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  • Puumi, Jukka (2021)
    An overview on utilization of dual nickel/photocatalyst protocols to conduct aryl-heteroatom cross-coupling reactions is presented. Basic concepts of photocatalysis, including different relaxation pathways, the difference of singlet and triplet states, and parameters used to predict reactivity are first disclosed. The general components used in dual nickel/photocatalyst protocols are presented followed by the discussion on reactivity trends. The reactivity trends are compared with other common aryl-heteroatom cross-coupling protocols (Buchwald-Hartwig-, Ullmann- and Chan-Lam couplings) illustrating the general advantages and disadvantages of each cross-coupling method. The scope of different dual nickel/photocatalyst protocols are then explored, concentrating on cross-coupling of amines, alcohols/thiols and carboxylic acids. The developments in mechanistic understanding on the dual nickel/photocatalyst aryl-heteroatom cross-couplings in recent years are reviewed. It is concluded that photocatalytic single electron transfer-based cycles, proposed for a number of coupling protocols, are very unlikely to take place. It is made clear that, based on the current knowledge, two principle mechanism are reasonable: energy transfer or thermal Ni(I)/Ni(III) cycles. Problems concerning energy transfer mechanisms are also discussed. Finally, applicability of dual nickel/photocatalyst aryl-heteroatom cross-coupling for industrially significant transformations is briefly discussed.
  • Martinmäki, Tatu (2020)
    Tiivistelmä – Referat – Abstract Molecular imaging is visualization, characterization and quantification of biological processes at molecular and cellular levels of living organisms, achieved by molecular imaging probes and techniques such as radiotracer imaging, magnetic resonance imaging and ultrasound imaging. Molecular imaging is an important part of patient care. It allows detection and localization of disease at early stages, and it is also an important tool in drug discovery and development. Positron emission tomography (PET) is a biomedical imaging technique considered as one of the most important advances in biomedical sciences. PET is used for a variety of biomedical applications: i.e. imaging of divergent metabolism, oncology and neurology. PET is based on incorporation of positron emitting radionuclides to drug molecules. As prominent radionuclides used in PET are of short or ultra-short half-lives, the radionuclide is most often incorporated to the precursor in the last step of the synthesis. This has proven to be a challenge with novel targeted radiotracers, as the demand for high specific activity leads to harsh reaction conditions, often with extreme pH and heat which could denature the targeting vector. Click chemistry is a synthetic approach based on modular building blocks. The concept was originally developed for purposes of drug discovery and development. It has been widely utilized in radiopharmaceutical development for conjugating prosthetic groups or functional groups to precursor molecules. Click chemistry reactions are highly selective and fast due to thermodynamic driving force and occur with high kinetics in mild reaction conditions, which makes the concept ideal for development and production of PET radiopharmaceuticals. Isotope exchange (IE) radiosynthesis with trifluoroborate moieties is an alternative labeling strategy for a reasonably high yield 18F labeling of targeted radiopharmaceuticals. As the labeling conditions in IE are milder than in commonly utilized nucleophilic fluorination, the scope of targeting vectors can be extended to labile biomolecules expressing highly specific binding to drug targets, resulting to higher contrast in PET imaging. A trifluoroborate functionalized prosthetic group 3 was synthetized utilizing click chemistry reactions, purified with SPE and characterized with HPLC-MS and NMR (1H , 11B-, 13C-, 19F-NMR). [18F]3 was successfully radiolabeled with RCY of 20.1 %, incorporation yield of 22.3 ± 11.4 % and RCP of >95 %. TCO-functionalized TOC-peptide precursor 6 was synthetized from a commercial octreotide precursor and a commercially available click chemistry building block via oxime bond formation. 6 was characterized with HPLC-MS and purified with semi preparative HPLC. Final product [18F]7 was produced in a two-step radiosynthesis via IEDDA conjugation of [18F]3 and 6. [18F]7 was produced with RCY 1.0 ± 1.0 %, RCP >95 % and estimated molar activity of 0.7 ± 0.8 GBq/µmol. A cell uptake study was conducted with [18F]7 in AR42J cell line. Internalization and specific binding to SSTR2 were observed in vitro.
