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  • Iivanainen, Tuomas (2016)
    Tutkimuksen tavoitteena on selvittää, miten visuaalinen moodi, aksentti ja asenne vaikuttavat lukiolaisten englannin kuullun ymmärtämiseen, kun kuuntelussa käytetään autenttista materiaalia. Tutkimuksessa vertaillaan audiovisuaalista kuullun ymmärtämistehtävää sekä tavanomaisempaa kuullun ymmärtämistehtävää, jossa puhujaa ei nähdä. Tutkimusongelmia on neljä: Kuinka puhujan näkeminen vaikuttaa englannin kuullun ymmärtämiseen? Kuinka puhujan aksentti vaikuttaa kuulijan ymmärrykseen? Miten kuulijan asenne puhujan aksenttia kohtaan vaikuttaa ymmärrykseen? Millainen on kolmen tutkitun muuttujan, visuaalisen moodin, aksentin ja asenteen, suhde toisiinsa? Teoreettisena pohjana käytetään aiempia tutkimuksia audiovisuaalisen tekstin ymmärtämisestä, kuulijalle vieraiden aksenttien ymmärtämisestä sekä asenteen vaikutuksesta kuullun ymmärtämiseen. Teoria on koostettu useista tutkimuksista, sillä tälle aiheelle ei ole entuudestaan olemassa kattavaa teoriaa. Tutkimuksessa käytetään monivalintatehtävää mittaamaan ymmärrystä audiovisuaalisessa ja audiaalisessa kontekstissa. Koehenkilöiden asenteita puhujan aksenttia kohtaan mitataan kaksinapaisella arviointikyselyllä. Koeryhmä koostuu 39:stä lukio-opiskelijasta, joista 27 on ensimmäisen vuoden opiskelijoita ja 12 kolmannen vuoden opiskelijoita. Pienen otteensa vuoksi tutkimus on tapaustutkimus. Tutkimustulosten perusteella voidaan todeta, että puhujan näkeminen helpottaa kuullun ymmärtämistä silloin, kun hän elehtii niin, että kuulija voi rakentaa merkitystä sekä nähdyn että kuullun perusteella. Huulilta lukemisen ei havaittu hyödyttävän kuullun ymmärtämisessä, kun puhuja puhui kuulijalle vieraalla aksentilla. Vaikka visuaalinen moodi pääsääntöisesti helpottikin kuullun ymmärtämistä, saattoivat monitulkintaiset eleet olla jopa harhaanjohtavia. Kuulijalle vieras aksentti vaikeutti kuullun ymmärtämistä selvästi. Vaikka puhujan näkeminen helpotti kuullun ymmärtämistä, se ei tasoittanut aksenttien välisiä haastavuuseroja. Kuulijan asenteen puhujan aksenttia kohtaan havaittiin vaikuttavan subjektiiviseen käsitykseen ymmärtämisestä sen sijaan, että se olisi vaikuttanut objektiiviseen tuloksista mitattuun ymmärryksen tasoon. Tämä oli yllättävää, sillä aiemmat tutkimukset ovat painottaneet asenteen vaikutusta tärkeänä osana kuullun ymmärtämistä. Koehenkilöiden asenteet puhujaa kohtaan olivat positiivisemmat silloin, kun he näkivät puhujan. Koska tutkimuksessa keskitytään vieraan kielen kuullun ymmärtämiseen, siitä on järkeenkäypää johtaa pedagogisia sovelluksia. Kuulijalle vieraiden aksenttien käyttäminen vaikeuttaa kuullun ymmärtämistä selvästi, mikä tulee ottaa huomioon kuullun ymmärtämistehtäviä suunniteltaessa. Audiovisuaalisia kuullun ymmärtämistehtäviä suunniteltaessa tulee kaikki puhujan eleet tulkita huolellisesti, jotta niiden vaikutus kuullun ymmärtämiseen voidaan ennakoida.
  • Lapatto, Helena (2021)
    Tiivistelmä Lihavuus on yleistynyt viime vuosikymmenten aikana räjähdysmäisesti. Tämän myötä myös lihavuuden liitännäissairaudet, kuten tyypin 2 diabetes ja maksan rasvoittuminen, ovat lisääntyneet. Lihavuuden yhteydessä kudoksissa nähdään nikotiiniamidi adeniini dinukleotidi (NAD+) -molekyylin pitoisuuksien laskua. NAD+ vaikuttaa sirtuiini-entsyymiperheen kautta mitokondrioiden toimintaan ja glukoosi- ja lipidiaineenvaihduntaan. NAD+:n pitoisuutta elimistössä on mahdollista nostaa oraalisilla NAD+:n esiasteilla, kuten nikotiiniamidi ribosidilla (NR), niasiinilla, nikotiiniamidilla ja nikotiiniamidimononukleotidilla (NMN), joista tässä tutkimuksessa tutkittiin NR:ää. Tutkimuksen tavoitteena oli selvittää NR:n vaikutuksia koko kehon aineenvaihduntaan ja tutkia sen käyttöä potentiaalisena hoitona lihavuuteen ja sen liitännäissairauksiin. Tutkimus toteutettiin 29-65 -vuotiailla monotsygoottisilla kaksosilla. Pareja oli lopullisissa tilastollisissa analyyseissä yhteensä 20 paria. Näistä 16 luokiteltiin painoindeksiltään toisistaan eroaviksi. Kaikki tähän ryhmään kuuluneet tutkittavat saivat NR-lisää. Neljä paria taas oli painoindeksiltään samankaltaisia. Heidät jaettiin sokkoutetusti NR- ja plaseboryhmiin. NR-lisä oli kuukauden annosnoston jälkeen käytössä neljä kuukautta annoksella 1 gramma vuorokaudessa. NR:n vaikutusta eri aineenvaihdunnan osa-alueisiin tutkittiin muun muassa verikokein, magneettikuvin ja kudosnäyttein. Tutkimuksessa selvisi, että NR-lisä nostaa merkittävästi veren NAD+:n ja sen aineenvaihduntatuotteiden pitoisuuksia. Toisaalta NR-lisän aikana kaksosten kehonkoostumuksessa ja aineenvaihdunnassa ei nähty paranemista. Paino ja rasvaprosentti nousivat tilastollisesti merkitsevästi mutta eivät kliinisesti merkittävästi. Tutkimuksessa nähty veren NAD+-pitoisuuksien nousu on linjassa aiempien tutkimusten kanssa, mutta vastaavia kehonkoostumuksen muutoksia ei ole raportoitu muissa ihmisillä tehdyissä NR tutkimuksissa. Tässä tutkimuksessa nähdyt muutokset kehonkoostumuksessa ja aineenvaihdunnassa vaativat jatkotutkimuksia.
