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Browsing by Subject "energiantuotanto"

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  • Heikel-Virkkunen, Sofia (2011)
    Få ämnen är lika laddade som regleringen av elproduktionen och -distributionen idag. Kyoto-avtal och allmän insikt i att våra naturresurser är begränsade har lett till en ökad reglering av produktion och distribution av el. Elmarknaden har i och med EU formellt öppnats för öppen konkurrens. Ändå råder i praktiken monopol på distribution och därigenom även strikt reglering av produktionen. Nya målsättningar om att allt större delar el skall produceras genom utnyttjande av förnybara energikällor indikerar att vi lever i en förändringens tid på elmarknaden. De finns stora vinster att göra om regeiverket är gynnsamt. I uppsatsen granskas den finländska elmarknaden och dess aktörer. En av aktörernas, den enskilda individens, rationella överväganden gällande elkonsumtion och -produktion anaiyseras mera ingående med hjälp av resuitat från en survey undersökning. För undersökningen används en för ändamålet utformad internetenkät med hjälp av vilken ett av Finlands befolkning representativt sampel samlats in. Resultaten indikerar att individen som aktör på elmarknaden i första hand strävar till ekonomisk rationalitet medan miljön endast av en relativt liten andel uppmärksammas vid de egna el anskaffningsbesiuten. Kunskapsnivån samt individens förestäliningar om elmarknaden och elproduktion är som oberoende variabler signifikanta för hur ofta ett hushålls el anskaffning konkurrensutsätts. Ur den för finländska befolkningen representativa survey undersökningsdata framgår att 73,8 % av Finlands fastighetsägare skulle ställa sig positivt till vindkraftsproduktion på eller i närheten av egen fastighet om de skulle få en del av vinsten. Dä ingen vinst utiovas är motsvarande andel 60,8%. Endast 6,3 % anger verkningar på miljö eller omgivning som en orsak till att de inte övervägt egen elproduktion. Som potentiell elproducent kan den finländska individen därför i relativt hög grad ses som ekonomiskt rationell.
  • Harmoinen, Bartje (2017)
    Tämän tutkimuksen tavoitteena oli selvittää kuivamädätysperiaatteella toimivan biokaasulaitoksen kannattavuutta ja siihen vaikuttavia tekijöitä 360 lypsylehmän esimerkkitilalla. Lisäksi selvitettiin biokaasuinvestoinnin vaikutus kuvitteellisen esimerkkitilan käyttämän energian hiilijalanjälkeen. Tarkasteltavan biokaasulaitoksen prosessin raaka-aineina käytettiin tilalla syntyvää naudan lietelannan kuivajaetta ja nurmisäilörehua. Kannattavuuslaskennassa biokaasuinvestointia verrattiin vaihtoehtoisiin energiantuotantomuotoihin, joita olivat hake- ja öljylämmitys sekä ostosähkö. Vertailtavien vaihtoehtojen investointikustannusten määrittämisessä hyödynnettiin laitevalmistajilta kysyttyjä tarjouksia. Taloudellista kannattavuutta tutkittiin takaisinmaksuajan, sisäisen korkokannan ja annuiteettimenetelmän avulla. Biokaasulaitoksen vaikutus esimerkkitilan käyttämän energian kasvihuonekaasupäästöihin selvitettiin hallitustenvälisen ilmastonmuutospaneelin laskentamenetelmien avulla. Kuivamädätysmenetelmällä tapahtuva biokaasun tuotanto ei osoittautunut kannattavaksi esimerkkitilan tapauksessa. Kannattavuutta alentavia tekijöitä ovat biokaasulla korvattavan energian edullisuus, nurmisyötteen tuotantokustannukset ja biokaasulaitoksen erittäin korkea investointikustannus. Biokaasulaitoksella voidaan kuitenkin saavuttaa selviä ympäristöhyötyjä kasvihuonekaasupäästöjen vähentyessä.
