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Browsing by Author "Autio, Iida"

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  • Autio, Iida (2020)
    Cronobacter spp. eli kronobakteerit voivat aiheuttaa vakavia sairauksia vastasyntyneille, vanhuksille ja immuunipuutteisille aikuisille. Maailmalla on raportoitu useita kronobakteerien aiheuttamia taudinpurkauksia, joissa vastasyntyneiden infektiot on yhdistetty jauhemaisen äidinmaidonkorvikkeen käyttöön. Tämän kirjallisuuskatsauksen tarkoituksena on koota tietoa kronobakteereista sekä syventyä niiden aiheuttamiin elintarvikehygieenisiin riskeihin, erityisesti jauhemaisissa äidinmaidonkorvikkeissa. Kronobakteerit ovat gramnegatiivisia sauvoja, jotka säilyvät pitkiä aikoja kuivissa olosuhteissa ja pystyvät muodostamaan biofilmejä erilaisille pinnoille. Kronobakteerien todennäköisin reservuaari on kasvimateriaali, mutta kronobakteereita on eristetty monista elintarvikkeista sekä ympäristönäytteistä. Kaikkia kronobakteerisuvun bakteereita pidetään tällä hetkellä opportunistisina patogeeneina. Kronobakteerit voivat aiheuttaa vastasyntyneille muun muassa kuolioista suolistotulehdusta, verenmyrkytystä sekä aivokalvontulehdusta. Kuolleisuus kronobakteeri-infektioissa on vastasyntyneillä ja pikkulapsilla keskimäärin 26,9 %. Jauhemaisia äidinmaidonkorvikkeita valmistavien elintarvikelaitosten riskienhallinta perustuu mahdollisten kronobakteerilähteiden tuntemiseen koko tuotteen valmistusprosessin ja elinkaaren osalta. Kronobakteerit eivät selviä pastöroinnista, joten lopputuotteen bakteerit ovat peräisin joko tuotantoympäristöstä kontaminaationa, korvikkeeseen tehtaassa lisättävistä ainesosista, jotka eivät kestä kuumennusta, tai äidinmaitokorvikkeen sekoituksesta kotona. WHO on luonut äidinmaidonkorvikkeiden käyttöön tarkat ohjeistukset, jotka korostavat yli 70 °C veden käyttöä jauhemaisen äidinmaidonkorvikkeen valmistuksessa kronobakteeririskin pienentämiseksi. Kronobakteeririskin pienentämisessä ovat avainasemassa turvalliset äidinmaidonkorvikkeet, kuluttajien neuvonta turvalliseen äidinmaidonkorvikkeiden käyttöön sekä riskiryhmien kanssa työskentelevien ammattihenkilökunnan koulutus.
  • Autio, Iida (2014)
    The purpose of this Master s thesis was to investigate the influence of land use and soil on the amount, quality and lability of dissolved organic matter (DOM) coming from the Vantaa River drainage basin. The DOM output of three major waste water treatment plants was also investigated. DOM is a mix of organic compounds dissolved in water and passing through a 0.2 0.45 µm filter. DOM is produced in water ecosystems and it is being flushed in from land with runoff water. Terrestrial DOM is mostly originated from plants. DOM consists of dissolved organic carbon (DOC) and organic nutrients such as dissolved organic nitrogen (DON) and phosphorus (DOP). DOM is the most important source of energy to the heterotrophic bacteria in the aquatic ecosystems. The bacteria also pass it on in the food web through the microbial loop. Along with inorganic nutrients DOM influences the state of the Baltic Sea and enforces the problems caused by eutrophication. The temporal and spatial variation of the DOC concentrations in the Vantaa River drainage basin was followed during a 5 month long survey, where samples were taken from 25 points along the river area. The influence of land use and soil to the quality, quantity and lability of DOM was tested in a 2 month long incubation experiment. Bacterial inoncula from the Baltic Sea was incubated in samples taken from the Vantaa River area and different parameters of DOM were followed. The land use and soil characteristics of each sub basin of the sampling points were calculated and their effect on DOC and DON concentrations, bacterial growth and respiration, and the concentration and share of labile DOC and DON was analyzed. Optical measuring techniques were used to analyse the chromophoric fraction of DOM (CDOM), which gives information on the quality of DOM. Similar experiment was conducted with samples from the three major waste water treatment plants in the area; Riihimäki, Klaukkala and Viikinmäki. The DOC concentrations in the Vantaanjoki River area were on a similar level than in previous studies in the northern Baltic Sea area. DOC concentrations had seasonal variation and were higher in spring than in late summer. There was also spatial variation between different river areas of the drainage basin, and on average Keravanjoki had the highest concentrations. Around 8 % of the DOC coming from Vantaa River basin was biologically labile, which is in the same range as in previous studies. The share of biologically labile DON was around 50 % which is much higher than in previous studies. Similar results have been reported from the southern Baltic Sea. In this study, DON instead of ammonium, was the most preferred form of nitrogen to the heterotrophic bacteria of the Baltic Sea. Thus, DON could have an influence on the plankton dynamics of the Baltic Sea. If the concentration of labile DON in runoff water is low, the heterotrophic bacteria can compete with phytoplankton for inorganic nutrients and inhibit phytoplankton growth. In turn, labile DOM with high nitrogen content offers plenty of nitrogen to heterotrophic bacteria leaving inorganic nutrients to phytoplankton. Heterotrophic bacteria used the most labile DOM during the first month of incubation. During the experiment the share of aromatic and more refractory DOM increased in the DOM pool. The share of organic soil in the drainage basin was the major factor influencing the DOC-concentrations in the runoff water. It also correlated positively with the growth of bacterial biomass and bacterial respiration. On the other hand, organic soil didn't have an effect on the lability of DOM. DOM coming from clay soils was more labile than DOM coming from organic soils. Soil was more important factor in determining the quality, quantity and lability of DOM in the runoff water than land use. DOM coming from the waste water treatment plants differs in quality from the DOM in the Vantaa River, being fresher and less aromatic. The concentration of DOC and the share of labile DOC were on a same level in both experiments. Therefore waste water doesn't increase DOM-concentrations in the river, but naturally make the overall load larger.