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Browsing by Subject "factor analysis"

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  • Kanerva, Suvi (2022)
    The purpose of this article-based master’s thesis is to validate the Finnish translation of the teacher subscale of the Child and Adolescent Social Support Scale (CASSS 2000). Previous studies have shown that perceived teacher social support is associated with many positive outcomes, e.g., academic achievements (Tennant et al., 2015, 11) and mental health (Rueger et al., 2016, 1045). While the original CASSS has been properly validated, the same validity cannot be assumed for the translated version because validity is context specific (Griffee, 2001, 1). For future studies on perceived teacher support in Finnish schools, the validation of the measure is needed. This study examines the translated subscale, its factor structure, and its ability to associate with background variables similarly with the original. The data for this study are a part of larger data collection collected in a project called Schooling, teaching and well-being in the school community during the COVID-19 pandemic (CEA, University of Helsinki; REAL, Tampere University; NEDIS, Tampere University; Ministry of Education and Culture). The data were collected in the spring of 2021 and total of 51 105 students from 4th–9th grades participated in the study. The methods used in this quantitative study included exploratory and confirmatory factor analyses and variance analyses. Different ways of assessing the reliability of the translated subscale were used as well. The results showed that the translated version of the teacher subscale of CASSS is a valid and reliable instrument for researching Finnish 4th–9th grade students perceived teacher social support. Both EFA and CFA demonstrated sufficient results in this regard. While analysing the criterion validity of the subscale, associations between teacher support and academic outcomes, and depressive symptoms were found. These results are in line with prior research (e.g., Tennant et al., 2015, 11; Sikora et al., 2019, 93). These results indicate that the Finnish translation of the teacher support subscale can be used in future studies. The article manuscript The Validity and Reliability of the Finnish Version of the Child and Adolescent Social Support Scale (CASSS 2000) on Teacher Support in Basic Education is intended to be published in the European Journal of Psychology and Educational Research.
  • Vesterinen, Tapio (2019)
    Tämän tutkimuksen tavoitteena oli selvittää tärkeimmät traktorin valintaan vaikuttavat tekijät Suomessa. Traktorin valinta vaikuttaa tutkimusten mukaan olennaisesti maatilan talouteen ja onkin yksi tärkeimpiä tilan talouteen vaikuttavia päätöksiä. Aihetta on tutkittu vähän erityisesti Suomessa ja viimeiset tutkimukset on tehty 1990-luvun alussa. Teknologi-sen kehityksen ja traktorimarkkinan voimakkaan muutoksen vuoksi aikaisemmat tutkimus-tulokset eivät ole enää ajantasaisia. Tutkimusmenetelmänä käytettiin kyselytutkimusta ja datankäsittelymenetelmänä eksplo-ratiivista faktorianalyysiä. Tutkimusaineisto kerättiin kyselylomakkeella, joka toteutettiin yhteistyössä Koneviesti-lehden kanssa. Kirjeitse haettiin vastaajia, jotka olivat kuluneen kahden vuoden aikana hankkineet uuden traktorin. Lisäksi vastaajiksi haettiin avoimella ilmoituksella Koneviesti-lehdessä ja Koneviestin verkkosivuilla olleella uutisella henkilöitä, jotka olivat kuluneen kahden vuoden aikana ostaneet uuden tai käytetyn traktorin tai har-kitsivat uuden tai käytetyn traktorin hankkimista tulevan kahden vuoden aikana. Tutki-muksessa tutkittiin neljän kohderyhmän traktorin valintaan vaikuttavia tekijöitä. Nämä ryhmät olivat kuluneen kahden vuoden sisällä uuden traktorin ostaneet henkilöt, kuluneen kahden vuoden sisällä käytetyn traktorin ostaneet henkilöt, tulevan kahden vuoden aikana uuden traktorin ostoa harkitsevat henkilöt sekä tulevan kahden vuoden aikana käytetyn traktorin ostoa harkitsevat henkilöt. Tärkeimmiksi tekijöiksi traktorin valinnassa osoittautuivat kaikissa ryhmissä ominaisuu-det ja varusteet, huolto sekä hinta. Seuraavaksi eniten traktorin valintaan vaikuttivat am-mattilehdet, traktorin merkki ja traktorin takuu. Tuloksista voidaan päätellä, että suomalai-set traktorinostajat valitsevat traktorinsa ensisijaisesti järkisyihin, kuten ominaisuuksiin ja kustannuksiin vedoten. Traktorin ominaisuudet ja varusteet vaikuttavat olennaisesti trakto-rin päivittäiseen käyttöön ja muun muassa työhyvinvointiin. Huoltopalvelut taas vaikutta-vat olennaisesti traktorin käyttövarmuuteen ja siihen, että traktori saadaan vian sattuessa takaisin työkuntoon.
  • Suomala, Tuuli (2019)
    Bioeconomy is a concept that aims to provide sustainable solutions for economic growth by utilizing renewable natural resources. In Finland, the forest-based bioeconomy forms the base for bioeconomy. The Finnish Bioeconomy Strategy by the Ministry of Employment and the Economy has set ambitious targets regarding employment, output and innovative products and services. However, to date these solutions still remain by large in the theoretical level and the overall sustainability of bioeconomy is questioned by stakeholders. Urbanization is a world-wide phenomenon and also in Finland the biggest cities are expected to grow whilst the country-side becomes less inhabited. Thus, the importance of urban citizens becomes increasingly important in the implementation of forest-based bioeconomy, as they are the future consumers of biobased products and practices. Thereby understanding urban citizens’ perceptions, level of knowledge and opinions regarding the emerging bioeconomy practices is of fundamental importance. This thesis aims to provide insights into the topic with the research questions “what are the worldviews through which urban citizens understand the forest-based bioeconomy?” Furthermore, this thesis aims to provide insights into the question, “how do these worldviews affect the urban citizens’ perceptions of the forest-based bioeconomy?” These worldviews are screened through the Integrative Worldview Framework (IWF) to explain and understand the underlying latent elements of perceptions and acceptance. Additionally, this thesis contributes to a European-wide research network aiming to understand the regional disparities of forest-based bioeconomy perceptions and policies. To answer these questions, a quantitative survey was conducted in Helsinki city center in December 2018 and January 2019. The survey included 34 claims regarding wooden multistory buildings, forest carbon storage and forest-based bioeconomy. With a randomized approach, 206 responses were gathered in total. The statistical methods include descriptive statistics, crosstabulations and exploratory factor analysis and were done using the SPSS 25 Programme. The results proved to be positive and encouraging for the Finnish forest-based bioeconomy. Four worldview factors were detected: Utilitarian, Biocentric, Anti-bioeconomy, and Anthropocentric. Nearly 59% of the respondents perceived to be familiar with the meaning of forest-based bioeconomy and even more with both wooden multistory buildings (WMC) and forest carbon storage. Additionally, forest-based bioeconomy was associated with positive attributes such as generating new jobs and wellbeing.