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Browsing by Subject "käytäntöyhteisö"

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  • Kouri, Elina (2014)
    The goal of the research was to examine how a beginner learns when he/she joins a new community. As theoretical context I used Jean Lave's and Etienne Wenger's theory about Communities of Practice, according which learning will occur when a beginner gradually turns into a full member of the community. The research problems were: how and what team members talk about, how they build and maintain culture in the community and what kind of a significance it has for a beginner's ability to learn. I collected the research material through observing and recording speech during practice and games of a women's floorball team in autumn of 2013. In addition I interviewed three players. Two of whom were beginners and one that had played floorball for several years. The material was analyzed by using methods of discourse analysis. The research material shows that the players' views about learning process of a beginner and what influences it is similar to Lave's and Wenger's ideas. It was seen as very important for learning for the beginner to be able to observe and gradually attend activities in the community of practice. For this to be possible the beginner has to be committed to the community and on the other hand the community has to give the beginner justification to attend all common activities. According to results the community which was in the focus of my research should give a beginner more space and opportunities to attend conversations between team members to be able to create the best possible circumstances for the beginner to learn. The results of the research are adaptable to any kind of community of practice.
  • Lipasti, Maija (2018)
    In joint simulations, i.e. learning environments that closely reflect real-life situations, students studying for different professions can learn the basics of their future professions and cooperation between different professions. In the previous literature, several positive aspects have been connected to learning in simulations. However, little is known about the problems that exist in simulation-mediated learning. Besides, joint simulations have been rare. The aim of my thesis was to describe, analyze and interpret the problems existing in joint simulations in the field of higher health education, from the perspective of interprofessional learning. This research will benefit teaching and learning when using joint simulations. I gathered the research data in the spring of 2015, in relation to the implementation of joint simulations for paramedic and medical students who were close to graduating. The research data consisted of five lightly structured individual interviews and five full-scale high-fidelity simulation scenarios. The epistemological basis of my study was hermeneutical. I approached the data using the ideas of the community of practice framework as well as the theory of situated learning, outlined by Lave and Wenger, focusing my attention on the problems existing in 1) developing a joint enterprise, 2) facilitating mutual engagement and 3) developing a shared repertoire. As an analytical method, I used the thematic analysis by Braun and Clarke. The results showed that 1) the problems that existed in developing a joint enterprise, were related to communication and professional competence, whereas 2) the problems that existed in facilitating a mutual engagement, were related to team work and interprofessional cooperation, while 3) the problems that existed in developing a shared repertoire, were in association for patient care and professional behavior. In conclusion, I propose that there may exist multiple kinds of problems in joint simulations. In addition, I point out that the problems exist in the areas of professional skills that are essential for good cooperation and patient care. In conclusion, I recommend that, promoting students' learning and developing health education, attention should be paid to the factors identified as problems in this study. The results of this study will serve as a resource for degree programs in health sciences education as well as health care and clinical teachers that use simulations in teaching.
  • Nevalainen, Juho (2018)
    The aim of this Master's thesis is to describe and analyze the processes supporting learning new work tasks and to study employees wishes of how to support their learning. The research is located in the context of organizational change and studies the importance of social learning, communities of practice and legitimate peripheral participation in learning new work tasks. The communities of practice theory has been utilized to study learning of new work tasks in previous studies as well. The research is based on the assumption that more experienced colleagues and work practice will support learning new work tasks. For the study, 14 individuals were interviewed from three different units of a particular organization. All the interviewees had had to learn new work tasks during organizational change. In the data collection a theme interview was used with a semi-structured structure. The interviews were conducted as individual interviews. The analysis of the data was done using theoretically directed content analysis. The results of the research were classified into these key categories: help gained from a more experienced person, asking from a more experienced person, learning by working with a more experienced person and learner's own influence on learning. Also, the results showed that learning in guidance training and training programs organized by sales representatives had supported learning, along with learning through practice. Internet was also found to be a source of information for some. Employees hoped for more guidance training, especially targeted training was hoped for and both time and investment were desired for learning new work tasks. Working with a more experienced colleague and learning through practice support the underlying assumptions and theories used in this study. Based on the results of the research, organizations could benefit from employees working with a more experienced colleague and by arranging different kind of training programs.
