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Browsing by Subject "ilmastokasvatus"

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  • Nirkko, Ruusu (2021)
    Climate change is a fundamental phenomenon and challenge of our time and it should be dealt with in all areas of life. However, climate change education is being implemented very limitedly. During recent years there has been increasing amount of research on climate change education, but climate change education in early childhood education has been studied very sparingly. According to previous research, news about climate change can arouse many kinds of emotions and thoughts in children. Based on research, it has been proposed that through art-driven teaching methods it is possible to deal with emotions and thoughts aroused by climate change and strengthen hopefulness and belief in one’s own influence. Of the forms of art education, drama education as a method of climate change education has hardly been studied. The aim of this study was to add knowledge of what climate change education could be in early childhood education. The study investigates early childhood education specialists’ definitions of climate change education and their views on what possibilities drama education methods can offer for implementation of climate change education. I designed and implemented climate drama workshops for early childhood education specialists and collected the research data in the context of the workshops. Participants of the study produced short writings and in addition two of the workshops were videotaped. I analyzed the writing data and the video data qualitatively using the method of theory-based content analysis. Aa a basis for the analysis I used primarily the holistic bicycle model on climate change education (Tolppanen ym. 2017). The early childhood education specialists who participated in the study defined adding knowledge and understanding, encouraging to action, developing values and conceptions of the world and dealing with emotions as contents of climate change education. Specialists’ uncertainty and worries about arousing difficult emotions in children appeared as barriers for implementing climate change education in early childhood education. From the perspective of the study subjects, drama education methods seemed to have possibilities for implementing several parts of climate change education. Drama educations possibilities related to adding knowledge, developing thinking skills, building conceptions of the world, empowering and dealing with emotions were brought up. Methods of drama education offer practical ways for implementing and developing climate change education in early childhood education.
  • Arokanto, Chantal (2020)
    Climate change related teaching, so called climate education, has lately been promoted and further developed in Finland in subject teaching and basic education. The perspective of early childhood education, however, has received little attention. The aim of this study is to explore the views of educators interested in environmental matters about climate change in early childhood education. The purpose is to research what climate related content, approaches and methods work well and what kind of climate activities could be used in early childhood education. The empirical data set was collected both as an online survey and as interviews. The survey was published in six social media communities focusing on environmental education. A total of 26 respondents took part in the survey, of which seven also participated in a thematic interview by phone. The group consisted of early childhood professionals with different educational backgrounds, most also having some additional training or special expertise in environmental education. The participants felt that it was important to strengthen children’s relationship with nature and raise awareness about climate change. According to participants, outdoor activities and forest trips were the best methods and learning environments for climate education. Teaching scientific knowledge about climate change to children was not perceived as important as teaching climate friendly values. The educators emphasized that climate education is included in all activities such as everyday consumer choices and climate actions. According to them, climate education should be practiced by giving a hopeful and positive vision for the future. In addition, the participants emphasized the role of a safe atmosphere in which to conduct climate education; that is, protecting children from feelings of anxiety and hopelessness. According to them, educators are important role models when it comes to climate education. Therefore, the educator has a great role and responsibility in acting as an example for children.
  • Brotherus, Robert (2023)
    Bicycle model on climate change education is a model recommended by the Finnish Board of Education. It combines current climate education and offers a way to educate children about climate change. The goal of the model is to be involved in solving the climate crisis, one of today's biggest issues. This study examines the thinking contained in the bicycle model from the point of view of ideology criticism. Its goal is to investigate how the bicycle model promotes or avoids facing the Real of the climate crisis, the contradictions that fundamentally challenges the current order of humanity. The research method is Žižek's critique of ideology, which consists of interpreting the symptoms of ideology and traversing the fantasy. The study shows how the bicycle model approaches the Real of the climate crisis to some extent, but ends up avoiding it through an ideological operation, according to which the climate crisis can be solved by environmental responsibility. Based on the study, the bicycle model offers means of consumption to change the consumption-oriented worldview and contains the fantasy of "Nature" as a coherent entity that interacts with the individual. The Study presents an alternative attitude towards the climate crisis based on Žižek's philosophy.
