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Now showing items 4242-4261 of 33050
(2020)Tämän tutkimuksen aiheena oli kehittää elektroniikkateollisuuteen liimoja, joilla on keskenään erilaiset elastiset moduulit. Tavoitteena oli muokata liimojen ominaisuuksia muuttamalla käytettyä siloksaanipohjaista polymeeriä. Ensimmäisessä vaiheessa difenyylisilaanidiolista (DPSD) syntetisoitiin dimeerejä ja trimeerejä; bis-DPSD:a ja tris-DPSD:a. Toisessa vaiheessa syntetisoitiin moolilmassaltaan pieniä kopolymeerejä, joiden synteesiin käytettiin kolmea edellämainittua DPSD:a tetrametoksisilaanin (TMOS) ja trimetoksi[2-(7-oksabisyklo[4.1.0]hept-3-yl)etyleeni]silaanin (ECHETMOS) reaktiossa. Ensimmäiseen kopolymeeriin käytettiin DPSD:a, toiseen dimeeristä bis-DPSD:a ja kolmanteen trimeeristä tris-DPSD:a. Kolmannessa vaiheessa kopolymeereistä valmistettiin liimaa lisäämällä kopolymeereihin täyteaineita, additiiveja ja katalyyttiä, jolla valmis liima saatiin kovetettua. Valmis liima saadaan ristisilloittumaan lämpökatalyytillä, kun ECHETMOS:n epoksiryhmät aukeavat ja reagoivat renkaanavautumispolymerisaatiossa. Tutkimuksen kirjallisessa osuudessa perehdyttiin siloksaani- ja silseskvioksaanipolymeerien reaktioihin, sovelluksiin ja niistä valmistettujen materiaalien ominaisuuksiin. Siloksaani- ja silseskvioksaanipolymeerejä käytetään elektroniikkateollisuudessa optisissa sovelluksissa. Ensin keskityttiin silaanien ja siloksaanien optisten ominaisuuksien tutkimukseen. Tämän jälkeen tutkittiin difenyylisilaanidiolin vaikutusta optisiin sovelluksiin käytetyissä siloksaanipolymeereissä. Dimeeristen ja trimeeristen difenyylisilaanidiolien oletettiin vaikuttavan valmiin liiman elastiseen moduuliin, koska ne ovat selvästi pidempiä ja jäykempiä yksiköitä verrattuna monomeeriseen DPSD:n. Työssä kuitenkin havaittiin, että DPSD:n kondensaatioreaktio trimeeriksi ei onnistunut toivotusti. Sen sijaan osoittautui, että tris-DPSD muodosti ainoastaan rengasmaisia rakenteita lineaaristen sijaan, jolloin tris-DPSD:ssa ei ollut jäljellä enää yhtään vapaita OH-ryhmiä, joiden avulla polymeeriä olisi voinut muodostua. Sen takia trimeerien vaikutusta polymeerin rakenteen jäykkyyteen ei päästy tutkimaan. Bis-DPSD säilyi lineaarisena, mutta tris-DPSD:a muodostui kaikissa reaktioissa, joista saatiin bis-DPSD:a. Käytännössä tämä aiheutti kovettumisongelmia liimoissa, koska liimoihin jäi tällöin aina myös monomeerista tris-DPSD:a, eli materiaalia ei saatu täysin ristisilloitettua. Monomeerista DPSD:a käyettäessä kopolymerointi TMOS:n ja ECHETMOS:n kanssa onnistui, ja tästä kopolymeeristä saatiin mekaanisesti kestävää liimaa.
(2022)Cyanobacteria are an important part of the phytoplankton community and aquatic ecosystems. Cyanobacteria can form large mass occurrences, i.e. blooms, which can be toxic or cause other harm. Research and monitoring of cyanobacteria has been based on microscopy analysis. However, molecular-based methods, such as 16S rRNA sequencing are replacing microscopy analyses in the near future. The Finnish Environment Institute has stated that molecular methods are part of environmental monitoring before 2030. In this Master’s thesis the aim was to determine whether conventional microscopy analyses and 16S rRNA sequencing differ when comparing nano- and micro-sized cyanobacteria. The material was collected from a laboratory experiment of the Finnish Environment Institute’s (SYKE) MiDAS project, which was conducted in the summer of 2020. The results of the microscopy and 16S rRNA analyses differed from each other. The relative abundances of the cyanobacteria genera differed between sample types. Microscopy analyses estimated that the alpha diversity was higher compared to the results of the sequencing analyses. The main reason for the difference between the types of analyses was due to the differences in cyanobacteria belonging to the order of Synechococcales. Some of the Synechococcales species were observed only by the sequencing analyses, e.g. Snowella and some of the Synechococcales species were only observed by the microscopy analyses, e.g. Romeria and Woronichinia. It was observed that both methods are prone to identification errors. The differences between the 16S rRNA sequencing and the microscopy analyses are vastly different. It may affect on the review of long-term data of the phytoplankton community. Therefore, it is important to examine the differences between the types of analyses. Studying the dissimilarities between the types of analyses should be focused on the research of the small cell-sized colonial cyanobacteria, i.e. the species of Chroococcales and Synechococcales.
