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Browsing by Subject "märkäekstruusio"

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  • Oksanen, Anni (2021)
    The consumption of meat will be growing in the near future. However, meat production is unsustainable and uses great amounts of environmental resources. Meat consumption could be reduced by usage of meat analogues that are foods or food ingredients that are mostly made of plant proteins and their mouthfeel, texture, nutritional value and visual appearance resemble meat. Faba bean (Vicia faba L.) is a potential raw material for meat analogues although not widely studied. At the moment the most established method for production of meat analogues is wet extrusion (also called high moisture extrusion). The objective of the present work was to produce plant based extrudates with fibrous structure through wet extrusion of faba bean protein concentrate and isolate and study the effect of various processing parameters on the structure of the extrudates. Wet extrusion of faba bean protein fractions is not widely studied, so there was need for this study. Experiments were carried out using split-plot Box-Behnken design, where the variables were faba bean protein isolate content (30, 50 and 70%), water content of the mass (60, 62.5 and 65%) and temperature of the long cooling die (40, 60 and 80 ℃). The response variables were pressure at the die and torque, hardness, gumminess, springiness, chewiness, color, water and oil absorption capacities, water hydration capacity and cutting strength of the extrudate. The results were analyzed using regression analysis. Extrudates were produced successfully in all the experiments, and they had fibrous structure to some extent. The content of protein isolate had significant effect on torque, hardness, gumminess, chewiness, cutting strength, water absorption capacity and lightness. Water content of the mass had also significant effects on torque, hardness, gumminess, chewiness, cutting strength, water absorption capacity and lightness, although the effect was mostly smaller than isolate contents. The temperature of long cooling die had effect only on perpendicular cutting strength and water absorption capacity and the effects were very small. This study showed that producing fibrous plant based extrudates through wet extrusion is possible using faba bean protein isolate and concentrate. The best structures of extrudates were obtained with 30–50% isolate content. Water content didn’t have as clear optimum values as isolate content, but samples with soft and good fibrous structure were obtained at water content of 62.5–65%. In the future the effects of extruder barrel temperature or addition of some other ingredient on the structure of extrudates could be investigated. Faba bean proteins are a potential raw material for plant based extrudates.
  • Kemppinen, Lotta (2023)
    High moisture extrusion is a popular method for producing meat analogues with fibrous/anisotropic structure. Textured vegetable protein can resemble chicken meat in particular. However, the selection of plant protein based products could be expanded with various hybrid products, such as extruded mixture of plant and milk proteins. These hybrid products could enable the consumers to shift to a more plant-based diet. The main objective of this study was to investigate how the proportion of whey protein isolate (WPI), water content of the feed (VP) and temperature of the long cooling die (T) affected the structure and properties of the extrudates made of whey and pea protein isolate (PPI) and oat fiber concentrate (OFC) as well as the extrusion process variables. Another objective was to find out how these effects possibly correlated with the formation of a fibrous structure. Extrudates were prepared with a twin-screw laboratory extruder coupled with a long cooling die, and the mixture of ingredients consisted of WPI-PPI-mix (50% of dry ingredients) and OFC (50% of dry ingredients). For the preparation of extrudates, a split-plot Box-Behnken experimental design was chosen with varying values of independent variables: WPI (50–75–100% of protein ingredients), VP (57.2–59.7–62.2%) ja T (40–60–80 °C). The following analyses of the samples were conducted: texture profile analysis (hardness, springiness, gumminess, chewiness), cutting force and anisotropic index measurement, water absorption capacity (WAC) and color analysis (L*, a*, b*). In addition, the extrudates were photographed in order to determine whether a fibrous structure had formed. In the present study, WPI, VP and T contributed statistically significantly to several response variables and they were all equally important in the formation of PLSR model. The following response variables correlated at least partially with the formation of a fibrous structure: high values of anisotropic index, high values of gumminess and chewiness, and low values of WAC. Fibrous structures were formed with all proportions of WPI, and smaller VP and T values of 20–40 °C seemed to combine samples with a distinct fibrous structure. Based on this study, WPI (with PPI and OFC) seems to be a promising raw material for producing fibrous structures. Because WPI, VP, and T contributed statistically significantly to several response variables, the WPI-PPI-OFC extrudates could be modified into versatile products with different properties only by changing process parameters or proportions of raw materials.
