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(2023)Abstract This study examined the networked expertise and transformative agency of employment professionals in a local government pilot on employment. Employment coach is a new profession title, which was created for the use of local government pilots on employment in 2021. In this study I focused on one team inside a local pilot. I wanted to find out what kind of networks this team has built and how professionals in this team are using their networks to create new work practices and build the job description of this new profession employment coach. I viewed employment coaches in this team also by looking into their level and possibilities of participation and network building depending on their organizational background. I also wanted to bring into attention the effects that working remotely with digital technology and platforms have made to a government work team´s professional learning. This study is based on the sociocultural view of professional learning and cultural-historical activity theory. The study relied on qualitative methods and the data was collected using semi-structured interview and egocentric network assignments. The sample consisted of individual interviews of employment coaches (N=10) working in the local government pilot of employment team that I studied and of the network assignments (N=13) which were collected from volunteer team members separately. The interview data was analyzed by using qualitative theory-driven content analysis and Atlas TI -analyzing program. The egocentric network assignment data was analyzed using Geph 0.10.1 coding and visualizing program. The results suggested that the networked expertise in the team of local employment pilot has been built through using the knowledge and practices that the team members shared together in Teams meetings and conversations. The professionals in the team have built very strong networks inside the team and the networks also reached to other teams in the local pilot, as well as employment office professionals. The study indicated that the studied team has benefitted from small groups creating practices and facing problems and that coworking can be seen as transformative agency inside the team. At the same time, using digital technology seems to have affected the team´s network building and networked expertise by silencing some of the team members. The study also shows that the professionals, who had municipality as their organizational background, felt that they did not have access to all the resources, and also felt somewhat less members of the team. Based on this study, team member´s transformative agency should be supported better by organizational means, such as resources and bringing the ideas from the joint developing and creating better into practice. The sociomaterial aspect of agency should be taken into notice, when using digital technology, so that the agencies of professionals could become more visible. That requires new approaches and stronger practices in organizational level to using for example Teams as the main channel of networked expertise in local government pilot on employment.
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