(2018)Objectives: To determine if and in what ways serious patient safety incidents differ from non-serious patient safety incidents. Methods: Statistical analysis was performed on patient safety incident reports that were reported in 2015 in Finland’s largest hospital district (Helsinki and Uusimaa, HUS). Reports were divided into two groups: non-serious incidents and serious incidents. Differences between groups were studied from several types of categorically divided information. Results: Of the total amount of reports (15 863) 1 % were serious incidents (175). Serious and non-serious incidents differed significantly from each other. Serious incidents concerning laboratory, imaging or medical equipment were more common. On the other hand incidents concerning medication, infusion, blood transfusion, were less frequent. In serious incidents the proportion of doctors reporting was greater and contributing factors were better recognized, the most common of them being working of procedures. Conclusions: In the future, special attention should be given to the particular aspects of serious patient safety incidents, such as safe use of medical equipment, training and handling of procedures. Root cause analysis is an effective way to handle serious incidents and enables the prevention of their reoccurrence. However, a systematic follow of the root cause analysis should be developed.
(2015)Action video games have been found to improve many cognitive skills. Most established findings are related to faster information processing speed and improved attentional capabilities. Many of the same cognitive processes are better on elite athletes of interceptive sports compared to non-elites. This study aimed to find some preliminary evidence whether the improvements in cognitive processes gained from action video gaming might be beneficial in ball sports. This was done by comparing the performance of action video game players and nonaction-video players on an anticipation of coincidence test. Anticipation of coincidence is a laboratory test, where the task is to anticipate when a moving object arrives at a certain point and to coincide a button press with it. Performance on the task is thought to depend on information processing speed and attentional capabilities. When the speeds and possible speed changes are similar to those encountered in real ball sports, elite athletes of these sports are generally more accurate in the task compared to non-elites. Elite athletes differ from non-elites in their gaze patterns as well. For example, athletes fixate to the target quicker and their quiet eye, meaning the last fixation or tracking gaze before a motor action on a specific target lasting at least 100 ms, is longer. Thus, it was studied whether action video gamers fare better on the anticipation of coincidence task in different constant speeds and in deceleration conditions, and whether their gaze patterns are different compared to non-gamers. 10 action video game players and 9 nonaction-video game players participated in the experiment. The results show that action video game players are more accurate in the task in most constant speed conditions and in a deceleration condition with slow speeds. There was some variation in gaze patters, including that action video gamers had quiet eye more often in fast speeds. The results suggest that action video game players can program more accurate motor responses based on the speed of the target and reprogram wrong motor actions better than nonaction-video game players. In addition action video game players are better able to track fast moving targets. As these skills are important in ball sports, this possible linkage between action video games and ball sports performance should be studied further.
(2019)Objectives: Depression presents one of the biggest global health concerns today. According to the network theory, mental disorders, such as depression, reflect co-occurring intercorrelating symptom effects. Thus, studying the properties of depressive symptom networks could enhance knowledge about the etiology of depression. In this study, network structures of men and women of the general population are compared, to enhance understanding of higher prevalence rates of depression in women. Although gender differences of depression are widely studied, this is the first study comparing the depressive symptom network structures of adult men and women in the general population. Methods: The data (n = 567 men; n= 886 women) are from a national age cohort study (LASER). Partial correlation networks of BDI-II symptoms were compared in two time-points. Results: Estimated networks had distinct gender differences. Men had lower mean scores, but more changes in the network structure across time, more negative edges, and higher network density. “Agitation” was highly central only in the men’s networks. Women showed changes in mean sum scores, but network structures had few changes, and symptoms formed three distinct communities in both time-points. “Fatigue” was reported significantly more by women and was highly central only in the women’s networks. Implications: Differences in symptom networks between men and women may explain the gender-related differences in the prevalence of depression. Negative edges in the men’s networks and the symptom communities in the women’s networks are targets for more research. Fatigue could be a valuable target for preventing and treating women’s depression.
