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  • Jenkins, Cherie (2020)
    Reptiles have long been studied in search of the mechanisms behind neuronal regeneration. This thesis delves into the regenerative areas of two emerging model species to the field of regenerative research: Pogona vitticeps (bearded dragon) and Pantherophis guttatus (corn snake). This fluorescent immunohistochemical study maps out and compares the constitutive proliferative zones in these two species to better define the focus of future comparative neurodegenerative experiments. A BrdU pulse chase experiment in conjunction with PCNA reveals proliferative zones in the lateral ventricular ependyma of both species. Stem cell niches were found in the ependymal lining adjacent to the medial cortex and dorsal ventricular ridge in both species, however, the nucleus sphericus ependyma was an active proliferative zone only in Pantherophis. Imaging of further markers in this study support the findings of the pulse chase experiment. High levels of the stem cell marker Sox2 was found in lateral ventricular ependymal cells in both species. The glial marker GFAP reveals a highly ordered array of radial glia in the cortical areas of Pogona, which is significantly reduced or absent in Pantherophis. And lastly the neuronal marker HU was found in the same cells that were BrdU positive and had migrated a short distance from the proliferative zones, which shows that the proliferative areas in the lateral ventricular lining do indeed produce neurons. The BrdU and PCNA marked cells were quantified in both species, and a brief comparison between the species showed that Pogona had a significantly higher number and concentration of proliferative cells in the proliferative zones than Pantherophis. Scattered BrdU positive cells that were neither neuronal nor positive for any other marker were also found scattered throughout the parenchyma of Pogona, and these cells remain uncharacterized. Differences between these two species are not surprising, as lizards are known to have better regenerative capabilities than snakes, however, more comparative research between these species is needed to gain further insight into the mechanisms behind their contrasting regenerative capabilities.
  • Blomqvist, Sofia (2024)
    The matter in neutron stars exist under extreme conditions, and the cores of these stars harbour densities unreachable in any laboratory setting. Therefore, this unique environment provides an exceptional opportunity to investigate high-density matter, described by the theory of Quantum Chromodynamics (QCD). This thesis centers on the exploration of twin stars, hypothetical compact objects that extend beyond the neutron star sequence. Originating from a first-order phase transition between hadronic matter and quark matter, our focus is on understanding the constraints on these phase transitions and their effect on the observable properties of twin stars. In our investigation of twin stars, we construct a large ensemble of possible equations of state featuring a strong first-order phase transition. We approximate the low- and high-density regions with polytropic form and connect them to chiral effective field theory results at nuclear densities and extrapolated perturbative QCD at high densities. The resulting equations of state are then subjected to astrophysical constraints obtained from high-mass pulsars and gravitational wave detections to verify their compatibility with observations. Within our simple study, we identify two distinct types of twin stars, each providing a clear signature in macroscopic observables. These solutions originate from separate regions in the parameter space, with both regions being relatively small. Twin stars in our approach generally obtain small maximum masses, while the part of the sequence corresponding to neutron stars extends to large radii, indicating that these solutions only marginally pass the astrophysical constraints. Finally, we find that all twin stars obtain sizable cores of quark matter.
  • Lindh, Mertsi (2022)
    Tässä työssä tutkitaan impersonaalirakenteita espanjan ja portugalin eurooppalaisten varieteettien välillä uutiskielessä. Tarkasteltavat rakenteet ovat ser-apuverbillä muodostettava perifrastinen passiivi ja se-rakenteet, jotka voidaan jakaa passiivisiin ja impersonaalisiin rakenteisiin. Tavoitteena on selvittää, kummankielisessä korpuksessa tutkittavat rakenteet ovat kokonaisuudessaan yleisempiä ja kummat rakenteet ovat yleisempiä kussakin korpuksessa. Korpusten uutiset on jaettu seitsemään osastoon, jotka ovat yhteiskunta, politiikka, talous, urheilu, kulttuuri, tiede sekä teknologia. Tavoitteena on täten myös tutkia, esiintyykö rakenteita tyypillisemmin joissain tietyissä osastoissa. Funktionaalisesta näkökulmasta yksi impersonaalirakenteiden tehtävistä on agentin häivyttäminen (Siewierska 2008). Espanjaa ja portugalia pidetään tässä tutkimuksessa saman järjestelmän eri variantteina, sillä ne ovat geneettisesti niin läheistä sukua toisilleen (vrt. Moravcsik 2016). Tämän ansiosta molempien kielten rakenteisiin voidaan soveltaa samaa luokittelua. Impersonaalirakenteiden luokittelu pohjautuu Barrenechean ja M. de Rosettin (1979) malliin. Uutisten laadullisessa tarkastelussa hyödynnetään puolestaan Reinemann et al.:n (2011) luokittelua. Tutkimuksen korpukset koostuvat uutisista, jotka on espanjan osalta kerätty El Mundo- ja portugalin osalta O Diário de Notícias -sanomalehdestä ja jotka ajoittuvat vuosille 2017–2019. Espanjan korpuksen koko on 143 909 sanaa ja portugalin korpuksen koko 87 593 sanaa. Aineiston keruussa on hyödynnetty Corpus del Español NOW- (News on the Web) (Davies 2018–) ja Corpus do Português NOW (Davies 2018–) -internetkorpuksia, joiden pohjalta on koostettu oma korpus analyysia varten. Tulokset osoittavat impersonaalirakenteiden olevan yleisempiä portugalin korpuksessa kuin espanjan korpuksessa. Portugalin korpuksen