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Browsing by Subject "energiankulutus"

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  • Huomo, Timo (2017)
    Tutkielmassa tarkastellaan älykkään sähköverkon teknologian kotouttamista. Tutkimuksen viitekehys pohjautuu yhtäältä teknologian kotouttamisen tutkimuskirjallisuuteen ja toisaalta kulutuksen energiankäytön ja -käyttäjien tutkimusperinteeseen. Teknologian kotouttamista tarkastellaan myös arjen ja rutiinien näkökulmasta. Tutkin sitä, millä tavoin asukkaat ovat kotouttaneet talossa olevat älykkään sähköverkon ratkaisuja. Lisäksi tutkin sitä, mihin talon suunnittelussa on pyritty ja millaista kuvaa asukkaista energiankuluttajina taloa toteuttamassa olleiden yritysten edustajien puhe heijastelee. Empiirinen tutkimus kohdistuu kerrostaloon, joka on suunniteltu ja toteutettu älykkään sähköverkon ajatuksella. Talon keskeisimpiä älykkään sähköverkon ratkaisuja ovat aurinkosähköjärjestelmä, taloautomaatiojärjestelmä ja energian käytön seurantalaitteisto, talon eristys sekä ilmanvaihto ja sähköauto. Aineistoni koostuu kuuden kerrostaloasukkaan teemahaastatteluista sekä kolmen eri yrityksen edustajan haastatteluista. Haastatteluaineiston analyysissa on hyödynnetty teemoittelua. Lisäksi haastateltavien kertomuksia on tyypitelty omiin ryhmiinsä, jotka muodostuvat edellä mainituista teknologisista ratkaisuista. Tutkimuksen mukaan asukkaat ovat parhaiten omaksuneet heille vaivattomimmat ratkaisut eli aurinkosähköjärjestelmän sekä huoneiston automaatioon kuuluvan kotona/poissa -kytkimen. Aurinkopaneelit nähtiin myös edelläkävijyyden symbolina. Energiankulutuksen seuranta kiinnosti vain osaa haastatelluista. Kiinnostus olikin vähäisempää kuin yrityksissä oli suunnitteluvaiheessa ajateltu. Kulutuksen seuraaminen oli havainnollistanut asukkaille kodin energiankulutuksen tason. Tämä taso nähtiin kuitenkin matalana, eivätkä haastateltavat ole kokeneet muuttaneensa energiankulutustaan saamansa tiedon perusteella. Kerrostalo on suunniteltu vähän energiaa kuluttavaksi ja asukkaita miellyttävätkin matalat asumisen kustannukset sekä asumisen mukavuus. Taloyhtiön hallitus on työskennellyt ahkerasti tukeakseen kotouttamista. Ilmanvaihdon sopivasta lämpötilasta ei ole vielä yhteistä näkemystä. Yhteinen sähköauto jäi vuoden kokeiluksi, kun sitä ei kokeilun jälkeen päätetty lunastaa taloyhtiön käyttöön. Talon suunnittelua ohjannut kuluttajakuva perustuu näkemykseen, että käyttäjillä ei ole suurempia vaikeuksia omaksua teknisiä järjestelmiä ja he toimivat rationaalisesti energiankulutustietoa saadessaan. Yrityksissä oli myös tullut esiin kehitysideoita vuosien aikana. Esimerkiksi kotitalouksien välisen vertailun avulla on mahdollista motivoida asukkaita muuttamaan rutiinejaan ja säästämään energiaa.