  • Jalaistus, Emmi (2023)
    Uusien proteiinituotteiden kehittäminen on nostanut märkäekstruusion kiinnostavaksi tutkimuskohteeksi. Märkäekstruusiolla voidaan valmistaa liha-analogeja, joissa on lihaproteiineja muistuttavia kuitumaisia rakenteita. Viime vuosina märkäekstruusiotutkimukset ovat keskittyneet yhdistämään kahta tai useampaa erilaista proteiinia ja muodostamaan niistä hybridiekstrudaatin. Yleisesti käytettyjä raaka-aineita ekstruusiossa ovat eri kasviproteiinit, mutta muistakin proteiineista on muodostettu toimivia hybridiekstrudaatteja, kuten maito- ja lihaproteiineista. Tämän tutkielman tavoitteena oli selvittää erilaisten maito- ja perunaproteiiniseosten ja prosessiolosuhteiden vaikutusta kuitumaisen rakenteen muodostumiseen märkäekstruusiossa. Maito- ja perunaproteiinien märkäekstruusiosta on olemassa vain muutamia tutkimuksia, minkä vuoksi aihe on erittäin ajankohtainen tutkittavaksi. Tutkielman hypoteesina oli, että kaurakuitukonsentraatista ja hera- ja perunaproteiinista onnistutaan muodostamaan kuitumaisia rakenteita märkäekstruusiolla. Ekstruusiossa käytettiin kaksiruuvista ekstruuderia, johon liitettiin pitkä jäähdyttävä suutin. Jauheseoksissa kaurakuitukonsentraatin osuus oli vakio (50 %) ja hera- ja perunaproteiinin osuus vaihtelivat. Tutkielman koeasetelmana oli Split-plot-Box-Behnken-koeasetelma, jossa muuttujina olivat heraproteiini-isolaatin osuus jauheseoksessa (25/37,5/50 %), syötetyn massan vesipitoisuus (57,5/60/62,5 %) ja pitkän jäähdytyssuuttimen lämpötila (40/60/80 ℃). Vastemuuttujina olivat paine suuttimella ja vääntömomentti, ja ekstrudaatin rakenneominaisuudet (kovuus, kumimaisuus, kimmoisuus, pureskeltavuus), poikittainen ja pitkittäinen leikkauslujuus, väriparametrit (L*, a* ja b*) ja vedenabsorptiokyky. Tulosten analysointiin käytettiin ML- ja PLSregressioanalyysejä. Hera- ja perunaproteiinista onnistuttiin muodostamaan hybridiekstrudaatti kaikilla käytetyillä prosessiparametrien arvoilla. Lisäksi osaan näytteistä muodostui kuitumainen rakenne. Matala massan vesipitoisuus nosti ekstrudaatin kovuutta, kumimaisuutta, kimmoisuutta, pureskeltavuutta, vääntömomenttia ja painetta suuttimella. Matala jäähdyttävän suuttimen lämpötila suurensi ekstrudaatin kumimaisuutta, pureskeltavuutta, leikkauslujuuksia, vääntömomenttia ja painetta suuttimella. Ekstrudaatin vedenabsorptiokyky suureni, kun heraproteiinin osuus, massan vesipitoisuuden ja jäähdyttävän suuttimen lämpötila kasvoivat. Matala massan vesipitoisuus ja suuttimen lämpötila kasvattivat pitkittäisiä leikkauslujuuksia. Heraproteiinin osuutta nostamalla pitkittäiset leikkauslujuudet suurenivat. Heraproteiinin lisäys vaalensi ekstrudaatteja aiheuttaen niihin keltaisuutta. Tutkielman tulokset tukevat hypoteesia, jonka mukaan hera- ja perunaproteiinista voidaan muodostaa toimiva hybridiekstrudaatti märkäekstruusiolla. Lisäksi ne ovat potentiaalisia raaka-aineita muodostamaan kuitumaisia rakenteita. Jatkossa tarvittaisiin tutkimusta hybridiekstrudaattien aistinvaraisista ominaisuuksista.
