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Browsing by Subject "digitaalinen oppimateriaali"

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  • Steidel, Isa (2021)
    Vuodesta 2019 lähtien ylioppilaskoe on järjestetty kaikissa oppiaineissa sähköisesti. Tämä muutos on vaikuttanut merkittävästi oppimateriaalien digitalisointiin, ja vuonna 2020 digitaalisten oppikirjojen liikevaihto oli viidesosa kaikista myydyistä oppikirjoista. Digitaalisten oppikirjojen yleistyessä on tärkeää tietää, mitä käyttäjät niistä ajattelevat. Tähän mennessä saksan oppiaineen digioppikirjojen käyttäjien kokemuksia ja mielipiteitä ei ole tutkittu. Siksi tässä maisterintutkielmassa etsittiin vastausta kysymykseen, mitä mieltä saksaa opiskelevat lukiolaiset ovat digioppikirjoista. Toinen tavoite oli selvittää, miten saksan oppiaineen digioppikirjoja voitaisiin kehittää opiskelijoiden vastausten perusteella ja miltä digitaalisen oppimateriaalin tulisi näyttää. Tutkimus toteutettiin vuonna 2020 ja tutkimukseen osallistui 44 lukiolaista: 18 opiskelijaa käytti Plan D -kirjasarjaa, 18 ja 8 Unter uns -kirjasarjaa. Tutkimusaineisto kerättiin online-kyselyllä yhdistelemällä kvalitatiivista ja kvantitatiivista metodia. Avoimet kysymykset analysoitiin laadullisella sisällönanalyysilla. Tutkimustuloksena sisällönanalyysista saatiin seitsemän kategoriaa: a) sanasto, b) osioiden välillä navigointi, c) tehtävät ja niiden tarkistaminen, d) jatkuvasti käytettävissä, e) tehtävien ja kappaleiden kuuntelu, f) muistiinpanot ja g) digi vs. painettu. Kaikkien kolmen kirjasarjan käyttäjät olivat samaa mieltä siitä, että digitaalista oppikirjaa on helppo käyttää ja tekstien ja tehtävien kuunteleminen nähtiin hyvänä ominaisuutena. Lisäksi pidettiin siitä, että digioppikirja on aina saatavilla ja painettua kirjaa ei tarvitse kantaa mukana. Monissa vastauksissa ilmaistiin toive paremmista muistiinpanomahdollisuuksista. Tarkasteltaessa tarkemmin kolmen oppikirjasarjan välisiä eroja kävi ilmi, ettääyttäjät pitivät tehtäviä ja niiden automaattista korjausominaisuutta erittäin hyvänä, mutta toivoivat, että eri osioiden välillä navigoiminen olisi helpompaa. Plan D -oppikirjasarjan käyttäjistä toiset pitivät digitaalista oppikirjaa virkistävänä ja toiset taas pitivät enemmän käsin kirjoittamisesta. Sanasto-osion sijaintia kritisoitiin ja toivottiin, että sanastoa voisi pitää ruudulla sivua vaihdettaessa. Unter uns -oppikirjasarjan käyttäjät olivat myös monta mieltä digitaalisuudesta, sillä jotkut pitivät digioppikirjoja hyvänä valmistautumisena sähköisiin ylioppilaskirjoituksiin, ja toiset taas eivät pitäneet pitkien tekstien lukemisesta näytöltä. Unter Uns -sarjan käyttäjät olivat tyytymättömiä vastausten tarkistustoimintoon. Toivottiin, että digioppikirja hyväksyisi useita vastausvaihtoehtoja eikä sakottaisi pienistä kirjoitusvirheistä.
