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  • Karhumaa, Anette (2023)
    The research assignment of the study is based on the research literature of body image, according to which children's body concerns are significant in nature and often begin early before school age. The purpose of the study was to clarify the perceptions of primary school teachers about the importance of the teacher in the phenomenon of the formation of body image in children. The study seeks answers to teachers' views on the question of the formation of children's body concerns and their prevention. The data was collected using an online questionnaire employing a narrative completion method. The data consists of the reports (n=34) of primary school teachers (n=17), which were analysed with a qualitative phenomenographic research approach. From the reports of primary school teachers on the formation of pupil body concerns and their prevention, four types of different perceptions emerged, which constitute the main result of phenomenographic analysis. The teachers understood the formation of the student's body concerns and their prevention from the perspectives of equality, positivity-negativity, neutrality and pedagogy. Teachers' perceptions of the formation and prevention of body concerns as a result of teacher activity were mainly consistent with previous research literature. In their reports, teachers also identified causes unrelated to the teacher. The study shows a realistic understanding of teachers in the phenomena of the formation and prevention of children’s body concerns, as well as the ignorance of teachers in the existence of minority phenomena. Based on the research, it would next be essential to examine the study of the status and body image formation of minority children in a Finnish elementary school, research aimed at promoting a positive body image, and the latent need in current teacher education to understand diversity and reflect on the teacher's own bodily position.
  • Minkkinen, Sara (2021)
    Tarkoituksenamme oli selvittää, miten nuorten aikuisten oma ja heidän vanhempiensa ongelmallinen alkoholinkäyttö on yhteydessä kehotyytymättömyyteen ja ahmimishäiriöoireisiin nuorella aikuisiällä. Aineistonamme oli suomalaisia kaksosia ja heidän vanhempiaan koskeva valtakunnallinen etenevä kohorttitutkimus FinnTwin16, josta riittävät tiedot tutkimuksemme suorittamiselle löytyi 1938 naiselta ja 1616 mieheltä sekä 1994 äidiltä ja 1994 isältä. Mittasimme vanhempien ongelmallista alkoholinkäyttöä Malmö-muokatulla Michiganin alkoholismin seulontatutkimuksella (Mm-MAST), kun kaksoset olivat 16-vuotiaita. Keskimäärin 24-vuoden ikäisinä kaksoset täyttivät syömishäiriökyselystä (Eating Disorder Inventory-2) kehotyytymättömyyttä ja ahmimishäiriöoireita koskevat osuudet sekä pidennetyn version Mm-MAST:sta, jolla selvitimme kaksosten omaa ongelmallista alkoholikäyttöä. Lineaarisella regressioanalyysillä arvioimme yhteyttä ongelmallisen alkoholinkäytön sekä kehotyytymättömyys- ja ahmimishäiriöoirepisteiden välillä. Hyödynsimme lineaarista regressioanalyysiä myös mediaatioanalyyseissä ja sekoittavien tekijöiden vakioinneissa. Yhteys vanhempien ongelmallisen alkoholinkäytön ja kaksosten kehotyytymättömyyden välillä oli mitättömän pieni (b = 0,028 naisille; 0,016 miehille), kuten myös yhteys vanhempien ongelmallisen alkoholinkäytön ja kaksosten ahmimishäiriöoireiden välillä (b = 0,012 naisille; 0,0040 miehille). Yhteys kaksosten oman ongelmallisen alkoholinkäytön ja kehotyytymättömyyden (b = 0,070 naisille; 0,043 miehille) sekä ahmimishäiriöoireiden (b = 0,090 naisille; 0,079 miehille) välillä oli kohtuullinen, eikä täysin selittynyt sekoittavien tekijöiden vakioinneilla. Emme löytäneet tukea hypoteesille, että vanhempien ongelmallinen alkoholinkäyttö vaikuttaisi nuorten aikuisten kehotyytymättömyyteen tai ahmimishäiriöoireisiin edes epäsuorasti nuorten aikuisten oman ongelmallisen alkoholinkäytön kautta. Sen sijaan nuorten aikuisten oma ongelmallinen alkoholinkäyttö oli yhteydessä suurempaan kehotyytymättömyyteen ja ahmimishäiriöoireiluun nuorella aikuisiällä.
  • Erkinheimo, Emilia (2020)
    Objectives. Eating disorder (ED) symptoms are quite common in youth, especially among girls. EDs are life-threatening illnesses, but also separate and subclinical ED symptoms are associated with psychological distress, and they present a risk for developing more severe symptoms. EDs are known to be associated with social impairment and problems in social competence. Research is scarcer regarding ED symptoms in the general population and its associations with different aspects of social competence. Longitudinal studies and data concerning boys are especially needed. This prospective study examines whether childhood social competence is associated with ED symptoms in adolescence among girls or boys in the general population. Social competence is understood as a hypernym, and social skills, aggressiveness, social anxiety and social cognition are examined as its aspects. The prospective nature of the study creates a possibility to identify associations between social competence in middle childhood and ED symptoms later in adolescence. Methods. The data was from the Finnish cohort study Glycyrrhizin in Licorice (GLAKU). The final sample included 193 participants, of which 115 were girls (59.6%). The children’s social skills and their tendency towards social anxiety and aggressiveness at 8 years of age were evaluated with the Social Competence and Behavioral Evaluation (SCBE-30) inventory by their mothers. Sociocognitive skills were evaluated with the theory of mind subtests of the NEPSY-II test battery at 12 years of age. At 17 years of age, the participants evaluated their ED symptoms with the Eating Disorder Inventory 2 (EDI-2). The scales used were bulimia, drive for thinness and body dissatisfaction. Associations between the social competence variables and ED symptoms were examined with linear regression analysis separately for girls and boys. Results and conclusions. Lower scores in the theory of mind verbal task predicted an increase in drive for thinness and body dissatisfaction for girls and an increase in bulimia subscale for boys. Concerning the mechanism between ED symptoms and problems in social cognition, it has been suggested that impairments in theory of mind might lead to misunderstandings of others’ verbal and nonverbal expressions, and thus in worse experiences in relationships. These problems might then in turn lead to adopting ED symptoms as maladaptive coping strategies. Even though the effect found in this study was weak, it should not be ignored; even mild sosiocognitive deficits may be a risk factor for ED development, and the deficits might exacerbate as a consequence of EDs. Strengthening theory of mind skills could work as a preventative measure for development or exacerbation of ED symptoms.