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Browsing by discipline "Växtproduktions biologi"

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  • Nordling, Linnea (2016)
    The aim of this master thesis was to evaluate suitability of a biogas plant as a manure maintenance method in a kind of a horse village, where many horse businesses are located close to each other. The suitability of the biogas plant was evaluated by ecological and economic effects. For ecological effects the investigation was made concerning nitrogen and phosphorus flows and for economic effects an evaluation was made concerning the total profitability of the biogas plant. Nitrogen and phosphorus flows were investigated by substance flow analysis. The evaluation was made by investigating internal flows, flows inside and outside of the system and the size of the flows of two systems in which one system was a horse village with a biogas plant and the other system was a horse village without a biogas plant. The horse village without the biogas plant was further divided into two options. One option was to spread the manure on fields and the other option was to hand over the manure. The economic profitability was evaluated by gross margin calculation concerning four different options which were a biogas plant producing CHP with and without financial support and a biogas plant producing fuel with and without financial support. Concerning nitrogen and phosphorus flows, the horse village where the manure is spread on fields is as good option as where the manure is being processed on a biogas plant and where the digested sludge is used for fertilizer as well. Handing over the manure outside the horse village is a worse option in relation to the local substances flow cycle. The construction of the biogas plant in horse village was profitable in every options. Although manure processed by biogas plant is evaluated to produce less nutrient loss compared to manure which is spread straight to the field, there still is a need for further investigation about the effects of biogas production on nutrient flows and nutrient losses in order to model the effects of a horse village. However, according to previous investigations it is known that biogas production decrease greenhouse gas effects. The profitability of biogas plant requires that manure maintenance costs of the horse village have been quite high before the biogas plant.
  • Kangas, Niina (2013)
    The aim of this study was to look into the possibility of using predatory mites as a biological control agent in the nursery production. This study focuses on the biological control of two phytophagous mites, Tetranychus urticae and Aculus schlectendali that occur as pests in apple seedling production. The directive 2009/128/EY of the European Union obligates the farmers to follow the principles of the integrated pest management and favour other control methods, such as biological control, rather than chemical pesticides. This study is a part of The Finnish Nursery Producers Association’s project that aims to develop biological control practices for the nursery production in Finland and promote integrated pest management in nursery production. The experiments for this study were carried out outdoors in a field and indoors in a seasonal greenhouse, where the population development of T. urticae and A. schlechtendali on apple seedlings was followed. Population density of mites was counted from leaf samples gathered from the seedlings in two week intervals from May until the end of August. Biological control of T. urticae was tested with Phytoseeid mites, Neoseiulus barkeri and Phytoseiulus persimilis. Chemical control was used as a comparison treatment. The effects of the biological control were followed by comparing the population densities of phytophagous mites in the area of biological control to the mite densities in the area of chemical control. N. barkeri and P. persimilis were not able to prevent nor stop T. urticae population growth in the greenhouse where the densities of T. urticae grew higher in the area of biological control than in the area of chemical control. Outdoors the population densities of T. urticae remained low throughout the experiment in both treatment areas. Population densities of A. schlechtendali grew high indoors and outdoors within both treatments. Even though biological control did not succeed in these experiments, the conditions in the greenhouse were suitable for Phytoseeid mites and in theory it should be possible exploit them as control agents in nursery production. The high densities of A. schlechtendali were surprising. In the future it would be important to consider the importance of this species as a pest and find effective means to control it.
  • Remes, Lassi (2014)
    Growing medium and its properties are an important factor affecting plant growth. One can improve the properties of growing medium with different amendments such as lime, nutrients and wetting agents depending on the requirements of the plant. The objective of this study was to examine a soil amendment called BRT EverGreen powder and its effect on white sphagnum peat and on plant growth. The powder has been created by a Finnish company Biomass Refine Technologies BRT ltd Oy. The powder is synthetically made of ureaformaldehyderesin and phosphoric acid includes added water retention lowering surfactants. In cultivation the goal by using BRT powder is to improve water retention and wetting of the growing medium and increase plant available nutrients. This study consisted of three experiments with three different plants or plant mixtures: Lactuca sativa L. ‘Grand Rapids’, Ligularia × hessei and a mixture of lawn (Festuca rubra L., Poa pratensis L. and Agrostis capillaris L.). These plants were expected to benefit from improved water retention of the growing medium. During the experiments the effect of BRT powder on the properties of white sphagnum peat and the speed, amount and quality of plant growth was measured. All plants got the same amount of water by irrigation. Mild nutrient solution was given to Lactuca and Ligularia with irrigation water three times during the experiments and no fertilizers were applied to the grass. The water retention ability of white sphagnum peat was not improved in plantless short term experiments by adding BRT powder. However the results given by direct moisture measurements from the growing medium implied that the BRT powder increased slightly the moisture content of the medium compared to pure peat. From the three different plant types tested only grass grew faster with BRT though the quality wasn’t as good as in pure peat. The improvement in growth was probably due to nutrients in BRT powder because no nutrients were applied to the grass unlike to Lactuca and Ligularia. There were no differences in the growth or quality of Lactuca. Ligularia did not grow as well with powder as in pure peat. Adding lime decreased the negative effect of BRT powder so the very low pH of the powder presumably hampered growth of Ligularia. BRT powder affects the growth of different plants in different ways. This makes its use in cultivation difficult because one does not know what the effect will be. The use of BRT is not recommendable in container cultivation with Lactuca or Ligularia when using peat. BRT powder can increase the growth of grass if additional fertilization is not applied.
