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Browsing by Subject "Simulation"

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  • Sipola, Aleksi (2020)
    Most of the standard statistical inference methods rely on the evaluating so called likelihood functions. But in some cases the phenomenon of interest is too complex or the relevant data inapplicable and as a result the likelihood function cannot be evaluated. Such a situation blocks frequentist methods based on e.g. maximum likelihood estimation and Bayesian inference based on estimating posterior probabilities. Often still, the phenomenon of interest can be modeled with a generative model that describes supposed underlying processes and variables of interest. In such scenarios, likelihood-free inference, such as Approximate Bayesian Computation (ABC), can provide an option for overcoming the roadblock. Creating a simulator that implements such a generative model provides a way to explore the parameter space and approximate the likelihood function based on similarity between real world data and the data simulated with various parameter values. ABC provides well defined and studied framework for carrying out such simulation-based inference with Bayesian approach. ABC has been found useful for example in ecology, finance and astronomy, in situations where likelihood function is not practically computable but models and simulators for generating simulated data are available. One such problem is the estimation of recombination rates of bacterial populations from genetic data, which often is unsuitable for typical statistical methods due to infeasibly massive modeling and computation requirements. Overcoming these hindrances should provide valuable insight into evolution of bacteria and possibly aid in tackling significant challenges such as antimicrobial resistance. Still, ABC inference is not without its limitations either. Often considerable effort in defining distance functions, summary statistics and threshold for similarity is required to make the comparison mechanism successful. High computational costs can also be a hindrance in ABC inference; As increasingly complex phenomena and thus models are studied, the computations that are needed for sufficient exploration of parameter space with the simulation-comparison cycles can get too time- and resource-consuming. Thus efforts have been made to improve the efficiency of ABC inference. One improvement here has been the Bayesian Optimization for Likelihood-Free Inference algorithm (BOLFI), which provides efficient method to optimize the exploration of parameter space, reducing the amount of needed simulation-comparison cycles by up to several magnitudes. This thesis aims to describe some of the theoretical and applied aspects of the complete likelihood-free inference pipelines using both Rejection ABC and BOLFI methods. The thesis presents also use case where the neutral evolution recombination rate in Streptococcus pneumoniae population is inferred from well-studied real world genome data set. This inference task is used to provide context and concrete examples for the theoretical aspects, and demonstrations for numerous applied aspects. The implementations, experiments and acquired results are also discussed in some detail.
  • Ivaska, Juho (2021)
    Abstract Faculty: Social Sciences Program: Economics Line of study: General line Author: Juho Ivaska Name of work: Mitigating the Covid-19 shock – A simulation study on the cost compensation schemes of Finland, Norway and the United States Type of work: Master’s thesis Month and year: 11/2021 Number of pages: 43 Keywords: Corporate subsidies, Covid-19, Simulation Storage location: University of Helsinki library Abstract: During the Covid-19 pandemic, many countries implemented sizeable support programs for companies suffering from the pandemic. This thesis compares the effectiveness of the Business Cost Support of Finland, the Norwegian Business Compensation Scheme and the Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) of the USA in terms of mitigating pandemic effects on firm profitability, liquidity and solvency. All three programs are cost support schemes but they differ in what costs are covered and in their eligibility criteria. The comparison is executed by simulating the pandemic-induced turnover shock on Finnish enterprises under each support scheme. Statistics Finland’s detailed Financial statement data from 2019 provides the starting position for the simulation. The turnover shock is one year of length and assigned to firms based on their industry code. Effectiveness of the support schemes is measured by mitigation rate which describes the share of the effects of the pandemic that the scheme can mitigate. Additionally, the costs of the schemes are considered. This thesis finds that the Norwegian scheme was the most effective in decreasing the number of unprofitable firms as well as the number of firms with liquidity troubles. It ranks the highest in all but one measure even when adjusted by its second highest price. The Finnish scheme yielded the highest price-adjusted mitigation rate in average quick ratio but trailed the Norwegian scheme slightly in all other categories. The PPP was the most expensive of the support schemes and thus the least effective in all the profit and liquidity related measures. This thesis concludes that compensating fixed costs and targeting the support carefully were crucial in supporting the worst hit businesses for a reasonable price. The Finnish Business Cost Support fared well compared to its counterparts but allowing for higher and lower single support payments would have most likely increased its effectiveness. If the target of the scheme is maintaining employees on firm payrolls, a pure wage compensation scheme as the PPP yields better results.