  • Palomäki, Anne (2019)
    In nutrient poor boreal peatlands, a significant proportion of photosynthesis-derived carbon of mycorrhizal plants is allocated to their fungal symbionts in exchange for nutrients. The soil carbon cycle is intertwined and affected by inputs of e.g. nitrogen and sulfur, whose amounts both in the soil and atmosphere have increased since the Industrial Revolution. In addition, as stated in the recent Global Warming of 1.5 °C -report (IPCC 2018) global warming is likely to reach 1.5 °C above pre-industrial levels before 2052. In this study, data from ericoid mycorrhizal fungi (ErMF) abundance, enzyme activities and the fungal taxa associated with them under increased warming and nutrient depositions were connected. This thesis is part of the Nitro-Erica -project of Natural Resources Institute Finland (LUKE) and it has been funded by the Academy of Finland (SA286731). Root fragments of Vaccinium oxycoccos L. and Andromeda polifolia L. were observed under a light microscope to determine the abundance of all root associated fungi, ErMF and dark septate endophytes (DSE). Fluorometric and photometric assays were used to study the ability of the fungi to degrade organic material and scavenge nutrients. Finally, direct PCR and Sanger sequencing were used to learn the dominant fungal taxa in the roots. A decrease in the abundance of ErMF and DSE was observed, indicating the possibility of a reduction in the carbon sink potential of peatlands through a decrease in the number of fungi. An increase in acid phosphatase activity under nitrogen deposition was observed in the two plants, which was expected as boreal peatlands are often nitrogen limited. In contrast, sulfur deposition suppressed the activity of all carbon acquiring enzymes which we concluded was likely to be the result of the sulfur inhibiting the growth of two parasitic fungi that greatly contributed to the overall high activity of carbon acquiring enzymes. More research is needed to gain a comprehensive understanding of the fungal abundance, communities and their functioning in peatlands under the changing environmental conditions.
  • Tuomi, Janne; Kuurne-Koivisto, Minna; Partinen, Markku (2016)
    Background: Treatment of chronic insomnia is problematic and alternative methods besides drug therapy are sought out for. The aim of the study was to find out about the effects of Neurosonic-low frequency therapy chair on patients with primary insomnia. Therapy is based on Whole-Body Vibration (WBV). Methods: This pilot study consisted of 16 adults (12 men, 4 women; age range 28 - 65) that suffered from insomnia with an Insomnia Severity Index (ISI) of at least 15. They were randomized into control and intervention groups (8 + 8). Both groups received WBV-treatment for five times. At the start of the study control group had a three week period when they did not receive treatment. Measurements were taken using actigraphy, SCL-90-, WHO-5-, PSQI-, ISI-, EQ-5D-questionnaires and a structured sleep questionnaire based on the Basic Nordic Sleep Questionnaire. Results: After treatment ISI-scores decreased in both groups. After treatment the WHO-5- and EQ-5D VAS-score were also ameliorated. Treatment also lowered SCL-90 scores related to anxiety, obsessive compulsive and somatization symptoms. Conclusions: Our results indicate that WBV-treatment has beneficial effects for people suffering from primary insomnia. WBV-treatment also seems to relieve anxiety. No major adverse effects were detected. WBV-treatment may be useful for example in the treatment of insomnia in situations where pharmacological treatment is insufficient. Further studies should be done to have more information about the usefulness of WBV based therapy in treatment of insomnia.
  • Karvinen, Esko (2021)
    Climate change will cause an especially pronounced temperature rise in the northern latitudes. These sensitive ecosystems will likely experience significant, rapid, and even irreversible changes. The outbreaks of autumnal moth and winter moth in northern Fennoscandia have already been documented to be prolonged and spread out to new geographical areas. The two species share very similar ecological traits as forest pests, whose population densities fluctuate in approximately ten-year cycles. They can defoliate vast mountain birch forests during the epidemic peaks. This study focused on jointly analyzing the population dynamics of these two geometrids and the regulatory effects of winter temperatures. The aim was to see whether the populations fluctuate synchronously, does elevation have an effect in species occurrence, and can winter temperature variables be used to model the population development of the species. The study was based on a 33-year long light trap time series from Värriö research station and local climate data from Finnish Meteorological Institute. The data was analyzed with time series analysis methods. Population fluctuations of autumnal moth and winter moth were observed to be well synchronized regardless of the difference in magnitude of the actual catch numbers. Both species occurred in less numbers with the increase in elevation. Winter moth catch numbers had an increasing trend whereas autumnal moth catch numbers were declining. The trends also differed with elevation. Winter moth was most prominently increasing in mountain birch belt and the decrease in autumnal moth numbers was most significant in traps outside of the mountain birch belt. The regulatory effect of winter temperature variables could be modeled only for winter moth with the methods utilized in this study. The minimum temperatures of December, January, and April seemed to have the most notable effect on the population development. Temperatures in December and January featured the most significant increasing trends based on many different temperature variables examined in this study. This points to the conclusion of winter moth having good potential to increase its abundance in the future.