normalisoitu frekvenssi on 93,6 tapausta 10 000:ta sanaa kohti ja espanjan korpuksen 82,5 tapausta 10 000:ta sanaa kohti. Korpusten välinen ero on tilastollisesti merkitsevä (G² = 7,71; p < 0,01). Espanjan korpuksessa se-rakenteet (58,6) ovat yleisempiä kuin perifrastinen passiivi (23,8). Portugalin korpuksessa vastaavasti perifrastinen passiivi (81,4) on yleisempi kuin se-rakenteet (12,2). Espanjan korpuksessa impersonaaliset rakenteet ovat tyypillisimpiä yhteiskunta- (100,7), kulttuuri- (99,7) ja tiedeaiheisissa (94,6) uutisissa ja harvinaisimpia urheilu-uutisissa (27,9). Portugalin korpuksessa ne ovat tyypillisimpiä puolestaan yhteiskunta- (135,9), politiikka- (89,3) ja kulttuuriosastoissa (87,7) ja harvinaisimpia urheiluosastossa (52,7). Portugalin korpuksessa impersonaalirakenteet ovat espanjan korpusta yleisempiä yhteiskunta-, politiikka-, urheilu- ja teknologia-aiheisissa uutisissa. Näissä kaikissa paitsi teknologiassa ero korpusten välillä on tilastollisesti merkitsevä. Espanjan korpuksessa rakenteet ovat yleisempiä talous-, kulttuuri- ja tiedeosastoissa, mutta näissä missään ero korpusten välillä ei ole tilastollisesti merkitsevä. Tyylillisesti suurimmat erot korpusten välillä havaitaan urheiluosastossa, sillä espanjan urheilu-uutisten kieli on huomattavasti kuvailevampaa kuin portugalin. Kaikki löydöt viittaavat uutiskielen olevan portugalin korpuksessa muodollisempaa kuin espanjan korpuksessa. Laajemmat johtopäätökset eri impersonaalirakenteiden käytöstä kielten välillä vaativat kuitenkin lisätutkimusta.
  • Kivinen, Maiju (2021)
    The aim of this Master’s thesis is to explore the cultural and discursive aspects of defense procurement in the United States. The thesis examines how an American multirole combat aircraft, the Lockheed Martin F-35 Lightning II fighter, has been framed by Members of the U.S. Congress in 2010—2020. Focused on congressional communication towards the domestic audience, the study examines what kinds of meanings of the F-35 are conveyed by the frames and how they relate to American strategic culture. This is a study in the multidisciplinary field of American Studies, making use of previous research and concepts from congressional studies, defense and strategic studies, and political culture studies. The research material consists of public statements from Members of the Armed Services Committees of the U.S. House of Representatives and the Senate. Informed by a social constructivist viewpoint and a semiotic approach to culture, the study adopts framing theory/analysis as a theoretical-methodological framework through which a combination of quantitative and qualitative content analysis of the research material is conducted. As a background for understanding the research material, the study defines a certain kind of American strategic culture and discusses the role of Congress in defense spending. This study finds that Members of the two Armed Services Committees have invoked broad, culturally resonant concepts and timeless storylines to contextualize and justify the F-35 to the domestic audience in a way that has remained fairly consistent over time. The study identifies three distinct but overlapping frames: an economic frame, a strategic-technological frame, and an apolitical patriotic frame. The framing of the F- 35 has highlighted its economic and financial aspects but has also discussed what the aircraft provides or means to the United States on the global arena, supported by a perception of war and military power as technology-centered and focused on competition between great power rivalries. The framing has also given voice to an understanding of the F-35 as a nonpartisan issue that evokes patriotic sentiments and was permeated with a general narrative of American national greatness and continued hegemony in the world. All the frames identified in this study are interpreted as having a basis in American strategic culture, but a more thorough understanding of the F-35 discourse arises by paying attention to a wider cultural context. The study suggests that the process and impacts of framing the F-35 are rooted in the existence and public acceptance of an American ‘culture of war’.
  • Shabani, Mirjeta (2024)
    A continuous-time Markov chain is a stochastic process which has the Markov property. The Markov property states that the transition to a next state of the process only depends on the current state, that is, it does not depend on the process’ preceding states. Continuous-time Markov Chains are fundamental tools to model stochastic systems in finance and insurance such as option pricing and modelling insurance claim processes. This thesis examines continuous-time Markov chains and their most important concepts and typical properties. For instance, we introduce and investigate the Kolmogorov forward and backward equations, which are essential for continuous-time systems. However, the main aim of the thesis is to present a method and proof for constructing a Markov process from continuous transition intensity matrix. This is achieved by generating a transition probability matrix from given transition intensity matrix. When the transition intensities are known, the challenge is to determine the transition probabilities since the calculations can easily become difficult to solve analytically. Through the introduced theorem it becomes possible to simplify the calculations by approximations. In this thesis, we also make applications of the theory. We demonstrate how determining transition probabilities using Kolmogorov’s forward equations can become challenging in a simple setup. Furthermore, we will compare the approximations of transition probabilities derived from the main theorem to the actual transition probabilities. We make observations about the theorem’s transition probability function; the approximations derived from the main theorem provides quite satisfactory estimates of the actual transition probabilities.