  • Ojanen, Meri (2015)
    This thesis is a Rapid Rural Analysis (RRA) of the farmers’ perceptions of potato production in Nicaragua. The thesis data was collected during the summer of 2011 in the main potato production areas of Nicaragua (Matagalpa, Jinotega and Estelí) through structured interviews. The structured interviews gave consideration to the five different capitals of the Sustainable Rural Livelihood- approach (SRL). These five capitals (social capital, natural capital, human capital, financial capital and physical capital) were incorporated in the study in order to achieve the multidisciplinarity of the RRA- methodology. The thesis data, consisting of 63 individual interviews, was compacted and analysed utilizing cross tabulation. A further statistical analysis was then conducted with Cramer’s V allowing a more detailed view of the dependencies between variables (detected in the cross tabulation). The main finding of this study is that the situation of the potato producers cannot be determined by the size of the production, as has been previously suggested. The size of the farm does not determine yield levels nor perceived financial incentive for production. This study gives a more complex view of potato producers and production in Nicaragua. This study suggests an alternative approach to developmental program planning for the potato production sector in Nicaragua; the production environmental zones. Utilizing the production environmental zones as a basis for planning takes the project to a more practically suitable level that considers the existing variance in yields and access to extension. The main conclusion of this study is that sector development of potato production in Nicaragua is complex. Inclusion of the project beneficiaries in the planning processes may significantly improve development programme planning, outcomes and resilience in time. A development programme, like the one implemented by FAO (United Nations Food- and Agriculture Organization) in Nicaragua, with an overly simplified view of the sector, may lead to severe misjudgements and potentially even cause harm.
  • Lehti, Alma (2015)
    Eloperäisestä materiaalista pyrolyysillä valmistetun biohiilen on esitetty tuovan helpotusta moniin ajankohtaisiin maataloutta koskettaviin ongelmiin. Biohiilen maanparannuskäytöllä saattaa olla mahdollista esimerkiksi parantaa maan viljavuutta, lisätä viljelykasvien satoja ja hillitä ilmastonmuutosta. Tämän tutkimuksen tavoitteena oli tutkia kuusihakkeesta valmistetun biohiilen vaikutuksia nurmiin neljäntenä vuonna biohiilen maaperään levittämisen jälkeen. Biohiilen vaikutukset Suomen tärkeimmän viljelykasvin tuotantoon on aihe, jota ei ole tiettävästi koskaan aikaisemmin tutkittu kenttäkokeessa boreaalisissa olosuhteissa. Etelä-Suomeen perustetussa kenttäkokeessa havainnoitiin eri biohiilitasojen (0–30 t/ha) vaikutuksia maaperän kosteuspitoisuuteen, puna-apila-timoteinurmen lehtialaindeksiin, lehtivihreäpitoisuuteen, sadon määrään ja kasvustossa vallitseviin kasvilajisuhteisiin. Biohiilen ja erilaisten lannoitusmenetelmien yhdysvaikutusten selvittämiseksi kokeessa oli mukana epäorgaanisella ja orgaanisella lannoitteella käsiteltyjä sekä täysin lannoittamattomia koejäseniä. Biohiili ei vaikuttanut tilastollisesti merkitsevästi maaperän kosteuspitoisuuteen tai yhteenkään kokeessa havainnoiduista nurmikasvuston ominaisuuksista. Myöskään merkittävää yhdysvaikutusta biohiilen ja erilaisten lannoitusmenetelmien välillä ei tässä tutkimuksessa havaittu. Tulosten taustalla ovat todennäköisesti sekä kokeessa käytetyn biohiilen että koekentän maaperän ominaisuudet. Havupuupohjainen biohiili sisälsi melko niukasti ravinteita ja esimerkiksi hiilipitoisuuden ja happamuuden osalta maaperän viljavuusominaisuudet olivat kohtuullisen hyvät jo ennen biohiilen levitystä. Osa biohiilestä on myös saattanut poistua pintamaasta ajan kuluessa, mikä voi osaltaan laimentaa sen vaikutuksia. Tulokset osoittavat toisaalta sen, ettei biohiilen levittämisellä pH:ltaan neutraaliin ja runsaasti orgaanista ainesta sisältävään boreaaliseen maaperään ole todennäköisesti haitallisia seurauksia neljän ensimmäisen levityksestä kuluneen vuoden aikana. Biohiili voisi siten tarjota turvallisen keinon sitoa hiiltä pitkäaikaisesti maaperään Suomen olosuhteissa. Kasvukunnoltaan heikommassa maaperässä ja muita valmistusmateriaaleja hyödyntämällä myös biohiilen myönteiset vaikutukset maan viljavuuteen ja kasvien kasvuun saattaisivat tulla selkeämmin esille. Pitkäaikaisten vaikutusten ja sopivien käyttökohteiden kartoittamiseksi tutkimuksia aiheen parissa on siten tärkeää jatkaa edelleen.
