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Browsing by Subject "colorectal cancer"

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  • Tanskanen, Tomas (2022)
    Colorectal cancer (CRC) accounts for one in 10 new cancer cases worldwide. CRC risk is determined by a complex interplay of constitutional, behavioral, and environmental factors. Patients with ulcerative colitis (UC) are at increased risk of CRC, but effect estimates are heterogeneous, and many studies are limited by small numbers of events. Furthermore, it has been challenging to distinguish the effects of age at UC diagnosis and duration of UC. Multistate models provide a useful statistical framework for analyses of cancers and premalignant conditions. This thesis has three aims: to review the mathematical and statistical background of multistate models; to study maximum likelihood estimation in the illness-death model with piecewise constant hazards; and to apply the illness-death model to UC and CRC in a population-based cohort study in Finland in 2000–2017, considering UC as a premalignant state that may precede CRC. A likelihood function is derived for multistate models under noninformative censoring. The multistate process is considered as a multivariate counting process, and product integration is reviewed. The likelihood is constructed by partitioning the study time into subintervals and finding the limit as the number of subintervals tends to infinity. Two special cases of the illness-death model with piecewise constant hazards are studied: a simple Markov model and a non-Markov model with multiple time scales. In the latter case, the likelihood is factorized into terms proportional to Poisson likelihoods, which permits estimation with standard software for generalized linear models. The illness-death model was applied to study the relationship between UC and CRC in a population-based sample of 2.5 million individuals in Finland in 2000–2017. Dates of UC and CRC diagnoses were obtained from the Finnish Care Register for Health Care and the Finnish Cancer Registry, respectively. Individuals with prevalent CRC were excluded from the study cohort. Individuals in the study cohort were followed from January 1, 2000, to the date of first CRC diagnosis, death from other cause, emigration, or December 31, 2017, whichever came first. A total of 23,533 incident CRCs were diagnosed during 41 million person-years of follow-up. In addition to 8,630 patients with prevalent UC, there were 19,435 cases of incident UC. Of the 23,533 incident CRCs, 298 (1.3%) were diagnosed in patients with pre-existing UC. In the first year after UC diagnosis, the HR for incident CRC was 4.67 (95% CI: 3.07, 7.09) in females and 7.62 (95% CI: 5.65, 10.3) in males. In patients with UC diagnosed 1–3 or 4–9 years earlier, CRC incidence did not differ from persons without UC. When 10–19 years had passed from UC diagnosis, the HR for incident CRC was 1.63 (95% CI: 1.19, 2.24) in females and 1.29 (95% CI: 0.96, 1.75) in males, and after 20 years, the HR was 1.61 (95% CI: 1.13, 2.31) in females and 1.74 (95% CI: 1.31, 2.31) in males. Early-onset UC (age <40 years) was associated with a markedly increased long-term risk of CRC. The HR for CRC in early-onset UC was 4.13 (95% CI: 2.28, 7.47) between 4–9 years from UC diagnosis, 4.88 (95% CI: 3.46, 6.88) between 10–19 years, and 2.63 (95% CI: 2.01, 3.43) after 20 years. In this large population-based cohort study, we estimated CRC risk in persons with and without UC in Finland in 2000–2017, considering both the duration of UC and age at UC diagnosis. Patients with early-onset UC are at increased risk of CRC, but the risk is likely to depend on disease duration, extent of disease, attained age, and other risk factors. Increased CRC risk in the first year after UC diagnosis may be in part due to detection bias, whereas chronic inflammation may underlie the long-term excess risk of CRC in patients with UC.