  • Katajamäki, Waltteri (2011)
    The objective of this pro gradu thesis is to examine how the Fair Tourism Project of the Association of Small-Scale Banana Producers of El Guabo (Asoguabo) has been constructed. This study examines the construction of the project from two different angles: First, how and why Asoguabo has diversified from banana production to tourism; and second, what kind of image has been constructed of the project through marketing, and how have the imageries used in fair trade marketing been adopted in the construction of fair tourism. The theoretical framework for the research consists of the ideas of nueva ruralidad, new rurality, which deal with changes in rural areas. Tourism has changed over the last few decades, and tourists are increasingly looking for real and authentic travel experiences. Simultaneously, tourism has been commodified by emphasising certain features of sustainable development, and especially in the developing world, tourism is often marketed under the brand of alternative, community-based, or ecotourism. As a new concept, fair tourism has joined this wide variety of different brands, and this thesis discusses the project of Asoguabo from the point of view of fair tourism. This thesis is a case study on the Fair Tourism Project of Asoguabo, and it is based on fieldwork of one month in Ecuador in January 2010, as well as on the author's previous experiences from Asoguabo. The data consists of 21 semi-structured qualitative interviews with sixteen informants, most of who were closely related to the Fair Tourism Project. Apart from the interviews, data were collected through participant observation and content analysis of the promotion materials of the project. This thesis shows how the Fair Tourism Project faces a number of challenges before it can achieve its objective of creating additional income for Asoguabo. The research shows how the project mainly benefitted those few members of the association, who work in the project as guides. These guides profit directly from the project by obtaining small additional income, by growing their social capital, and by getting an opportunity to learn through participating in different courses, for example. The results of the research also show how communication problems between the different actors in the project exacerbate the information flow and consequently activities of the Fair Tourism Project. These problems also increase the levels of uncertainty about the project among the farmers of Asoguabo. In addition, the thesis shows that, to some extent, similar imageries are being used in the marketing of the Fair Tourism Project as in the marketing of agricultural fair trade commodities. However there are surprisingly few producers portrayed in the promotion material and pictures of European tourists are often at the centre stage.
  • Koivuranta, Katri (2017)
    Tutkielmassa tarkastelun kohteena on yksittäisen verkossa toimivan faniyhteisön tapa rakentaa, rajata ja ilmaista jaettua sosiaalista identiteettiä. Faniuden ja faniyhteisöjen luonnetta taustoitetaan Hirsjärven (2009) ja Nikusen (2003) tutkimuksella, ja faniyhteisöjen käsittämistä sosiaalisina ryhminä puolletaan sosiaalipsykologisen teorian käsityksillä ryhmien ominaisuuksista ja syntymekanismeista. Tutkielmassa käsitellään myös nimellisiä eroavaisuuksia sosiaalisen ja henkilökohtaisen identiteetin välillä, ja määritellään fanius identiteetiksi, jota tuotetaan nimenomaan sosiaalisessa kontekstissa muiden fanien kanssa. Tutkimusmenetelmänä käytetään diskurssianalyysia, koska data on kerätty neljän eri käyttäjän omista ja jaetuista julkaisuista verkkoblogialustalta, jonka formaatti mahdollistaa keskustelun haarautumisen ja ajallisen jakautumisen tavalla, jonka tarkastelu keskusteluanaalysin keinoin katsotaan olevan suureksi osaksi epäkäytännöllistä kasvotyön ilmaisuja lukuun ottamatta. Dataa on kerätty määritellyltä ajanjaksolta käyttämällä kyseiselle faniyhteisölle relevantteja avainsanoja, jolla on pyritty varmistamaan, että viestintätilanteessa oleellinen identiteetti on fani-identiteetti. Analyysin käsittelyssä faniuden kohteesta lainattujen käsitteiden yleisyyden huomataan jäävän oletettua vähäisemmäksi, joskin niillä on joitakin funktioita. Huumori nousee esille merkittävänä identiteettityön keinona: erityisesti vuorovaikutuksessa syntyvä vitsailu ja siinä käytetyt negatiiviset kasvotyön strategiat luovat subjektipositioita faneille. Sen lisäksi diskurssista nousevat esiin intertekstuaalisuus, affektiiviset hyperbolat eli tunneilmaisun liioittelu, faniyhteisön yhteinen odotushorisontti ja jaettu tieto sekä normista poikkeavat kirjoittamisen tavat. Yksittäiset ilmaisut toimivat eri tasoilla ja limittyvät toisiinsa; esimerkiksi intertekstuaalisia viittauksia jaetun fani-identiteetin keskiöön esiintyy sekä hyperbolien kohteena, jaettujen merkitysten lähteenä että huumorin työkaluna. Tutkimuksen lopuksi arvioidaan sitä, kuinka hyvin tutkimuskysymyksiin saatiin vastaus ja pohditaan fanituksen kohteen narratiivin ja fani-identiteetin rakentumisen yhteyttä.