  • Tallberg, Robert Georg Michael (2021)
    The immune system is crucial in the central nervous system (CNS), protecting sensitive tissues, promoting regeneration, and maintaining homeostasis. It is involved in CNS-disorders, such as neurodegenerative diseases and neurological insults related to stroke. Critical myeloid leukocytes in the CNS are microglia, divided into pro-inflammatory M1 and anti-inflammatory M2 phenotypes. This polarization achieves modulation of the inflammatory response by amplifying or dampening it. Therefore, microglia are widely investigated in CNS-disorders. β2-integrins are adhesion proteins that mediate inflammation. They are expressed explicitly on leukocytes, including microglia. Important processes, such as phagocytosis and cell motility, are regulated by β2-integrins. They also relay downstream signals, altering inflammation in many settings, although their effects on microglial properties and stroke are currently poorly understood. We here aimed to investigate the role of β2-integrins in stroke-related injury and microglia polarization in vivo using knock-in (KI) mice, which lack functional β2-integrins. Our results show that in a mouse model of haemorrhagic stroke, the functional outcome was less severe in β2-integrin KI versus wild-type (WT) mice (P = 0.0147), suggesting that β2-integrins are involved in stroke pathophysiology. Furthermore, by using flow cytometry we observed significantly lower frequencies of M1 microglia in the KI mouse brain (P = 0.0096). Therefore, our findings reveal neuroprotective aspects by inhibiting β2-integrins in neuroinflammation. Investigating microglial properties mediated by β2-integrins could contribute to the understanding of neuroinflammatory events, leading to the development of therapies for poorly treated CNS-disorders. Our results suggest that β2-integrins should be further explored as molecular targets for novel stroke treatments.
  • Dahir, Najmo (2024)
    This study delves into the practical application of the United Nations principle of Responsibility to Protect (R2P) within the complex context of the Central African Republic (CAR), focusing on key events such as the 2012 civil war, the 2013 ethnic and religious conflicts, and the Boali Massacre. Adopting a qualitative methodology rooted in constructivism theory, the research aims to evaluate the effectiveness of R2P in preventing and addressing mass atrocities in CAR. The study explores the complexities of the international community's response to these crises, scrutinizing the timeliness of their intervention. The research also seeks to identify and analyze existing limitations and challenges that impede the successful implementation of R2P in CAR, considering the intricate issues that may hinder its transformation into an established norm. By investigating the involvement of regional and international actors, the study aims to unravel the enduring repercussions of R2P on peace, stability, and state-building in CAR. This research contributes valuable insights into the dynamics of humanitarian intervention, the concept of state sovereignty, and the practical application of R2P within conflict-ridden settings. The findings hold implications for refining international responses to mass atrocities in CAR and similar challenging environments, ultimately enriching the broader discourse on the Responsibility to Protect.
  • Gerges, Diana (2012)
    The goal of this thesis was to examine women’s sexual harassment as an expression of moral turmoil in contemporary Egypt. The wide-spread sexual harassment of women in Cairo has roused considerable national and international attention and it has recently been named 'the phenomenon' and the 'social cancer'. Six semi-structured ethnographic street interviews were carried out in Downtown Cairo to investigate the moral turmoil and the phenomenon of sexual harassment, as well as the associations between them. A total of 8 interviewees, 4 women and 4 men, varying in age from twenties to seventies were contacted on the streets of Cairo. The interview themes were slightly different for women and for men. Women’s interviews focused on the experience of walking on the streets and possible experiences of harassment and on moral changes they had observed. Men’s interviews focused on their opinions of changes of moral values and on their personal opinions on sexual harassment. As the Egyptian society is of a traditional nature, the interview questions needed to be flexible and tailored to the interviewed persons. The interviews supported the idea that moral turmoil is taking place and that of the vulnerability of women in the public space. The entire sample agreed that specific factors can be held responsible for the negative moral change, including poverty, deterioration of public education, and the lack of moral education. Logically, the amelioration of economic standards covers a great side of the solution to the problem, however, education and moral education seemed of immense importance. A brief comparison made between Piaget and Durkheim’s moral education models has been reflected on the philosophy adopted by the Egyptian Ministry of Education. It appeared that the public education scheme has similarities to Durkheim’s model, pushing moral education into the schooling experience, delivering norms and traditions constructed from religion-in the Egyptian case-to children. That was an expected result; however, this research suggests that since pushing moral education in the child education will happen enviably –considering the difficulty of changing a traditional society- the role of the educator in moral education should be more of a guiding task, leaving children the space for value and moral responsibility development. That should come hand in hand with the alleviation of public education as well as the educator from the desperate circumstances they are suffering. With the rising movements of fundamental Islam, reflections on the representations women in the public space are of concern. It has been shown that there are dangers on the position of women in society, that they are getting excluded from the functional core of society. Sexual harassment was proved not to be only a hazard for their safety and comfort, but also, an endangering factor for gender dynamics, and women efficiency in society.