  • Korhonen, Otso (2015)
    The aim of this study was to identify the socio-economic and agro-ecological factors, reflecting the impact of agricultural mitigation actions for food security in Ethiopia and opportunities to develop on the basis of these factors indicators to assess the food security impact of Clean Development Mechanism projects. The study analyzed interviews conducted in three different locations in Ethiopia. The interviews were coded and the encodings were combined in to themes. Different categories of food security impacts were created on the basis of the themes. The CDM projects were analyzed using the themes and categories to form indicators so that the food security impact of the projects could be evaluated. The analyzed mitigation measures were composting, construction of terraces, limited use of areas and the use of agroforestry. Mitigation actions were found to have a positive impact on food security and climate change mitigation. Farmers felt that the mitigation measures were effective and decided to continue their use although the workload of the measures was described great. When developing of mitigation measures attention should be paid to the technical difficulties and feasibility of the action. Based on this analysis it was possible to form indicators for food security impacts of CDM projects. All the evaluated projects were found to have positive effects on food security on the basis of the indicators. Using the indicators directional assessment of food security impacts of CDM project can be made. The projects do not explicitly consider the food safety implications.
  • Marley, Laura (2009)
    The black truffle (Tuber melanosporum) is an inscrutable mushroom. It is widely believed that the physico-chemical properties of a soil are of great importance for it. Its cultivation in the Auvergne region in France is fraught with impediments. Gérard Chevalier (Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique) postulates that soils with higher than 40% clay content would be inauspicious, unless moderated by a compensating effect from increased rock fragments content. The work undertaken should substantiate this hypothesis, and furthermore take inventory of the mycorrhizal status of the 25 truffle orchards, some of which are thirty years old. The results show that 50% of the plantations still house Tuber melanosporum mycorrhizae. Statistical analysis of the collected information vis-à-vis soil analyses and interpretations of soil profiles in relation to production, shows that a high clay content diminishes the chances of success. The results attained are not sufficient to assert the compensatory effect of soil stoniness. This study moreover highlights the significant roles of total carbonate, active carbonate, phosphorus and potassium contents. These results should be considered with caution, since the small size sample consists of “instances” with heterogeneous characteristics, and the soil analysis methodology does not take into account various environmental factors, whose impact could well be significant (for example light conditions in the orchards). Despite these limitations, this study conveys a dual adage, both scientific and technical. For researchers, it brings some additional insights. For those who wish to produce Tuber melanosporum, it confirms an existing potential in Auvergne. By and large, it illuminates the murky manifest countenance of the black truffle.
  • Mononen, Hanna (2011)
    Plants absorb water best from fertigation solution with low nutrient concentration. Yet, in intensive greenhouse production high nutrient concentrations are used in fertigation to avoid nutrient deficiencies and decrease in yields. In split-root cultivation the root system of a plant is separated into two growing medium compartments, in which case the other half receives fertigation solution with high EC (electrical conductivity) and the other with low EC. Especially greenhouse cucumber, susceptible to water supply problems caused by salinity of growing medium, is found to benefit from this technique in increased yields. The objective of this study of split-root cultivation of greenhouse cucumber conducted in MTT Agrifood Research Finland was to improve the technique especially in respect of EC of fertigation solutions. In addition to single-root and traditional split-root cultivation there were two split-root treatments in which fertigation solution concentrations were reversed in intervals to improve functioning of root systems. Effects of different EC combinations on vegetative growth between above- and underground parts of greenhouse cucumber and morphology and anatomy of roots were studied in a separate experiment. Results demonstrated that split-root cultivation increased cucumber yields up to 16% but had no effect on uptake of water or nutrients over the whole cultivation period. The most of spiked fruits were formed in single-root cultivation which refers to water supply problems during the highest need for transpiration. The technique didn’t affect plants’ vegetative growth or structure. Petiole sap nitrate and potassium analyses indicated that nutrient concentrations of fertigation solutions had no effect on nutrient uptake of roots. Different EC combinations had a greater effect on root weight than on shoot weight or stem growth in greenhouse cucumber. Petiole sap analyses suggested that nutrients were allocated variously in different EC combinations. The osmotic stress caused by high ECs led to changes in root morphology and anatomy. Results indicated that split-root cultivation enhanced the sink strength of developing fruits in relation to other sinks without affecting vegetative growth. When sides of fertigation solutions of low and high EC were switched during cultivation, the root system was able to take water and nutrients flexibly and economically, in which case significant yield increases were achieved in greenhouse cucumber production. Splitting root system probably affects plants’ hormone metabolism and can impair growth of roots without impairing their functioning, whereupon assimilates are allocated more efficiently to the growth of aboveground plant parts.