(2016)The EC regulations for organic farming (OF), No. 834/2007 and 889/2008, apply in all EU countries but still, different rules are being implemented. Every country in the EU has its own certification bodies and certification systems, and the interpretation of the EC regulations for organic farming is done nationally. The purpose of this research is to fill a gap in the understanding how rules of organic farming differ between three countries in Europe: Finland, Sweden and Austria. In particular, this study aims to examine the role of the national interpretations of the EC regulations for OF at different stages in the food supply chain. The main interest lies in why these differences in interpretation occur, and what interpretations are made at what stage in the system. The methods chosen for answering the research questions is a literature review, a survey with qualitative interviews for gathering relevant topics from the field and finally a comparison of the EC regulations for OF and the national legislations and guidelines in Finland, Sweden and Austria for these topics. This study shows that there are many topics in OF where the EC regulations for OF leave room for variable interpretations and hence, it is unclear to the implementing authorities in the member states how to interpret these. The most significant result is that some of the differences in interpretation lead to the organic farmers being unequal across the countries. Even for statements with clear reasoning and precise instructions there can be significant differences in interpretation between the countries. Based on the results of this research I can state that the farmers in OF would benefit from a more harmonized landscape of OF rules on EU-level, as this would lower the inequality between farmers in OF in the different countries. One mean of doing this would be to reduce the number of statements of qualitative character.
(2021)Equine asthma is a disease syndrome comprised of two diseases, mild and severe asthma. Both diseases can affect the horses performance and intended use. The diseases can be differentiated from each other based on clinical signs, bronchoalveolar lavage fluid (BALF) and tracheal wash (TW) analyses. A horse can recover from mild asthma where as severe asthma is an irreversible disease. Severe asthma is also inheritable, although the exact genes are not known. Environmental factors play an important role in both diseases, with dust, mold, noxious gases and endotoxins being recognized as influencing factors. These components are present in horses’ stable environments. Bedding material in horse stalls is used to absorb moisture and ammonia, and to provide suitable bedding for horses to lay on. The two main bedding materials used in Finland are shavings and peat. They differ in their capability to absorb moisture and ammonia, as well as in their microbiological quality. Peat has higher moisture and ammonia binding capacity but shavings has higher microbiological quality. Horses can spend a big part of their day in the stalls, which increases the importance of using high quality bedding material, which has minimum effect on the respiratory system. The purpose of this study is to compare the effects of peat and shavings on the horses’ respiratory health. 32 horses participated in the study and they were kept 35 days on each bedding material, during three time periods. Peat was used before (peat 1) and after (peat 2) the shavings period. After each 35 day period the horses were examined, BALF and TW samples were collected and analyzed. The results show a significant increase in the TW neutrophil percentage during the shavings period (peat 1: 16.7%, shavings: 32.8%, peat 2: 13.4%). Similar results were noticed in the BALF results, with a significant difference in the neutrophil percentage when comparing shavings and peat 2, but also between the two peat periods (peat 1: 2.7%, shavings: 3.4%, peat 2: 1.6%). None of the horses participating in the study were diagnosed with mild or severe asthma based on the results and clinical signs, even though the high TW neutrophil percentage during the shavings period strongly suggest towards neutrophilic airway inflammation. The results indicate a higher irritation level in the equine respiratory system when shavings was used as bedding material. The difference in the BALF neutrophil percentages during the peat periods may be caused by the horses being taken in from pasture before the peat 1 period. The higher peat 1 results can there fore represent a reaction to the change in environment rather then the actual bedding itself. More research is needed with longer time spent on different bedding materials, combined with exercise tolerance tests, to give insight on the bedding’s effect on physical performance.
(2013)Pilon fractures of the distal tibia are challenging to treat. The fracture is generally highly comminuted, intra-articular and combined with major soft tissue injury. Treatment is often initiated by placing a temporary external fixator to stabilize the ankle joint. However, there is little research concerning the mechanical properties of external fixators in the treatment of pilon fractures. The aim of this study was to compare four different proximal pin group assemblies and six whole frames of the Hoffmann® II External Fixation System to find the best ones. Each was measured for stiffness, force needed to reach 30 mm displacement and the amount of residual displacement. The results showed major differences between the setups and some of the best configurations could be found. Also, some general guidelines concerning frame structure could be presented.
