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Browsing by Subject "kulttuurinen moninaisuus"

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  • Kivistö, Eveliina (2022)
    According to the National core curriculum for basic education (2014) cultural diversity is one of the core values in Finnish education. The purpose of this study was to examine cultural diversity in images of environmental studies textbooks for primary education. As visual representations provoke feelings and thoughts as well as create strong mental images it is important to study them. The aim of this study was to describe how people from different continents are represented in textbook images. Previous studies on cultural diversity in textbooks suggest that Western bias, othering representations and stereotypes are typical in textbooks, especially in images. This thesis is a mixed methods -study. 225 images, from twelve different textbooks of environmental studies for primary education, were used as data. The images were analyzed by using quantitative content analysis. The analysis was completed by qualitative analysis of selected images. The results show that different continents are represented with different kinds of images in textbooks of environmental studies. Differences in the number of images and contents in textbooks from different publishers were also found. Othering representations were found in images, but there were also images that challenged stereotypes. More research on new textbooks and the interest of publishers to use the results in textbook development is needed.
  • Haajanen, Sofia (2017)
    OBJECTIVE. In the past, there has been lots of research focusing on both pupils with immigrant backgrounds and cultural diversity in schools. However, there is a lack of studies that focus on particular school subjects. Although, there is earlier research about studying geography and cultural diversity from the point of view of a teacher. The aim of this thesis is to expand the point of view to the everyday life inside the culturally diverse geography classroom. In my thesis, I examine geography lessons in the view point of foreign-language. My goal is to illustrate and understand the opportunities and challenges that foreign-language and the limited knowledge of Finnish can lead to, and how the poor Finnish language skills reveal themselves on geography lessons. Furthermore, my aim is to illustrate the pedagogical solutions used by the teachers in classes with foreign-language pupils. METHODOLOGY. Qualitative method was used in this study. The research data was collected by observing 58 geography lessons in four different secondary schools, that have a high percentage of foreign-language pupils. The collection of the rich dataset was made possible by the unstructured observation method. I used data content analysis method to analyse the dataset. First, I produced the upper-classes from my observations, from which I lead the themes. Finally, I organized the material on the top of the Didactic Triangle, because it represents clearly the teaching-learning -process, and also emphasizes the importance of interaction in teaching and learning. RESULTS AND CONCLUSIONS. The limited knowledge of Finnish causes challenges for the foreign-language pupils and the teachers in the geography lessons. The pedagogical skills of the four observed teachers varied in the point of view of foreign-language. The linguistic challenges, especially the difficult and specific concepts of geography, caused misunderstandings and frustration both for the teachers and the pupils.
  • Matikainen, Anni (2022)
    There is an increasing number of children from culturally diverse backgrounds in Finland. Previous studies have shown the significance of children’s literature and, more specifically, the importance of picture books and the representations they have in them to children. Therefore, it is important to present representations of children with various cultural backgrounds in Finnish picture books. Based on this thought, the idea of this research was to study the representations of cultural diversity in Finnish picture books from the late 2010s to the early 2020s. The aim of this study was to contribute to the research field of Finnish children’s literature, especially picture books. The research material consisted of the book series Päiväkoti Heippakamu written by Veera Salmi and illustrated by Elina Warsta. The series consists of four picture books published in 2016-2020. The analysis method of the study was qualitative theory-guided content analysis, which was used to analyze the material based on the theoretical framework of the study and the research questions. Cultural diversity was presented in the book series mainly through illustrations describing the appearance and ethnic background of the characters. There were also references to cultural diversity in the text, mainly in the form of diverse names and multilingualism. Thus, cultural diversity was not specifically addressed in the book series. It created representations of children with diverse appearances and diverse cultural and ethnic backgrounds. A wide variety of diverse children were portrayed as an ordinary part of Finnish society. Nonetheless, in some of the representations, mostly in the illustration, some patterning and stereotyping could be observed. However, the representations in the book series were mostly positive and therefore they also create a positive image of cultural diversity in general. The results of this study largely followed previous research, but with the particularly diverse representations and the normalization of cultural diversity, the book series Päiväkoti Heippakamu can set an example in portraying cultural diversity to other picture books in the future.
