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Browsing by Subject "hypertension"

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  • Asiala, Mikko (2023)
    Juvenile arteriosclerosis (JAS, OMIM# 208060) is an autosomal recessive disorder that has been found from only nine Finnish patients. So far, it has not been comprehensively described in medical literature. Main phenotypic features of JAS include arterial calcification, high systolic blood pressure, retardation of growth and puberty, anaemia, renal failure, and premature death. Patients were typically attended to clinical examinations at school-age, when already arterial calcification and other phenotypic features of JAS could be detected. One patient, with a milder phenotype, turned out to be a compound heterozygote. Arterial calcification in youth or adolescence is extremely rare. In some rare genetic disorders, arteriosclerosis can be detected at a young age. Untreated familial hypercholesterolemia can cause atherosclerosis already in childhood. JAS differs from these disorders by its clinical phenotype, and by its molecular genetic background. All available patients´ medical history, laboratory results, radiological examinations, autopsy reports and tissue samples were gathered for this research and used to determine the phenotype of JAS. Pathogenesis of JAS was studied with functional experiments. Comprehensive description of JAS and discovery of its molecular genetic background enables recognising and diagnosing new patients. Investigation of the pathogenetic mechanism will provide new information about ectopic calcification and probably offer new prospects to the research of common vascular diseases.
  • Vihlman, Outi (2019)
    Objective Depression and high blood pressure are becoming more common problems, but their relation remains unclear. This master's thesis studied the relation between depression and high blood pressure in the longitudinal Young Finns Study over a follow-up of four years. The aim was to examine whether 1) baseline depressive symptoms predict blood pressure over the follow-up, 2) the relation between depression and blood pressure differs among men and women, 3) health choices affect the relation, and 4) there is a relation between the duration of depression and blood pressure. Methods The participants (N=909) were about 42 years old, and 61 % of them were women. Their blood pressure and BDI-II depression scores were measured in 2007 ja 2011. Three-step regression analysis was used to predict the systolic and diastolic blood pressure based on the baseline depression score. The first model was controlled for age, gender and baseline blood pressure, the second model also for education and income, and the third model additionally for health choices. The average blood pressures of non-depressed, once depressed and twice depressed participants were compared in analysis of variance. The group comparisons were additionally controlled for age, gender and baseline blood pressure in analysis of covariance. Results and conclusions Baseline depressive symptoms did not predict blood pressure. Among women, a positive relation between depression and blood pressure was found in the first model, but not in the more controlled models. The relation between depression and blood pressure was partly explained by health choices; higher body mass index predicted higher blood pressure. Controlling for age, gender and baseline blood pressure, the duration of depression was connected to higher blood pressure; the diastolic blood pressure was higher, when the participant was depressed both in the beginning and end of the follow-up.
  • Kirves, Vilma (2023)
    Suomalaisista kahdella kolmasosalla miehistä ja joka toisella naisella on kohonnut verenpaine, mutta alle puolella potilaista, joilla on verenpainelääkitys, verenpaine on hoitotavoitteessa. Kohonnut verenpaine on ongelma myös muualla maailmassa, minkä vuoksi sen säätelymekanismit ovat kiinnostaneet tutkijoita kansainvälisesti. Baroreseptorirefleksi vastaa verenpaineen lyhyen aikavälin säätelystä aiheuttaen muutoksia verenpaineessa jopa sekunneissa. Verenpaineen noustessa verisuonten seinämät venyttyvät, jolloin aortan kaaressa ja karotispoukamassa sijaitsevat baroreseptorit aktivoituvat aiheuttaen parasympaattisen hermoston aktivoitumisen ja verenpaineen laskun. PIEZO-ionikanavat ovat mekanoreseptoreita ja niiden on havaittu olevan keskeisessä osassa baroreseptorien aktivoitumista. Tutkimukseni on ehdokasgeenitutkimus PIEZO1- ja PIEZO2-geenin vaihteluiden assosiaatiosta barorefleksiherkkyyteen. Tutkimuksessa käytettiin GENRES-tutkimuksen potilasmateriaalia, jota oli kerätty vuosina 1999–2004 Helsingin yliopistollisessa keskussairaalassa. Tutkimukseen osallistui 35–60 vuoden ikäisiä miehiä, joilla oli joko verenpainelääkitys tai useaan kertaan mitattu kohonnut verenpaine. Yhteensä 229 potilaan materiaalia analysoitiin SPSS-ohjelmistolla ja geneettinen analyysi suoritettiin Plink 1.9 ohjelmalla. Barorefleksiherkkyyden keskiarvo 9,09 (4,8) ms/mmHg oli matalampi kuin normotensiivisilla potilailla on aiemmissa tutkimuksissa havaittu. Barorefleksiherkkyyden heikentyminen iän myötä oli havaittavissa tässä potilasmateriaalissa. Barorefleksiherkkyyden yhteyttä tutkittiin sekä PIEZO1- (32kpl) että PIEZO2-geenin yhden emäksen vaihteluihin (SNP) (192kpl). Viidellä PIEZO1-geenin ja kymmenellä PIEZO2-geenin SNP:lla ilmeni tilastollisesti viitteellinen yhteys barorefleksiherkkyyteen (P-arvo <0,10), mutta monitestaus huomioon ottaen ei tilastollista merkitsevyyttä todettu.