  • Mäkipää, Mia (2016)
    Pro gradu -tutkielmassa analysoidaan kuutta Israelin boikotointiin kannustavaa nettisivua. Tutkielman tavoitteena on selvittää, millaisia ryhmiä nettisivuilla esiintyy ja millaisia toimijuuksia näille ryhmille annetaan. Tutkielmassa hyödynnetään kriittisen diskurssianalyysin teoriaa. Analyysin työkaluna on M.A.K. Hallidayn transitiivisuusanalyysi, jonka avulla teksteissä esiintyvät verbit jaotellaan neljään eri ryhmään. Tutkielma selvittää, mikä verbiryhmä on kunkin nettisivuilla esitetyn ryhmän yleisin, ja tällä tavalla tuottaa tietoa siitä, kuvataanko ryhmät olevina, puhuvina, ajattelevina ja tuntevina vai tekevinä yksikköinä. Tämä taas auttaa hahmottamaan sitä, miten ryhmiä kuvataan toimijoina. Nettisivuilta nousee esiin neljä eri ryhmää, joiden toimia nettisivuilla kuvataan. Ensimmäinen ryhmä koostuu Israelin valtiosta, hallituksesta, poliitikoista, armeijasta ja kansalaisista sekä Israelin tukijoista. Toinen ryhmä pitää sisällään nettisivujen kirjoittajat, aktivistit ja protestoijat, jotka ajavat taloudellisia ja poliittisia sanktioita Israelille. Tähän ryhmään kuuluvat myös erinäiset ihmisryhmät ja yksilöt, joiden koettiin sivustoilla tukevan nettisivujen kirjoittajien agendaa tai muutoin osoittavan solidaarisuutta palestiinalaisia kohtaan. Kolmannessa ryhmässä ovat palestiinalaiset ja Palestiinalaisalueet sekä Palestiinan poliittiset ryhmittymät. Neljäs ryhmä on lukija, jota puhutellaan nettisivuilla. Tutkimuksesta selviää, että nettisivujen teksteissä lukijaa pyydetään mukaan toimintaan ja häntä kehotetaan tutustumaan Israelin ja Palestiinan välisen konfliktin taustoihin, osoittamaan solidaarisuutta ja seisomaan, kirjaimellisesti ja vertauskuvallisesti, boikotteja ajavien ryhmittymien joukossa. Tutkimus erittelee näin nettisivujen kirjoittajien erilaisia keinoja mobilisoida nettisivuja lukeva yksilö osaksi boikotointiliikettä myös internetin ulkopuolella. Tutkimus osoittaa, että boikotteihin kehottavien nettisivujen tekijöinä esiintyy pääasiallisesti kaksi ryhmää. Toinen tekijäryhmä on Israel ja siihen liitetyt henkilöt ja yritykset, ja sen vastavoimana esiintyvät nettisivujen kirjoittajat sekä heidän tukijansa. Verbiprosessien subjektien analysointi paljasti, että tekijät olivat harvoin yksilöitä ja useimmiten valtioita, yrityksiä ja nimeämättömiä liikkeitä tai ihmismassoja. Tutkimus osoittaa myös nettisivujen kirjoittajien monimutkaisen suhteen israelilaisiin tukijoihinsa sekä palestiinalaiseen Hamas-järjestöön. Tutkimuksesta käy ilmi, että nettisivujen tarkoitus on esitellä boikotointiliikkeen toimintaa ja houkutella lukija osallistumaan boikotointiin erilaisin keinoin. Tutkimus osoittaa myös, että nettisivut pyrkivät tarjoamaan väkivallattoman vaihtoehdon Palestiinan ja Israelin välisen konfliktin ratkaisuun.
  • Pettersson, Ariadne (2023)
    This Master’s thesis examines the modes of nature’s resistance to colonialism in E. M. Forster’s 1924 novel A Passage to India. The theoretical background for the analysis consists of discussion and definition of the nature of “nature”, and the inevitability of the postcolonial inflection to ecocriticism when examining nature in a work of literature set in colonial context. The analysis locates colonialism in the British characters of the novel, as they are either part of the colonial apparatus in British India or have personal connections to the aforementioned type of characters, thus oftentimes nature’s resistance to colonialism is directly exemplified by what it “does” against the characters. Nature resists the characters’ various efforts to get a hold of India, realized through desire to identify and catalogue various aspects of it, to have a specific aesthetic experience of it, or through actually being involved in the colonial apparatus. The resistance is realized through two modes: elusiveness and hostility. Various aspects of India’s nature in the novel elude the characters’ attempts to attain definitive knowledge or certain aesthetic experience of them, denying them the power of knowledge. On the other hand, the instances of nature’s hostility, which is sometimes real and sometimes perceived by the characters as such, functions to repel the colonizers from India, or at least to weaken their hold on it. Overall, nature in A Passage to India is a powerful “other” that compliments the native Indians’ struggle against the British Raj.