  • Saarinen, Katri (2016)
    Tämän pro gradu –tutkielman tutkimuskohteena ovat Vanajan nuorisokuorossa laulaneiden nuorten ja nuorten aikuisten kokemukset kuoroharrastuksestaan ja se, millaisia merkityksiä he harrastukselleen antavat. Kipinän tutkimuksen tekoon sytytti oma taustani kuorolaisena. Tutkimuskysymys tarkentui tutkimusprosessin edetessä käsittelemään kuorolaisten oppimiskokemuksia. Tutkimuksen teoriataustassa käsitellään kristillisen kasvatuksen periaatteita, James Fowlerin uskonnollisen kehityksen teoriaa sekä Etienne Wengerin käytäntöyhteisö-käsitteen ympärille rakentuvaa sosiaalisen oppimisen teoriaa. Käytäntöyhteisössä oppimiselle ovat tyypillisiä osallistumisen, yhteisön jäseneksi kasvamisen ja yksilön identiteetin kehittymisen prosessit. Tutkimus määrittyi sen kohdeilmiön perusteella laadulliseksi. Kokemusten ja merkitysten tutkiminen puolestaan ohjasi tekemään analyysia aineistolähtöisesti. Analysoin aineiston teemoittelemalla. Teemoittelun tuloksena jaoin kuorolaisten oppimiskokemukset kolmeen kategoriaan, joita ovat yksilölliset-, yhteisölliset- ja uskonnolliset oppimiskokemukset. Sekä kuoronjohtaja että kuorolaisten yhteisö nähdään tässä tutkimuksessa kasvattajan roolissa. Tutkimuksen tulokset osoittavat, että kuoroharrastus on merkittävä kokonaisvaltaista hyvinvointia lisäävä tekijä kuorolaisten elämässä. Kuoroharrastus on parantanut vastaajien itsetuntoa ja kuorolaisuus on muodostunut tärkeäksi osaksi heidän identiteettiään. Vastaajien sosiaaliset taidot ovat parantuneet, he ovat oppineet ryhmässä toimimista ja saaneet valmiuksia opiskelua ja työelämää varten. Uskonnollisia oppimiskokemuksia tarkasteltaessa tulokset eivät olleet yhtä yksiselitteisiä. Osalle vastaajista kuoroharrastus ei ollut antanut uskonnollisia oppimiskokemuksia kun taas osan uskonnollisuutta ja hengellisyyttä kuoro oli tukenut merkittävästi. Tutkimuksen tuloksista voidaan päätellä, että jatkuvasti lisääntyvän henkisen pahoinvoinnin ja individualismin ihannoinnin maailmassa panostaminen kuoron kaltaisiin yhteisöllisiin ja kulttuurisiin harrastuksiin on ensiarvoisen tärkeää.
  • Urpilainen, Heidi (2018)
    The aim of this research was to examine what kind of experiences the doctoral students have about their thesis process and how they have managed to build their personal egocentric networks. The perspective concentrates on community of practice and how it affects the socialization of the new doctorates to the practices of the academic field. Previous research has not taken the practice perspective into account as much as it should. The disciplinary differences have been used to explain the varying practices of doctoral education. When the ways of knowledge production and institutional management change it is necessary to consider what kind of role practices play in the socialization process of new doctorates. The study was qualitative and the data was gathered through semi-structured theme interviews. It included the mapping of the personal egocentric networks using the name generator method. Participants consisted of 11 (N=11) doctoral students that represented the educational sciences and they were in different stages of their thesis process. The data was analyzed using data-oriented content analysis and ATLAS.ti program was utilized in this phase of the research. The egocentric network pictures were transformed in to digital form using Cytoscape and this made the analyzing of the networks much easier. It assisted to examine how many of the network members in each egocentric network presented academic, social or research advice type of support. The results indicated that there was not a clear conception about the field’s disciplinary practices. This could be seen when the results pointed out the individualistic conception about researchers skills and how learning should be managed independently in contrast to the ideal collaborative research work. Collaborative working and support still appears to be a struggle. In addition the supervision of the thesis process was dependent about “supervisor-student” –relationship and this resulted to experiences of insufficient supervising. The results also revealed that there should have been more collective support. The egocentric networks indicated that some doctoral students did not get enough support in their learning to become a doctor and this resulted in to feelings of isolation in the research community.
