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Browsing by Subject "communality"

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  • Tarvainen, Kai (2022)
    Huumeiden kokeilu ja käyttö ovat yleistyneet Suomessa viime vuosien aikana merkittävästi, etenkin nuoremmissa ikäryhmissä. Kokeilun ja käytön yleistyminen koskee erityisesti kannabista ja sen kokeilua. Suurella osalla kannabiskokeilut jäävät muutamaan käyttökertaan. Mutta myös muiden huumeiden käyttö on lisääntynyt Suomessa. Käytön lisääntyminen on näkynyt käytöstä johtuvien haittojen kasvuna. Viime vuosina huumesairaudet ja nuorten huumekuolemat ovat lisääntyneet. Myös huumeiden ongelmakäyttö on lisääntynyt. Tässä tutkimuksessa keskitytään nuorten päihdeongelman tarkasteluun sosiaalisten suhteiden, erityisesti lähi- ja vertaissuhteiden näkökulmasta. Tutkimuksen tavoitteena on selvittää millä tavoin sosiaaliset suhteet voivat vaikuttaa päihdeongelman syntyyn, motivoida päihdemaailmasta irtautumista sekä edistää toipumista. Tutkimustehtävää lähestytään kysymällä, millä tavoin sosiaaliset suhteet vaikuttuvat päihteiden ongelmakäyttöön. Pääkysymyksen lisäksi kysytään, millaisia sosiaaliset suhteet ovat eri elämänvaiheissa olleet, ja mitä päihteiden ongelmakäyttöön kytkeytyviä ilmiöitä sosiaalisista vuorovaikutussuhteista löytyy. Tutkimusteemoja tarkastellaan kuulumisen ja yhteisöllisyyden viitekehyksissä. Tutkielman aineistona on haastatteluaineisto, joka koostuu kuuden päihdeongelmasta toipuvan nuoren haastattelusta. Narratiiviset menetelmät muodostavat tutkielman metodologisen perustan. Narratiivisille menetelmille tyypilliseen tapaan, tutkielmassa pyritään tarkastelemaan ilmiötä haastateltavien biografioihin sidottuina. Tämän tutkimuksen tulosten mukaan kiusatuksi tuleminen ja ulkopuolisuuden tunne ovat yhteydessä päihdeongelman kehittymiseen. Vertaisyhteisölliset kiinnikkeet olivat kiusatuksi tulemisen ja ulkopuolisuuden tunteen vuoksi ohuet. Syntyi kuulumisen vajeita, joihin vertaisyhteisöllisyyden ulkopuoliset päihdealakulttuurit tarjosivat vastakaikua. Uuden sosiaalisen maailman löytymisestä seurannut voimakas yhteisöllisyyden tunne oli merkittävä syvemmälle päihdemaailman sysännyt tekijä. Päihdeongelman kehittyessä ja ongelmien syvetessä päihdealakulttuurit alkoivat erkaantua toisistaan. Päihdemaailmaa ja sen vuorovaikutussuhteita leimasi kavaluus, petollisuus, väkivalta ja yhteisöllisen liiman vähyys. Perhesuhteiden lisäksi edellä mainitut tekijät olivat merkittäviä päihdemaailmasta irtautumista motivoivia syitä. Tulosten perusteella päihdemaailmasta irtautumisen jälkeen toipuva saa merkittävää apua ja tukea vertaistukiyhteisöllisyydestä ja lähisuhteista uuden elämänvaiheen vakiinnuttamisessa. Elämän uudelleen rakentumisen tukena tavanomaiset sosiaaliset suhteet ovat hyvin merkityksellisiä. Monesti puhutaan päihteiden käytön alkamisen yhteydessä vääränlaiseen kaveriporukkaan ajautumisesta. Tulosten perusteella väitän, että pohjimmiltaan epämääräisiin porukoihin ajautumisessa on kyse kuulumisen tarpeiden täyttämisestä ja positiivisen minäkuvan rakentumisesta. Kyse on myös siitä, että näihin porukoihin ajautuvien tavanomaiset menestymisen mahdollisuudet ovat eri syistä johtuen heikot.