  • Bertin, Arna (2023)
    This master’s thesis provides context to social change related to Sustainable Development and the factors influencing it from the perspective of Finnish National Art Institutions. The aim of this research is to examine how the principles – or the idea – of Sustainable Development have historically been adopted as part of Finnish society, and to compare how and in what time frame these principles have begun to be reflected in the strategies and operations of the Finnish National Art Institutions over the past 30 years. The research looks at the period from 1992 – determined by the adoption of the United Nations Agenda 21 on Sustainable Development – through to 2020. Institutional theory is used as the main theoretical framework of this study. Stakeholder Typology is used to examine the impact of the stakeholders in the process of adopting the principles and forming the expectations of Sustainable Development. There are four types of data used for this research: newspaper archives (Päivälehti Archives, Helsingin Sanomat), minutes from the plenary sessions of the Finnish Parliament, annual reports of the organisations under the investigation, and background interviews made with the key personnel in the Finnish National Art Institutions. A qualitative research method was selected to support the research and to answer the research questions. The analysis of the collected data is descriptive, highlighting meaningful themes, and following an inductive approach. The idea of Sustainable Development in the Finnish National Art Institutions is visible relatively late compared to the adoption of the principles of Sustainable Development by the Finnish government. Hence, the idea of Sustainable Development is recognised first in the political and public debate, and later in the National Art Institutions. The adoption of Sustainable Development at the operational level started in the Finnish National Art Institutions around 2010, with adoption at the strategic level first occurring around 2020. The pressure to adopt the principles of Sustainable Development in the National Art Institutions has emerged both from internal and external stakeholders. The change has been slow and has taken place primarily from the bottom up. The highest impact for adopting the principles of Sustainable Development comes from the staff and the artists of the organisation, but also from loyal customers, political decision makers, competitors, and sponsors. Based on the academic literature, a change taken place informally is the main driver for a long-term, constant institutional change. Therefore, based on the institutional theory, the long-standing, informal change among the Finnish National Art Institutions identified in this research – and formed through stakeholder expectations – indicates a substantial and permanent change at the operative and strategic level in adopting the idea of Sustainable Development.
  • Nikander, Iiro (2023)
    Technology companies have challenged the incumbent banks in payments. Their digital and personalized services utilize their expertise in cloud computing, AI, and machine learning. In addition, global tech giants or BigTech are providing bank-like services capitalizing on well-established brands, significant financial resources, and access to behavioral data. Competition has increased efficiency, expanded access to finance, improved market diversification, and helped recovery from the pandemic, but also increased cyber risks, reliance on infrastructure providers, and excess volatility that might aggregate to systemic problems inhibiting growth and diminishing welfare. The thesis highlights the factors behind the emergence of digital competitors and examines their stability implications with an extensive literature review. The swift emergence has been caused by technological development, changes in market structure and regulation, and distrust in banks. Technological change has made possible the development of new products and services that agile startups have utilized while banks have struggled to complete the expensive digitalization process of their services. Increased regulation and low-interest rates have also hindered banks' ability to compete with the entrants. In addition to efficiency raising financial inclusion has been one of the core positives brought by FinTech as affordable solutions have allowed previously unbanked groups to get services. However, entrants have been able to work under lower levels of supervision. Regulatory arbitrage can increase volatility and aggregate into system-wide risks through contagion. Some experts are concerned that the ongoing transformation in the financial sector could result in disintermediation, where banks may play a reduced role in the digital financial landscape. This has raised concerns about the effectiveness of monetary policy transmission. Studies suggest that as banks become less important, the impact of monetary policy shocks on lending and the real economy may be diminished. This could pose challenges in maintaining stability. The full extent of FinTech’s effect on market stability is yet to be determined. However, studies have shown its positive role in digitizing the financial industry, enhancing product and service quality, and recovering from the COVID-19 pandemic. Regulation plays a crucial role in balancing innovation and stability. Prematurely imposing restrictions on emerging innovations may hinder the progress that could otherwise enhance overall welfare. Regulators aim to protect consumers and ensure a level playing field. Striking the right balance is essential to foster innovation while mitigating risks. The regulator’s challenge is to combine fostering innovation and competition while limiting malpractice but also to provide a level playing field for firms. This objective is complicated by the rapid pace of development, classification problems, and tradeoffs between increased market efficiency and stability.
  • Cornér, Tuija (2020)
    New digital learning environments challenge traditional learning concepts by emphasizing student agency and collaboration (Ito, 2013; Kumpulainen, Kajamaa & Rajala, 2018). This study addresses the expressions of students’ transformative agency, and the role of tools in its emergence, in a novel design and making environment called the FUSE Studio. Research on trans-formative agency has traditionally focused on intervention research related to adults, and in particular on working life, and there has been little research on students’ transformative agency (Kajamaa & Kumpulainen, 2019). The types of transformative agency identified by Haapasaari and colleagues (2016) were used as the theoretical frame of reference for the study (Haapasaari, Engeström & Kerosuo, 2016). In addition, the concepts of the social object of Kumpulainen and Kajamaa (2019) and the double stimulation of Vygotsky (1978) were utilized when analyzing the role of tools (Kumpulainen & Kajamaa 2019; Vygotsky 1978). The data consisted of 75 hours of video material collected by filming the work of 9–12-year-old students (N=94) in the novel design and making environment in the fall of 2016. The data were analyzed using the types of transformative agency (resisting, criticizing, explicating new possibilities or potentials in the activity, envisioning new patterns or models of the activity, committing to new actions, and taking consequential actions to change the activity) of Haapasaari and colleagues (2016) as reference. The role of tools in mediating students’ transformative agency was analyzed in connection to the features of the types of transformative agency identified in the first research question. Expressions of students' transformative agency were found in the data for all six types. Students’ agentive actions were expressed both verbally and physically, often using the tools in the challenges. Students’ transformative agency manifested itself both in opposing activities, which manifested as playing or disruptive behavior, and in creating new activities that pursued students' own interests, which manifested as extending the challenges. The tools inspired and facilitated the emergence of students' transformative agency.Students use both verbal and bodily expressions to break away from the given frame of action set by the learning environment. Working with tools both inspires and facilitates students’ efforts of breaking away, which some-times leads to unexpected design and making activities.