(2017)Tutkielma käsittelee asenteellista kielenkäyttöä talouspolitiikkaa koskevissa keskusteluissa kahden amerikkalaisen talousblogin kommenttiosioissa. Tutkimuskohteena on asenteellisen kielenkäytön tyyppien sekä polaarisuuden suhteellinen määrä, blogien kommentoijien eroavaisuudet sekä se, mihin kommenteissa ilmaistut asenteet kohdistuvat. Aineisto koostuu yhteensä 194:stä kommentista (22 405 sanaa) jotka on kerätty kahdesta eri blogista (Paul Krugmanin The Conscience of a Liberal ja Donald Boudreaux’n Café Hayek). Blogit valikoituivat niiden toisistaan poikkeavien taloustieteellisten lähestymistapojen ja ideologisten maailmankuvien vuoksi. Kommentit on valittu viittä eri julkistalouden osa-aluetta käsittelevistä blogikirjoituksista. Koska Krugmanin blogikirjoitukset sisältävät huomattavasti enemmän kommentteja, niistä valittiin kommenttien saamien suositteluäänten määrän mukaan neljään osaan jaettu ositettu satunnaisotos. Kommentit analysoitiin Martinin ja Whiten (2005) appraisal-teorian attitude-järjestelmän mukaisesti. Tutkielmassa toteutettu aineiston tarkka lähiluku vertautuu mm. Banksin (2005) mini-korpusanalyysiin. Tämän tutkielman pääanalyysissa kommenteista tunnistettiin ja niihin merkittiin asenteellisen kielen esiintymät, niiden tyyppi sekä asenteellisen kielen kohde ja lähde. Tähän käytettiin UAM Corpus Tool -ohjelmaa. Tämän jälkeen tuloksia käsitellään sekä kvantitatiivisesti että kvalitatiivisesti. Tutkielmassa painottuvat kvalitatiiviset tulokset, koska aineiston asenteellisen kielen kontekstisidonnainen monikerroksisuus on aineiston mielenkiintoisin osa. Aineistossa asenteellista kieltä esiintyy yhteensä 1 882 kertaa, ja se painottuu asioiden ja ilmiöiden (appreciation, 61%), sekä ihmisten tekojen ja ominaisuuksien arviointiin (judgement, 34%). Tunteiden suorat ilmaukset (affect, 5%) ovat huomattavasti vähemmän yleisiä. Tulos viittaa siihen, että asenteellinen kielenkäyttö kommenttiosioissa on pelkkien tunnereaktioiden ilmaisua perustellumpaa. Aineiston asenteellinen kieli on myös 68-prosenttisesti negatiivista. Krugmanin kommenteissa esiintyi 41% epäsuoria asenteen ilmaisuja (invoked attitude), merkittävästi Hayek-otosta enemmän (17%). Krugman-aineistossa käsitellään Yhdysvaltain Demokraatti- ja Republikaanipuoluetta huomattavasti Hayek-aineistoa enemmän, ja markkinavapautta arvotetaan negatiivisemmin (-14/+11). Molemmissa otoksissa käsiteltiin eniten politiikkapäätösten seurauksia sekä Paul Krugmania, molempia pääosin negatiivisesti. Krugmanin kritisointi otoksissa johtuu kuitenkin eri syistä. Hänen omassa blogissaan kritiikkiä synnyttää Krugmanin liian negatiivinen suhtautuminen presidenttiehdokas Bernie Sandersiin ja se, että jotkut pitävät Krugmania liian markkinamyönteisenä. Hayek-yhteisössä kritiikkiä aiheuttaa taas Krugmanin taipumus suosia valtion kontrollia talouden ohjailussa vapaiden markkinoiden sijaan, eli syy on päinvastainen kuin osalla Krugmanin lukijoista. Tutkielman keskeisimpiä huomioita on se, että vaikka taloustiede tieteenalana nojaa rationaalisuuteen ja objektiivisuuteen, keskusteluissa näkyy vahvasti myös talouspolitiikan yksilönläheisempi ja tunteellisempi puoli. Aineiston kommentit sisältävät paljon asenteellista kieltä, joka on luonteeltaan kontekstisidonnaista ja monikerroksista. Vaikka Internet-kommentointi on usein matalatasoista ja polarisoitunutta, niin kommenttien tarkastelu tarjoaa näkökulman niiden kirjoittajien maailmankuviin tavalla, joka on vertaansa vailla maailman historiassa.