  • Kyriacou, Mikael Sakarias (2021)
    MLH1 is a gene that codes for one of the four mismatch repair (MMR) proteins alongside MSH2, MSH6, and PMS2. The main function of the MMR proteins is to recognize base mismatches and insertion-deletion loops formed during DNA replication and aid in their excision. Inherited heterozygous pathogenic variants in any of the four MMR genes lead to Lynch syndrome, an inherited cancer syndrome that predisposes to multiple different cancer types, most notably colorectal cancer. Loss of the expression of an MMR gene causes MMR-deficiency, which leads to microsatellite instability, the accumulation of mutations in microsatellite regions of the DNA. The higher mutational burden caused by MMR-deficiency is thought to be the main driving force of genomic instability and tumorigenesis in MMR-deficient cells. In addition to MMR, MLH1 and the MMR machinery have roles in other anticarcinogenic cellular processes, such as DNA damage signaling and DNA double-strand break repair. Recently, MLH1 has also been shown to have a significant role in regulating mitochondrial metabolism and oxidative stress responses. The identification of MMR-proficient tumors in Lynch syndrome patients begs the question whether the lower amount of functional MLH1 observed in MLH1 mutation carriers could cause problems with these functions and pose alternative routes to tumorigenesis. In line with this, it has been shown that the role of MLH1 in cell cycle regulation in DNA damage signaling is notably more sensitive to decreased amount of the protein compared to its role in MMR. The main goal of the thesis was to study the effects of decreased MLH1 expression on gene expression, cellular functions, and possible alternative tumorigenic pathways. In order to achieve this, the coding transcriptome of human fibroblast cell lines expressing MLH1 at different levels was sequenced and the resulting data analyzed. The study revealed that decreased MLH1 expression affects cellular functions associated with mitochondrial function and oxidative stress responses in cells with functional MMR. Particularly NRF2-controlled cytoprotective defence systems were observed to be downregulated. Decreased MLH1 expression was also observed to affect several cellular functions associated with reorganization of the cytoskeleton and interactions with the extracellular matrix. These results strengthen the recently made notions that MLH1 has a role in controlling the function of mitochondria and in mitigating oxidative stress, and that these two functions are connected. The study also brings to light new information on the possible role of MLH1 in controlling the organization of the cytoskeleton, which has previously received little attention. Dysfunction of mitochondria, increased oxidative stress, and reorganization of the cytoskeleton, as a result of decreased MLH1 expression, could pose events that facilitate malignant transformation of cells prior to the total loss of MMR function.
  • Afrizal (2017)
    Bacteria are dominant members of the human gut microbiota, defined as the complex communities of microorganisms in the intestine which play an important role in regulating the health of their host, including the development of colorectal cancer (CRC). CRC is the fourth leading cancer-related mortality worldwide. Animal models are very useful in CRC research, as they allow studying molecular mechanism underlying the disease. Due to closer similarity to human beings in terms of nutrition and gastrointestinal physiology, pig models are of great value in research when compared with murine models. However, our current knowledge of the pig gut microbiome is still limited and a large number of gut bacterial species are yet to be isolated and characterised. Here, we characterised bacteria isolated from the intestine of wildtype pigs and transgenic APC1311/+ siblings (APC pigs) that develop colonic adenomas. A total of 12 novel bacteria, including 1 member of a potentially novel family, were identified from 256 strains isolated using anaerobic culturing. In addition, five other bacteria with a standing name in the nomenclature but not yet included in the pig collection were added. A draft genome was generated for four of the novel bacteria and thereby the functional potential of strains and compared their similarity. In addition, the morphology, bile salt hydrolase (BSH), 7α-dehydroxylation, carbohydrate fermentation, prevalence and abundance of all strains were analysed. The draft genome analysis confirmed the novel species status of the four bacteria. Furthermore, it also revealed the presence of genes associated with BSH, antibiotic resistance, butyrate production and carbohydrate utilization. Only two of 12 tested bacteria were positive for BSH, while none of the two bacteria selected for fermentation experiments was positive for 7α-dehydroxylation. One isolate of the species Paraclostridium benzoelyticum was found to exhibit significantly higher tolerance to NaCl than the same species described in the literature. In terms of prevalence, almost all of the bacteria (16 of 17) seem to be rare in pig, even though they appeared to be more enriched in the pig intestine when compared with other host species. Interestingly, the majority of positive samples for the bacterium representing the potentially novel family originated from the intestine of elderly human individuals. Overall, we could show that a substantial number of novel bacteria can still be isolated by classical anaerobic culture techniques using multiple rich or selective media. Even though we were able to identify most of the isolated bacteria and performed several assays to describe their properties, additional phylogenetic and taxonomic tests and development of optimal media/conditions for the novel bacteria are required in order to gain a deeper understanding of the role of these bacteria in the intestinal microbial ecosystem.