  • Rikabi, Leila (2016)
    Tämä tutkielma käsittelee kommunikatiivisen kielenopetuksen paradigman ilmenemistä Suomen perusopetuksen opetussuunnitelman perusteissa vuodesta 1970 vuoteen 2016. Tutkielman tarkoituksena on selvittää, miten kommunikatiivisen kielenopetuksen paradigma näkyy Suomen perusopetuksen opetussuunnitelmien vieraiden kielten opetusta käsittelevissä osioissa eri vuosikymmenillä. Tutkielman analyyttinen viitekehys perustuu kahdeksaan Jacobsin ja Farrellin (2003) määrittelemään kommunikatiivisen kielenopetuksen paradigman muutoksen osa-alueeseen. Tutkielman teoriatausta käsittelee kommunikatiivisen kielenopetuksen paradigmaa, vieraan kielen opetusta suomalaisessa peruskoulussa sekä suomalaista perusopetuksen opetussuunnitelmaa. Tutkielman aineisto muodostuu perusopetuksen opetussuunnitelmista vuosilta 1970, 1985, 1994, 2004 ja 2014. Tutkimusaineisto koostuu näiden opetussuunnitelmien A-kielen tai ensimmäisen vieraan kielen osioista. Tutkielma on toteutettu kvalitatiivisen aineistonanalyysin perusteita seuraten. Aineiston analyysin metodina on teoriaohjaava sisällönanalyysi, Directed Content Analysis. Laadullisen aineiston analyysin tulokset on lisäksi määrällistetty. Analyysin tulokset osoittavat, että kommunikatiivinen kielenopetuksen paradigma ei esiintynyt juuri ollenkaan vuoden 1970 opetussuunnitelmassa. Vuoteen 1985 mennessä kommunikatiivisen kielenopetuksen paradigman vaikutteet olivat kuitenkin saavuttaneet Suomen, sillä vuoden 1985 opetussuunnitelmassa esiintyi jo useita paradigman osa-alueita. Vuoden 1994 erittäin lyhyt opetussuunnitelma ei juurikaan sisältänyt kommunikatiiviseen kielenopetuksen paradigman elementtejä. Vuoden 2004 opetussuunnitelma seurasi kommunikatiivisen kielenopetuksen paradigmaa selvästi vahvemmin kuin mikään edeltäjänsä. Kaikkein vahvimmin kommunikatiivisen kielenopetuksen paradigma ilmenee viimeisimmässä, vuoden 2014 opetussuunnitelmassa, josta löytyy seitsemän kahdeksasta kommunikatiivisen kielenopetuksen paradigman muutoksen osa-alueesta. Tulokset osoittavat viiden vuosikymmenen aikana kielenopetuksessa tapahtuneen suuren paradigman muutoksen. Tutkielman tulokset myös vahvistavat paradigman muutosten hitauden.
  • Hokkanen, Aleksi Luis (2021)
    The protection of foreign investment is a central concept of international investment law. Regarded as the core of international investment law, there are more than 2,000 investment treaties or treaties that include investment provisions. In essence, these agreements provide guarantees for the investments of investors from both contracting states when they operate outside of their home state. The investment arbitration system has been described as the “businessman’s court” which interferes on the State’s politico-economic decision-making. The international investment arbitration has faced increasing amount of criticism in the recent decades by political activists, legal scholars and environmental NGOs due to a lack of transparency of the investment arbitration proceedings and the claims that it restricts the sovereignty of the State. The research question of this thesis is linked to a real-world problem – does the investment arbitration slow down the energy transition towards carbon-free economy? In the legal context, this is question on where the investment tribunals have drawn the line of legitimate regulation in an area of strong public interest. What is the difference between genuine climate regulation aimed to mitigate GHG emissions and regulation that is considered to breach the ECT’s investment treaty obligations? In other words, does the investment arbitration based on the ECT and the decreased regulatory space following from investment treaty obligations hinder the creation ambitious climate policies? The sub-questions of this thesis are the following: (1) Does the investment arbitration hinder the state’s right to regulate the climate protection policies that reduce GHG emissions in the energy sector? (2) Does the investor-tate arbitration cause regulatory chill that freezes the regulatory development of climate protection policies reducing GHG emissions in the energy sector? (3) How will the future of the ECT investment arbitration look like? The purpose of this thesis is to evaluate the arguments that the investor-state arbitration hampers the state’s “right to regulate” on creating ambitious climate-friendly energy legislation and whether investor-state arbitration causes the “regulatory chill” effect which freezes the regulatory developments in the field of climate protection laws that aim to reduce GHG emissions in the energy sector. The focus is to evaluate the arguments of “right to regulate” and “regulatory chill” through analysis of relevant investor-state arbitration cases covering different areas of strong public interest such as environment and human health due to the absence of genuine climate disputes concerning GHG emissions. The rationale of this approach is to use these cases as the “closest proxy available” for analysing the outcome of hypothetical climate dispute. The key findings of the thesis include that the European Commission has acknowledged the risk which the possibility of the ECT arbitration poses when it has suggested to carve out the protection of fossil fuel investment from the ECT in the modernization process of the ECT. Ending the investment protection of fossil fuel investments means that the ECT would not pose a threat of investor-state arbitration for the host state when it is enacting climate protection policies. From this perspective, it seems interesting that the ECT arbitration on fossil fuel investments is seen as significant risk even when the jurisprudence related to “right to regulate” and “regulatory chill” does not provide any support for the argument that the foreign investor would have high likelihood of winning the investor-state arbitration against host state’s regulation aimed to mitigate GHG emissions even if the regulation would decrease or destroy the value of foreign investor’s investments. On the contrary, it is a well-established principle of the customary international law known as “state police powers” that a regulation will be deemed non-expropriatory and non-compensable if state adopts bona fide regulation in a non-discriminatory manner, enacted in accordance with due process and has an aim to protect general welfare. Despite the counterevidence, the deception continues to live on the minds of the regulators and the critics.