(2020)Tämä pro-gradu -tutkielma käsittelee differentiaaliyhtälöitä sekä niiden opetusta lukion soveltavalla kurssilla. Tutkielma aloitetaan kertaamalla differentiaaliyhtälön määritelmä sekä harjoittelemalla yhtälöiden nimeämistä. Differentiaaliyhtälöihin liittyvät käsitteet kuten kertaluku, lineaarisuus ja ratkaisuparvi sekä tavallinen- ja normaalimuotoinen differentiaaliyhtälö käydään läpi. Ensimmäisessä kappaleessa tutustutaan myös differentiaaliyhtälön ratkaisemiseen yleisesti sekä ratkaisun olemassaoloon ja yksikäsitteisyyteen. Kolmannessa ja neljännessä kappaleessa syvennytään ensimmäisen sekä toisen kertaluvun differentiaaliyhtälötyyppeihin sekä niiden ratkaisemiseen. Ensimmäisen kertaluvun differentiaaliyhtälöinä tarkastellaan separoituvaa, autonomista, lineaarista ja eksaktia differentiaaliyhtälöä. Tarkastellaan myös lineaarisen differentiaaliyhtälön kahta eri tyyppiä, homogeenista ja epähomogeenista yhtälöä. Toisen kertaluvun differentiaaliyhtälöinä tarkastellaan ensimmäiseen kertalukuun palautuvia yhtälöitä, lineaarista, vakiokertoimista sekä Eulerin differentiaaliyhtälöä. Tämän lisäksi tarkastellaan differentiaaliyhtälösysteemejä ja lineearisten differentiaaliyhtälösysteemien ratkaisemista sekä differentiaaliyhtälöiden sovelluksia eri luonnontieteiden alueisiin. Viimeisessä kappaleessa keskitytään differentiaaliyhtälöiden käsittelyyn lukion soveltavalla kurssilla sekä kurssin tavoitteisiin.
(2017)Työssä esitellään ääretönharmonisten funktioiden ominaisuuksia. Ääretönharmoniset funktiot ovat äärettömän Laplacen yhtälön viskositeettiratkaisuja. Työn päämääränä on todistaa, että ääretönharmoniset funktiot ovat derivoituvia. Aluksi tutustutaan viskositeettiratkaisun määritelmään. Sen jälkeen esitellään vertailuperiaate kartiofunktioiden suhteen, ja osoitetaan, että ääretönharmoniset funktiot noudattavat kyseistä vertailuperiaatetta. Tällä ominaisuudella on useita hyödyllisiä seurauksia, jotka johdetaan kappaleessa 3. Erityisesti voidaan osoittaa, että funktiot, jotka noudattavat vertailuperiaatetta kartiofunktioiden suhteen ovat lokaalisti Lipschitz-jatkuvia. Kappaleessa 4 tutkitaan muokattua versiota äärettömästä Laplacen yhtälöstä. Muokatun version etuna on se, että ratkaisujen olemassaolo, yksikäsitteisyys ja säännöllisyys seuraavat standardista kvasilineaaristen osittaisdifferentiaaliyhtälöiden teoriasta. Kappaleessa 5 todistetaan, että ääretönharmoniset funktiot ovat derivoituvia. Sitä varten osoitetaan ensin, että ääretönharmoniselle funktiolle löydetään tangenttitaso jokaisessa määrittelyjoukon pisteessä. Tangenttitason olemassaolo seuraa pitkälti kappaleessa 3 johdetuista tuloksista. Lopuksi todistetaan, että ääretönharmonisen funktion tangenttitaso on yksikäsitteinen. Derivoituvuus seuraa suoraan tangenttitason yksikäsitteisyydestä. Kappaleen 4 tulokset muokatun version ratkaisusta ovat keskeisiä työkaluja todistettaessa tangenttitason yksikäsitteisyyttä.