  • Holmström, Darja; Lappalainen, Jutta; Lepistö, Anna; Saarnio, Juha; Mecklin, Jukka-Pekka; Seppälä, Toni (2020)
    MMR-geenivirheen kantajilla on korkea elinikäisen paksusuolisyövän esiintyvyys jatkuvasta kolonoskopiaseurannasta huolimatta. Lynchin syndrooman rekistereitä on kritisoitu puutteellisesta kolonoskopioiden laadun raportoinnista. Helsingin yliopistollisen keskussairaalan sähköisten potilaskertomusten kolonoskopiaraporteista kerättiin takautuvasti tietoja, jotka yhdistettiin kansainvälisen rekisterin prospektiiviseen seurantadataan. 366:lle MMR geenivirheen kantajalle tehtiin 1564 kolonoskopiaa - keskimäärin 4,3 potilasta kohti. Heistä 336 tähystettiin vähintään kahdesti. Suolen tyhjennys oli vajaa tyhjennysasteikolla (Boston Bowel Preparation Scale, BBPS) 12,9 %:ssa suunnitelluista tähystyksistä. Koko suoli saatiin tähystettyä 98,9 %:ssa tähystyksistä. Adenoomien havaitsemistiheys (Adenoma Detection Rate, ADR) oli 15,8 % vuosina 2004-2014 ja 21,9 % vuosina 2015-2019, kun käyttöön otettiin suuremman erotuskyvyn teknologiaa. Keskimäärin ADR oli 18,7 % (p = 0,004). Paksusuolisyöpä todettiin 23:ssa tapauksessa. 19 syöpää löydettiin 977:n laadukkaan kolonoskopian jälkeen ja 4 syöpää 151:n huonompilaatuisen kolonoskopian jälkeen tyhjennyksen tai tähystysmitan jäätyä vajaaksi (p = 0,16). Pitkälle kehittyneitä neoplasioita ei raportoitu useammin huonompilaatuisten tähystysten jälkeen. Suurin osa Lynchin syndrooman paksusuolisyövistä löydetään laadukkaiden kolonoskopioiden jälkeen. ADR nousi suuremman erotuskyvyn teknologian avulla. Kohonneen ADR:n vaikutus Lynchin syndrooman paksusuolisyövän esiintyvyyteen vaatii tutkimuksia isommissa, prospektiivisissa asetelmissa. Kolonoskopiaseuranta ei poista elinikäistä Lynchin syndroomaan liittyvän paksusuolisyövän riskiä. Rekisteritutkimukset ovat olleet rajoitettuja puutteellisen kolonoskopian laatua sisältävän datan vuoksi. Tähystyksen laatu, ajoitus ja polyyppien havaitseminen eivät selitä seurannan aikaisia syöpätapauksia, vaan tukevat hypoteesia, että Lynchin syndroomassa on omanlainen syövänsyntymekanismi.
  • He, David (2023)
    Ihmisellä suolistosyöpää esiintyy eniten paksusuolessa. Suolistosyöpätapauksien määrä on lisääntynyt jatkuvasti, tehden siitä kolmanneksi yleisimmän ja toiseksi eniten kuolemaan johtavan syöpätyypin. Vuonna 2020 maailmanlaajuisesti todettiin noin 2 miljoonaa uutta suolistosyöpätapausta, ja Suomessa vastaava luku oli noin 3000. Lisääntynyt ymmärrys suolistosyövästä ja sen hoitovaihtoehtojen parantumisesta on vähentänyt kuolleisuutta suolistosyöpään, mutta elämänkaaren pidentyminen ja elintapojen muutos on johtanut esiintyvyyden nousuun. Suolistosyövän esiintyvyys lisääntyy merkittävästi yli 60 ikävuoden jälkeen. Sille altistavia tekijöitä ovat liikunnan vähyys, ylipaino, ikääntyminen sekä epäterveellinen ruokavalio. WNT-signalointireitti säätelee mm. organismin kehitystä ja kudoksien homeostaasia. LEF1 (Lymphoid enchancer binding factor 1) on transkriptiotekijä, joka vaikuttamaan geenien toimintaan WNT-signaalien alaisuudessa. LEF1 ei ole aktiivinen normaalisuolen epiteelissä, mutta sen poikkeuksellinen ekspressio aktivoituu syövän kehittyessä. Aiempien tutkimusten mukaan Lef1 geenin poisto hiiristä kiihdyttää solujen kasvua suolistosyövän adenooma-esiasteissa. Tällä tutkimuksella oli tarkoitus tutkia tarkemmin LEF1 vaikutusmekanismia suolistosyövän kehityksen alkuvaiheessa, kasvaimen klonaalisen laajentumisen aikana. Tutkimus toteutettiin geenimuokatuissa hiirissä. Tulokset osoittavat, että LEF1 ei osallistu suolistosyövän kehityksen rajoittamiseen kasvaimen alkuvaiheessa.