  • Richard Eric, van Leeuwen (2023)
    Energy usage and efficiency is an important topic in the area of cloud computing. It is estimated that around 10% of the world’s energy consumption goes towards the global ICT system [1]. One key aspect of the cloud is virtualization, which allows for the isolation and distribution of system resources through the use of virtual machines. In recent years, container technology, which allows for the virtualization of individual processes, has become a popular virtualization technique. However, there is limited research into the scalability of these containers from both an energy efficiency and system performance perspective. This thesis aims to investigate this issue through large-scale benchmarking experiments. Results of the benchmarking experiments indicate that not necessarily the total amount of containers, but the assigned task of each individual container are relevant when considering energy efficiency. Key findings show a link between latency measurements performed by individual containers and allocated CPU cores on the host machine, with additional CPU cores causing a drop in latency as the amount of containers increase. Further, power consumption seems to hit its peak when CPU utilisation is only at 50%, with additional CPU utilisation causing no increase in power consumption. Finally, RAM utilisation seems to scale linearly with the total amount of containers involved.
  • Mikkola, Eelis (2019)
    In Mongolia wrestling is the national sport and it is connected to Buddhism, Shamanism and the cult of Chinggis Khaan. This thesis explores these connections and answers the question: What religious elements are key to becoming a successful Mongolian wrestler? There is very little prior research done in English on Mongolian wrestling and its relation to religion, and the research question could not be answered using existing materials. Because of this I made a field trip to Mongolia where I collected new material. The aim of this study is to not only answer the question, but also to incorporate new data into the larger field of studies on Mongolian wrestling. The ethnographic material of my study was collected during the summer of 2017, when I visited Mongolia and interviewed five men who were experts in either wrestling or religion. The interviews were recorded, transcribed and translated. The translations were categorized using theory directed content analysis with the help of Atlas.ti. New data was introduced and analyzed alongside contradicting and supporting elements of prior research. The analysis paints a picture where various religious elements are deemed necessary to becoming a successful Mongolian wrestler. The most relevant are karma, hiimori (luck and fortune), the right state of mind, proper ethical conduct, protective rituals, date of birth and bloodlines. The interviews were contradicting on many occasions, and the prior research was on some points in conflict with the new material. Because of this the results have elements which were not accepted by all of my interviewees. My material provides a new point of view to the research of the relationship between Mongolian wrestling and religion, which were not covered by previous studies. Many new and interesting questions arise from the research project.
  • Westerlund, Jonathan (2022)
    Multi-tier dispute resolution (“MDR”) clauses are tailored clauses that prescribe a layered process of dispute resolution, wherein parties in dispute must first undertake one or more alternative dispute resolution processes before they can refer the dispute to adjudication before an arbitral tribunal or a court. The use of MDR-clauses has become increasingly commonplace in Nordic commercial contracts, but the extent to which a Nordic arbitral tribunal or court would be willing to enforce this order of dispute resolution, and what remedies or sanctions such enforcement would result in, are questions that neither legislators nor legal scholars have provided a comprehensive and satisfying answer to. This scholarly and legislative gap in turn calls into question the usefulness and efficiency of this increasingly common contractual clause. This thesis aims to answer the question of what the Nordic (with a primary focus on the Finnish) legal systems can learn from the way legal scholars, legislators and judges in the Continental European and Anglo-American legal systems have approached the enforcement of MDR-clauses, and how such lessons could aid in creating a working legislative framework for their enforcement in the Nordics. As a result of a general lack of discussion on the subject by Nordic lawyers, this thesis primarily employs a comparative method. Specifically, the comparative research focuses on jurisdictions within the Anglo-American legal system and their Continental European counterparts, where relatively definitive and mostly consistent case law and scholarly debate regarding the enforcement of MDR-clauses has emerged over time. While the analysis concludes that enforceability of MDR-clauses in the Nordics is uncertain at best, it also identified several key concepts necessary for a functional legislative scheme allowing for such enforcement. Given the general disinterest in the subject matter shown by Nordic lawyers, this thesis concludes that legislative change is unlikely to develop on a national level, but rather that international harmonization, preferably from the EU, is required to effect change in the enforceability of MDR-clauses.