(2023)The cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) guidelines recommend identifying and correcting the underlying reversible causes of out-of-hospital cardiac arrest (OHCA). However, it is uncertain how often these causes can be identified and treated. Our aim was to estimate the frequency of point of care ultrasound examinations, blood sample analyses and cause-specific treatments during OHCA. We performed a retrospective study in a physician-staffed helicopter emergency medical service (HEMS) unit. Data on 549 non-traumatic OHCA patients who were undergoing CPR at the arrival of the HEMS unit from 2016 to 2019 were collected from the HEMS database and patient records. We also recorded the frequency of ultrasound examinations, blood sample analyses and specific therapies provided during OHCA, such as procedures or medications other than chest compressions, airway management, ventilation, defibrillation, adrenaline or amiodarone. Of the 549 patients, ultrasound was used in 331 (60%) and blood sample analyses in 136 (24%) patients during CPR. A total of 85 (15%) patients received cause-specific treatment, the most common ones being transportation to extracorporeal CPR and percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) (n = 30), thrombolysis (n = 23), sodium bicarbonate (n = 17), calcium gluconate administration (n = 11) and fluid resuscitation (n = 10). In our study, HEMS physicians deployed ultrasound or blood sample analyses in 84% of the encountered OHCA cases. Cause-specific treatment was administered in 15% of the cases. Our study demonstrates the frequent use of differential diagnostic tools and relatively infrequent use of cause-specific treatment during OHCA. Effect on protocol for differential diagnostics should be evaluated for more efficient cause specific treatment during OHCA.
(2024)Accumulating evidence indicates that the plasticity-inducing effects of conventional antidepressant drugs like fluoxetine are mediated by their direct binding to TrkB. TrkB is the receptor of the brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF), a neurotrophic factor of critical importance for neuron survival and synaptic plasticity. In addition, it has recently been reported that LSD and psilocybin, two psychedelic compounds with therapeutic potential, also bind to TrkB with higher affinity than antidepressants. It has been proposed that the differences in binding affinity between conventional antidepressants and psychedelics may help explain the much faster and longer-lasting antidepressant effects of psychedelics. Psychedelics and classical antidepressants bind to the transmembrane domain of TrkB dimers, where they act as positive allosteric modulators by potentiating the action of endogenous BDNF. The transmembrane binding sites of LSD and fluoxetine, despite being partially overlapping, are distinct and induce different conformational changes when bound to TrkB dimers. However, it is still unknown whether there are differences in the TrkB dimerization dynamics and neurotrophic signalling pathways induced by psychedelics when compared to conventional antidepressants. In this study, we investigated whether psychedelics and classical antidepressants promote TrkB dimerization and neurotrophic signalling in a differential manner. The effects of psychedelics on the TrkB dimerization dynamics and neurotrophic signalling associated with plasticity were studied treating N2a cells and primary cortical neuronal cultures with LSD or fluoxetine. Dimerization of the TrkB receptor in the presence of experimental compounds is assayed by protein-fragment complementation assay (PCA). Results show a significant dimerization in cells treated with LSD, whereas non-significant response in the ones treated with fluoxetine. The phosphorylation state of the neuronal TrkB receptor in three different tyrosines (Y515, Y706, and Y816) was checked as a marker of its activation by Western blot. Primary cortical cultures were treated with classical antidepressant fluoxetine (10uM) or psychedelic LSD (100nM) for 1 hour, when their effects on TrkB phosphorylation were compared. This experiment showed a significant increase of phosphorylation in TrkB Y816 after LSD treatment in cortical neuronal cultures, while fluoxetine treatment showed no significant effect. This indicates that LSD is able to activate the BDNF-TrkB signalling pathway associated with PLCg1 recruitment and induction of plasticity at an early time point and with a much lower concentration than fluoxetine, which would support LSD’s much more potent antidepressant and plasticity-inducing effects when compared to fluoxetine’s. Together, these results suggest that psychedelics that bind to TrkB, like LSD, are more potent than classical antidepressants in inducing TrkB-BDNF signalling. Overall, this study provides further evidence that TrkB is a critical mediator of psychedelics’ actions on neurotrophic signalling preceding their plasticity-enhancing and antidepressant effects and sheds more light on the common and differential mechanisms used by psychedelics and conventional antidepressants to produce their therapeutic effects.