  • Olenius, Tobias (2021)
    Bakgrund: Förekomsten av kolorektal cancer (CRC) i Finland har ökat stadigt. Med tanke på utvecklingen av cancerbehandlingar under de senaste decennierna kan sjukdomsspecifika uppgifter om patienternas långsiktiga prognos ha blivit föråldrade. Således syftade denna studie till att rapportera 5-årig sjukdomsspecifik överlevnad (DSS) enligt tumörspridning och lokalisation bland CRC-patienter diagnostiserade mellan 1991 och 2015 i Finland. Studie av detta slag i denna storlek har inte gjorts tidigare i Finland. Material och metoder: Vi genomförde en befolkningsbaserad registerstudie bland 59 465 CRC-patienter som identifierats från Finlands Cancerregister. Resultat: Den 5-åriga DSS för alla CRC-patienter var 56,7% [95% konfidensintervall (KI) 56,3–57,1%) för åren 1991 till 2015. Vi upptäckte förbättringar i alla 5-åriga DSS- undergruppsanalyser för perioderna inom 1991–2005 jämfört med 2006–2015: 80,5% (95% KI 80,1–81,75%) jämfört med 89,9% (95% KI 88,9–90,9%) för lokaliserad sjukdom (stage I); 55,5% (95% KI 53,9–57,1%) jämfört med 65,3% (95% KI 63,5–67,1%) för regional sjukdom med regionala lymfkörtelmetastaser (stage III); och 12,6% (95% KI 8,7– 16,5%) jämfört med 13,7% (95% KI 11,9–15,5%) för metastaserad sjukdom (stage IV). Patienternas 5-åriga DSS 2006 till 2015 med en lokalt avancerad tumör som invaderar bredvidliggande strukturer (stage II) var 81,5%. När man jämför lokalisationsspecifik överlevnad för de två tidsperioderna var 5-årig DSS för höger-sidig koloncancer 54,8% (95% KI 53,8–55,8%) jämfört med 59,9% (95% KI 58,7–61,1%), vänsterensidig koloncancer var 54,1% (95% KI 52,9–55,3) jämfört med 61,0% (95% KI 59,8–62,2%) och rektal cancer var 53,6% (95% KI 52,2–55,0%) jämfört med 62,3% (95% KI 61,3–63,3%). Diskussion: Denna studie bekräftar att överlevnaden för CRC har förbättrats under de senaste decennierna i Finland, vilket speglar observationer från andra västländer. Klassificeringen av tumörspridning inom Finlands Cancerregister skiljer sig dock något från TNM-klassificeringen, vilket begränsar resultaten från denna studie.
