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Browsing by Author "Hirvonen, Anna"

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  • Hirvonen, Anna (2014)
    Suurten tietomäärien käsittely peräkkäisessä tietovarastossa on tehotonta, minkä seurauksena käyttäjän kyselyiden vasteajat ovat kohtuuttoman pitkät. Viime vuosina markkinoille on ilmestynyt joukko massiivisesti rinnakkaisia tietovarastoja, joissa kysely käsitellään rinnakkain useassa pisteessä. Hajautetuissa tietovarastoissa tiedon määrän lisääntyessä kyselyiden vasteaikojen tulisi pysyä ennallaan lisäämällä pisteiden määrää. Kyselynoptimoinnin tavoitteena on lyhentää kyselyiden vasteaikoja. Täten hajautetun tietovaraston kyselynoptimoinnissa optimoidaan kyselynkäsittelyn lisäksi tietovaraston skaalautuvuutta. Kyselynoptimoinnissa minimoidaan leyoperaatioiden ja kommunikoinnin määrää. Hajautetussa tietovarastossa kyselyn käsittely on optimaalista, kun pisteet käsittelevät kyselyn relaatioiden erillisiä paloja täysin itsenäisesti. Tällöin kyselyn käsittelyssä ei esiinny kommunikoinnin eikä laskennan toistoa. Käytännössä monimutkaisten kyselyiden käsittely vaatii kuitenkin tiedon hajauttamista uudelleen kyselynkäsittelyn aikana useaan kertaan. Kommunikoinnin ja laskennan toistoa voidaan vähentää optimoimalla tietovaraston hajautuskaavioita ja kyselynkäsittelyn algoritmeja. Tietoanalyyseissa tietovarasto mallinnetaan usein tietokuutiona, jonka koosteista materialisoidaan osa kyselynkäsittelyn nopeuttamiseksi. Materialisoituvat näkymät ja hakemistot luodaan tiettyjen kyselyiden käsittelyä varten, minkä takia ne tukevat heikosti ad-hoc-kyselyitä. Materialisoituvat näkymät vaativat myös paljon tallennustilaa ja ne kallistavat huomattavasti tietovaraston päivitystä. Kaupallisissa massiivisesti rinnakkaisissa tietovarastoissa, kuten Redshiftissä ja Verticassa, tieto tallennetaankin sarakkeittain, mikä parantaa kyselynkäsittelyn suorituskykyä yleisesti. Kyseiset tietovarastot eivät käytä lainkaan materialisoituvia näkymiä. Tässä tutkielmassa tarkastellaan kyselynoptimoinnin menetelmiä hajautettuihin tietovarastoihin, jotka on toteutettu yksityislevyjärjestelminä. Akateemisista tutkimuksista ja kaupallisista järjestelmistä päätellen hajautetun relaatiopohjaisen tietovaraston suorituskyvyn kannalta tärkeimpiä optimoinnin kohteita ovat tiedon hajauttaminen ja rinnakkainen kyselynkäsittely. Täten tutkielmani pääpaino on tiedon hajauttamisen ja rinnakkaisen kyselynkäsittelyn optimoinnissa. Tietovaraston kyselyiden yleisimmistä operaatioista käsitellään liitokset ja ryhmittely. Tosiaikaisen tiedonjalostuksen menetelmistä tarkastellaan kuutiointioperaation ja tietokuution rinnakkaista laskentaa.
  • Hirvonen, Anna (2017)
    Finland is known for its language legislation which deals with the right to use one’s own language in courts and with public officials. In order to examine just how well the right to use one’s own language actually manifests in Finnish society, I examined the developments of language related rights internationally and in Europe and how those developments manifested in Finland. I also went over Finland’s linguistic history, seeing the developments that have lead us to today when Finland has three separate language act to deal with three different language situations. I analyzed the relevant legislations and by examining the latest language barometer studies, I wanted to find out what the real situation of these language and their identities are. I was also interested in the overall linguistic situation in Finland, which is affected by rising xenophobia and the issues surrounding the ILO 169. My findings were that while Finland writes good legislation, its actual implementation leaves a lot to be desired. An individual’s linguistic rights are supposed to be self evident, yet authorities often do not feel like providing them. Many minorities are also unaware of the existence of their linguistic rights. There is a lot of work to do in order to make sure that public authorities really live up to the language requirements that they are set and that minority language users are more aware of their rights. If minority language speakers do not know of their rights, they cannot demand them and the authorities will not automatically provide them for thinking that there would be no need for them. Language plays a complicated role in society but if a society, like Finland, decides to acknowledge multiple languages as deserving of being a part of Finland’s society, the society should also deliver.
  • Hirvonen, Anna (2020)
    Tiivistelmä - Referat - Abstract The aim of this thesis is to study high school students´ experiences with school dog activity, its effects on their well-being and burnout prevention. The focus of this study is the students' views of dog assisted pedagogy. The theoretical part of the thesis addresses both animal assisted and dog-assisted activity. The definition of well being and how it is emphasized in the national curriculum of Finnish high schools are also covered in this section. We end the theoretical part by defining the term burnout and why is it considered an essential part of this study. This study is a case study and the material used in this study was gathered from one high school. Via skype meeting, five high school students were interviewed about their experiences of school dog activity.The results were analyzed based on the theoretical frame of the study and also based on content oriented analysis. School dogs have a clear connection to students' well-being and their strengths during burnout. The school dog activity received positive feedback from all interviewed students. According to the interviewees, school dogs helped them cope with burnout. Burnout was said to include social, physical and mental aspects. The interviewed students told that school dogs gave them support when they found themselves on the verge of a burnout. Dogs had a calming effect on students during burnout and they also raised positive feelings among students. School dogs were seen as an essential part of students' well-being. Working with school dogs reduced anxiety and evoked feelings of pleasure. School dogs also helped the students meet new people and interact with each other. According to the students, dogs had a calming effect on them and they also reduced stress- and anxiety-related symptoms. School dogs were shown to have many beneficial roles. For example, dogs were seen as friends, listeners and also therapists. Having a school dog around during break was shown to evoke positive feelings in students. The attitudes towards school dog activity were also positive among students' families. The interviewed students saw many future opportunities for the school dog activity and gave a lot of ideas on how to expand it. All the students considered the school dog activity as a success in their school.