  • Vuorentola, Ari-Pekka (2013)
    The aim of this research was to measure energy consumption and energy loss through ventilation in the Viikki research farm, as well as to find possible targets to decrease energy consumption. In order to properly achieve an efficient use of energy it is important to first know how much energy is being used and where. In the literature review I found that the greatest energy consumption comes from ventilation, milking, cooling the milk, warming the water, lightning, taking of the manure and feeding. Previous research has shown that most of the energy is used for feeding and milking. Feeding took 133–650 kWh/year/cow. The energy consumption of milking was 380–570 kWh/year/cow. Milking the cows, cooling the milk and washing up the tank were included in energy consumption of milking. If internal combustion engines are used for feeding the overall energy consumption is higher than when electrical engines are used. To determine energy consumption in the Viikki research farm`s barn, measuring devices were installed. Due to the limited number of devises I concentrated on the sources of the highest energy consumption, as was determined from previous research. The reliability of the results from the chosen targets was acceptable, however, measurement of the total consumption of energy of the entire barn was very challenging and its measurement was eventually abandoned. The barn used for this research is an old renovated stone barn where cows are kept unchained. There are 60 to 70 cows, a couple of heifers and 0 to 30 calves in the barn. The total energy consumption of the barn as measured by the devices is 197 475 kWh/year or 0,267 kWh/kg of milk/year. Most of the energy is used for lightning (56 132 kWh per annum) or 0,076 kWh/kg of milk and 823 kWh/cow per annum. Feeding accounted for 42 000 kWh/year or 0,050 kWh/kg/year. The feeding of one cow required 615 kWh a year of energy. The amount of energy used for one kilo of milk was: milking, 0,047; warming 0,041; manure disposal 0,029; and ventilation 0,018 kWh/year. According to my calculations the amount of energy passing through the ventilation system was 580 000 kWh/year.
  • Posio, Mikko (2010)
    The aim of this study was to calculate energy consumption of Finnish domestic farms by source books and compare these results with the actual field energy consumption. Base of this study was on Finnish and foreign research, according to which the energy consumption of domestic farms was calculated. Information about actual energy consumption was taken from enquiry executed by Työtehoseura, which was part of project done by Työtehoseura, University of Jyväskylä and Finnish Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry: Biokaasu maataloudessa. The study composed of dairy, cattle, farrow-growing and feederpig farms. Stanchion barn calculated energy consumption in TE-center areas I-II was between 2523–3734 kWh/cowplace/year (avg. 3129kWh) and real energy consumption was 1987–9000 kWh/cowplace/year (mv.5264 kWh). In the TE-center area III the calculated energy consumption was 2585–3796 kWh/cowplace/year(mv.3191kWh) and the real energy consumption was 1630–5024 kWh/cowplace/year (mv.4566 kWh). Parloe stalls calculated energy consumption in the TE-center areas I-II was 2480–4139 kWh/cowplace/year (mv.3310kWh) and real energy consumption was 2631– 6943 kWh/cowplace/year (mv.4571 kWh). In the TE-center area III calculated energy consumption was 2555–4214 kWh/cowplace/year (mv.3385 kWh) and real energy consumption was 1513–7763 kWh/cowplace/year (avg.5134 kWh). Energy consumption of barns for Calfs from 2 weeks to 6 months in the TE-center areas I-II was 445-652 kWh/calf /year (avg.549 kWh) and real consumption was 390-1263 kWh/calf/year (avg. 774 kWh). in the TE-center area III calculated energy consumption was 541-748 kWh/calf/year (avg.645 kWh) and real consumption was 856-1316 kWh/calf/year (avg. 1065). Calculated total energy consumption of barns for Calf from 6 months to slaughter in the TE-center areas I-II was 1143-1745 kWh/calf/year (avg. 1444 kWh) and real consumption was 1630-2567 kWh/calf/year (avg.2065 kWh). In the TE-center III calculated energy consumption was 1392-1994 kWh/calf/year (avg.1693 kWh) and real consumption was 329-1327 kWh/calf/year (avg.689 kWh). In the farrow-growing pig hoconsumption in the TE-center areas I-II calculated energy consumption was 1197-1518 kWh/ pigplace/year (avg.1308 kWh) and real consumption was 1494-3331 kWh/pigplace /year (avg. 2233) TE-center area III calculated energy consumption was 1375-1695 kWh (avg.1327) The real energy consumption can not be found. Fattening feeder pig hoconsumptions calculated energy consumption was in TE-center areas I-II 213-296 kWh/pigplace /year (avg 255 kWh), real consumption was 154-1662 kWh/pigplace /year (avg.489 kWh). TE-center area III calculated energy consumption was 355-438 kWh/pigplace /year (avg 793), The real energy consumption can not be found. Domestic farms energy consumption calculation was succesful. Real energy consumption can not be calculated very precisely from Työtehoseura’s material. Työtehoseura’s material included en-ergy consumption that doesn`t directly relate to farming. Comparison between the calculated and real energy consumption was made only if real consumption was known. In the comparison some conformity with calculated and real energy consumption was found, but there was also big differences.