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  • Verkola, Marie (University of HelsinkiHelsingin yliopistoHelsingfors universitet, 2014)
    Research on lesions in the equine stomach has concentrated mainly on equine gastric ulcer syndrome (EGUS). Lesions in the glandular area of the antrum and the pylorus, however, have so far received much less attention. The aim of this study was to contribute to the understanding of the histopathology of glandular lesions. The first part of the thesis consists of a thorough review of the literature on this subject. The literature review discusses the relevant literature on aetiology, pathophysiology, diagnosis, treatment and prevention of equine glandular gastritiserosion syndrome (EGGES). The second part is an empirical study in which the normal histopathology of the glandular mucosa of the equine stomach is examined and described, and then comparisons are made with a horse that has pathological evidence of EGGES. In addition, the gross lesions and the histopathological findings are presented as photographs. The horses for this study were selected from horses euthanased at the Equine Hospital of the Helsinki University Veterinary Teaching Hospital and sent to the Pathology and Parasitology unit of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, University of Helsinki for necropsy. The material was collected from August 2013 – February 2014. Only adult horses were included in this study. Altogether five stomachs were sampled. Two stomachs showed gross lesions and three appeared normal. However, only one normal-looking and one with lesions were suitable to be analysed for study purposes. The glandular lesions in the stomach with EGGES were shown to be more severe than any described in the literature before. However, the influence of the original illness and treatment of the horse could not be assessed. The study showed that in addition to erosions, hyperaemia, glandular atrophy, dysplasia and hyperplasia described in the literature before, severe ulcers and vasculitis can also be seen in the glandular stomach of horses.
  • Lüscher, Michelle (2023)
    The importance of equine welfare has become more important in the last years. There is a need for welfare parameters, which help to define and measure the welfare of domestic horses. The importance of sleep on health and wellbeing is well-known in humans but has not yet been extensively studied in horses. It is known that horses sleep either non-REM-sleep or REM-sleep. Also, horses are able to partially sleep in a standing position. For REM-sleep they need to have muscle atony and lie down. Horses are easily disturbed while sleeping and many factors affect how much and how long horses spend sleeping. Horses are also able to postpone their REM-sleep for extensive periods of time, which directly effects their health and welfare. The aim of our study was to measure and analyze how the softness of the bedding in the lying areas affect the sleeping and resting behavior of horses. This thesis was part of the UNIHEPO initiative, which consisted of multiple studies around equine sleep. For our study we conducted a cross over study with sixteen (16) clinically healthy horses in the equine school Ylä-Savon ammattiopisto during fall 2022. The study included three treatments: the normal amount of bedding as the baseline, then thin (5 cm) bedding and thick (15 cm) of bedding. We recorded three periods: the baseline, and then two consecutive periods with half of the stalls having thick bedding and the other half thin. The duration of each treatment period was 21 days, respectively. We switched the treatments after the first period so that that each horse had both treatments. We recorded and analyzed the first two (2) and last two (2) nights of each period. The results were reported as seconds calculated from the median of the daily mean values. Only the data from the two treatments was analyzed for this thesis. The horses exhibited more resting behaviors and supported their necks longer in a sleeping position, when the bedding was thicker (p=0,002). There was no statistically significant difference between the treatments when lateral recumbency bout amounts or lying durations were analyzed, but the lying duration was longer. With thicker bedding the horses had a higher number of sternal recumbency bouts (p=0,013) and the bout duration was longer (p=0,001). Also, the total duration spent in sternal recumbency was higher on thicker bedding (p=0,002). Surprisingly we noticed rolling behavior after lying bouts almost solely on thicker bedding (p=0,004). There were also some tendencies for correlation between the height of the horses, lying bouts and bedding thickness. Our research provided us with valuable information on the factors affecting the sleeping and resting behavior of horses. At the same time the need for further research was highlighted. Still, our results reinforce the scientific knowledge, which is crucial in developing and promoting equine welfare.
  • Kurki, Karoliina (2021)
    Koin tarpeelliseksi tutustua nimenomaan varsojen immunologiaan, sillä on oleellista erottaa varsojen ja aikuisten hevosten terveydenhoito. Varsojen immuniteetti eroaa aikuisten hevosten immuniteetista muun muassa solutyypeiltään, solujen suhteellisilta määriltään, että solujen tuottamien molekyylien osalta. Varsat kuten muutkin nuoret eläimet usein sairastuvat immunologisesti vahvempia vanhempia eläimiä vakavammin. Varsoja myös kohtaa ensimmäisen muutaman elinvuotensa aikana useampi stressaava elämänvaihe kuten vieroitus, harjoittelun aloittaminen esimerkiksi varsoilla, joista on tarkoitus tehdä ravihevosia, ja monesti myös muutto eri tallille Työssäni käsittelen useita nykyisin käytössä olevia varsoilla käytettäviä hoitomuotoja ja diagnosointitapoja. SNAP-testi on esimerkiksi yleisesti IgG-luokan vasta-aineiden pitoisuuden mittaamiseen käytetty testi, mutta se ei spesifisyydeltään vastaa sitä, mitä luotettavalta diagnoosimenetelmältä odotetaan. Kirjallisuuskatsauksen tuottamaa tietoa voidaan siis hyödyntää esimerkiksi putteellisesta IgG-luokan vasta-aineiden pitoisuuksista kärsivien varsojen hoidossa. On oleellista, että varsa saa ensimmäisen vuorokauden aikana vasta-aineita, sillä noin vuorokauden ikäisellä varsalla suolen epiteeli korvautuu epiteelillä, joka ei enää vasta-aineiden kaltaisia isomolekyylisiä yhdisteitä päästä sisälle. Ternimaidon tärkeyttä varsan hyvinvoinnille ei voi korostaa riittävästi, onhan varsa syntyessään immunokompetentti, mutta immunologisesti naiivi. Tämä tarkoittaa, että varsa tarvitsee immunologisen vasteen muodostukseen emältään saamia vasta-aineita. Vasta-aineita ei hevosella epiteliokoriaalisen istukan takia siirry istukan läpi. Varsa on todella hyvin suojattu kohdunsisäisiltä transplasentaarisilta infektioilta istukan rakenteen ansiosta, mutta koska vasta-aineet eivät pääse sen läpi, täytyy varsan saada ternimaitoa. Varsojen yksi vakavimmista infektiotaudeista on Rhodococcus equi infektio. Kyseessä on bakteeri, joka aiheuttaa vakavaa granulomatoottista pneumoniaa varsoille ja voi levitä muihinkin elinjärjestelmiin kuten silmiin ja niveliin. Tutkin kirjallisuuskatsauksessani, mitä hoitokeinoja tälle infektiolle on ja miten eri hoitokeinot tehoavat. Lisäksi tutkin, olisiko mhdollista kirjallisuuden perusteella rokottaa varsoja tätä tautia vastaan. Varsojen rokottaminen on vaikeaa kuten muidenkin nuorten eläinten, sillä niiden immunologinen vaste eroaa täysikasvuisen eläimen vastaavasta eikä riittävää immuniteettia muodostu. Tämän takia olisi varmaankin tehokkainta rokottaa tammoja jo ennen tiineyttä. Tämäkään vaihtoehto ei ole aina osoittautunut tehokkaaksi.