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  • Kurkivuori, Niina (2017)
    Pro gradu –tutkielman aihe liittyy lastensuojeluilmoituksen vastaanottamisen ja käsittelyn vaiheeseen lastensuojelussa eli niin sanottuun ensiarviointityöskentelyyn. Lastensuojeluilmoituksen saavuttua sosiaalitoimeen on lastensuojelun työntekijän lain mukaan välittömästi arvioitava, onko lapsella tarve kiireellisille lastensuojelun toimenpiteille. Lisäksi työntekijän on ratkaistava, aloitetaanko sosiaalihuoltolain 36 §:n mukainen palvelutarpeen arviointi. Lastensuojelun sosiaalityön alkuvaiheeseen liittyvä tutkimus on tärkeää, sillä työvaihe on keskeinen määritettäessä lastensuojelun asiakkaaksi tulemisen edellytyksiä. Tutkimuksessa mielenkiinto kohdistuu tapauksiin, joissa lastensuojeluilmoituksessa esiin tuotu huoli ei johda palvelutarpeen arvioinnin tai lastensuojelun asiakkuuden aloittamiseen. Aihetta lähestytään asiakirjojen kautta tutkimalla sosiaalialan ammattilaisten ensiarviointityöskentelystä laatimia asiakaskertomuksia. Tutkimuskysymys liittyy siihen, mitä tietoa lastensuojelun työntekijät tekevät asiakaskertomuksissa näkyväksi ja miten päätös palvelutarpeen arvioinnin tarpeettomuudesta tuodaan niissä esiin. Aineisto käsitti 401 asiakaskertomusta, joista 44 poimittiin tarkemman sisällönanalyysin kohteeksi. Sisällönanalyysin kautta hahmottui kolme keskeistä teemaa, joista tietoa asiakaskertomuksiin kirjattiin. Ensimmäinen oli lapseen kohdistuva huoli, joka liittyi joko lapsen lähipiiriin kuuluvan aikuisen tai lapsen omaan toimintaan. Huolen sisällölliset teemat olivat moninaisia. Toisekseen tietoa kirjattiin lapsen ja perheen elämäntilannetta kannattelevista voimavaroista sekä arvioidusta tuen tarpeesta. Kolmas teema liittyi päätökseen olla aloittamatta palvelutarpeen arviointia. Asiakaskertomuksiin kirjattu tieto oli ensisijaisesti vanhempien tuottamaa. Sen sijaan lapsen asema tiedontuottajana ei ollut selkeä, sillä lapsen tuottamaksi kirjattua tietoa ei asiakaskertomuksissa ollut välttämättä lainkaan. Myös lastensuojelun työntekijöiden oma ammatillinen ääni oli asiakaskertomuksissa vähäistä. Muiden viranomaisten tuottamaa tietoa oli asiakaskertomuksiin kirjattu tapauksesta riippuen. Dokumentointi tekee sosiaalityön prosessit ja syntyvän tiedon näkyväksi. Siksi olisi tärkeää, että työntekijöiden ammatillinen tieto näkyisi selkeämmin ensiarviointityöskentelystä laadituissa asiakaskertomuksissa. Lisäksi lapsen asema tiedontuottajana voitaisiin huomioida kirjaamiskäytännöissä paremmin ja myös lapsen edun näkökulma voisi olla vahvemmin esillä. On kuitenkin muistettava, että mahdolliset puutteet kirjaamiskäytännöissä eivät suoraan kerro puutteista tehdyssä asiakastyössä.