  • Seuri, Salla (2015)
    Introduction. Although e-­learning is a widely discussed and studied topic both in Finland and internationally, the use of e-­learning materials in Finnish and literature has not been researched before. The objective of this study was to gather information about teachers experiences of using e-­learning materials in teaching Finnish in lower secondary school. The research questions were: 1) What e-­learning materials do teachers of Finnish and literature use? 2) What are the characteristics of good quality material and what problems appear in using e-­learning materials? Methodology. An online survey was used to map teachers experiences and opinions, and a total of 71 recipients took the survey in February 2015. Quantitative analysis was employed to organise the respondents into groups according to their use of e-­learning materials, and subsequently qualitative analysis of the respondents answers to the open‑ended questions was used to shed light on the initial results. Previous research on the evaluation of e‑learning material was harnessed when formulating the survey and analysing the results. Results and conclusions. The study clearly shows that there is a great need for e-­learning materials of both better quality and a greater variety. The majority of the respondents viewed the possibilities of e-­learning materials positively, but presently they found the variety of the material inadequate. Furthermore, some of the respondents viewed their own capabilities in the use of ICT lacking, and they were more likely than others to either not use e‑learning material or limit their use mainly to the material provided with the textbook they were using. This highlights the need for developing materials that address both the needs of teachers just learning to use ICT and those advanced in using it. Besides, the majority of the material used by all the respondents to the survey comprised of mechanical exercises, and therefore there is a need to develop a wider variety of materials. The searchability and accessibility of material should be solved; many teachers believed quality material does exist, but is not easily found with search engines. Lastly, the study of the use of e-­learning materials and ICT in general in teaching Finnish and literature should be continued, and the best practices of its application in the classroom should be mapped.
  • Liimatta, Kaisla (2021)
    There is still little research on digital learning materials, which is why more research is needed. Researching digital learning materials provides information on the quality of learning materials. It is also important to have information on how teachers perceive the digital learning material they use. This study examines teachers’ experiences of using the digital material in the Milli -series in their teaching and the digital features of the Milli -book series based on the features of good digital learning material compiled by researchers. Previous research shows that teachers use digital learning materials in their teaching at least occasionally, but that their use is limited in particular by the availability of equipment. Researchers believe that the best learning outcomes are achieved by using both printed and digital learning materials in teaching. In this study, “Digiopetusmateriaali”, “Millin digikoulu”, and Milli’s Bingel assignments were examined from the Milli -series. The analysis was carried out with a theory-based content analysis and the theoretical basis was the criteria presented by the researchers for good digital learning mate-rial. They are structure, motivation, and community. Teachers’ experiences of the Milli -series were surveyed with a questionnaire that was answered by 35 teachers. The material of the questionnaire was collected on Facebook in “Alakoulun aarreaitta” and “kolmos-nelosten opet” groups in the autumn of 2021. The material of the questionnaire was analysed by data-driven content analysis. The digital materials in the Milli -series contained features highly recommended by the researchers. The feature least used by the learning materials was communality but in some of the materials the choice was made consciously. There are a lot of motivating features in the materials, both through videos and playfulness. The Milli -series meets the criteria for very good digital learning material. Teachers taught the Milli -series using a variety of different content, utilising both printed and digital materials. Geometry received the most mentions of the contents. Teachers used printed teacher material to plan the lesson and digital teaching material instead to illustrate the teaching during the lesson. Teachers use a variety of digital and printed teaching materials when teaching different topics.
  • Pentinniemi, Anu (2020)
    Environmental education takes place everywhere, not just in school. At school, environmental studies are the most natural way to implement environmental education, but in accordance with the principles of the basic education curriculum (POPS 2014), environmental education is implemented extensively in all school activities. The ideology of inquiry-based learning and field education as a way of working implement the basic principle of environmental education, ie commitment to nature. Previous research has shown that teachers are interested in implementing the principles of environmental education and field education, but there are also challenges in its practical implementation. The third sector implements environmental education outside the school and the digital material it produces is easily accessible via the Internet. The aim of my research is to find out teachers' perceptions of field education and its implementation in teaching. In addition, my aim is to find out how teachers view collaboration with the third sector or the digital material they produce. Finally, I will find out what kind of digital material the third sector provides to support field education in environmental studies. The research material was compiled by interviewing two teachers and examining digital materials provided by the third sector. Interviews were used to gain teachers’ views on field education and the co-operation with the third sector. Digital material was analyzed by a criteria based on the criteria created by the National Board of Education for e-learning materials The study confirms the results of previous studies that teachers appreciate the importance of field education in teaching environmental studies and would like to implement it more than at present. Co-operation with the third sector brought not only material and ideas but also concrete human resources to field education. A study of third sector digital material showed that the third sector produces a lot of diverse and high quality material for teaching environmental studies based on its own expertise and that its use is likely to lower the threshold for teachers to implement field education in their environmental studies teaching when they just have time to search for and find all this material.