  • Kumpulainen, Ines (2023)
    Bakgrund Preeklampsi är en graviditetskomplikation som förekommer vid 2–8% av graviditeter. Den kan drabba olika organ, men definieras som förhöjt blodtryck och proteinuri från och med den 20 graviditetsveckan. Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka hur preeklampsi inverkar på avkommans kroppstillväxt och hjärtfunktion i 11-årsåldern. Metoder Detta är en uppföljningsstudie som tar del av FINNCARE-projektet. Databasen för denna avhandling består av två grupper: en grupp barn som fötts ur en preeklamptisk graviditet (49 barn) och en kontrollgrupp (34 barn). Hjärtultraljudsbilder, antropometriska mått och blodtryck togs av barnen och undersöktes närmare. Hjärtats systoliska funktion undersöktes med mått för EF, FS och MAPSE/LVL. För diastoliska funktionen användes E/A, E/É och LAV/BSA. Resultat Preeklampsi var associerat med högre systolisk blodtryck. Hos PE-gruppen var systoliska blodtrycket 112 (± 8) och hos kontrollgruppen 108 (± 6) mmHg (p < 0,05). Det konstaterades inga skillnader i diastoliska blodtrycket mellan grupperna. Barnen utsatta för PE var i medeltal 1,1 cm kortare (p < 0,05), men inga statistiska skillnader i vikt eller BMI kunde konstateras. Dessutom analyserades hjärtmorfologin med mått för vänstra kammares storlek. Varken PE-gruppens morfologiska mått eller mått för hjärtats systoliska och diastoliska funktion avvek betydligt från kontrollgruppen. Slutsatser PE-barn har förhöjt systoliska blodtryck i 11 årsåldern som ökar risken för hjärt- och kärlsjukdomar senare i livet, men tecken på avvikande hjärtfunktion eller belastning av hjärtat kunde inte konstateras.
  • Kallela, Jenni; Jääskeläinen, Tiina; Kortelainen, Eija; Laivuori, Hannele (2016)
    Background The Finnish Pre-eclampsia Consortium (FINNPEC) case-control cohort consisting of 1447 pre-eclamptic and 1068 non-pre-eclamptic women was recruited at the five Finnish university hospitals to study genetic background of pre-eclampsia and fetal growth. Pre-eclampsia was defined by hypertension and proteinuria according to the modified The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG) 2002 classification. The ACOG Task Force Report on Hypertension in Pregnancy (2013) and The international Society for the Study of Hypertension in Pregnancy (ISSHP) (2014) have published new classifications, which change the paradigm that the diagnosis of preeclampsia always requires proteinuria. Here we studied how the new classifications would affect the pre-eclampsia diagnoses in the FINNPEC cohort. Methods We re-evaluated pre-eclampsia diagnosis using the ACOG 2013 and the ISSHP 2014 classifications in those pre-eclamptic women with the amount of proteinuria not exceeding 1+ in dipstick (N=68) and in women with gestational hypertension (N=138). Results Number of women with pre-eclampsia increased 0.5% (1454/1447) according to the ACOG 2013 criteria and decreased 0.9% (1434/1447) according to the ISSHP 2014 criteria. All 68 women with the amount of proteinuria not exceeding 1+ in dipstick diagnosed originally pre-eclamptic met the ACOG 2013 criteria but only 20 women (29.4%) met the ISSHP 2014 criteria. Seven (5.1%) and 35 (25.4%) women with gestational hypertension were diagnosed with pre-eclampsia according to the ACOG 2013 and the ISSHP 2014 criteria, respectively. Conclusions Only minor changes were observed in the total number of pre-eclamptic women in the FINNPEC cohort when comparing the modified ACOC 2002 classification with the ACOG 2013 and ISSHP 2014 classifications.