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Browsing by Subject "atherosclerosis"

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  • Gruzdaitis, Päivi (2011)
    Complications of atherosclerosis such as myocardial infarction and stroke are the primary cause of death in Western societies. The development of atherosclerotic lesions is a complex process, including endothelial cell dysfunction, inflammation, extracellular matrix alteration and vascular smooth muscle cell (VSMC) proliferation and migration. Various cell cycle regulatory proteins control VSMC proliferation. Protein kinases called cyclin dependent kinases (CDKs) play a major role in regulation of cell cycle progression. At specific phases of the cell cycle, CDKs pair with cyclins to become catalytically active and phosphorylate numerous substrates contributing to cell cycle progression. CDKs are also regulated by cyclin dependent kinase inhibitors, activating and inhibitory phosphorylation, proteolysis and transcription factors. This tight regulation of cell cycle is essential; thus its deregulation is connected to the development of cancer and other proliferative disorders such as atherosclerosis and restenosis as well as neurodegenerative diseases. Proteins of the cell cycle provide potential and attractive targets for drug development. Consequently, various low molecular weight CDK inhibitors have been identified and are in clinical development. Tylophorine is a phenanthroindolizidine alkaloid, which has been shown to inhibit the growth of several human cancer cell lines. It was used in Ayurvedic medicine to treat inflammatory disorders. The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of tylophorine on human umbilical vein smooth muscle cell (HUVSMC) proliferation, cell cycle progression and the expression of various cell cycle regulatory proteins in order to confirm the findings made with tylophorine in rat cells. We used several methods to determine our hypothesis, including cell proliferation assay, western blot and flow cytometric cell cycle distribution analysis. We demonstrated by cell proliferation assay that tylophorine inhibits HUVSMC proliferation dose-dependently with an IC50 value of 164 nM ± 50. Western blot analysis was used to determine the effect of tylophorine on expression of cell cycle regulatory proteins. Tylophorine downregulates cyclin D1 and p21 expression levels. The results of tylophorine's effect on phosphorylation sites of p53 were not consistent. More sensitive methods are required in order to completely determine this effect. We used flow cytometric cell cycle analysis to investigate whether tylophorine interferes with cell cycle progression and arrests cells in a specific cell cycle phase. Tylophorine was shown to induce the accumulation of asynchronized HUVSMCs in S phase. Tylophorine has a significant effect on cell cycle, but its role as cell cycle regulator in treatment of vascular proliferative diseases and cancer requires more experiments in vitro and in vivo.
  • Judström, Ilona (University of HelsinkiHelsingin yliopistoHelsingfors universitet, 2009)
    In atherosclerosis, cholesterol accumulates in cholesterol-loaded macrophages (foam cells) forming cholesterol plaques in the arterial intima. Reverse cholesterol transport (RCT) is a mechanism in which HDL and its major structural protein apolipoprotein-A-1 (apoA-1) remove cholesterol from the foam cells and take it to the liver for its final excretion from the body in the faeces. An impaired removal of cholesterol from the foam cells is a potential contributor to a reduced RCT, which is related to a higher incidence of coronary heart disease. Chymase, a neutral protease of mast cells (MCs), is widely distributed in the connective tissue of most vertebrates and able to degrade apoA-1. After the degradation, HDL-particles are unable to interact with the ABCA-1 transporter protein on the surface of macrophages, which mediates efflux of cholesterol from the macrophage foam cells to HDL particles. It has been shown that chymase derived from rat peritoneal MCs is able to degrade apoA-1 even in the presence of blood plasma which contains natural inhibitors for chymase (α-2-macroglobulin and α-1-antichymotrypsin). In the present study we wanted to find out if mouse mast cell protease 4 (mMCP-4) isolated from peritoneal mast cells is able to maintain its enzymatic activity even in the presence of mouse serum and intraperitoneal fluid. A small molecular weight compound (S-2586) was used as a substrate. In the in vitro experiments a sonicated MC preparation that contains active chymase was used and the activity of chymase was measured in the presence of varying concentrations of plasma and intraperitoneal fluid. In the in vivo experiments we evaluate whether mast cell-dependent proteolysis of HDL particles does occur, and whether such modification inhibits their efficiency in inducing cellular cholesterol efflux in vitro. We found that both serum and intraperitoneal fluid inhibited chymase activity, serum to a higher extent. Systemic activation of MCs in mast cell-competent mice, but not in mast cell-deficient mice, in vivo led to a decreased ability of plasma and intraperitoneal fluid to act as cholesterol acceptors from cultured cholesterol-loaded macrophages. Local activation of peritoneal mast cells also blocked the cholesterol efflux-inducing effect of intraperitoneally injected human apoA-1. This work was performed at the Wihuri Research Institute. Licenses for animal work were approved by the Finnish Laboratory Animal Experiment Committee (Suomen eläinkoelautakunta, ELLA). Laboratory animals (female NMRI mice) were from the Viikki Laboratory Animal Centre of the University of Helsinki and the mast cell deficient strain of mice W-sash c-kit mutant KitW-sh/W-sh were from the Jackson Laboratory (BarHarbor, Maine). The work was supervised by the director of the Research Institute Petri Kovanen MD PhD and Miriam Lee-Rueckert PhD. Laboratory assistance was perceived from the technicians of the Wihuri Research Institute.