  • Delgado, Tatiana (2016)
    This study explores image formation, country branding and public diplomacy. It constructs theoretical connections between images, stereotypes and country images and proposes the combined concept of stereotyped images. The aim of this study is to explore what images of Finland are present in Brazil, how these images have been formed and the purposes behind these. Using qualitative content analysis it was investigated the first images of Finland formed in Brazil through the formation of a Finnish colony in the state of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. The study proceeds to analyze the community transformation to a themed tourist town and the importance of the village to the self-identity of the immigrants and descendants. Through the study of the community it is possible to identify the origins of the earlier Finnish stereotypes in the country and it serves as a point of departure for branding activities. In the content analysis the material present in the websites from the agencies Team Finland and This is Finland which had as its main topic Latin America and/or Brazil where analyzed. Through the material it was possible to establish the country branding activities implemented in Brazil, the purpose of the actions and target groups. Meetings with members of the Finnish Ministry of Foreign Affairs which had been or still were stationed in Brazil were conducted. These meetings served as background information and complemented the material found on both agencies websites. This showed that all together Finland is presented to the Brazilian elite and the topics highlighted are the ones which are already admired by the target group – education, technology and good governance. The study explores the counter images of Finland existent in Brazil and how these reach different social groups and have different intentions behind them. On one hand there is the stereotype of the cold and backward country, on the other there is the super model which presents solutions to the Brazilian society. The analysis of country branding allows one to explore the increasingly role of image as a tool of public diplomacy.
  • Lönnroth-Olin, Marja (2016)
    The discourses of Young Muslim men in the West have tended to focus on marginalisation, deviancy and threat. Often the voices of the targets of these stigmatizing discourses are not heard and thus, they do not have the possibility to re-define or resist the dominant discourses. This Thesis investigates how young Muslim men living in Finland, surrounded by discourses of threat and marginalisation, construct Muslimness and how they position themselves and others in that construction. The data was collected by semi-structured thematic group interviews, conducted in small groups or dyads, with 12 young men aged from 18-29 years. The data was analysed using a Critical Discursive Psychological approach, focusing on how the young men are constructed and positioned by the larger societal discourses and how they respond to these constructions, as well as on how they construct their identities in the immediate interaction situation. The analysis focused on three concepts; interpretative repertoires, ideological dilemmas and subject positions, which all shed a light on how identities are constructed and negotiated in interaction in relation to the sociocultural context. In the data 3 interpretative repertoires, 3 ideological dilemmas and 5 subject positions were distinguished. The results show that the participants negotiate their identities in relation to various actors, as well as in relation to relevant identity categories such as gender and generation. In their talk, it can be distinguished that they sometimes accept and repeat, yet sometimes question and re-define how Muslimness is constructed in the societal discourses.
  • Matyushkina, Anna (2023)
    This thesis examines how Russian migrant women construct their national identities through the mothering practices they perform in Finland. This research is based on an intersectional approach as it studies how migration and motherhood relate to the complex negotiations of the national identities of Russian women in Finland. Theoretically, this study aims to contribute to the feminist perspective by exploring the complexity and intersectionality of Russian women’s national, gender, and parental identities in migration. Methodologically, this study relies on a biographical approach in the analysis of migration experiences. The primary material of this research consists of in-depth focused interviews based on biographical narratives. A total of 17 interviews were conducted with Russian migrant mothers both through face-to-face and online interviewing during August and September 2022. This research revealed various ways in which Russian migrant mothers construct their national identities through their mothering practices in Finland. The key findings focus on the experiences and strategies of Russian migrant mothers in maintaining translocal family connections, constructing national identities, and navigating motherhood in Finland. Thus, the research situated Russian women’s everyday mothering practices into a complex translocal context where they navigate their multiple identities while living in Finland. Moreover, the study provided data on the challenges and emotional responses of Russian migrant mothers to the war in Ukraine, including the ways in which mothers seek to hide their Russianness and highlight their children’s dominant non-Russian identity.
  • De Paola, Lili (2023)
    This thesis presents an ethnographic and discourse analytical approach to the construction of Saudi Arabian nationhood in the post-2016 era following the inception of the national, neoliberal economic reform plan Vision 2030. The analysis examines a dual dataset consisting of ethnographic data as well as textual and visual sources produced for the most part in the context of Saudi Arabia’s National Day and Founding Day celebrations. The framework of analysis draws on social constructivist theories of nationalism as well as Marxist approaches to political economy. The work focuses on the interlinkages of contemporary Saudi nationalism, capitalist political economy and the creation of neoliberal-national subjectivities by examining three core research questions. (1) How are national futures envisioned and pasts remembered in the context of state and elite production of nationalism? (2) How are certain femininities produced as national and what are the qualities that make up national femininities in state and elite discourse? (3) How do national celebrations participate in constructing Saudi Arabian nationhood and what are some popular responses to or understandings of nationalism in their context? The analysis shows how the neoliberal economic reform plan Vision 2030 constructs national, neoliberal subjects by projecting the image of a self-governing, economic and youthful Saudi citizen. Vision 2030 also emerges as an economic imaginary of a future techno-utopian Saudi Arabia, where the “giga projects” undertaken under Vision 2030 have been realized through the ambition-turned-labor of ideal citizens. Meanwhile, Founding Day surfaces as an invented tradition seeking to establish continuity with an “authentic” and suitable Saudi Arabian past at a time when the kingdom is in the midst of a period of economic and social change. The production of national subjects also occurs along gendered lines by producing neoliberal-national femininities: women occupy a dual role as both carriers of tradition and symbols of the nation and its modernity. Also popular Founding Day celebrations surface as practices that contribute to shaping subjectivities through the creation of embodied experiences of the nation along with visualizing its glorified past and utopian future. Participants in such events also participate in this subject formation by deciding whether to take part in celebrations and, if so, how.