  • Kurki, Satu (2021)
    Eturauhassyövän ja sen etäispesäkkeiden diagnostiikassa käytettävien radiolääkkeiden tärkeä kohdemolekyyli elimistössä on prostataspesifinen membraaniantigeeni (PSMA), jonka esiintyminen on eturauhassyövässä yliekspressoitunutta. Viimeisen kahden vuosikymmenen aikana on kehitetty lukuisia radioleimattuja PSMA-merkkiaineita, pääosin pienimolekylaarisia peptidomimeettejä, jotka inhiboivat PSMA:n toimintaa. Positroniemissiotomografiassa eli PET-kuvantamisessa käytettävistä fluori-18-leimautuista PSMA-inhibiittoreista merkittävimmät ovat [18F]DCFPyL ja [18F]F-PSMA-1007. Kyseisiä radiolääkkeitä kyetään tuottamaan teollisesti riittävän suurilla eräkohtaisilla aktiivisuuksilla ja synteesisaannoilla sekä hyödyntämään synteesissä suoria fluorinointireaktioita ja automatisoituja synteesiyksiköitä. Skaalattaessa tuotantoaktiivisuuksia tutkimusmittakaavasta teolliseen tuotantoon, haasteena on valmisteen radiolyysi eli hajoaminen joko suoraan säteilyn vaikutuksesta tai säteilyn muodostamien liuottimen radikaalien reagoidessa lääkeainemolekyylin kanssa. Radiolyysiä pyritään estämään lisäämällä formulaatioon radiolyysin estäjää tai vaikuttamalla radioaktiivisuustasoihin synteesiprosessin kriittisissä vaiheissa ja lopputuotteessa. Kokeellisessa osuudessa tutkittiin koesynteesien ja nestekromatografiamenetelmän avulla [18F]F-PSMA-1007-radiolääkkeen hajoamiseen vaikuttavia tekijöitä ja hajoamistuotteita tunnistettiin nestekromatografia-massaspektrometrisellä menetelmällä. Lisäksi vertailtiin kahden eri formulaatioliuoksen kykyä estää tuotteen radiolyysiä. Tutkimuksessa todettiin, että [18F]F-PSMA-1007:n hajoaminen tapahtuu suoraan beeta(+)-säteilyn ja radikaalireaktioiden kautta. Askorbaatti-ionit kykenevät tehokkaasti estämään tuotteen radiolyysiä. Radiolyysiä tapahtuu jo reaktioastiassa ja se kasvaa merkittävästi synteesin alkuaktiivisuuden noustessa yli 100 GBq. Hajoamistuotteita muodostuu lukuisia ja kokeellisessa osuudessa tunnistettiin muutama mahdollinen pilkkoutumiskohta tutkittavasta molekyylistä.
  • Lampuoti, Jarkko (2021)
    Scandium-44 is a medically interesting positron and gamma emitting radionuclide with possible applications in molecular imaging. It is commonly produced with the use of a cyclotron in a calcium or sometimes a titanium based irradiation target. As the radiopharmaceutical use of scandium radionuclides commonly requires chelation, scandium needs to be separated from the target matrix. This is most often carried out either via extraction chromatography using a suitable solid phase or through precipitation-filtration. In this work, scandium-44 along with other scandium radionuclides was produced using cyclotron irradiation with 10 MeV protons and a solid, natural isotopic abundance calcium carbonate or calcium metal target. Scandium was separated from the irradiated targets using four different chromatographic materials and a precipitation method. Scandium-44 was produced in kilo- and megabecquerel amounts with an average saturation yield of 47 MBq/μA. The achieved separation yields in a single elution ranged from 28 ± 11 % to 70 ± 20 % with the best performing extraction material being UTEVA resin.