(2020)Fraction knowledge is central for daily activities, such as cooking and personal finance, but many students have difficulty with fractions. Fraction knowledge has been found to predict later mathematical performance in comprehensive school. Virtual manipulatives (VM) and concrete manipulatives (CM) are effective approaches to teaching fractions, but previous research has not been able to reach a consensus on which manipulatives are the most effective. This quasi-experimental study employed a pre- and post-test design to investigate the differential effects of VM and CM in a fraction intervention on students’ fraction skills. In addition to fraction skills, students’ arithmetical fluency was measured. Fidelity of intervention, social validity and time-efficiency of the manipulatives were also investigated. Fourth and fifth grade participants (N = 115) from Southern Finland were assigned to VM and CM intervention groups. The intervention was implemented during six 45-minute lessons over two weeks. Lesson contents were the same for both groups in spite of the manipulative. Results revealed that the CM group outperformed the VM group in fraction skills, which suggests that CM should be favored in fraction interventions. Additional implications for research and practice are discussed.
(2018)Sharing data can lead to scientific discoveries, but it can hurt privacy of the people in the data. In this thesis we use deep generative models Generative adversarial network and Variational autoencoder to generate synthetic data, which could be shared instead of the original data. These models are also modified to satisfy the definition of Differential privacy (DP), which is a mathematically rigorous definition of privacy. First we give some essential definitions for DP and proofs for some of them. Then we discuss data sharing and potential privacy risks related to it as well as methods for mitigating these risks. Then we introduce deep generative models and their DP-versions used for creating synthetic data and finally we measure the quality of synthetic data using several continuous or categorical valued data sets.
(2021)Differential privacy has over the past decade become a widely used framework for privacy-preserving machine learning. At the same time, Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) algorithms, particularly Metropolis-Hastings (MH) algorithms, have become an increasingly popular method of performing Bayesian inference. Surprisingly, their combination has not received much attention in the litera- ture. This thesis introduces the existing research on differentially private MH algorithms, proves tighter privacy bounds for them using recent developments in differential privacy, and develops two new differentially private MH algorithms: an algorithm using subsampling to lower privacy costs, and a differentially private variant of the Hamiltonian Monte Carlo algorithm. The privacy bounds of both new algorithms are proved, and convergence to the exact posterior is proven for the latter. The performance of both the old and the new algorithms is compared on several Bayesian inference problems, revealing that none of the algorithms is clearly better than the others, but subsampling is likely only useful to lower computational costs.
(2017)Differential privacy is a mathematically defined concept of data privacy that is based on the idea that a person should not face any additional harm by opting to give their data to a data collector. Data release mechanisms that satisfy the definition are said to be differentially private and they guarantee the privacy of the data on a specified privacy level by utilising carefully designed randomness that sufficiently masks the participation of each individual in the data set. The introduced randomness decreases the accuracy of the data analysis, but this effect can be diminished by clever algorithmic design. Robust private linear regression algorithm is a differentially private mechanism originally introduced by A. Honkela, M. Das, O. Dikmen, and S. Kaski in 2016. The algorithm is based on projecting the studied data inside known bounds and applying differentially private Laplace mechanism to perturb the sufficient statistics of the Bayesian linear regression model that is then fitted to the data using the privatised statistics. In this thesis, the idea, definitions and the most important theorems and properties of differential privacy are presented and discussed. The robust private linear regression algorithm is then presented in detail, including improvements that are related to determining and handling the parameters of the mechanism and were developed during my work as a research assistant in the Probabilistic Inference and Computational Biology research group (Department of Computer Science at University of Helsinki and Helsinki Institute for Information Technology) in 2016-2017. The performance of the algorithm is evaluated experimentally on both synthetic and real-life data. The latter data are from the Genomics of Drug Sensitivity in Cancer (GDSC) project and consist of the gene expression data of 985 cancer cell lines and their responses to 265 different anti-cancer drugs. The studied algorithm is applied to the GDSC data with the goal of predicting which cancer cell lines are sensitive to each drug and which are not. The application of a differentially private mechanism to the gene expression data is justifiable because genomic data are identifying and carry highly sensitive information about e.g. an individual's phenotype, health, and risk of various diseases. The results presented in the thesis show the studied algorithm works as planned and is able to benefit from having more data: in the sense of prediction accuracy, it approaches the non-private version of the same algorithm as the size of the available data set increases. It also reaches considerably better accuracy than the three compared algorithms that are based on different differentially private mechanisms: private linear regression with no projection, output perturbed linear regression, and functional mechanism linear regression.
