Browsing by Author "Ovaska, Outi"
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Ovaska, Outi (2020)Aims. The aim of this thesis was to find out how virtual reality and augmented reality can be used in teaching crafts in the future. Virtuality has changed the world and it can be seen that virtuality is coming into teaching and schools. Previous research on virtual reality in teaching has shown that virtual reality brings benefits to teaching. The benefits of virtual reality have been highlighted in various contexts. The aim was to find out what kind of possibilities virtual reality and augmented reality are considered to bring to teaching crafts. Methods. Before we can think of the future, we must know the history and the present. The theory section of this thesis discusses teaching crafts in Finnish schools now and then as well as virtual reality and augmented reality. The research was realized as futures research and the data were collected with the Delphi method. The panel of experts consisted of craft teachers, craft teacher students and experts of crafts, virtual reality and augmented reality. The questionnaire was made with the E-lomake programme of the University of Helsinki. The panelists took part in two successive rounds of questions anonymously. The questions on the first round were based on topics arisen from the theory. The questions on the second round were created through qualitative analysis of the answers of the first round. Results and conclusion. The panelists found several different benefits, practical examples and ideas on how to utilize virtual reality and augmented reality in teaching crafts. The practical examples included learning new craft techniques, learning machines and tools safely, illustrating in a teaching situation and practicing skills independently. The discussions were not only positive, criticism and negative points were also presented. The result of the data analysis and thematic design was four main topics: 1) utilization of virtual reality and augmented reality in craft teaching, 2) benefits of virtual reality and augmented reality, 3) disadvantages of virtual reality and augmented reality and 4) the future of craft teaching. New technology is seen as an opportunity, but the most important aspect of handicraft is to be considered to be concrete handmade.
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