  • Kuc, Kornelia (2023)
    Colorectal cancer (CRC) is the second deadliest cancer in the world. Given the heterogeneity of the disease, a substantial percentage of patients do not benefit from the standard-of-care. The ability to identify patients that most or least likely to respond to the generic therapy prior to its implementation would improve the safety and efficacy of the anti-cancer regimen in CRC.The goal of this study was to assess the suitability of patient-derived organoids (PDOs) as in vitro models to evaluate the efficacy of chemotherapy in CRC. PDOs were generated from surgical tumor specimens of rectal cancer patients. Next, PDOs were treated with standard of care chemotherapeutics for rectal cancer, with or without neoadjuvant radiotherapy, and a commercial cell viability assay was used to assess drug response. PDOs were classified according to the consensus molecular subtype (CMS) system, based on the whole transcriptome sequencing of PDO-derived RNA before treatment. Clinical information was retrieved from the patient records. In vitro drug responses of PDOs revealed heterogeneous drug sensitivity profiles and highlighted patients who would benefit from standard of care. With respect to the consensus molecular subtype (CMS) classification, CMS2 organoids showed highest response to standard of care, while CMS1 PDOs exhibited a less responsive phenotype. For the majority of the PDOs, neoadjuvant radiotherapy prior to drug treatment had no effect on drug response. On the other hand, in certain cases, neoadjuvant therapy sensitized or desensitized PDOs to standard of care chemotherapeutics. This study adds to the literature demonstrating the feasibility of PDOs as platforms for modelling cancer treatment and highlighting their potential to facilitate progress in personalized medicine. More studies involving complex, co-culture PDO models and designed to better reflect the relevant interplay between tumor microenvironment and the anti-cancer regimen are needed to confirm the predictive qualities of the PDOs and inform clinical decisions in CRC.
  • Kallio, Pauliina; Brodkin, Jefim; Bessone, Cinzia; Lassila, Marika; Högström, Jenny; González-Loyola, Alejandra; Petrova, Tatiana; Haglund, Caj; Alitalo, Kari (2023)
    Colorectal cancer (CRC) is the third most common cancer in the world. About 68% of all colorectal cancer patients are alive five years after diagnosis. About half of all cancer patients receive radiation therapy. Ionizing radiation causes DNA damage to cells, which leads to cell death if unrepaired. Although radiation is an effective cancer treatment, some tumor cells – especially cancer stem cells – are resistant to radiation-induced DNA damage, which allows them to survive radiation therapy. Disruption of the Wnt/β-catenin signaling pathway, which occurs in almost all CRC patients, leads to overactivation of the PROX1 gene. PROX1 has been found to promote dysplastic changes and an invasive phenotype of CRC. Since PROX1 has been shown to be expressed in cancer stem cells, our hypothesis was that PROX1 expression protects tumor cells from radiation-induced damage. We found that PROX1 expression promotes radiation resistance in colorectal cancer cells. First, we found that irradiation itself increases the proportion of PROX1-expressing cells. Furthermore, we found that cells overexpressing PROX1 endure radiation better than PROX1-negative cells. To elucidate the underlying mechanisms of radiation resistance, we performed single-cell RNA sequencing to CRC patient organoid cultures and to adenoma cells isolated from ApcMin/+ tumor-bearing mice. The data showed enhanced expression of multiple DNA damage repair transcripts in PROX1-positive cells. In addition, we showed that following irradiation, PROX1-expressing cells had less DNA damage. Furthermore, we showed that DNA damage repair occured faster in PROX1-positive cells, especially through non- homologous end joining (NHEJ), than in PROX1-negative cells, and that inhibition of NHEJ decreased the survival of PROX1-positive cells following irradiation. Our data showed that PROX1 has a protective effect on tumor stem cells and promotes radiation resistance, which may be a possible druggable target in the future.
  • Hukkinen, Tanja; Olenius, Tobias; Koskensalo, Selja; Lepistö, Anna; Koskenvuo, Laura; Böckelman, Camilla (2023)
    This population-based registry study aimed to report 30-day and one-year postoperative survival, five-year overall survival (OS), and disease-specific survival (DSS) among elderly (≥75 years old) colorectal cancer (CRC) patients. All new colorectal cancer cases from 2006–2015 were included and followed until death or the end of follow-up (end of 2016). Among 27 088 CRC patients, 11 306 patients were ≥75 years old. Among patients ≥75 years, 36.8% (n = 4160) had right-sided colon cancer, 21.9% (n = 2478) left-sided colon cancer, and 32.3% (n = 3650) rectal cancer. In this study population, 932 patients were aged ≥90. The 30-day postoperative OS for patients aged 75–79 was 96.1% (95% confidence interval [CI] 95.3–96.9) falling to 93.2% (95% CI 92.0–94.4) for patients aged 80–84. The one-year postoperative OS among patients aged 75–79 was 86.3% (95% CI 84.7–87.9) compared with 80.5% (95% CI 78.7–82.3) among patients aged 80–84. Five-year OS among patients aged 75–79 was 47.6% (95% CI 46.0–49.2) and 36.6% (95% CI 34.8–38.4) among patients aged 80–84, compared with 61.7% (95% CI 60.9–62.5) among younger patients (<75 years old). Survival among elderly CRC patients (≥75 years old) was in general fairly good when compared with younger patients, especially among patients aged 75–79 and 80–84 with localized or locally advanced disease.
