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Browsing by Subject "flashcard videos"

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  • Hamel-Lavigne, Johanie (2017)
    The purpose of this study is to investigate how teenagers self-represent through flashcard storytelling video on YouTube. 30 videos were analysed through narrative analysis to enlighten the characteristics of this genre of confessional videos. Since the flashcard confessional videos of Ben Breedlove, Kait, and Amanda Todd went viral, a style emerged and have been applied as a standard within the YouTube’s community. The results of the study revealed that teenagers disclose intimate and personal information to a large and unknown audience in order to get viewers attention, validate their impressions, challenge and encourage their peers struggling with similar issues, interact, and inspire others. Furthermore, the results provided an overview of the common themes (self-harm, bullying, sexual aggression, depression, suicide) and the aesthetical aspects of the genre. This thesis hopes to offer a better understanding of how teenagers share their personal stories and struggles in order that dramatic endings like the case of Amanda Todd’s – a teenager who committed suicide soon after sharing her personal story on flashcard videos on YouTube – could be prevented in the future.