  • Kivistö, Iina (2021)
    According to the National core curriculum for basic education (2014), schools should guide students towards a sustainable lifestyle, as well as understanding that people are part of na-ture and completely dependent on the surrounding ecosystem. Schools should also address emotions related to climate change, as children have experienced, for example, sadness, fear, and helplessness. Studies suggest that climate education in schools is very fragmented and variable and should be improved. Studies show that children’s books are a good way to deal with difficult issues and emotions among children. In this thesis, I examine what climate emotions occur in children’s books on climate change and how the books present climate change. Based on these questions, I evaluate how children's books on climate change could be used in climate education. This thesis is a qualitative study. Four Finnish children's books on climate change published during 2019 and 2020 were used as data. The books are aimed at children of primary school age. The books were analyzed by using content analysis. In the second research question, I used theory-guided content analysis, in which the guiding theory was the model of ecological literacy by Wong and Kumpulainen (2019). The characters in the books had a wide range of climate emotions: distressing emotions from fear to anxiety, worry, and joy and enthusiasm. The climate emotions in the books were simi-lar to emotions that people have related to climate change. The books described climate change and issues related to climate change in many ways. Children's books on climate change can be useful in climate education, as they can help children deal with difficult climate emotions, as well as understand climate change as a wider phenomenon. More research is needed on how books could improve children’s ecological literacy, and more specifically cli-mate literacy.
  • Aalto, Nelli (2021)
    Ilmastonmuutos on aikamme haastavin ympäristöongelma, joka uhkaa ihmiskuntaa ja elämää maapallolla. Hallitustenvälinen ilmastonmuutospaneeli IPCC on todennut, että ihmisen toiminta on kiihdyttänyt ilmaston lämpenemistä ja että lämpeneminen tulisi pysäyttää 1,5 asteeseen esiteollisen ajan tasoon verrattuna. Yksi tehokkaimmista ilmastonmuutoksen hillintäkeinoista on onnistunut ilmastokasvatus eli ilmastonmuutosilmiön syvälliseen ymmärtämiseen tähtäävä kasvatuksen osa-alue. Ilmastokasvatusta toteutetaan vaihtelevalla laajuudella suomalaisen koulujärjestelmän kaikilla tasoilla varhaiskasvatuksesta alkaen. Ensimmäisen kerran “ilmastonmuutos” -termi mainittiin Lukion opetussuunnitelmassa vuonna 2003 ja uusimmassa, syksyllä 2021 voimaan astuvassa, Lukion opetussuunnitelmassa ilmastokasvatuksen pitäisi tulla osaksi kaikkia oppiaineita laaja-alaisen osaamisen osa-alueen, eettisyys- ja ympäristöosaamisen, myötä. Kuitenkin yleensä vastuu ympäristö- ja ilmastokasvatuksesta koetaan olevan vain luonnontieteellisten oppiaineiden,kuten maantieteen, harteilla. Oppikirjoilla on yhä vahva asema suomalaisessa koulussa, vaikka koulumaailma onkin viimeisten vuosien aikana muuttunut enenevissä määrin sähköiseksi. Tutkimukset ovat osoittaneet, että opettajat suunnittelevat ja toteuttavat opetustaan usein käyttäen apunaan oppikirjoja. Oppikirja on opetukseen tarkoitettu teos, jonka sisältö peilaa opetussuunnitelman sisältöä. Opetussuunnitelma antaa kuitenkin melko väljät raamit oppikirjailijoille kirjojen sisällön suhteen, joten markkinoilla on keskenään hyvinkin erilaisia oppikirjoja. Ilmastokasvatuksen painoarvo on kasvanut nyky-yhteiskunnassa ja suomalaisessa lukiomaailmassa ilmastokasvatus on ollut perinteisesti maantieteen vastuulla. Perinteisillä oppikirjoilla on yhä merkitystä opettajille työvälineenä ja oppilaille opiskeluvälineenä, joten on mielenkiintoista tarkastella, miten maantieteen oppikirjoissa käsitellään ilmastonmuutosteemaa. Tässä tutkielmassa vertailen keskenään vuosien 2015 ja 2019 Lukion opetussuunnitelmienmukaisia lukion maantieteen GE1 Maailma muutoksessa kurssin oppikirjoja ja sitä, miten näissä käsitellään ilmastonmuutosta. Vertailun kohteena ovat ilmastonmuutosteeman käsittelyn määrä, ilmastonmuutostekstin sisällön pääteemat, ilmastonmuutokseen liittyvät avainkäsitteet ja termit sekä käytetyt havainnollistamisen keinot ilmastonmuutosteeman yhteydessä. Lisäksi tarkastelen, miten vuoden 2019 Lukion opetussuunnitelmassa määritettyihin laaja-alaisen osaamisen osa-alueisiin voidaan vastata maantieteen GE1-kirjojen ilmastonmuutosteemassa. Tulosten perusteella ilmastonmuutoksen käsittelyn määrä on kasvanut ja monipuolistunut GE1 Maailma muutoksessa -kurssin oppikirjoissa huomattavasti siirryttäessä vuoden 2015 Lukion opetussuunnitelman mukaisista kirjoista vuoden 2019 Lukion opetussuunnitelman mukaisiin kirjoihin. Tämä muutos noudattaa opetussuunnitelmissa tapahtunutta ilmastonmuutosteeman käsittelyn kasvua ja suuremmassa mittakaavassa kertoo siitä, miten ilmastonmuutos koetaan koko ajan tärkeämmäksi yhteiskunnalliseksi asiaksi ja miten kansalaisten ilmastokasvatusta pidetään arvossa.
