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Browsing by Subject "fiber"

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  • Lalli, Marianne (2024)
    Background: The infant gut microbiome undergoes major temporal changes in the first year of life, crucial for supporting normal development and long-term health. The immense diversity of fiber structures in breast milk and later in solid foods pose unique selection pressures on the gut microbiome maturation by providing novel substrates for the microbiota. However, the longitudinal impact of complementary food-derived fibers on the taxonomic and functional maturation of the gut microbiome during the gradual transition from breast milk to solid foods is not well understood. Objectives: My objective was to examine how breast milk, its fiber and complementary food fibers in the broader context of overall infant diet may affect the gut microbiome bacterial species composition and support age-appropriate gut bacterial maturation trajectories during first year of life. Methods: Longitudinal and cross-sectional development of 68 infant gut microbiomes and 33 metabolomes were examined with linear mixed models to determine the impact of infant nutrition on gut microbiome taxa and functional development. Nutrition assessments were based on detailed quantitative weighted 3-day food records (months 3,6,9,12) and the intakes of total dietary fiber with its food sources and fiber fractions relied on current internationally approved CODEX-compliant values. Questionnaires were utilized to monitor when various complementary foods were introduced, enabling more comprehensive nutritional analyses. Bacterial species identification was based on MetaPhlAn2 quantification of bacterial species from metagenomic data and metabolomic profiles were generated using four liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry (LC-MS) methods. Results: My examinations place the previously described sequential trajectories in infant gut microbiome maturation into detailed fiber-dependent nutritional context relying on metagenomic species identification. I discovered 176 complementary food derived fiber-bacterial species associations. The majority of the associations (147, 84%) were positive whereas breastfeeding and related variables tended to be inversely associated with the same species, showing strongest inverse correlations to later trajectory species indicative of slower maturation. Both bacterial species and metabolomic profiles displayed pronounced longitudinal shifts in response to solid food fibers. Each introduction of novel dietary source of fiber associated to diversification of the microbiome revealing fiber-species specific temporal patterns. Conclusions: The longitudinal analyses highlight that sufficient fiber intake from appropriate sources during the weaning period likely function to build capacity for the species permanence in the more diverse and stable mature gut microbiome composition and function reached in later childhood.
  • Westerholm, Fia (University of HelsinkiHelsingin yliopistoHelsingfors universitet, 1995)
    21 hundar som lider av EPI deltog i ett utfodringsexperiment för att man skulleutreda näringssammansättningens inverkan på fettabsorption och avföringens hydrolasaktivitet. Fem hundar deltog dessutom i endoskopisk undersökning och av dem togs biopsier från tunntarmen. Hundarna deltog i fyra utfodringsperioder, av vilka den första var en tvåveckor lång ordinärdietperiod och de tre följande specialdietperioder. Specialdieterna utgjordes av ett med moderat fett- och fiberhalt (i/d), ett med hög fiberhalt(R/d) och ett med hög fetthalt(p/d). I slutet av varje period togs all under ett dygn producerad avföring tillvara och analyserades efter avslutade dietperioder med avseende på amylas-lipasproteas-aktiviteterna i avföringe n. Fettåbsorptionen uträknades i relation till hundens kroppsvikt. För alla specialdietperioder var den genomsnittliga absorptionen lägre än hos friska hundar. Hos friska hundar är fettabsorptionen över 90%, medan våra försökshundar under samtliga dieter hade en absorption under 90% (r/d 83%, i/d85%, p/d 83%). Fettmängden i avföringen i relation till hundens vikt låg församtliga foder över referensvärdet för friska hunda (0.3 g/kg kroppsvikt), samtliga över 0.6 g/kg kroppsvikt. Samtliga enzymaktiviteter nådde sina minsta värden då hundarna utfodrades med r/d (p mindre än 0.05) i relation till övriga dieter. I den histologiska delen deltog fem hundar, hos vilka kunde påvisas en statistiskt signifikant sänknig i antalet lymfocyter i lamina propria med r/d, i jämförelse med p/d. Antalet plasmaceller, som skulle indikera en inflammation, sjöek också då hundarna utfodrades med r/d och var statistiskt signifikant i förhållande till i/d. R/d innehåller cellulosa, som har ansetts binda lipas, liksom övriga fibrer. Denna undersökning skulle tyda på att så inte är fallet. Utfodring med ett foderinnehållande en stor fibermängd minskar eventuellt en inflammatorisk process i tunntarmens slemhinna.
  • Vainio, Mika (2016)
    The literature review dealed with fat replacers in frankfurters. Manufacturing, properties and usages of microcrystalline cellulose were described. Also other fat replacers that are at the moment in use are described, such as hydrocolloids and proteins from vegetable. The literature review also described different methods that have been used to measure properties of frankfurters. The aim of the experimental work was to find out the influence of two different types of microcrystalline cellulose, Vivapur® 105(i) and Arbocel® M80(ii), on the properties of frankfurters, and can they been used as a fat replacer. Three different concentrations of microcrystalline cellulose (MCC) (1 %, 3 % and 5 %) Were studied and compared to the control sample. Measured properties of frankfurters were pH, water holding, cooking loss, firmness and bite force. Also amount of free water was measured with NMR. Although adding MCC decreased pH of frankfurter closer to the isoelectric point, it did not affect as lowering water holding. Both MCC(i) and MCC(ii) increased significantly (p<0,05) firmness of the frankfurters when measuring was made with warm samples, excluding MCC(i) 3 % concentration. Effect was not as visible in the measurements of bite force.
  • Ervasti, Annika (2020)
    The aim of this study was to examine if eating Finnish cereals and oil seeds cause more health benefits or harm. Cadmium was considered as the chemical hazard and dietary fiber as the useful nutrient. In this study food consumptions, the heavy metal contents and exposures, fiber intake and the biggest safe doses for cereals and seeds were evaluated. DALYs (disability adjusted life years) were used to compare benefits and harms. Exposure was estimated using the statistical BIKE model. To date, no risk benefit analysis concerning cereal and seed consumption is known to have been done. A common method for risk benefit analysis has not yet been developed, but generally a stepwise approach is recommended. Of the foods examined, poppy and sunflower seeds contained the most cadmium, pumpkin seed the least. In the long term, the most consumed seed was sesame and the most consumed cereal was wheat. The greatest cadmium exposure was due to wheat consumption, and for nickel oat consumption. Wheat was clearly the biggest source of fiber. Low fiber intake resulted in more DALYs than cereals’ cadmium resulted in osteoporotic DALYs in 2012. Compared to the situation in 2012, significantly less DALYs were resulted in scenario where 232 g of whole grains per day are consumed. It is because in the scenario, DALYs caused by low fiber intake, which amount is much higher than cadmium DALYs, are not formed. Based on the results obtained, with bigger cereal consumption than in 2012, the health benefits outweigh the disadvantages, as the impact of reducing the DALYs due to low fiber intake is much more significant than the impact of the increase of cadmium DALYs caused by higher intake. In the future, it would be beneficial to have a more comprehensive study of the health effects of the foods examined. However, this requires a lot of information that was not available in this study.