  • Juutinen, Heli (2018)
    Tutkimus käsittelee suomalaisten nuorten englannin käyttöä kouluajan ulkopuolella. Tutkimuksen tarkoituksena oli selvittää, miten lukioikäiset nuoret käyttävät englantia vapaa-ajallaan, mikä motivoi heitä näihin aktiviteetteihin, ja kokevatko he oppineensa englantia näiden aktiviteettien avulla. Tutkimuskysymyksiin sisältyi myös se, mitä mieltä opiskelijat olivat koulussa opitun englannin ja vapaa-ajalla käytettävän englannin välisestä suhteesta. Tutkimukseen osallistui kahdeksan oppilasta kaikilta vuosikursseilta yhdestä lukiosta Helsingissä. Kyseessä on kvalitatiivinen tutkimus, jonka aineistonkeruumenetelmänä käytettiin puolistrukturoituja teemahaastatteluja. Haastateltaville esitettiin ennalta laadittuja kysymyksiä sekä lisäkysymyksiä, jotka nousivat esiin haastattelutilanteessa. Haastattelut nauhoitettiin oppilaiden koululla. Jälkeenpäin ne litteroitiin ja käännettiin englanniksi tutkielmaa varten. Tulokset osoittavat, että suostuin englanninkielinen aktiviteetti on TV-sarjojen tai elokuvien katselu. Englantia myös puhutaan sukulaisten, ystävien, ja kumppanien kanssa, ja oppilaita motivoi heidän oma kiinnostuksensa näihin aktiviteetteihin. Koulussa opittu englanti arvioidaan yleisesti negatiivisesti, kun taas vapaa-ajalla käytetty englanti koetaan vapaaksi ja mukavaksi. Oppimisen koetaan olevan mahdollista molemmissa ympäristöissä, joskin kouluajan ulkopuolisesta oppimisesta pidetään enemmän. Englannin käytön koetaan olevan hyvin erilaista näissä ympäristoissä. Lukion opetussuunnitelmassa korostetaan englannin roolia kansainvälisen kommunikaation kielenä. Tutkimukseen osallistuneet opiskelijat eivät kuitenkaan koe saaneensa opetusta, jossa kommunikaatio olisi pääosassa, vaan painottavat koulussa käytetyn englannin olevan arvosanakeskeistä ja täydellisyyteen tähtäävää. Loppupäätelmänä voidaan sanoa, että lukiolaiset kokevat vapaa-ajalla opitun ja käytetyn englannin olevan mukavampaa, monipuolisempaa ja hyödyllisempää kuin koulussa opitun ja käytetyn englannin.
  • Heinäsmäki, Aapo (2020)
    The Energy Charter Treaty (ECT) is a multilateral investment treaty with over 50 contracting parties that solely concerns the energy sector, which is of crucial importance in combatting climate change. Further, more investor claims have been brought forward under the ECT than under any other investment agreement, and some of the largest arbitral awards have been rendered under its auspices. These factors combined make the ECT a very significant instrument for the global climate as a whole. This paper is based on the premise that more and more countries would wish to cut back on their use of highly polluting fossil fuels to produce energy. However, it is often argued that the investment protection clauses, which are also included in the ECT, cause ‘regulatory chill’, meaning that states are wary of passing stricter regulations, as such measures might well result in investor-state dispute settlement proceedings. Therefore, it is plausible that the investment protection clauses of the ECT are in fact slowing down the transition from fossil fuels to renewable forms of energy, and various NGOs in fact view the ECT solely as a tool of the fossil fuel industry used for this purpose. In this paper, I challenge such simplified take on the ECT and argue that states are in fact able to pass stricter regulations to protect the environment without breaching their ECT obligations towards foreign investors, and further, also should do so. This paper can most readily be described as a doctrinal research, as it concerns specific treaty provisions and all the claims made within it can be traced back to formal legal sources. In particular, I have relied on the texts of the ECT framework, and various judicial decisions. Therefore, large parts of this paper are comprised of treaty interpretation and analogic reasoning. The precise questions to which I have sought answers using these methods are: 1) What are the environmental aspects of the ECT; 2) Can the ECT, in its current form, be interpreted and applied in an environmentally sustainable way, and if so, how this could be done; 3) Why the ECT should be interpreted and applied in such way; and 4) Does the ECT require amendments to its current text? It is well known that the ECT framework contains a plethora of environmental provisions, however, due to their soft formulation, they are often overlooked as it would be difficult to find a state to be in breach of them. According to the findings of this paper this is, however, erroneous. Based on the sheer volume of environmental provisions, and the great significance placed upon them within the Preamble of the ECT and European Energy Charter, I have developed a novel, more balanced, take on the object and purpose of the ECT, which places significance on both the protection of investments and environment, unlike the tribunals applying the ECT have thus far done. Furthermore, I have found that despite the soft formulation of the environmental provisions, a state may still rely on them when responding to investor claims. However, the degree to which a state can do so depends greatly on the claims made – the text of the ECT places little to no significance to environmental matters in cases of alleged expropriation, whereas on alleged breaches of e.g. the FET standard environmental matters may be of great significance. Additionally, the text of the ECT allows for a state to argue that measures to protect the environment fall under the allowed exceptions of the ECT. Having identified the various environmental aspects of the ECT, and developed techniques for responding states to utilise them, I have also discussed why the presented findings should be applied, and whether it would be enough. It is evident that matters such as sustainable development and protection of the environment are gaining foothold within the law both on national and international level. As the ECT is not situated in a void, these global trends should be considered when applying it. As the findings of this paper would encourage states to pass legitimate measures for the protection of the environment, there are relatively clear policy reasons as to why the application of the findings would be desirable. Many of the findings made in this paper were reached through teleological interpretation of the ECT. While such interpretative approach is perfectly valid, it would nevertheless be beneficial for the text of the ECT to be amended to explicitly incorporate the interpretations made within this paper. Amending a multilateral treaty such as the ECT is, however, difficult. Therefore, the findings of this paper can be of great importance for states wishing to pass measures to protect the environment, as they offer greater certainty of the legality of their actions towards foreign investors.