  • Abdulhamed, Rekar (2020)
    Purpose The aim of this study is to examine the mental and social well-being of adolescents with an immigrant or culturally diverse background attending the final grades of secondary school. The focus of the analyses regarded comparison between first- (1st gen) and second-generation (2nd gen) immigrants based on depression and anxiety symptoms as well as experiences of social acceptance and rejection, the possibility to discuss personal concerns with someone and the possibility to discuss personal matters with parents. The association of these social factors as well as the immigrant background on the depression and anxiety symptoms was analysed. Internationally research results for 1st and 2nd regarding well-being have been contradictory, and in the USA researchers have been puzzled by the so-called immigrant paradox where, contrary to the theory of acculturation, 1st gen have been scoring higher in well-being measures relative to 2nd gen. This study builds its theoretical background in acculturative theory and research, which provides tools for examining the causes and consequences of well-being differences in 1st and 2nd generation adolescents with an immigrant background. The study explores ways to promote the well-being of culturally diverse adolescents in schools. Methods The data used in this study was acquired from the School Health Promotion survey 2017, comprising the data of 8th and 9th graders (N = 73 690). Mental well-being was assessed with PHQ-2 and GAD-7 scales. Social well-being was measured by a sum variable measuring experience in rejection and social acceptance, the possibility to discuss one’s concerns with someone and the possibility to discuss one’s personal matters with parents. Cross-tabulation, Welch’s T-test and logistic regression analysis was used in the data analyses. Results 1st gen showed significantly more mental health symptoms compared to 2nd gen. Furthermore, 1st gen scored lower on all social welfare measures. This is in line with the expectations of the acculturation theory, and thus immigrant paradox was not manifested in this study. As many as 42,1% of 1st gen report that they couldn’t discuss one’s worries to anyone and over a fifth of them hardly ever talked about their personal matters with their parents. In particular, social rejection hampered mental well-being, whilst experiences of social acceptance as well as the possibility to discuss with parents promoted mental well-being.
  • Päivinen, Erja (2017)
    Tutkielman tarkoituksena on tarkastella vantaalaisten opettajien käsityksiä siitä, mitä kielitietoisuudella ja kielitietoisella opetuksella tarkoitetaan. Tutkimuksessa selvitetään opettajien erilaisia tapoja toteuttaa kielitietoista opetusta yksin sekä yhteistyössä toisten opettajien kanssa. Tarkoituksena on saada tietoa myös siitä, miten kielitietoista opetusta voitaisiin kouluissa toteuttaa sekä muodostaa käsitys erilaisista kielitietoisen opetuksen toteuttamista hankaloittavista tai estävistä tekijöistä. Tutkimuksessa kartoitetaan lisäksi erilaisia koulun toimintakulttuurissa ilmeneviä kielitietoisuutta ja kulttuurista moninaisuutta ilmentäviä käytänteitä sekä kerätään tietoa opettajien koulutustoiveista kielitietoisuuden, kielitietoisen opetuksen sekä kulttuurisen moninaisuuden teemoihin liittyen. Aineisto kerättiin sähköisesti Webropol-kyselylomakkeella syksyllä 2016. Tutkielmassa hyödynnettiin teoriaohjaavaa sisällönanalyysiä. Osa tutkimuksen vastauksista on analysoitu kvantitatiivisesti, sillä tarkoituksena on ollut täydentää laadullisesta aineistosta saatuja tuloksia tilastollisen analyysin menetelmin. Kyselyyn osallistui 143 opettajaa, joista 52 vastaajaa työskentelee alakoulussa, 60 yläkoulussa ja loput 31 vastaajaa sekä ala- että yläkoulussa tai yhtenäiskoulussa. Tulosten perusteella opettajat suhtautuvat myönteisesti kielitietoisuuteen ja toteuttavat työssään erilaisia kielitietoisiksi mieltämiään työtapoja ja -menetelmiä. Kielitietoisuutta määritetään tavoitteen tai työkalun näkökulmasta, ja usein käsitteeseen sekoittuu erilaisia kulttuuriseen moninaisuuteen liittyviä elementtejä. Opettajan oma kielellisen tiedostumisen prosessi ja sen tarkastelu jäävät usein tarkasteluissa vähemmälle huomiolle. Lisäksi opettajat tuovat esille tarpeen saada käytännönläheistä koulutusta kielitietoisesta opetuksesta. Opettajat tuntuvat tietävän, mistä kielitietoisuudessa on kysymys, mutta kokevat silti jonkin verran epävarmuutta tai -tietoisuutta siitä, miten kielitietoista opetusta voitaisiin konkreettisesti toteuttaa. Tutkimus osoittaa, että koulun toimintakulttuurissa on tärkeää keskustella kieliin ja monikulttuurisuuteen liittyvistä asenteista ja kokemuksista sekä pohtia erilaisia organisatorisia tekijöitä, jotka vaikuttavat yhteistyössä toteutettavaan kielitietoiseen opetukseen.