  • Zhang, Junli Jossta (2019)
    This research focused on studying how government constructs the phenomenon of social entrepreneurship in the context of Hong Kong. Social psychological perspectives were applied to develop the theoretical and methodological framework of the research. Seven pieces of government papers and one piece of government speech, in total 28 pages of content, ranging from the year 2007 to the year 2017, were selected as research materials. These official materials were chosen because they explained the government’s social enterprise policy in government’s own language. The main research question “how social entrepreneurship is constructed in Hong Kong?” was divided into three subquestions, respectively, concerning on what repertoires were used by the government to construct roles and positions; on how agency was constructed by the government; and on the effects and consequences that might be brought by the government’s construction of social entrepreneurship. The major findings of the empirical study include: eight subject categories were identified from the government’s construction, and eight repertoires were found being used by the government to construct roles and positions for the subject categories. The study revealed that the goals government constructed for social enterprises were twofold: to become competitive to achieve financial sustainability in the long run, and to provide more low-skilled job opportunities for the socially disadvantaged people. Besides, the study found that the government was positioning itself as the principal of the social enterprise sector, and using the ideology of “helping the socially disadvantaged people to become self-reliant” to justify its policy preference for the Work Integration Social Enterprise. The study further revealed that the success of the social enterprise sector was being attributed to the government’s support and effort, rather than to the effort of the social enterprise operators and the social entrepreneurs. Based on the research findings, two major conclusions were drawn: first, in the context of Hong Kong, the government is using the social enterprise sector as a vehicle to tackle its welfare-reform problems, so the social enterprise sector is treated as a subsystem subjugated to the state’s welfare system; second, the phenomenon of social entrepreneurship in Hong Kong has been constructed by the government as a narrow pursuit, and this construction of social entrepreneurship is being too narrow in scope to accommodate the diversified values of social entrepreneurship.
  • Halme, Elsa (2023)
    This thesis explores how a university department, Creation Mine (CM), constructs creativity and seeks serendipity through communality within Aalto University in Espoo, Finland. Through their daily aspirations of low bureaucracy and anti-structure, the Mine community oppose the university structure – even though they are a part of and reproduce the bureaucracy in their community activity. The inherent juxtaposition between the communal ideals of structurelessness and the highly structural Finnish university bureaucracy causes a plethora of contradictions within the Mine, among its employees and external university bureaucrats alike. This thesis examines precisely these moments of deviation and conflict to understand how creativity and anti-structure are pursued in the space of a structure and how such contradiction is lived through in the daily lives of bureaucrats and creative workers. This research is based on anthropological methods of ethnographical inquiry and participant observation that took place from mid-November 2021 until the end of April 2022. Through Victor Turner's theorisation of liminality and social anti-structure, communitas, I examine the cultural emblem of the community – CM's intense product development course (DCC). The DCC transformed from a university course to a rite of passage through the course rituals. The cultural values and norms of the Creation Mine manifest in the DCC – it is a performance and spectacle of the whole community. Hence, the course's liminal values of emotional connection, equality, and humility are deemed inherently normative within the community. They are pursued, fortified and – notably – disrupted in the Miners' daily work life. Such liminal ideals are imperatively opposed to the university bureaucracy and cause social friction within the Mine. The idealisation of liminality creates a space for informal power structures and membership standards to form. Due to the informal rhetorics and organisation style, such standards and power structures remain obscure and ambivalent – even for the Mine members. Hence, informal standards become exclusionary determinants within the emotional community and, by extension, the workplace. The American-style performative informality, combined with the underlying Finnish bureaucracy and the multinational staff, renders the community's informal and formal power structures distorted and even invisible. The co-existent and contrasting organisational logics cause misunderstandings, frustration and informal grouping within the Mine, creating continual ambivalence among the staff. However, the community's emotional dwelling is not organised solely through structureless ambitions but under charismatic authority. Utilising the classic ideal types of Max Weber, I examine the conflicting charismatic and legal authority structures within the Mine. As the community congregates under its charismatic leader, denying bureaucratic structures from the communal space causes friction between the Creation Mine and external university bureaucrats. Regardless, the Miners must be able to collaborate with their external colleagues, despite the seemingly mutual prejudice towards each other. Thus, personal politics, familialism and play are utilised to render the external bureaucrats at least tolerable and cooperation possible. Thus, in their daily work life, The Miners must manoeuvre between many different and contrasting authority structures and ideals of structurelessness to find belonging in the communal space and workplace.