  • Majoinen, Ritva (2015)
    Jättiputkiin vieraslajeina on kiinnitetty huomiota EU:n ja myös Suomen viranomaisten taholta nostamalla jättiputket erityisen haitallisiksi vieraslajeiksi vuonna 2012 laaditussa Kansallisessa vieraslajistrategiassa. Vieraslajien, kuten jättiputkien, hukkakauran ja jättipalsamin levittäminen luontoon on kielletty luonnonsuojelulaissa. Luonnonsuojelulain 43 §:n mukaan vieraslajeiksi luetaan lajit joilla ei ole Suomessa pysyvää luonnonvaraista kantaa. Haitalliset vieraslajit aiheuttavat taloudellista, sosiaalista tai esteettistä haittaa vaikuttamalla ihmisten, eläinten tai kasvien terveyteen tai esimerkiksi kiinteistöjen ja maa-alueiden arvoon. Invasiivisia jättiputkilajeja ovat kaukasianjättiputki (Heracleum mantegazzianum), persianjättiputki (Heracleum persicum) ja sen pohjoismainen muunnos tromsanjättiputki (Heracleum laciniatum) sekä armenianjättiputki (Heracleum sosnowskyi). Edellä mainituista lajeista käytetään yhteisnimitystä jättiputki (engl. Giant Hogweed), koska lajien taksonomia on epäselvä. Jättiputket ovat vaikeita torjuttavia, varsinkin laajoina esiintyminä. Jättiputkien levinneisyyskartoissa on suuria eroja eri kirjallisuuslähteissä. Tieto on hajanaista ja osittain ristiriitaistakin. Tietoa jättiputkien levinneisyydestä tarvitaan suunniteltaessa ja toteutettaessa Kansallisen vieraslajistrategian suunnitelmaa jättiputkien hävittämisestä ja torjumisesta maassamme. Tässä tutkimuksessa invasiivisten jättiputkilajien levinneisyyttä ja erilaisten torjuntamenetelmien käyttöä kartoitettiin erilaisin kyselyin kuntien ja ympäristökeskusten ympäristöasioista vastaaville henkilöille sekä aktiivisille kasviharrastajille Suomessa. Jättiputket ovat havaintojen mukaan levinneet laajasti maassamme lukuun ottamatta itäisintä Lappia. Torjuntatoimista suosituimmaksi mainittiin kasvisuojeluainekäsittely sekä niittäminen, joiden yhdistelmä todettiin tehokkaaksi hävityskeinoksi. Jättiputkien levinneisyyskarttoja tulisi päivittää, mikä helpottaisi myös torjuntatoimien suunnittelua. Torjuntatyöt täytyy suunnitella ja toteuttaa huolellisesti. Esiintymien hävittäminen voidaan tehdä myös ilman kasvinsuojeluaineita, joskin menetelmät ovat työläitä ja torjunnan on oltava pitkäjänteistä.
  • Saarnia, Meri (2015)
    Conservation biological control is a strategy of biological control that aims to support natural enemies of pests. One of the potential ways to support natural enemies is to enhance diversity in agricultural landscapes. By establishing non-cultivated areas near crop fields natural enemies can be provided with many resources including food, shelter and overwintering sites. The availability of these resources potentially enhances the abundance and diversity of natural enemies and their efficiency to reduce pest populations. The goal of this study was to compare the effects of two different fallow strip types – meadow strip and grassland strip – on the abundance and species composition of predatory arthropods. To examine the differences between the strip types, data were collected from the strips and adjoining cereal fields. An experiment was conducted on two barley fields in Helsinki in summer 2014. Two fallow strips were established in the middle of each field. The strips were composed of four 3 m * 60 m-sized plots. Every other plot was sown with meadow seed mixture and every other with grassland mixture. Data on predatory arthropods were collected during June-July using pitfall traps. There were more predatory arthropods on the fallow strips than on the barley fields. However, there were no differences in the abundance of predatory arthropods between the fallow strip types. Moreover, the abundance of predatory arthropods on adjoining cereal field did not differ between the strip types. The species composition of predatory arthropods differed statistically significantly between barley fields and the fallow strips, and almost significantly between the strip types. The results indicate that the fallow strips succeeded to provide favorable habitats for predatory arthropods, which may be due to food or shelter that they provide. The lack of clear differences on the abundance and species composition of predatory arthropods between the strip types can be explained by the fact that the vegetation of the strips was not yet fully established in the first year. Other reasons include the substantial differences between the two study fields. However, it seems that fallow strips have potential to provide biodiversity benefits, which have previously been observed in environmental fallow fields, and to enhance ecosystem services such as biological control.
  • Kuisma, Eero (2013)
    The use of peat as a growing-medium has raised concerns globally, because it is not ecologically sustainable. Coir is an ecologically friendly alternative, but it is transported very long way to Finland. Therefore, a substitute for peat and coir as a growing-medium in soilless culture is needed. The aim of this research was to find out, whether Finnish plant fibre medium can replace peat or coir in greenhouse production of strawberry. In the experiments four substrates were compared: coir, peat, plant fibre and peat/plant fibre mix. Water holding capacity, pH-buffer capacity and mineralisation of nitrogen were determined, and vegetative and generative growth of strawberries on different substrates were measured. In strawberry cultivation experiment the pH of plant fibre (6,5-7,7) was very close to that of peat (6,4-7,6). Coir and plant fibre had considerably lower pH-buffer capacity than the media that contained peat. The water holding capacity (613 % per dw) of plant fibre was considerably lower than in other media. Plant fibre medium´s water content (32-42 % v/v) was however closest to strawberry´s optimum (25-34 % v/v) during almost the whole experiment. Plant fibre (23:1) and peat/plant fibre mix (29:1) had optimal C/N- ratios in this experiment. The amount of soluble nitrogen was highest in plant fibre medium in the beginning of the experiment. The EC of plant fibre medium was very low in the beginning (0,5 mS/cm), but it increased quickly being 1,2-2,1 mS/cm, so it was second closest to the optimum during the rest of the experiment. The vegetative growth of strawberry plants was more vigorous in peat compared to other substrates. The growth of the root system was weakest in peat. Medium had no significant influence on the amount of yield, and had only minor influence on the quality of the yield. In conclusion, the plant fibre medium could replace peat or coir in the soilless cultivation of strawberry.