  • Mäkelä, Matti (2009)
    Political incentives often have a central role in bioenergy production. Influence of these incentives is expected to increase, because conventional fossil fuels are draining and the climate change forces policy makers to react. Hence, the demand for biofuels is also expected to grow. Woodbased fuels are the most important biofuel and renewable energy source in Finland. Woodbased fuels are almost equally divided into liquid byproducts of the pulp industry and solid woodbased fuels. This study focuses on solid woodbased fuels, because these solid fuels have markets unlike e.g. black liquor and because these shares increase. In this study, the solid woodbased fuels include forest chips, bark, sawdust, industrial chips, recycled wood and pellets. One aim of the study is to formulate a general view of the Finnish woodbased fuel markets. The demand is analysed by using the statistics of The Finnish Forest Research Institute (Metla) and the supply by using existing literature. Metla compiles statistics about the utilization of woodbased fuels from over 700 energy facilities, comparing several categories of woodbased fuels. This study overwiews the period from 2003 to 2007. Energy facilities are divided into four different so that the specifics of the demand can be identified. Another aim of the thesis is to study the impact of emissions trading on woodbased fuel utilization. Emissions trading is the most important instrument for improving the competitive advantage of renewable energy production for energy facilities that belong to the scheme, producing heat or electricity with over 20 MW nominal effect. The growth in the credit price of 2 co emissions increases the demand for biofuels and reduces the demand for fossil fuel in energy facilities of over 20 MW. Empirical analysis are carried out for different energy facility categories. Large community facilities are more sensitive to the changes of credit price than the forest industry`s plants. Energy facilities with 520 MW nominal capacities reduce the woodbased fuel utilization, when the credit price rises. This flux diminishes the effect of the emissions trading. On the other hand, it seems that changes in credit price do not affect the woodbased fuel consumption in energy facilities of less than 5 MW. The utilization of woodbased fuels will change due to the stuctural changes in the forest industry. The production of byproducts, such as bark, decreases with diminishing quantaties of traditional forest industry products. If the increasing demand was met, forest chip utilization should be added. However, especially the restriction of production in the sawmill industry decreases the supply of harvesting residues chip and forest chip production shifts more towards energy wood thinning. Also, the use of woodbased fuels among different energy facilities is changing. The utilization of woodbased fuels has traditionally been centralized in the forest industry units using industrial byproducts. Nowadays, it is also an important energy source for the energy production facilities of the communities due to different policy instruments. This has affected that the trade of woodbased fuels has increased.
  • Paavilainen, Antti (2011)
    Energy issues occupy a central role in the international political arena. The dynamics of increasing fossil fuel demand and the geographical concentration of fossil fuels industry are changing the structure of oil and gas markets. At the same time, national oil companies (NOCs) have occupied a dominant role in charge of majority of the world's fossil fuel production and trade. These structural changes create incentives and possibilities for statist interventions in the fossil fuel markets. The study analyses whether in India's case there has been a development towards greater strategic management of fossil fuel imports during the last two decades. India presents an important and illuminating subject of energy import dependence analysis, since the country imports approximately two thirds of the oil it consumes, and the import volumes are projected to further increase along with the rapid economic growth. The study argues that energy politics cannot be comprehensively understood solely from economic or geopolitical viewpoint, but the analyst must be able to bridge different viewpoints. The study draws on the regional security complex theory originally presented by Buzan and Copenhagen School, and employs the concept of the energy security complex. The analysis is carried out by studying the overseas activities of NOCs and natural gas imports. NOCs are special actors whose behaviour includes both economic and political rationales and remains tied to their organizational setting and institutional history. It is found that several distinct dynamics are influencing the state capabilities to control the energy trade. On one hand, general liberalization trends and reforms have made the major Indian NOCs much more autonomous and their behavior such as acquiring stakes in overseas fossil fuel upstream production are best understood as results of market logics of enlargement of production and vertical integration. On the other hand, the state is actively tying energy issues into its foreign political agendas and practising energy diplomacy, seeking to create favourable prospects for the overseas activities of Indian NOCs. Energy plays a pivotal role in bilateral relations between India and its important energy supplier states, such as Nigeria and Iran. There are signs that point to the possible emergence of strategic energy alliances. However, currently the oil markets are primarily based on profit maximization logics. Therefore, the statist interference is to be understood as a latent possibility; the Indian state possesses a number of mechanisms to interfere more strongly in the behavior of NOCs, should it perceive need for such measures. Natural gas trade conducted via pipelines is by nature bilateral and more open to political considerations. In India, a number of pipeline option have been discussed, most importantly the IPI pipeline that would transfer gas from Iran via Pakistan to India. Pipelines create strong interdependencies between the adjacent parties, and IPI pipeline would transform the geopolitical structure of the region, raising the costs associated with conflicts. This interdependence is also the reason why such projects are difficult to realize. Despite the rising rates of fossil fuel demand, India is one of the most promising countries with regard to the transition towards renewable energy generation. Large parts of the country remain un-electrified, and India can build the needed electricity infrastructure on a clean table. There are good prospects for substantial amount of wind and solar power generation and India has launched some large-scaled governmental projects to support the development of its renewable sector. Still, there are a number of barriers that hinder the rapid development of the renewable energy sectors. These include complicated bureaucracy and inadequate public support for nascent ventures.