  • Laulumaa-Leino, Niina (2019)
    Naisten asema islamissa on ollut jo pitkään kiistelty aihe sekä islamilaisessa teologiassa, että länsimaisessa tutkimuksessa. Aiheesta on tehty viime vuosikymmeninä paljon feminististä tutkimusta sekä feministisiä teologisia projekteja. Termi ’islamilainen feminismi’ onkin vakiintunut tarkoittamaan akateemista islamilaista feminismiä, jonka keskiössä ovat mm. Koraanin uudelleentulkinta ja historiallinen tutkimus, ja joka pyrkii parantamaan naisten asemaa yhteiskunnissa. Pro gradu –tutkielmani keskittyy tutkimaan muslimifeminismiä ei niinkään akateemisena tutkimuksena, vaan osana muslimi-identiteettiä. Tutkimuksessani muslimifeministien identiteettien muodostumista pohditaan sosiaalisen median viitekehyksessä. Aineistona työssä toimii Twitteristä kerätty n.1500 kommentin korpus aihetunnisteella #lifeofamuslimfeminist, jonka ’twiiteissä’ kuvataan muslimifeministiksi identifioituvien erilaisia kokemuksia tasa-arvoon ja elämään liittyen. Tarkastelun kohteena on miten kirjoittajat rakentavat muslimifeministin identiteettiä käyttämällä erilaisia tulkintarepertuaareja sekä niiden mahdollistamia identiteettipositioita. Teoreettisen ja metodologisen pohjan tälle työlle muodostavat diskurssianalyysi, diskursiivinen psykologia ja sosiolingvistiikka. Työ rakentuu vahvasti sosiaalisen konstruktionismin ajatukselle, jossa sosiaalinen maailma sekä identiteetit rakentuvat ihmisten kielenkäytössä luomien merkitysten kautta. Työssä käytetty diskursiivisen psykologian näkökulma nojaa Jonathan Potterin ja Margaret Wetherellin työhön, jonka tavoitteena on ollut tutkia miten diskursseja, tulkintarepertuaareja ja identiteettejä muodostetaan puhutussa tai kirjoitetussa kielenkäytössä. Sekä minkälaisia identiteettikategorioita tai –positioita niiden avulla luodaan ja minkälaisia niiden keskinäiset valtasuhteet ovat. Sosiolingvistiikkaa olen soveltanut Mary Bucholtzin sekä Kira Hallin viisi kohtaisen teorian osalta, jossa ihmisten identiteettien ajatellaan koostuvat monista päällekkäisistä ja muuttuvista identiteeteistä, jotka rakentuvat sosiaalisessa kanssakäymisessä. Heidän teoriansa on tarjonnut työkaluja tunnistaa ja tulkita kielelliset keinot erilaisten kategorioiden ja positioiden luomiseen. Valitsemieni teorioiden valossa ja niiden tarjoamien työkalujen avulla olen paikantanut aineistosta yhdeksän laajempaa diskurssia, sekä viisitoista niitä rakentavaa tulkintarepertuaaria. Löytämieni diskurssien ja repertuaarien kautta aineistosta oli mahdollista paikantaa useita erilaisia identiteettipositioita, jotka jaoin kolmen suurimman identiteettikategorian alle: sukupuoli-identiteettiin liittyvät, muslimi-identiteettiin liittyvät sekä feministi-identiteettiin liittyvät repertuaarit. Repertuaareilla luotiin erilaisia identiteettipositioita liittyen kirjoittajien seksuaalisuuteen ja rooliin yhteiskunnassa, heidän uskonnolliseen identiteettiinsä ja huivin käyttöön sekä heidän toimijuuteensa ja sijaintiinsa rodullistetun feminismin suhteen. Usein kirjoittajien identiteetit rakentuivat päällekkäisesti monen eri kategorian kanssa, ja he omaksuivat aktiivisesti erilaisia repertuaareihin liittyviä väliaikaisia identiteettipositioita. Kokonaisuutena aineiston kommentit rakensivat muslimifeministien identiteettejä monella tasolla, kuitenkin ensisijaisesti naisina, muslimeina ja feministeinä, mutta myös vahvoina, koulutettuina ja suorapuheisina.
  • Mai, Thao Yen (2016)
    This qualitative research project studies the way in which the Vietnamese queer youth (including lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, and genderqueer) conceptualize their identities, and the interplay between their self-conceptualization, gender performance, and their interpretation of roles in relationships. Taken place during a time period when positive changes are taking place in the Vietnamese law regarding queer rights, this study also looks at the activist works of community organizations advocating for queer rights, and how such organizations, through their introduction to notions of rights and diversity, help construct the way young Vietnamese conceptualize queerness. Data from personal interviews suggests that many informants still strongly conform to heteronormativity, gender norms, and an essentialist characterization of queerness, which in turn regulates their gender performances and places restrictions on their romantic relationships. These interviews also paint a fragmented reflection of the Vietnamese queer youth community, with a strong degree of separation among different queer groups, and the emergence of a queer hierarchy informed by class, gender and sexuality. The collected data involves qualitative interviews conducted on seventeen young queer people in Vietnam. Half of these informants are volunteer activists working with an organization for queer rights in Ho Chi Minh City. This research also includes the author’s fieldwork observation and notes on the interactions with the informants outside of the interview settings and into the queer field of Vietnam. Guided by feminist methodology, this qualitative study aims to give a voice to marginalized identities and challenge the dominant gendered and classed structures that grant social acceptance to some queer identities while further marginalizing other queers through the regulation of gender performance and desires.
