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Browsing by study line "Forest economics, business and society"

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  • Åman, Tommy (2024)
    Bakgrunden till studien är den ökade medvetenheten kring hållbarhet och ansvarsfullhet, vilket har resulterat i olika former av offentlig styrning såsom lagar, direktiv, rekommendationer, certifikat, normer och standarder. I fokus för denna studie står Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD), som specifikt riktar sig till stora aktörer. Studien undersöker små- och medelstora företag (SME) som verkar inom leveranskedjan för stora skogsbolag med fokus på virkesanskaffning och skogsvård. Dessa SME-företag löper en potentiell risk att omfattas av krav på ansvarsfullhets- och hållbarhetsåtgärder i och med att de ingår i en leveranskedja som ska uppfylla de stora bolagens kriterier. För att utforska SME-företagens ståndpunkter genomfördes semi-strukturerade telefonintervjuer. Respondenterna tillhörde något eller flera av de tre stora skogsbolagens leveranskedja, nämligen Stora Enso Oyj, Metsä Group och UPM Kymmene Oyj, och utförde skogsvårdstjänster, virkesdrivning och logistik åt skogsbolagen. I intervjuerna identifierades olika teman som var kopplade till respondenternas ståndpunkter, vilka framkom i flera intervjuer. Tematiska analysen utfördes med programvaran ATLAS.ti. Studien rättfärdigades genom en analys av relevanta aspekter från skogsbolagens årsrapporter, vilket också användes som bakgrund till formuleringen av intervjufrågorna. Samtliga årsrapporter innehöll information om bolagens CSRD-strategi och andra initiativ för ansvarsfullhet och hållbarhet, även med avseende på leveranskedjan. Resultaten av studien visade att samtliga respondenter påverkades av skogsbolagens ansvarsfullhetsåtgärder och dessutom frivilligt genomförde ansvarsfullhetsåtgärder. Åtgärderna delades in i ekologiska, sociala och förvaltningsmässiga åtgärder, där de ekologiska och sociala var vanligast förekommande. Exempel på åtgärder inkluderade utredning av koldioxidavtryck, efterlevnad av olika frivilliga miljöcertifieringar, förbättring av anställdas arbetshälsovård utöver lagkrav samt frivillig efterlevnad av CSRD-direktivet. Studien ger klara indikationer på att SME-företagen i finska skogsbolagens leveranskedja har integrerat ansvarsfullhet i sina verksamheter och strategier.
  • Manninen, Mikko (2024)
    The global drive towards low-carbon construction has focused attention on the utilisation of wood in multi-storey construction (WMC). The enabling regulatory and legislative actions and the promotion of wood construction have not increased the share of wood in multi-storey construction as predicted, which indicates that there are underlying factors hindering the wider utilisation of wood materials in construction and the construction of wooden multi-storey buildings. This qualitative study examined the perceptions and attitudes of construction site personnel towards WMC. The aim of the study was to identify the perceptions and attitudes of an important target group in the construction sector, which had not been highlighted in existing literature, by utilising the theory of planned behaviour. The study aims to uncover the perceptions and attitudes of construction site personnel to fill the current knowledge gaps, provide information on where to focus actions that facilitate WMC, and initiate discussion on the factors influencing the attitudes. Fifteen semi-structured interviews were conducted between February-April 2024 with individuals, who are actively involved in the operations of construction sites during the construction and renovation phases. These individuals are responsible for the operations, implementation, and other administrative activities on the construction sites. The results of the thematic analysis indicated that construction site personnel held varying, yet generally positive attitudes towards WMC. There was a notable variation in attitudes between the different construction personnel groups. The perceived benefits and strengths that contributed to more positive attitudes towards WMC were assessed through factors such as the environmental friendliness and low emissions of wood materials, ease of workability, aesthetic appeal, and the material's lightness and breathability. The attitudes towards WMC were hindered by the factors perceived as weaknesses and challenges of wood materials and WMC. These included the unestablished position of WMC, lack of knowledge and material information, moisture-related challenges, fire safety, and economic factors. Normative beliefs of the Finnish construction sector were perceived to affect the attitudes, as the perceived work communities’ attitudes either facilitated or hindered the individual’s attitude towards WMC. Previous experiences did not significantly influence attitudes towards WMC. Instead, knowledge and information had a greater impact on attitudes. Sharing knowledge and increasing the availability of information about WMC was identified as a key solution to improving attitudes towards WMC in Finland, given the slow pace of change in the Finnish construction sector and its tendency to rely on established standards and practices.
