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Browsing by Subject "Outcome"

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  • Huhtakangas, Justiina (2011)
    Objective There is high case-fatality rate and loss of productive life-years related to aneurysmal subarachnoid hemorrhage (aSAH) but little data on long-term survival of SAH patients. We aim to evaluate long-term excess mortality and related risk factors after aSAH. Methods One year survivors (n=3080) after aSAH from Department of Neurosurgery in Helsinki between 1980 and 2007 were reviewed for this retrospective follow-up study. Follow-up started one year after SAH and continued until death or the end of 2008 (36 960 patient-years). Mortality and relative survival ratio (RSR) were compared with matched general population. Results After 20 years, survivors of aSAH showed 18% excess mortality compared to general population. Risk factors included: old age; poor preoperative clinical condition; conservative aneurysm treatment; multiple aneurysms; and unfavourable clinical outcome at 3 months. Conclusion Even after initially favourable recovery, patients with aSAH experience excess mortality in the long run. Cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases are prominent in this population.
  • Rissanen, Anni (2020)
    Background: Cervical spondylotic myelopathy (CSM) is a severe degenerative disease of the spine and can lead to significant functional deterioration. Multilevel disease is generally approached with a posterior surgery by either decompressive laminectomy with or without fusion or laminoplasty. Published long-term follow up studies of laminectomy without fusion are scarse. Objective: To retrospectively analyse clinical data of three cohorts of patients who have undergone cervical laminectomy without fusion for CSM at the Department of Neurosurgery in Helsinki University Hospital between years 2000-2011 (n=340 patients) and evaluate the incidence of further cervical surgeries and risk for cervical misalignment as well as current functional status, neck symptoms and quality of life. Results: The subjective clinical outcome was reported good or excellent on the Likert scale by 72 % of the patients in short term clinical follow up. 41 (12.1%) patients had later underwent another cervical surgery. 10 (24 %) of these surgeries were wound revisions, 21 (51 %) early re-decompressions within a year from initial laminectomy and 10 (24 %) decompressions due to further stenosis later during the follow-up of mean 8.5 years (maximum follow-up 17.5 years). The most common indication for further surgery was residual stenosis on adjacent or other cervical levels (14 patients, 34 %). Only 5 (1 %) patients required a further surgery for correction of a sagittal balance problem, namely for olisthesis developing in the area of the laminectomy. In X-ray studies the mean change in sagittal alignment was 4.0 towards lordotic posture and a newly developed kyphosis was found in 3 of 40 (7.5 %) patients median 9.4 years after index laminectomy. The mean Neck Disability Index percentage was 28 % median 9.0 years after laminectomy indicating mild self-rated disability. The mean EQ-5D index score was 58.8 and the mean EQ-VAS 61.1 indicating reduced health related quality of life when compared to a control cohort from the general population selected by propensity matched scoring and also to population norms. Nurick score below 3 before laminectomy or at the follow-up visit (mean 83 days after laminectomy) were statistically significant factors for both, better EQ-5D index score and EQ-VAS. Conclusions: As CSM is a progressive condition, some degree of progression even after surgical treatment might occur and therefore need for further interventions may be necessary. However, the development of post-laminectomy kyphosis and need for correction of sagittal alignment problems is rare. Large randomized studies comparing different approaches would be needed to determine the optimal treatment for multilevel CSM. However, the very low incidence of kyphosis development after laminectomy and in particularly the low rate of corrective surgery needed for alignment issues per se well justifies the role of simple laminectomy in treatment of multilevel CSM.
  • Grujic, Nikola (2022)
    Tausta Pulmonaaliatresia on yksi harvinaisimpia ja vakavimmista synnynnäistä sydänvioista, jonka esiintyvyys maailmanlaajuisesti vaihtelee 4–10/100 000 elävänä syntynyttä lasta kohti. Vian hoidotta jättäminen johtaa merkittävällä osalla varhaiseen kuolemaan ja ainoa parantava hoito on leikkaushoito. Nykyään suurin osa pulmonaaliatresioista diagnosoidaan jo varhain raskaudessa, jonka seurauksesta synnytys voidaan etukäteen suunnitella ja hoitoon pääsy nopeutuu huomattavasti. Pulmonaaliatresian perustana on keuhkovaltimoläpän kehityksellinen vika. Pulmonaaliatresia voidaan jakaa alatyyppeihin kammioväliseinärakenteen mukaan. Pulmonaaliatresiapotilaiden pitkäaikaisennusteet vaihtelevat eri keskusten välillä ja tutkimukset, joissa potilaiden seuranta-aika on pitkä on harvassa. Kirjallisuuskatsauksessa pyritään selvittämään pulmonaaliatresiapotilaiden pitkäaikaisennustetta. Aineisto ja menetelmät Kirjallisuuskatsaus tehtiin PubMed ja OVID Medline -tietokannoista käyttämällä hakusanoja ”pulmonary atresia”, ”intact ventricular septum”, ”VSD”, ”MAPCAs”, ”outcome”, ja ”survival” sekä niiden yhdistelmiä. Haku rajoitettiin 1993–2021 julkaistuihin artikkeleihin. Löydökset Tutkimuksessa verrattiin eri aineistoissa julkaistujen potilaiden pitkäaikaisia elossaolo-osuuksia keskenään. Vuoden 2010 jälkeen julkaistuissa aineistoissa potilaiden elossaolo-osuudet olivat korkeammat kuin ennen vuotta 2010 julkaistuissa aineistoissa. Potilaiden keskimääräiset NYHA-luokat olivat I- tai II tutkimusten lopussa kaikissa alaryhmissä. Pohdinta Yhdessä varhaisen diagnostiikan, varhaisen konservatiivisen ja kehittyneen leikkaushoidon kanssa, pulmonaaliatresiapotilaiden pitkäaikaisennusteet ja elämänlaatu ovat parantuneet vuosikymmenten aikana. Vaikkakin pitkäaikaisennusteet ovat selkeästi parantuneet, pitkäaikaisennusteesta tarvitaan lisää tutkimuksia, sillä tutkimuksia pitkillä seuranta-ajoilla on harvakseltaan ja leikkaushoidot vaihtelevat eri keskusten välillä vaikeuttaen pitkäaikaisennusteiden vertailua keskenään.
  • Ahlers, Kristian (2019)
    The role of lumbar fusion in the treatment of degenerative lumbar conditions is still under debate with evidence both in favour and against the addition of fusion to decompressive surgery. Our aim was to assess the symptom-specific outcome for lumbar spinal fusion surgery at 3, 12 and 23 months and examine the rate of reoperations during a 7-year mean follow-up time span. We conducted an open-cohort retrospective study on 357 patients, who had undergone lumbar spinal fusion surgery for degenerative causes at the neurosurgical department of Töölö Hospital during 2007–2013. Patients were divided into four groups based on the baseline dominant symptom; stabbing back or radicular stabbing pain, non-stabbing back pain, radicular non-stabbing pain or neurosensory impairment, and radicular motor impairment. Outcome was assessed using a 3-tier Likert scale at 3, 12 and 23 months after the lumbar fusion operation. The baseline dominant symptom of stabbing back or radicular stabbing pain was associated with the most beneficial outcome at 12 and 23 months (p < 0.01). 19% of patients had undergone reoperations related to a degenerative lumbar condition within a mean of 7 years after the fusion surgery; 3% and 16% of patients within one month and after one month, respectively. In conclusion, spinal lumbar fusion was associated with the most beneficial outcome among patients with stabbing back or leg pain as the dominant baseline symptom. Patient-reported outcome measures and control for baseline characteristics are needed for stronger evidence in this subject.