  • Korpela, Markus (2020)
    Gene therapy trials are becoming more common place with the first approved products having arrived onto markets within the last 5 years. Gene therapy trials have focused on diseases that are monogenic and curable through the reintroduction of autologous, gene-corrected hematopoietic stem cells with promising results. A popular method for gene-correction is through the integration of the wild-type gene into the patient’s genome with a class of retroviruses called lentivirus. APECED (autoimmune polyendocrinopathy candidiasis ectodermal dystrophy) is a rare, monogenic autoimmune disease that is caused by a recessive mutation within the AIRE gene coding region. APECED has a high prevalence within the Finnish population (1/25,000) and is theoretically curable through the transplantation of autologous gene-corrected hematopoietic stem cells. Therefore, creating and studying a lentivector carrying the endogenous AIRE promoter and coding region could provide insight and a preliminary foundation on how to begin to develop a viable gene therapy for APECED. The aim of this thesis was to generate and characterise the first lentivector containing the wildtype AIRE gene, specifically the proximal AIRE promoter and the AIRE open reading frame (ORF). The lentivector was constructed and then transfected into a human cell-line, HEK293T, from which qPCR and immunohistochemistry were used to detect for AIRE mRNA and protein, respectively. The presence of significant amounts of AIRE mRNA and protein indicated that the constructed plasmid was transcriptionally functional. It is the first plasmid to have Aire transcription regulated by its endogenous promoter and can provide future insight into gene regulation. As a lentiviral plasmid, it demonstrates the integrating of the AIRE gene into an existing lentiviral system and serves as a first step and a technical proof-of-concept in developing a gene therapeutic cure for APECED.
  • Österman, Janina (2009)
    Pseudomonas syringae pv. tomato DC3000 is a Gram-negative plant pathogen that causes bacterial speck disease on tomato. The virulence of this bacterium is based on the type III secretion system (T3SS). Similar systems are also used by many other plant and animal pathogens, as well as symbiotic bacteria. The T3SS enables the transfer of specific bacterial virulence proteins from the bacterial cytoplasm into the host cell. This secretion is mediated by a needle-like structure that penetrates the plant cell wall. Once inside the host cells, the effector proteins are capable of shutting down the host’s immune system. However, what happens at the plant cell membrane is not well understood. One of the first bacterial proteins that come into interaction with a host protein during P. syringae pv. tomato DC3000 infection is the HrpZ1 protein that is believed to participate in a membrane interaction, facilitating the transfer of effector proteins. Previous research has shown that HrpZ1 binds to a peptide and using an antiserum raised against this peptide in immunoblotting tests of tomato proteins separated by SDS-PAGE and isoelectric focusing, the target tomato protein of HrpZ1 has been found to be small and acidic. However, this specific protein has not yet been fully characterized. This is why the goal of the work for this thesis was to identify and characterize the target protein of HrpZ1 in tomato. For this purpose, a lambda cDNA expression library from tomato leaves was constructed, followed by immunoscreening of the library with the abovementioned antiserum, and analysing candidate clones by sequencing. Even though a good cDNA library was obtained, the immunoscreenings did not yield satisfactory results. Thus, the pursuit of the HrpZ1 target protein needs to be continued.
  • Oksanen, Jouni (2023)
    Vascular endothelial growth factor C (VEGF-C) is the most studied of the growth factors that control the growth of lymphatic vessels (lymphangiogenesis) and belongs to the same VEGF family as VEGF-A, which controls the growth of blood vessels. The growth of blood vessels and lymphatic vessels is centrally related to the pathophysiology of several cancers that form solid tumours and wet macular degeneration. Unlike VEGF-A, VEGF-C is not currently (2023) a target molecule of any approved drugs, but in clinical trials in the indications mentioned above, combining a VEGF C inhibitor with VEGF-A inhibitors has provided better results than VEGF-A inhibitor monotherapy. The study's objective was converting a phage display library containing single-chain antibody variable fragments (scFvs) screened against VEGF-C into full IgG class antibodies. The scFvs had shown a binding affinity towards the human, mouse, or both VEGF-C variants. The DNA sequences of the best binders of the library had previously been cloned into pLK06H plasmids. The scFvs comprise the variable region of the light and heavy chain (VL and VH) but do not contain the constant regions of the antibody (CL and CHx). Using single-chain antibody fragments as drugs is limited because, in most indications, better stability of whole antibodies, lower immunogenicity, and a longer half-life enabling less frequent dosing is desirable. In addition, the Fc part of whole antibodies often mediates the drug effect, such as complement activation, and whole antibodies are also used as research tools. Secondly, the study aimed to investigate how changing the antibody format affects the binding affinity. To produce whole antibodies, original DNA sequences of pVitro-trastuzumab-IgGk1 plasmid encoding VH and VL regions were replaced with new VH and VL sequences from the phage display library. Several recombinant DNA technology methods were utilised, but the most crucial method was the commercially available NEBuilder HiFi DNA Assembly, which enabled the seamless joining of several DNA fragments into a recombinant DNA molecule in a single-tube reaction. The cloning workflow proved uncertain, as only one constructed antibody production plasmid was sufficiently amplified and expressed in bacterial and mammalian cell cultures. Suboptimal overlapping of DNA fragments and insufficient competence of the bacterial strain used in the transformation were probable bottlenecks. Therefore, as such, the method is not suitable for use on a large scale to convert single-chain antibody fragments into whole antibodies. Also, binding tests were not performed. However, the work done and the antibody production plasmid built is a good basis for further optimisation of the method. In the optimisation, attention should be paid, especially to the quality of the DNA primers and the competence of the bacterial cell line. Also, alternative cloning methods, such as restriction enzymes and ligases, could be used instead of the NEBuilder HiFi DNA Assembly.