(2012)Obesity is associated with life styles involving overconsumption of high-energy food and having low amount of physical activity but the heritability of obesity has also been shown to be high. Results from genome wide association studies (GWAS), however, could explain only 5% of this heritability. This evidence points towards epigenetics acting as a mediator that allows the environment to affect the phenotype without changing the genotype, and epigenetics as a factor that may explain the missing heritability. DNA methylation, which plays an important role in cell differentiation and which has already been associated with diseases such as cancer and diabetes, is the most studied epigenetic factor. DNA methylation is the addition of a methyl group to a cytosine occurring next to a guanine connected by the phosphate backbone, the positions known as CpG sites. This thesis is based on the study of DNA methylation in obesity, using monozygotic twins discordant for obesity where obesity discordance is defined as having a difference in body mass index (BMI) greater than 3m2/kg. MZ twin pairs share the same genome and are matched for age, sex, cohort effects, intrauterine environment and the environment in which they grow up after birth. This helps to cancel out many confounding factors that may affect the results otherwise. The samples for this analysis was obtained from 22 obesity-discordant pairs and 8 obesity-concordant pairs. DNA from whole-blood was bisulfite-converted and hybridized to the Infinium HumanMethylation450 BeadChip. The data was then preprocessed and analyzed for within-pair differences in twins discordant for BMI, and this showed no CpG sites as differentially methylated within pairs. The analysis was then repeated on twins discordant for both BMI and liver-fat and this showed 180 CpG sites as significantly differentially methylated within pairs. However, it was not possible to use these results for pathway analysis using the methods used in gene expression analysis, as too few of these CpG sites mapped to genes on pathways. Gene-set analysis (GSA) was then applied to the methylation data to identify interesting pathways, using predefined groups of CpG sites (probe-sets), each group representing a pathway in the KEGG database. The significant pathways were further analyzed to identify the CpG sites that were most discordant within twin pairs. The results from GSA and the initial paired analysis provided an interesting list of genes and pathways most of which had previously been associated with obesity. However, the analyses can be improved by using a normalization method that is more specific to the Infinium 450K array and also by increasing the sample size. This is listed as future work, together with the analysis of DNA from adipose tissue. The pipeline developed from this analysis will be used in the future analyses, but with modifications wherever necessary.
(2023)In this work, calibration methods, reference compounds and sample introduction system used by various researchers for different ion mobility spectrometer (IMS) techniques have been discussed. Reduced mobility values of positive and negative reference compounds along with the reason for selecting them by different researchers have been described in the literature. Differential mobility spectrometer’s (DMS) performance was evaluated by measuring calibration curves and performing repeatability tests using two test compounds: 2,6-di-tertbutylpyridine (2,6-DtBP) and hexylamine. 2,6-DtBP is often used as a positive reference compound since the mobility of its ions are independent of temperature and humidity of the drift gas. It produces a single mobility peak and due to its high proton affinity, the instrument is sensitive for the analysis of the compound. Hexylamine on the other hand produces proton bound dimer at high concentrations. Both 2,6-DtBP and hexylamine’s peak intensity and peak area showed a linear correlation when plotted against concentration. However, the linearity was only followed up to certain concentration and above this concentration the peak intensity did not follow a linear relationship. Repeatability and calibration plots were studied and compared for both 2,6-DtBP and hexylamine, where both the compounds were diluted with nitrogen gas and nitrogen gas mixed with purified air. The repeatability was good for both the compounds when they were diluted only with nitrogen
(2023)The importance of protecting sensitive data from information breaches has increased in recent years due to companies and other institutions gathering massive datasets about their customers, including personally identifiable information. Differential privacy is one of the state-of-the-art methods for providing provable privacy to these datasets, protecting them from adversarial attacks. This thesis focuses on studying existing differentially private random forest (DPRF) algorithms, comparing them, and constructing a version of the DPRF algorithm based on these algorithms. Twelve articles from the late 2000s to 2022, each implementing a version of the DPRF algorithm, are included in the review of previous work. The created algorithm, called DPRF_thesis , uses a privatized median as a method for splitting internal nodes of the decision trees. The class counts of the leaf-nodes are made with the exponential mechanism. Tests on the DPRF_thesis algorithm were run on three binary classification UCI datasets, and the accuracy results were mostly comparable with the two existing DPRF algorithms DPRF_thesis was compared to. ACM Computing Classification System (CCS): Computing methodologies → Machine learning → Machine learning approaches → Classification and regression trees Security and privacy → Database and storage security → Data anonymization and sanitization
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