  • Raaska, Linnea (2024)
    Forest education plays a pivotal role in shaping forest policies and fostering a sustainable future. However, the disconnect between forest education and political discussions indicates a need for reform. Addressing climate change and biodiversity loss and their adverse effects requires a new cadre of professionals equipped with diverse perspectives. Yet, the forest sector grapples with a lack of diversity among its workforce, constraining its capacity to effectively meet these challenges. Diversity has been seen important also in knowledge production. Future international decision-making processes stand to benefit from integrating both western knowledge and traditional Indigenous knowledge, notably exemplified by the Indigenous Sámi community's intergenerational expertise. Diversifying the backgrounds of forest professionals not only enriches problem-solving capabilities but also fosters stakeholder collaboration. Moreover, diverse forest professionals serve as role models, inspiring the next generation. This study assesses the representation of Sámi students in forest education programmes, discern the factors influencing their enrollment decisions, and identify potential barriers hindering their participation. Understanding the demographics of applicants, their motivations, and the determinants of programme selection is imperative. Data collection involved theme interviews and questionnaires administered to selected institutions and Sámi students enrolled there. Data also covered alumni of forest education programmes, respectively. Participating students were required to identify as Sámi and have pursued or be pursuing forest-related studies at polytechnic universities or universities offering forest education programmes. Findings reveal that while there are no significant deterrents during the application process, initial hesitations among students emerged during the early stages of their studies due to curriculum emphasis primarily on resource utilization and forest management. Conversely, survey results underscore a deficiency in marketing insight among educators and a lack of inclusivity in promotional materials. Tailored marketing strategies and curriculum adjustments aligned with contemporary and prospective student needs could enhance programme attractiveness and inclusivity, fostering a more diverse student body and professionals later on.
  • Saari, Annastina (2024)
    In Finland, peatland forests have been drained by ditching in order to increase stand growth. Due to e.g., ditch deterioration, ditch network maintenance (DNM) is required to lower the water table (WT) for better stand growth. Currently, DNM is timely for approximately 1.1 Mha of drained peatland forests in Finland. However, the implemented DNM operations are far from the target, resulting in shallower ditches. While DNM can increase stand growth, it also has some trade-offs. For example, DNM increases soil C emissions due to peat decomposition. Additionally, DNM can be irrelevant for mature sites. Therefore, careful analysis on the need of DNM is recommended to avoid unnecessary C emissions. The aim of this study was to analyse the effects of different ditch depths and shallowing on the stand C balances of drained peatland forests throughout Finland. The studied forest types included sites from nutrient rich to nutrient poor, representing a wide range of typical forestry sites, whereas the main tree species for each site was defined either as Scots pine or Norway Spruce, based on the characteristics of the forest type in question. Regional differences in climate and weather were taken into account by dividing Finland into four different regions. The research was implemented as a quantitative simulation study utilising SUSI peatland simulator. The simulator was used to calculate 10-year average stand C balances and late summer WTs for each site with three different ditch depths of 0.3 m, 0.6 m and 0.9 m. When considering shallowing, the ditch depths changed from 0.3 m to 0.2 m, from 0.6 m to 0.4 m and from 0.9 m to 0.6 m in a 20-years' time. The results indicated that a ditch depth between 0.3 m and 0.6 m was deep enough for most sites to reach a sufficient late summer WT. The only exception was the nutrient poor Vatkg, which required a deeper ditch of 0.9 m in most regions. Additionally, the effects of shallowing were clear, as all sites in all ditch depths saw increases in their stand C balances.