  • Kuusinen, Veera (2016)
    The aim of this study was to find out experiences of day care and school workers about collaboration with families during the process of making a mandatory report to child welfare. Workers in day care and school are obligated to report to child welfare if they start having concerns about a child's or his/her family's wellbeing. Along with the changes in legislation preventive services and earlier help for families are being emphasized. As a result the amount of mandatory reports to child welfare from the services close to child such as day care and school have increased. Collaboration with the family is often part of the process of making the mandatory report. Despite of that there is still very little we know about it. The purpose of this study was to examine, how families react to the concern and discussion about a mandatory report introduced by day care or school workers and also what is the workers' professional role in the collaboration with parents during that process. The data of this study is part of the data of Lastensuojelun kehittämis- ja tutkimushanke (LaskeTut 2013–2015) about the process of mandatory reporting. The data consists of 11 focus group interviews carried out in maternity and child welfare clinic, early childhood education, school, and specialized medical care. The data was collected during the spring of 2015. For this study two interviews from the workers of early childhood education and two interviews from the workers of school were chosen for the analysis. In total 13 cases about the process of mandatory reporting were introduced by the interviewees. The data was analyzed with mean content analysis. The results of this study showed that discussing about concerns and mandatory report is an emotional situation for families. The reactions of families changed depending on the cases, but four styles of reactions were found that could be distinguished from each other. They did not rule each other out but one style was always emphasized in the situations. In some cases families reacted positively and were understanding about the concern and a proposition of mandatory report. In those cases the discussions about the concerns were constructive and the concern became shared regardless of which one the worker or the parent first mentioned it. Parents who had difficulties on accepting the concern or the proposition of a mandatory report introduced by worker showed negative reaction. Those parents also showed anger and aggressive behavior towards workers. In some cases the reaction of parents changed suddenly from negative to positive or vice versa. Different views between parents and workers, parents diminishing the concern or ending the collaboration showed denial of the concern. In those cases parents did not see the reason for mandatory report. Workers' professional responsibility on collaboration with family during the process of mandatory reporting emerged from workers' experiences in addition to families' reactions. These responsibilities create the basis for collaboration with family. Workers felt they have a responsibility of thinking the child's best in all situations even if it would complicate the collaboration with parents. Bringing up the concerns was also considered part of their professional obligation. In addition workers of school discussed and listened the child's version of the concern and the situation of the family. Workers also tried to support parents in their challenging life situations by giving advices. Collaboration with family during the process of mandatory reporting evoked strong feelings in workers. However workers were aware of their own position and responsibility of controlling their personal feelings and keeping their actions professional. Based on the results of this study collaboration between family and workers from day care and school during the process of mandatory reporting includes some challenges and requires personal and professional views to meet.
  • Juurikko, Pauli (2022)
    Goals. The poor self-efficacy experienced by classroom teachers in the teaching profession - teacher self-efficacy - is a key reason why many classroom teachers are considering a career change. Teacher persistence in previous studies decreases as teacher students enter working life and increases after several years of teaching experience. The self-efficacy experienced by a teacher is affected not only by the amount of teaching experience but also by the teacher's competence. The aim of this study was to describe and compare the teacher efficacy of classroom teacher students, novice teachers, and experienced teachers in different areas of teacher competence. The research focused in particular on low teacher efficacy, which includes the concerns experienced by students and teachers. The research task is to clarify which kind of concerns teacher students, novice teachers and experienced teacher experience. In addition, differences and similarities are sought in the concerns. Methods. The research material was obtained by interviewing two classroom teacher students, two novice teachers, and two experienced teachers. A semi-structured thematic interview was used as the type of research interview. The material was analyzed using theory-driven content analysis. The study was a qualitative study using phenomenography as its research direction. Results and conclusions. Respondent groups had a wide range of concerns in different areas of teacher competence. Most of the concerns were about the teacher efficacy experienced by the student or teacher. Concerns about teacher efficacy were most experienced in information processing, problem solving, the use of creativity, and metacognitive skills. Among the respondent groups, novice teachers had the most concerns about teacher ability, followed by classroom teacher students and least experienced teachers. The research results support previous studies that show that teacher ability is at its weakest as a novice teacher. It is possible to utilize the research results, for example, in teacher education, so that newly graduated classroom teachers are “more prepared” when entering working life.