  • Lamminparras, Aura (2014)
    Tämä maisterintutkielma perustuu tekijän julkaisemaan projektiraporttiin Kestävämpi maatalous Uudellemaalle (Lamminparras 2013, Elinkeino-, liikenne- ja ympäristökeskus Raportteja 38/2013). Kestävämpi maatalous Uudellemaalle -projekti toteutettiin talvella 2012–2013 Uudenmaan elinkeino-, liikenne ja ympäristökeskuksessa (ELY-keskus). Tutkielma tarkastelee maatalouden kestävyyttä ja sen määrittymistä aineistonaan projektin yhteydessä koottu aineisto. Lisäksi tutkielma tarkastelee projektissa käytettyä Delfoi-metodia. Aineisto muodostuu projektinaikaisista muistiinpanoista, jotka koskevat projektiin osallisten keskusteluja ja palavereja. Kestävälle kehitykselle on olemassa vakiintunut määritelmä, jonka mukaan sen tarkoituksena on turvata tulevien sukupolvien tarpeet siten, että niin ekologinen, taloudellinen kuin sosiokulttuurinen kestävyys toteutuvat. Kestävän kehityksen termiä käytetään paljon niin tieteessä, politiikassa kuin yritysten markkinoinnissakin. Kuitenkin todellisen kaikki osaset huomioon ottavan kestävän kehityksen ymmärtäminen ja toteuttaminen on äärimmäisen hankalaa. Näin ollen kestävällä kehityksellä voidaankin tilanteesta riippuen tarkoittaa hyvin eri asioita ja sitä tulkitaan eri puolilla maailmaa ja eri instansseissa hyvin erilaisilla tavoilla. Delfoi-metodi on tulevaisuudentutkimuksessa käytetty haastattelu- ja kyselymenetelmä, jolla pyritään saamaan asiantuntijatietoa tulevaisuuden kysymyksistä. Delfoi-menetelmän erityspiirteitä ovat kyselyn toistuminen, palautteen anto sekä anonyymius. Kestävä kehitys määrittyi Uudenmaan ELY-keskuksessa melko suppeasti, pysyen Uudenmaan tiukkojen maantieteellisten rajojen sisäpuolella. Kestävyyden eri osa-alueista suurin paino arvo oli ekologisella kestävyydellä, mutta usein myös taloudellinen kestävyys ohjasi projektia. Projektissa käytetty Delfoi-metodi tuotti todella paljon tietoa viranomaisryhmän käyttöön. Se ei ehkä onnistunut tuottamaan selkeitä tulevaisuudenpolkuja, mutta tuotti runsaasti tietoa siitä mitkä seikat tulevaisuudessa taritsevat erityishuomiota ja mihin suuntaan maatalouden ympäristönsuojelu on Uudellamaalla menossa.
  • Kakkuri, Päivi (2017)
    Virus–related symptoms have been observed on the birch trees grown around Helsinki in recent years. Leaf roll, vein banding, chlorosis and subsequent necrosis on leaves are typical symptoms associated with Cherry leaf roll virus (CLRV) in birch trees. Similar symptoms have been observed in birch trees of different sizes and ages growing on different kind of habitats either on urban areas or forests. The leaves collected from the birch trees were first tested with DAS–ELISA to investigate the cause of the disease symptoms occurring on birch trees of Helsinki. The test was not reliable and precise enough to detect CLRV from leaf material. Total RNA was extracted from symptomatic leaf material to detect CLRV with RT–PCR. CLRV was detected from some of the tested leaf samples of birch trees from Myllypuro, Viikki, Hietaniemi, Kannelmäki, Kaisaniemi, Roihupelto industrial area, Roihuvuori, Siilitie and Tali. The PCR–products were sequenced to confirm that the virus detected was CLRV and to analyse the CLRV–isolates. According to the analysing and phylogenetic comparison of the sequences, all of the haplotypes identified belonged to group A (birch–cherry) of CLRV. The sequence identity among haplotypes were relatively high. The sequence identities among samples and two positive controls from Germany were equal to or greater than 94,7 %. The disease symptoms found in Birch trees of Helsinki could have been associated with CLRV infection. The infection could either have affected premature decline of the birch trees or could have exposed the trees to other abiotic and biotic stresses.