  • Lim, Nancy (2017)
    Background: Atherosclerosis is a common pathological process in arteries causing significant morbidity and mortality due to stroke and myocardial infarction. The progression of atherosclerosis is affected by both genes and external factors that interactively initiate and advance the pathological cascade. Heme oxygenase 1 (HO1) is a protein that degrades toxic heme and thereby plays a role in maintaining normal vascular function. The expression of the heme oxygenase 1 gene (HMOX1) is affected by a (GT)n polymorphism in its promoter area; short (GT)n alleles associate with higher HO1 expression in cell culture studies and are hypothesized to protect vessel wall from hemi-related oxidative damage. Objective: Our research group has previously found that patients that have suffered stroke due to atherosclerotic carotid stenosis show high expression of HMOX1 in their carotid plaques (CPs). The aim of this thesis was to investigate whether this finding is explained by the HMOX1 (GT)n promoter polymorphism, i.e. if the promoter polymorphism is associated to symptomatic carotid disease. Methods: HMOX1 promoter (GT)n polymorphism was genotyped in carotid stenosis patients (HeCES n=92) and population controls (Health 2000 Survey, n=964). HMOX1 mRNA and protein levels were measured from CPs by qRT-PCR and ELISA, respectively. Results: HMOX1 promoter (GT)n alleles in the Finnish population ranged between 20 and 40 repeats, where (GT)30 was the most common allele with a population frequency of 46.6%. When comparing carotid stenosis patients to controls, statistically significant association between a lack of short alleles (< (GT)30) and symptomatic carotid disease was not found (p=0.214). Whereas, carotid stenosis patients with an ulcerative plaque lacked significantly more often a short allele at the HMOX1 promoter variant (p=0.006). However, we did not find correlation between promoter genotypes and HMOX1 mRNA or protein levels in the CPs. Conclusions: Our results support the protective role of short HMOX1 promoter (GT)n variants against symptomatic carotid artery disease (CaD).
  • Vikström, Aurora (2023)
    Valtimotautiin liittyvät sydämen ja verenkiertoelimistön komplikaatiot ovat suomalaisten merkittävimpiä kuolinsyitä. Väestön ikääntyminen, ylipainon ja tyypin 2 diabeteksen yleistyminen sekä yhä enemmän tyydyttyneitä ja vain vähän tyydyttymättömiä rasvahappoja ja kuituja sisältävä ruokavalio ovat lisänneet erityisesti länsimaissa valtimotaudin esiintyvyyttä. Valtimotaudin patofysiologiaa on tutkittu runsaasti ja uutta tietoa tulee jatkuvasti lisää. Sairauden syntyyn osallistuvat erityisesti verenkierrossa kiertävät lipoproteiinit, elimistön sekä synnynnäiseen että hankittuun immuniteettiin kuuluvat valkosolut ja valtimon seinämän inflammaatio eli tulehdustila. LDL-hiukkasten (low-density lipoprotein) veriplasman pitoisuuden lisäksi myös niiden aggregoitumisherkkyys on yhdistetty sepelvaltimotautiperäisiin kuolemiin. Nivelreumapotilailla on muuta väestöä suurempi riski sairastua valtimotautiin. Tässä tutkielmassa satunnaistetusta ristikkäistutkimuksesta saatujen näytteiden avulla pyrittiin selvittämään, voidaanko tulehdusta hillitseviä ruoka-aineita sisältävällä ruokavaliolla vähentää nivelreumapotilaiden LDL-partikkelien aggregoitumisherkkyyttä ja tätä kautta pienentää valtimotautiriskiä. Tutkimuksen materiaalit saatiin Göteborgin yliopistossa toteutetun ADIRA-tutkimuksen (Anti-inflammatory Diet in Rheumatoid Arthritis) yhteydessä kerätyistä näytteistä. Seeruminäytteistä eristettyjen LDL-partikkelien aggregoitumisnopeutta mitattiin interventio- ja kontrolliruokavalioiden aloituksen ja lopetuksen yhteydessä. Vertailtaessa koko tutkittavien joukkoa ei ruokavalioilla ollut tilastollisesti merkitseviä vaikutuksia aggregoitumisnopeuteen. Matalampi painoindeksi ja rasvaprosentti olivat yhteydessä interventioruokavalion suotuisampiin vaikutuksiin. Aggregoitumisnopeuksien vertailussa miesten LDL-partikkelien aggregoituminen oli naisia nopeampaa. Tulehdusta hillitsevä ruokavalio siis saattaa reumapotilailla vähentää valtimotautiriskiä sitä enemmän, mitä matalampi tutkittavan painoindeksi on. Jos myöhemmät tutkimustulokset tukevat näitä löydöksiä, tulevaisuudessa reumapotilaiden elintapaohjauksessa saattaisi olla hyödyllistä korostaa lipidiprofiilia parantavan ja painonhallintaa edistävän näkökulman lisäksi yksilöllisesti myös tulehdusta hillitsevän ruokavalion merkitystä.