  • Vander Horst, Petra (2018)
    The aim of this research is to identify and compare how Posti (as the employer of an ethnically diverse workforce) and PAU (as the labour union representing a constantly diversifying field) construct new postal workforce diversities. The once respected and fairly well paid civil service offices of postal officers have turned into low-paid, low-skilled, often part-time work, which is failing to attract ethnic-Finn employees. As a result, migrant workers have infiltrated postal warehouse work, daytime mail delivery and especially early morning delivery. The rapid entrance of non-ethnic Finns into the field has forced Posti and PAU to consider, how they wish to approach the growing diversity of their workforce. This research examines these approaches. Articles from Posti’s personnel magazine and PAU’s membership magazine form the empirical basis for this research. Altogether 24 articles, 12 from each magazine, were chosen based on their relevance to the topic of ethnic diversity and migrant workforce. The material was collected from publications that were released between January 2014 and August 2017. Acker’s (2006) theoretical framework of “inequality regimes” in organizations serves as the core theory as well as the methodological tool for this research. The theoretical and methodological concept of frame analysis is also used to further help understand, how Posti and PAU are able to explain and justify existing inequalities in the data. A critical discourse analytical approach is present throughout the research, from the initial reading and coding of the material to the presentation of the results. The critical analysis of the selected material suggests that Posti and PAU approach the growing diversity of postal workforce in very different ways. Posti presents the diversification of the workforce as a necessary and positive change, which will help the company expand the personnel’s skillset and even increase its financial results. Ethnic diversity and increased migrant workforce is discussed in a thoroughly positive light in the personnel magazine of Posti. Migrant workers’ lack of Finnish language skills is the only negativity of the ethnically diverse workforce of Posti, which is brought up in the material. The poor Finnish skills of migrant workers are also stressed in the membership magazine of the union, but the union is also concerned with Posti’s unfair treatment of the migrant workforce. On one hand, PAU stresses the necessity to include migrant workers into the Finnish working life and on the other hand, PAU stresses the possible culture clashes this might generate. The core finding of this research is that the way diversity is approached is closely related to the objectives and aims of the organization in question. Posti very purposefully aims to construct a new cohesive workforce diversity, which focuses on the possibilities of diversity and actively aims to hide existing inequalities. Posti still relies heavily on manual labour to carry out its core services, and therefore, it is in its interest to portray diversity in a positive light. The approach that PAU takes towards diversity in its membership magazine, is far less coherent and purposeful than that of Posti. It shows concern for the potential mistreatment of Posti’s migrant workers but fails to take a stand on the position of migrant workers within the field. This research concludes that PAU is still unsure of its approach towards the new diversities of postal work. On one hand, its mission has always been to protect the terms and conditions of the employees, to which the entrance of migrant workers into the field poses a threat, but on the other hand, one of the key values of the labour movement has always been solidarity. So far, PAU is still trying to fulfil both objectives, which results in inconsistent and limited views of what the diversification of the workforce means for postal work.
  • Perttilä, Ukko (2016)
    Tutkielma käsittelee Ranskan valtiollisen kehitysyhteistyöyksikön julkaisemaa Secteur privé & développement –lehteä, jonka sisältämät asiantuntija-artikkelit muodostavat tutkimusaineiston. Tutkielma esittelee lehden toistuvasti käyttämiä retorisia keinoja, jotka luovat vaikutelman ideologisesta asemoitumisesta kehitysstrategian kannalta. Tämä käy ilmi soveltaessani useampaa kieitieteellistä teoriaa, keskittyen a) ideologisen viestinnän leimallisiin ominaisuuksiin; b) oletusten toimintamekanismiin, ja niiden käyttöön implisiittisenä suostuttelun välineenä; c) simuloituun konsensukseen, joka syntyy diskurssin ylläpitämien maksiimien arvolatausten kaappaamisesta käyttäen hyväksi d) kommunikaation lähtökohtaista dialogisuutta, joka mahdollistaa merkitysten purkamisen ja siirtymisen. Huomiot kehitystaloustieteen oppiaineen puolelta täydentävät kielitieteellisiä argumentteja, kommentoiden aineistossa esiintyviä väittämiä omalta kannaltaan.