substitution model hypothesizes that the protective effect of a higher educational track is greater for those from more disadvantaged backgrounds substituting for the lacking childhood resources. Gender-specific determinants of depression are also examined. This thesis used annually updated individual-level register data EKSY014, which consisted of a 20-per-cent random sample of 0–14-year-olds living in private households in Finland at the end of year 2000. The study population of this study was restricted to individuals born in 1986–1990 (n=60,829), and they were followed over two educational transitory stages, firstly at age 17–19, and secondly at age 20–23 years. Depression was identified from health care registers maintained by The National Institute for Health and Welfare and The Social Insurance Institution of Finland. Survival analysis using Cox proportional hazards models was conducted to estimate the relative and combined effects of childhood socioeconomic position and educational track on the hazard of depression. According to the results, both low childhood socioeconomic position and lower personal educational track are associated with an increased risk of depression in late adolescence and early adulthood. School discontinuation and prolonged upper secondary schooling and also a vocational track among women predict a greater risk of depression compared to academic track. Educational track mediates the association between low childhood socioeconomic position and the risk of depression but is also independently associated with the risk. Early mental disorders also play a significant role in the process by influencing post-comprehensive tracking. The results further suggest that a higher educational track does not provide as effective protection against depression for 17–19-year-old adolescents if the individual lacks familial resources, but is more important for adolescents with higher socioeconomic backgrounds. Educational track does not moderate the effect of childhood socioeconomic position on depression among 20–23-year-olds. The results of this study fit in with the pathway conceptualization of the life-course approach. Educational track constitutes a social pathway mediating the effect of low childhood socioeconomic position on the risk of depression in adolescence and early adulthood. However, not all differences in risk by educational track are explained by childhood socioeconomic position but a lower educational track poses a risk on mental health independent of childhood resources. The findings do not support the resource substitution hypothesis among adolescents and young adults. In total, the findings demonstrate that early segregation of educational trajectories comes with differential chances for mental health.
  • Kallio, Julia (2012)
    The objective of this study was to examine the tracking of serum cholesterol and lipoprotein levels from birth to the age of 20 years. The study was performed from a unique material of 200 healthy children, whose serum cholesterol and lipoprotein levels were examined at birth and at the ages of 12 months, 5 years, 11 years and 20 years. No previous study has had such a long follow-up time with the same individuals examined repeatedly at the same ages. The extent to which an individual maintains his position relative to the rest of the population is called tracking. Significant tracking of serum total cholesterol, LDL cholesterol and HDL cholesterol appeared at the age of 12 months and it became stronger with age. Triglycerides showed no significant tracking. High total cholesterol and LDL cholesterol levels tended to be lower at next examination. However, extremely high total cholesterol values showed strong tracking.
  • Sartamo, Laura (2017)
    Baltic Sea has undergone major changes in the last few decades and its ecological condition has changed. Paleolimnology provides methods to detect changes in the past, mostly from the times when no surveillance was conducted. This Master's thesis is about the response of a common Cladocera, Eubosmina maritima to the past environmental change in Sandöfjärden, Gulf of Finland. I studied past isotopes, δ13C and δ15N to detect past changes in the eutrophic changes from sedimented subfossil remains to detect how the E. maritima population abundance and morphology have changed due to eutrophication and increased predation pressure. I analyzed a 30 cm sediment core of which I counted E. maritima remains. I also measured the lengths of carapaces, mucros and antennules in order to detect changes in their morphology. I used carbon nitrogen ratio, total carbon, total nitrogen, and their stable status of the sea area. To indicate predation pressure on E. maritima, I used the resting egg data of a predatory cladocera Cercopagis pengoi, that was introduced to the area at the beginning of the 1990's. The sediment core is stratigraphic, meaning that the layers are connected to each other and therefore cannot be treated as independent samples. The data was first viewed graphically to reveal correlations. I applied redundancy analysis (RDA) to find out if changes in the Eubosmina-populations are explained by the environmental changes. Associated is Monte Carlo permutation test to check which explanatory variables are the most important. Finally I performed variance partitioning to separate the effects of the environment caused by time in the sediment time series. My results show that E. maritima population has increased in number since the 1950's and a positive correlation with δ15N suggests that this has a connection to increased nutrient levels. It also seems that big E. maritima individuals became more common in eutrophic conditions. Increased predation pressure affected E. maritima populations the strongest right after C. pengoi was introduced to the area when also the longest mucros were found. There also was a slight decrease in the E. maritima abundance at that time. The changes of the lengths of the appendages seem to be more connected to predation pressure, whereas the abundance and the overall body size seem to have a connection with eutrophication. Along with the eutrophication increased the number of E. maritima in the Gulf of Finland. The effect of predation pressure was the clearest right after the introduction and then later smoothened.