  • Vuokko, Anni (2018)
    Aim: The aim of this study was to reveal a multi-perspective meanings of craft, bring out feelings which craft making evokes for craft hobbyists and clarify if the craft making increases their well-being. There are very few researches available related to the meanings of craft and craft's impacts to the well-being. The aim of this study was to make the craft hobbyists voice heard and generally emphasize and bring out the importance of creative activity and hobbies. In addition, the aim was to find out in which kind of situations handicrafts have played a significant role in respondents' lives. Based on these thoughts the following two main questions were set for the study: 1) What kind of meanings the students of adult's basic arts education give to the crafts and craft making? 2) How do the handicrafts affect to the well-being of the students of adult's basic arts education? Method: The qualitative data was collected by using an open question from the students of adult's basic arts education in the Helsinki Metropolitan Area during spring 2017. Before sending out the open question via e-mail I presented the topics of my study both in the Basic and Postgraduate Studies group. The recipients of the open question were asked to write a free-form script with the title "I, Craft and well-being". Totally 12 responses were received to the writing request and each of them was at least one page long. I analysed the material separately according to the meaning and wellbeing experience. In the analysis of the meanings I utilized Anna Kouhia's (2012) reference frame of multi-perspectival meanings of crafts and other available theory related to the subject. After that, by utilizing preceding theories, I formed my own reference frame which supported further analysis of the material. As a result, I created my own reference frame of the meanings of the craft. When analysing the well-being I utilized Seligman's theoretical model of happiness (PERMA). Results and conclusions: Based on my study it can be noted that there are several meanings behind craft making. Meanings are very multiple, usually overlapping and sometimes they are even in conflicts with each other. For many people crafts are way to relax which produce happiness day after day and increase well-being. The meanings of crafts are linked tightly to the experiences of well-being. Especially social aspects were emphasized in both categories. In general, the presence of craft in different life situations is dependent on people personalities. Some people use crafts as an important way to relax in difficult life situations whereas other people in the same situation are willing to get rid of all extra issues. Even if sometimes the crafts might be relegated to the background in life, all respondents who participated to the study returned always back to the crafts which illustrates the meaning of crafts as the bringer of well-being as from the point of view of the meanings presented in the study.
  • Friman, Ralf-Eerik (2015)
    The subject matter of this thesis were four church services that had experienced growth in attendance. Under study were particularly the reasons that attracted people to the services in question. The research question, which is the title of the thesis, was looked at from two angles: the attenders were asked about their reasons to come and the overseer of each service was interviewed about the reasons that they saw the attenders having for their attendance. These four services were all regular services organised by a local church. These four churches were The Evangelical Free Church of Turku (also known as Hope Church), The Pentecostal Church of Seinäjoki, The Evangelican Lutheran Parish of Haapajärvi and Suhe Church from Helsinki. The study was conducted as a qualitative, data-driven study. The data itself consisted of 39 questionnaires and four interviews. The questionnaires formed one body of data in spite of having been collected in different cities; one interview per church was conducted. The data was analysed through content analysis. The main reasons for attending the service for the first time were spiritual seeking, an invitation from friends and family, finding a community, curiosity or other random reasons. When the attenders were asked about the main reasons for current attendance, a change could be seen in the reasons: the majority of the attenders said their main reason now is a spiritual one. This included themes like spiritual growth, the love of God and receiving strength and power for everyday life. Other significant reasons for current attendance included community and serving. Almost everyone of the questioned attenders believed they would still be attending in a year or two's time. The biggest reasons for continued attendance were community, spiritual growth, the love of God, attending a service as a part of Christian living, and attending the service as a habit. The attenders received especially power and friends to their everyday life from the service. Worshiping God together and the sermon were seen to be the main ways God was encountered in the service itself. The community was not mainly seen as a primary reason to attend but the attenders described their community with significant words such as 'home', 'family', and 'safety net'. The overseers of the service saw invitations as an important reason for the first-time attenders. On the other hand they saw, that to continue coming people need to find meaningful relationships and spiritual content. All of the churches part-taking in this study had tried to develop and bring life to their services, though the particularities, structure and context of the churches are somewhat different. An important common aspect was a theologically grounded thought to follow the call of God and to see this call become concrete in different ways through the service.