  • Karjalainen, Emma (2021)
    The aim of the study was to describe climate change in primary school 5th and 6th grade environmental studies textbooks and teacher guides. In addition, the aim was to find out what ways do they provide to mitigate and adapt to climate change. Climate change is one of the biggest environmental problem that requires urgent action. The aim of climate education is to guide students towards more sustainable lifestyle and to find ways to mitigate and adapt to climate change. Previous studies have shown that climate education in schools is quite limited. Teachers need more high-quality and diverse materials related to climate change. Textbooks play a key role in schools and are the framework on which learning is often built. This study examines information on climate change in textbooks and teacher guides. Research material in this study consisted of 5th and 6th grade environmental studies books. The material consisted of 6 textbooks and 6 teacher guides. The material was analyzed using theory-guided content analysis. According to the results, the textbooks clearly differ in the amount of information. Some of the books deal with climate change much more than others. Textbooks and teacher guides address climate change through causes and consequences. The biggest causes of climate change are human action and industry. The consequences were described, for example, through melting ice and rising sea levels. The mitigation measures were the use of renewable energy sources and energy saving in general. Climate change mitigation was particularly evident in assignments that emphasized students own actions through, for example, video production or campaigning. One of the biggest shortcomings of the books was that they do not provide enough ways of mitigating climate change.
  • Peräniemi, Noora (2021)
    The purpose of this study was to find out how climate change is dealt with in geography textbooks commonly used in grades 7–9 in Finland. The research questions were based on theoretical models of the principles of climate education and misconceptions related to climate education that had been developed based on previous research. The principles of climate education were finally divided into four categories: understanding climate change, mitigation, adaptation to its changes and localization. Misconceptions about climate change were addressed through conceptualization, radiation and the ozone layer, the greenhouse effect and greenhouse gases. The content of the geography text-books was mirrored to these categories and the theory around them. The aim of this study is to help understand how geography textbooks respond to the principles of climate education and how they address misconceptions typically associated with climate change, particularly by young people. This research will allow textbooks to be developed to respond more effectively to climate education is-sues. The research was made by using qualitative, theory-driven content analysis. The content analysis focused on two sets of geography textbooks commonly used in Finnish secondary schools. In addition to the text contained in the books, the analysis also considered the illustrations printed on the pages of the books and the exercises associated with each chapter. All content on climate change was categorized according to the principles of theory-based content analysis. The study found that the textbooks consider all dimensions related to the principles of climate education. Themes related to understanding climate change were by far the most covered in the text-books, but themes related to mitigation, adaptation and localism were also included in the text-books. It was notable that the means of adaptation presented in the books varied widely between the series. Also, many of the themes that give rise to misconceptions were included in the text-books, with a potential deterrent effect on misconceptions. However, the number of concepts related to climate change introduced in the textbooks was low and concepts related to radiation were missing from the textbooks. This is an important observation, as previous studies have shown that the role of radiation in climate change is the subject of many misconceptions.
