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Browsing by Subject "itse tekeminen"

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  • Mehtäläinen, Mette (2019)
    My research examines consumers' attitudes towards baking mixes. I investigate what kind of baking mixes consumers have used and what product characteristics support and prevent their use. In addition, I examine in what situations consumers use baking mixes in their everyday lives. The study utilizes literature that examines the value of self-made, fear of food additives, favoring organic products, and the use of other convenience foods. The correlation between these themes and interest in the use of baking mixes will be examined. The study is a Mixed Methods research, which means that the data was collected and analysed by quantitative and qualitative methods. The data was collected via an internet survey, which was answered by 509 over 18-year-old consumers. Mean variables were constructed, and the correlations were analysed by Pearson’s correlation. The data was analysed by cross-tabulation, Mann-Whitney's U-test and classification. The results showed that consumers who were not interested in using baking mixes reported higher level of baking enthusiasm and appreciated a bit more self-made products and diligence than those who were interested in using baking mixes. Those who were interested in using baking mixes reported that they used more frequently convenience foods and wanted to spend less time on baking than the non-interested group. The responses of the groups did not differ in the claims concerning organic products and food additives. Both groups perceived food additives negatively and thought that organic products were better than regular products. A good taste or as good as self-made was a factor that encouraged consumers to use baking mixes. The limiting factors for the use of baking mixes were preferring self-made, food additives and bad taste. Some respondents said they enjoyed the baking process, so there was no need for baking mixes. The most commonly used products were pancake mixes and mousse powders. The overall use of baking mixes was minor and irregular. Most consumers could use baking mixes as a snack or treat at home and while travelling. Fewer respondents would offer them for guests.
  • Taskinen, Reetta (2017)
    Villiruoalla on pitkät perinteet suomalaisessa ruokakulttuurissa. Viime aikoina kiinnostus villiruokaa kohtaan on noussut kuluttajien keskuudessa. Tutkimus tarkastelee villiruoan harrastajien raaka-aineiden hankintaa, kuten villiyrttien keräämistä tai riistan metsästämistä sekä villiraaka-aineiden käyttöä, kuten ruokien valmistamista. Tutkimuksen teoreettinen viitekehys pohjaa kuluttaja- ja kulttuurintutkimuksen perinteeseen. Analyysin kohteena on se, miten villiruoka ilmentää ruokakuluttajuutta. Työssä kysytään, miten itse tekeminen on läsnä villiruoan kulutusprosessissa ja miten villiruoka ymmärretään sen käyttäjien keskuudessa osana suomalaista ruokakulttuuria. Tutkielma on toteutettu laadullisin menetelmin. Aineisto koostuu sähköisellä lomakkeella kerätyistä avoimista vastauksista, jotka kerättiin kohdennetusti villikasvien, sienien ja riistan harrastajilta. Vastaajia oli 399 henkilöä ja he edustivat monipuolisesti eri ikäryhmiä ja erilaisia kotitalouksia eri puolilta Suomea. Aineiston keruumenetelmästä ja vapaasta tehtävänannosta johtuen kuluttajien vastaukset vaihtelivat listausten, selostusten ja kertomusten välillä. Tiivisrakenteisesti kirjoitetut ilmaukset kuvaavat villiruoan kulutusta erityisesti kulttuurisena ilmiönä. Analyysi on toteutettu pelkistämällä ja ryhmittelemällä havaintoja, jonka jälkeen on muodostettu temaattisia kokonaisuuksia villiruoan hankinnasta ja käytöstä kulutusprosessina sekä kulttuurisena ilmiönä. Tutkimuksen tulosten perusteella nykyajan villiruoan kuluttajat ovat omaksuneet ruokakansalaisuuden ja käsityöläiskuluttajuuden piirteitä, joissa merkityksellistä on massatuotannon ja globaalin ruokajärjestelmän vastustaminen. Kulttuurissa vaalitun perinteen ja elämäntavan lisäksi villiruoan kuluttaminen on harrastajilleen vaihtoehtoinen ruoanhankintatapa, jossa yhdistyvät paikallisuus, luonnonmukaisuus, ekologisuus ja eettisyys. Villiruoan hankintaan ja käyttöön liittyy keskeisesti itse tekemisen kulutuseetos, joka palauttaa kuluttajille heidän menettämäänsä ruoan hallinnan tunnetta. Samalla se lisää ruokaketjun läpinäkyvyyttä. Itse tekemällä kuluttaja kokee saavansa myös taloudellista hyötyä sekä varmistavansa niin raaka-aineen kuin sen valmistusprosessin puhtauden. Lisäksi harrastuksensa parissa villiruoan kuluttajat ylläpitävät ja edistävät ruokakulttuuria. Villiruoka on käyttäjilleen herkullinen ja arvokas raaka-aine, joka rikastaa arkea ja kunnioittaa juhlaperinnettä.
  • Säe, Jenna (2022)
    The aim of this study is to examine homemade dog clothes. Dressing dogs according to the prevailing weather conditions is important care as much as proper feeding and exercise. Not all dogs need to be dressed thanks to their fur. Therefore, this study focuses on short-haired sighthounds and their clothing. The research questions were “why sighthound owners sew clothes for their dogs themselves” and “what are typical stories related to self-sewn sighthound clothing”. The theory was supported by studies of handmade human clothing, as dog clothing is a very little studied subject. Previous studies have addressed the impact of dog clothing usability as well as the identity of dog owners on dog clothing choices. This study focuses on handmade dog clothes. The study collected dog clothing stories from three sighthound owners who sew clothes for their dogs themselves. These dog owners all have a long experience of sighthounds and they all take their dogs to sighthound racing competitions. Dog owners were allowed to tell the stories of their self-sewn dog clothes freely without any restrictions on what to say. These stories were transcribed and recurring themes were gathered from them with analysis of narratives. Based on these classifications, two narrative stories were created using narrative analysis. These stories represent two approaches to sewing, which are process-centered sewing and product-centered sewing. The results showed that sighthound owners sew their dog’s clothes because there are no well-fitting clothes available in store. Self-sewn dog’s clothes are just the right size which allows the best protection for the muscles of dogs. Handmade dog clothes are meaningful which increases their emotional value. It is possible to save money when you sew your own dog clothes. In addition, sewing can provide mental and social well-being. Results also show that sewing dog clothes can lead to craft as a hobby, or craft hobby can combine with dog hobby