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Browsing by Subject "Qualitative Content Analysis"

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  • Menzel, Taleja Maj (2020)
    This thesis investigates the connection between the official nation brand of Finland, and the tourism brand, which has been developed by the Official Tourism Board of Finland. In order to do so, the Finnish nation brand is evaluated to find the core elements of the Finnish identity. These core values and keywords then establish the categories for further analysis. In the analysis, the work of Visit Finland, represented through the according English channels and a selection of campaign material, is matched against the official nation brand by using a qualitative content analysis. The material is collected from the website, the social media channels, brochures, and four chosen campaigns. Due to the nature of a nation brand, all sectors aimed at an international audience are of high value for the brand and are meant to generate a fiscal advantage. This includes talent attraction, foreign investments and exports, as well as the tourism industry. However, the research shows that there is a number of values that are less important for the tourism brand while still being a fundamental part of the national brand. This thesis is trying to elaborate on those features that are connecting the brands, by showing a coherence in both branding strategies, as well as the differences between the two brands. The research reveals that while there are fundamental features of nature themes apparent in both the national brand and the tourism brand, themes like education and functionality are mainly aimed at other sectors of the nation brand. Similarly, the themes of diversity and authenticity are stronger in the tourism brand than in the nation brand.
  • Zhang, Xinlan (2023)
    Tiivistelmä - Referat - Abstract The purpose of this study is to gain a better understanding of sustainability education in Chinese primary education. Society has attained unprecedented level of development as a result of science and technology, while simultaneously there is a growing call for a sustainable future. Due to the huge population and lack of awareness of sustainability in the Chinese context, education plays an important role in facilitating the knowledge, attitudes, and behaviors that are needed to address the current sustainability challenges. More importantly, in China, sustainability education has not been popularized in primary and secondary schools, and various obstacles and barriers remain to the implementation of sustainability education in primary schools. The study focuses on analysing the connections between the newly published national curriculum standard in 2022 and 12 science textbooks currently used in Chinese primary schools. Throughout the research, the sequence of science textbook contents relevant to sustainability education is analysed to identify the specific teaching and learning contents, within textbooks. Qualitative content analysis and descriptive analysis are conducted to systematically describe the national curriculum standard and textbook contents related to sustainability education. Meanwhile, Python will also be used as a tool to deal with word frequency. The research will result in a theory-based model to show how sustainability education is integrated and worked in Chinese primary science education textbooks. The model is represented as a Chinese knot, representing relations of 13 elements of the learning contents and 4 core competencies. Chinese knots are traditionally believed to indicate a promising future, which also coincides the concept of sustainable development. Additionally, research-based suggestions will be discussed regarding sustainability education in Chinese primary education.