  • Hirviniemi, Liisi (2023)
    Climate change is a global crisis that affects the whole world. Education plays a significant role in climate change mitigation and adapting to the changes of climate change. It is necessary that people question their habits and change their behavior more climate friendly. Class teachers’ task is to provide students with appropriate information about climate change and different means to react to it. The aim of this thesis was to research student teachers’ conceptions of climate change, climate change education and its significance in elementary school education. In addition, the goal was to investigate how, according to the experiences of class teacher students, climate education has been dealt with in university studies. According to previous international and Finnish studies, teachers do not get enough knowledge or skills to implement climate education in elementary school. The skills and knowledge acquired in teacher training have a significant impact on what kind of climate education class teachers implement or whether it is implemented at all. For this reason, I also examined how to student classroom teachers would develop teacher training based on their experiences in university. The material of this thesis was collected and analyzed using a qualitative method. The material of the research consisted of interviews with five class teacher students from the University of Helsinki and five from the University of Oulu. The interviewees were ei-ther third-, fourth- or fifth year student teachers who had completed teacher’s pedagogical studies. The interviews were conducted as semi-structured thematic interview and the analyzed using a phenomenographic research approach. The results are based on the description categories made in the analysis of the phenomenographic research sample. The results of this thesis state that class teacher students understand the social importance of climate education and the seriousness of climate change. The aim of cli-mate education in elementary school was seen as understanding climate change as a phenomenon and climate change mitigation in everyday life, changing one’s own behavior and world of values more climate friendly. The interviewees also defined what skills, knowledge, and character traits a good climate educator should own. The student teachers felt that they were unsure about implementing climate education because according to them, climate education in university studies has been little, bad or has not been done at all. The interviewees would develop university studies in a way its content and teaching methods would prepare class teachers better and more thoroughly for the subjects taught in elementary school.
  • Kulomäki, Johanna (2024)
    Tässä tutkielmassa tarkastellaan elämänkatsomustiedon opetuksen ja ilmastokasvatuksen yhtymäkohtia. Ilmastokasvatuksen määrittelen ilmastonmuutoksen myötä syntyneeksi tarpeeksi käsitellä ympäristöaiheita kouluissa. Tutkimuskysymyksenä on, miten yläkouluissa työskentelevät elämänkatsomustiedon opettajat kuvaavat ilmastokasvatuksen toteutumista työssään. Tutkimuskysymystä lähestyttiin laadullisen tutkimusotteen keinoin, ja tutkimusaineisto kerättiin teemahaastattelemalla seitsemää vuosiluokilla 7–9 työskentelevää elämänkatsomustiedon opettajaa. Kerätty haastatteluaineisto käsiteltiin aineistolähtöisen sisällönanalyysin avulla. Tutkimuksen viitekehys muodostuu käsitteiden määrittelystä ja aiemmasta tutkimuksesta. Viimeaikaisissa tutkimuksissa on tuotu esille katsomusaineiden ja ilmastokasvatuksen yhtymäkohtia, joissa oppilaiden katsomuksellinen kehitys nähdään merkittävänä osana kokonaisvaltaista ympäristöajattelun kehittymistä. Tässä tutkimuksessa huomio rajautui elämänkatsomustiedon erityispiirteiden esittelyyn, ilmastotunteita käsittelevään tutkimukseen ja opettajan rooliin arvokasvattajana. Tutkimustuloksissa elämänkatsomustiedon erityispiirteet – ajattelun taidot ja oppija itse opetuksen keskiössä – näyttäytyvät ilmastokasvatuksen mahdollistajina. Opettajat kokevat ilmastokasvatuksen osana elämänkatsomustiedon arvokasvatusta, mikä vaatii opettajalta tasapainoilua ja itsereflektointia neutraaliuden ja arvolatautuneisuuden välimaastossa. Opettajat kuvaavat ilmastokasvatuksen toteuttamista usein myös vaikeana, koska oppilaat eivät ole aiheesta kiinnostuneita ja ilmastoteemat koetaan arkipäiväistyneinä. Näistä vaikeuksista huolimatta opettajat olivat onnistuneet käsittelemään ilmastoaiheita muita lähestymistapoja etsimällä ja elämänkatsomustiedon sisällöllistä laaja-alaisuutta hyödyntämällä. Oppilaiden vähäinen kiinnostus ilmastokasvatusta kohtaan on uusi havainto, joka tarjoaa useita ajankohtaisia jatkotutkimusaiheita.