  • Nurmi, Leena (2016)
    Kaukasukselta kotoisin oleva köynnöspinaatti on vanha koriste- ja hyötykasvi, joka tunnetaan lähinnä Pohjoismaissa. Suomessa tätä monivuotista köynnöstä on kasvatettu 1800-luvun lopulta lähtien. Siemenestä lisättävä köynnöspinaatti on nykyisin pääasiassa kotipuutarhojen erikoisuus, mutta se voisi olla kaupallisestikin erinomainen varhaisvihannes aikaisen kasvuun lähtönsä takia. Tässä tutkimuksessa selvitettiin kylmäkäsittelyn vaikutusta köynnöspinaatin siementen itävyyteen ja määritettiin tärkeimmät ravinto- ja haitta-aineet. Käsittelyitä oli kolme: 6 viikkoa +5ºC:n tasaisessa lämpötilassa, 6 viikkoa vaihtelevassa ulkolämpötilassa ja suora kylvö kasvihuoneeseen. Ravintoaineanalyysit tehtiin pakkaskuivatuista Herttoniemen, Kaisaniemen ja Tampereen kannan köynnöspinaateista sekä Vantaalla muovihuoneessa kasvaneista lamopinaatin lehdistä. Karotenoidit määritettiin spektrofotometrisesti, folaatit Lactobacillus rhamnosus -bakteerin avulla, tokoferolit ja nitraatti nestekromatografisesti, C-vitamiini ja sokerit entsymattisesti, kivennäisaineet ICP-spektrofotometrisesti, proteiini Dumasin menetelmällä, rasvahapot kaasukromatografisesti ja oksaalihappo ioninvaihto-kromatografisesti. Ravinto- ja haitta-ainepitoisuudet esitetään tuorepainoa kohden. Kylmäkäsittely lisäsi köynnöspinaatin siementen itämistä. Tasaisessa lämpötilassa kylmäkäsittelyn saaneiden siementen itävyys oli 34 % ja vaihtelevassa lämpötilassa 21 %. Ilman kylmäkäsittelyä siementen itävyys oli vain 2 %. Myös viljelykanta vaikutti siementen itävyyteen. Tampereen kannan keskimääräinen itävyys (32 %) oli selvästi suurempi kuin lammilaisten siementen (5 %). Nopeiten itivät Tampereen kannan tasaisessa lämpötilassa käsitellyt siemenet (52 %). Köynnöspinaattien karotenoidi-, folaatti-, tokoferoli-, alfalinoleenihappo-, proteiini-, sakkaroosi- ja kaikkien muiden kivennäis- ja hivenainepitoisuudet, paitsi mangaanin, olivat tuorepainoa kohden suuremmat kuin lamopinaatin. Köynnöspinaatin Herttoniemen kannan lehdissä oli eniten karotenoideja, folaatteja, fosforia, kuparia ja alfalinoleenihappoa. Kaisaniemen kannan lehdissä oli eniten sokereita. Tampereen kannan lehdissä oli suurimmat pitoisuudet tokoferoleja, kaliumia, kalsiumia, rautaa ja sinkkiä. Köynnöspinaatissa oli erityisen runsaasti karotenoideja, folaattia sekä kaliumia, magnesiumia, fosforia ja sinkkiä. Oksaalihappo-, nitraatti-, kadmium ja lyijypitoisuudet pysyivät sallittujen arvojen rajoissa. Köynnöspinaatin siemenet tarvitsevat itääkseen kylmäkäsittelyn joko kylmiössä tai ulkona. Kasvupaikaksi kannattaa tämän tutkimuksen perusteella valita aurinkoinen, melko ravinteikas paikka, jolloin kasveihin muodostuu paljon terveyttä edistäviä ravintoaineita.
  • Salminen, Annukka (2016)
    Kurtturuusun perusmuoto (Rosa rugosa L.) on ollut vuosikymmenten ajan suosittu koristekasvi pitkän kukintakautensa, kestävyytensä ja helppohoitoisuutensa takia. Kuitenkin nykyisin kurtturuusu luokitellaan Suomessa erittäin haitalliseksi vieraslajiksi. Kurtturuusua pidetään haitallisena vieraslajina myös Luoteis- ja Keski-Euroopassa sekä Pohjois-Amerikassa. Risteymätaustansa takia kurtturuusulajikkeiden ja –risteymien lisääntymiskyvyn on oletettu olevan heikompi kuin kurtturuusulla. Tämän tutkimuksen tavoitteena oli tutkia kurtturuusun puutarhamuotojen lisääntymiskykyä ja arvioida niiden leviämisalttiutta luontoon. Tutkimuksen päätavoitteena oli selvittää, mitä lajikkeita tai risteymiä voitaisiin suositella käytettäväksi kurtturuusun sijaan. Leviämisalttiutta arvioitiin vesomisen, kukinnan ja kiulukoiden tuoton runsauden, kiulukkakohtaisen siemenmäärän, siementen elinkyvyn ja siementen itävyyden avulla. Aineistoa kerättiin sekä Etelä- että Pohjois-Suomesta ja mukana oli kurtturuusun perusmuodon lisäksi 12 ruusulajiketta tai –risteymää, joiden vanhempiin kurtturuusu kuuluu. Tutkimuksessa näiden puutarhamuotojen lisääntymiskykyä verrattiin kurtturuusun perusmuodon lisääntymiskykyyn. Kukinta- ja vesomishavainnot tehtiin kesällä 2011 ja kiulukat kerättiin syyskuussa 2011. Siementen elinkyky testattiin tetrazoliumtestin avulla ja kaksivuotinen idätyskoe Helsingin yliopiston Viikin kampuksella kesti syyskuusta 2011 lokakuuhun 2013. Tutkimuksen mukaan puutarhamuotojen lisääntymiskyvyssä on paljon vaihtelua niin taksonien kuin kasvupaikkojen välillä. Osalla puutarhamuodoista oli yhtä hyvä lisääntymiskyky kuin perusmuodolla. Kurtturuusun puutarhamuodot tuottivat kiulukkakohtaisesti vähemmän siemeniä kuin perusmuoto. Niiden siemenet olivat yhtä elinkykyisiä kuin kurtturuusun perusmuodon, mutta keskimääräinen itävyys oli heikompi kuin kurtturuusun perusmuodon siementen. Puutarhamuotojen välillä oli eroja niin siemenmäärissä kuin siementen elävyydessä ja itävyydessä. Tämän tutkimuksen perusteella ei suositella käytettäväksi sellaisia puutarhamuotoja, jotka tekevät paljon siemeniä tai joiden siemenet hyvän elinkyvyn lisäksi itävät keskivertaisesti. Pitkäkestoiselle jatkotutkimukselle on tarvetta, jotta lisääntymiskykyyn liittyvien ominaisuuksien vuotuisesta vaihtelusta voitaisiin varmistua.