  • Rautavirta, Juhana (2022)
    Comparison of amphetamine profiles is a task in forensic chemistry and its goal is to make decisions on whether two samples of amphetamine originate from the same source or not. These decisions help identifying and prosecuting the suppliers of amphetamine, which is an illicit drug in Finland. The traditional approach of comparing amphetamine samples involves computation of the Pearson correlation coefficient between two real-valued sample vectors obtained by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry analysis. A two-sample problem, such as the problem of comparing drug samples, can also be tackled with methods such as a t-test or Bayes factors. Recently, a newer method called predictive agreement (PA) has been applied in the comparison of amphetamine profiles, comparing the posterior predictive distributions induced by two samples. In this thesis, we did a statistical validation of the use of this newer method in amphetamine profile comparison. In this thesis, we compared the performance of the predictive agreement method to the traditional method involving computation of the Pearson correlation coefficient. Techniques such as simulation and cross-validation were used in the validation. In the simulation part, we simulated enough data to compute 10 000 PA and correlation values between sample pairs. Cross-validation was used in a case-study, where a repeated 5-fold group cross-validation was used to study the effect of changes in the data used in training of the model. In the cross-validation, performance of the models was measured with area under curve (AUC) values of receiver operating characteristics (ROC) and precision-recall (PR) curves. For the validation, two separate datasets collected by the National Bureau of Investigation of Finland (NBI), were available. One of the datasets was a larger collection of amphetamine samples, whereas the other dataset was a more curated group of samples, of which we also know which samples are somehow linked to each other. On top of these datasets, we simulated data representing amphetamine samples that were either from different or same source. The results showed that with the simulated data, predictive agreement outperformed the traditional method in terms of distinguishing sample pairs consisting of samples from different sources, from sample pairs consisting of samples from the same source. The case-study showed that changes in the training data have quite a marginal effect on the performance of the predictive agreement method, and also that with real world data, the PA method outperformed the traditional method in terms of AUC-ROC and AUC-PR values. Additionally, we concluded that the PA method has the benefit of interpretation, where the PA value between two samples can be interpreted as the probability of these samples originating from the same source.
  • Kukkamäki, Jan (2022)
    Tutkielmani käsittelee Montpellier peliyhtiön 2014 valmistaman Valiant Hearts: The Great War -pelin historiaa ja pelintekijöiden pelisuunnittelun päätöksentekoa historian ja pelitutkimuksen keinoin. Asemoin tutkimuksessa Valiant Hearts -pelin aikansa kontekstiin ja tutkin 2000-luvulla peliteollisuudessa tapahtuneita muutoksia, jotka mahdollistivat pelin valmistamisen. Tämän lisäksi syvennyn pelintekijöiden ratkaisuihin hyödyntää historiallisia lähteitä ja analysoin, miten ensimmäisestä maailmansodasta tehty historian tutkimus ja yhteistyö historioitsijoiden kanssa on vaikuttanut pelin kehitykseen. Valiant Hearts julkaistiin ensimmäisen maailmansodan juhlavuotena 2014. Ajoituksen yhtenä tavoitteena oli levittää tietoisuutta ensimmäisestä maailmansodasta nuoremmille sukupolville helpommin lähestyttävämmällä tavalla. Tutkimukseni koostuu kahdesta päälinjasta. Ensimmäinen päälinja keskittyy 2000-luvun alusta 2014 vuoden peliteollisuuden historiaan, minkä kautta tutkin Montpellier peliyhtiön päätöstä ryhtyä valmistamaan peliä ensimmäisen maailmansodan teemoista. Montpellier otti haasteekseen esittää ensimmäinen maailmansota uudella ja lähestyttävämmällä tavalla, samalla mukaillen historiallisia lähteitä ja aikansa tavoitteita luoda tietoa ensimmäisen maailmansodan vaikutuksista ja sodan kokeneiden yksilöiden elämästä. Tutkimuksessani argumentoin, että pelintekijöiden teknillisiin päätöksiin on selvästi vaikuttanut vuonna 2009 järjestetty International Society for First World War Studies (ISFWWS) -konferenssi. Tutkimukseni toinen päälinja koostuu Valiant Hearts -pelin tarkastelusta kolmen pelihistorioitsijan luoman menetelmän avulla. Tämä on mahdollistanut sekä pelin tarkemman tutkimisen, että miten pelintekijöiden peliteknilliset ratkaisut välittävät tietoa menneisyydestä. Kyseiset kolme menetelmää ovat mahdollistaneet kattavan lähestymistavan tutkia ja arvioida Valiant Hearts -peliä historian simulaationa, elävöityksenä ja ongelmatilanteiden luojana. Tämän avulla olen tutkielmassani syventynyt pelintekijöiden tavoitteiden analysoimiseen ja niiden vaikutukseen pelaajalle. Lisäksi näitä kolmea menetelmää hyödyntämällä olen osoittanut miten pelintekijöiden ratkaisut ovat välittyneet pelaajalle ja miten ne luovat menneisyyden esitystä juuri tässä kyseisessä pelissä. Olen tutkimuksessani avannut niitä tapoja, joilla Valiant Hearts esittää historiaa ja erityisesti mitkä eri pelitekniset ratkaisut vaikuttivat tuon menneisyyden esittämiseen. Tämän lisäksi tutkielmani osoittaa peliteollisuudella olleen vahvan vaikutuksen Valiant Hearts-pelin kehitykseen ja taiteellisiin lopputuloksiin, jotka kumpusivat sekä Montpellier peliyhtiön työntekijöiden omista mielenkiinnoista, että historiallisista referensseistä. Tutkimukseni osoittaa, että Valiant Hearts -pelintekijöiden tavoitteista löytyi huomattavia yhtenäisyyksiä 2010-luvun ensimmäisen maailmansodan tutkimusnäkökulmiin ja lähestymistapoihin. Näillä on pyritty korostamaan sekä pelin opettavaista puolta, että 100-vuotisjuhlan tavoitteita välittää sodan vaikutuksia ja sen herättämiä tunteita.