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Browsing by Subject "ilmiöt"

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  • Penttilä, Inka (2020)
    Tässä matematiikan opettajalinjan pro gradu -tutkielmassa tutkitaan matematiikan sisältöjen opettamista ilmiöpohjaisesti peruskoulun yläluokilla. Tutkimus toteutettiin helsinkiläisessä Hiidenkiven peruskoulussa, joka on noin 900 oppilaan yhtenäiskoulu. Tutkimus tehtiin laadullisena haastattelututkimuksena, johon vastasi viisi Hiidenkiven peruskoulun matematiikan opettajaa. Opettajat vastasivat kysymyksiin liittyen matematiikan sisältöjen opettamiseen kolmessa eri ilmiössä, jotka olivat seitsemännen luokan kestävä kehitys -ilmiö, kahdeksannen luokan kansalaisuus-ilmiö ja yhdeksännen luokan työelämä-ilmiö. Hiidenkiven peruskoulun opetussuunnitelman mukaisesti ilmiöiden puitteissa opetetaan tietyt matematiikan sisällöt kullakin vuosiluokalla. Opettajien vastausten perusteella parhaiten ilmiön yhteyteen on saatu sovitettua yhdeksännen luokan prosenttilaskut. Tutkimus painoittuikin yhdeksännen luokan työelämä-ilmiön analysointiin. Tutkimuksen tuloksena voidaan sanoa, että ilmiölähtöinen matematiikan opetus soveltuu parhaiten sellaisille oppilaille, joiden opiskelutaidot ovat hyvät tai vähintään kohtalaiset. Sen hyviä puolia ovat ylöspäin eriyttämisen helppous ja oppilaiden vaikutusmahdollisuuksien laajuus kun taas huonoja puolia ovat ajankäytölliset haasteet sekä heikkojen oppilaiden työskentelymotivaation ylläpitämiseen liittyvät haasteet.
  • Niemelä, Oona (2017)
    Craft workshops and workshop events have become more common in our society. Functionality, Do It Yourself mentality is being made use of in many ways. The goal of this study was to examine different kinds of open workshops and to look at workshops from different angles. There were three points of views observed: Participants, instructors/organisers and customers. The objective was also to study what makes a good workshop and what goes in to planning one and to see how creative learning shows in workshops and how it can be supported. The study's research method was research interview. Collection of data was done in two different methods and analysed by Grounded theory. In the first phase of the study data was collected with an internet questionnaire. The questionnaire had common questions and questions where one can give their own view. The questionary was open to the public for one month from which 59 answers where gathered. In the second phase of the study data was collected with half structured theme interviews. People for the interviews were gathered through the questionnaire and through direct contact. The interviews were held four times and 6 people were interviewed in total. Different views were attempted to include in the theme interviews also. Interviewed were, one participant, one producer, one museum lecturer, two culture producers and a director of an art house. The internet questionnaires answers were analysed statistically and the open questions and interviews by content analysis. Different angles of the data where compared through Grounded theory. The saturation point between both data sets was looked at. The study concludes, that workshops are functional and their interaction is ongoing in real time. Workshops are being held from many different points of views and they can have different goals at their base. A good workshop is possible when goals are known and thought out with care. Development of creativity is possible in workshops and can be woken up when the facility, materials, atmosphere and of course instructions are supporting creativity. Craft workshops can work also as a means of learning and give its participants sensations of success and social interactions. These can advance the wellbeing of a participant in many ways