  • Rajanen, Hanne (2011)
    The forest industry achieves each year large quantities of waste material, such as wood, bark and branches. The waste material is mainly used for energy production, but new applications are being investigated. The bark has been identified as a potential source of numerous bioactive compounds, which would have use, for example, in the pharmaceutical and chemical industries as well as in the pest management of agriculture, forestry and horticulture. The thesis is part of the European Union-funded ForestSpeCs project, which aims to find alternative ways to use the materials of forest industry. The bark extracts of ten economically remarkable northern trees were tested for possibilities as antifeedants for the larvae of the cabbage white (Pieris brassicae L.), the Egyptian cotton leafworm (Spodoptera littoralis Boisduwal), and some of them also for the mustard leaf beetle (Phaedon cochleariae Fabricius) and the alder leaf beetle (Agelastica alni L.). The extracts were prepared in cooperation with the project groups or independently using different methods. Testing was carried out in laboratory conditions by using the dual-choice leaf-disc bioassays for the crude extracts and the individual compounds separated from them. The feeding deterrent indices (FDI) were calculated from the measurements. On the basis of the results, nearly all the tested extracts, at least to some extent, appeared to have an effect on the insect’s eating behavior. Slightly more than half of the 46 extracts tested with the cabbage white caused more than 50% feeding deterrence, in other words the cabbage butterfly preferred the control leaves more often than the treated ones. For Egyptian cotton leafworm larvae over 50% feeding deterrence was caused only by the seven of the tested 56 extracts. In addition, three of the extracts stimulated the consuming of the treated leaves significantly. The alder leaf beetle larvae and adults were deterred by the leaves treated with abietic acid, in particular. The extracts tested on the mustard leaf beetle were also working promisingly. It is possible to extract biologically active compounds from the bark of the tested tree species, but it is necessary, in the context of pest management, to have more research on the correct concentrations of the extracts and effective extracting methods. The quality and quantity of compounds in the bark depend on many factors, such as the impact of the environment and genetics. Tolerance in insects varies a lot by species and there are also differences between individuals. The pesticides manufactured of extracts could be possible to include in the integrated pest management alongside the other methods in the future.
  • Mäkilä, Riikka (2017)
    The aim of this thesis was to study differences between the yields and stability of grass mixtures and pure stands. In addition, the quality of forage was examined. Timothy cultivars which had different growth rhythms were selected for field experiments. The aim was also to examine how species proportions differ in mixtures between years and harvests and what causes observed variation. Moreover, the effect of the effective temperature sum on the quantity and quality of yield was evaluated. A three year field study was carried out in Jokioisinen and Sotkamo. Plots had either pure timothy stands (Phleum pratense L. cultivars Tuure, Rhonia ja Bor 0301) or mixtures that contained 75% timothy and 25% meadow fescue (Festuca pratensis Huds. cultivars Ilmari ja Klaara). Dry yield (kg ka/ha), D-value, iNDF, NDF, protein and lignin content were determined from each harvest. In addition, botanical composition was analysed in Sotkamo. Grass mixtures had higher dry yields and they were more stable than pure stands. The difference in yileds was more significant in Sotkamo than in Jokioinen. Timothy-meadow fescue growths' NDF and iNDF were closer to desired values than pure stands', but with other quality features weren't discovered advantages. In Sotkamo timothy cultivar's and type's (southern or north) dry yield, D-value, NDF, protein content and botanical composition reacted differently with the effective temperature sum. In Jokioinen the yield and quality of varieties reacted similarly with the effectice temperature sum. All timothy cultivars benefited occasionally from adding a meadow fescue to the mixture but not consistently. Year and harvest affected to the species proportions in the mixtures. Also the effective temperature sum had a correlation with yield and quality. According to the results cultivating grass mixtures instead of pure stands is a good way to achieve bigger dry yields that have high quality.