  • Pietilä, Tuulia Kreetta Matilda (2021)
    Background Endogenous formation of possibly carcinogenic N-nitroso compounds may partly explain the association between red and processed meat and colorectal cancer. The aim of this study was to examine the effects of partial replacement of red and processed meat with legumes on the fecal total and heme-originated N-nitroso compounds (NOC) in healthy working-aged Finnish men. Methods The study was a 6-wk parallel design randomized clinical trial with two groups following either a diet supplemented with red and processed meat or a diet supplemented with legumes and red and processed meat. Total and heme-originated NOCs were analyzed from fecal homogenates using Ecomedics CLD 88. Statistical analyses were conducted using IBM SPSS Statistics 27. Independent samples t-test and Chi-Square test were used to assess the differences between the intervention groups at the baseline. Differences in total and heme-originated NOCs between the intervention groups at the endpoint were analyzed using ANCOVA (adjusted for baseline values). For correlations, Pearson correlation was used. Results 102 men completed the study. No significant differences between the groups were reported at the baseline. At the endpoint, fecal concentrations of total NOC (p < 0.0001) and heme-originated NOC (p < 0.0001) were lower in the legume and red meat group than in the red meat group. A moderate negative correlation between stool volume and NOC concentrations was observed. Conclusions The results indicate that even a partial replacement of red and processed meat with legume products can significantly reduce the total and heme-originated NOC concentrations in feces and potentially reduce the risk for the development of CRC.
  • Häkkänen, Iina (2022)
    Colorectal cancer (CRC) is one of the most common types of cancers, encompassing approximately 10 % of all cancer cases worldwide. Regulation of cell proliferation and cell fate decisions is crucial for maintaining cellular homeostasis and preventing CRC initiation, a process in which the Wingless (Wnt)/β-catenin signalling pathway is known to play an important role. For instance, somatic mutations occurring in the Apc gene lead to aberrant activation of the Wnt/β-catenin pathway, which further leads to the accumulation of β-catenin into the nucleus where the TCF/LEF transcription factors, including TCF1, TCF3, TCF4, and LEF1, bind β-catenin to activate downstream Wnt target genes and promote CRC development. TCF1 is encoded by the gene Tcf7 that can be alternatively spliced to produce long (p45) and short (p33) isoforms whose function in CRC development has remained poorly understood. Previously, deletion of Tcf7 has been found to increase intestinal adenoma formation in mice with one mutated Apc allele (ApcMin/+), which are predisposed to development of multiple intestinal adenomas. To study how heterozygous deletion of the p45 isoforms affects intestinal adenoma formation and the cellular transcriptome, we have studied ApcMin/+ mice, which have a heterozygous mutation of Tcf7 gene encoding only the p33 isoform (AmTp45∆/+). In our study, we used immunohistochemistry and RT-qPCR together with a single-cell RNA sequencing (scRNA-seq) analysis. Heterozygous deletion of the p45 isoforms in the ApcMin/+ mice dramatically increased the numbers of intestinal tumours, spleen size and its white pulp areas but it had no effect on cell proliferation or expression of the Wnt-target gene Prox1 in intestinal adenomas. In addition, ApcMin/+ mice with both heterozygous p45 and Lef1 deletions developed significantly more intestinal tumours. Without the Apc mutation, neither of these mouse models developed intestinal adenomas or spleen abnormalities. RT-qPCR analysis showed decreased expression of Tcf7 in the small intestine of the AmTp45∆/+ mice. scRNA-seq analysis revealed that the AmTp45∆/+ mice downregulated various Wnt antagonists and stem cell markers and upregulated several genes that function in different metabolic pathways. Overall, these results support the concept that Tcf7 functions in synergy with Apc to repress intestinal malignancy. Our results establish a basis for comparison of the relative importance and specific functions of the TCF/LEF1 family members in CRC development.