  • Häkämies, Emilia (2023)
    Plant-based meat substitutes produced by high-moisture extrusion are a viable option for meeting the increasing demand for protein and reducing meat consumption. Extrudates produced by high-moisture extrusion resemble meat in structure, mouthfeel and appearance. Combining oats (Avena sativa), which contain unsaturated fats and fibers with protein-rich faba beans (Vicia faba) can result in nutritious meat substitutes. The aim of the Master's thesis was to compare the behavior of three different oat products and faba beans under varying process conditions in high-moisture extrusion. The study focused on the effect of the selected raw materials and process parameters on the structure of extrudates and the formation of fibrous structures. The experimental setup investigated the effect of two independent variables water content (50, 52.5 and 55%) and screw speed (400, 600 and 800rpm) on the response variables. Response variables during extrusion included specific mechanical energy, torque, melt temperature and nozzle pressure. Response variables determined from the meat substitutes were hardness, chewiness, gumminess, springiness, perpendicular and longitudinal cutting strength, water content, water and oil absorption capacities and color (L*, a* and b*). All extrudates produced exhibited some fibrous structures. The study found that high specific mechanical energy, torque, nozzle pressure and melt temperature were favorable for fiber formation. High water content lowered these values during extrusion. Higher screw speed was found to improve the formation of fibrous structure in the extrusion of high-fat oat food ingredients. For protein-rich and low-fat oat fiber concentrate, the best fibrous structures were formed at low screw speed. Additionally, the fibrous structure developed optimally for all blends when the water content in extrusion was lowest. The study found that screw speed had a statistically significant effect on extrusion process variables, while the water content had a more significant impact on variables related to the meat substitutes. The study also found that increase in water content decreased the hardness, chewiness, gumminess, and springiness of samples, while screw speed had the opposite effect. Besides extrusion conditions, differences in the composition of the oat products explained the variations in the samples. For instance, high protein content produced in hard, tough and dense samples. According to research results, oats and faba beans are a potential raw materials for environmentally-friendly and health-conscious meat substitutes. However, high fat content created challenges in the production of fibrous meat analogues. With appropriate process conditions, it was also possible to produce fibrous structures for these samples.
  • Oksanen, Saara (2021)
    There is an increasing demand for protein production as the population of world keeps growing. Lupins are leguminous plants that grow well in different climates and can bind atmospheric nitrogen to the soil. Lupins have good nutritional value and high protein content. Extrusion is a widely used processing method to modify plant proteins and when water content is 40–70% the process is called wet extrusion. The aim of this study was to make a plant protein based extrudate from lupin isolate, concentrate and flour that has a fibrous structure and study the effects of different process variables to response variables. In this study split-plot Box-Behnken design was used, and the independent variables were the content of lupin protein isolate in the isolate-concentrate mixture (LPI, 30, 50, 70%), temperature of the cooling die (TCD, 40, 60, 80 °C) and water content of the mass (WC, 45, 50, 55%). Lupin flour content was kept constant. Response variables were torque, pressure, and different structural and color properties of the extrudates. The results were analyzed using multiple linear regression and partial least squares regression. It was possible to make a lupin protein based fibrous extrudate and all the samples had nice fibrous structure. WC had statistically significant negative effect on torque, pressure, and most of the structural properties and positive effect on water holding capacity and L* and b* values. LPI has milder effect on most of the same response variables excluding pressure, cutting strengths and water holding capacity, while TCD had only slight effect on response variables. The fibrous structure was achieved only when lupin flour was added to the mixture. Extrudates with the lowest WC had relatively hard structure and WC from 50–55% produced softer extrudates. Increasing WC lowered the viscosity of the mass and lead to less texturized protein structure. Extrudates had nice color and mild taste. Lupin seems to be a potential ingredient for future texturized plant protein products.
  • Liu, Yu (2021)
    A growing population is suffering from protein insufficiency and seas of over-fishing. On the other hand, an abundant amount of low-value or underutilized fish species remains unexploited for human consumption mainly due to low consumer preferences. For this reason, new solutions are needed to utilize these fish better. This study was carried out in two phases. In phase I, extrudates from five underutilized fish species and pea protein isolate (PPI) were produced by using a high-moisture extrusion process (HMEP). The aim was to successfully produce extrudates and study their sensory and texture properties by generic descriptive analysis (GDA), instrumental color measurements, and instrumental tensile strength measurements. In phase II, PPI was partially replaced in the recipe by two cereal fractions. The experiment was generated by simplex-centroid mixture design to study the effects of PPI and two cereal fractions on the texture of extrudates. The results of phase I showed that the extrudates were successfully produced. Extrudates from Baltic herring were one extreme with intense flavor and odor, such as seaweed, and the highest fracturability. Smelt extrudates were another extreme with intense flavor, odor, and greyness. For further studies, a combination of the present analytical sensory profiling data and the hedonic response of consumers will be needed for the product development. In phase II, the extrudates produced from a low amount of PPI with a high amount of cereal fractions were doughy and too soft. Other ingredients should be considered in further studies to replace PPI.