  • Lahtinen, Leena (2017)
    The experiences of an individual build and shape his or her personality. Experiences of nature contribute considerably to the development of children’s self-esteem and self-image. It is worth bearing in mind that the children of today will become the builders and decision-makers of tomorrow and, therefore, their education is of great importance. Their attitudes and values will define the development and well-being of our society. Children’s experiences of their daily lives are a key element of this study. The study explored 5–6-year-old kindergarten children’s (n = 98) experiences of garden activities. The garden was examined as a physical, psychological, social and cognitive environment for growth and learning. The study concentrated on the children’s emotional responses that were aroused by garden activities and on the function of the garden as a social meeting place for children. A further aim of the study was to follow the development of the 5–6-year-old participants’ knowledge of the garden and nature. The children’s experiences were assessed with a drawing task, Me as a Gardener, that was supplemented with individual interviews, conducted between 2014–2015. The children’s emotional experiences and knowledge of nature were enhanced as a result of the garden activities. The activities contributed to an increase in positive experiences and self-image, especially in the case of boys, and to the development of an understanding of the effects of gardening. Based on this study can be expected to, an intentional use of the garden as a growth and learning environment encourages the growth of children in early-childhood education settings.
  • Kämäri, Maria (2014)
    Tämän tutkielman tavoitteena on arvioida Suomen luonnonmukaisen maatalouden fosforivirtojen volyymeja, lähteitä ja kohteita sekä virtoihin vaikuttavia tekijöitä. Tuloksia peilataan luomumaataloudelle asetettuun 20 % tavoitteeseen Suomen peltopinta-alasta. Tutkielman käytännön tavoitteena on tutkia, onko ravinteiden kierrätys suomalaisessa luomumaataloudessa riittävän kestävällä tasolla sekä löytää tarvittaessa käyttökelpoisia ratkaisuja luonnonmukaisen maatalouden kestävämpään ravinnetalouteen tulevaisuudessa. Tutkielman aineisto on kerätty BERAS -hankkeen puitteissa seitsemältä suomalaiselta ERA –tilalta (ecological recycling agriculture –tuotantotapa, ERA). Haastatteluaineiston, kansallisten tilastojen ja kirjallisuuden avulla havainnoista koottiin luomutiloja edustavat fosforitaseet ja tilojen sijainnin perusteella rajatun alueen luomutuotantoa edustava SFA -malli. Kolmen vaihtoehtoisen skenaarion ja tuloksien avulla muodostettiin arviot suomalaisen luomumaatalouden fosforitaseista ja -virroista vuonna 2020. Eteläsuomalainen luomumaatalous ei vaikuta hyödyntävän peltomaan fosforivarantoja, vaan turvautuu ostolannoitteisiin ja tavanomaiseen maatalouden tuottamiin ravinteisiin kuten lantaan ja teurasjätteistä valmistettuihin liha- ja luujauhoihin. Koska kotieläintiloja ei ole riittävästi suhteessa kasvinviljelytiloihin, luomumaatalouden lannantuotto ei riitä kasvintuotannon tarpeisiin. Fosforitaseeseen ei saada merkittävää parannusta vuoteen 2020 mennessä, ellei luomumaatalous ala hyödyntämään peltomaan fosforivarantoja. Samanaikaisesti tulee tukea muita kierrättäviä fosforivirtoja, joista tällä hetkellä potentiaalisimpia ovat vesistöjen biomassat. Elintarviketeollisuuden, yhdyskuntajätteiden ym. biomassojen suhteen tulee kehittää uudenlaisia toimintamalleja ja -tapoja, sekä punnita käytön ekologisia, sosiaalisia, taloudellisia ja terveydellisiä näkökulmia. Jos myös tavanomainen maatalous hyödyntää orgaanisia lannoitteita vuonna 2020, kuten hallituksen tavoitteissa on asetettu, orgaanisista lannoitevalmisteista kuten lannasta tulee entistä kysytympää, mikä voi edelleen heijastua eläintiheyteen, luomukasvien satotasoihin ja tuotannon kannattavuuteen.
  • Kämäräinen, Antti (2014)
    Street trees are an important part of a comfortable urban environment. Their beneficial effects in the built environment have been documented in a number of ways around the world. In urban environment tree roots are often grown in limited volumes of soil and competing for space with artificial construction materials and technical structures. Low oxygen concentrations in urban soils are considered as one of the major growth limiting factors, particularly under street pavements. The terrestrial growth conditions are difficult to alter in urban environment. By improving below-ground conditions, tree well-being and sustainability can be significantly increased. Increased ensign of growing conditions and the awareness of the value of urban trees have contributed to the creation of landscaping applications such as structural soil. This study compared gas concentrations in the air of structural and conventional soils, used in roadside tree plantings in the City of Helsinki. Soil air samples were collected during growing seasons 2012 and 2013. Proportions of nitrogen, oxygen, carbon dioxide and methane in soil air were determined by a gas chromatograph. CO?-fluxes were used to evaluate the effect of the soil surfacing material to ground ventilation. Structural soil contained more oxygen in all depths compared to conventional tree soil. A strong correlation existed between oxygen and carbon dioxide concentrations. It seems that cobblestone coating with wide seams does not impair the ground ventilation compared to soil covered with cast-iron grate. Atmospheric growth conditions were more favorable in the structural soil; however the oxygen concentrations in conventional soil were also high.