  • Koivistoinen, Olga (2013)
    Exporting abroad is relatively rare activity. Only large, high productive firms with high-quality goods are involved in international trade. Self-selection effect drives high productive firms with high quality goods to export, less productive firms with lower-quality products serve only domestic market, and non-profitable firms with quality lower than domestic cutoff quality level exit the market immediately. Resource reallocation shifts skilled labor from manufacturing to R&D sector when less productive firms exit the markets. R&D-based endogenous growth model presented here assumes that all firms face same ex-ante probability to survive and zero probability of default. After paying learning costs firms occur own quality level and decide whether to enter markets or not. Trade liberalization extend the size of market and gives opportunities to efficient firms become exportes. Analysis of the model concludes that trade has ambiguous effects on the long-run growth. Freer trade increases knowledge spillovers and has pro-growth effect. However, trade liberalization increases domestic cutoff quality level and consequently R&D costs in innovation sector. Increasing expected sunk costs decrease motivation to innovate and therefore also slow down investments in R&D sector. Increase in effective discounted rate also decreases expected discounted benefits and has negative effect on growth rate. Consequently, a move from autarky to trade has ambiguous effects on the long-run growth and on average global quality level. Model presented here is based on research paper written by Dinopoulos and Unel, 2011: Quality Heterogeneity and Global Economic Growth.
  • Zhu, Min (2011)
    This master thesis studies how trade liberalization affects the firm-level productivity and industrial evolution. To do so, I built a dynamic model that considers firm-level productivity as endogenous to investigate the influence of trade on firm’s productivity and the market structure. In the framework, heterogeneous firms in the same industry operate differently in equilibrium. Specifically, firms are ex ante identical but heterogeneity arises as an equilibrium outcome. Under the setting of monopolistic competition, this type of model yields an industry that is represented not by a steady-state outcome, but by an evolution that rely on the decisions made by individual firms. I prove that trade liberalization has a general positive impact on technological adoption rates and hence increases the firm-level productivity. Besides, this endogenous technology adoption model also captures the stylized facts: exporting firms are larger and more productive than their non-exporting counterparts in the same sector. I assume that the number of firms is endogenous, since, according to the empirical literature, the industrial evolution shows considerably different patterns across countries; some industries experience large scale of firms’ exit in the period of contracting market shares, while some industries display relative stable number of firms or gradually increase quantities. The special word 'shakeout' is used to describe the dramatic decrease in the number of firms. In order to explain the causes of shakeout, I construct a model where forward-looking firms decide to enter and exit the market on the basis of their state of technology. In equilibrium, firms choose different dates to adopt innovation which generate a gradual diffusion process. It is exactly this gradual diffusion process that generates the rapid, large-scale exit phenomenon. Specifically, it demonstrates that there is a positive feedback between firm’s exit and adoption, the reduction in the number of firms increases the incentives for remaining firms to adopt innovation. Therefore, in the setting of complete information, this model not only generates a shakeout but also captures the stability of an industry. However, the solely national view of industrial evolution neglects the importance of international trade in determining the shape of market structure. In particular, I show that the higher trade barriers lead to more fragile markets, encouraging the over-entry in the initial stage of industry life cycle and raising the probability of a shakeout. Therefore, more liberalized trade generates more stable market structure from both national and international viewpoints. The main references are Ederington and McCalman(2008,2009).