  • Nikander, Sami (2020)
    Konteksti: Tutkielman kehittämiskohteena oli DigiHUB, Helsingin yliopiston digitaalisten palvelujen asiakaslähtöistä ja avointa kehittämistä edistävä yhteistyöskentelytila ja osaamisyhteisö. Tavoite: Tutkielmassa toteutettujen toimintatapamuutosten tarkoituksena oli kartoittaa tiedon jakamisen esteitä yhteisössä ja tukea uusien käytäntöjen ilmaantumista ongelmien korjaamiseksi. Työssä peilataan jatkuvan parantamisen (Kaizen) prosessia kompleksisuuden, tiedon jakamisen, voimaantumisen, käytäntöyhteisöjen ja Lean Startup -toiminnan teorioita vasten. Menetelmät: Työn tutkimusmetodina on käytännönläheinen, tutkimuksellisen otteen ja kehittämistoiminnan yhdistävä toimintatutkimus (action research). Kehittämiskokeiluja toteutui yhdeksän kuukauden aikana kolme erilaista, joita kutakin iteroitiin 3-5 sykliä. Tulokset: Kaikissa kolmessa kokeilussa oivallukset ja hyödyt löytyivät lopulta muualta kuin alkuperäisestä kehitysideasta. Suunnanmuutokset olivat osallistujista ja tapahtumista nousevia, toimintatutkimukseen kiinteästi kuuluvaa "löytöretkeilyä". Ensimmäisessä kokeilussa ohjelmistokehitystiimi päätyi kehittämään itselleen kokonaan uusia työskentelytapoja. Toinen kokeilu laajeni yksittäisen teknologiavalinnan problematiikasta laajemmaksi kysymykseksi yhteisöllisen päätöksenteon mekanismeista. Kolmannessa kokeilussa Lean Startup -metodologian valmennusstruktuurit osoittivat valmentamisen keskeisen roolin jatkuvassa parantamisessa. Johtopäätökset: Kokeilujen tuottama ymmärrys vahvistaa teoriataustaa: suotuisia muutoksia ei voi tilata, mutta tilaisuuksiin voi tarttua. Valmentamisen ja tutkimuksellisen otteen yhdistäminen on avain Helsingin yliopiston arvojen mukaiseen ohjelmistokehitystoimintaan.
  • Kavén, Outi (2015)
    Research leadership and practices of doctoral training play an important role in developing universities' research efficiency. However, only few resources are traditionally allocated within universities to promote research leadership. In addition a significant number of doctoral students never finish their thesis. Despite their importance, scientific literature concerning research leadership and practices of doctoral training as well as their connection to research outcomes and quality remains limited. The aim of this study was to investigate how leadership was organised and what kind of practices of doctoral training could be found in researcher communities operating within University of Helsinki. Furthermore, this study explored how organisation of leadership and practices of doctoral training were related to the researcher communities' research outcomes and quality. This study was based on an international evaluation of research and doctoral training in University of Helsinki in 2010–2012. Altogether 136 voluntarily attending researcher communities took part in the survey. The data were collected through a survey which consisted open ended questions related to the communities' leadership and practices of doctoral training. The leadership and practices of doctoral training appearing in the communities were analysed using qualitative content analysis. The relation leadership and practices of doctoral training had to the communities' research outcomes and quality were measured using statistical chi-squared test. The results showed that leadership in the researcher communities' was either distributed or centralised in structure and it was either formally or informally organised. In addition, the communities utilised either community based or individual based practices in their doctoral training. The distributed and formally led researcher communities received better research outcomes than the centralised and informally led communities. Furthermore, the communities that favoured community based practices in their doctoral training received better research outcomes than the ones utilising individual based practices. The results indicate that distributed leadership and community based practices of doctoral training should be taken more in to account in developing research and doctoral training.